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Flesherton Advance, 13 Sep 1917, p. 1

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TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" " PBINCIPLEB HOT MEN.* vol 37 No. 17 Flcstierton, Ont., Tliursday, September i." tOl W. H THCfoTON ad FBOPBIE Eugenia Paragraphs A number from here attended the exhibition. Mr. George Latimer is visiting friends io Toronto. L. R. Munshaw of AUistoa visited at the parental home during the week. D. Wright renewed acnuaintances here during the past week, Mrs. B«iD, nee Ida Watts, of Orilla visited Mtt. A. .Saii.h last #eek. Mr. R. Hoy and wife visittd tho latter'a mother at Durham la't weslf . Marjoria Park has returned houie after spending a month with frienSs in Montreal and Toronto. Mr. Tate ot Grand Valley hia opened the school heie. The children were disappointed in not xetciug into the new school. Owing to delay in material it was not ready. It is hoped to have it ready in a counle of weeks. Miss Wilson of Kincardine is teaching at the 8:h line school. Word was received here that Pte.Fred Osborne, now in France, son of Win (.>sborne, was wounded in the leg. Mrs. Paul of Weyburu, Sask., reachc-d here Friday t > nurse her si.ster, Mr". Martin, wbo is very ill. Win Liane, wife and little Fred, attended the Rowe and Dines nuptials at Dundalk last Wednesdiy. Fred acted as bearer. Pearl McMaster gave her Ijttle play- laates a lawn party last week. W. Walker was taken to Oweu Sound I7 Dr. Little for tre.atment for asthma. His many friends hope to hear cjf his speedy recovery. Anyone wishing ti> knit for the soldiers will get yarn fmm Mrs. Morgan or Mrs. A. Hoy. Kussel Park has b«en employau by the hydro at the Big Chute. Mr. Knott and Miss Jackson of Thoriihury were guests of Mrs. Hugh Hamiiioud. . . We understand that Henry Osborne is back in hospital in Knglaud with trench fovtr. Ceylon Chat Kimberley Budget Vandeleur Happenings I m,. «-i M w 11 , .1 _,,â-º ^^- S-nnuel Cariuthers and son, of ^ltn. >\ilson McMullen sp.'iit the past ' ... T, 2 • : 1 iJaliota, are renewiDi; old acqu.iin'.ance'' week with Toronto friends. I ..... . , * ' I in inm vciuity and are toe guests ot the Misses Jean and Libbie CoUinson left { tomjer's mother, Mrs. Thos. Carruthers. to visit friends at Toronto, Port Dal- housie and Duodis. R. Cook took in the Toj onto Kx. Mrs. M. Daley and two children of Letbbridge, wbo have been visiting her mother here the past six weeks, left on Friday to visit friends at Sarnia and other pointJ*. Capt.. McLauchlan, wbo has been sutt'eriog from asthma, has gone to Owen Sound hospital for treatment. T Martin spent the week end wk.h Toronto friends. Miss Kate Baxter visited her sister in Toronto the piut week. Gertie McPhiil has been under the care of Dr. Little of Flesherton and Dr. Jamieson of Durham and is improving. Myrtle Hemphill returned to the city Monday after three weeks' holiday. Born â€" Monday, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Bennet, a daughter. Congratulations, Maxwell The WomeuV Institute will hold their nf.\t meenug at ;he home of Mrs. Louis Kerton on Thursday, Sept. l;}th. Maritaret and Maye Stock nave return- ed to Toronto after .'^pcudiug the summer at the parental home. Miss F. McOee of California is visiting with hat <i-t.r, Mrs. S. i»»bonio. Ml. TIkw. .Al:ison and two daughters, U <•. .Abiwiii and wife and Kobert Grah.iiii 111. .Cured from Cookstown and spent Sunday with Jos. Allison. .Mi«s M irj..iie Sedwick has returned to her home in Tomnto after sponding her holid)«js wiih hei uncle. John Robin.-'on. Miss Alice McCallum is visiting her sister, Mrs. Stephens of Desbor... Henry Hurd left on Monday i.) attend the Canadian y.iticDal for a few days after which he will vLsit friends in Detroit, Mich. The Women's Institute held a vege- table display at ihe home of Mrs. Flood on Thursday last. Jas. R. Fawcett and Henry Hurd were judges. Mrs. Mvles won 1st for best display. She also won 1st for best garden plot some time ago. Miss Emily Aehesonof Proton Station, visited during the past week with her aunt. Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson. We hear there is a movement on foot to change the ra^il. Instead of startioi; at this end of the rou^e it will leave from Flesherton. This will put the letters a day late, also anybody wh.J wanted to leave here in the uniiing to catch the noon train would be handicapped. We'll petition the government we'll let this change be made. Most all the harvesting is done in this part au-i the farmers are waiting f.jr a machine to eo ne in before the road* net muddy. The Ladies' Aid held a Thmble Tea at the home of Mr*. Geo. Hutchinson one afternoon recently wlien a very pleasant time was spent. After a lingering illness John H.jiley, one of the few ie.n»iaiug p.uoeers of this diatrct. died oa Friday morning, Au«. 31. It the homestead where he spent the ^eater part of his life. Deceased was 84 years of ige and was the Iremaining uue uf ibosti wh<<se names ar>? on the Pi'jneer Monument erected in the school s{rounds to perpetuate the memory of tho«e who formed this school section in iyo7. He leaves a of emht sor s and daughters. The remains were laid to rest beside those of his wife in ihe Meaforu K.^ad cemetery lu Sunday afienioon, â- '>ept. 'i. Hairy Garner, wife and babe, jf TaruDto, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert. -•ilex. Caison and wife of Prjcsvil e relieved acijuaintauces here recently. The -.ji'vernmenl has sent a tractor and plow to Ill's district to plow for the farmers who wish to sow fall wheat. C^uite a number are tak'ng adv.inta^e of ic. VV. is the operaor. C Lawrence and wife and Mrs Bakf r. »r , were visiiors at E. Baker's retentlv. S. Warling of Holland Centre the week end with friends here. spent William Keid and wife and sun, Billie, ot Oxford, Michig^iu, spent a fs* da) s with G. PritcharJ Miss Id* Osborne has returned home Wr«. Uison of Toronto is vinting hsr after aileiidiug tho mi.'Iinery sister. Miss Leone Pedlar. Toronto Line North Mis, Georgo Calbeck is able to le around again after her recent severe illness. Goidou Badgero and wife of Toronto spent a few days with the Utters par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Mesdames Will and .Vlbert Stuart me visiting friends <b Toronto. Emerson Wickens and wife paid a visit to .'chn Beecroft in < »wen Sound hospital. Mr. Wm. Davis, wife »nd son, Ernest, visited fi lends in the city duting the last week of Toronto eihibition. Charles Martin and wife, of East MouutHiii, spent a d»y with Mrs.Martln's parents. Fred Wathowsou and Will Swanton spent a couple of days in Toronto the past week. Mrs. J. .V. Lever, receiveil word that her mother was striously ill with typhoid at hor home iu Brussels. 'peuings in Toronto. .Marshall Kerton spent \ few days at Til onto exhibition. Wo .ire sorry to report tho death of Mis Wm. Brownridge, who died at tho home of her soa, L ju Lcouard The deooased had a very cheerful, .sunny disposiiion. and will be deeply mourned by her friends, who extend thoir sincere sympathy to the »oriowius{ relatives. Another of our boys, Corpj.ial Harold Phillips, has been wounded in Krmce. We hejie it is not serious. -- . - Portlaw Another week will ab<.>ut complete the harvest . Our school reopened last week with Miss Shuuk as teacher. Tho following pupils have gone to attend high school at Flesherton from this part; Lizzie Thompson, Florence White, Lillian Morton and Wi'lie Taylor. Mrs. J. -•V. Thompson and Miss Lizzie have returned from an extended visit with relatives in .\lbetla, British Colum- bia and i)rugou, Mrs. J. H. Watson and Miss Viua are visiting fiieuds iu Toronto and took in the exhibiiiou. .1. W. Lyons has improved his house with a new coat of siding, which gives it the appoatauce of a new bouse. E-.hul Wiiitcrj attended the exhibition in Toronto last week. Violet McNaily is vioitins; friends in the city and attending high school. Lillian Watson of Toronto is visiting with her cousin, Pearl Watson. Kol)ort and Lewis Hill are each sport- ing new Fold cars. Mary and Margaret McArthur of Toronto are visitinc with Mrs. J. A. Thompjoii. Master John Jamieson visited last week at bis f.ither's homo in Toronto. Elbttt Corotield is up fr»>ni Toronto visiting lit tho old bonio. Aerviplano's are beouniigg familiar sightd of laie. Priceville Jottings The farmers are busy takiua ort' an unusually hyavy crop of oats. Other kinds of grain are also nood. and potatowj will likely be a buiup«r crop. S. B. Stokes of Lucknow judged the oat fields here iu the standiii!