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Flesherton Advance, 12 Apr 1917, p. 1

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^kB\)txiffn %imxiu. TilUTH BEFORE FAVOR. PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?0I 36 No. 47 Pleahicrton, Ont., Ttiursday, April 11?, 1917 W. fl THD8ST0N ^°7p°h^< kod FHOPaW ♦r A Great Victory The British ami Canadian forces in France capttuod 9,000 prisoners in the great drive on Sunday and Monday. Word to that effect was wired here on Tuesday. This is just a foretaste of what is coming to the uiad dog'i^ whelps ou the western battle front. Pithy Proton Pointers Laat Week's Iien's. Mr. Heiman Becker was in Tuionto last week on busines.s. Wednesday evenin'^ Rev. Ibbot gave a lecture on tlio present war, which waa illustrated by Imiflight views. Lieu;. Price gave a shurt address and Lieuteuant McAllister gave a couple of solos which were much apprccikttd. The recruiting officers, Lieut. Wri>;ht and I'te. Rdz, v> ere on the spot. .\t the close of the session Mr. John Hanley responded to the call, and since wo have hoard that Mr. W. Hazen his followed his example. The Misses .^che^on, Fleshcrton, are home from high school for Easter holidays. Mr. Ilobt. Watson, who has been ill in th<? city for a few weeks, is convali-scing in our village. We are pleased to know that Mi;s L^na Park, who has been ill for some lino, is iuiproviug. Do not forsct Sm\ Day on llu 17' h of this month. Those who caiinnt knit the •ocks kindly give the yarn or the money. Mrs. Wm. Ludlow received a lettrr from Sei<»t. A. K. Christian, soniewhere in France, thanking her for ihu sucks which she knit last Socks Day. He informed her that they used one pair each day and he was going to put on her socks thai eveninir. Eugenia Paragraphs The snow storm last week made a few days nice sleighini;. George Latimer is visiting in Toronto. Wilfred McMaster has gone to Toronto. Mrs. J. Parson is visitiiie with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Smith, and other friends in Toronto. We are sorry to hear of Harold having the misfortune of hav- ing his arm badly cut, he having to have several stitches in the wound, and wijl be some time before he is able to work. Fred Duckett, who has been unJer the doctor's oare for a week, is improvinsj very slowly. Dou't forget Wednesday night prayer meetir^'s in the Presliylerian chuicli. Wo are sorry to report Miss Mamie McGeo being under the doctor's caie with infianuiiaiory rheumatism. Hope to .soon hear ot her speedy recovery. Our village is iipeninu; spring; with a now barber shop and auto livery. L. Duckelt, proprietor. Owing to Rev. Madden, jr., taking i relapse he was unable to bo present, his father supplying the pulpit. We«. Latimer and Wilfred McGee are spotting a new driviim horse each. Seed Time Suggestions 1 Carefully plan the crop production for the season at an auly date. \i The roughly clean and grade the grain so ,ns to procure the Urge, pluuip, cuund and well matured seed. 3 Test the germinatiou power and ilie vi({or of the seed before time to sow. 4 ( >verhaul implements and machines so as to be ready to sturt sepdii'i; early and to have each class uf crop at the best time for highest reRuIt.s. 5 Artani{0 for at Ijast a small amount of such cultivated crops as bean.s, corn, ))otatoe.s and tuiiiips. C Watch and destroy thj weeda before they ari able to nioUe nuich headway. 7 EcoDoiiiize man labor by using three and four burse tnanis when po.ssible. 8 Plan so us to make the best use uf the unskilled labor which is available. Notice to Creditors Feversham Items W.jddiug bells are ringing. The sloini of last Friday ni-'Je the roads heavy and we have had >iuite cold weather for a few days again. Mr. Jas. Davidson of Niagara Fallc, was a caller in our villajje last week. Miss I.yla Alexander has returned home from Toi-onto,whHr3 she was taking a course of music, for a coup'e of months. Miss Pearl Whiteoalt is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss .