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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1917, p. 5

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June 7 1917 LESHERTO N ADVA N CE 41-^- THE STAMDARD BANK or CANADA HKAO OrnCI - TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- ••T B 1.71 est at current rate. t^s FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, i«I*n»«er. A Soldier Philosopher i y^-"?---^--"'^-^,>rir'.Vffi^--^-^^^ .rSZ^rS^. ZJ^.TriZr^. >-^-.-v^--^?S^" 2S fS Trains follows : Going South 7.5:i a. m. 4.27 p.m. The uiaiU are C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Going North For the benefit of friends and relatives of men of the 2-t8th Bait, it is pointed out that letters addressed to the men, in care of the 248th O. S. Batr., Army 12.01 u.ui. ^**' Otfice, London, will reach them 9.18p. m. a!ri(.;ht, if the man's ranu, number and osed at Flesherton as initials or Christian name l>e given in the A letter from Pte. Wm. Davis, who' belonged to the 147th Battalion, recently received from France, says in part : We are having grand weather here Ihia ' l&si t#o weeks. The country ba« dried i up 6nA and the i^rass is growing green and the birds are singing in the trees. ' We are all Iriog out in the sun in an old orchard. \ Nearly all our felloes are here now. A I bii( draft just coma ia the other night. Fied Bellamy and Dick Wilcock are both .y here and Pat Beattie is with th; 5th C. I V< M.R'3. Do you remember my speaking ' -^ of Stonewall Jackson that I went to f jUows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clooK. For morning train south mail clo^e nt 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. address. The battalion arrived at Hilifax List Tuesday, according to iwi.rd received here that duy, Hjw long they will be retained there is not known. Three unfortunate youn'^ Kimberley men qoi miitid up with a consignment of that which conftses the brain and on Friday last Ina-jector Beckett of Owen Sound had them on the carpet before Reeve McKenzio of .Arteiuesii and Magi- istrate McMullen. There was a general Monday was nut observed here is a plea of guilty and dnes were imposed of public holidao in honor of the kini;. I f 2(tO in one case and 110 each in the D. McTa\ish is putting in a Wayne ; °'h«"- '^'''« <="""•"»» ''^''^ =»' *^''"'^''«y- gasoline pump and 2000 nallon tank. I About oue o'clock Wednesday morning CINITY CHIPS Mt. Forest ia after the auto speeders. Mrs. P. Louc'ms is visiting friends in Mcaford. school with .' I met him last night. He IS a brigade signaller. Vou spoke obout me taking care of myself. Well, I am certainly looking after No. 1, but you know that don't make a fellow bomb proof. It is just a game of chance. Af- ter what I've came through so far one cne would think I waa bomb proof : but still I might get it live miles back on a working party. That fellow you have the picture of with mt> at Niagara wasilM little 'i^^ FLESHERTON'S BUSY STORE Menf Stop and Look. We have something cheap ia BOOTS for you Muleskin boots with leather sole at g'2.50 â- Something that will give satisfactioa ilcu'r Uris Calf, whale boots Come in â€" \se cau save you money on these lines. Men's, Boys', Women's. & Childicu'.-' Kunning Shoes ! •Tust the thing mr the summer moutho Prices Eight! Ladies' Voile Waists. k newariival of Ladies' White Voile Waistti Prices rnnning from $\ .io to 83.00 Now these are a snap. and I'l: .â- >: of last week the general store of .1. A- Mutchmore Gleu Huron, was burned to the ground together with all the ccntents. The family, living over the store, had a very narrow escape, escaping only in their W,vB.NiM-.â€" Get your supply of Turnip nigh i clothes. It is not known how the Seed at Becker's Reliable General Store, ' g^^ origiuVed. There wai. an of ?60<X>, divid.*d between several paniea. Diedâ€" In Glenelg, on Wednesday. May 30, Peter Thibaudeau, agec' 4i> yrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Campaisn of Chicago ate visiting relatives here. !