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Flesherton Advance, 5 Jul 1917, p. 8

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y July 5 1917 THE F L E S H E R r N A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS Societies DKINOB ARTBUB LODOK, No. :<.i3,A.F& * AM, uie«ta In tb« Uaaonic ttall. Aiui tro«K'ii Bloo Klmberion, every Fridsv on before tbe lull moon. T. Hoiirv, W. M. IC \V. Hickling, Secretury. <'H08EN KUIENDS- Fletl.prtou Counci CbostQ KrioDdi :iM nieels in CUytoii'a lUI lint aod tbiid \Vt'due»dav o* (ecn uioiitb a f I'.m. P«y tBBi-tuienti! to lt<toi(ler on u before tbe first d»y of racb nioDtb. Cbie Councillor, W. H. ilunt; Ittcoider, Mrs.L. A ruber. Dentistry Ur 8. C MURRAY L. D. S, dental Hnrgeon »* hcnorgraduate of Toronto Uuiveraity and htyal lolleno of Rental Kuiijcoiib of Ontario, Ga« aduiisiniatered for teetb extraction ace at residence, Toronto Street. Jr'lestierton. Medical JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Hnrgeon aradnate of Ontailo Veterinary ('ollege residence â€" second door «omb west'on fcary street. This street runs outb Presbyterian Cbareb. Cha*. E McLcan, M O. C M, Specialty- Surgery, Midwifery & Woiiieii's Diseases 0KricE8â€" Fleaherton, 1, n II.hisp. I'liceville-.Con'meriial Hi.'el, !!.;«» to 1 p.m. I>nig store in connecliou with ottiet-. Office Ilourx in Klesherton â- â€¢â- Wediu-.sday ani Kriday aftemrHin '1 to ."> p.m. J'horc mesHageH receiv proiupt attention at l"'th ufticeH IHMayli) Notice to Creditors Legal I UCAB. KANEY & hENltV-Harrinteni. ^ liolicitors.eK.-l. K. Lucas, K. C. ; W. E, Kaney, K. «'. ; W. D. Henry, 11. A. Otiicei, Toronto, M)6 U Tiadera Hank lllili;., {ibone main 1412; Markdale Lucas Illock, Pbone 2 A. Brancb ofuce at Duudalk o|>«o every Saturday, 07 RIGHT. TELFORD <ft McDON'ALD " Harrister, Bolicitors, Ac. Olljces. <irey * Bruce Hlock, Owen Bound. St»ndard Hank hJock, Kleeberton. iHaturdav»). W, H. Wrigbt. W. V. Telford Jr, J. C. MoDonaM, L. u. It. Business Cards U ODLLOUOn ft YOUNO r Kankers Markdale General banking business. Money loaned at reasooable rates Call on ub. n UcPRAlL, Licensed Aactionee for tbe ^' County of Ony. Terms moderate and talis action guHVOteed. Tbe arrangemi-nls and datei4 ol asleecan be uiadeat TIik Auvince olBce. Krsidenceaud P.o. leylun. Telephone coonecllon. Dec. fi 07 WM. KAITTIS(J. icaosad Auctioneer foi tbe counties of Urey and Himcoe. Farm and Ktock sales a bpecialty. Terms moderate. satiBfaclion guarantted. Arranifo- menta for date* may be made at tbe Advance olSce. or Central telerbooe oO;ce teversbaui or by addreasin« me at Feierataam, Ont. Representative WANTED at once for FLESHERTON Hiid Diitrict fur Canada's Greatest Nurseries •Spring 1"17 l>'iiiiliii(; iij-t m.w iriidy Splendid liHt ol h»rdy <'aiiit<liiii ttinwii fruit at^d ornamental i-l<ick. iiicliiiliii);, Mcintosh Ked Apple, Sr. Kuitin Kmi- ttearln^ K'..spbcrry mid many oilier «.ideri<. New illuHtrited cittHlouue Hem on Application. â- Start now ul best selling time. LiWer- al propofciti'jD. Stone 4 Welnrigiun The Ponthill Niir««rles. (Kilalilished lH:i7.) TORONTO - ONTARIO Deering Implements .\M> Gasoline Engines Allkiiidii of Deeiiii|4 lni|)lein'>nlH. I'ul- iilwayx on liaiid A|;eiit for Imiii> «,"iiller«. H.irber l!uKi<its, l,.uii!.i; Litter Cfcirieis, liny 'I'links, I'e ILii •liiiiKl'-''' I*'"! s.diiiK. TliHMn linpliii !â-  tC'jtliri! IK) lecoiiuueiiiliitioii hn lliey oi el4iidard yoodR and ree •i{iii/.eil <ii iln- IicRl nil llie iiiitrkut. FUriT TIIKKS I iopree<,nt ih-Sio,, «V: UiliiiiKt'iii miisery,«iid;will l)e |)Ii'hm<I lo chII it Y"ii .'