July 121917 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS Societies PRINCE AUTHUK LODOK, No. S38,AF.<t A M. lueeta In tlie Mannnic hall. Ann troBKB lllocK KlettUurtou, every Friday uu before the full moon. T. Iloiiry, \v. M. H. \V, HickliDR, Ketretary. CHOSEN KHIENDS KiBBi.ertoii < ouirci Clioseu KrioDd* :IH uieeln in Clayton'ii Hal flrat and tliiiil \Vc(lti(Ft1a> i« •acli inoiith a ^ p.ti). Pay asBCEUientB to Itttordt-r on v before tlic tiret day uf rmli iijODth. Cbit- CouDcillor, W. II. l!unt; Itccoider. tilt. L. A Kislier. Dentistry Dr B. C MURRAY U D. S. . rieutal Bur^eoD hctioi crailuato ol Toronto Uuirnriity and Hoyal L'ollotie of DetUat Kuri;i<oiiR of Ontario, 0%» adiuUinietered tor teeth extraction UiCe at reBidt'Uce, Toronto htreet. FleHijurton. Medical JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Rur^eon 3raduate of Ontario Vt^toriuary Collece reaideuce â€" ascorid door ooutb mstlon Wary street. Tliig street raci outb FreBbyteriau Cbnrcb, Chas. E McLean, M D. C M, Spi-ci«lty â€" Siii^'ery, Midwifny it Wi.jikmi s Disejsus Oi Ml t.^â€" Flealierti.n, li a IIi.ihi'. )'iici'villi'.-('..n.iii>-'r<-iiil II. 'el. '•.:iM t" 1 imu. I'nip ht>ir>' in r. imn-i ti"ti uilli â- •ttic'. Other liour^in l'U-.»lurtin- W tMhu-'lay :iiij Kriilay aftinpj.'ii "J t'l -â- ' I'.nj. Vhitn** me^^ii^'i's ieo-i\'* |'i"ni|'t :»tt'-ritinn at lii'tli •'Hicis H'.M^ivl^ Lecal LVCAS, KANKY A: hKN K Y-llsiritlcrs. riolicitor».i1o. â€" I. H. l.uouH, K. C; W. i:. Kaney, K. C. ; W. I). lUnry. II. A. Ollice?, forouto. MJd'J Tia.lors llauk lllcli;.. iilionf iraiii 141-2: MaikaHle I.ucaa I'.l.icU. I'linpu '2 A. hraucb oUice Kt Uunilallt upeu evtrv Saturday. WniOnT. TRLFOUn a- MiUO.VAt.D ilarriHicr. Kolicitori», Ac. OlbcoH, (irov A Hriice Itlock, • >wc'ii KdihkI. s;>iiMliinl Hank I'.lock.Kletbirton, iSaliiriiavsi. W.H. Wiiijlit, W. P. Telford Jv. J. C. McUoiml 1, i.. i.. li. Business Cakds tP CUUiOUGH & YOUNti bank* re Miiikilale ficuerftl baukiut; buBiiiuhH . Mo-if> UmiiuJ ftt ruasoDable ratef Call ou us. DMcPHAIL, I^iceuscd Auction*)© fur the • County of Grey. Ttnub ujo«lfrb.to aiil tfttis Hction ^uaiaijtte<1. '1 lu- mIMu^•t•llH ntd at^'l 'Imu-k &f httles i-fii) h» iiih<I<' itt IIiK al^vahcu oltlco. JUbMciicf fciid i'.d « .'i i..ii. 'li- iiihoiiM cocjuecliou. I'l-c. 0. u7 TV'M. KAITTINC5, kt-nsfd Atirtiouotr loi '' the couutiea of liicy aixl Siiiicu*'. Farm ani Stock enlufl n Kp«»ci«lty. Ttfrius aioderato. eatisfactiuu fftiKranti^v^l .Vrraui;*^'- iu«ntb for datua ujay btjinaduat th« Adveiiro olDct', or Cf-ntral tvlefboiiv (jUiCw t-i'Viihliaui or by Addreatlui: me at Fuverahatu« Unt. Representative WANTED at once for FLESHERTON Canada's Greatest Nurseries SSplinx '"17 p'aiitiiiK ii.-L iimy icmly Splendid list <it li'iidy I'mi'idim j,'inwii fi'Ult and urn^iiiieiita! i<t>ii:k. iiicliiiliii'/, Mclntiisli Ueil Apple, St. Ki-xls Kui- l>eariug Uihpberiy mid many ollur OHdei's. New illustrated cutiilouiii- m-uI uii Applicaliiiri. Start now at be.<.t selling tlino. I.iljcr- al proposiliuD . StotiB & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries. (Kslahlisticd 1.