\da Kajttini* and Miss Mae Cohiuetto spent Sunday afternoon at Mr, Will Kaitting's on the twelfth line. Eluur Semple and Wilfred Darber have signed up with the l.'48th Batt. and are back home for a time, F. Semple of Owen Sound, is visiting her mothc" of lhi.s village. Farm Help Having been appointed the representa- tive of the Onlairo Govermiient Public Kuip'oyment Bureau for Grey Cuunfy, we are now at he disposal of farmers in securing an adequate supply of farm help, .Vny wishing to s-'cure help and all who will be availiblo for assisting fanners shoulil write us for application forms. n. c. Duff, Dpt. of Asiiiculture, Mirkdale, Out. In the matter of the Kstate of .\nn Beecroft Uto of the Township of Arteinesia in the County of Grey, Spinster deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant, to "The Trustee Act" and amendments thereto, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Ann Beectofr, who died on or about the twenty-sixth day of January, 1917, are re-iuired on or before the Thir- teenth day of .\pril, P,tl7. to send by post prepaid or deliver to Wright & Telford, of the town "f Owen Sound, in the County of Grey.Solicilors for V\ illiani Sloan and b'rederick Pedlar, the Executors of the last' will and testament of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the sjid executois will proceed (o distribute the asset; of the deceased among the parties entit- led thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have no- tice, and that the said executors will nut bo liable for the !>aid assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribntioD , Dated March 27th, A, D. 1910. WRIGHT* TELFORD, 0»«n Sound, Ont., Solicitors for the execu'ors. Waikerton The Waikerton High School Patriotic Society cleared .*12(i on the sale of old paper collected and the money is to be divided among the Bruce Preparedness League, l.O. D. E., Soldiers .\id Tea Room, Bed Cross and other various funds. The same organization will collect rubbers and paper, and house- holders are ((.skod to keep those for them. Wni. Uydall of Albemarle was brought to the Waikerton jail on Tuesday to await his trial before Judge Greig here this Thursday on the serious charge of par jury. The Drayton Advaiice says the biggest he.' of the season was sold in Guelph last weelt. It weighed 0-t."> pounds live weight and 8^3. ^'•j was paid for it. But David Coates of Brant sold a hag to Cruder Bros, in Waikerton on I'uei-dav that kicked the beam to t)8(J pounds and brought the seller an even S!)0. From the comparison, wo infer that there are bigger boss in Brant than Guelph. Judging from the number of marriages that have taken place from time to time among the young ladies from the local telephone central, that establishment seems to have a peculiar interest to Under pow^r if sale contained ui a niortgagi\ which will be projuucd nl time of siile, at the hour of l.."iO p.m. at the Mnnshaw House, in lli« Villaueof Flesh- erton, in the U uinty of tiiey, ilie fnllow- iuij farm property, formerly belonLMn,' to Mr. Robert Cooper, namely lot .'!,") in the RJih concession, the south cast half of lot yj, and the south euit quarter of lot 31 in llio 14th concession, in the Township of Arlemesia. in the County of Grey, con- tainiug 181 acres, more or less, of which 140 acres are cleared, lliere is a frame dwelling, one and one half storeys high, cupid. No lady has, to our knowle'iger Ifi x 24, and a log stable, together with a Ceylon Chat Mr. Clarence Muir, Pickering, s[>ent Easter with his parents. Misses Agnes and Lillian McPliail, teachers of their respective schools, spent Easter with their parents. Mr, Alex, McLeod of Toronto, visitel his mother here, Mr, Major and wite,Toronto,is visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. McDonald, Mr. Wm. White, Dundalk, is visiting his son here. Mr. George is visiting Toronto friends. Miss Kate Wilcox spent Eial,ei' with her sister in Toronto, Mauler Cecil and Glaciys Cuslmie, T..ioiro, spent Easter week wi:h ilieir :itan;parent.