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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1917, p. 1

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f kB{)nion %Hmu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.* ?0i 37 No :5 Plesherton, Ont., Tliursciay, June 7 lOl / W, H THDHifjvi. »ad PBOPBIE Eugenia Paragraphs William Cameron has gone to Birrie to visit a relation wlio is vwry ill. Mrn. Adam Smith visited friends in the Villey la«t week. Rc>v. Madden visited friends at Beeton ]atit week. Pte. Fred Wilkinson of Toronto spent the week end with friends Fred jnined the 218'h Greys but was untie to go with his hattahon. He expects t.) no 8uon wiih another draft. Jake Williams and .Wesley Cotey of Toronto were welcome callers here for a day or so. They motored fcoiu Toronto on Saturday morning. Mr. Hawkena of Markdale visited hiH brother-in-law, Mr. R. Park, recently. Misses May and Marjorie Park spent- the week end with friends at Durham and Priceville. Caid Graham is having bia store newly decorated. Pte. E. Morgan of the 147ih Greys is home for a week or ten days. He expects to go back to the military hospital for treatment. ~ We are sorry to report Mr. .Joe Shearduwn ill ac present but h'ipe to â- oon bear of her rocofery. Mrs. K, P»tk is also on the sick lis*. Mr. Card and Mrs. Well (irabam j^pent the week end with friends at Qeathcote, Feversham Items Pithy Proton Pointers Mr. and Mrs. Whalen of Parry Soand, I MiosUlari Biiiuie spent the week end are vi.siting the lalter's sister, Mrs. Wm?. , with fiiends at Mono Road. - Walkerton On arriving back from Kitchener ou Monday night .Joe Kau betj^ia talking like i returned war correspondent, and the story he rcUtos of •» riot i n a public ^â- i^uare ia this erstwhile Berlin butg un Saturday evening last lacks none of the •xciten.ent of a tale from the front. .A loud-luuged Socialist was orating on the corner aj^aiuat con.scriptiou to a mixed audicnc9 of loyalists and pro sauerkiaut- Uts, when someone at the close su}(gest>;<l that ibey sin<; "God Save the King." rho Socialist, however, opened his mciraphone and wirelessed buck that th>>y should ling instead "God Sare the Peop- le." At this signal an English lady came bouncing Ihrous^h the audience like i cat in a fit and leii|>ing on the speaker she mat him down where he could view the ground at close range. The crowd then began to mix it up right and before they ^vl tbeir hands out of each other's luir many battered he-uls were on viuw. The Socialist was borne to the hospitil in such a mauled and ruffled state that his own mother wouUlu t bav« icnown hioi fn m the things they set out to scare the crow.i with. As Joe gays, couacriptioii, to a certain element in Kitchener, thn':ilen<i t,< be about as p<)pubr hs a weasel in 'i hen-house. Hichard Badstone,tbe aged inm ite who fi'id from the House of lU'fU;»e li^t I'lin^ and who w.M ciiptured on ihc Bruce i'orinsul* and brought b:»ck after jjiving •â- >.j police a hard run and stickiii; the county tor $35 1 1 oaUh and retuiu !i!m to hiB own cot, skipped out a!;:iin on Ti:esd*y n'xht, and hiking to Hanover, was wait ng f'-r (he train on Wednesday morning lo l>€ar him north, when Keeper Wiles ilist.M)\crtfJ his ib-^enea and set out in an nato ifter iho fugitive. The triln wii.s stciming into Hsuover when the W iliicr- tt.