^:17. ) TORONTO . ONTARIO Deering Implenicnls ANU Gasoline Ervj<ii\cs All kinds of Deering InipleiinMiiM. I'ui always on hand. Aijt'lit f"! IVnii. Cutters. Barbel Iliiii'^'iL", I.mihI. i Litter Cbiiieis. lliiy Ti.tcks, I'liilai 1-1. ingles and sidiiij^. Tluse liii|iliiiiii.l- ro'i'.iiru no H'l'oiiniiendatioii a.s liny ii j-im.dird (/"ods and reo miii/.id .n ilu btsl on tlio market. FIU'IT THKES-I leprescnt ili Si„ A: \\'i>llin(itoii mirsery.andiwill hv |.]>>i». i; Id cill if YOU !<e!id uio a caitl. ED. R U T H E R F O k i Proton Station GIRLS NEEDED IN OFFICES Voluiitiiry culisliiient li.ti luki'ii lliousaiids of men fioiii t.lliic work. (.'i>ii.'icii|itlon will like mure. OHicii liclf ii feaiceiii>w â€" will bo HOiueer Miy Ho.n. Youni{iroini'/Wiiu»l till the lacant placeH and they need li'ainill;{. remains open alli'Uminci in help to meet tlio demaiiu f ir triineil otiice help. Stuileiitji m.^y entui any time. !N(i increano In feen. Circulars free on app!icali<iii. C. A. FLEMING, F.C.A,, Principal, Dept. A., Oweu Sound, Ontario. Farm for Sale lx>l 27, Con N, Onprty, akdit lurty a(le^ •leM-pd, tlie Imlaiu-e niuttly baid\< «iil biivl %»«II watered TIiIb farm inimt la* sold Ui wind npan cuale Apply â€" WM W THOMl'SON. Admini»trnt<.r, 99} 21 i^int!hatn|<ti>ii. R K Notice toCreditors In the niaitcr of the Kslate of Kliza Caitor lite <'f the Village of Fluuherton, in the County of Grey, Widow, decenwd. Notice i.s hereby ijiven, pursuant to "The Trustee Act" anti amendments Iherelo, that all cieditors and ollierfi luvinu claifiiK a<;aiiiHt tiio Rbtiilu of the said Kliza Carter, who died on or about the4ili day of March, A.I)., li»l", are re.juired on or before the Tvyouty- "itdith day of July, A.I>. 1017. to send by post prepaid or deliver to C'harle.s I'ye of the N'llbiiio of Clarksbuig, in the Ciiuiity of Grey, the .Vdminis'rator of the estate of the .'•ai<l Klv.i Carter, , deceased, or ly Wright it Telfoid, Owen S<iuik1, Ontario, his .SolicituiK, then- Chiisli'iii and Sunianiot,, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of llicir ! elaiiiis, Ihc statement of their accounts â- iiul the nitiiie of the securities, if any, held by I hem. And fintlier lake notice that after the U<.t iiR'ntiiiiieddRtetlie s-iid Administrator will iirocc-ei to distribute the as^et?- if I Ilu deroased ,1111011)^ the parties eiitil- Ii'd thereto baviiij; repaid i>iily to the clainii (if which they shall then have no- nce, and that the said Adiuinistra'.or will not be ll.iblo lor the said a.ssels or any part ihereot to any person or persoiis of wliose claim nolici,' sli.all not have Ihoii received by them al the time of such dulribiilion . Dittd tlic L'llth diy of .Juiie,A,D.lSU7. W KliiUTit TKLKOUD, Owen Sound, On*.., .Soli'iturs f T Jharlcs I'ye, .\dininistra- tor of the « .sUte of Klizi Carter, leccaced Notice toCreditors Promotion Examinations Uepoit of the I'romotinn Examinationi for S.S No. t(, Oaprey. From Jr. pt. 2 to Sr.pt. 2â€" K Rebert- son, G Kadley, K Robertson. Fiom Sr. pr. 2 to Jr. 2 G F\'uwick, M KosH, (i Palister. From Jr. 2 to Sr. 2â€" E Lou«heed, M ileron, k Lon^, (J Alorriaon. From Sr. 2 to Jr. 3â€" J Louijheed, L I dell, A Morriaon. From Jr. :» to Sr I! -A Rosp, C Broiv.iridge, K I'atkor, D Fchwick, A Kadley. From Sr. ;S to Jr.4 -.M McCallum (H). A Boss, N Robertson, C I{rowiirid(,'e, M (juy,(i r.rownriJne,W Kertoii, K Parker. M. S. M. ANUUP:\VS, Teacher. FIGHTING THE FOOD SHORTAGE New Industries From Vegetable Fats C. p. R. Working Out A Solution "^ISc Rei(.