-', ."Mr. and Mrs. R. CjdU. Mabel MeMuUen, Toioiito, spent Friday last with her parents. Mr. Parks and wife, Toronto, visited vith Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper. Sirs. Frank Collinson spent Eiister with her mother in Owen Sound, return- HL' home Monday. Miss Mary McMuUeu, Toronto, .spent the week end with her parents. Miss Myrtle Uemi h:li, Toronto, spent Kaster holidays under the parental roof, returning Monday. Mrs. .Jas. Radley, Maxwell, visited her sister. Mrs, Bolton, here last week, who had the misfortune to fall down stairs, injuring herself. Miss .\iinie Radley is with her ,.unt this week, -Mr, .Murray Legate of Mulock, spent Ei.ster week v.'iih his mother. We are sorry to rei)ort Mr. Sandy McDonald i|uite ill with congestion. Wood bees are the order of the day on Iht: back line. / Miss K. Baxter, of Detroit, is visiting with her brother, Donald, Mr. Martin, assistant station agent here, spent the week end in Toronto. Toronto Line North Mr. Kobt Swaiiton visited Erin and Toronto friends recently, Mrs. John MaauiuL' returned to her home ill Brussels after spending part if the winter with her daughter here. Miss Elva Lover is spending her vaca- tion under the parental roof. .Mrs, Fred Mathewson is able to lie around again after her recent illness, Chas, Wickens ot Kiniberley with his ne[iliew here the Mr. visited week. Mr'i. Albert Stewart received woid on Saturday of htr nephew, Newell Perigo, very low with infantile parnlysis nein at Pint McNichol. Eighth Line, Artemesia Mrs. ,John Parsmi is visiting with her daughter, Mrs, Harold Smith, Toronto. Miss Xaida Lawler and li.'r little friend, Bessie Wood, are visiting with the form- er's [larent?, Mr. .tiid Mrs, Geo. Lawler. Miss Kuth McMaster spent Sunday wit Mrs. W. C. Haiiley Mr, and Mrs. .\. O. Finlay, of Owen Sound, are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W, C, Htnley, before leaving for the West. OF Valuable Farm Lands ON Saturday, April 14, '17 Heathcote Gossip Last Week's Items. Died â€" In Clarksburg, on Tuesdav, March 2!>, l!tl7, Mary Gardner, beloved wife of ihe late Jasies Rice, aged 71 yrs, Mrs. James Rorke and little son, Harold, returned to their home in Brand- on last week after spendim; the winter at the parental home here, Mr. and Mrs George Reekie. Mr, John Pratt returoed borne on Tuesday after overseeing the remodelling of his evaporator for the past fortnight. The Heathcote Women's Insl.iluie held ther inoiithlv meeting at the hoiua of Mis. Walter Reekie on W ediie.iday of 1 1st week, Mrs. Joseph Baker is visiting with her uiughtir, Mrs. Genr^o Wellman, ar Collingwood this week, .\ vt ly pleasant time w:us sp t\: at tb, hmiia uf Air. and Mis, 1. .V. JIvles nii Friday evening. Pleased to hem ihat Mrs. .'<iinnel Davidson, wli > is ill in Colhngwood hospital, is improviig. We are sorry to repoit the siJ jceident of Mrs. George Macleer on Tuenliy morning while startimr the lire in the hualinj St ive when her apron I "-k tire a:jd befoie it was checked she was budly binned about the bidy. Her mother also surt'ers greatlv fr<;in burns received while atsialing to put the lire out. Pleased to hear that both are d<iiig nicely under Dr. McKee's care. Kimberley Budget Coldest Easter on record. Mr, and Mrs. John Ttylor of Owen Sound, are visiting with the latter's parents, Mr. ami Mis. Jas, Lawience. Moore Bros, saw mill on the valley road, ninth, will soon be in running order, under the management of Mr McAlli,ster of Collingaood, Over 352(1 vis subscribed lecently in this appointm. t towards the ereetiim of a Methodist paraonnfje in our burg. We understand Ihe one at Rucklyn will be sold. Our two public schoolteachers, Mr. McBride and Mi.--i l'"laherty, are hnlidny- ing at their rcspeetivo hjiiies in Paisley iiid Owen Sound. Miss Belle DuL'vl'in it Scliombcr<!, is renewina old acipi.i'ntaiice' in tliis purr and IS the guef>t of Mrs. Jas. Stewul. .Viuoiii! th'ise spending the Eisler holidays in this \ieinity are : .!. K- H.inimond, cinninercial specialist of tlie Meaiord High S-hool ; Eiina Ibirritt. Vanjelcnr : Delia Abercror.ibie, Wode- house : Vernon Bishop, Meaford : W m Hammond, Strnlloid : Elvie Bishop, Toronto ; Nellie lliirrir. of Ventry .ind Bachael Hutchii-.