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Flesherton Advance, 23 Aug 1917, p. 1

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^M,' â- ^ ^k&\)txi0n %Hmu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBINOIPLEB NOT MEN. vol 37 No. 14 Flestierton, Ont., Ttiursday, Aucrust L-T.'. 1017 W. H, THUSSTON nod PBOX'KIE « Kimberley Budget Mr. W. Banihouse of EduiDiitiiQ.Alta., was a pleasant caller in nur bur^ on Saturday last. Private Walter Lurritt of the Mounted Infautry, Toronto, visited a few days recently at the pirental home ' Wm. Claik made a business trip to Collingwood one day last week. Messrs George and Ernest I'roctor are busy at present bricking K^ypc school. Mrs. Brown of Toronto, visited durini; the past week with her brother, Jaiues H. Magee. Messrs. J. E. Coibett and Arthur Fuwier ot Duud.klk, visited one day recently with friends m our burg Harold. Proctor of Camp Borden, and a returned soldier ul Meaford, motored over to this part last week and .-ipent a few days at the former's parental home. Mr. Webb, wife and daughter, Unice, accompanied by Ruby anl Peir Ri)we, all of Barrie, also Mr. Seales, a returned soldier of Niassara FbUs, w.'re nleasant callers \u our burg one d.iy lant week. Jajper Stuart made a business trip to the Parry Sound district duripy the past week. Bisil McConnell and Wellington Fawcett visited recently with the former's uncle, Joseph McConnell of Meaford. Mr. John McGowan of Durham, motor- ed over to our burg on Saturday lajst. Mr. McGowan ran the grist mill in our village seme t»>n or twelve years ago. Saul Fawcett had corn ready to use neaily a week a^o. Who can beet this I Mr. Chas. Stuart, wife and little son, who havo been holidaying with friends in our burg for some weeks, returned to Parry S.iund last week. Mr. Milton Hutchinson and Thomas Cornfield visited recently with the Iktter's uncle, Jacob Allen, at Meaford. Toronto Line North Dilema Henry of Miirkdale, sDcnta week with her cousin, Luella Lever. Mrs. George Cilbeck is seriously ill with pneumonia. Bessie Stewart returned from visitinij her aunt in Toronto. Mr. Tom Sled and family visited with Dantroon and Batteau friends the first part of the week. To Mrs. Wm. Wilcox and family is extended the sympathy of this iieiyhbdr- hood in the Iom of her uob'e son, "Dick" being favorite with old and young. Dundalk Mr. Sinclair has leased iha Dundalk woollen mills to Mr- HeiniWcker of Hanover who will start ojierations right away for the inanufacturi; of yarns. Mrs. Isa<c Hamilton, a respected resident of Usprey. passed iway at her home near Mclntyre on Friday from the effects of cancer. She endured much sutt'erin?. The funeral was held on Sunday to Badjer^s cemetery. T. F. Lockhart has been doing some sporty trout tishing. .â- Vt the Rowbotham reserve the other day he cau.{ht two tine speckled beauties at 20 inch and 18 inch length. The combined weight of tlie iwo was five pounds. -Herald. Markdale Miss Emma •'ohostoD, now of Lake- view Bungalow, caught in English's Lake last Wednesday a speckled trout meas- uring 21 1 inches long and weighing, six hours after being taken out of the water, :f lbs. 14 oi. It is said to be the largest trout ever caught in these lakes. Fish Inspector James Gillespie pronounced it the largest trout he had ever seen , Mr. W. J. Howard, who was thrown out of ao auto on July ;U, receiving pain- ful injuries, went last week to Toronto and an X ray examination showed an impact fracture of the shoulder bone. He is going about and hopes to go to wotk in a few weeks. Hon. F- G' McDiarmid, Minister of Public Works, made a trip last week over the p»oposed provincial road from Toronto to Owen Sound via the Toronto line, thence by Meaford and ColHogwond. He was the guest of Attorney General LuciVi while in town.