/le0l)ertj(rtt %imMe. I • h * TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" " PRINOIPLEb NOT MEN. vol 157 No. b Plesherton, Ont., Tliursday, July 12 1017 W. H.THDBftyi. &Dd FBOpBIK A Id Pithy Proton Pointers Proton and InistiDye L.O.L.'s attended divine «ervice in the Oimixe hall on Suufjftj. Tbtt meeting was conducted by roe Anglican ministei',Kev.Blackwell, asaititfel by Rev.Dinnick, Euijeuia Meih- odist Lcircuit, An impieasive itnd appropi*iate aermon based on 1 Cur. 10. 31., was preached by the fucuier. union choir provided the mu.sic. D. McXieoI, Toronto, renewed acquaintances in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Abbot, Elmwiod, visited with their daughter, Mrs.Dan Wideman •^* Misa Clara Binnie baa been eusiiiied M teacher at Thonihill f jr the eusuiDg year. A namber from here alteudtd l.i.sl week the very successful xiirden parties held at Inistiuge and Mount Zinn. A meeting of the Red Cross Society will be held at the ho.iie of Mrs. J. C. Wright ou Wednesday, July 18. All ladies, sho are not mewbets ut any other Red Cross .Society, are ri'<|iieateo to be present. Portlaw Po wcr House and Vicinity MiRs Millie Campbell spent a J^iy » it!i her father, who Is in the ;{eneral ho«pit»l, Owen Sound. George Dawso.i lias disposrd ..f his motor cycle anj purcha-ied a horse and bugKy from W. Thompson. <3eorj;e thinks there i.i uotUini( like tnc "faithful friend" after all. Card Graham visit»d his brolhe;i Operator Fred Graham. Miu Violet McLean and two lady fiienda of Fleshettun were vibit'>rj a' Mr». John We! or'--. Mr. Gordon Strathdu of Toronto spent thepast week with Mr.Stauley Canipt-ell. Mr. an^Mrs. .lini Walker of Kimber l«y visited with Mr. and Mrs. .\dam Hi.slop. ".Jmtea number from this nei^'hburhi ol i!(jent Dominion Day in Flebherton ai<d leport ;» jjood lime. GLid to report little M.irjorie Hislop "xUe to be out aijain after boins in the tick list. Mr. T. D. Berry's horse, while hitched to a buggy one day, thouijht he would like to be his own driver and turniiitf his heel where his toe oui^ht to be he put the seat of the bu;(gy where the wheels ou^ht to be. Mr. Stanley Campbell, ac-'oinptnied by .Mr. Gordon Strathde, were in < >«en Sound a day the past vtek. Markdale A number from here attended the cvlebiat iou in Flesherton on Dominion Day. The weath i- was line, the prosjrain of sports, and concert i{oi)d, aiid the accniiimodatlou ad'orded the lai-ge crowd wa-' lir!>l-class, Mr. John Caesar, who has been on the job as Markdale .station ajjent for ov r thirty seveu yeai-s, has resigned bin |Hisitiai, and retired fioHi service the end of the month. Ho has Iteen a most vHicient employee of the company, aiul the splendid condition in which he kept the ijruunds surrounding the station lias always been aiiinirod by Owen Sounder.'; passini! ihrouiih M.irkdalo.â€" U.S. Sun. A pleasant and fitting mood bye function was held on Tuei'day evcniii" in the .Vgricultuial Deii.irlment, when the buoinojs men of the town presented Mr. John Caesar with an address and a h>nd.