-^mi of Meaf.ird, Miss Maude I'l • ves of Sligo is visiting with her mother, .Mrs, Joiin Plewes. Mr, Wm. Wallers, who liel.l a lucrative positiioi at the parliainelit buildings, Toronto, duiing the late se.stion, returiuil-honic on Monday. The pastor, Hev. Lane, iccupi-d tlio pulpit in the Mi ihodist church on Sunday nurning a:id pn. icbed an Kaster sermon. graduated from that institution and joined, the Sacred and Advanced Order of Predestinated Spinsters, As a place for stepping otl' into a happy home we don't know any institution that has anything ona Bell Telephone CeulraL â€" Herald and Times, Keith Dorau, of Alleuford, ha.s been killed in action. log barn and stable and ,i log dwelling house. Title perfect. Tkrmsâ€" «200 on day of sale, 81()0 six months thereafter, and balance S50 a yr. at 7 per cent, interest. Privilege to pay any sum at any time. For further particulars apply to R .I.SPROCLE, l&q.. Auctioneer, Flesherton, Ont. The London Loan A Savings Co., London, Ont. Portlaw Las! Week's Items, Miple syru;i season now â€" .Sweet times Atiother littie boy lias arrived at ili» homo of Mr. .iiul Mrs. Lewis Hill, Alan a boy at the h^'un; "f .Mr. an.l Mis Fred Tiyli r. Mr. and Mr.-:, .\lberl l>liickburii visited the latter's f' tlier, .Mr. Jeremrih Thomp- son, ill Collingwood leccntly, who hat bjen very ill. Mr. Robert W.itson, who has been in Toronto for some tiino past, wa.s stricken with :i soiero i tlsck uf appendicitis, accompanied with other troubles. (lis friends are pleased that ho is so much improved as to be able to come home last Saturday. His father visited with liiiii in the city during the critical period, Mrs, Clinton Pedlar, of Toronto, is visiting with Mrs. S. Pedlar, who is still in a low st.ilc of health. Mr. Frank S.iicr arrived hon»e frnu Toronto last week. We understand ihat Mr, J. G, Little has again sold his farm ; this time to Mr, Gilbert Little, Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. DR. BURT W. A Armstrong, . Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat OFFICEâ€" l:;i) ItJth St, West. Owen .^ound ! At the Revere, Maikdale, 2n<] Tliur.sday each in., nth from 8 to a 12a. ni 'â- â- Wednesday of each month. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT ^ J"^ v'i/> ;»% ^i«.^'<. J^lt ^i«. j,i«. .^l^. .m, a".. .}i«. .jij. .,v'.„ oic jiv.. v>"«. Ji". <", ,»i<. .^|^ j'e. ..vt'.. ,»"- J'^ or, '/(k '/.«• -/ii> %•!â-  -/,o '/li- '„ J. '/, J. r/,j: -„? \f 7,^^ r„ j: 5,5: >^,<: ^,^ ^;^ r,^^ 7,^^ ^^^ ^- <: y^^^ ; , 7^^,j^ 1 ^ j h\ TimWi M [lovsr, Haniniotli [lover, Ihils, Hlfalfa, | t OiGliafd Urass, Bape Sejd. | 8 Fii-st Class T'.ock At Reaaonable Prices, ^ k Mm [ar of M im lr!i\ ^ Also lots of shorts. Bran, Mi(idling:s, Eclipse Flour, Purity. ^ # Five Rose, and Pastry " ?* Ce Bring your WflEA f add exchange it for FLOUR. # i I want lOOIl hsiiels flats. I I w. buskin! ^ The Up to date Flesherton Grocer. S O % •*i4 ^Ife i'&Mk^'^'- ^Vi ^A^^^ •"<' ^P "*"â- â€¢ •*"' ^1^ •*''4 •*"'• â- Â»"' i"' < "-• -.V'' .*"> :Jl<, .41/.. vX^ ^ '/if W w w '/iv '/!«• w^l^^TF W '/i? -»? V.-5 viv" ViS- -vn-* VI J- '/!«• tif ^'k\- ^(?'/i?^i{r ^J?'^#% -:-Wet and Snow-;- .Means yim want a New Piiir of RuViliors nr ( )ver- .<li()es ttj Uee[) your feet Dry and Warm, Call Ml CLAYTON'S and -ret your want.s .supplied. Or if y )u have a Pair of old Leather Top.s and want new bottoms on tlieiu Leave tlicni now l.iefore the Kiv^I), .Uepairini: as u.-ual. Tho5. Clayton^s I FLESHERTON 1"^ â- ir=ir^r=Jf^r^r=}rp^r~l2 In Holland the stable and house are combined, Tbestableisicrnpuluualyolean and has curtains on the windows. The cows S9em to be belter looked after than they are in Canada, ANN OUNCEM ENT Havin<^' pui'cha.scd the Furniture bu.siness of Mr, n John Chapman at a rate on the dollar, .[ am prepared to ortei' Furniture at unheard of prices. For the next fifteen days the public will be able to profit by this .sale, as I must di.«!pose of most of it. The Stock i.s new and up co-date in every respect. Dressers. Stands. Parlor Sets and other choice goods at prices that will you. War time does not affect these as they were mostly purchased before the raise and are agairi cut in oi'der to make (juick sale. Come in and liok over the Stock. W, H BUNT Furniture and Undertaking FLESHERTON. • ONTARIO. 1

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