ii ♦ /ksliMxrn %hmnte. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"" PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." ?0L 3(J No. 46 Flestierton, Ont., Xbursday, April o, 1917 W, H THORSTON 'i"'™« „ aud niopBie i I 4 a i Eugenia Paragraphs The United States StorrasUyed L:«et Wepk. Sogar mailing and bitd loailn are ihe order of the day Mrs. A. Smith .spent the past week in Owea Sound. Mr. Tom Tudor, )f Toronto, is visiting with his father. Mr. Card G.aliaiii spent a few dnyi in Owen Sound last week. On Monday of Inst week Mrs. J. Parliament received the s*U naws of the de.uh of her cousin, R. R. Gaiuev, M. F. We are pleased to see Mr. Will Camt^ruu ^ble to be out again. He is visiting his uaiighter, Mrs. E. Graham. The Eui^eDia Women's Institute will hold their moDthly medting at the home of Mrx. Alex. Hoy oil Wednesd.iy, April 11th. Two papers are to We gi-en, the subjects beinii, â€" "How ab can help uur girla and bow tbey can help us," by Mrs.J.Lawler, and "The kitchen i<arden," by Mrs. J. Parliament. Vi.sitorf allways welcome. Nurse Graham wa-s oalUd home from Bridgeport, U.S. A., to nurse her brother, G. W. Graham, «ho has been i'.l for some tin<e. Mr.Dave Geooe mored bis family fiom Markdile to Mrs. .^rins'roni^'s residence before goins; West. Leila Pedlar.of Markdale, uciouipaiiied by Mr.-*. (Pte.)C. Meldtum, of Toronto, spent the week end with their couNin. Lsoiuk PedUr. Mrs. Johnson, »f Meiifonl, is rmitinK with Mr. and Mrs. L. Latimer. Mr. Hufrh Haiiuuoiid has moved hh family to Mr. .lako William's resi/ence. Pte. Alex. Hoy makes a tine bie soldier along with many of our other h^.ys. This Week's Itens. Special aiogiug and music is being ar- ranged by the choirs of both churches for the Ewter service. The pattur, Rev. Madden, jr., uf ihu .Methodist church, who has been off duty for the past bve months, owiui; to illness, is u.xpected Imck this week. Mr. John LatiuK-r is improving after a bad attack of pUurisy. Mr. and Mrs. G. VV. (iraham hare gone to Owen Sound, Mr. (n'ahani for treitment, acconipani<>J by h's sinter, Jean, who 18 ;;oii g to nurse bim. Mr. Wes. C'joey of Tor jnto spent the week end with friends here. Wes. is taking his car back with his). Mr<. McMullen has i'eturn>>J home after spcndiuj{ tliv winter nith her daugh- ter at Priceville. Misses D, Wilson and V. Pirliinieiil of Flesherton high school spout the week end with friends bore. Mr. Tudor rcoeivetl wnid from his son, Uenry, who is Ml liie 147'h, last week. He was in the trenches. i>wing to bal roads w» JiJn't see our mail cirrier tor a week. Notice to Creditors In the matter i>f the Kstate of .\nu Beecroft Kte "f the Township of Arteinesia in the County of Groy,Spiiibter deceased. Notice !i» lioroUy vjtven, pursuiinf. to "The Trustee Act" and amendments thereto, that all cioditors and others having claims ajiaiii.st the ekttie of the said .\nii Beecmft, who diedi'n or about the twenty-si>lh day of January, 1017, are re.pjireJ "H or bofote tho Thir- teenth day of April, V.H7. to send by post prepaid or- delivir to Wri«ht iV Telfoid, pf thi: town 'f < )wfn Sound, in tho County of (•ri-y.Solicitors fur William Sloan and KieJeiick Pedlar, the Kjieoutors of the tis' wj'l ami testament of the .said dtceasod, their Cliristian and surnames, «ddri;--ses and descriptions, the full particulais of their claims, the statement qI their accounts and the nature of the seoutitiits, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the s.fid e.xecutots will proceed to disiribato the nsse'.f of the deceased among the parties entit- led thereto, having rci^aid only to the claims of which lliey shall then htve no- tice, and (hat the said executors will not bo liable for the paid assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claiiB notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such <It«lribatioD. Dated llM-oh ^7tb, A, D. 191C. yimGUT * TBLB^JHD, 0«»n Sounti, Oct., Solieiton £tr t-he executors . i Is in the War President Wiisou'r' note to Congress oa Monday places tLe United States defini'ely iu tlie war with the Allies. The objects of the U. S. in entering the war, the president said, were to vindicate the principle of peace and justice against selti.-'h and autocratic powjr. Without sellish ends, for con- quest or dominion, seeking no indem- nities, or material compensations for the sacrifices it shall make, the L'. 