August 23 1917 THE F L E S H E K T N ADVANCE t. f i<.^. V-. ^ THE STAHDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD omCC • TCdtoNTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank, zjs FLESHERTON BRANCH laT'o isTa GEO. MITCHELX, Manager. Trains follows : Going South 7.53 a. Qi 4.27 p.m. The ninil.s are C. p. R. Time Table. leave Fleshercun Stalion as » â€" •- . '* » « Tha ruril boys' wuik roriferance wM be held here Sept. 1 A 2, o^eaing with group ^inies on tlie high school grounds from 6:50 to 8 p.m. Sept. 1, and prn.^ram at X o'c'ock. Boys aged l:? and 19 years f:on. Markdale, Vandeleur, Eui^eiiia, Prot'.r. and Piicerille di.-tricts i follows: For the north at 10.40 a.m. and who have tpenl two nion'.hs on fam 7 p^m. ; and th^ afternoou mail south at ^^^^ ^^jj, summer will De prrsented with ] S.O.S. badges fnni the Unta'io Gov 6 nmen". See bill;' f r full particulars Goini? North 12.01 i;.m. 9.18p. m. osed »t F'esherton sj 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 ;>. m. the previou-s ev'g ^VIC INITY CHIPS Mrs Andrews of Toronto, ia v -s'.tina her mother, Mrs. A. Wilson. Hisiies Cairol and Harris of Toronto, MB holidaying with Mrs. M. McDonald. Altor. woollen mills were destroyed by Aie Monday mornin:^. { Mrs. D. McTaviah lett Tuesday morn- ing to visit her son, C. E. McTavisli, »t Rexina for five or six weeds. Miss Switzer, who formerly iau;<ht school here, is renewing old »C'iaiin"aa- eei in town itiis week. There is still a positioa open in this office for one or two bright boys to leain the printing businesa. .^pply »t once. Miss Wild»;CiosBley of Weet Ton iito U holidaying at the parental home here. Mrs. W. Boyd and children are camp- ing on the Lake Huron shore nenr Kin- iiardiue. \a aeroplane caoae to ^rief at Dun- 4alk Tuesday Imorniog; while tryiuk; to light on % wire fence. Uev. Quinn of Blenheim has accepted • call to the Baptise charge here and will begin his paitora'e on Sunday nest. Born â€" At Khedive, Sa»k., on Wed , Aug. 15, 1917, to Mr. ftnd Mrs. J E. Paul, a daughter. Pte. Charley ThistUthwaite, Married Murrayâ€" Lcwndes â€" At Echo Place, Brantford, Ont., the residence of the bride's parent'', on Wediesd^y, Aug. 15, 1917, Dr. Ernest C. Murray of Ele«her- ten to Miss Edna Rose I,owndes,d»u?hter of Rjv. Ueurze and Mrs. Geo. Lowndes. At home Flesherton after September 15. Bellamy â€" Wilsonâ€" A quiet wedding took place ^t the home of the bride's mother in town, Mr». Anzonetia Wilson, on Monday, when bet dauxhter Misa Mary, was united in marriage to Mr. Gh.irles BelUmy, 8.>n of Clerk W. J. Bellamy. Rev. Mr. McVicsr lied ibe nuptial knot and after the ceremony the young couuple left for a trip up the Ukes. Mis* Wilson was one .if cur most highly esteemed young ladies and the goo(? withes oft Urge circle of friends follow her. Bad Man From Wiarton t â€" Alex. Weatherhead, who a few week a^o was tir.ed by Judge Greig in Walker- ton #40 ar.d costs on two chaiges of pointing a gun at his w:fe and a neiubbor named .John Caesar, and wan also bound O'tr f.jr f2(J0 to keep the peace for a year, was brought by High Constable Ward to the VVaikerton j-til, th;ptiscnfct bavin? been sent up for trial by Police Migibtrate R. B. Mil'er of .Wiariou on t'o charges, ih:il: of being insane and With hiving ass;iulttd his step daughter, Mis-i Minnie Malcolm, a'{ed 20 year?. According to the evidence at the prelim- inary hearing m Wiarton, Weatherhead Went over to the firm of his nephew, Pctor Weatherhead, and on Thursday mociiiug Uit threatened to kill Mi.-?