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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1917, p. 8

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June 7 1917 THE F L E S H E R r N A D V AN C E BUSINESS CARDS Societies PHINCB AKTHCR I.ODOF,, No. X-«,A.F.4 A M, meetB in the U«BonlcW»U. Arm tro««'8 BlooU Fl«Bb6rt':u, ?>very Friday oo iMfore tlie (all mooa. T. Honry, VV. M. H. W. HicklinB, Betfe'.nry. cnOfiEK FRIBN&S . Fles I.ertoD Coiimi Clio«en rriondu :in mcr'i in Cl»»ton» lliil f»r«t and tliiia WeJnefiJav â-  •"•en indutli f bp.ui. Pay «peet)i]tm9 m luconli r tii i before tlie lliBtilay ol (xcb moi.'*i. C biu Councillor, W. Jl. Hunt; KecorJer, 5Iri>. L. A Ji'JBlior. Dentistry Dr B. C MURRAY T^ n. fi., acutal mirgeou h<oorRr(uiuato of Totucto University ann KOjal Oolleiie of Oeuial t-mn'ons of Ont»rio, lite adwitiuieterad for te<:ta extraction IUc« at reeideuce, Toioutu bUoet, KUeliertoo Medical ' 1 P OTTEWELL # Veterinary 8«rs«o:> Sradnato of Ontario Veterinary I'ollout roaidence â€" second door Foutb veet^oc lk«ry ttreet. This street rana outb Viecbjteilaa Cbtirch. Chac. E McLean. M D. C M, Specialty â€" Surgery, Midwifi'ry A W,, men's Diseases Okfiousâ€" Fleslierton, H.uiae. Priceville- Oon'DierciKl II. •(•), O.W to 1 li.m. J)rug store .'n connectinn « .tli otlii'f. Office Hours in Fleshcrton-- Wednesday anJ yriday afttrncn 2 to r'i l>.ni. Phone messages rec»iv • l'''"nl"t attenti'in at both otticta I(iM.iylS Legal 4 vrAB, KAN'EY <t , .._ _ hKN'Ry-liariitterK. tjoiicitorf,eic.-l. »'. I'l'cae, K. C. ; W. E, fUncy, K. »'. ; W. I). Heuiy, H. A. OUlces. ToiODto, liOC-9 Tradcri liauli IiidK., pbone main ]4ii!; Markdale Lacas lilock, Pbone 2 A. Hraocb oflice at Dundalk optD every Saturday. W BIGHT. TELFORD 4 McDONALD Karriiter, Holicitorn. .Vc. Ollicee. Grey * Bruce lilock. Uwon Bound. Standard Hank Mock.Kle»b6rton,(8aturi!avi-l. W.H. Wright, W. y. Telford Jr. J. C. McL'onald.L. u. H. Portlaw Na' lire h&s at last avfiikened lioiii lier lon^ blumher and uow welcouio Biiiilos ai'o H^readiiiK over hev fair face. Grain seediu;; is completed and corn and roots are new eiig4t>inu oiir alteiiiiun. ISotwilhslaiiding I lie handle ip for labor aWut the utaal acreage of <,;rnit) has been sown with the land in (; md iMndition, and if fac(^rablo condiltuns should con- tinuo it ii reasonablo lo expect at least ao average yield. More i.s hoped fur. , Mr. It. McMiister is busy with his drillinj; out tit on the fariH of Mr. Lislie Chard. Oil is the ohjecl. Mr. and Mis. J. Campaign :uid Mrs. Hughes of Battle Creek, Mich , have l>een visiting at llie home of Mr. K. H. TliompsDii. Mr. Art. Watson went to Owon Sound before the departure of the 248ih Halt. to enlist, hut was nut accepted. He then went (â- > Toronto and ottered liiiiisflf but with the Kajue result. .John Winters has invested in a new Ford car and iu a new piano. Misi Mabel Wiiuchobe is vif^itins with her cousin, Mrs. L'jwis Shetrdown. Misa Wiillaceof Fleshcrton is spending this week with Mr. .\lbeit Thompson. Mi«s Millie NVhile of Toronto visited at her home lately. lospeclor Hufl' paid our school an otficial visit lately. We believe he was well pleased with the work being done, but a little butied with the attendance. Portlaw Red Cioss Society purpose holding a baz lur and lawD social on Friday, the L">th in«t., at the home of Mr. Lewis Sheaidonn. The ladies say that thoy expect ".sooiethins? goud" there so come and on Joy some. V' BusiNE-ss Cards Ot'LLOUQH & yODNti liankerB Markdatu Ooneral banking b'iein«r^ . Money ioaued at r'iasonable rate? Call on us. DWcFHAIL, T<lcens«d Auc-ionee for tlie * County of Orey. Tiiuik wtKlerate and eatis 'action (guaranteed. 