<o 4uto inm up, .vid his uilj« v/\s Corralled just a^ he felt 'hat the chase -svss di 114 and Hut the winds of freediiii were al.oiV due !i bi "W tlito»<;'> his wlosifcr.-!. As Keeper V» iics is lio Pharaoh f.'im Uw House of Boiulige, and .w this qeiu had r.ii >vick hkc Mosos to walk out on, it wus decided that Uii spcoi»Ity nuist s'op, s<> on >;«t'>.ia< â- 'â- â€¢â€¢111 b.,ck to ihe plant, iho luna- wuy nMssentcucvd to tiio dark r-joai for a few days ah pumshuieu: for his folly in tuiuius; hin baclTso often on a free bixtrd l:), â€" Herald and Times. GNU. CHARLES McMl Lf.F.N' :tOth Butery, C.F.A. Aged .'1*2 years â€" leaves wife And one child, a litt'e oirl lA yrs. old. Killed in action Uth of M.iy, U»I7. Ceylon Chat sir-. Wallace of Deiroit, â- iiid Mis. Tedlow, Haiuikm, are visitiiii t!ieir broihei, Mr D. Baxter, » ho i« ill. Nu;s! .M.Don iIJ . f Gutflph. ts n'ti'no- ingMr. D, Di.xtcr. Mrs. Pickeli retarned Mon.lay io R. C-Kk's. Mr. 11. Piper is drawing material fir the erection uf hu- new re;idei:ue ou the prup.r'y recen'ly owned hy J«s. Radloy. Tin- Willing Help-Ts hold thr.'ir raei'tii.! at. ilie h<>iiiu of Mrs. Ki;ink Clli i-iin on Friday afternoon, VV. iii was received last Frijay by .Mr. Joe I Miwr (bit bis eon, Jiiines, bad l>eea wi II ideil, but not serious. ^^'e oiuMiiited Ia«l week to mrnlinn tli.ii Miss .Margaret Ferauson. who hus been ill T. ronto the p-ist two months has returned home also. Mr. DMU-.;las Isthma of S» visited his auut, Mrs. Archie Mc)lullen. Mw. Vetsprilla ot Rocliesier, .si>ent a couple days last week at Mr. V. Cairns'. Mr. and Mrs. G. Collinsoii l«ft < n Saturday to visit their duu<{hl;er's at Port Dulhousie. liiitio of this p'acj. Mr. and Mis. .Smiley of Coilitii>wood, spent the wiek end with th« latter'* parents, Mr. iiud Mrs. Joseph Barber. >rr. andJIrs. Hirvey Peri:;o luoCoreiJ i overtioiii Port McNichoI week and' I called on friends beie. Mr. Ira reri.;o his returneil h.nne alter .^[lenuing i month with his son, Harvey, ac Port McSichol. Mr. and Mrn. J.jhu Kaittirg visitt<* wita their diughter, Mrj, T. AfeKcow* nc Duncan rcci nlly. Mrs. Th)«. Conroii is visiting with hef ri) ther, Mis. Wm. Btown, fr.. ••» the H'lb 1 lie. Misi .\iirvnda Stewart of Kleslierronj visited with her cousinc, Lyia and Francie .\lexiinder, last week. &fe:sr.s. Einerson Osborne and Will Perigo, Collingood. spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Whalen »nd .Mis. Wm. Little vii-ited friends in Dundalk on Saturday. iMr. and Mrs. .fames Arnott and fami^ have moved to Dundalk. We are xorry t« ^ have thuin move from our village but j wish them the best of h^'nlth md [iro- I sperily in n-ir new h^.Tie. The Red Oioss held their meeting< week at the hr.rao of Mis. F. Dunning. Evangelist and Mrs. Conkliii and the pastor, R,-v. Lamb, are bidding success- ful s; »ei vices at Bueknighani church, L.''h line, Ospipy. Heathcote Durham On Victoria Day. a ligl'ttingured young rascal helped himself to k watch at the Variety Store, but the theft w.u .