â-º. to ^H ut 'I Carpet Squares. How about a new RUG for your home W got a new supply ot Rugs iu ' All sizes and cobrsâ€" greeu andjfuwu Really, the design 'ire lovely Prices are rii^Lt. WE WANT Produce, Butter & Eggs Bring us your PRi:'DUCE We pav the Highest Pricfls for BUTTER & EGGS Mi/linery. Millinery. We are putting on our New Spring Millinery on sale So come in and buy yoar summer Hat this vceeii Ilv?xythiu^ will be soW ^J a redn^^Hn-^ Don t forget to come in. Corn. Corn. Seed Corn, Crompton's Early, North Dakota Wisconsin . stoves. Stoves. Those who are looking for a new Stove come in and have a look at ours We have two of the finest Stoves madeâ€" Tie Happy Thought made by Wm. Buck, and The Banquet made by DoUerty. Dishes. Dishes. Dinner sets 1 We have some pretty dinner sets on hand, so it you are seeding a set, come in and see ours : and we also have other pretty things iu Dishes. Cement. Cement. J]izt imloaued ft««u: of Osi^at- write for prices Fhone or - Proton Station. Everyone come to the Rod Cross tea at Mrs. Harry Wilson's on I'riday afternoon, June Hâ€" Mrs. Uickliug, Sec. A Kuiienia boy caught a trout IU inches in lenjth, a shm fellow, that weighed up only 2.V pouuds. Miss Ethel Ludlow of Proton Station spent the week end with Miss Adda Wright. Mr. and Mrs. S. Wright of Markdale visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Chard one day last week. Miss Delia HuU« of (.>rangeville, who has been visiliiig her sister here for a couple of weeks, returned home Monday. Miss {Johnston, milliner with F. G. Karstedt, returned this week to her home in Orsngoville. Corn '. Cobs ! â€" All the leidiiiu varie- ties ; also Eniili^h Dwarf, l^^ic ilape for sale at Becker's Reliable General Store, Proton Station. insurance yiDg talkinu to me on a bank in a village tivR miles back of the lines ana i,' they landed oue over and hit Cranney in 'ia< the ey6 ai-.d smashed luy ritln which was ] U lying between us, su it wasn't worth j^^ taking home. So I tuuk his and all was O.K. It does not bother me in the least. I think if its coming to me I'll get i: and if not I wan't, so there is no use in worry- ing. One thing which cheers ma is to know that thingi ate alright at home. thals what has worried me for the past i.r< ^ 14 months. I am sitting on a bank fl^ ^ â- c^'^.^-.jJ !». .^^ .•s.' V^'-*- -^ -^ -«- ^ -.i^ ^ :^ . «:â-  -^ ^ .y. ^ ^ .^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .^ -^ ^ -^ , ^ 4^ ^ ^ ^ •^'â- â€¢in'X: smoking a ten-cent ciii*r since I came to France. F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. the first one I have not got any Ftitzy*80uvenirs yet. The raorn;il$;; we went.over the top I was too busy to FOR SERVICE Lit 24, con. 14. Artemei-ia, pure brtd get any souvenirs, but I may land some Shorthorn bull. Valley King. Grade â- ^oâ„¢" the next trip up. A large congregation attendel the Presbjterian church ou Sunday when the pistor, Rev. Mr. McVicar. preached from 1 Cor. 1. l-.'U, a sermon in memory of the lite Chas. ftlcMullen who was recently killed in France. The church was draped wiih black and da<js. The deceased young man had been a member of the Sabbath school and w\8 a young man of many sterling 'lualities. He had lived in Toronto for the past ten years. Mr. John Campaign of Chicago, who has been visiting here, is quite enthusias- tic over the prospect for the United States helping toe Allies in cleaning up the Huns. He says a Urge di>t«ch- ment of the regular American army has already landed in England and will be on the tiring line in a few days. From what he tells us Uucle Sam appt.-ars to be â- cow» f 1.25, purebred #4.00. 1 July 17 â€" W. A. WEBER. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hopper desire to <=<">''"'•'"« 'he rebellious foreign element thank their friends and neighbors for "> * ^'"y """'f'^^^y n"*"""- *"J -"^ny assistance and sympathy in their recent * ^^"/^ â„¢"""';^ ^""'»" 'â- â- ";^''° °f Chicago u .. u .u J ,1. ,( »!.»;. .