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Flesherton Advance, 26 Apr 1917, p. 5

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»«». April 19 19 1: THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OrriCE - TORONTO Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in all parts of the world. 234 FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, Manningâ€" Pedlar tBT'D 18T1 k«lanager. C. p. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station Trains â-  follows : Going South 7.53 a. m. 4.27 p.m. The mails are used at Fleslieiton as oUowa : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and , 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at '^^ 3.40 o'clocK. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. lu. the previous ev'g. ^VICINI TY CHIPS J, Thomas Sherwood die i in the hojpital St CoUingWDod la=t w^^k of pleuro-pneu- imonia aud iDtlamalion tf the brain Going North j combined. Deceasiid w«3 burn at 12.01 u.iii. ! Sptin-hill, Kifg township, 52 years ago, 9.18p.m. ijis father l)eing ; he hite >L.ae9 Sherwood of Eugfcnii. lie lived ii<ar Portlaw for past eighteen years. His wife p-r;deceased h m a year ago last Auauat. There is no family. The funtral took plac.'to Flesherton cemetery laat week- Mr. Joseph Sherwood of this township ii a brother. Tne h)me of Mrs. R. H. Pedlar, 381 ' l^,. Liptun iifreet. was the sceoe of t» pietty , |r^ Easter weddiD^ thu> afternoon when her eldest dauf;hter, Edna Lulu Gertrude, , ^ was uuited In marriage to Gilbert J. ' :M Manning, of Portage la Prairie, tecocd !>on of Mr. ai:d Mrs. E. J. Manoiug, of Bridgewatcr, Nova .Scotia. The ceremony w*s performed by Rev, R S. Liidlaw of Kn'ix church, while the bride'.) brother, Stanley K. Pedlar, play- ed MeudeUsohn's W'iddtag march. H. VoUet of Durham wa.s listed aiiong the wounded last week. Burnâ€" On ThmsdiV. .\pr.l 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles MeKechnie, a daughter. friends in Rev. Jas. Dud^jeou preached a mcst appropriate sermon to the Boy Scouts on Sunday mor.iing last fiom Numbers \o, 3d-3y. This was the first church parade ' the boys have had this season and they looked to litf in line trim. The occasion was commemora ive of the battle of Delbert Patton is visiting friends m g^ j^,._^^_ ^^^^ ^.^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ t^^ Toronto, for a month. Cmadians covered themselves with glory, Harold McLean has gone to work on against fesrtul odds, and stopped the a firm out.side Hamilton, so as to .lualify German rush fur CaUis. They have for his Normal examination. ' forwarded the following appreciative recognition of the sermon : "The Fleshcrtou troop of the Boy Scouts Associ*tion of the Dominion of Canada ' wish to convey their thanks to the Rev. Jas. Dudgeon for the very appropriate sermon given to the Scout* on Sunday S. Thurston, Weekly Sun, visited last week with hi.s Mr. A Toronto, family here. Mis^s M. Wright, Victoria Ho>prta'» Shelturne, visited ever the week end with her parents. The Rt-d Cross realized $12.2:> from a tea uiven at Mrs. H. S. White's a couple of weeks ago. The Springhill Red Cro»s society will hold their regular lueetiiig in the school room, Friday evening ne.xt. Meeting to commence at 8 o'clock. All those who have socks out tor the Flesherton Red Cross Society kindly hat'd thfin in on or before Saturday. Apiil 2.S. Selkirk Wilson, ion of J. S. Wilson of Hanover, was repirted killed in action last week. Selkirk was well known in Flesherton. having attended the high school here a few years ago. The bride, wtu wa-s given in marriage by her uncle, James Renill, wore a gown of white voile draped with tulle, and carried a bou<iuet of pink roses. The bride was aUeuded by her