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Flesherton Advance, 10 May 1917, p. 1

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/k0l)^rt0n %bmme. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLED NOT MEN.' vol 3*> No. .31 Flesh-erton, Ont., Tliursciay, Xlay lO 1917 W. e THDRSTOM I^^phc and PKOPBIB Kimberley Budget Farnieis will be well iidvanced with the seedini; in this p^iit liy the end uf the week. The soldiers of the 'ilSth Batt., who have been here for some months, left fur Owen Suund on Monday. The 248th ha>> been warned to <(et ready to go overseas inafnw weeks. The boys were a soml j.illy bunch and will be uiucli missed. Wui. Flood and i (j.irty niotoied down to Thornbury on Sa' arday last and spent a few houv3 mullet tishiiii^. They brought home qui'.t a strin;^ of tish. J. E. Hammond spent the week end at ihe parenlal home Mrs. MeMuUen, of Toronto, viaited ri'cently with her daughter, Mrs. Juspcr Stuart. Albert Smith signed up with the 2't8Lh Batt. on Saturday last. Ji.-iper Stuart, our energetic ca'.tld buyer, sold a carload of fat caltle last weak which were the best on the Toronto market. There were 21 in the bunch and aU over 141)0 pound:> each. '"Dame Rumor" has it to the ett'.'Ct that the Ilev. Wm. McClung of the Valley Road North is enntemplatiug purchasing an auto, which will enable him to get over his circuit much better during the sunnuer nnniths. Mr. and Mrs. H-jgh Hammond, of Eugenia, visited one day last week at the former's parental home. Captain Mrs. Piiicsous, of T.iroiito, delivered in the Methodist church on Thursday cvenini; last one i f the best recruiting speeclies we've hesid in our village thus far. She warned everybody to practice the most rigid econ^iny durinj; the war. She was in Germany :i."> years a<;o and heard the Huns planum^ then for the naval supremacy of ihe sct.s. Capt, Flerter, of < >wen Sound, also s[)oke. Power House and Vicinity Last Week's Iteir.s Mesgrs. Walter Thonnpsoii and Russel Park spent a dsy In C'hatswortb. Mr. Arthur Williams of the Advance staff visited over the week end with his cousin, Mr. Stanley Campbell. Messrs. Don. Car!os and Pace of the H.E.P.C. motored up from Toronto and were the guests of Mr. G. U. Berry. Mr. and Mrs. i'. Graham and children and Mr. .Stanley Campbell and friend visited fora Jay wiih fnends nuar Portlaw. Mr. Walter Thompson visited his home near Flesherton. A number of Ford cars made there way through the Valley Road lately. Potato Production This Week's Itcnj Mr. and Mrs. R Thoaipsor, of Thornbury, visited the latter's parent.s, Mr. and Mrs. J, Thompson. Miss Louie llyslcp ha.s returned home from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. T. Genuo, of Eujtenia. and Ml. and Mrs. Jim Walker, of Kimberley, spent a dity with friends in this vicinity. Mrs. a. Brady, lltli lino, Euphrasia, visited her patents, Mr. an.l Mrw. J. Weber. Sorry lo report Leona Weber on the sick list. Seeding i? progressing very slowly. We thought winter was returning when we saw nature's cirpet covered with anew cne day last week. ^NOTICE^ My aim for season of l'.)17 is lo giveKarmersof fowiLship of U-,proy and surroundim; Towiisliiij-t the privilege if Imying from me .it right prices and teru)s to suit purchaser. TliBiioodsm.inufaciured by Ueufrew Machii4ery Co. The Standard Cre:iin Sepiirator, which, if eijualled in .\merica,has nnt been surpassed. Tlui Rervfrew Truck Scale (20tt0 lbs.) The lien- frew Standard and St »• Rite Gaso- line Engine, etc. Also Singer Sewing Machines. All goods guar- anteed, if operated according to iDstructiouA, to give satisfaction, or no sale. Always on baud a Horse for sale. FRANK G. DUNNING FeversKam Phone R. 3 short a long. PTE. WILL CAMPBELL Son of Mr. Robert Cam pbel!, of the Valley, who was wounded in the right ar ni at A'lniy Ridge. Ceylon Chat Messrs. Jas.McMulIeu and G.CoUinsun wi'ut to Owen Sound on Tuesday on a business trip. Privates W.McArthur.Clark McMillan, H. Hazird and Albert H<i!»rd left on Monday to joiu the '>iM\ at (J wen Sound which is soon to leave for overseas. Mr. Luke Bowers moved his wife to Flesherton last, week into their residence which they purchased some time ajjo. Mr. Alton, .