>rt of I'roniot on Kxaminations in S. S. No. ;â- >, Osprey. Sr. :i to Jr. -1 -P Winters. Sr. 2 to .Ir. :! -.\ICaiNpl»ell,J Winters. •Ir. •-' lo Sr. li B King, .\ H.nyes. K| Cain[ibell. ' Jr. I to Sr. 1 MX Wint.rs, M Moore, J .Moore, I King, C Haye.s. M. II. CAMl'BKLL, Teicher. Ill tlie lu.itter of the estate of Thomas Carter, l.ite of the Vilii)i;e of Flesherton ill the County of Orey, Physician, dt c.'Jised. Notice is lieiehv Hiven, pursuant to "The Trustee .Act,' and aaieiidmeiits tlieret", that nil creditors aiK.l others havini! eliiins aoainst the estate of the s lid Tliomas Cirur, whn died on or atiout the Sixteenth ibiy iif Oct., \ 1)., PIIO, are r.i|uiied on or before tlie tueiityeigliih d.iy of .luly, lOlT, to send by post prepaid or deliver I.J Cl.arlea I've of the Villaiju of Cjarks- bill;.' ill tlie C'oiinly of Oiey, the .\diiiiiii- j Niniior with I lie will annexed if the last W ill iiiin Tesiiiiiont of llii! said 'I honias I (,"arler, decei-ed, or to Wriuht itTellord, ! 0*iii S,.uiiil, Oi.liuio, his Sidicitors, ! Ill/ r l.'hiisiiiii iind .Suriiiimes, aildrtsaes , and desoiiptioiM, the f.ill pirliciilars of | ibeir elaiiiis, liie htHteiiient of their accis. | Mild tlij iial me of llic seeiiiil:c.<, if any, \ he'd by llu-iii. ' .\\\\ liike fiiiiber notice that after ilie i last iiirnil.iiu'd dil-' the said .'\dniinis«ra- t . Willi tli»> Will iiiiiiexed will pioeeed to di'tiilmto the as.set^ of the d' ceased »!ii iiij; ihe partiis eii'iiled thereto, liavi«|£ repaid only til tlie claims iif which I hey shall then b.i •• nnliu', and that the said .AiliiiiiiiNlrator wiih the Will annexed will Lot 111' liable fur the said assets ur any pari I hen- .1 i i any person ur per..>oiis ot wh ebiiiii imtice shall lint have lifOii 1 ••ceiled by them :it tin lime of siicb distriliutioii Diliil ilie -JUih diy if lone, A. D I".I17. Wltllilir.V IKI.KOIil), I Iweii .Sniiid, Out. S liiMiors lort'harles I'y-, .Aoiniiiis'r.i- till Willi till- Will aiine.\ed ol TIioiiiih I'lrler, deet'^ 11 il. STOCK AN!) I.GGS lOR SALK Tuunvoi til Swino, IJ. K, Iv^l;-;, and Itoiuii Duck Kacs. I liiio' l..r c|iiii k <ii|. â- Millie yaiiii({ Till. 111,11 till. ImI Uii'lllili- |illi 1..II...1. ; iiUi, Kiljir ll.llli.,! K.uk f^K-. iiud !(•. 111-11 limlc i-i.'i,'- fill li.itidiiiit; |mr I1.1MS. I'lii- i« null riiiiiii' i.i- wiitf -liKO. W. Ku.SS, o>il:i|ii Oi.iev Tl. .-'y»ti-m. .M:i\will, I'd FARM.S lORSALE l''or 'ilf c I unt f.ir liiMZ'iu', h'l !'•">. • l;l, ai il lail i.f 11 Is ;(1 and ;io, con. II, .\ liMusia, l.Sl ac IS mure or less '%iii.\vii .ilhf CiM pel farm. Will re'it foi oiistiiie nl lim seiinon, or t.ikeslo'k in by the luiiii lb. This is a splendid -^iiiiii and jra/.ini; fill III, well watereil and fenced, a lol of y.iliiable liiii''i'r and cedar and iibout -11) iieieH lit f.'T loliii ilioii. Il IS well ivoiih the allon'ii n of stock men. Will ^.•11 fur reasiiii ilile ivisb |iayiiient, biilaiiee â- •nj terms, .^iipy 'â- • R. J. SpmuU-, 'i,l> liii !•' .-beil.in, tl..l. ustbane .'-•.IMS l.iii.i;- III s\Vi'c]iil|o-. ! II kill-; ;:( iius. | i'liL^lit cii-i iliiiirs :iiiil make;-; ( 'arpi Is lii(il< lil-:i' iirw . Ibm't .s\\io.|i witliimt DUSTBAN E Packet 1 ill iiii.s fdrlmiiic n.sc I II iiaricl.s ami kc^'s fur.storc .