1 lie avraURetiutili and dates ol salcH can be nja<i<) M TliK ADVAUce olCca. JleeidencuanJ I'.o., ( •'>lon. Teleidiouv coocectioo. Dec. U, 07 WU. RAITTlNtt, ieeuaed Auctioneer foi tbe counties of Grey and Siiucoe. Farm aad Htock galea a npeeitlty. Terms moderate, satisfacticu guaranteed. Arrange' iuenUi for datee may be made fit tbe Advance office, or (Central telei'bone oR.ce teversUani or bjaddrMsiui! uie at Fsverabau), Out. Representative WANTED at once for FLESHERTON and District for Canada's Greatest Nurseries Spring lttl7 planting ii>t now ready Splendid list ol hardy Can-uiim ;{i'oun fruit and ornamental stock, includiug, Mcintosh Red Apple, St. Unuis Ever- bearing Respberry and many other •aders. New illustrated catalou-.ji sent on application. Start now at best selling time. lA\>eT- a] propositioD. Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries. fKstal)lished 18:!7.) TORONTO - ONTARIO â- *• Deefing Implement.s A N I) Gasoline En||incs Allkindsof Uceiing linjileiiionts. I'.tit- :klway8 on hand. A(!cnl I'r I'lirii' Cutters. I?art)er l{u^'i;iis. Louden Ijjtter Carrieis, ]Iay Traiks, IVdIar diinglcs and sidiiig. liniilenaM.ts icfjuirc no lecommcndfttioii u.-) they arc standard pnotls and rccmni/.iil ah \Uv best on the market. FRT'lTTRKES- I rcpreseni th,. .Slot. &. Wellinhloii nursery, and;will be pleiscd tociill if you send inc a cird. ED. RUTHERFOkD Proton Station WANTED NOW Reliable Salesman to act as Agent in Grey County pay weekly, outfit free, excluaivo Icrri tcry and inonoy niakinj? specialties, (lur agancies arc the best in the I nsinesi for wc sell the highest i^iado* of stock tt roost reasonable prices and guarantee deliveries in first class condition. Nurs ery stock is selling well this yenr and good money can be made in iliis dinttict. For particulars write Salcs Manaukr Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto Farm for Sale TiOi 27, Con S, Oupit-y, about foitv ndci oleared, ll)« balance mostly hardw loH liiiiili well watered lliis farm uiu.'t be sold to wlm) upas estato Apply â€" WM W THOMV.SOX. AdnjiiiiJtriitiir, "nat 31 3in(fhumpto«, K R The Grand Valley (J iris' Patriotic Ljague have joined forces in a production Ciiinpaign and will i'iii.<e a crop of beanf. T. H Hamilton kindly gav'i them the use of A lot on Emina street, wh oh Mr. Col- beck is to plow and gel ready for the seed. Th'! rust ihti girls intend doin<; themselv- es, plaining, culiivating and harvesting. Coukstown has taken a very pr-«c;ic«l and sensible plan of providing a la.stiDg memorial in h >nor of the 14<( men who enli.sted from ibc vill't»u and immediate vicinity. < 'u Victoria Day a tree for each m'>ri was planted in the park, and thesR in d.iys to ci niu nill be a memorial of the patriotic service and saciilice made by ihu young men. Cream Wanted We liie open to buy Cream for churn- ing and I kble use. Write for prices. The figures of yesterday may I 111 too low for toniortow. We furnish cans â€" pay charges and give firoinpt services. Ask any shipper. THE TORONTO CREAMIIRY CO., Ltd Chl UCH ST., TORONTO, ONT. .\pr 2 J -•) we. FARMS FOR SALE For sale or rent for gnizliijj;, lot :!."<. con. l;), aiid pari of lots IU and 'A'<, con. 11, .\:t>'iiii'si«, ISl acus iiiiird* or less known s the (" farm. Will rent for pasture Rlhis season, or lake Htock in by the inon Ih. This is a splendid griiiu and urazing farm, well watered and fenced, a lot of valuable limber and cedar and abou' 00 acres fit for cullivation. It is well worth the allention of stock iiien. Will sell for reason ible casli payment, bal.iiico e.isy terms. .'Vpply to R. .J. Sproule, loly t Flenhetton, Oi.l. Don't Fail to Read The uir i^ on and burincfs i» noiiii> up. Vc.u .ill kiio« tlni I'. .'<iKiMi MIT. Mork- ilii'e. Iiiyi np a li tie . f iMerylhii.g and puyi n-o I -me pi i.'i's mill cash for eveiy- iliii«. I'llres ])tid f. o. Ii. Rlarkilalo. Poultry ajiv.