>Iarkdalo, was a caller at Mrs. Win. Wilcock's on Saturday. Mrs. Ben Madill and three children, who has been residing with her brother, Mr. Geo Meldruin, left the past week to join her husband in the West. Mrs.lladley and littU son, of Maiwell, visited her sister, Mrs. Bolton, last week. Inspector Beckett, of Owen Sound,and Constable Cook seized six cases of liquor last week. The cases were heard before Magistrate McMuileu, who adjusted matters by cooslicating live cases and giviu!.' one back to its owner, who claimed it for personal use. Mr.Alcck Collin&on.of Kentucky, I'.S., arrive' home last u'ght lo visit his parents. Miss Kate BH.xter,who nas been visiting her brother,relurned to Detroit Tuesday. Victoria Corners h. Velma Wraggetc visited friend, Dorothy Nicholls, last week. <^ue of our farinors reports being done seeding for a week pu4t and thinks the rest of us si jw. Mr. John Corbett had a plou^h'iig beo last Wednesday. Mr. H (Jallaugher visited hii sister it Crccmore last Sunday. Mrs. Thus. Baunoii is oii the sick list. The young winter we had bust wetk soon meUed away and we are hoping to have Spring soon. The Last Call Wiih mingled feelintts of joy and hope .ml ustnnishnient nt the turn afl'.«irs have taken the news of the moving eastward of the l!48th Battalion was received by thos" most concerned. Every man felt a new enthusiasm â€" "our turn at latt ' was the expression jf opinion heard on all sides. It has been the belief and hope of these men of Grey that to them should fall the privilege of actually backing their comrades in the 147th . riiu chances of war .sometimes full short of expectation, but in this iii.iUnco thi'y give every promise of fu'tilinent. Young men, there are yet a few of you, this is the last call to service, noble, honourable. What will your answer be ' The avjra;/e yield of potatoes per acre in Ontario in I'.lli; was ,"i;5 bushels. The next lowesb yield in the last .'i'> yeais WIS 7'i and the nverag.; annual yield for the whole period, 114 bushels per acre. CoDsiderina bo'h yielf'a and prices of seventeoii difl'ereiit crops, those which gave the greatest returns per acre in Dntaiio in I'.dH were ;is follows : Pota- t es .?7H, turnips a-id other Hflid roots 37t). beans ^H", buskin'.,' corn S;i9, and fill wheat iXi. It will be seen tlial; the hiirhest returns were obtained from the cultivated crops. According to present prices.'^the f-ird value of rice purchased for one dollar is ei|ual to that of potatoes coslinf; two dollars. Uice can bo used as a veaetable to take the place of polatops. Seed potatots are exceedingly scarce md people throughout the Province are eating potatoes which should be retained for plantinc. Those fanners are uise who retained their potato crop for seed purposes even though they were criticized for not bringini them to market. I would suggest that thore having seed potatoes for sale, beyond local leipiite- 1 nionts, in local, agiicullural or daily papers. j In normal years, it is economy to cut good sized potatoes in sets varying from one ounce to two ounces each. li. the average of ten tests conducted at Guelph in live years the following average annual yields per acre were obtained from good sizc'd potatoes cut into pieces of ditferei.t weights as here indicated : two ounci v, I-jO bushels ; oi;e ounce, 1.'30 bushels ; one half ounce, 10!) bushels ; one-"iuarter ounce, 'JS ouahels ; one-eighth ounce, 7!) bushels ; and one-sixtecnth ounce, 37 bushels Small potatoes are fre<{uenily produced from scrubs or from diseased tubers. Tlij potatoes produced in On- tario in IDltJ, however, were, exception- ally free from roc and were unusually small owina to the growth beiiiij arrested by