\iiil . H'uf ii.^c. .\ll j^iofcis sell till' llftn.se- lli.lil Tih.s. OriltM- liM'.iols and kogs Diroc't. Report ot Promotions in S. S. No. :{, .\rtemesi.i. Marks required to pass, 22.J. Sr. .'! to Jr. J- <J .Akins,;jL'ii ; 1 Breen, 2.H0 ; G Irwiu, •>42 ; A Breen, 22« ; .M Moere, 2111 rec. Sr 2 to Jr. ;<â€" (Ueview) -A llnt-ailh, 2tir. ; M Moore, 2."i0. . â€" M. WILSON, Teacher Hawâ€" Knox 1 for t'l't? :'i.r.' .. \\:i'>n 1;.' i!;. •. • \-\ Riiii-' \ ;â- Is ;oi' .V -\\:\ <'. I tic: I (liC.i'is • iT'-'-.v !:.'.' ! ;i n.'i'.iirn! ii --^vsv . 1. =1 h. of vec...-t;.'.,! • fat in i. .A ipiiel but :»relty weddini! look place tt the home of Mrs. .)a nes Knox of Protnii, .111 Touisdiy, July lifih, wloii her second ilau.^hter iMar'.{arcl of Kdmoiiton, was (iniied to Mr. .Albert E. Haw of ProtoiL, K-v. .). A .Matheson oltici.ilill;,'. The biid", who was yiven away l.y her uiolbei, loiiked chaimiiiK ill her goin>! away suit i.f oystiT whit<? silk poplin, o[ieniii^ over a crepede-chene blouse, tiiiiiuieil With siher lace. .She wore a lari;e picture 1 al to ma'ch her suit and 1 airied a shower biUifUet of white roses. The widdiiij; party entered to the vlrainsof a neddiiii; inarch rendered very j capably by Mr. Robt. Bl*ck. | .\ftur the eeiemony the eonipsny jidjoiiiiied to the dining room where a i dainty weddiiu' breakfast whs served. The tabi" decor itioiis of pink and white ribbon and sweit peas with sprays of t;reeii, « is very ed'cctive .After d j.arncr Ihe happy c luple accompiini.'d by a jovial parly niotiuej 111 Diiiid.ilk where lli-y left for the TlioiisHiil Nl.iiijs. (,)uebec and other poiiitH. On their return they will ' reside at I'leasaii'. View h aim. The ^'loom's yifl In the bride Wa.s a pendiiitsel with real p arls. The many handsome Mid uselul aifts ate a fjiubol of the yoiinj couples' popularity. Hear iest C"ii.{iatiil.itioi)s are extended by their many friend'. Hanley McMaster The botiO' home of Mr aiul Mrs. (ieo McMaster, :!ril line, O^piey, wiis the sc lie of a veiy pretty event on Widnes- THE s«riou8nM8 of the food gUuation throughout the world has been frequently emphasized by Ibe pre«s and DO one disputes the fact that the world seems â- t«adtly marching toward a period of starvation. Kfforts are belnf made in all civilized countries along different lines to avert such a disaster and to devise means of overcoming a situation created by the war. There have beeu food crisis in nearly every great war, and these have frequently given rise to new pro- cesses of suffii lent merit to be continued in peace times, as for example, Ihf manufacture of sugar from sugar beets, and the snbstilullou of vegetable for animal fata as in oleoniargsritie. O!poinar£urino has been under discussion in Canada for toiue tiino an. I lu'cds no further rorament, except perbii; s to point out that under Ihe iires'-nt regulations prol.ibi;ir,g liie ir ::i!iif;ulure of tliis matprial there are undo'.^'idly i.;aiiy in the Dotninit-n who are not getting th,' iniii reqiuito for the iiroper mninter.ance of the body, b.: :!>!:â- .! ihry r.re Mnzbln to p'lribaso this fat at tlie pv :i ; lie fii i.-u'.tcr. in ir.any countries v.liere oleo- ma; i;".i in^- b.T! !>•. rn Lsod for yparn a lar.