«omo black obony,!j;old headed csnc. Mr. Cusar, after thirty seven years of faithful service as 0,1'. U, statii n agent at thisi place, steps nut upon the "super- tnnuiilioii list" with honor to himself and the i'l'ixl will of the whole coniinunily. The business men one and ull.refL'rrcd in tho most CO dial teriu.s, to tlio character, and the social life uf the retiring agent and his excellent family, His railroad circer be^ran 45 years ago, ou th« Great VVcstwrn under N. Weatherston, who wa<< tUo .superintendent of Toronto terminals and on Mr. Weatherston severing his connection with theG. VV. two years later and became General Manager of tho T. G. and B. Mr. OiesrrfoUonodhim to thisline.Standard. Mount //on churcli and .Sunday school held their annua! garden party at the home of Mrs. Taylor, sr., on Friday evening of last week, which was consid- ered the moat successful yet held. A hotly contested baseball match between Swinton Park and Rock Mills ladies teams resulted in favor of the former tetni. Tlie program was of more than ordinary merit. U J. Woods of Corbettou occupied the chair. Rev. Diunick, the new pastor, created a good impression by au apt and stirring address. Among '.ithe.s coutiiLu'iug to the programme wereâ€" .Swinton Park orches- tra, Miss Hastings of Wo.xlstock, Miss Stevens and the Misses Achesou and Mr. Haw with bagpipes. The proceeds amonnted to SI4:l.4o. Mind that '. Mrs. J. Thompson of Coliingwocd is visiting with her d.iughter, Mrs. Albert Lilackbuni. ISIrs. J.W.Bates of Toronto is visiting her motiier, Mrs. Taylor, sr. Miss Gladys Cornfield of Tiionto viaited with bur gousio, Miss May Corn- tielJ. Messis. Albert Blaukburn and Harry Fi.sher have euch treated themselves to a new Ford car. Mrs. KJward Watson and ehildicn of Toronto visited last week at Mr. J. H. Watson's. Mrs. Wauehope, Mr. and Mrs. West- lake and Mr.McDonald of B'i|t..n vs. led { at the hnaie of the formers u lughter, Mrs. Lewis Shcardowu. Ell)ert Corntield w.is home from Torontii f pt- i few d.ays lately. Gecr.'e (.'hnpuian, wife and children, were vi»it);s with R. T. White and wife one d ly Us; wei-k. ^li<. Breat en nf Bolton visited her iiiotlier, .Mr. S. Sheirdown, sr. Vandeleur Happenings Ceylon Chat Walkerton Miss Ku h Garner has J.jiued the Merchaiiti Bank stall' liere, aud is the second Walkertm younn lady to enter the b.inkln^' business. Miss Huth Wmren of the Cuninierce, having the distinction of being the tirst lady banker in town. With con.scription assured it is ceitain timt bankinx stall's will largely l)e lUkde of Women shortly. While diilluiH a Well at tho home of Ml. Ferdinand Fiauk, Brant, on .Situiday moruinn last, Mr. Harry Denny met with an accident by the premature explosion of a stick jf dynamite th.il lost liiiii three toes from his left f. ot and ;>ave him one of the closest calls i.i> a sudden death that any survivor has ever experienced here. .\ big SI uie some uiuely feet d wn, it seems, was giving tvoulde and Harry decided to lda.Hi it out. Attacliing a light.'d fuse on'o a heavy charge of djiia- inite, !'.e procoided to lower it with a wire down a i-inch pipe te th- scene ot the troublesome rock. The chuue, however, had only not abnut live feet down, when the fuse ii;iiited tlio uyiiainito and eauseU an eNp'osl.'ii ihii sent pieces of the iron pipe ilu'ou^xli tlie bo irds of a barn over one liundred fe«:t diittant. A.s the air was full of ir<in, how Hany, who was staiiiliu'; above the hole, escaped being bliwn to atoms is one of the inysteiies I'f the all'i'r. .