-:eiiil iiii> » ciirtl. ED. R U T H E R F O k D Proton Station III the matter of the Estate of Kliza Curler lite of the Village of Flesherton, ill the County of Grey, Widow, deceased. Notice i.s hereby sjiveii, piir.suanf lo "The Trustee Act" and ainuiidineuls thereto, that all creditors and otherh luviiiu claiinH agaiiiHt the Rbtiie uf the said Kli/.i Carter, who died on or about the 4(h day of March, A. D., 1",P17, arc re.|Uired on or before the Twouty- fiffhth (lay of July, A.D I'.UT. to send by poht prep.iid or deliver to CharloH I've of the Villaije of Clarksbuij;, in the County of tirey, the Adiuini.s'rator of the estate of the .said Kl'zt Cirter, deceased, or to Wright iV, Telfoul, Owen Sound, Ontnrio, Inn .Solicitoi.s, their Cliiisli'tn and Sunianies, addre^.ses and deHcriptions, the full particulars of their cloiins, the sliitenient of their acoouiiLs .tnd the nature of ihe securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice thai after tin- lastiiieniioiieddatothes-'id Aduiiiiis' will proceed to distribute the asset." .if the deceased ainoiig llie parties eittit- led thereto, having regaid only to the claims of which they shall then hnve no- nce, and that the said .\diiiini»'.rator will not ho liable for the paid assets or any part thereof to any perdun or per.soiiH of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them al the time of su h distribution. Dkted the :J(it,h day of June, A,D.l917. WUIUHT ATKLKORD, Often Souiul, Out., Soli'-itors f >r Jharles I'ye, Administra- tor of the t.sttte of Elizi Carter, deceased Notice toCreditors lu the matter of the e!<l.<te of Thomas Carter, late of the VilUfje uf Flesherton in the County of (>rey, P.iy.sieiau, drCBSsed, Notice is heiebv i;iven, pursuant to "The Trustee .\ct,' and a<nrndmeiils thereto, that all creditors and othir.s havim; diiins a$!ainst the estate of the said Thomas Carter, who died uii or about the S.xteenth day of Oct., .K. D., Itllli, are r <|uired mi or before the twenty eighih day of Ju'y, l!tl7, to send by post pnpaid or delivei to Cbarles I'ye of the Villa'.{e of Cla ks- burj{ in the County of Orey, the .XJuiiiii- sirator with the will annexed of the last Will and Testiinient of lliu said Ihoma*^ Cait'T, deee-ised. or to Wiight itTellord, 0«en SxUnd, Onl.trio, his Solicitors, ihf r Chrisiim and Surnames, adlr>.s.sef- and di'S'.'iiptions, tliR fall p'irticuUr.< of their ilaims, the Ktttenicnt of their accLs. and ilu nat^iie of the sfcuiit'e', if any, he'd by ihe;ii. .\iil t:ike further notice that after ilie List mentioned dito the said .'Xdiiiiiin-tra- t ir the Will annexed will p oceed ti distribute ihi- assets of the dtceaseit BTiioMi; the part lis en'illed thereto, having i.-i«aMl only to the claims of nliicli Ihev sli.ill tlifii h.i-i' i.olite, and that the saiil .Administrator with the Will annexed wi I It'll !