^'er and evfr f vr;:-;:;bl'> fat Is beini; KiibsiltuteJ r",;i t'le day sf-f-ms not far distant t - - f.ible oils may entirely replace â- ',. Ipod purposes. •\u:l^, t!".- organization of analy- . [\\c irstigation of Lord ShaiiKh- â- '; pxh.iustive study of Canadian t..»n iuvPstiKr'iinR the utilization ;:â- rir.Is .vbicii liave proven sa'.is- faitory siil>tilii;(: s !or (rra:i'. for all Turi.oses excepting butter ftiVirK aii-: v!./-:.- wbivred ereani is retinired. The i:;atrrl:.l i.; < ,11 iaily rclE'ited to the manufaetiire of lee irtani and cf.n be- prcdtr-eTl nnii-h cheaper than row's cream, a tptsntity of which tbroiigh the use of such a 6i:''s'.ittite may be made available for other food pur- POM >â- . lay milk, wh.i! â- a very important article of com- nu r. ". is kr.oun cl-.ii :ly to baker-*, hotels and ire creara niiii'.er'rK t"rt-r=. A irood produi-t is now being inanu- fiir;::ri-d in Oi^inrio. but rciORnizini; the advisnbility of e--': i.'':T!'ii!:.' dryinp pUmts In f!t!;all"r units and of a size tlir.; ( niilil he pupnoited by the local connnuitity. work Is li.ir.r c.rried on v il'i this requirei^.ent in mind. The ir.'-:. llr.tion of s'.Kh [l':5ls would mn!;.-' it lossibln for d:.iry;: on '0 lind a f nn-'mt niarltot. nltlioiigb they mlpht b-^ !.i:^;.-d at a di.stnnie so preat front large cet'tre.? of IioruilMirn as to niako it ipin'>ssibia to fpI! lioui'l inilV. For (-\;!mi)!e. in Alhr. ta tiic dairy industry i? prnwirir ar.l uoubi iindoubl'*dlv develop to a »nnu-^rful extent if dwin't |ilai:t= re-itiiriiv: small .imo'.ir.is of capital could bi <"s*n')1i!:!'(d. Thf s:'.Tiie is triit^ of vepetable". r:nil inivrd farmiu,^ woiilil !i - eni-ourru'ed in Ihe W"- if th-" farmer had a I'.oii'c i:;'r!-o for lis prodiiep. Milk Is ^'" 'vat' r. and ii:;i;-' \>Ei"i'iles: r'tn ite, hich cv "vci bipber in t'le'r j,],.;^. 1..-., â- nntenf. Tlry nr> perisl^abl--. reniir" sppiial bud I if. I- aid a birpe portior, of th..- crop is mm-.tised of !-â- / s too Mn-.l! '.''> .onTk' '. Thtr:^ .'.re objectiors 'o t'--'" iV-itiT proei s •â- - i;rv - I'ri'iilryrd i.nd it is lin'-ortr.nt, t~ rerfci t a rielhn-: of drying vpK?;'ibUs and yet le;'v.- ll-i-io fresh Slid! materia! \.hen pieced in rvjirm vnt"r Fooii absorb' the islnre v birb has b.^en removed, firrl the vegetabp 5 when cooked In tb: v.ater in vvhich th- y hpve be»^n p'l'erd give tbo same results ?s do fres'i \r~" tshles. The dryiru proccF.- must leavo th" vesreta^'-^ Willi its r.atiinl color and v.i» i till the flavor "ith \vhi< 1 it ( omp.-» from t!-e gardPU. The dried product must not be i-ook>d or 'lisiol vej, and should provide the hnus"- wife Willi n .leaned, peeled, ready-prepared material, wlilch will keep witb.o.it refrigeration or special storage, and enable her to avoid all the losses which accompany the IT,- ff most fresh material. Tile utilization of that portioii of fruits which Is con- (ildored below standard, and. tberefere. unprofitable to shij). In anoihcr probb-ni whii-li is receiving the consider- ation of Arthur D. Little, Limited. For example, n con- tiderahl.