-^oon detected and the theft located. He coughed up the >vatch, and may bo pro.scciKud. It will would sei ve loin right. .\ lot of p.ipers ai-e lUHliii!,' B t'.iss over a siory »liout t'reuuer Boideu Stirling his lea with liin knife while at liraiii.sluHt, Eiiilmd. Spools wete .scaice so »hit was the nun to do when lie haCn'c oue ' i.*f coursj he could h »ve «tirred it with hi'i linger, 'he way wj do. We re;;ie'. to learn of the serioi.s condition from hc.irt trouble of Mrs. .M. J. Uolger, »ife of Mr. M.J. Boi-er. p.opiijtor of the ^lid.bmglt Vl' 'ors. UoljiOr has been in a TtouIo h. npital for ti.e (last three inoiiiln, and wc uiukr- slind ihereTsSit'le r.r no hope cutertaiti- ed for her recovery. â€" DuiJitiiu v lirocicle. .Mr. and Mrs. Gues', Toronto, are holidayin-./ with the latter "s parents, Jlr. and Mrs. Itoome. Mifs ftlabel Wauchob is vi>itin'/ with herco'tsin at Portia w. Thj Woman's lastiiuce intecd iiolding a Red Cross bazMr at the end of this month. C nUiLutioiiK of any kind wil! be gladly accepted. Miss -Muriel Wilson -pent the week end wi'h Iier aunt. Miss Eiith Consley. at Fleshci ton. \N inne Wodehouae ecconipanied Mr. and Mr-; Jos Trelford 'o UrangevUle on Stiiidxy 'asf. Mr. Utfiinau Becker has enlarged hi5 store capacity and it is much impimed ill uppearance and roiic.1 more coir .riiiem for his iiicreisii.i; business. A sale i.s now in p-ogrest, ai.d will wind up with the ciosJDg if il).; pnirioiic benii on Saturday n:iiht. Disiii erested persons will decide who is the wincer of the dinner set. ML"M Kthel Ludlow vi.-.ued oi'li friends at Flesherlon. welry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make .A. Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler DR. JBUFtT .'^pcialiil in dlk <>>-• ol the Eye, EarNose and Throat (|FF1l'1-J-1;;0 lOli. .-,1. WenL.'IWeii .Si. Ill d hou8e. Markd;.le. 2nd FLESHERTON, - ONT • nth from 8 to a 12a ra Wednesday of each nir.nih. At the Revere Thursd.iy ench m Duii.lil'i.l Miss Wilon TielJord with her si.-tr, .Mr». Oraoxevillo. IS liolidayin^ Gre«ni<, ar Paints to X^ontidcr When Purchasing a Railway Ticket A Canadian Pacific llaiKvuy tioket does H'y. represent lueiely a a.eans of trinspor- tut'.in between given points. h in tddiliou, provides tins traveller with every comfort and coiiveuiciico ilovolnpe.l by modern lailway science. "Safely First," with up-tO'dato enuipmcDt, unexcelled diiiittg servici^, palalia! sloeuing cars', in a Word, everything that a railway ran j provide lor the comfortable tiansports'-ioB I vi its passengers, including courtesy. â- 'â- '-^ Maxwell Mis.s .Vlico McCallum is visiting with her .sisit. r in Dcslu r..-. Wc aresoiiy to lej.kiil t'tu iliuess of Mrs. ,J. lloborlsoi!, but ho;ie f) Sear of her ."spccJy •.ecovpry. Miss M-.o Glover Ims rcturatid to Orteu Sound, aiier npoudiiig v wetk wi;h her friend, .Miss Miss Joy Allison. The weekly social that w:is hold .it Mr. VVm Farker'.s on Fiidiy w:i.s wtil paUoiiizetl. The ufxi mia will he held at the home of Mr. Moitin Phillipf, Gravel lioad, oti pridiy, Junu 1.". Everybody cune. Lad.os p!i>tse liring c:ike and Ertudwiehes. Mr. £. Piedi;er has toturnrd to bis homo in Toronto visiiiug with Mr. K. Slock. Wo aie sorry ti< report Miss Iv.i'ia Morrison not much improved iii health. Last Week's Items. Mr. and Mi^. Armstrong and family of D.iudalk moioied over and visited willi Vv. aud .Nlrs. Samuel .