>• liable for the said assets or any p.irt tlierei'f to any person or persons oi who^e iliiiii iioti ;e shall licit have l«en ri":ei>ed b\ lliem at ili^ lime of such ilistiibution I)..t.d ihe -Jlith diy of .luiie. A.D r,)l7 WUlciUTA- TKLFOUI), < I .ten .S uiii'. Out. S liciiois t..r t'hirlts I'y*. Anmiiiis r.i- toi with the Will aiiiiex>''J ot 'I'Ik in >s Carter, deceased. STOCK AN J) tGOS FOR SALH 'I'atnxvoilli Swii'O, II. I!. Ivj HotKu Duck K"K' eg • a U'4 GIRLS NEEDED IN OFFICES Vuluiitaiy enlist iiieiit han taken thuUNands of men fiimi ollici^ work. Ciinscription will take more. OHico helj. is e€:arce now â€" will be scarcer very goon. Young wome/iiiiust till the vacant pl.'ices and tlu-y iieeil training. reniniiis open nil summer to help to meet the dcinnnd f ir trained oftico helj). Siudeiit« may enter any time. No increase in fees. CircuUr.s free on appiicalioii, C. A. FLEMING, P.C. A., Principal, Dept. A., Owen Sound, Ontario. I line f.pi i|nii 1, <«leMinii> v.iiiii),' T.O'iW.MtliK tur OMM'dui); put |»i-*rs ; aU<i h »me Uaiieil Uock 'i^'. 1111 1 U"ii<ii link rggi" ( â- ! h-.i'.(.!;bi'.' |- •; |ii-.>. I'lic'.s ligl.t rile II" ...â-  uillc -i;i:i). w. iio.s.s, ikipilii ().,.iv7 Tl. >'vsleni. Maiwell, I'd I ARMS PORSAI.Ii Foi sale 1. 1 r. Ill fil Ul iz'ii.'. hil ;;."i. '">n. I.'t, ai d |:i<l of I'. Is ;i4 and it.'i, con U, Aite.hi sia, LSI nc IS III ire ^r less known « the C i pel farm. Will le'i' foi i:isiiiri' 111 Ins seiis'ip, Ml t^ke N'ock in l\V 'lie mull til. I'tiis IS a s|ileiii'id urain anil razii'g film, Well wHleieil .'iinl leneed, ii lot III v.iliia'i'e I nil iiir ami ceilar .'iikI iiliiiit •tl lOM'-* lit f. r riiU iV'itioii. ll 'Is vM'P ii'i 111 the atten' iiiii of s'l ck nim Will •e I f'r reasui, ii.le ei.sli (.aviiii'iit, l-.lon'i â- i-.! tiiiiis. .\|i(.ly III 11. .1. ^(.iiiiiK, • ll.l) tilt !•' .t.l.rlliill. II. I. When Doctors Disas:rcc Consult optician. '^-'^y Nervoii.sncss headitche.s â€" sIccplcsMicss anil ilizzines.s, often puzzle tlie best phj-.sii;ians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the ilireit c.iiise. Noiliiiifj can efTecta permanent cure that iloe.s not remove the cause. riiat i.s what our scientifically fitted glr'i!>se<i da. W. A. Armstrong. Farm for Sale 7(.»t T,, Clin h, Odprer, aljoiit ic.rtv «ci<»' cleared, the balancf iii< stiy haiilw i>4 bush Mill TliM farm miibt lieiold to wind wpiin eelttt* Ai^ply â€" WM W TUOMI'HON. AdminUtraUi, i)uj ul Suyhniniitnii.'Il K SOUTH •Te.'JT \\l «<«, Insects, and Hamiui, " In Japan if one will leave the hotel and the tourist office and the cocktail-drinkers and go out Into the real uutive quarter, there are enough things to interest any one. One old man passes with his load of crickets, which sing in hot weather and are kept in cages like so luany canaries. These gentle creatures make a noise like a squeaky axle and one hid under tho hood of a twclvp-passengi^r car would subject the most careful chauffeur to scorn. They are caugtit with birdlime and make nice littlo pets, cheap to buy, and not requir- ing gasoline for upkeep. .My rickshaw man is an old fellow whom I hired a year ago and who re- cognized me again. He is low-priced, speaks quite a little Knglish, and haj a sense of humor. I have him train- ed so that if we pass anyone at un- usual work or go near any novel scenes, he points out these things to me. He knows my fondness for Jap- aneise children, who are the cutest tots on earth, with their gay clothes, slant eyes, and bobbed hair, and if he sees an unusually bright dress or a fine child, he points them out with a sort of fatherly pride of race. At two years old the Japanese surpass all other nationalities in charm and attractiveness, and these sober, yet happy little folks look as though they had strolled out of a toyshop, Frey of Snakes. More than 28,000 people were killed by snakes and wild animals In British India last year. The Gov- ernment reports show that 1,923 per- sons were slain by tigers and other b«ast8, and 26,38.''i