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Flesherton Advance, 9 Aug 1917, p. 1

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,y $\t%^tx\m ajtittme^ -^ y TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" â- â€¢ PRI^CIPLEb NOT MEN.' fOl :57No. VI Fle9h.erton, Ont., Ttiursciay, Aiigrust O lOl Ts- W, H. THDRSTON and FBOPBIB ^<' Pithy Proton Pointers The worst electric slorm we have bad in Pootou this season occurred ou Sunday eveniu<». Thunder, lightning and hail followed iu rapid succession. The heavy hay and graiu crops were laid low, but we hear of uo serious damage in our immediate vicinity. Miss Ida Stiusau, Toronto, is holi- day irig at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. F. Pringle, lorouto, are visiting the latter's parents here. Mr. -los. Trelford and wife, accom- panied by daughters, Mrs. Porter and W'iima, visited friends iu ^ Orangeville. We are sorry lo report that George Blikely is seriously ill. We hope * for his speedy recovery. ** Mr. D. McN'ichol, Torouto, spent « the holiday with frituJs here. Miss Lena Parks returned huuie after u three weeks' v'sit with friei.ds .-it Bcilton and Toronto. 'â-  Mr. Fislier itintoK-U u[i from Scurlxjro an'l was ,%cccjnii<;inie(l home liy hN wife, wh.) hius lH;eu visiting with her |)'uvnts, Mr. sad Mi's. J:iiiics N\iI.soii. B'>rnâ€" Thursiliy, August 1', to Mr. aad Mis, Clias. \\ hilo, -vson. * Mrs. Ciirruthers, Holland C'e:itre, accompanied l>y her sLster, Alioe W.ulin^, IH visitinn Mrs. Sam Biidjfero. Messrs Stiusuii, ijimmonH .lud Reggie M*rtiii imXortd up fioui Toronto and »[x-iit the Week ond with Arehi- Neikoii. Miss 15. Btij<ilvS is hoiiiUijrini^ with her Eister, Mrs. D. W iileiiian. Mr. .Mc<JI:ishim mid wife, Toronto, are tli9 ^uojts of Mr. and Mr-. .Joscpli B.idj;ero. Mi.s.s Minnie (iHlluaith. a<.'eoiiip.tuied by lier friend, Boiithron. letiirned ti) Tor nto after a niontir.s vi.sit at lu-r home here. Miss Ludlinv, Diiiidiilk, is the guest of Mrs. Ueo. Bhtkely. The Proton Station Ani^!ieiiii church Will hold the'r annuiil Garden Party on We J lies Jay, August 15. An iiit.'iestii,!; f'lluie of ilie oveniii',' will Tie the leiiiiu tjHMif^ lietHtvn th« elii.-idy O'lite-ted l:Hlios ti-aiiis ..I Park nul Kuek MiMs. Eighth Line, Osprey Mrs. Audy Durns of Dundalk, visited a' Mr. i*&. But lis lust week. I'.iiaâ€" ToMr and Mrs. .Jim Siiiitb, a d<iu;;hter. Edea Sp(>ti'' rd is visitii.g her cousin, Krcd S>i«'H'ord. Mr. Kirbv of Toionto. is vi-jitiii'^ Ml. Ed. MaJaen. .Mis. McKeo is visiting her sister, Mrs. .1. Suiilh. Mary Moi.mui is visiting In r uranuiiiother, Mrs. Madieu. Mr. and Mrs. Uuttlutou of 'ruiouio, are visilinij at Fred Taylor's. Mr. Smyth and wife accorapanieJ '.>y .Mrs. Hopper of Uieeniurc viiited the litter's sister. Mis. F. Spofl'ord, ni iSuiid.'iy l; Mrs. H. Pulch of L\>lliii)j;wood, visited het cousiu, Geoii;e Braekeiiboroui-h last week. \V. J. VVadsworth, wife auJ two children, of Toronto, wore quests of Mr. and ^^s,^W. C. Hauley last week. Mr. :»iid Mrs. C B. Wilson and thieo ehildieu of St. Catliariiie.s nro visiting; the latttr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. ('. Hinl^. Killed Near Stayner During an electrltnl storm that [la^sed South of Stayner Thomas Switzer, ion of ^allluel .Swit/.er, lot !1, con. 1. Noltawa- saga, wi-i instantly killed by lightning. Mr. Swilzev was helping a iieiishbor, A. S. Uarkiii, to haul iu h.'