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Flesherton Advance, 9 Aug 1917, p. 3

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i ^ Why Wait for War to learn rea^ food values? |t>is what you digest, not t you eat, that furnishes j ength for the day's work. | Many foods tax the digestive \ powers to the utmost with- out supplying much real j nutriment. Shredded ' Wheat Biscuit is all food and in a form that is easily digested. It is 100 per cent. | whole wheat. For break- ' fast, dinner or supper it j takes the place of meat, eggs and potatoes. You don't know how easily you can do without meat or potatoes until you try it. Delicious cvith sliced bananas, berries, or other fruits, and milk. Made in Ca nada. ' HANDS ACROSS THE BORDER ] The Physical Union of the Fighting strength of Two Nations. i You wouldn't exactly call It hands . across the sea, because Canada is only i across a lake; but Canada is part of England, which is a long way from South State Street, says a Chicago | writer. Anyway, what I'm driving at is this : Lieutenant Colonel J. S. Dennis, of- 1 ficer commanding the western • division of the British Recruiting Mission, recently clasped hands with Captain F. R. Kenney, officer com- manding the recruiting district of Northern Illinois for the United States army. When two belligerent parties shake hands there are only two things which ; the referee or third party can say â€" ' either "Take your corners" or "Bless you, my children." 1 said neither. But I held my ' breath, for it was an Impressive mo- ment, the formal enactment in Chi- cago of immortal history, the physi- ?al union of the fighting'strength of wo great nations. And the spirit of patriotic co-operation In the common cause of justice sanctified the aiU- asce. Colonel Dennis and Captain Kenney joined in plans. What they want is men to send to the front. Neither has any choice as to whether the men go in Catiadian kilts or American khakis. At every one of the dozens of scat- tered stations under Captain Kenney's command volunteers of Canadian citizenship were taken for the expedi- tionary forces of the Dominion; at every headquarters over which Colonel Dennis has control volunteers of American allegiance were taken for our own National Army. Captain Kenney Is credited with be- ing a bit of a bearcat on the science of recruiting. But he was Immensely impressed with the policies and ideas expressed by the distinguished Cana- dian man of war. Colonel Dennis says that there are 157,000 Canadians In Chicago. Cal- gary, with a total population of 60,000, sent 16,000 soldiers to the front. What then might Chicago yield ? There are about 350.000 British sub- jects here, and some sixty-live St. (Jeorge and Maple Leaf societies. There is no shortage of material here- about for the British recruiting mis- sion. A thrllUngly Interesting luaa Is Colonel Dennis. He Is the most ver- satile individual 1 have ever met. If one were suddenly to inquire In Ot- tawa, "Who is Dennis ?" one might get back the typically British answer, "Who Is he not ?" For years he was assistant to the president of the Canadian Fadflc Rail- way. Lord Shaughnessy. He has fought Indians, is a veteran with honors of the South .-Vfrican expedi- tion, has engineered road building where Indians had to be killed as re- gularly as ties had to be laid in the progress: but he Is more -he is a dilettante journalist, a devotee of art, a snappy after-dinner talker, an oc- casional enthusiastic Broadwayite, « raconteur of modent but fascinating personality. Robust and mighty of Htature, he rings with military melody all over. ^ , HARNK3SING VOLCANOES. Natural Supply of Steam Tapped to' Run Small Engine. i Volcanic heat is actually being used to run an electric power plant furnish- ing electricity to a numbei of towns near Volterra, in south-western Tusc- any, according to an interesting arti- cle in the Annalist. | In that region various volcanic As- sures exist, hot with escaping steam. From using