perished through being bitten by reptiles, an increase over the previous year of 3,700 deaths met In this manner. No tig- nres are available for tbe native statee with their population of some 80,000,000. During the past five years elephants, tigers, and otb«r animals have killed 9,192 people in British India, and, of thes«, tigera have claimed a toll of 3,682, In tbe same period 116,828 persons have died as the result of snake bite«. Laat year tbe highest total of deaths due to animals in any one province waa in Bihar and Orissa, where 684 people lost their lives, tigers alone accounting for 37(>. In the United Provinces one man-eating tiger in tha Almora district killed ten t>er- vAout of the provincial total ot ti^jflty. In order lo effect the de- struction of as many wild animals and snakes as possible, the Govern- ment pays bounties. The number of animals destroyed in 1915 was 25,- 036, including 1,582 tigers, 6,623 leopards, 2,775 bears, and 2,181 wolves. Tbe total number of snftk«f klU«d WM 184.663. -^iSnA Mr aid Mis. W . .1. Cinry and iti.i- son, l!i ss, wl o wssdiivti'K the car, had a iiarinw esca| e wliilr inoiorin^ on the Centre I'niiil Sunday afteiiioon. At the jo.{ north of r,., ksville a lii!» Packard, drvt, ly a Dr. IJiyers i,f Ilnmlt ii, sii'ick the Ciiriy c r hroadsiilc, smashed f l.'illy anl paitly meitiiiiiini; it into I 111' ilileh. Cir iiiiil oTiip^iiits w.iiijd h ve lieeii lips, ( nil.i the < Ii iil a loleyrap'i j ol.i not stood in the way. Us hid a cmiileiif r<lH cracked anl s'lsl liiiei! some « nere liruiseH, I ul Mr. anil .Mis. C.nry e-caiie I D-ac'ieally wi h â- II' ii'.jiiry. Tim lli^r est was billiiK' a 411 mile (1 |i .Hill Hill (irner was unable lo II 'K iliiit.' ihe turn in ihe rnad a' llie ii ^b speedy. Dr. |{iij;i.r., accepted iliu re .ponsilil ly tnr the uccident and a.:reed io fou' the lull fir all .faiiiaj{os.- Oi.-injrc- >il!c B.i'iner. When a K..'.; rs C al Co, horse becAive f iji'eiied ly a piicoof piptiit ran aw.iy, and lull. din ihe fniit door o' il:\ J, lluiis' us;d.":rc, ."il i-nxj j- »''^-''. T n'o. Tie !i.,.vy w.. n "o.npl'e'iv wieckeil ihc fiMi.f veninl ili, 'ml held .lie ms de the iloor- vay nil Ii the p , ic, cone. \Vm. Irwii , ' .S.lii :ti,.ii, i',cipe.l (tcHth by j mpirj; IS lie Inns.. i,,i,- lip llie ViM'.iulsh step.s'i.i S,ii,.u|,. i.s iiiakiiis .s.,t;s'!ie'ory iillt"uMll|. II! -I CO his Irliiiii t:iilll ll V h isp I '. II,. |,„,|>s Mini feels will, I I t roiis'lis ill Ilis Inline i|\iiolly as ye'. 'I'' ,. Di '.., I, fes 1,1 ihe and .M.iiiie 11 i-,' 1 .1 111 ll«,ii S nil, I ill iinisi ((iin-il . •mil' iiy tiiiii . Tlieiii.' manage; '"â- '"• 'â- ''â- â- 'II â- " ll Sill, it:, ry coidiliois, • ni|ii ll nr alNir,,,,, f,,„„ i,,,,), ,1„,..,„„ a id, iiHWjllai cliaiiiiiii.< l,,e,|i n of th> i. -iStaiidaid. '^.ivcs lahui' 111 .'.wci'Iiiiil;. It kills j^enn.s. iiri,L,'Iilciis Hours •iiid uijiM'.s ( 'iirpt'f.s iodk likf new . J.)()u't .swoop witluMil DUSTBAN E l*iickt'(l ill lin.s forlionio ii.sf III lianTJ.saiHl ko<(s foisttirf .