â€" Standard, Ceylon Chat Mrs. Wm. Walford and little dauuhier Aletha. who have l)eeii visiting at H. Spicer s, returned to her home ir. Owen Sound on Friday, accjmpanied by Muriel Spicer, who intends taking a shoit course in business college. Miss Jes-sie McKenzie visited her 9 ster, Mrs. Hislop, in the valley last wesk. A great deal of sympilhy is expressed for Mrs. Win. Wilcock and family in the loss of her son, Richard, killed in action. Mary Muir has buen engaged to teach at Red Wing after hjlidays. Mr. Hill and wife of Toronto holidayed with their friends, Frank Coliiuson and wife, returiiini; home Monday. Mrs. Mortimer and sin friiu the West iue guests at (iibson Colliuson's. \V. J. Cook aiiu wife ^if Ebordale were visitors at R. Cook's hist waek, Mrs. McKeown, Winnipeg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Rands. Mnst'rL'uyd Rands, who was holid.iying in the city, returned with his aunt. Mrs. Rdgeway and children, who ha\e been visitors at D. Muir's and with otner friends, left Saturday for other paits. Mrs. James Collinson and two sons of Dundas, wh> have been guests at G. Cjllinson's, left Friday to visi: fr:eiids at otiH'r points. ChciI Cushnie, who has been spending summer vacation with bis granJfather, returned Friday to T.Tonto. Edna M^Leod of Toronto is holi'l.-iying with her mother here. Mi.'is H.U of Markdale is visiting her aunt, \lr-'. H. Piper. Myrtle Hemphill of Toronto is holi- Jayiiiu uiiaer the paiental roof. Eugenia Paragraphs Vandeleur Happenings Victoria Corners We ciend our sympathy to Mr^ Milton B*nuiii in the loss of her father, who was buried Ust Friday. We regret to hear of the death of Mrs. Walker jf Durham, our fornii-r teacher's mother, and also extend Miss Walker our sympathy. Mesdanes Geo. Ludlow and Will Moore atteiidid Mrs. WalKer's funeral .it Durham on Saturday. Mr. Brcwuler and family visited with Mrs. Brewster's parents here. lulstioi'e anniversary services are ?et fo- September .3i)tli and October 1st. Don't forgot the date, further part- iculars later. Miss Millie McLaughery of .Markdale was visiting at Mrs. Will Heard s. The laltci, Mina and Burrows returned with her. Miss D. Corbett Is visiting her cousin, Otiihe L.ckhart. Bornâ€" Ooii Saturday, Au;4U8t 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson, a daughter. To I Late Last vV'cek Mrs. .-Vntbony of Toronto visited her sistsr, Mrs. W. Irvine. Mrs. H.iines of Kimberley visited a few days with Mrs. T,aidlaw, Mrs. S. .Jackson and two children of Haniiliou, and Miss Jackson of Ware, ham, visited at Mrs. H. U. Gallagher's. Miss Ludlow of Dundalk is visiting with Mrs. W. Gallagher. Kingsley Gallagher fell and sprained his arm last week.] Mr. and -Mrs. W- J. Corctield of the Valley risited at Mr. Lsidlaw's. Beryl Hennie of Dromore is holi daying at James Beet's. Mrs. Lfffler and three children of Kansas visited her brother, T. Banuon. Portlaw Mrs. Porrit and two children of Bolton visited with the former's cousin, Mrs. Lewis Sheardown. Miss Johnson of is visiting with Mrs. F. H. Thompson. W. R. Simmons has .so!d his farm to Wesley Plantt, .\lbert Haney and daughter and Geo. Haney, wife and two children of Toronto visited lately at the homos of Win. Taylor and John W. Hau^y, Centre Line. Master Ern Jamieson of Toronto is sucnding some «f his holidays with his uncle, W. G. Jamieson. Mrs. Hmnilton of Shelburue ia visiting with relatives around " The Maples." Mrs. Ellis and d^iughter of Oraugevilie are visiting at EJ. Graham's. Mr. C. Thompson of .'j.isk , is visitinsi with friends here. Mrs. Ehvoud Purvis and ithildren of (iuelpli, are vi.sitin!/ with B. Purvis. Mr. Bert Graham huJ wife of Toronto, are visiiing fi lends here. Mr. Garnet Maget? and family, Mr. J. Parliament and wife motored to Paisley to ."peiid the weed tnd wiih friends. Mr. W. U. Grihiin retUined home after spending a c nple of months with hia sister at Duncan. Miss Millie Mcilullen and cousiu.Mrs Jenkins of T.iunto, nre vis tug the lalter's sister, Mrs. Huuh Hammond and other friends. Mr. Duugliiss and wife, Pruf While and wife luotorcd over fruiu Meaford. Mrs. Douglass called on her frien.l, Mrs. A. Hoy. Mr. Purvis is busy paintiri,' the new school and Mr. Hendry is putting ihu finishing touche'i .-n the " woodw. rk. Both are from .Markda'o. Mrs. Will Campbell of Toronto, is visiiing wi'h friends here. Will is still in the hospital bui is iinprovmn. Itd.itsii't pay to catch tish nowadays over what ycu can at one time. Pie Smith of Camp Borden is visiting Miss Fawcett. Pt-. Jsiniih is a returned Soldier from Fmnce. Ml.'