^ part of every apple crop falls into such rlfssllbations ns v.indfalls. feconds and thirds, poorly formed or rioorly ooJored fruit, a^d as this proportion of tlie crop tiicrense.s (he sPlling price of tbe standard apiile also ini re;ises .Methods for preparing a high grade sweet cider are under consideration, as well as the prniliution nf other apple products to utilize the portion of tho crop considered tinsaleable or inferior by fruit (1) Drying machine and constant level feed taalCr showing milk in sheet. .« (2) Packing' Department â€" Fillinr oMis in f*r^ ground and heap of powdered dried milk. A dealers. The desirability of increasing the food content of; farm produce is obvious. It may be pointed out that tlia starch content of potatoes grown la Oernaany is mu^B higher than that of potatoes on this continent, twic* aaj high In fact. The cultivation of certain h^krids pj ducing larger aud b»ttvr varieties of berrtM. »tc., vka also be encouraged, and while this pbas« of the pr*M« scarcely comes within th« province of the chemist. It under consideration as a part of the general study. Encouraging progress has b«en made in the variaiMg fields oultned above, and definite anDounc«ment8 are «S Dected in tb« n«ar future. ^ 7?/^ CouNT/^Y School as \ yi Community GBNTfiBi lay afieriiion. .Il L'7ih, when I heir Dustbane Mfg. Co. OT TAWA •• •/ -•â- ' ' • » eldest ilaiijililer. Fit- a Kuth, was imi'ed ill iii-irii lire 10 Mr. W. Uaiiley of Kiii;eiiia. K.-V- Black we I, r -etor ol SI Mary's church, M.ixwell, p-rformed Ihe cere- moil/ in the iiteiome of about fifty euesis. The biid-', who Was ijiven aivay by her father, entered the rouiii In the sliaiiM of a pr tty weddiiii> iiiaicb (lajel by Miss Winleis. Tbe y.nio;; c iip'e took tin ir i.lace under a;i arch if e -(.i._rii.cns banked .villi feriu and tloweif. Tlie bride louked beaiillful ill a Hown of silk niioii over wlii'e p iiit with sitin, Imc â- and peiul 1 1 imiiiinjs ; wearing .1 veil ai.il oraime IdosKoins, and carrying a I'pniy 111 while loses aid ni'iuliii lour fi-rii. Afii-r lieaisy ciiPijiamlatio s :ill r.;:iied til the diniiii; loom wh re the .able was ilcoritid Huh lienor .mil aj pc'.iz'cj;; daintiis. Til. 1 rii'e ii-eiud III liy bialli ifiil iiml e islly i if's. The I. 1| py coilp'e left Kl-l XJIl th« t' 1" 1!. f.r Tiiroii o, I'ranlloid nod St I'll oiiines. The luide Irivelled in a Mi'i nf navy blue silk »illi while bit. Oil iher rill III II a reeeptio I was h-jld a' ilieii 1 on oil the Mih line, ArleiKitin. Many fiiei.di iiiid 11 -iijb) oia joined in wi-hhu the yoiiiiii couple a lori; utid pill p.iroiis j.iuiiii.y ihriU!,'U llf.). Stayner .Alfred riioii-.pson, a colored nu'itlo- uiaii who residis in 'lie vie iiiiy of New Li'Wel', appealed bi-fi re T. A. Holbrook, J. P., oil Fiibiy afternooi> last, on a charge of cruel'y In animals. He was found uiiilty and a hoe of JiiO or thre? moiillo^ in jail al li.irJ lahur was iiiiposid He soleeled Ihe .imrieis at the "easllo on the lull " at Bairie, Th-i H'orni thai blew over Stujue early Sunday iiionnng brought a tittl •â- exciteaieiit with it Abiul ."i.HO o'clock bghtiiii o stiuck the hydro wires and entered the sub-staooii grouiidi ik{ with a roar that las'ed a few miiait'-s. The pres.sure was so great that a likitft fu"e wan burned out and causing (lames to pour out of the windows. An alarm was runs hut it was socn discovered nulbiny; wa.s burning;, and light" lemained on.