> crop couipe'.ition in countction wich the Priceville Agricultural>ty. T*o or three tields that would hive sivred pretty well were badly tossfnl down by the storms, and among those who were more fortunate wore the fillowina prize winners : Wm. Paton. Artemesia.C) A C 7i. SHi points ; Ottc KonoM, GloneJg, O A C :a, 84i ; Donald McMUIan. Arte- mesia. O A C 7a, S^ ; W. Mathers, Glenelg, Banner, 7i>i : David Niohol, Glenelg, O A C 7-', 75» ; Thomas Mchol! Gleuelg, Mammoth Cluster. 7>< ; Kobert Kno.x, Proton, Banner, 75. G. .\. Watson and several lueiubers of the family wont down in their oar to the city on Tuesday of last week and spent the balance of the week at the exhibition and other places of interest. Mis. .\, Ostrajider. wh« has been seiiou.sly ill for several months. wa.-< able to be taken in a car to the residence of hor son, George, on the 19lh of PiotoD, Olio day last week. Victoria Comers Ue.'d From List \\oek Mrs. ThoiuiS Baunon, who is on the sick list, is at present at the home of her son, Milton. A number of the older neighbors attended the funeial '^f the late Mrs. Henty .\rmstrong at Dundalk on Sunday Sept. 1, who. wicli her husband and family, resided for a number of years on the property next to Inisti'ge â- .•hurch. but later has been living with her daughter. Vera Moore is visiting her auut, Mr«. A. Mantsouory, Dundalk. Lawson Lt>ckhart is visitiiii; at Toronto and attending the exhibiti.'ii. James Corbett ai.d wife of Piotou, John Corbett and wife and T. Whitten and wife of Markdale, visited at James Lockhart s last week. We have often wondered at and would like an explanation of these largo stetl t .>wers which were built some four years ago thiMUghout the country. We see them lighted up 9<'me of these eveniniis â€"one near Dundalk a-id another ne'»r .Markdaloâ€" and we are told there is one iu each township. t These towers were erected by the Dominion Governineot for takiiii; astrc- uoiiiical .'bservations, iuoludinu hydro- giaphic workâ€" EJ. .\avance ] *ower House and Vicinity- Blew Own Head Off l>r»uj;eville. Sept, 'i \ shocking trait- edy occurred about four miles from this town alx>ut 1-' o'clock last uigbt, when Joseph Oliver Fish. a young f^im laborer, dolibviately ooiumitted suicide before his wife, bl>wini; out his brains with a double Itirrcled shotgun, despite hor efforts to prevent him. Fish and his wife haa been in town all evening, returning to thoir home iu .Moiis township about midnight. l)ii his arrival Fish went into the house ard got .-> double barreled shotgun he had borrowed ftom a neighbor a weoK ago, osteiisii>ly to shoct groundhogs, his wife f'-llowed her husband to the jiate, suspecting he inleiided suicide. Fish placed tho s;un to the left side ot his face and dischaii;ed both bnriels. blowing th» top i)f his head ott', while bis wife held hia arm in a frantic effort to stop him, Th'j victim fell to the urouad ileal and tho body lay on the road all niitht beside the gun, as the wife was too terr tied to notify tho neighbors until this mornins;. Fish^who was 36 years of ago, leaves two small childien. Ho never gave any evidence of Our public school reo[H'oed wiih Miss ins-inity, but the act wis evidently pre- Sinith of Petoiloro in chari;e cf Fourlh ' meditated, as he said on Sainrdiy. when and Amtinuation clashes, aud Miss Mc- â-  tlf**'"*? •â- > s<iaiu, that it was the last day Donald ot Durhim in charto of the bo would bo working. junior ela,s,sos. ' The GloMolg township couueil .sooin toj be taking the advice of their old assessor, J. .\.. McDonald, and in future the land will be looked over before the snjw covers It. Some lo'-nship.s pay their assessors to go jut and guess iit what lies under several foet of suow. Frank Thompson of Meaford, a re- turned soldier undergoing hospital niout at Hamilton, dioil as the result of injuries received in tho collision between an automobile and a B. A H. electric car. Jack Frost made his tirst call here last <»eek. W. Barnhou-w uf EJmoa:un visited with J. Weber and family. Don Carlos, wife and children, of Toronto, spent the week end wirh L. Berry and family. Viss Florence Badgerow of Port. Law spent a couple of diys with Mis. Fiaul. Weber. Wo are gliid to report that little Ua and liladys Wickens are recoveriuK after being seriously ill. Mrs. .