8, must enter the war, the president .^aid. to make the world sa^e for democracy as only one of the champions of the lights 01 mankind, aud would be saiis- fied when those rights wore as secure as the faith and freedom of nations could make them. The president's address was sent in full to Germany, by a German official news agency, for publication in that country. The text also went to Eng laud, and a summary ol its contents wa.<! sent aronni the world to other uations. Feversham Items The faimers are busy making maple syrup. The snow is disappearing fast. Mr. U. Brackeiibury of CuDuistfii, visited with his niotlur and other friends here lust week. Mr. K. D. Col<|uetle and wife visited with the former's parents here recently. They have moved to Winuiueg where K. D. has secured a p-isilion on the Giam Grower's (juide. Mrs. Thompson Davideim of Weyburn, Sask., is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whiteoak, at present. Mr. William Brtickenbury and daughter Risie, have gone West Mrs. Jthn Kerton is very ill at the home of her son, Walter, of this p'aee. Sorry torepoit Miss Gladys Hendoraoii very ill ar (iresent. .Mr. .laiiies .\iiiott has M.ld his propiTly in this village to Mr. Albeit Mills uf Hob Hoy. Powtr House and Vicinity A happy Baster. SiUHr making is the order of the day. Mr. J. 1 Grahatii li.is n uc hundred trees tapped. Mrs. Jim Walker has returned to her houn ill Kiniberlcy after a long sickness at tlio lioiiij of her brother. Air. Adam Hyslop. Mr. Stanley Caiiipbull has been laid up with an attack of broiichilis. (iliid to report little Gertie Bowks recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia. Mr. Wilfred Graliam of Vancouver, visited with his cousin, operator Graham. Mr. Wes Gooey of Toronto, is the gue^t of Mr. Ko'it. CainphelT. Tryon St'jrnistayed Last Week. The roads were in a bad condition last week. Some did worry but, "t'aint heait never won fail Udy.' Mr. Albeit Jelt'ory, of T)ionti', is visit- i'lg \(. INfr. Alex. Morrison's. Mr. .M'aii McLean, who has been visit- ing for the past, few inonths with his sistc, Mrs, Cockburn, in Brock, has returned home again. .Ml. Dannie Cimeroii, win has been laid up with a (.overe altjick of rheuma- tism, we aio pleased to any is recovering. Kimberley Budget Slormstayed Last Week. Beautiful spring weather. Mr. Stanley Lawrence, one of our popular young nun, enlisted recently. On Friday evening last i nunibei i f the Ceylon Chat Bornâ€" tin ^loiiday, March 2fi'h intt., t) Ml', iind Airs. Joiiii McDonald, a dauuhterâ€" Tlieliii.i M irgrelU. Diedâ€" Ou March 2tl, the infant daugh- ter uf 51 r. aud Mrs. McDonald. She was neighbors and friends presented liiiii wiih I ^'»'''«' '" ''"l-'-hcrton cemetery on Wed., a military watch and a suitable address at the "'rravcilefH' Home." Mr. Jas. Stuart made the first maple syrup In this part las*, week. Stephen Burritt has been appointed clerk ti>r our new police village. Mrs. Jas. Stuart visited last week with friends in Flesherton . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MoConncll, of Meaford, visiteu la«t week with the former's brother, George McConnell, "f the suburbs. Two horsebuyers from Dinhani made a businci-s trip to our burg on Kriday las". Mr. Jas. R. Fawcett sold his farm on the East Mountain recently t<j (jeorge Harbollle. Wm Harris was bnsy la&t week cuttini; wood with his buzz saw in the vicinity of Healhcote. Mr. Holley, ot \audcleur, made a busine.ss trip to our burg on Wcdiic-day. Bornâ€" •\t Kimbeiley, recently, to Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber, a son March 28. Rev. McVic-ir conducted short service at the h^use and oHiciattd at the lii'ave. Much sympathy is expres- sed for Mr. and Mrs. McDmald. M'.s? Annie Neilson of Proton is spend- iii2 a few weekt with her •ilstijr, .Mis. J. McDonald. Mrs H. P.Legato spent week enil with Durham lrien<ls,retuiiiiii" lioiue Mi>iiday a-compauitd by her son, Murray. B.irnâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cairns, Rochester, on Jiu 28th Inst . i duuitlitcr. Mrs. Archie NeiiHon. Pr.'toii, speiir Thursday last at Mr. J. McDonald's. The "Willinsi Hilperi ' held thiir monthly meeting at Mrs. .las. L. MoVIul- len's on Fridi.y afternoon. The ladies arc .>^ending titty p:iirs uf focks to the boys at the front. Next meeting to be held at t'le home of Mrs. .las. I'attison. Mrs. U. U. Mcl.aiich'ati e!it.