-- Sun. NATIONS are luillt in the public si-boois. The ideals set up by tho school teacher remain vorv largely theldealsof tb- pupH throitj ' out life, and his coiii e iitloii of patri' ism will he what 1;.^ has beeu tnuj; during Ills school y^ us. It Is not l much to !-:ay that the present wor war Is due to a difference of idea fostered by different systems of eii 1 cation. Great ns la the Importance of the public S(-bool In olil and well estab- lished countries, this itnport.r.i<-o is even ereater in the new lands which are being called upon to as.dniilale populations from the more congested countries. It is worthy ot note that In Western Canada, which may be cited as a case in point of a coiintrj which is called upon to assimilate a IKjpulation of many races. Some of the most strenuous political and consti- tutional fights have iiinged upon the systems of public ediieallon. These tights, however. w<;re not without their puriKis*', and it is out of thein has arisen a public school policy well calculated to meet the noeds of a new and rapidly growing country. In such a country the public school has to take on functions not usually associ- ated with It In the older and more densely settled communities. The prairie Hoboolhouae Is not lueroiy a centre of eduoatlon; It Is also the re- ligious and social centre ot tbe dis- trict. During tbe week days the •chool teacbei furntebee education to the children i-t ilit' iieij-.-il'uihooJ, but on Sunday tho missionary h.o'Js his .services, which all attend regardlcsji oi creed or nationalily, ^nu 0:1 week . nights the building Is used for meet- : ings of farmers, for the various com. inunlty societies; tor the Ked Cross or Patriotic (..'lub, and for purely so- cial events such as debates, concerts and dances. To facilitate the latter. It may be noted that many country schoolhouses use removable desks j which the willing hands of the farm- ers' boys quickly dispose of whenever there is a dance In prosiiect. ! Another phase of community work ' Associated with the rural school which has been coming Into promin , ence during the last few years is the ; supply ot books to settlers In the dis- 1 trlct. This work Is eaeouraged and ! assisted by the central Department ot i Education, which provides catalogiies j of books suitable for such purposes, I the actual selection being left to the I teacher. The number of booke allot- ted to a school district 1e based oal the report of the inspector of schools. In the Province ot Alberta, although' this sch-iol library movement l» only lu its Infancy, no less than 110,000 hooks were supplied for this purpose last year, at a cost of some $30,000.00. Educationists of the province look forward to the time when every school dis- trict will be a library centre, giv- ing to the settlers the facllltiee now afforded to residents of cities and towns through their publi<> Hbrariea. The prosperity â- which has aliuost over- whelmed rural Alberta in the last two years, when farmers have b««n reap- j lug enormous crops and selling them at the highest ftgurea In history, promises to contribute still further to the Importance of the rural school as a social centre. With every farm- er driving his own automobile the opttortuDltlee for social gath«rlDg* are greatly Increased, and the coun- try school is tbe natural meeting place.