unfavorable weather diidilions. Potatoes did not lliorougly mature last aii'tiinn and immature potatoes are inferior for table use but make excellent seed. At this particular time, therefore, potatoes, the size .if hens' ei'gs or even smaller, m-yht be used for seed to good good advaniaito. These could be cut into pieces even as small as one-<(uarter ounce each and could tjc planted ia rows twenty eight inches apart with piice^ twelve to ti/teeu inches apart in the rows They should be plrnted the same day that they are cut. Wli-ro good seed is unobtainable whole potalons not more than one quarter to one half ounce in size might be planted with the prospect of teci'iviiig moderate returns. It would be an advantage to spread out Ihe small potatoes in a warm, light room, for two or three weeks, to allow ihein to sprout befuio planting. The usual time fo,- plaining pot.itoes is from the 15th to the 25th i)f May Potatoes do well on sod land. If it is impossible to get the land ready before llio time meiuionid, the sod mi^lit be plowed to adiptli if about lour inches and the potatoes jjUntud in every thiid furrow ; after which the land could b«. rolled immediately and then harrowed to press the soil around the potatoes am! to conserve moisture. Accordiiia to present indications, the acreage of potatoes will be Icfs than usual this year With too possibiliry of a famine in food material:!, great caro sliimld be oercised by both the farmers and the city garden- ers ill growina the crops of highest value, ill usiua the best .seed ibtaiuablo and in economizing labor. -C. A. Z.WITZ. In Loving Memory '•f Mrs. John Branitf. Will) ieparted this life .\hy '••, Kiiic.iid, S.iakatcliewan. Just a xjear i.go she left lis. For that Homo she Im-ed .so well ; Bud the time has been liiig and lon» ly Sinca that niyht slia suid farewell. - Ti:e b'amily. I'.ur. Maxwell The your^ people of Maxw,l! intend holding a social at the home cf .\li. Louis Kerton on Thur^diy, Mjiy lU. ProyrcF- siVH euchre and other aimiseinents will be providtd. LiJiis kiinily bring cake or sandwicli. Proceeds for Uv:d Cjosa worK. Admission- 15c. The Wimuin's Instil utu of M i.\well have just siiipped .IK more 1.1:01 s it s.^x. Anyone wish iis; lo kmt f.o tht-m cm .xrl tliL' y.ini at Mr Osborne's A Crying Need For More Food It is estimated thai tony mdlion men are bearing arms in the presfiit titanic struggle, while twenty iinllion men iiid women are pniliwHig munitions and clothing for soldiers. Many o( these sixty millions \ye<e formerly producers f food. From that woik they are wilh- drawn, leaving vhsI regions idle. Ton nations are on ration", and .si\ in dis- tie'sing lack of food. Canada is one if the countries that aie expected to produce a surplus uf fo.jd lo help make up the detici; iu binds th:it .ue moic severely affected. It is our duty to feed our soldiers and our allies. Our country is e.xceptionally well situated, for a vessel can make four trips to ar.d from Canada to Kiialaiul in the time occupied by one trip from Au.stnlia. Our present production falls far short of what ought to be done. The screage of wheat, oats, iiarley and potatoes Wds nearly ;i()5,00i,> ks^ in 1!)1<> iluu in l'.tl.5. and the yield declined by more tlian 7:5,0CO,tilH) bushels Between 1914 and llMli the yield of potatoes .''ell from 2(i,- 717,5()7 bushels t,, 7,408,42',l bushels. The Ontario U.'partment of .Agricult- ure is proud ot the many patriotic acts ot the Ontjirio farmers aii'i realizes to the full tlio ditliculties ihe farmer is working under. Throuah the Ontario Govern- ment Public Kuiploynient Bureau .a detcriiiineil ctiort is bcma made to secure a large amount of farm-trained labor and ami it is hoped that the fanner will make full use of sam.> ;oiJ produce lirne crops this season, for every pound of which large prices are likely to be paid. Jewelry DR. BURX s,,clali,t in dis.aa n „i , Hh Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat • •'FFICE-l,J(.luthst.W..,,Mwoo.