* Malcrilm, wh'.'ri} be ii stitcd to have tbr jwo onto the d<jor, torn her waist tnd had started to beat her up. The cries of the lady reirhed the oars of Peter Wea'herhead who was nut in the held, and who rushed at oiioe Co the rescue. Getting a ride, Peter threatened to sh'mt his uncle if he didn't release the girl and get c!f the farm, which the bij burly assailant dii with. jut delay. The accused, who made his way i.j Wiarton, was placed uiiderirrest there and brought before M>^istrato Uiiler, who, after the hear- infl[, sent the prisuoei' up to Walkerton for trial. â€" Herald .ind Times. Flesherton's Leading General Store has to offer these Seasonable Suggestions HOUSEHOLID^'^ Maple Leaf Flour Dominion Sugar Jem Jars Sealer Rings Screen Doors and Windows Fresh Groceries V ^^^i^^^^r^^^r^^^r^^Sr^^t Memorial Service The meaiorial service lot the late Richard Wilcock, who was killed in action on August 1, was held in the Methcdist church here on Sunday fore- noon, when Kev. James Dudj(eoQ of Tottenham, who wai ih* yi ung heroes pastor previous to bis enlistment, preach- ed the memorial sermon, taking tor bis h> has teit Philippiss 1 21 : " For to me to been in the Military Uosfits', vis. ted b't pirents over Sundar . An irroplsra from Camp Boidea wns -in this 'ieinity Tuesday forenoon. It drole j sroual then apcaien'.lv started for home again. Mr. and Vra. R. Beatham, &IlM ZelU and Mr. C. Orr niDtored to Inglewood and visited Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Walker, ibis week. Mrs. McVicar, who recen^ly onder- went • serious operation in Toronto, returned home Monday evening much improved in health. The weather of the ptst week has been very unf «vurable for hayng and harvest. A lot of pcorly cured bay b.'v* been put in this yea-. Several ot our citizens a'tenJed an Orange garden party at Swinton Paik Friday afternoon. A number aNo at- tended a gard«n party at Proton on Wednesday and an )ther at Vaxwcll Thursday evening. The Advance tenders he;ir'y congratu- lations to Dr. E. C. Jiind Mrs. Murray^ who united tl e:r foiiuaes last week at Brantford " for weal or woe." We trusll The live is Christ and to die is gain church was crowded as we have never j seen it before, and seme were turned \ away, being unable even lo get inside the , doors. The deceased w«» an exemplary 1 young man in every way, a mem ler if the church and a most valued ai.s:st*Dt la the choir fur hij magnidoent tenor i voice, which wu Dhenoirenally sweet | and stiong. He wm one youn^ man ' wh->in everybody thought should cot eiiliit, but the patriotic ctU of dirty was toO strong :n hiai to down, so he n.aaded over n s bu^iue^s interests to his uncle and threw in his lot with the 147th Batt. He waj generous to a degree, mode:t ani unassuminv, and a young man whtin everybody loved for his m.iny sterlirg qualitirs. He was of the best ttst Flesherton ci.u!d give, and we have given a greal deal fri.m our bc»t youDg manhcod. nearly all of i', in fact Frcm intimate knowledge of his caure we feel confident that if thinv^s were to be d>in« over again Dick would not have them otherwise, even if the veil were rent and he knew what the result would be. He ^ave his life fitely for the cau»e if humanity and consiiiertd it worth wh le . These words are our pers'iral trikute to proud to t.umber Received Son's Medal A few. da; s ago Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland of Walters Fills received the military medal which was awarded their son, Serat. Gerrge Clarence Sutherland, f<*r bravery and leadership in the action on January 17 last in which he was fatally w>undeti. On Jan. 2>>, just nine '; days Uter, Serjt. Sutherland passed away ' at a military hospital. The young man was a soldier of exceptional bravery and ! resourcefulness Enlisting an a private I be