\3 it wa«, lie was Mown some twenty feet away, and lauding on his face ill the Hold, was aide tn pick himself out of ihc sod and hobble to the house, wheio it was found :hat I he front of his left boot had been entirely blown oil" and hi.' foot badly sbaltercd. One side of his face was also slightly skinned and burned l)y the mishap. Two men, wli'i bal lieen xssisting him at Ihe well, liat who were foitunato e'lOu.'S In be a .short disianco aw.iy t.L ihe l;nie, escaped unhurt. Held Over From Last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Devitt of Kpping were visitors at A. Johnston's recetiily. Mr. and Mrs. J as. Cochrane of Colhorn visited the lattei's mother, Mrs. J. .M. Davis, a short time ago. George Prttchaid attend d the C.U F. High Court meeting at Hamilton week before last. Robert Neeley has sold his f.iiiii to James Harboltle of Euphrasia, vWio will tiiike possession in the spiing. Mrs. Geo. Wiiiiht paid a short vi.sit lo her Bister at Ehuvale recently. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbeit .-p ut ihe holiday with their daughter at Mtaford. Meseis. Will ana Luudy .Johnston lust avaluabie horsa re.-ently from indigtsti a>. Mrs. Amis Smith I'f JLafurd vi-ited her pareirs, Mr. and .Mrs. .S. Gil'ierl, a short time a^o. Messrs. John McGve and Robert Thviupsoii of Ki,nberl.-y c.illed on old friends ou Satuiday. Kimberley baseball leaiii eauio up to our burg on Fiid.iy evening and pli)id a gime with our juniors, the result beini; a score of 5-7 in f-ivor of the .•i.-itors. After tlio gnue lunch was served at lUg home of Win. Buchanan. .4 e •lleetii.ii WIS taken up and a gnudly ^uui stcuiv.l, whicti wilt lie used for patriotic [luipe.ses. The luembers aiul adherauts of the MethoJist cliurch here met in ibe and • tnriuiu of the ehutch on Wcdnesuay evening, it bem.; a .sncial farewell in honor of Ue^'. Mr. Dudgc ii and hisgoi-d Udy. In tlie cour:-c .f the evening Mr. Dudk'ton was presented with i huudsome Bible and au aduios.s as a token of their esteem. Toronto Line North Toe Li:o For Li.st Week. We are glad lu report Mrs. Fred Mathewson improvii'g in the iiax-u Souui' hi^spital, she hiving urtdeinnne an operation lor appemliciti.s. Mrs. Cioft and tiaby of U ck .Mills called on friends on this line l!ie past week. .\!!)ert McFaldeu of .Mono Centre iv«s a caller at 1'. Sled'.s recently. Miss Richardson returned to her ho'iie in Toronto after spending a week with her uncle hcie. Mr. aud Mrs W.H. Sloan of Kimberley spent a day at E. Wickens'. Mrs. Mclcityre and l*o ediis are visiting lur brother, Robeil UTchanlson. Mr. Anderson of Tnroiito and Mrss McKechnie of .MaiUdale were vi8:turs at Mr. BurlKjll's 'he past week. We conssratulatp Gertrude Lever mi pasting her e.\ain. with honors. Mrs. Will. U,ss of Toronto is visaing her sist» r. Mr^. Will S-ewart. Herb. Smith of I )*eii S.i;iud spent thn 1st at Chas. S'ewart's. Mr. and Mrs. Uoodall and Mr and •Mrs. G^'iiige McKee and two eh'.hliHii ,,l Toronto were visitors at .). .A. Li.r's over the week end. Eighth L'ne, Artemesia Card of Thanks Mrs. Miles Thistletbwaite and family desire to retnrn their sincere and heart- felt thanks tu neighbors, friends and ac()uaii>tanGes for their help, kiudneas aud niaoT expressioDS of