„„ I has been n.ade to walk the plank and bereavj.Tient by the death of their son. '^ disaopear from society f jr the balance of The garden p.irty at Eugenia Mond.y , ^^^ ^^^ was a great success, the pn)ceeds amoan- ting to $108 Eugenia girls beat lbs Kimberley girls at baseball by one run. Mr. Tom Davis, son of Mr. and Mrr. W'm. Davis, was recentiv married in EngUtid. An Enghsh Married in England Mr. I. Smith of Rockmilla has been ndvised that hi.t son, Lieut Edwin Smith, has been sent to Egypt. Lieut, j ^-na^ua. An r.ngusn newspaper Smith is in the artillery. •>•"<* «»*«» ""= following account : Mrs. .los. Blackburn motored toj !•» the presence of a larxe number ot Toronto on Sunday in company with ' fne»idi a pretty and interesting wedding Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd of Markdale, I '^J' Pl'*<=e at the Congregational church, Her mother. Mrs. Ayers, is ill. Ramsgate. on Sunday, when Sergt. T. E. „ 411 â-  .1 .k Davu and Miss M. Winifrid Uawkes W.\Bsi»i â€" All animals, other than' ,-,.,, ... , I .. 1 x.\. ^ l'' *<"'• uu'ted in the noly bonds af matri- inilch cows, must be t«ken off the street or else they will be put in the pound. \ 6y order of J. HALt:s, town constable. I Mr. Woods of Corbetton occupied the Methodist pulpit again on Sunday. The j paator, Mr. Dudgeon, has been ill for : two weeks with a bad case of i^uinsy. | Bio S.\le â€" Reduced prices iu all lines. 1 Dish contest closes Saturday night. June "Jth. the liist night of the Big Sale at Becker's Reliable General Sore. Proton. Mr. Thos. Camack and daughter. Myrtle, and Mr. and Mr». Ernest Proctor of Kimberley motored out on Thursday :*nd visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin in town. Mr. John Whitten of Toronto, spent the paat week with friends in theia vicinity. Mr. Whitten's son, B. A. is in the Royal Flying Corps but has not yet left (or oversets. Dr. Murray and Misi Lowndes motored to Bright. Oat., 01 Friday «tternoon latt to visit tho latlet's parents, who reside there. They returned Monday. I The Mt. Forest Con''ederate lelU of a In iid, but loving memory of my dear little girl who rapture.1 a trout twelve husband, Edjar Hutchinson, who was inches in length. Poi>h ! pooh! that's killed in action in France on June 2, 1916. nothing. Chas. Richnrdsuu, druggist jj^ ^j^^pg ^,pg|Jg ^^ comrades. mouy by the Re». Duxbury Wouds. The brido was charmingly drensed in a nigger brown coat frock with cream colored silk hat and carried a large bom^uet of dowers. The bride is the youngest daughter of the lute Mr. Albert Hawkes and Mrs. Uawkes of Crescent Terrace and Albert Road, Kamsgate. The biidegroom is the suu of Mr. and MrK. » illiam U^vts, Grey county. Out.. Canada. Ho was one of the tirst Cana- dians to enlist ou the outbreak of the war and fought with the 1st Canadian Division in France for almost a year, when he was severely wounded. The happy couple were the recipients of iiiaiiv useful iind btautiful presents. I-^mediately after the ceremony the biide and bridegroom amid showers of confetti and the hearty good wi.shes of their numerous friends started on their hiiuoyinoon tour. In Memoriam GREAT LAKES STEAMSHIR SERVICE The Canadian P.icitic Railway will, commencing Sitturday Juue 2ad, operate Grtat Lakes Steamship Express trains between Toronto and Port McNichol on the following schedule, with hrst coach and parlor c:tr, running throughout with local stops. Northboundâ€" Leave Toronto 2.00 pm. arrive Port McXichol .'>.15 p.m.. each Wednesday and Saturday, connecting with the palaciai C.P. R. Great Lake Steamships leaving Port McGichol ou above days at 5.43 p.m. for Sault Sie. Mane, Port Arthur »nd Fort Willinm Southbound â€" Leave P^rt McNichol Mondays and Friday 8 ;'.