^y, and it was wheu the load waii ready to go to the barn that lightning struck it, killing Swi'/.er, also Mr. Harkin's vulu'ible team. Thi^ Itad of hay alsii burned. Shaw Bros.' stable at Sunnidale Cora. was also struck and burned to the ground together with twelve siuiU pigs. "The majority of people eat too much, anyway,' said Miss Hildie. professor of UoQSfhould Scleucu at the Manitoba AijriculturHl Oolle((e, wheu discussing the C'anidian iTood Oouttollei's suggest- ion that hotels and resiaurants institute two meatless days per week. "And hunting hotel menus to two or three aoursea is a 6ne idea." Eugenia Paragraphs' Ceylon Chat Vandeleur Happenings The thunder siorui Suuday evening left a few in the dark MisB Marjorie Park his taken a trip to Montre"!. Jack Campbell and aun', Mrs. Henry Willianis, visited the former s fither in the Owen Sound hospital. .•V number from here attended the Plantt .Armstrong wedding, among them beirg the groom's grandfather, Mr. Geo. Latimer, who is !)0 years of age. The Eu<,euia folks wish this youn^ couple a long and prosperous life. llussel Park has tini.ihed hi:i course at the power house. Garnelt Magee and fdiuily, iccompa- nied*l)y his father aud brother. Jack, motoied ont to Ceylon to visit i cousin, .Mrs. Lynes", over the week end. We see Garnet has purchased a new car. Edward Graham and family and W.n. Cameron motored lo Hanover over the hi^liday. The holiday visi-ors were Mr and Sirs Wes Jamieson of Toron'o at K McMas. ter's, F. Pipher and wife, Jlrs J Purvis and daugnter uf Toronto, Mrs .Magee aud son of Vandeleur with MrsMuiishaw D Patton of Flesheiton and P Phillips of Toronto with Miss Florence Parlia- ment. J*ke Williams of Toron o with friends. Mrs. J. Parliament haa returned home afte' a trip to Burt'ilo. Mrs. L.irge and baby, Frank, aie visiting her brother at AUiston. Mrs, Foeoter spent a few days nilh her mi'thfr in Flesliettjn. Lutlit r Uuckett has got a phone iu. .Miss li.irl.ara .â- Vrmst.'oiig of Toronto is s[ji.-LJiii4 « v; uple of Weeks with fnentts. Miss Miry McMuIkn, whi) has beiHi visiting her parents lor a fortnight, returned to the city Monday. Ml. Mitchell, wife and sou of Hamil- ton, were week end visitors it Ccllinson's. Mr. Firness, wife aud bahe, who hav« been guests of Mr?. R.yden (<ib$oil, l»ft Mocday for Toronio. Miss Ruby Stoue, Torouto, is spending a week witli her iMtentti. Mrs. Waldien of Uwen .Sound is a visitor at Mi. Spicer's. Mi-ii. Alneil Hazard aud daughter, Dora, aud Mias Siwell of the Wes'. lie V siting Wiaiton friends. Mrs. Mariiiis Dalley lui two chilMieu of L;!tbbridge, arrived Tliursday for a two mouths visit with her mother, Mrs. A. Rut ledge. Miss Maiy .Muir, T ironto, :s Indiday- ing with her mother. Mrs. James .\shdown of Owen -Sound, called ou friends here Saturday. Mary Mo Mullen and .\Uce Lieune't ;u'e visiting Proton fiiends. Malel Thibaudeau, M.iikaa.'e, is visiting her e usin, Ua/.el MtLeod. ftlr. Royde.: Gibson is holi lading a h s h'>me h Te. ; aud li'.tle at F. H. SOI! Bol rd Toronto Line North .M:s. I'erigo of Fevershaiu spent [wrt of I he past week with hei daughter, Mrs, A'l Stewart. During the severe electrical storm on Sunday eveiiiug on j of the chimneys on Mr. Burnetts house was struck, not a briek beiiu Ii^fl, and in ihe room below the carpet was lorn iu severil idacts but uo tire w,-w» ciuHed. Mr. Fled Mathewson suffered a siuanied : nklo while working at the hay. Mrs. Johnston aud three cl-.ildien of Toronto visited her un:le, F. Mathewson. Herbert Cunuii'gli tin, wife and two children, of Palmerston. Eaw. Kuckell and daughter if Hamilton, motored over and spent the week end with Mrs. J'. A. Lev.T and M's. fred .Matliewson. Mis Kucliei; reman ed for • week's visit. Mrs. John Sled and granddaughirr left for Collingwood after visiiing friends iu these parts for two weeks Master .