sis'er, Mrs. W. J. llowell, who was dressed iu an inipor.ed gown «t tati'etta, in gold and blue tunes, with picture hat to match. She earned a bouiiuet of pink roses. The bridegroom wis sup[jorted .Hu-ssell V. Pedhr. After the ceremony a butfet supper <ras served from a table decorated with Easter lilies and centred by the bride s cake. Mr. and Mrs. Manning left on the Soo train for the south. The bride wore an imported suit of navy blue jfaberdme, with gold triinm ngs. Her hat was trim med in the ••^me shade. Among the guests from a distance were, Mrs. Charles Pedltr, Neepiwi ; Ur. and Mrs. James Rehill, Mr.and Mrs. John Rehill, Sperling, Manitubu. â€" Wiuuipe'< Telegram. n ^- -^-' - ^ » ^ - -^â- -^^-T^^.C>t^^>^i^./rl/^.^t^^ . You are Cordially Invited to Visit tne Millinery Department and View the Latest Spring bty/es in NEW SPRING MILLINERY FOR 1917 We have been planning tor some montli ; gathering together what we consider the tineat display of New Hats that it has been our pleasure to offer from this Department. Mi?s JoLnsou will be pleased to show you what New Spring Hats will look like. Bid Stocli of n«n Curtains, Curtain Scrims ^ Curtain llluslins The new spring lines are now in stock. We are .showing a tremendous range and variety of style to help make your selections easy. When looking at the curtains spend a few minutes viewing our stock of Wall'Paper. Our styles and selections are in a class by themselves. All popularly priced. bis newly Jfrrived Stock of men's Raincoats Men 3 Fiwu Paratcatci Rainccat.--, .51) in. lonir. Tl^ose coa breasted. w:t!i close fitting collars. fiices ri;jht. are easy fiitiDg, good looking, single Something new====Condoleum Squares We have Congoleum Squares. It is taking tiie place of carget squares. I: is waterproof and rot proof. Something suitable for sitticg rooms and dining rooms. Their rich pattern add greatly to the beauty of the home. Sizes iu stockâ€" "2 x 3â€"3 x 1â€"3 x 3i â€" 3 s 4i. Prices right. Jiutomobile Cires Row in Stock I'omir.iou Tirc- = . rij.:;;. :-'0 x -ih. Nobbv Tires, and Inner Tubes ia stock. Seeds ! Seeds ! Seeds! Mammo'.h Cover. Red clover. Timathy, Alid'.fi. Alsike. and Gar Jen Soeds of all kind.-. Prices ri,'ht. F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. 8(?V!A5K5ASW.!'"*J â-  '^" '" "" '"^.•>\« â- '.â-  â-  â€" â-  â€" » â-  . w ,.^ w" . » \ »'w â-  â- ''â-  " »'» iw ' ! » â-  â-  . â- â- â- â- Â»Â»Â« » < â-  --M-i â- >^ .r^>y^r^"^i? y^ __^,^ ^ ^-^ ^ ^ ^ - -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ _^ ^^^^^%f,% last, and also referring to the Scuut movement in such a favorable manner Thanking you on behalf tf the Scouts, Frank Thurston, Secretary Recent New Recruits GIBSON, William, age 3:?. residence Ceylon. SPAKKS„Albert. age I'J, residiuce Flesherton. WILKINSON. Frederick. R R. 1. Eugenia, age 41, farmer, single. Born in Kng'and. next of kin. sidtor. Miss Wilk- inson, Njttingham, En?Und. MARTELL, Willi»ni, Dundalk, 0,,t . Born Dutl'erin City.aiiB '20. laborer. single. Dr. E. K. Richardson of Toronto and ^ nest of kin, father, .James Martell, Cor- liltle daughter spent Sun. here, returning betton. Out. Monday evening. The Dr. favored the , HAZEN, Willism John, Proton. B.)tn audience Sunday evening in the Melho- Listowel, age 28, laborer, smgle, next of dist church with a finaly rendered solo. , kin, father, Ohristupher Hazsn, 265 llth ' Srreet E., 0»en Sound. BAXTER, Edward BuUer, R. R. 1, Death of John Radley The above named gentleman died very su.ldenly on Thursday, April 10. Mr. Ridley had f >r some years be<n subject to rheumatism, but of late had apparently been in the best of health, but heart failure claimed another of the old pioneers. He was born in Lincon- shire, England, in the y.'ar 1840, and conseiiueutly was 77 years old. He came with his parents to this country when but 10 years of age an! settled in (Ijprey township and remained there unlil 26 years ag), when he moted t > Artemesia tournship, from where the funertl took place on Satuidiy In the year 1867 he married M ss Selin* RaJIey. who is still living. To them was born seven i childrenâ€" six daughters and one son- Mrs. W. J..