was rapidly promoted, and his death was widely aiourn)>d, both by friend.t at home and in France. In addition to the oiilitary medal, the young man's parents have been adviseil that previous to the fatal action Sergt. Sutherland was awar- ded the Distinguished Service medal. Whether he was ever presented wicQ this decoration will nut be known until bis personal rtf,'c'a are received here, which will likely be '4oon. Although dearly bough', Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland will treasure the military they have received ia recognition <>f iheir s> n'» beroio effoit to the great ciuse of civili- i-»tion.â€" Mirror. HARVEST TOOLS Hay Forks Manilla Rope Binder Twine Shngs Scythes and Snathes lilGMEST PRICES PAID FOR. PRODUCE F. G. KARSTEDT ^h FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to Sept. Sth for the erection of a public school w.ater c oeet in the VI lane of Proton Station. Building to be 15 feet ti inches long by I'J feet wide, with S feet side, to be ereciel up'>n a cement f )uni»tioo ; building proper to \i» brick, contractor to furnixh all mater- ial necesmrv for the erection of same. Plans and «pecit)>Mtion4 nny be seen at Wi J Blackburn's or \\>e Sherson's. The lowest or any tenier r.ii- necss-irily acepted. ABE SHERSON. Proton Station Scc-Tr<a.< Voters' List, 1917 Township of fi ttemesia Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted for Harvesting in Western Canada "Going Trip Wert"â€" 112.00 to WINNIPEG ' R«ttim Trip Eaat"â€" *18.00 from WINNIPEG •oa GOING DATES if Smltti'j Fall* UD ;.• and larludlng Toronto on Kli Lak* Ontario 3har« . kX\ MsUons ta Ontario West .. _, - ...._,.. I Llns and H«»«lo.-k-Pi't»rb«ro" Line: alau from atatluns b«w»en Klnn^iian and Krnfrvw J an.-tjon. - lui-'laslTe, and from atatlona an Torootj -Su.lbarr dlr<^t line, from itatlonn on Sault ?t». Mar!« I branch. From station* on Halo Line, iieaui-a(« to Kranx. Incluslre. from stations Betkanr Jani.- ' tloa to Port UcNlcoU and Burketon-Bo)>va7C«<»>. Aorul SSrd I From ttatlooa WMt and Soutli of Toronto up to and ln.-lad?D» Hamilton and Windsor, Ont.. Owen 8oond. Walk»r».>n. Twnwaler. Wtncham. Elora. Urtowel. Godert.b. St. Marr'a. Port Bur and at, Ttiomaj brandies, and atatlona Toronto and North to Bolton. Inolunlre. on rell FmrUier psftlcnlars from Canadian SPECI.%1. THROrr.H TR.\I>'S Pai-'lfl'- Tl.-ki>t .\g-nt», W r\ H'lW.taD. r)Utr!>-t l'a.-i«>n«»r Af-n-, Toronto. =^Odds and Ends ^ disc ARTICLES FOR SALE PoLL'HK PaoN â- L.v< and double records for e.ale. Phono'.as from $13 up. , and records fiom 8.3c up. When in , <o«n call and hear s>'uie liood music at I â€" \V. A. Hawken, Ph.>to Studio. Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. For sale cheap and on exsy terms. Lot 13. cou. 11, < »sprey, 110 acres. This is a first clasa farm and in a uood st.ate of I cultivation. fJood bank barn and new I trnme dwelliu^. .\pply to P.. .J. ?pr >ule â- Flesherton i For Sale or Rent- -Brickveneer h>.'Use io the village of Flesherton, .\pply toâ€" Malcolm McDonald. Flesherton. there will be little i f the latter. ftUy tha sun of prosperity stoile upon them in one "houi we wtre unclouded splendor durUi,' a lin« ; nd amonjf cur friends, hap^y life. We hope next week to publish in fair'y The Flesherton hi^h >choj'. wi 1 reopen complete form the sermon, which was an for the fall term on Sett. 4 »i'h the folluwini; ttatf : H. S. White principal, Miss Hulse and Miss Holmes. These are all re ennaj^ements. la llie public school Miss Iva Mitchell re; laces Miss Lowndes (now Mrs. Murray), aiul Mr. Holland agiiin lakes the steering Kev. James DuJiieou, Mr<. Dudijeon and little daughter, Dorothy, of Totten- ham, who