%Iuini<^of Giavenhurst ia visit- ing his friend, Ihirold Richardson. Ue'b. Smith of Col'ingwoid spent the holiday at C. Stewart's. Master Jack Cuuuiughaiii I'f I'a.m- erston i.s visiting his cousin, Wilfred Lever. Drowned In Mud While several boys were ba'hiiig in Orr Lake, near Hillsdale, on Sund.iy. July '-"2, one of them, Clilfoi-d Coles, sank in the uuid and lout his life 'I'ho other boys went to his assistance and succeeded iu gelling him to shore, where Ihey resorted to such moans as were within their knowledge to resuscitate liiiu. During their eH'orts the boy's body is said to hsve changed color and he also vo-i)ited, but they were unable t'j revive him. The diowiied boy was a sou of Fiee- inan i.'oles, who lives uoar Hillsdale. There are three sons at the front, two more ai. home and one in (hilliii. Dundalk t,'hiis. Jolin.stoii. J 1 road near C'orlietlon misfortune on Tuesd ly broken by a kick fi.iui : "i \\\^ gravel :iiet With tiic f having bis leu while at Work IU a tield on hia farm. A chrrfe of reckless diiving on the highway was hennl ly Maa:s-ra-es Traynor and Co!gHn .ii S..turd,iy. The paitirs c>iiceiii-il were two C'spny firuieis, S. .1. .Ariioll .iiii.I.jhu Wiiiiers. The U'ler was dr.vmg an au'o and the former a and Ougcy on the way to Fevcrshaiii on .July 12. In |is.s.siiio ,,n llie road the lu'o eollideil w;t!i \W bugay, hence the cliHige. VVintert « i* fined ?.â- ) and ci stb, anioiiiilin- in ill l" about $1S. Master Jolinnie P.illiser "1 .Melai ctlioii while on a visit at the home of his uncle, Mr. AIe\. Pallieter, in IVjIoii, m. t wuh a painful mishap last wrtk. He an J his young cousin got hold of a shot ciririd-e in. I taking the shot out they set â- â€¢tt' tiie powder with a match in order I > soe the tiieworks, *ith the result that Johnnie * facf was severely buiued. Joseph Essex, sr., while duvng home from ( loprty day last week with a hoise and bugjy, iu«t a ntiii driving a inotorcyule. Ths hotso was so friglif-ueJ nid unmaiiHguab.'e I hit it ran away, upstt'iiig the rii{ and throwing Mr. Essex viob-iiily to the giound. Luckily no b nos were broken, but ha was badly shaken up and got <|tiite a gash over his eye. The man on the inotorcyclc did nut wait to sec what damage he I'.ad caused but got out I'f siiihl IS 'piickly a'* p.issiljle â€" Helalil. Mr. and Mrs. Skeldin; of Alberta, were \ is tors and's recent 'y. Miss TilKe re'urn. d home Mr. (i. j list week aft .-r an e.x'endeJ v sit with friends in Toront;- and other plioes. Mr. .John Magee of Kimbeiley wa.s a caller in our buri: one day last week. Mr. John Hutchinson of MaJkdaiu visited his biother, William, if th s place, a short time ago. Mr' and .Mrs. Amos .Sui. ill ot M af and Mr. and .Mrs. Alex. Casioi Prcoviilrf were visitois at S. Gilljer -. the 6ist of list Week. Mr. ani Sirs. Wm. Kcjd an 1 l.t'lcj son of <>s!orl. .\1, were lijitois at George Pnlehard'a leeeiitly. C a'euu.^ -M.lier of I Uav-jiilaKst is i vis.iiiu his iiur, Mrs. iJcorge Piitchaid. \ Mr. Ill I Mir. Kiikpatncji uf G,.riiig j vis ted fiiemia lie.e a shoit lime a.:". | Mr. and .Mi.s. Will Hutch^i-n .1 1 Toroiit-i nlmi.ed hoii.e la-t week after spending then vaeiiliott woh the I'lntie;'- I father here. | I Russel .Sparling of G Ting m S. Ijilbcii s ree luly. M.ti! E.lna Love of T iioiit > i.i »;h u'. I iiig her v catl m at J. H. s j Mr. irni .Mrs. Kil Uari:ig iini ilueo ' children, .icCo ii^ained ly .Mis. Ki^in in i | twii ohiKlivn, iiiotoieU up Iroin T.iront . i 10 .