this to operate a small horizontal engme came the idea of us- ing it on a larger scale. Borings were therefore made in the vicinity and a plentiful supply of steam with good pressure tapped. Because of its \ Impregnation with boracic acid it Is : not used directly, but employed to vaporize pure water. This is used to run a plant which furnishes power to five near-by towns. Now that volcanic heat has actually been made commercially profitable we may look to see efforts made to utilize this power source elsewhere. Aetna and Vesuvius may yet be yoked to a municipal lighting plant. Italy's lack of coal renders experiments in this direction unusually valuable. : MAKi: YOURSELF STRONG People with strong constitutions â-  escape most of the minor ills that ' make life miserable for others. Don't you envy the friend who does not know what a headache is, whose di- gestion Is perfect, and who sleeps soundly at night 7 How far do you come from this description 7 Have you ever made an earnest effort to strengthen your constitution, to build up your system to ward off dis- comfort and disease ? Unless you have an organic disease it Is general- ly possible to so improve your physi- cal condition that perfect health will be yours. The first thing to be done is to build up your blood as poor blood is the source of physical weak- ness. To build up the blood Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills Is just the medicine you need. Every dose helps to make new blood which reaches every nerve and every part of the body, bringing color to the cheeks, bright- ness to the eyes, a steadiness to the bands, a good appetite and splendid energy. Thousands throughout the country whose condition once made them despair, owe their present good health to this medicine. If you are one of the weak and ailing give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and note the daily gain In new health and abounding vitality. You can get These pills through any medicine dealer or by mail post paid at ij) cents a box or si.x boxes for $i 50 from The Ur. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. BABY'S GREAT DANGER DURING HOT WEATHER More little ones die during the hot weather than at any oftier time of the year. Diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera infantum and stomach troub- les come without warning, and when a medicine is not at hand to give promptly the short delay too fre- quently means that the child has passed beyond aid. Baby's Own Tab- lets should always be kept !n homes where there are young children. An occasional dose of the Tablets will prevent stomach and bowel troubles, or If the trouble comes suddenly the prompt use of the Tablets will cure the baby. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2a cents a box from The Dr. Williams' .Medicine Co., Brcckville, Ont. « Mistaken Hint. A countryman journeyed to London to visit some relatives and to see the sights. Fa.icinated by the metro- polis, he remained until patience on the part of his hosts, a married couple, had ceased to be a virtue. Too polii*; to openly remonstrate, they both threw out many hints, but all in vain. "Don't you think," re- marked the husband one day, "that your wife and children must miss you?" "No doubt. Thanks for the sugges- tion: I'll send for them." •> HARVESTERS READ THIS The best way to the Harvest Fields of Western Canada is by the Canadian Northern RailwaN, whose lines serve the newest and most productive dis- tricts of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Slanitoba. These run for the most part to the northward, where experi- ence has shown that crops are least variable, which means a consequently steady demand for labor and corres- pondingly high average wages. The CNR. has made exceptional arrangements for handling the Farm Laborers tralfic, and is introducing lunch counter cars, which will permit Excursionists to be comfortably fed in transit â€" a welcome relief from the jostling and vexatious delays