<„o,ul -Vt the Revere house. Markdale, 2im1 1 hursday each month from 8 to a 12a ra â-  Dum!slk,Is Wednesday „f each monlh A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTO||, ONT ft# ^'^ V^'«. 0"> \f/ yff Vif>,i>-^,F •>,<•'/,?' I '^0'M;j6i[terj3fflfflfltHl0V6rJlsibJlfaIfa, Hfcfcii dfass, Bape ki Fii'st Class ftock /en ^^ At Reaaonable Prices. hC.k] [ar of M im tM, Notice to Horsebreeders 'Ihe Imported Clydesdale stillion. Horizon, will be at the I'aik House, FUshertoii, every Monday ni;;ht durina the season of 1917 and remain unti' Tuesday inorniog. Tnlendiim breeders shoulil see iliis horse before breeding their mares, a.s lii' hi.s both size, nuahty and breeding combined. See bills for particulars. WM. I'OSTKR, Proprietor .md Man igei . m •nv* il'i Also lots of shorts. Bran, Middlings, Eclipse Flour, Puritv Five Rose, and Pastrv Bring jour W3EA T and exchange it for FLOUR. I want 1001 hshls Oats. ^ â€" # W. B U S K I N i The Up to-dale Flesherton Grocer. i^ .JIS. ^I«. ^1/.. .»!«; .^l<. 2^t^:^, I If You Have I ^ A broken-down arch calJ and S g get a support to keep it in place, and we have a good assortment of trunks and suit cases. Try One. Repairing as usual. L. Markdale Mr. and Mrs. J. D.Mo.\ithur announce the marriage of their daughter, Annul ta Jean, to Stanley E. Wiley, V. S., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Wiley, on Tuesday, May 8,»t their home, Euphrasia, £. Morell Caesar is here, afssisling at the station, owing to his father being in Toronto, laid up with a crushed foot. Mr. Geo. A. Bellanoy, who has been employed in Mr. Minuis' sash and door factory for the past three years, left here on Monday morning for Winnipeir, where he is securing a good position. â€" Standard- Mr. Charles .M. Bowman, M. P. P., of Soulh.impton, who fiL'd an action for dainagos with the Local Roj^istrar of the Supreme Court at Walkert^n, siiainst Ihe publishers (.f the Collinyivood Eiiteipri^o for the publLsbii))^ of an aiticb", durini,' the Noith Simcoe Hyo-eleciion, rttlrctiii|^ on Mr. Kowman s character, was given by default at Walkerton on Tuesday last. It seems that the action was a^aiiisc Willliini .Vshlon Hogg and Enuua Uoug, carryini; on business as the Publishing Co., and also against the Enterprise Publishing Co , itself. While a defense was put in by the i Enterprise.l'ublishing Co., it seems thai 1)0 was entered for Hogg i*t HoR? with the result that .judgement was given agtiust the latter by default. As this was seetnioKly a mistike of their solicitor it is probable that an a[ plication will be made tj have the matter re-openel again. --Bruce Herald and Times. List v.eek the home of .Mr Neil McDonald of lloath Head "vis destroyed by tire. Nearly all the fuiulure, inclu 1- ini; the piaiif, in the lower part of the h«) was saved but the furniture upstairs was consumed. It is a.s.<umod that the lire iPii:ri|,alod fn. in a defective chimuey.- -Cba'sworth News. Horses WANTED Tho». Clayton's FLESHERTON Williamson Bros., Of Toronto Will bny lloisii: ,i.s follows : DUNDALKâ€" Tu«.dBy, May 15. FLESHERTONâ€",M.y 16 MAXWELLâ€" Thuriday, May 17. MARKDALEâ€" Friday May 18 Piriug aloug your Ilotses. fP^c ANN OUNCEM ENT llavin;^ purchased the Furniture bu.siiiess of Mr. I John Cliapnian at a rate on the (Uillar, I am prepared to offer Furniture at unheard of prices. For the next lilteen days the public will he able to profit by this sale. ^ as I must dispose of most of it. The Stock is new and ^ I lip co-date in every respect. Dressers. Stands, Parlor Sets anti other choice goods at prices that will surprise you. War time docs not afiect these as they were mostly purchased bef)re the raise and are again cut in order to make 'ji^ickjale^ Come in and bok over the Stock. W. H. BUNT Furniture and Undertaking FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. V^3r. 2^H£4Sa^-==J'=''=7;^i 2&'^a^^^^(

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