-(lend a couple ot week.-? at .\Jr. J> ii i ' W.irlin, s and with o:iier Ir eii.Js litie. .Miss Gietli Ciiniimghini of i ',...,.,. vilie is M.>iting Miss Tillie Biicliiniu. Will. Uill losl I vi'.nili.e hoi -e a f. w d.iya ago by it boin.; »iih ihe heat while cutiiiu hay. â- I. J. .Mcliee lias )iii cli iscd a i.iw autom 'bile. Miss Liii.u.i Ci'lciuan .tiiil -ihUr .1 Toroit.; iiie >i^.iiii^ iiuiuis m t'.is u^ghb.^rhood, Miss SivatiiRai .'I r.iilt ilo IS v>i:iiiu' wirli her I tiif, .Mi> I!. iJeioe. Mr.ain .M.S. I. me- H l! and .Mr i , llcniy .f .i.iiue V liUy, ace. !â-  by J lines .loucs if Milwaukee, s d ly HI li liieiiiU here rccenti) JouiS .-jieut his b..jli...jil tl iy> m ijeigh'uiiili.) il 111 1 left iieai ly 10 Hg) to seek Ilia i Minn â- in I ' ic!e coiimrv. Bates Burial Co ewe Iry DR. BURT «[>:liilsl In iliseasei ol the Eye. Ear.Nose and Throat I Ir KKK - l:il) Ifih .â- ,:. Wesi,' Iwon Sound At the R.!veie house, .M.irkdale. 2nd Thursday each iii.inlli fr.on fi t.' ,t IJa.m Dii'i.Nlk.Is VVciiiip^il^v f .'neb nil. Ill h. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Sc lection. We cai» ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT f- \ \m m \T Hlfl[ I- li'fr a-i ami wt are r-'ii'lv 1 Wf havt :ial fll >i;i! 'vi'i ytliuiL: t""T ."^[itiit. Paii.iuiii â- vt'i \ IkxIv frniu I Hid .Maii|iii?t.-ttes :Ulll'l â- 'Suuinjii- wt'iu-. l-iic ami I.''^lbi!-ii H.ii- air! ru ^<» vlmi'!? oI<1. i'ltaii till" .'"'MnUH'!- •lr<'.->"s. S: Everything sold at lowei and ExaT ine our goods how cheep >ve sell. Highest Price Paid for Produce i'iL'.< ( t' all kiml.s and prices. Just give us a Call nd you will be surprised IS iiiieii .1 > Ml : h > ^ . lis Death of Mrs. E. Proctor 'I'liii coiuuiu Illy . I Kuiiberiey > â- â- - gllcf all ckcii wlieu the news liaj -[ i .n; around :hit Mrs. Krne»l Pr«c'i i i .nl depirted thi< life. Ti.e d.oi been 'n f libng liealth for about a yen with that drtad d, dialitti'H, I u: the last week had apparency been lui in; lu strength until 'iVediiesd.iy at "> I'c I'ck she psb»ed peacefully away in spite of a'l that loving liainis couIU di>. S!io ha.t gone to the hospital, consulted uiil eteiit dict.'rs, but all to no avail. L'e. maiden nainu was Edna Ma^giieii •- ('.iiiiick, ami she wis i.ianied at the a;;e 1 ol '^2, Nov. Ill, l!tU, !o her now s.rri^i- Casualties Due to Air Raid '"« ''usbmd. The Jeceasjd young laly was of a iovnig uatuie. kiui-', and heb: in A b>*t of CKiiallies, due lo the recent | |I,„ highest es'oein by all who kne.v air rade at t'olkestone. Kii^kiiiJ, ainoiitf •pi^.i-o wen |imiy beautiful ollenios. Grey Couuiy men, has been received by j |„„„„j, Hieni being i wreath l::Mn iJr. and Mis. George Piuctor and llnoid. Sun from Mrs. K.ion. Siie s-ais I > V VV. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store, Flesherton. < ^ COCKSHUTT FAF^IVI IlVIPI^trMENXS ..4 ^^ NJKJIa,-r?,--3L.'^.*^'* - Vv i.,^.j^>r'^> â- â€¢l.^^. 'â- *>â- ; It, '^'! >r from fa'lur and sisti-rs. .» I li"fr;<in h.