sympathy in time of their recent »ad bereavement. Tliedangi'r to the publiciif autonioli Irs Hitting about in crowded streets was shown at tho Domiiiioii Day ce'ebiatiou i at Port El){in on Moi.day morning last, I when Miss Hunter <»f Kincardine, who swung out tu pass an auto which was coming ou tlio wrong side of the rond, lan into .Vlleii Be I, a youn^ farmer of the liHh, liruce, who was leaning against an electric light pole and crushing him between the car and the post broke both his legs, the bones of the left leir protrud- ing thiou^h his trousers at>ove the knee, aud making a moat ghas'ly wound. Although stories that the injured man had succumbed tu his injuries were current berc, yet we understand be still survives, although in a critical condition. The car, which was a big new McLaughha Buich, was also badly damaged. IJuite an exeit uiont oceuir d on i ur line SiHudny luoroinir wli-ii an :riopUno frou. C.iUip liorden, upetated l)y Mr. .>! Saunders, a ca let in the tlyie^^ cnrp.s, cauu! to the ground in Gooruo Madden'.-t Ii d'l, causing coHsidotnide daiiNije to it in alighting. Eight of the U. I'. O.'s can)-.' up frmi) the Camp with a biu truck an I look the daioaued machine back on Sunbiy aftcn oon. H. Taylor of Sinuhainpt.m attended the reception at W C. Hanl*y"s. Jlr. and Mrs. Fiod H.ion no visitots at P^ied Drackeiibury's. Mrs. J. Parliament is visiting fiieuds in Bull'alo. Mrs.Georno Lawlcr ha.ire'urncd home from v siting friends ill I'eierlMro and Toronto, and was accompanied by her daughter. Miss Z.ida, who has been teaching at Frii7,jrville during the p,ist term . We extend our spinpathy to Mr. and .^Irs. Lepparliulbc loss of their sou, Private Robert Leppard, who has been killed in action in France. Mr. J. Findlay aud daughter, Misg Mabel, motored from CoHingwood and visited with Mr. and Mra. W. (. . Hanley . Mr. Jas. Pat'isun left Wednesday last to visit Toronto and other points. Mr. Thos. Martin returned hist week after spendini; a fertniglit widi friends ill Toronto. Bliss Agne." C-lburne, nurse, of Ponlai'd, Maine, is visiting lier sisier. Mrs. Peier Miiir, >iiid also caiinn for her little nephew, who was opt-riled on a fvw werks iig). Mr. and Jlrs. Fiank Cairus ot the back line have moved from their firm ti' reside in Flesherlon. Miss Mabel Mc^l;il!en, whuliis been visiting Durham friends, retumed tiist of the wet-k accompanied by Mr. Murray Uicbie, Mis. C. Uichie aiul diuybier, K Ina, and Mr and Mies tiaiiilllon, .dl • i Dmliaiii . Misj Jciii;ie Miiir and cousin, Mr. Wnllirr, if Ti.ront' , uri lioliJajn^ .^ltll the furniir's iii.ji h. r, Mr^. P. .Muir. Mis. Edilti Sewed ami I. ly C^ oper of the We»t, ail- vsiinii; their aunt, .Mi.-. Corri'^an, and oihcr fiinds. The Willii g Hilij.is held a very succeicful and pleasant lll.•alill^ at ihe residence of Mis. U. CidiiiiMi.i ,,|i Friday afterniK'n, » lieu iuntli was served to sbout M ladivs. 'J'heu n- .\t me-tiii,' v.: 1 bo held ui .\frs. J.h, McDoniMS. 3Jr. Woods of C •ob.