-, Ili lu 2i)c ; inbbeis, lie up; raj/H, L'l- i:[; ; !io>sn luir, :tl) to.'i.'ic ; eop lii-i and 1 tiH", l."i to 2<)e ; also h'gli puces for oiln rvluUnol ui'MiIi iii.hI ; also special prioi" p:iid to this- wh i ke. p the slull/or Rod Cross. Drop a card loaliove addrofs. No aijeiits are Woikiiijr for me. Midi to ones who \ I kii iw hikI make you to Umow ihat oi-r»'' nie ii|. Mind tlm name P. STKINIIAIM', Markdalo. WOMEN WAR WORKERS \ijn\\\: ttoiii. n laii u'luler llit Country real servitii by prenariug ahu positions in Uiisitiess Olliccii an d I'lnks and relieve youno men for wii serN ico. Fifty thnu.onnd men will bo called up v.ry scon under the Militia A<d foi lioiiift defence. -- Who will tuke ihiir places in the Bu-iinpss Oltices and Hanks I Vounir womoti shTuld pre' pare now at the â-  OWKN SOliND, Ont. Spring Term Opens April iQth (.'ircuUr Free. C.A.I-LEMINO F.C.A, Principal iEUROPEAlM WAR PICTURES I Sit ?«0*&t Britisk adTMiM tl tA« WMt«rB FroBtâ€" our sver-meTing Artilleryâ€" lettin; s Field ana ia positUa. ~ A.B.C. OF RAILWAYS A Scene In the f.l'.IS. Vnrda ut \\ lunlprtf. THE FULL CARLOAD A great deal of' progress has been luado recently In bringing about co-operation between railways and lliolr patrons and oiiu way In which this has been fnanl- fested Is the general endeavor t ) reduce If not entirely ellmtnato the waste of fn'jht curs. The benefits which accrue to the shipping public as well as to the car owners by refraining from using equipment un- duly for Miorugo purposes is gener- ally understood and appreclnted but the Increased efficiency which can be derived by loading every cur to its 4 maximum cubic or carrying capacity ueoms to be frequently overlooked. The full loading of cars has a direct bearing ou car supply nnd purlicularly at this time, when a serious car shortage exists In certain parts of tlie country It Is desirable that in no cuso should two ciirs he used where oiio would BUnico. Some of the larger shippers have Issued bulletins to tliclr customers pidutlng out the mnthoda by which tietler loading may ho obtained and were these suggestloqa adopted genernlly lUo beueflts which would accrue to r",1 concerned would bo great and immediate. The average railway car has ft carrying capacity of about forty tons but the average load per car Ih only twootylhree. ions. Many Bhippera ivinl coUBlunees are in tho liabit of ordering only sutlUli-ut freight to equal the niinimuiu pre- scribed by i£,rift when they couU as well order a full carload or i( convenient to do so could arrange to have tholr coueigunientB cot\- solldatcd with others o.' a similar nature travelllug to the same des- tination, thereby saving ut least oi', perhaps, more cars. Cousi.snees would tlnd by ndopllisg method.^ such as tills their freight v.-ould be shipped more promptly as the ship- pers would have more lU their disposal and the annoying de- lays attributed to "waiiiug cars' would be largely a thing of the past Dustbane Saves labor in .sweeping. It kills germs. Britjbtens Hoois -iml inaKes Carpets look liko new. Don't riweop without DUSTBANE Packoiliii tin.s forhoiric usc\ , In biUTt'ls and koj,'s for .store And cilice u8i\ All grocers sell the Tlouse- j HoM Tins. Order barrel.-j ;ind kegs Direct. Dustbane I - Mfg. Co. OTTAWA \ Sc&ool SiilMfiia's Eyes. FARM WANTED Farm wanted to buy or rent. Possesnion immediately or next spring. Must have Rubstftlitial bnildini!", snmo timber and lunuiiiji water prefotred. Part or all cash. Applicati ns imiNt uivB coinrlete loscription with terms and time of posaciisiou. A.puly to -.W.W.WRIGHT, Siiii-haiupton P.O., Ontario, STOCK AND EGOS FOR SALE Trtiuwoi'tli Swine, D, R, l-'ijq^, and Iloncii Duck Eggs. 1 have foripiick *alct>oinoV(.i\ir(:;Taiiiwnrths tor broeduiijpiiriiiwes ; alnoiiome It.iiredKock »^gR, and Uouen J>nck <i»fg!i fnr hatchinj; pur- pones. PricsB riglit J'hone or write â€" UEO. W. ROSS, Octl!) l«i O^pri'v Tl. V'vstein. Mavwfll, T O <m^ Spend the Summer Months in YongcanJ Chailca 8tveet.«, Tovouto. It will pay you woll. Wd wero a«li«'l to Bll ISO poel ioue in two moti^bd and '.'tlilnriog tw-o othcj i-ioDtha, Wli^« for lau.q tatalosue Kalct ,NoW. \V. .1. ELLIOTT. Pjunch'.\l. ^ Many lives have been ruinea through neglected eyestrnitT in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and gutrantet satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong;.

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