<."' a.iu , arriving Toronto 11.45 a.m. Great r.akes Service via C>wen Sound \ i.s now in operation. Steamship ".Mani- toba" leaving Owen Sound at uidniL'ht each Thursday for S.»u!t Ste. Marie, Pore Arthur and Furt William. Full particulars from any f P R. Agent or >V. B Howard, District Passenger -Xgent, , Toronto, Out. Boar for Sen'ice The undersigned has a thoroughjred Yorkshire Boar for service on lot II, con. !*. Osprey. Terms f l..->0. FRED SPOFFARD. Boar For Service Pure bred \ orkshire biar iot ^ft'- ice at the ; M''Ra« farm, near Ceylon. Termsâ€" fl 50 for all ^uimaL. Mrvnl. INjv. -J. F. COLLIXSON- The Split Log Drag Worst Roads in Ontario Good Roads conventions are excellent. Much information and many helpful suggestions are to be obtained fiom attending them. Unfortunately very ftw path-m;isters attend them. VV e all hope that eventually, good roads, with proper surfiice and underdraiuinK and founda- tion will become general. Meanwhile it; would be well for us to exercise prnpif i care that should Le given to many exist* There are few rt<ad8 in the County of ing earth roads. Grey that are dangen;us to travel upon | While travelling through Duudas but there is one stretch between the \ couuty in the middle of April, it was towns of Meaford and Thornbury that is dis'.inctly noticeable that t'le rt>«ds upon about as bad ^. piece of road ss exists | which the spUt log drag had been ustd anywhere. The township council of the i were in decidedly belter cunditiou thsD| township of Collingwood have been j the uudragged road-i. Do not wait until! warned repe-vtedly ttiat this part of the the road is to be construct -d Do some- 1 road is in a dtngerous condition and yet thing to keep it iu good shape. If the' they have neglected to do one thing split log drag ia used in the spring orj towards fixing it up. There will be an . after rains, earth ro.ids can be very much j acclaent there within a very short time if : improved. Instead of having a road full the road is used and the township will ' of bolei and ruts an earth road can be < co:ne in for a good sized bill of damages, aept smc<oth and lu much better condi- It is now practically impossible as a , liou than many of the undraaged roads motor road and there is more than a | of the present day. The ci>st is small chance that the township council « 'II be ( but the improveiueat is ijreat. â€" F.C.N, prosecuted for maintaining a nuioJince. ( ..^________^^__ The business men of Thornbury and Mea- ford are aroused and there is a probability of an action being tikea in the couits. â€" O. S. Sun. Attractive Dioiiig Car Service A Female Fiend here, caught one measuring 16^ inches. It girihed H' inches and weighed two pounds one ounce. Another gentleman caught one a ii tie over three pounds in the SHitte swi.iiming hole. Come again Mt. Forest. Iu a hollowed grave unknown ; But bis name is written iu letters of love, In the hearts he left at homo. God knows h.iw much I miss htui. He counts th • te.irs I shed, .\nd whispers "Hush, he only sleeps. Your loTed one is not dead. " -WIFE. \ Mr. Jos. Oliver received a leleiiani Inst week sti'iiii that hi* Soil. Jiiuics.who ^ belonged to tho 14" Cirey.s had be-, n 1 wHinded but remained on duty. Thi» , Ou Tuesday afiornom Mr.Isnacyuinn, would i\idei.tlv mean th it the woui.d an aged man, of the !<;!» of Egroiiion*, was a slighl one. The teUsnoii did not wm found at 'he slublp. uncoosciou', and .say where lie accident occuned, but it almost bled io denth with two very bad wa-> not thoiight "Ji:amy " had left c»sh>?s i" h" head. It is supposed that EngHnd. llo was still in Eogknd , ho had been kicked b^ the horses that itli. hn>1 ha.HU l,i't-"' •"â-  'Iâ€"'-' â€" -- SuudorUnd, <*nt.. May IU CallocuM of Btock township died from the effects of poison administered him while suffering from a minor wound in a hospital in France. The poison w,»s applied to his wound by a German giil iu disguise, according to a letter received by his father. â- â€¢ The lad's father, F. R. Callocull, is a farmer living near Wilfred. He received 1 a message fr<jiii Oltaw-ksome weeks ago' that bis sou was slightly wounded, but! not seriously. Following this a secvnd | iue6sat;e announced his death in a hoopi- ! tal in Fran^'o. S inullaneoualy u letter was received from the son stating thatl his wounl was very slight, and he expec- ' ted to soon be iu the lines. CUtiwa had ; no further information to offer, and the patents were naturally perplexed, until a letter arrived" la.