-.l ,11, sup,) ic 1 llie pulpit lieie on Sunday i: d gave a voi v iosliuctive sern.on. Mr Ale.x. McUmaM of McTier, Muskoka. spent tl.c ivcek cikIbiIi I.s wile, who ia viaitin;^ lier pareu's. iluch r".;ret was expies.seil on Mond.iy morning where a cable waa received auuouncini; tlial V'.c. Ciiarles Adains, s m of Mr. J. Adams, was w-iundid. We trust lielter news will hdlow. Victoria Corners Held (Hor From List W^.k. ilrs. WiiliiT Ci^rbitt and tivo Chll'urd and .1 ick, of Toronto are v . with liersi-ltr In law.Mrs. Jus. Lock -ling :dt. Cur new mii.ister, Uev. Diiiick, â- lcu pied Inij.ioge pul| it â- n Sunday and spoke veiy aijly to the .;hi.dien, it luiig Children s Day. Mrs. \. Tucker, Dro i^ure, is vim ing at Mr. J.is. Best o. School clo.seil on Jure '.'H. Mi«s Bii iiie is leaving. Mr:!. K. Duncan, Mrs. W. Heaid ttui iMiss Miiia Heard nitemled the S .•<. convention at Priceville last week. IniAtio^e and Proton \. < > L. j'iued in their Sunday services i':i July 8 at Proi' i'. Rev. lilaikwell w a.s t lie niiiiisler f â- ! 'l.e da,. Rain siill continues lo fall i|Uvnlitie8 â€" at lioie of wriiino. in on This Wei k's Ttfiiis Mr. I'eeof, wife and two cluldren, ,i: i! Mrs. |li;;uery lleanl of T.iroiito inoloii i| .ip last Sunday and visi'ed at W.lleanl <. Mr. Decof retuined "ii M. iiday, bui Mrs. Deeof ami Mrs. Heard reinaini'il. .Miss Iliair of T ron'o also vis:ted al A! . Heard's. Iiiis' .-o.i ga' de. 1" •fy w IS a i; siicoiss lii.a â- ci .Ily IS well IS .1 1 11' !â- 'V time. So.iicof our b 'Vs *eiit in 'lie (Iraml Oil- day las' week lis'ung. a. id iheneig'i- hnrhooil ha.s Iweii positivt-Iy "lisliy" ever siuci) Mr Inviu and wife, .1. C "ibitt and wife, MilNn Danii n, w:fe and childrer, and Newton Haniioii uiot.uvd to C.iiup ^D'lrden oil SaUirdaf. The SiiiJay .s-^rviaes were ivitlibawn u:i Sunday at ln;stii>i{B on are..uut of the t)ruijge service at Piolop. li-enc lirew.-ler isvlsiiinn her graud- parcn's, .\Ir. an! Mrs. A. Stevi ns. Gertie Slin.son is i I. Tenders Wanted Tend''is will bo received up to the 'JSih day ot July, 1917, for the purpos.< jf painti'iK wcod work (out.sido and iu'ide) als') cjiiing and walls of S. S. No. C. .\Ttemesia. Lowest ov any tender not necessarily secavited. George H. Cairns, Sec. Tfeas. Jewe Iry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. J^^-a^Y^^T. W. A Armstrong, Eye, Ear,Nose and Throatj jeweler •>FFl(.-K-l:i(t 10th sr. West,' Iweii .Sound | ILESHERTON, - ONT A! the Revere house. M.irkdale. 2ii.i Thursday ei:<-h iii,.ii:!i i"i.,|,i 8 to a VJ:>.m I>',i"i!.lk, Is \\'.-.ini.>,i.,v .I .01111 nioiitli. > I am in the m rket to buy any quantitjyT of W30I. Highest Prices, either Cash or Trade. W. L. WRIGH The Corner Store, Flesherton. COCKSHUTT FARM I1VIF»X-.JE::MENTS Wiierevir iigricnltiu;il pursuits aro tniiosveJ CuiKSHirr I.mi'i.embnt^ .lie sliowinj; the leailâ€" Prcpaiing t.he seeil bed, sowing tho grain, rem; iii^; the harvest and providing tho stock. \\ it il l.tl'oi' si: uce and 'he 'l.'inaii.l for fai III implements on which you -.11 d â- |ioiiil al s lii.tely C"i K^inrr 1 Mn.K>ii;.Nrv and Service will satisfy you. Lit 1-1 supp'V your re'iuiieiiienis if wx lu- i.ot ali-.-idy doing S'j. Wo sel (to'dyear aud IVniiinion .Viit 'iiioli.lv! I'li'es and Tulics. \iio |;.^|i.iis ,iiij .\cceR.-oriis. ALso- i^^ D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON.^ g I^Vyr A eic.K:>cl Pair Of RUNNING • SHOES Tan, White or Black, Cool for Slimmer Wear. Also some Neat, Nobby Patent and White Pumps for the ladies, with and without strap. WHERE? A T Tho^. Clayton^s § FLESHERTON