-r g'rl friends, a spiay i from .Vlf. Inos Uieeii. Besides lur ' hiisbind she 'e.ves lo mourn her loss her fatlier, four sislorf and one brollier, I uiinely .Mis W .1. Miitiii, Klesln-itii : Alma, Toroiitc : -"lifTid. Thee Hi ^. . Alberta : M s .1. H. Sloin, Glciidalo Cal . •«iid Mvrlle at K nib,i!oy. John McCiackon, >* young fanner near W'lughaiu, while in a tit of lage shot and killed his wife with a revolver. .Vfter retuMiiiig lo Iho home of his parents, where he had been living afltr separating froai his wife six mouths ai<o, and telling his mother of the criino, McCrsckou Bred a bullet into hia own body but failed to inHict anything more than a slight iiesh wound. He win arrested by Constable Phippen of Winghaui, and on hi.s recov- ery will probably be placed on trial for murder. Loyal t>raiige Lodge No. a20<>. Port Arthur, ban passed a resolution deprecat- ing a Doininiou election and urging patri- olisiu before party, and forgetting ui parly politics till the Germans are beiiteu- Rod and Gu that of these, fio. Piper wis the only | ,j., .^,jj. one who hail more than llesh wounds or w.iS "shocked. " 'I'hc men aie al'. reci v- ering in liudy but c'oibtless their leoipiis when ibey ihiik of the cowardly at taik of the Huns on defenceless wi men and childien, ire i ot yet niuinal. The list wi:h the d.ite thiy wire ri'pSrtvd, is «s follows : 8;W!XM Pte. W. L. Liw, I'i.meir SjcUoii, May io, I'MT. Hit in air laid (slight). ' S:lS7»7 Acting Corp. D. Lusk, 147tb, Miyl.'5th. Hit in air raid (.-ligliM. Ibiiiii ca.-lie U^lo writes of i xiierieno S'iT.'UOGni. Patterson Yonng, .May ij ' *''h wildfowl on ilie I'acilic Const iu ilic hit in air raid (slight ). 1 Aiii/usi issue of Hod and Gun, wh cli is S;<W1() "orp. ,'. A. Best, May 'i.'i b, ' now on t-ho news-slands, while in 'rie 1917. Hil iu ail- raid (slight). Loiter of the Liw, Leslie Hayward S;!tt770 Ac'.iug Corp. J. Oliver, May describes en eiUiirngly the exi'eii.'iice lThIi, 1!»17. Probably hit in air raid. i of a typical Maritime province guide \\v\\ S;«81l>!» Aciing L. Corp. S. Uayinr. ! a troublesome imrty in New Brunswick May :i5'h. 1917 raid. 838'.M5.") Pie. 1>. B. Dickson of Ayton, ' « number of roriinioniuis on one of lb Out., 4lb L'.M.R. Pr ibably hit in air ; Jog days of last summer. Other atlic'.i s raid. ^xi- King of iht' Stream. Can.ui lining From 227tb Bn., Pte. Pi^er, broken i The Prairie Chicken, The Criminal, etc leg. Mrs. McFarland rrpurU June 15, j Iu aUdiiion deparimeiits devoted to Guns Wliorevur iigricu'iaral piirsnit.s arc t.i;l)*,.vl are sliovviiig ilic le.idâ€" Picpuriiig tjie sood lied. uit; the luu vest and providing the slock Willi l.ilini .scaicc and lie .b-maiid for faun iiiipK iiieiits on which you ,-•111 depend alisiilutely Coi hMii rr 1 Mil. i:\|i:> is .md "Service will satisfy you. Let us supply your le'iuiieineiil.s it we iie i.ot already doiiiy so. We sell lioiidyear and l>oiniiii< .Vu'o KepiirsaiiJ .AocesMinis. i.'A-iUf rr [vi '!.â- â- â€¢. .1 ;v r< sowiug the grain, rcap- â-  11 .Alt iiiiobili' I'lies and Tubes. .\ â€" D. McTAVISH, fleshe:rton. vfe;^,- 3 c8:B:^o.o.oc8:85r8:e:^^:B:e:^o<8:^«^5^c^ ^ For A Ocnitl I lir C^f j a troublesome party in New Probably hit iu ar I woods. A Day's Fishing iu Tiiungaini records a i erfecily satisfactory ouling by RUNNING SHOES Tan, White or Black, Cool for Summer Wear. Also some Neat, Nobby Patent and White Pumps for the ladies, with and without strap. W HER E ? ^\ T linproviiig. 91 UK) tiiu. Robt. Thompson, hit in and Aiiimunitioi', The Tiap, Fi.shiug, Kennel, et<;., are w< II mauitaiued. This arm, but not ficrious Met him nnd i reprc»ent.itive cf Canadian sp.nlsnien'M Gnr. Patterson Young in Folkstuue but I publication is put out by W. ,J. T.aylor, a week later. -O. S. Sun. L uiiied, Pub isher, Woodstock, Ont. Tho;j. Clayton^s § FLESHERTON

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