\tkinion, ManitouUn Island ; Mr^ .\. b.-ook?, To.onto ; Mi.s3 Ettie at Meeting at Dromore I.ieuten.tnt-Colonel •'. Hilliard Rorke and Mr. John SlcVuilcer made a trip to Dromore. vi.-» Flesherton Station, for the purpose of attending a j int patriotic ai d recruiting meeting arranged I y tl e citizens of that progressive communiry. Tbey took the train to Flesherton depot and by team made the trip of tveh e mdes to Drcmore, triiving in time for the very bountiful bannjet that had been provided by ihe citizens. The meeting was w..>ll attended and a most finished addres* was given by Mr* McQuaker, treating principally wi-.h the magnificent work of the Patriotic Fund ! and com.-nissioners. Dromore has alwaj s ably supported this Fund, and there is every promise that, following Mr. home ; .Mr. F. J. Ridley, New Ontario ; ' Mc<.^uakBr's master address, fhecontnbn- Mrs. P.«tridge, on the old homestead ; j tious will be still larger than last year. Mrs. J. VV. Brown, and Mrs. E. Kisher. ' Lieutenant-C jlonel J . HilliirJ Rorke both of Toronto. There are thirty three made a strong appeal for support of his Dr. Littb has returned to Canada and j rill be in Flesherton next week to , resume his practice, effect was received on Saturday. A by leter to that | P"^**'"". ^oru L>ndoo, Eng , ago 18, Tbe Advai c ''*""*•'"• *'"?'*' next of kin, mother, Elizabeth Baxter, Vicarage Lin?, Strat- I ford, London, England. Trout fishing season opens on Tuesday H.\NLEY, John Floyd, Pntoo, Out., of next week. The law says you may 3^,,^ j^Q^.^tgyj^)„t^ ,g„ jg tarmer, catch thirty tish. cr ten pounds, in one gingig, aeH of kin, mother, Maggie Han- day. Anything lieyond that constitute* j^y^ Osborne House. Dundas. Onl. an offen'<e. Pie. Will Campbell, of the 134th ( Highlander ) Battalion. Toronto, has been wounded. Pte. Campbell is a son of Mr. Robt. Campbell, of the Valley., ,- , u ,..,:. „ , , .... u c , »!,., ,^.., Oat., Born \orkshire, Eng and. »je 18, He has been m the trenches for the past , !,, .^ I farmer, single, next of km, sister, Lucy six months or more. -.j u l c» vi- u n Dale, o2 Bark St., V>oiob»ell, ne'>r The village council has purchased a Barnsley. Eug. new 4-inch tank (.ump from the Toronto , SAMPLE, Elmer TEETER, Aar.>n lUnsom. Markdale, Born Grey Co , age IS, farmer, single' next of km, sister-in-law, Gertrude Tee- ter, same address. DALE, Harold. R. R. 1, Kimberley, Wind Engine Pump Co. This cnmbined with the chemical engine, ouaht to make • pretty fair tiro fighting outfit if it is manned properly and kept in readiness. Etrl, Feversham, Boru Grey Co , ago IS. farmer, sioglr, next vt kin, mother. Agnes Sample, same address BARBER.Wilfied.Box 22,F}versham, Born O.^proy Township. Grey Ci>unty, The Advance is extremely sorry to ,^, j^ f^,„„„_,,„^,,,„^jt of kin.mother. announce th* death .at the front o geliu.'* Barber, same address. Lieut. Howard F.iwcett, eldest son of ,,,„,_. „ o o vv 1. j ,-. â-º „ „ . , , r. I f 1' LONG. Thus.. U.R.2, «oodford.Out. Mr. A R Fawoettoftho Purks Fal s „ ,, p, . ... , . , . , . . , Bovu GtoyCountv, ate ol.fanuer.smsjle, Arrow, his death havina occurred from .... !, ., , r " ...... , , next of km, mother, Margaret Long, wounds on .\pril 11. Howard ««s born =. - ., , . .„. ,, same address. »t Streetsvil'e on April >, 1N<'.'