spent Sunday in town, were 8'iests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bcnthaui. Mr. Dudijt'on »as a warm personal friend of the late Richard Wilcock and for thut «e«son came up to preach the memorial sermon. Dr. J. G. Coleridge and A. Simmers, Accompanied ty J. O. Lundy, all of Detroit returned home last week after spending a full week examiniiii: into ths oil prospects hero. The two tormer are investment brokers oniy and were merely examinina the itouihI iu oider t» be in a po.sition to advise their clients in the matter of investment. They â- exaiiiined conditions hero fiom every point of view and oima to th^ conclusion that they can with perfect f«ith advise investment. Tne li'st thinu they dd personiUy was to pump cut the Kirstedt well and wli-n ihn was done they foiuid the yellow oil coiiiinu in as free')' as eve . This dispelled iho last reiiiaiiuii.( doubt and it is now expected th^it thero will be moto drills i;o|i\g iihis fall. Tlir.-e gen- tlemen are also intero'^tej to a sui'ill •extent in the Oox well, whieli .\t we said last week i-; down in the Hiids(>n shale and the mok is proecediiia 'vith ciieerm* prospects. At present thoy are tuauiiui; 4>nly a day gan'^. c!oi(U>-nt tribute to adesorvinu soul. This Should Be General .\ iiieetini; if .he representative men ot Simcoe met in < 'ri; ia two weeks U!o *iid decided to orter re-electien to the sittimj n.fmber, W. H. Benne', ly acc'amatirn ntber ihin hare a politic I campaign during the w*r. All shades of politics were represented and the motion ' placing the meeting on record for this action was moved by prominent Liberals, Notice I* hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sec iou '.) if the Ontario Voters List* Act, the copies ve'iuired by the Slid sec ion to bes) transmitted or de ivered of the list matfe in pursuant to said Ac of all person.-i appearing by the last revised .Assessment Roll of the said Muiiicipulity to be en'ilUd to vi>te '.n the ja:d Municipality at Elections for members of the Lexislative As-ieiub'y and at Municipal Elections. : and that the said List w».s first posted up -n my otfice at Flesherton, on the 16th d,v of .\ugus*, liU7, and remains there for inspection. Aiid 1 hereby call upon Voters to take immediate { roceedinsis to have any eerors or oinmisnons coiTected according tt. law W. ,T. BELLAMY, Cleik. MXXXXXMXHMMX^ A T A iXi .Winy ciii5 of eye tro'jble averted by early application ;: proper lenses. Present ne^'.e: means future trouble. For Sale â€" Eleven half grown chickens. Enuenla layinii hens and ten -Mrs. El. Graham, MISCELLANEOUS H.ivini taken over from H. B. McLewi the W. G. Pickell Insurnnce b i«iiii»»s, I am prepared 'o look after 'he interests â- f the nu'^lic. Hiiah R H<nimond. R. R. i Xo.l Eugeni.a .\gent. Phone 2 r 2. W. A.Armstrong:. ^ NOTICE 1 Aug. A A A '^A A HE ONLY MAN A WHO SHOULD % NOT ADVERTISE IS A >g THEMANWHOIHAS % A NOTHING TO OF- A ^ PER IN THE WAY A OF SERVICE- AND ^ -SUCH A PERSON ^ IS A DEAD ONE- ^ WHETHER HE KN WS NOT. A A A A A A A A I Tâ€" OR A A A Ibrt Hubbard ^ in the ^ra -ht A Walkerton young man fired oflf a pi'tol in tHe stilly hours of night to suite some you'hs wh" were bothering bim, and jMiid a Hne of one and ec^sts. Farm For Sale Being lots CS and 69', ord line north of the Durnam 'oad. containing 10<» acres. Dn the pren:i.«es »re a frame barn aid straw shed and a l.irae two storey store house, also eood wafer. Terms e»>y Apply toâ€" MRS. JERRY THDMPSUN Sept l.'i Rox .">*!. CoUina^iocd. Sow Came Astray Try Feversha.n Pastry Flour, tha \est for your co.>k. .