\rmstiouy the week end. Mrs. (jcOi^o Wellman. wlio lias been visiting at ilie paiemal lionie here for tiic ;ia.-i month, returned -to J" her home m CoUiogwood this week. We arc j'oriT to report that .Mrs. Joseph A. Conn is ill- Mrs. Fieglien visited with frioud.s in Danuau over the '24th. Rev. Mr. Joues of Walters I'alls visited with frieuiLs iu Ileathcce the early part of the week. Mrs. Robert James, .iccorapauicd by her sou, visited at the home of her mother, .Mrs. Mills, at .Mealoirl. the week end. Mr. aud .Mis. J. H. Garduer visited with relatives at liockiyu recently. Mr. licoles, wiio lias been hore assisting Mr. John Pratt to remodel his evaporator lor the past fortnight, rcturiicil home ou Saturday. Miss Joan .^liluo ii tm ned to Ttjror- to ou Wedncsdo'y. accompanied by Jier mothei, Jh.*. W m. ililiie. Gardeiiiiig is tlie ordoi'of liio day ill our bui;:. Miss Do jli, Lyons and Miss Uewsou of Thornbury woio gues:s of friends here th;; early part ol the week. Tills's Itomo. Mr. ^iiid Mrs. aad In. McC«iii;ell vl Eppinj woie til? gnesis ol Mij. Fergusju icceiUly. Mrs. Greer oi Loiul jn, who ituiu-os- scdtho Wciiicn'.^ JiiitiliUo uiiii others iu the \illage liait oa ihuisday, .Uay 31, -.vita tlje subject "Tiiough'.s by tiw way," was mvf-t i:::eicstiug as well lis instructive. We arc sorry to ropou tint M.istci- Denver Fiegohtiu is ill. A Chance for Tho»e Going We»t | , .u . « . i -j « An outbreak of typhoid fever, iioui TIomi'8cekcr«' Excursioii.s to Western which in three weeU.'J thcro havo bc«n C*i>ada at low fares via Cinadiao i^akitic , i4o cases and two de.-icha in Orillu, has ejch Tuesday until October :», inclusive, j i,ec„ traced by vhe proviacid u^hiJ ;> Psi ticuLirs from any tanadi^n Paciiic , , , .,, , . . A«ent or \V.B.flo,vi.rJ, District Pafisen- jheo'th to milk kupp.ied itom l{eir Agent, Toronto, Oct. , wh«rc there wi* iyp'u.= l(!?ver. Mr^-.JauK's McClnng gpoiit llie past ^'-' ^"'" fortuight wiih friemls iu liioi'iibury, Mrs. Gccnje ReeEie visited with her sisicv. Mrs. J. A. .Myies for the past week. Mr. Hall spent the werk end ac his parental home in Meaford. Mr?, James 111 el<"ie is vi.iitm^ '.vilij her diiiiyhier, Mrs. Payao. ia 'Iu: .joiou. Kimberley Budget Mrs. Anjley .McConnell of .Mcaiord and daughter, Klizabeih, are visitmg at present with the former's sop, Ge. rsje McConnell. We are ple«i*ed to sec the aaed lady lookiu'^ jo !mle and hearty. The oliicers of the Kimberley Women's Institute for the ensuing year are as follows ; Pre-sident. Mrs. fayliT .Aber- crombie : Vice-Prirs., Mrs. A. E Myles : Se.'., Mis. W. T. Ellis. Miss Lilian Miercroiubie visited rectn- U?