.s Merick <if Ti>roiit.i, is visitiin; her friend, Minn E'ta Litiiiiei. Mr. R. Purvis ofT.Tonto, uturiied to his home. Berry pickiu^ is the order of thu day Thousands of Men Required For Harvesting In Western Canada Thou.oands of men are leiiuiied to help in the great woik of harvesting the western c-op. Arrangem.'nls for tians- porting to the west thi.-i great army < f workers have been completed by i!ie Cmadi.iii Pacific railway. K.xcuisioiis Iroiii points In Ontario lo Maiiitcba, Saskatchewun and Aiberia will bs run, and speeial trains operated, making the tiip in about :!r, hours, with- out change or tninsfer. Going trip West, SlL' to VVinnipei;. Returning trip east *1S from Winnipeg CoMi^ult C. P R. ,i;,.eni.< reg.irdinu transportation west of Wiunipeg. Goiun Dal ..'8 : '_'lst and August .JOih- AH stalions in ( »'o west of Smith's Fall.", up to and including Toroato on Lake Shore Lino, and Havelock-Peterboro Line, also from statimis between King- ston and Renfrew .lunciion, inclusive, and from stali.uis on â- rori.iitoSudbu'y direct line From stations on .San!t .Sie. Vatie branch. From stations on main line. Heaucage to Franz, inclusive. From stations. Betb«iiy Junctii.n to Purt McNicoU and Burkelon Bobcaygeon. August 2;{rd and August .'iUth From .stations west and south of Toronto, up to and including Hamilton and Windsor, Ont,, on Oweu Sound, \V:ukerioii. Teeswater, Winsham. Elora, Listowel, Goderich, St Marys, Port Hurwell and St Thomas branches, and stiiioDs To- ronto and north to Bolton, inclusive. Further particulars from any C P R ticket agents, or W. B. Howard, Pis trict I'asseuger A'^ciit, Toronto. Fa41 wheat and barley harvest is in full swing. Mr?. Edgar Hutchinsou ot Toroutu is visiting at W, J. Hntcbiiisou's. Mr. and ilrsEJ Warliug returueJ to their home in Toronto ou Friday after a twe weeit.s' visit with friends here . Mr and .Mrs llobeit HoUey motored (xotn .Meiiford on Wednesday of last week and paid a short visit to friends here. Mrs Amos Smitli accompanied them and spent the day with her parents, Mr and Mrs S Gili^c-rt, Mr and Mrs- AuJreu Pritchard cf the -bi'aable spent a day recently with Mr and Mis Pritchard. Mr and Mrs and -Miss Thompson of Oiillia wf!re vi.siiors at J I 'jra- ham's on Friday. Mr aiul Mri: Ben Bucliauau of To- roLto are visitors at Wm Btichauau's. Mr Frank and Miss Florfeiioe Davis motored lo (Jwcn Sound Saturday week anil spent a couple of days with fi'euds there. Mr Davison and sister of Tara aie visitors at ihe home of Mrs .) .M Davis. Mr and Mrs S Gilbert spent Thuis- day last with tiieir daui^'hter ai .Meaford, Ed Warling, John and Miss Lola Wariing dnd Mr and .Mrs George Warling motored to Colpoys Bay on Wednesday and report a splendid oatin<;. A few of the ueiglil)ors spent a pleasant time at the home ot Mr Ceo Warling on 'Ihursday evening last. Tlie iIe'L!:odisi Sunilay school lield their annual picnic at W Buchanan s on Friday last. Miss Nelhe Boland spent the past two weeks with friends in Toronio. Mr and Mrs J I Graliam are visit- ing friends at Orillia. Mr N S Dtinlop is the guest of Ml and Mrs Geo Warling. Maxwell Mrs. Jain, s Inkster and two chilJrun of Sask.. are visiting at K. McCalluin's. Miss Elsie Ci^ft is spenuiiiit tlio holidays with her brother in Th(unl)ury. The young people of Maxwell intend I holding a social atG. W'. Burks on Fri. I August 'i4th. Ladies ploasa biing ! sandwiches or cake. The proceeds of the evening to be used in sending boxes to j the boys who have enlisted from Maxwell i and vicinity. Mr. Alcox and wife of Mirkdale were the guests of Mr. Sara Osborne last week. Mrs. Walter Bale aud two children, who have been viaiiing at Robert Stock's, have returned to their home in Toronto. Wni. Morrison piid a "tlying'' visit to Torouto. A number of children have the whoop- ing cough in this vicinity. Mr. McCallutii and wife are the former's brother here. Miss Nina Nohle received the sad news of her brott\er's death, on Saturday. The Red Cross garden pary held at -Mr. Win. Wright's on August 10th was well attended considering the busy time. The proceeds amounted to V)i)8.). Rules of Rhe Road .