\U t>nt«rio wheat. If yr II want a good piano or any other TMti'iical irstrum-'nf, csll or write J. C Kentner. .nusic dealer ani photo artist. MarkJale. Private funds to loan ofi ri"al e>tare security at rea.eonable r^r-" of in'erest. -Apply to R. J. Sprou'e, Flesherto-. sept 23 Hiiihest prioo for bur Orsham Bros. Euzenia. ret iand ""srgs ar .Tune 20 Came to the premises ol the und«r- signed I't l.^>< E. T. S. R.. Artemcsia. about July Iftth, one sow Owner please prove property, pay expenses and take same away. â€" R SWANTON, Flesherton P. O., Aug 11, l'J17. Screen Door5 & Windows Poultry Netting Paris Green Zenoleum Lice Powder Hammocks & Hooks Paints & Varnishes Churns & Dairy Pails Sprinkling Canf, etc., etc. F. W. DUNCAN The Flesherton Hardwire, pnone .^0 'A Paintina and paper-hanging, samples. â€" H. Carrington. Sre Oct. I TeachAr Wantedâ€" For S. S. No !>. .\rtpm.^sia duties to commence Seot. 4. i^lT. Protestant. .Apply to Jacib Par- lament. Eii^ienia P.O. For S«1eâ€" ."several Rho.le Tslard Red cockerels, weiah 4 to 5 Ihs.. %\ each if taken before September. This ortice. Y'.'ung pii« for sale, farrowed Aug. I â€" S Turner. EuLrooia P i > Wtf have now a full line of l-arm imolen.ent-i incUidinif the < iftnit of Renfrew M.ichinery Co., Cock- shott Plow Co . Siu^er Sewiii' Machine Co., & etc. Intended purchasers of Cream Separati>rs do not forget «e are still sel ii.g the Spaniard Cream S.p«ra'or. Have already this season made over oi e half a hundred homes happy wih ( ne. Cin supply you wr.h my size rs'iuired on sh.-rt notice. We are also giving a cash prize of $1'J fcr best hve pound roll of butter made from cream of a Standard Cream Separator at Feversham Fall fair, divided in three prizes, ?i),t4 and 12. Patronage S'dicited. Ft further par' i'--ulats apply to FRANK G DUNNING WALTER KERTON, Feversham . Phone R. a short a long. ^ Public Notice .\ good sound heavy years old Bay colir. Wright. Fl-'sherton. horse for s.ale. 4.j .Xpp'y to John For . Saleâ€" .\ ll-horsepewet twui ry'. inder Pi"i> iiiotoreye'e at a bargain, .Apply ^t The Anvance < ^rti<^. Lost â€" \ pearl brooch set with diimond on Frill »v. Aiienst o. Finder plea«(> eave with .T..s>-iih Riacklurn Reward lif nRI[IS n I Carefully Corrected Each Week I Butter ;« to X) ' Egg»- fiesh oO o a9 I Wheat »2 25jo 2 25 (.Vats 70 to T."i I Pea.1. 1 W to 2 10 Barle? 96 to '.>5 â- B ickwheat 96 to 90 Tike notice that all persons are here- by torbidiien trespassing on. or dumping any rubtjish on, or taking, ssni, gravel, earth or other matter otf Park lot known ^ a.s the Flesher sand pit. in Flesherton, containing about two acres, as all persons • trespassing or committing any waste oi rcmovini; anything therefram, ou any part of the Flesher estate in and around Flesherton Village, will be pros- ecuted according to law. DR. T. S. SPROULE, July 1) Executor for the Estate Fall Term from August 27th.' ELLIOTT Vouge and \\\ ries Streets, Toronto I \i iii.[|ae9ttunabl) oaa of CaJiaia'd beat I couiaiercial 9<<iiools. Tbe demand for oar 1 jraliiate^ m far iu exct>«3 of our supply. I Write tclav for our (. atslogue. 1 W. J. ELLIOTT. Princip.^u Lostâ€" Three Flesherfiin and Aug. 10. Tbe together and dropped from an FOR SERVICE fishing rods bf tween Berkeley, in Friday, j rods were iill b >und Lit 24, cou. 14, Arteraesia, pure bred auto. Shorfnorn bull, Valley King. (Jrade Finder leave at rewaid. this office atid receive cows $1.25, purebred $4.00. â€" W. Ai 1 July 17 WEBER. Strayed From lot i9 on the I2th con., Arte- ra*sia. .» dark red steer one year old, with rather wu'.e spread horn.s, hair curly about face. Any one giving informatioa that will lead to his recovery will be suitally rewarded. â€"Jacob H. Hollev, Vandeleur Miukdale R,U. No. 4. Phofle 60 t 22 ^h^,^