. Ho, with his brother, were amon^ th. hrst to THt)MPSON. Josepb William, R.U.:.. enlist with a Par y Sound Batta^on. Tara. Born Sullivan Towuship, Grey County, age 21, school t.-acher, single, The Women's Institute will meet in next ut kui, father, Jaiius A, Thompsni, the Hich School on Wednesday, Mey n i{ 1^ Dcsboro. 2nd at 2 30 shurp. Every member i' â€" â-  jciiue'ted 'o attend, as this is the election of oflicers for the new ye»r, 1017- 1918. Lunch will be served. Vnitors always welcome.â€" Mrs. Hawken, See W. Hutchinson I'f Vando'our sold a three ye»r old steer to Kr>-d Stuiirt, cattlebuyer. on Tuesday, that weighed t.'>70 pninds and nsttetl ne.arly $18S. erandchildren and five great-^randchil- dreu, all of, will mourn the 1 '«s of a loving father. Mr. Radley wa-i of a very ohligiuu; disposition and a kitd neighbor to any one in oeed. He had great affecti>u for his gra.idchildren, who all loved him most dearly. The funeral Regimen: and reports that he is cocfidcnt there will be a squad of men from Dronure and vicinity t^i take their plac-js in tie ranks of the 24Sth Battalion. StatfSeraeant R image, an ex-mea;ber of the 31st Heuiment, pleaded the Hudi- enco with three well rendered pafru^tic song'i. Coming from thi< old soldier took pUce to Maxwell cemitery. and was widely known fur his patriotism, hi.s part Ursely attended, the service beinij held of ^^« piogtamne produced a decided in the Methodist church, conducted by «^'f>--':l on behalf of 'hi cau>e. Rev. McDonald of Flesherton and Rev. Mr. Bell of Durham. Miss Irwin .f Tiller of Maxwell. The children were Durham, Muss Blythe of Varuey. and .ii.,.....» «,.,„.,..â- _. V A 1 M Lieut, lulo of the 2+!<th also coQtri touted all present, excepting rred and .drs. . , '^ ' to the programme. Dr. Sneath very ably rl'.led the chair -«c»c -.SA.- .iesK?" present, Atkinson. and hi< well chosen rein irks made a valuable addition to the programme of the evening. Lieutenant-Colonel J. Hilliard R;tke siys he h )pes to vn;t Druiure a.ia n. as he was greatly interested in their town and the promise for a contingent from Chat district. Cream Wanted The body of an old man found in an uuuaed residence in Puslinch last Tnurs- d»y has been identified as Li.>ckbead McDonaM, a well known character af the township. The remains were taken to Uarriston for iutermeut. He has been employed at Aberfoyle hotel for yean but lately wandered from farm to farm. He is supposed to have crawled into the house last fall and died from exposure. Dr. J. .\. Maclood is trying to foster an interest in bird life amou? Orangeville Public School boys by offerinu two pr-zfs for the best built bird hous,-. Boys who compete will be divided into classes, namely, those who have and those who _ have not taken manual training. The | prize.s are. a opy of th. Canadian Bird JHE TORONTO CREA.HERV CO., Ltd. B. ok by Chester .V Keaa. B.S , and a CHLRCHST., TORuN TO, ONT. Browiiio camera.â€" Banner. j Apr 25â€"6 we. We are open to buy Cream for churn- ing and table me. Write for pri:es. The figures of yostoniay may bj too ]â-  w (it tomorrow. We turnish cans â€" p^iy charges and give pcomp". services. A k any shipper. »-V^^^--^'^''^'^"^^'SS5^? ^SL?X? X -X^X?X?X-J!I-X-X?X"X»X^S^ X^#ll Radley -Weldrick Oi\ Wednesday, .\pril It* the home Mr. and Mrs. K. Weldrick was the scene of a pretty h"mo weddiua, when their eldest daughter, Rota, was united in the holy bonda of matrimony to Mr. John lUdley, of the tilh line, by the Rev. Sam Phillip" disposed of a litter of pig< Sco'jie. of Mcltilyre. The groom wa.