of sta- tion-lunch counter service. Special through trains will be run from .Mont- real, Ottawa and Toronto to Winnipeg on excursion dates, to be announced shortly. The equipment will consist of electric-lighted colonist cars and lunch-counter cars, together with special accommodation for women. All particulars from nearest C.N.R. Agent, or General Passenger Depts., Toronto, Ont., and Montreal. Que. The sustained production of milk is j well known to depend largely on the ! comfort and contentment of the dairy \ cow. Flies not only cause direct loss of blood and poisoning from their bites, but also keep stock from feeding properly. The loss of milk from this cause is one of the serious problems that face the dairy farmer. • I MAGIC B^*''â„¢^ I L BAKING""" i ..«M POWDER Kluartl'i xaslBiaBt Cnraa OlphtliarUL Salt scattered over the hay whea going into the movir adds to palata* bility at feeding time. Add a few bread crumbs to the scrambled eggs for breakfast; they improve the dish and make the eggs go further. vi:^7SFAj>Eas poa saxe PROFlT-il.Vlil.NG M£\V3 AND JOB offlL'es lor sala In Kood Ontario towns. The most useful and Intereatlns of all t)Uslnesaea. Full infurmatlun un sppllcation to Wilson Puhllsti-.nit Com- pany 7J A.lelald.i Street Toronto. m8czrziAjrEot79 C'A.N'CEH. T'JiloitS. LUilPd. ETC.. ' Internal and e.xternal. cur«d wttn- cut pain by our home treatment. Write na before too late. Dr. Ueliman M«dl(-ai Co.. Limited. Colltnirwood. Ont, ^Tien buying your Piano insist OB having an "OTTO HIGEL" PIANO ACTION A yellow warbler has been known to consume 3.500 plant lice in forty min- utes. .-Another proof of the industry and value of birds to farmers and gar^ deners . ABSCDRBINE Reiiui •? Strained. Puffy Aaklrsi Lrmphangiiis. PaU Evil. Ffstulai Boils. Swelling!;; Stops Lamenesi ind allays pain. Hear'. Sores, CutSi Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a SIFE ANTISEPTIC ANO GERMICiOE Does not blister or remove ths hair and iio-sei'zn be worked. Pleasant tu UK. |2. 0<>a bottle, delivered. Descnbe your caas for special initructionj and Book 5 M fre«. .\BSORBINE. JR.. muteruc :ia:acnt tr^r 3uok:d< r^ duce« i(.-l:rj. Plinfui. K2i>ne^. Swoiifti \e:7.i. Cjoce»» tiaic-.! â€" ocly a trw dropt requirrd ilia icfi^caiion. Pnos SI per tr file u tirtitn of 4divered. H t mUNG. P. D. r.. S1S Lvma.ii SIdg . tlor<trcai. Cui tfsortiu aod AturAiae, ix^ are aai:: la Ctcuh f LIFT YOUR CORNS f OFF WITH FINGERS For summer outings, the thing you need is a linen frock. It may be pink, or blue, or green, as you please, but by all means you want it cut on very smart lines. The pretty model shown above is in one-piece style and slips on over the head like many of the latest designs. McCall Pattern No. 7884, Misses' One-piece Dress (suit- able for small women i ; in two lengths. In 4 sizes ; 14 to 20 years. Price, 20 ; cents. This pattern may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCali Co.. 70 Bond St.. Toronto, EWpi. W. I Spraying with Bordeaux mixture and destroying diseased parts will check the spread of celery blight. Klasrd's Unljneiit Cum Colds, Etc. A little flour spread over the top of cakes before they are iced will prevent the icing from running off. Klaard'a Ualmtnt Coras Oanrtt In Cc>v* A Californian has patented a ham- mer to which nails are fed from paper strips, enabling a man to nail laths at many times his usual speed. FOUR WEEKS INJOSPITAL No Relief â€" Mrs. Brown Fin- ally Cured by Lydia E. â-  Pinkham's Vegetable I Compound. How to loosen a tender corn or callus so it lifts out without pain. Let folks step on your feet here- after; wear shoes a size smaller If you like, for corns will never again send electric sparks of pain through you. according to this Cincinnati authority He says that a few drops of a drug called frpezcne. appii-^l directly upon a tender, aching corn, instantly re- lieves soreness, and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts right out. This Jrug dries at once and simply shrivels up the corn or callus without even irritating the sarroundins tissue. A small bottle of freezone obtained at any dnig store will cost very little but will positively r»?move every hard or soft corn of callus frt;m one's foW If your druggist hasn't stocked this new drug yet. tell him to get a small bottle of freezone for you from his wh â- '.