\mi| i.lliio use. All grocers .sell the Hoiiso- Holl Tins. Order barrt'ls and kpg.s hiiTf!. Dustbane Mfg. Co. • OT T A WA THIS completion ot tbe Connaugni Tunnel through Mount Macdon- ald In th« Selkirk MounUins In British Columbia, with its five miles of double track railway linee, costing Ave and one half million dollars, re- calls many interesting developments In construction work on the Canadian Pacific Railway since tbe railway began operation in 1881. The tlrst real newspaper story after the open- ing of the Canadian Pacino Railway "broke" In February, ISSJ, near Flat Creek, now Oak Ijike, near Brandon, Manitoba. That year was the worst for snow storms the prairies had ever experlenc«d. On* night a flanger, pulled by an engine which burned wood and had to stoii to "blow tip" •team every few miles, ''Jumped" the traclL The universal fuel on locomo- tives then was wood. Train .No. 1 of the early days left Wlnnlpe* at 7 a.m.. stopping at Portage la Prairie, {>6 miles west, for dinner and r«acli- ing Brandon at 6.30 p.m. The bulk of freight tralflc at that time consist- ed of rails and other construction material Sloes that time the devel- opment has been rapid. Th* Canadian Pacific Is now the greatest transportatlra corporation to Ktat world, ,«i«jm... ._.!. lU mileage Is 18,233, viz: 0. P. R. and lines worked, 13,8'77; owned and controlled 4,856. Its equipment Is valued at $506,- 577,265.32, not Including ocean, laJce and river steamers. Its •qul|>meDt Includes 2,255 loco- motives; 2,781 passenger cars; 87,108 freight cars, and other cars, 8.287. It has 65,000 employees with a monthly pay roll ot 13,625,000 in 1916, It carried 13,833,978 passengers In 1916. Its capiUl stock Is $260,000,000; preferred $80,6$l,t»2l; debenture stock $176,284,882: mortgage bonds $6,399,- 180. It has given 7.0OO men to the British Empire; 179 have been killed and 403 have been reported as wounded. It has 13,600 miles of pole lines and 102, 70<) inlles of wires. It ha-s a fleet of 09 steamers, exclu- sive of the Atlantic service: Great Ijakes. 6; ferry service, 2; B. C. Ijike and River. 24; B. C. coa-ot service, 26; Bay of Kiindy service, 2. Its gross earnings, according to the annual report In 1916. were $139,481.- 885; expenses. $80,265,965; net earn- ings, $49,22.''.920. Its ocean services include Canadian Pacific Trans-Atlantic, I'rans-Paclflc Llnee and Allan I.lne. It circles the world by land and sea. The Irrigation projec* of the com- pany in Alberta will Irrigate portions of a tract ot 3,000,000 acres of land, east of Calgary. Th« western section, comprltlng 1,600 miles of caaaU and ittotiee prC viding f«r tbe irrlgatlea o( 370,0«#' aorea of land has beaa completed. Tbe great irrigation iam at Baa- san«. Alberta, built by the C. P. R.V waa opened April 3$, 1114. It l«j 7,«00 feet In length and oootalna mor« than a mllltoit cubic feet of earth aa^ concrete. The Canadian Pacific Railway haa seen Canada Increaee from 4,000,009' population to 8.000.000; it has seev capital wealth increase from a feiil minions to $9,920,000,000; it has seei^ 3,500 miles of railway lengthene<f to 36,8iOO mllee, with annual salariea^ and wa«es of $111,761,972; it has seen scientific farming produce millloM^ dollar crops, tremendous strides it' medicine and surgery and a tranetor'' mation in social conditions. It has seen the trade of Canada dO> velop for 12 months In 1916 to 92,02$^ 660,788, an Increase ot $881,214,237 over 1915. Canada has aeen eight GoTerno^ Generals since the Canadian Paclflo, Railway began operation. They were the Marquis of Lome, I^ord LAnai! downe. Lord Stanley, Earl of Aber- deen. Lord Minto, Earl Qrey, Duke oft Connaught and Duke of I>evonablr«k, The followlog premiers have held; power since Its Inception: Sir Joha' A. Macdonald, Sir John Abbott. Sle, .lohn Thompson, BIr Mai-kensla Bowell, Blr Charles Tupper, Sir WlV; frld Laurier and Sir Robert L-. Bop.