« the same day that brouijht him f;W2. dtieiided by Mr. Harold Spi,troid. and III III FLESHERTON BAKER Ylii MR. FARMER [if m There were twelve jigs in I ho litter. Two were kept for home cnnsmuption, and ten sold for the above amonnt. The ni.any friends and neighbors > f Miss Klva Lever met at tho home of Mr. an 1 Mrs. Will Stewart on Monday even- ing and presented her wiU a ki;chin uteiisils shower and a very appreciative address. Miss Lever changes her name this wiek. Wp M.iJotNtaiid th«t Mr. Chirles Martin of ihe K.<:t Mountiiin, Eupbrasi.a, i.-t the liappy man. i I thellfj Miss Wyrllj Sotuberger attended the b ide. The bride, who wns ijiven away by her fatlur, was j lotlily attired in white .'<«t;u. The pieso;its were numer- ous and p.etty, .sho.Mii; che isteein young couple wore ho'.d in. All join iu j \^i wishing the young couple a happy und [ii ptosperi'US journey ihnujli life. I ijji iVn Einivale man was fined $2t0 ai U l^i c.Kn»-in «11 about ?:;C0- lor I, ki. g | ji WHEN IN TOWN GIVE US /\M CALL WE HAVE THE BEST OF BREAD CAKES PIES BUN S COOKIES CONFECTIONERY & TOBACCO •^ Tj City, Trj:n and Villagi Dvcdlcrs in Ontario. Keep hens this year EGG and poultry prices, the like of which have seldom or never been experienced, certainly make it worth .. anyone's while to start keeping hens. By doing so you have fresh eggs at the most tritlin? cost. At the same time you have the splendid satisfaction of knowing that you are doing something towards helping Britain, Canada and the .\Ilies achie%"e \nctor>- this year. "* Increased production of food helps not only to lower the high cost of livmg, but it helps to increase the urgently needed surplus of Canada's food for export. It saves money otherwise spent for eg:cs and poultry at high prices, and saves the lab<'r of others whose effort is needed for more vital war work. The Ontario Department of .Vgriculture will give everv possible assist.uice by affording information about poultry keeping. Write for free bulletin which tells how to keep hens (address below\ "A vegetable garden for every home" Nothing should be overlx)ked in this vital year of the war. The Deparcment earnestly in\-itL'sever>-one to help increase production by growing vegetables. Even the smallest plot of ground, when property cultivated, pro- duces a surprising amount of vegetables. Experience i3 not essential. "^^ijf^lW^ • On request the Department of Agriculture will send valuable Utcratiu-c, free of charge, giving complete direc* tions for preparing soil, planting, cultivation, etc. A plaa of a vegetable garden, indicating suitable crop to grow, best viu-ietics and their arrangement iu the garden, will be sent free to any address. ^-tJ^^^CS ^^ Address letters to "Vegetable Campaign." | ; Department of Agriculture, Parliament Biiildiuiis. Toront" .,:V Ontario Department of Agriculture W. H. Hearst, Miniatar of .Sericulture • ^i Parliament Buildings i»»«%4* Toronto 11 I" School Children's Eyes. Public Notice m U Full line of groceries at popular prices IMl Fx^uits in Seasoxi ijii in chikihood. The eyes of every child should be e.xamined. We have niade Collingwood Street opposite IWcTavish's 1 Sf'o^tf-i'antgumm^^^^^^^ II . Satisfaction. "" Consultaticn free. Take notice that all persons are here- by forbidden trespassing on. or dumping any rubbish on, or taking, ssnd. grsTe), j earth or other matter otf Park lot known IS tile Klesher sand pit, in Flesherton. â- .•ontaiuiiii aliout two acres, as all persons tri'spa.ssing or cominittint; any waate or reinovinu anything therefrom, on any part of the Flesher estate in and Manv lives have been mineo an.und Flesherton village, will be pros- through neglected eyestraiii """^'^ «ccoidiK« to i»w ?glt XL II W. A. Armstrong. PK. T. July ti PRdVLK. E.xecuti»r for the Estate FOR SERVICE Let 24, con. 14, -Vrtemesia, pure bre j Shorthorn \ ull. Valley King. Orada cows ?1.2:\ purebred S4.00. " I July 17 â€" W. A. WEBER.

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