••sale drug house. - Treasures of Hair and Skin Preserved by Cuticura li voii use Cuticura S<«ap for evcr>-day t"iiet pur;>>ses, with tijtiches of Citicura Oi::* n. >w and then as nct^ded to Si.»'t::f and ileal the first pimples, red- ness, r ".u'hiiess or scalp irritatiun. you will have as clear a ci-mplexion and aa hair as it is ix.ssiVie tD have. Sample Each Free by Mail Address :>u«t-<-«rl "Cutlcurs. [>cpt. N. 7 U.S. .\. ' SoU UmnKixiut Um wurW. Doctor Says Nuxated iron Will Increase Strength of Delicate People 100^0 in Ten Days I A Perfect Day should end â€" as well as begin â€" with a perfect food, say â€" Grape-Nuts with cream. A crisp, delicious food, containing the entire nutnment of whole wheat and barley, including the vital mineral elements, so richly provided by Nature in these grains. Every table should have its daily ration of Grape-Nuts. "There's a Reason" THE GRE.VT TONN.VGE PROBLE.M. One of the Most Vital Questions in the World To-Day. How long can Allied shipping with- stand the hideous submarine sap at its tonnage? This is the question on the answer to which hinges the very fate of world freedom. Let us look at the facts. ' At the outset of the ruthless subma- rine campaign, Vice-Admiral Capelle announced that 1,000,000 tons a month would bring England to her knees. It is generally coneded that, in the last ten weeks, the submarine has done its worst because the sub- mersible fleet has been increased by the addition of the supersubmarine. Yet the average loss per month has never exceeded 450,000 tons of Bri- tish shipping, and it was John Bull's boats the Germans have set out to eli- minate. Up to the 1st of June Great Britain had lost appro.ximately 9 per cent, of her ocean-going tonnage of ships of 1000 tons and over. On May 1, ac- cording to Lord Curzon, she hud more than 15,000,000 tons of shipping in vessels of this unit and over. She could afford to lose 1,000,000 tons per month'^or the next six months and still have 9,000,000 tons left if she did not build a single new ship in the meantime . ' Looking at it from another angle, if { Germany persists in her ruthless sub- j marine warfare at the highest rate of j destruction that has been registered ! since February 1, it would take 1(56 weeks, or more than three years, to wipe out British shipping, again on the assumption that her shipyards would be idle all that time. But England can easily build â€" and is building â€" 500,000 tons a year. She can gain a million additional tons by altering the so-called loadline of her ships. Likewise, she can further supplement this tonnage by convert- ! ing her passenger liners into cargo I vessels. I This program, it must be remember- I ed, does not take into consideration j the huge merchant marine project, of I the United States, which will event- 1 ually add 3.000,000 tons of new steel shipping and 2,000,000 tons of wooden. Thus, if the U. S. vessels are ravaged by submarines at the same rate as the British, there will still be immunity against any permanent impairment. The food lanes of the world will re- main open. ♦^ Paper clubs for policemen, practical- ly indestructible, have been invented hy an Enjttishnian. Mlnard's lanlmtnt Cw«s Dlst«iu]>*«. MONEY ORDERS Send a Dominion Express .Money Order. They are payable every- where. Regrularity in milking time is one of the most important elements in keeping up the flow . After the Movies Two Erst for i LHetims Murine la (or Ttiwl K'«s. R,.'<1 BrM - Son â- ;.'> - Gr*nalsw4 STtllds. Hmu â€" K«f nwba« â€" Keitor«5. Miinno <• a raTorl*.