*tftHrw*»iket'8, V«ndelenr. rhii Women oi this part rece-ved petitions some time ago pra; i-'H for a Doiuinioii-wide pmhibilioD. i .i#se 'hey tilled and sett lo Premier Butdt-ii. It ia high lime tbat 'Quebec should be stup(>ed dumping its alcoholic products <<n our fair province •.Quebec seems <o be a blot on civili;:alion aa re^tds the whiskey business aud recruittnu is well. Miss Mina Fawcelt of .ALrldalo ia visitinx this weak at the Tiavetler's Home. If there ever wus a limo iu ibe history of our fair prov.tice that (he larmers ouyht to c'>-opei-ate tor their mutual benefit it is at the preaent time. To net a bunch of farmers to ayrec ou an iiiipirtant •picfiinn is about as hod as it is Lo S9t an Liater Luionist and a N itiou alist to I'^ree as to what is the r '.:1a kind of Honu- Uiilo 101 the Greou Islo. Tiiec have bocu loo many Kip Van Wi "iilcs in the fiti'iniii^ piofe»9ion in the pa?:. It is high liu'c they up. Tlie i ini ers sOould stll ilirect to the contuiiicr aud eliminatenst'ar as possible the ini.iiloni m. ill would make a greater prohl ;i;J the C')n.iuiiior jv^iuid get his food pr a Lwc- lijiure. In buying as at present i« sivcn cciila .i b . tlut can bo bouglt from lli.. l*«ri:itMS Co. < i Toioiito at liv bar. SVo eou'd nauitr di :c-.s of i'iesti:it I'.c cini.d Siv^ u:.' i. y ii I'li- must driw liiis Lvijthj i-^n.-tL: : . Co-'o. 'NjH .'•aid. T'los. t"}ilf'iy of IX 'v'iN f. i;i3 . : .•'! d'-n-r. burjj; ou Kiid \y i\:-t. â- \ > I am in the larket to buy any quantity of Wool. His^hest Prices, either Cash or Trade. li V W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store, Flesherton. I If You Havel § A broken-down ctrch call and S ^ get a support to keep it jn g place, and wo have a good O assortment of trunks and S suit cases. Try One. Repairing as usual. Ucti si '--•â- ' I' Nowjf V;.d \ IKS a lauioJ- Tht»s. Clayton's i^LESHERTON «iv'»:Hjo»0iKffO£a'e5«»oGr.'»<8So*»»5*i «» - -I^ LI^-W^f^Wf^ i Fc^iared in Ibis Issue Al." iilloiiiaii loin ^Mi: h l-'.i - • â- iOO tusii.i ~s : 1 ip to his pill la-it w. >. M W.iS oV ; iJ' idiiii,: iho tiii'.i .•r I'll â- ;-.> bi ssvaiii' i:.'y;t'l i.f diir vil i. l^' Vandeieur riitppepjiigs r > mi mccavtsb's m\ liEADQUARTERS For vGur requirements in aay of the following lines : f. Doings cf the Duffs. ' •«£ A luiirorous atory In iiict'irs torm. The Fashions. Nnvost f.liH» tw Wciiiuii's Wear. Farm Crop Queries. i.joâ€"-'!:i'Pi; a-!sw«>rcJ by Prof UcnTv 'â- .. ri-i;. Housewife's Comer. Tested Recipes and Helpful Hints for the b' Ilouaewtfe. Serial Story. Yooi Problems. A guc-vOun acxi AiMriMar DttMrtiMiats tar y^DTova. ' " St GoaJycaP Aiitomobile Tires. Tu'ats and .4uto Repairs ; fi; and cull plr.ali.jj i» ill* or-i^r j »' ofih-idiy. , yv, are 9o:ry lo .Mr. .Jnhu | JJ ^'^^" Gasclinc Enj«incs vd Ensilage Cutters; JJpo.'fcX.j'itl'O'^'' '"â- *^'"- j Mi« >'.iii',v t'ullis ronnned iion e j aftiir an e.x'i'iided visit with friends .n .Michitinn. I Mossr.«. Ui'b Riihaidson aud EnHKtn j Wicken?, with their tamitie?, speut a dav i?iih Mr. uud Mrs. tr-.or.;e Fritchaid recently. Mj. and Mrs. Will Alcox of Orange Valley renewed 'icquainttmc- s Leo on Thursd.iy. j Mr and Mrs. Wi foa and i.;i!e i>on, of , Toronto, .ire visitors at Jj?. Uucbsnan's, i MeloKc Crcasn Separators and .Melfitte Repairs; ^\ Toronto Economy Silos, Barn Etjuipment aad Windmilis ; •f^ Cockshiit Farm Implements and Cockshiit Repairs; Alasscy-Harris and Noxon Repairs ; Tudhopc, Brautford and Cont>oy Buggies. D. McTavish, Flesherton '^'^ 'j'^'j'^'-^ ^ <^ ' ^ ' ir^j'jL.''^['i^^^^ X^:. «u..,v.f>..^.^% ix^mi ab* . - r^mt^ f mrn c^,. o».

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