^l week from a docior in , charge of the hospital giving an explana- ; tion of the untimely detih of the young 1 soldier. I I He Skid Pte. (./allocutt w..8 admitted to ihohoHpit'il suffeiiug from a slight wound, but poisiineil by ;i Gcnn'm uiil »ho had succ<.s.-fuliy disgu^'<ed herself n.-- ,111 I iillit'd i;ure. Heriilentiy wi-i delec'.ed . I by I iviiuii'til ilfioT, to whom she also j Kdiiiin'stered pvi«. 11 liy placiig it in the woui.d He at 111 e«' knew Iu- had been poisoned and calkd l!ie (Uc'or, whiih led to the Hun's ciMlviction. She admitted Probably nothing helps more to mule a railway journey really enjoyable than a visit to the "Dining Car." especially if it be a CinaUiaii Picitic Dining Car, where the p'tssouiter is assured of the highest 1 form of efficiency in tlie culinary art, : the choicest provisions that the market} Pte Herb ; *ff'^'''<^* prepared on the scientific principle kuown as "Dietetic Blending. ' Y'onr favorite dish, as you like it. may | be enjoyed at rcas:>nable cost, amidst ideal surroundings, while travelling i n the Canadian Paciac. f- Honor Rolls Report forSS. 11. Arten.eaia. 4 h-G McGee, M Bolaad. Sr. 3â€" N Geoiie, A Bowler. Jr. 3-E Sewell. Sr. 2-D McGec. M McCuUough. A S.'well, M Bowler. Int. A Jr. 2â€" C Neely. W Deverell. A Bowler. Ist-L Sfewell, CBoIanrI, M Bolaad, V Nesly. Pi-.â€" D Boland, V Boland. E Graham. Honors â€" N. Genc->e. D. McQee. â€" E. L. Bl BRITT. Teacher. IT you^wani a powcr^ cw; wonomical 'obnjr* O00QQB»> kal to noi-^-that wiU take you in eom^ OMer any rmJb that can be travxlkd ; thai will take any h^ 00 tk^i that the biggest cart %-ill takeT^ that will give yovTSSLto 30 miles per gallon of gasoline, bu^ a,-!â€" ^.,..* • A Real Automobile Fully Ec^u^ped 28 Howe Power V«lve-in-Kead Motor ^ _. ^_ Three Speeds Forward arxj Reverse S £^ fl ET Electric Starting and Lighting . ^J ^J ^ Stewart Speedometer 1 Nor-Skid^ Tir^^ Rear Wheels ^- Cantilever Sprirtfis ^ / ***• " >'â- Â« ^ THE CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. sr.V,V,V »&. TORONTO • '^MWUWA - â- ^- }a. JACKSON, Agent MARKDALE For Sale by Tender Sealed tenders will be received by tho undersigned fir the purc'iase of the property known as tl.e Methodist parsonage, lots 14, Toronto street, snd 14, Hdl street. Fleaheit >n, up to noon of the I'th day of June, prox. Tkkms â€" l,") per cent, on acceptance o tender and the Nilsnov iu thirty days. The hiyhost or any tender o t lecessarily iccepied. W. J M»yol-17 BKLL.\MY, Sec. Public Notice ^â€"â€"â€" j Take n ilioo that ill persons are here- May Repoit of S S. N.'. 7, Aiteinesia. ! by forliidiin ires|*8i<ing on, or dumping ord-F J Turner, M Muir. Sr. •.' -C Wrtiiers, T Currie. Jr. 2 -J M<'iul, ^t Macdonald. Ist-lTuriiir, B Parslow, M W.Utors, â-  , i Bi-ound Flesherton Villa-.-e, will be prcs- Pr.-S Muir, i? Ol.vcr. M O Strander, gpu,pj ^ccoiding to la-v. enith or o'her ni.v'er ort P.irk lot known as th â-  F!e*h'r sand pit, in Flesherton, cont.ii'.iiiw ubi'ut two aeres.-as all persons trespii.o.iog "r eommittipg any waste or leiiiovin:; anyiliini; ihetefroni, ou .iny j pnvt if the Klesh;^r estate iu and Don't start the Spring with a Shabby Buggy. â€" Try a ccat of fHERWIN-WILL'AHS AUTO & BUaOY PAINT I also hive a Paint for every purposeâ€" iuside or outside. Get a Color Card P»'"nt and Varnish BrusI e3. having poiswiiod bdcvrecD cno Liindred , ^^ l**'"^^ __ ^ [ DK, T. 8. SPRQU1.K., S^ :3!i ^ -i'^ ^1^ 4lfe 4ib <i W. DUNCAN The Flesherton Hardware.

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