*Tr«»t- mtiot for e.T«a tbat imtl Jry snd^mart. Giro run rllT0»«A muofa of Tuur'ovi.ns c&rv as 7OQr'¥«0lii .ind wlttiili« taoia rv«alan;7. Cars lor Th«m. You Cunot duy Naw Eyss: SoM at UniK and L^ilcal Storoa wr :>; Ma.i. A^^ Wyrtna E)« Ramwly Co.. ClilcsflS, ,or Fr«« 1 Paper shirts have been issued to Japanese soldiers as a protection against cold. Montreal, May 29. '09 Minard's Liniment Co. Limited, Yarmouth, N. S. Gentlemen, â€" I beg to let you knov. that I have used MINARDS LlNl MENT for some time, and I find It the best I have ever used for the joints and muscles. Yours very truly. THO.MAS J. HOOAN. The Champion Clog and Pedes- <â-  tal Dancer of Canada. Cultivate corn as soon after rains as the soil has dried sufficiently. Keep the soil surface well stirred and light. This lets rain soak in quickly, thus preventing waste, and it keeps the soil warm. Keep all weeds down, as they rob the corn plants of moisture needed to make corn kernels instead of weed seed. Cleveland, Cbio. â€" " For years T stjf- fered so sometimes it seemed as though I could not stand it ocy longer. It was all in my lower 0^ga.^s. At times I coti'.J hariiiy walk, for ii I stepped on â-  little stone I would almost faint. One day I did faint and m y husband w a a sent for and the doc- tor came. I was ta- -A ken to the hospital ».nd stay- i : :r •vt.'eks but when I cama bomelwould faint just the tame and bad the same pains. A friend who Is a nurse asked me to try Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Com- pouni I began taking it that very day for I was suffering a great deal. It has already done me more good than the hospital. To anyone who is 8uiTet|ing as I was my advice is to stop In the first drug-store and get a bottle of Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound befi.T« you go homo." â€" Mrs. W. C. Browt^ 2844 W. rZth St, Cleveland, OhiOb In many instances â€" Persons nave suffered untold agony for years doctor- ing for nervous weakness, stomach, liver or kidney disease or some other ailment when their real trouble was lack of iron in the blood â€" How to tell. .N'.'iv Y.rk. NY â€"In a -•"'â- â€¢â- iit â- !!«â-  "U""* Dr. E. .-ia-jtr a H.'stwn ohv^l.Un wli.' h.iji •itu.ll.-.l wMfl.v bi'tli 111 this â- .•iiriirv atui III icrtjHt Kurufifun ni.MilcuI liLstlf.] : Inns Hald "If yuu wvrti to riiak,' an ii-.-tual bl'.'od ffl "n i^Il weiiyle wtu> ar>- ill V"U w.iuld probabl.v b^ Kreatly a.-<ti>ni!>h,-<l «t the tfXcetrvilnKly liirfc** numbor who lack IriTi iiul wh.) ar» HI fnr :i.> .,.th.?r n-asun thiUi thf lii,:k of iron. TUe niom-Tit Injii IS fiii'pllt'J 111! thvir niultltU'le â- â- f .l:init»r- ous »yiii|ii.)ni.< illsabiwar. Wuh'jut Iron tho biooij at unc»? U»h«?s tbe i)ow*»r li> chanife fniM into ll\inic tl^sutt anil there- fore riothltiK you *?at jties >-ou any kooiI. yoti Jont set the i<tr»nitth out of It. Your food merely pa:4set» IhrouKh your system like ..orn throuuh a mill with the rollers so wide apart that the mill ran"t icrlnd. .Vs a result of this i-onMnuous blood and nerve starvation, pe.tfle be- L-nnie Kenerally w»>aken*»d. ner-.ous and all run down and fre-iuently d.>v..loD all sorts of conditions. i.ine \s too thin; an- other Is burdened with unhealthy fat. some are so «eAk they can hardly w.-Uk. some think they have '!vsT»epsia. kidney or liver trouble. some cant slee|> at iiljcht. others are sleepy and tired .ill day; some and irritable, some skinny and bloodless. but all lack phvslcal pi.iwer and enduran.--. In such cases it is worse than foolishness to take stimu- lating medicines or naracottc druKs. which only whU> '.ip your faKKiiiK vital powers for the moment, maybe at the ex- pense of your life later on. No matter what apv one tells you. If you are not stronit and well you owe It to yourself to make the foIl,twinK test See how loiiK vou can w^>rk or how i';ir v "u can A:i:.i Aim. ;k beviiil.-.i; i.ieU- .Ne\i laKe '.wo !l\e-Kraln tablets of ordinarv iiu\.it-d Iron three times per Jay after m,-a;s f .r two w,â€" K.S. T'l-n test vour â- >ireiiKtfi .ijcain .md see :'or vourself how- mu. h ^•'U llav e gained. I ha-, e seen •iozeiis .,f nervous, run-down tn-ople who wer.