\daiu IIislop has returned lue after a visit to Kwhester. Mrs. Si jii accompanied bor Rome. Mr. rod Mrs. Bert Graham, Toronto, visited the Utiet's brother, Fred Grab:iiii . Wiiltor Thompson aud Stanley Camp- bell spent a c uplo of days in Owt n Sound. Mrs. L. Badgerow of Port Law aud Mrs. J. Lavette Mid children of .Mtrk d«le\isitod relatives iu this vicinity Miss Crown of Dundalk spent a Ja\ with Mrs. Adam Hislop. Mis. E. Ellis and children it t>rani;e- ville visited friends at the power bouse. Henry Weber has sold his farm to tie HI;; P. Co. t-iuessihe Hydro »m agoi:. u-rsnchiii'. Mis< Barbiini .Ximstroug of Toiont" visited friends m this vicinity. S. Huggard, wife »nd little daughter, â-  T Duncan, ai.d Gvo. Mitchell aud wife I'f Clarksburg, motored over snd spent ;i day with F, Graham and wife. .Miss L'ly Campbell spent a few day-; in Tori'ii'o. .Jos. Weber I'f Uoathcvte .isi'ed hi.- I'l other, Heniy. We are pleased to report Mr. Rober' Campbell home fiiuu the Owen Sound hospital . Miss Minnie Graham is visitin.^ in Toronto. ctig improveineuts have Uoii ma 'o 011 Campbell's hill for the travel.'ing publi. Some big rocks have been removed. Voters' List, 1917 Township of Osprey Notice is hereby given that 1 have trausniiueil or delivered to tho persons mentioned in Section i> of the Ontario Voters Lists .\ot, the copies rctiutred by the said sec ion to bi- < i transmitted or delivered of the list lUiifle in pursuant to aaid .\ct of all person.s appearing by the last revised .Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to t)e entitled to vote In the said Municipality at Elections for memb.irs of the Lonislalive .Assembly and !»t Municipal Elections, ; and that the said List was first posted up -ii my otbce at Simihaiup'op, on the A^h d.ay of Aug- ust, 1'J17, ,and rouiaios thei-e for inspec- tion. .Viid 1 hereby call Voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omunsjions coirocled according ti. law TUOM.V^ SCOTT, Clerk. DR. BURX -Spciallst ia dls>:as.^t of th« | I Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat J C W C I T y OFFICE -13<)10lh St, West,Owen .Sound At the Revere homse, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each m.,nrb from 8 t.) a ISa.m ^_^__^^^_^^-^« Dundalk. Is Wednesday ir each monrb. ' ^^^^^"^*" For S«rvice One pure ored Sh.rth.jru Bull .>u lot .'il), con. '.*, Arteuiesia. Terms «L00 grades. Must be jwud within •â- > months from data cf service. 1 Jan. 17. -R. o. TIRNEK. Boar For Service \,^il'' ^"^ 'i'>rk.hinf l)..ur<.-e at tjie -MoKaetarm. near C^vl.m. Term*â€" *! j4i tor all anouals served. '^•>^- -.1 F. CI3LLINS. >N Bou far Service i The undersigned has .> thorouuh./re'i I \orkshire B.iarf.jr service on lot ll,o>n. ••*. '"tsprey. Terms $1. .".<'. FRED ."iPiiFFARD. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON. ONT X Fall Millinery Lailies if you want : :i up-to-«.late Fall hir callant-l see what wo have to Iiuw you. W'e biio from the most up til iliite Milline: House in Toronto an«l we can plea:?e you. both iu p oe iiml fashion . Conu' in antl joe wbat we li.ive luv. you are jure to take a hat home with vou. > Highest Price Paid for Produce W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store, Flesherton. r" Service Wo eithoi- carry it in *tock. will ;,'et ir. oi- it i<n't uiaile. Dealers In Goodyear. Dominion aii<.l Dunlop Auto Tires and Tubes. Gasoline tilling station and Motor oil. Coekshutt Farm iiupleuionts and repair^:. Mass^ey- Haii'ijj rcpiiirs. Verily and CVx-ksluut Plow shares etc ^ D. McTAVISH FLESHERTON g Kor A Ooocl l^air Of RUNNING SHOES Tan, White or Black, Cool for Sunimer Wear. Also some Neat, Nobby Patent and White Pumps for the ladies, with and without strap. WHERE? .\ r Thosi. Clayton's FLESHERTON

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