^ den; and tbe great railway oompaa]ti has seen Canada come third In tka' world's wheat crop estimate in 19lS, with 876,303,600 buabels and 711.(11 occupiers taks farms and holdlaga. Twenty RveYears on the Jo^^» ^ jjiiiii " Preston |li||||||||m||CE.M?PHERSON I I C- v.. McI'IlKUSON. assistant ims- 1 England. He came to Canada In 1SS5 â- fiigur Iralflc inaiKiKer, Westrrn I, tins and eiilerod ihe laiul di'iiartiiient of Of thO! v.. W U., was honi at Cliailiam, the f'anrolian I'ailllc Hallway Aui; Ontario, .Iiino i', lSt;2. ami w:is also S, K>(,'s5. He «as general clerk in tlie educated there. He cnlered the st'r\ ic-e laud deparlmciit froni ISS'i to 189'^l Of thelirand Tiunk af Tonmto 111 )S7!;. ;lle was chief i jerk (rom isnii to ly'ij lie was Willi ilie couipauy at various He was appoiiilc.l land iv-'eiit of til's places until ISSI, when lie enlerid , company in \Viniiip:'i; l-'eii \ )iii2 the service of Hie ChUâ- a^o, Rovlj ls-,"hlch position he s:ill i.oKU laud and I'aiKlc Railway as neiieinl, JACOB I.. DOCi'K clv't siirvever agent for Canada. lie Joined the C. P. U. Wcsiera Lines, born lii Canadian Pacific Uaihvay, .Septem- l Toronto. Sepleniber. KSiIT Kdii.ated ber 1, IS.SB, as general travelling In Winiiipeg public schools and' St agent, with an a!tlcc at .Montreal, and : .'oliu's College, lie graduated froiu llillllM :3"^j!!;j!;..:iiii,:;:,,;;':;:f:\ ;':'ii" '•:":,,;: :':-v^^ ,;,v. ,:iil|il!.llii;i|jjill|[j|P*iiwn,.|.N: ,,,|. the following year he was appointed district paasengcr agent at Boston, in charge of the .NV.v Kngland States and Maritime provinces. On absorp- tion of the New Briiuswick Kailwav In 18110 by the Canadian I'acitlc Rail- way ha Mas tnailB us.sistanl general pasftongcr agent at St. .lolin. Ho waa transferred In the saiiio position to Toronto In 1893. In I8!i9 hij was api)ointed general passenger agent, Wpstcrn Lines, at Winnipeg. In 19nj he way appoitiied assiatant pansenger truffle manager at Winnliipg. CltA.N'CIS W.tUUSSKl.L. laud the Unlversily of Manitoba In 1887 lie entered the Canadian Pacific Rail, way aerviie as assistant englueer on ronstructton In June, 1S!h). He i>e- tame surveyor of the land deimrtment In May, ISIU, and was appointed as- sistant land commissioner In Septem- ber, 19(10. He became geijeral townsite agent In .March. iyi2, and chief sur- Ini" °' ^^'**'*"' '''°es In August, n. PRKSTO.N, asst. superintendent of motive power. Western Lines, C. P R wai horn at Toronto, July 28* I86.3' Up entered railway service in' 1877 agetu, C. IV R., Winnipeg, wa* horn at From 1878 to li82 L wm a m^h nUt Hastings, fcnglaiul, Hec. lii. 1864, apprentice connected' with T,S Ue was educated at prlvats gthool. In l^rry and Bruce RaJJway. later aWb-' ed by the C. P. R., 1882 to 1884 nUfc* chlnlst, C. P. R., Winnipeg, and T» route. Grey and Bruce Railway, TvJ' ronto. 1884 to 1887 he waa a machln] 1st in the employ ot the C. P. R. all Toronto; 1887-1890 he held the pogf>l Hon of locomotive foreman at HaT» lock. Out. From 1890 to 1894 he wM' locomotlvo foreman at Loadea, OUVi 1894 to 1897 locoinotlrstforemail* Smiths Kails, Ont. 1897 to 189$, )«o«t' motive foreman, Montreal; 1898 m! 1901, locomotive' foreaian, Tor^ttMl 1901 to 1903, ma8ter«.iBeohai)lo, IjUm Superior Division, North Bay, OhlX IMS to 1909, master ms^Mic ^K Urio DlTision, ToroBto; 1W>» to UW master tneebaaio. Manitoba DiviaUW' Wltuiipeg. Since 1914 be haa ba«« asslstattt sufterintandeat of bmUtv P«WMi WlnnlBH' â€" -

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