- .viluiK all th,' "m.; J. ublo .i:,d ,.ven triple rii.'ir str»tiKin .in.l ,T4u;a:ic9 and enrirM|\ jjet rid â- < th.-u 3\Tnutoins if dyspt-t^uia. liver .irid â- >th.-r trouPles In r' ten to f.iurtecn duvs tune simply bv 'akir;!! iron tn the proper lorrn. and t^is. arter the.v had m some cases been • b'.'-.i'riinr for months without obtaining ar;> b«'nefit Vou can 'alk aj* vou pleasa about ail ths wiiders wr^uutit by new remedies but when \,»u '•ome down to hard facts ther" Is nothing like go-d oM Ir^'fi to put c,,ior tn \' ch*ek.s and if«'od soun,!. healtiiy riesh on vciii- b,>ne». !• Is als,j a Kreat nerve and stoni.ich strenKth- ' ener and the best blood builder In the world. The inly trouble was that the oiti forms of inorifanlc Iron like tiriciiire of Iron, iron ace ate. etc.. often ruined people s teeth, u.'set their st'-'machs and Were not a^siniilated and fcr these re.isi'iis thev treijuetitiy di-l m-^re liarrn than good. Hut with the discovery of the newer forms of -.'rganlc Iron all this has been ov.-rc. nie. Nuxated Iron for exuniple Is t^leasant to take, dues not injure the teeth and Is almost Im- mediately beneticlal. NC'TK The ;na- if-plurers ..f Nui.-»le.l ' Troa hiv-e â- .«* h unt<oun-Ied cn'Mence In it* p.nen, y ihal mev auth..H-ls« the .-vfinoun, ••- mftnl that Ihty \*i:l furtell 51'X.CO lo any chiirltuMe tnsili'itlon If thev ,..inn,it take any nia.i 'r *oi, under Kixty wb.j tai.ka iron ;tn>l lhcreii«e their slrenK'-h 100 per cent or ''Ver In four weeks lime, provided thtfv hA\f» !!â- â€¢ itertous orsi^nlc tr.iuble. .\J»o (bey wi:: r-fund your money In any ca*« T «lii.-h NM\at,»d Iron dooii n'»t al >a.*l â-  . jh.e v..';r .t-*'MB'h 'n Ten -lays •line !.. l;s(>e'->,..I l,\ :,' i{-....t iroitul?'!* Doctors and Eye Specialists Agree That Bon-Opto Strengthens Eyesight S0% In a Week^s Time In Many Instances v\\^ ^ THE?^ ISSLE No. 32â€"17, A Tn^ Prescription Yon Cnn Have tmiotl and I so at Homo. Boston, ilass.â€" Victims of eye strain and other eye weaknesses, ami those â- who wear glasses, will be iilad to know that Doctors and Kye Specialists now agree there Is real hope and help for them. Manr whose eyes were falllns *av they have had their eyes restored and manv who once wore glasses say thev have thrown them avva.v. One man says, after using it: "I was al- most blind. Could not see to read at all. Now I can read everything with- out my grl.asscs, and my eyes do not hurt anv more. At night they would pain dreadfully. Now thcr feel fins ah the time. It was li'ie a inlraols to me. A lady who used It says: 'The attiios- phere seemed hazy with or without glasses, but after using this prescrip- tion tor fifteen days everything seerns cli?ar. I can read even fine print with- out glasses." Another who used it savs; "I was hothered with eye strain caused bv overworked, tired eyes which Induced florco headaches. I h.-ive worn glasses for several years, both for dis- tance and work, and without them I could not read my own nunio on an envelope or the typewrltinic ou the machine before me. I can do both now. and have discarded my long distance lasses altogether. 1 can count the uttering leaves on tho trees across the street now. which for several years have looked Ilko a dim green blur to we. I cannot express my joy at what It has done for me." It is believed that thousands who wear glasses can now discard them in a reasonable time, and niuliltudes more will be able to strengthen thoir eyes so as to be spared tho trouble and ex- pense of ever getting gl.isses. Pr. Beck, an eye specialist of nearly twenty years practice, says: "A patient came to me who was suffering from Blepharitis W.irglnalls with all the c< iiC'-m'tant symptoms, as mornins atESlutlnaUuo ui tb* liiU, tttUMiuj co&< s junctiTitls and ephlohora. Her eyes when not congested had the dull, suf- ; fused expression common to such cases. | Having run out of her medicine a friend suggested Bon-Opto. She used this treatmaot and not only overcame | her distressing condition, but strange and ama/.ing as It may seem, so strongihoneJ her eyeslsht that she was able 13 dlsrense wittt her distance ({lasses and her headache and neuralgia left her In this Instance I she I'd say her eyesight was improved 100%. 