\ie you an owner of a motor v. Iiic.i. Are you limrouifhly conversanifwi li ilie rules of the toad ? Many people who drive c.irs have nd taken the trouble to learn even the ordinary rules of the road, and when :!ie police take them lo task feel «!et| ly For the benefit of such ne publish a few of the Motor Vehicle .\ '. No motor vehicle shall bo driven i.i'iu any highway within a' ciiy. town or village, at a lirenfer rate rf speed than 'JO miles an hour. No person under the ;ige of 1<>* shall drive a motor vehicle and no pers' n over the age of 1'? and iiuder the age vf IS years shall drive a motor vehitli on the highway unless ai.d until sucii person has pa.ssel an examiiiati" i and obtained a license piovidod fur i person ivho drives a motor tebiclc f> r piy, hire or gain. Every motor vehicle must have iniii ti- ers attai'hi'il ill a po.vitioii to \)e ei ."ily distiuLniished, an i "the Dumber shall he kept free from dirt and obstruction.' Wh«.-n a person tiavelling on a highniiy in charge of a vehicle meets another vehicle he shall turn mit to the rght from the centre of the riaJ allowing llie the vehic'e to get one half of the road. When a person travelling or beii'g upon a highway in charge of a vehicle meets or on horseback mett* another vehicle or person on hor-eback at a crossroads or intersection, the vehicle or horseman to the right hand of the other Vehicle or horseman shall have the righi of way. Where a person travelling or being upon a highway in charue of a vehicle or on horseback tr ivolling at a ijreater speed, the person so ovortiken .shall i|ulelly turn I ut to the rinht aid allots' such vehicle to pass. Where one vehicle is met and over- taken by another, if by reason "f the weight of the load on either of the vehicles .so uieeiinj or of ihe vehicles overtaken, the drivfr tiiu's it impracticabe to turn out, he sha'l iinmediatoly slop, aud, if necessary for the safety of the other vehicle, and if teipiired to do so, ho shall assist the person in charge there- of to pass without damage. The penalties vary from f 1 aud costs to #20 and cosisfora lirsl otTcnce. but no penalty or imj)riB3nir,eiit shall be a bar to the recovery of damages by an injured person. DR. BURT .â- ipclalisl in ilit-asua ol the Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat OFFICE-iao loth St, West, Owen .Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. m ' Dundalk, Is W.jilnesday of each mouth. I Jewelry For Service < "ne pure ured Shorthorn Boll on lot o"', cm, !), Aitemesia. Term-, ?1.00 for grades. Must be paid within 't inonlhs fnun date c f service. 1 -lao. 17, -[{_ (J. TtUNER. Boar For Service J Pin- Iji-i-'l \ .iik.^liir.' U.iir for â€"r-. â- .-.â-  at i!i.- ' M.-lUf lariii. iifikr l',v!,.ii. Tii!.i .*! ")0 for all an iiaU sei â- , -â- I, INov. _ .1 K (•()l,[,[^>iiN- A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. Boar for Service The iiudersigiu'd lii.< , â-  ;iur'.U!;li ne-i Yorkshire Boar for service •n lot ll,c .ii. t<. <'>.-^l)rey. Terms §1. .".(>. FRKD .â- ^PdFKARD. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT > i.s Iit'rt' .It !a.<t and wc are ready with everythint; for Siuiiiuer near. For tin L.uiies we havi- Sport, ranania and Lt'^honi Hat.s and hal.s to suit everybody from I t(j HI years old.' fii! Voile.s and .Mai'.|nisette.s ♦or Suinnier dn---e.s ^, -imer dioo.s of all kinds and Everything sold at lowee prices. Just give us a Call and Exaicineour goods c \d you >vill be surprised how cheep we sell. Highest Price Paid for Produce < W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store, Flesherton. ^ â- ^ Service We either carry it in stock, will ^Qf it, or it isn't made. Dealers In Goodyear, Dominion and Dunlop Auto Tiros and Tubes, Gasoline tilling station and Motor oil, Cockshutt Farm implement.s and repairs, Massey- ilarri.s repairs. Verity ami Cockshmt Plow shar(,'s etc D.McTAVISH FLESHEIRTON g l'\>r A Oooci F£ Of RUNNING SHOES Tan, White or Black, Cool for Summer Wear. Also some Neat, Nobby Patent and White Pumps for the ladies, with and without strap. WHERE? A T Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON iii^HstO^'

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