1 have since verified the elticacy of this treatment in a number of cases and have seen the eyesight Improve from '.M to 75 per cent la a remarkably short time. I can s.iy It works more quickly than anv other remedy 1 have pre- scribed ior the eyes." rr. Smith, an oculist of wlJe experi- ence, says: "1 have treated in private rractlcoa number of serious opthalnilc diseases with Bon-Opto and am able to report ultimate recovery In both acute md chronic cases. Mr. B. camo to my citlce suffering with an Infected eye. The condition was so aerlous that an cpcratlon for enucleation seemed Im- perative. Before resorting- to the operative treatment I prescribed Bon- Opto and in 2i hours tho secretion had Ic-ssened. inflammatory symptoms be- gan to subside, and in seven days tho eye was cured and retained Its nor- mal vision. Another case of extreme convergent strabismus (cross eyes) escaped the suigeon's knito by the timely use of your collyrium. The tightened external muscles yielded to the soothing and anodyne effects of Uon-Opto. 1 always Instil Bon-Opto after removal of foreign bodies and apply It locally to all burns, ulcers and spots on the eyeball or the lids for its therapeutic effect. Py cleans- ing the lids of secretions and acting 113 a tonic for the eyeball itsolf the vision Is rendered more acute, hence the nuTnbt^r of cases of discarded Kl.isses. â-  i I'r. v'onner tjai.s; "My eyes vvei j >n Ibaii uwuUitiuu vwlDg tj the uuvitre strain arising from protracted micro* scopical researi^h work. Bon-Opto useil according to directions rendered a sur- prising service. I found my eyes re- markably strengthened, so ni'ich so I have put aside my glasses without dis- comfort. Several of my colleagues h .* also used It and we are agr^-ed as to Its results. In a few days, under my observation, the eyes of an ast<gtr;\llo case were so Iniitroved that glas.scs have been d ^carded by the patient." Kye troubles of many de.scriptions may be wonderfully benefited by the use of Boa-Opto and if you want to strengthen yo.;r eyes, go to any drug store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Drop one Bon-Opt.i tablet In a fourth of a glass of water and let it dissolve. 'With this llnuid bsthe the eyes two to four times dally. To\l should notico your eyes up per- ceptibly rlii'.it from the start, and in- ilammatlon and redness wlU quickly disappear. If your eyes bother you oven a Utl'.e it is your duty to t.aka steps to save them now before It Is too late. Many hopelessly blind mi-rht have saved their sight 1' they had cared for thcli- eyes in time. Note: A cii.T ph.-slci.ia to whom the aboTS .irtlole will siihntlttetl. ssld: "Ve«, Bon-Opto Is a remnrliiih'.a eye remedy. Its constitaeat la- Bfedlents are well known to eminent rye spe- cialists and wlilyly prescrll>ed by thorn. I have used It Te.-y successftiKy In my own pmottco oa patients whose eyes were Rtmlned thryuKh ofw- wtirk or niistit glasses. 1 can hiKhiy rccxjiamend It la case wf weak, watery, achinft, smtirtlDf; Itching, burning eyea, n\\ lids, blurred v'sion ot for c.Ti^s inilanied from exposure to siuoke. snttB dust or vvlnJ. it la one of the Ter» few prcpars- tlona I feel abouM be kept on hand for regular use in almost every famdjr." Bou-Opto Is net & patent medicine or aecret remedy, Itl Is an el Meal :)r«^t>aratlon. tba formula tving printed cia the I'n.kme. The roaan'ntturera lua.-anlee it to strvnutb' 11 fynalgbr 50 per cent iu .tie WKk'stitne In mc-iy P.stnae.-^ or refund tbe moa*y. It tS-dls- :'''nsed Iv- all };ood uruK>;isl.s. incluaiug ^»! â-  •111 stores: also by »J. ^'aiuoiyu au4 11 iuaigu * Co., Torouiu. â- if'

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