>t ta iiivl the Little Red 'Jross (iiils oti Saturday afternoon. They have now tl e sum of $S 4.") in Iheir treasmy. George Snell and Stanley W"lii(8 are on Mansell Cook is on a vis.t to his paren- ] the sick list and under the doctor'* care tal home in Rocklyn. W. S. Bishop's saw mill will stall operat.oii-1 on Monday nilh a full gang of uiuu. Wo are sorry to report Mis. Jaiiies Walker on the sicftji.vl . Andrew Kawc^itt made a business nip to M.rkdale on Tuesday last. I'liis Week's Items Nice Spring weather. Mi>. .luhn Hunter, who has been in Markdale for some months, returned home one day laft week. She has piircliH.sed a licmso aiiJ lot In Clarksbnri; and will niove there Mmietime in the near future. The soldiers of the 244iih Bait., who werii hare for llie winter gave a party to the young people at the Travellers'. Home on Kridav evi-ning last. By the death of Jno. Cook of Rocklyn, receiit'y, Eupliiaiia lost one of its aljlest councillors. He was a big liearied, wlo'e soulcd chap and will bj much missed. The family have the synipatiiy of this neighbourhood in the â- ^ad h )iir of bereaviiieut. .Mr. John Stuart i L I'owassai-, Ih visttmg friends in this part at |irestiit. Wm. Lawsou of Wodehouse. made a business tiip to cur burg on Thurs. last. Tliu sea gulls have agin made rlieir ippearcuce on the lints north of our village where their shrill cry can be heard all day long. < tur police trustees were busy ie|>Hiiiiig our sldewnlks on Saturday and tlioy were certainly in need of repair. The meanest man at last hn.s been di.scuvoted. lie's the fellow that woiil pay th(! piultry fancier a living piicefor a soUiiig if puii' hred eggs but will go lo the stole wheru the fancier sells ins hen fruit and tells the storekeeper losave him a setting of so ami so'.i egg.s. For such a vagabond the Lord lias no use and oven his Satanic Maji.sty would turn his nose up ia contempt at the scoundrel. OK Valuable Farm ON Saturday, /April 14, '17 Hope for speedy rcc ivery. r^oj-al Orange Lodyo No. .Sfv! gave in oyster supper at the h ime of (Jeo. ."»neil on Friday evenin-,>, aloii<> with invited friends, asa faiuvvell to .Mr. .Snell and family, v^lio leave in a few weeks for tl e West". Heathcote Too Late For Last Weed Pie. D'Ui McDonald, who has ie<iirncd fr-Jin Franci', is visiting with his sister, MiK. (Dr.) McKee. Master Dennie Fulgchen visited with his aunt at Duin n last week. Mr. Haivio < . nlekiihank is eii'.;aued with Mr. John Caik of rnlon, for the '•nuinier. The patriotic iiiiss meeting held in the vilUiii- hall nil 'I'liosday eveiing vv.ia hraely attended. Pleased t(i luMr that .Mrs. Thomas Hutchinson is iniproviiii!. Mr. and Mrs. K.tinest Beer visited with -Jut, Gardner < f Sand Hill recemly. Mr. and Mis. Herb Kerr of Duncan, vi.~iri'd wi'.li Mrs. Kieglieu on Saturday. IMrs. .Sum Davi.Isoii is in Colliiigwood hospital. We luipo for her speedy recovery. Mrs. Stuart is vi.slting with friends hi Epping. The bazaar ht Id in the villaoe hull on •Siluiday last, lo- the I'nioii Wuiiu-u's Institute, was laru" ly attended cisidering the disagrei^able «i-iilier. Mr. and Mrs. Sin.iju l'io,-t(n' moved to their new lioin in I'liornhniy last week . Mr. l!obt. Mm 1 ly visited at his Imiiic here the early fart of the week ere his departure for Viincouver, B. C. Mr. and Mis. U ibort Ucid of K.icklyn visile.t with .1.11 tiarUner on Wedno^ih>y. Mr. Wm. V,addie<f H^'cklyn. w:i>; a Cal or in our bnio on Saurday. Mi.ss Cimn iif I'liioi., visited .villi Mis. J. .\ I" nil liist week. Singhampton Land as liiJeipovvvr f sale c.mt.iiii,!il mortgHgi', which will ho of Bale, at the hour of I 'ill p.m. at tliu Muiishaw ll.iuse, in ill.! Viliauo of Kesh- ortuii, in the C unity of (Jn-y, ilio follow- ing farm property, formerly belmii-itij to Mr Itobett Cooper, namely lot lio in the 13ih ooncessiou, the south east hall uf lot 115, and the south en,l ipiartoe of lot o4 In the 141 h concession, in the 'I'ownship of We hope that he will soon be kbU to be Arlemcsia, in the County of Giey, con- It again. Mr. Archie McLean visited with his sistera iu Kitchener for a couple of weeks, Mr. Biisil Sornberger visited at Raven- na recently. Mr. B. McLean and Diuther,of Mclntyre, visited at Mrs. C^^me^on'•. Mr, A. Morrison haa disposed of one of his tine working horses and bought another fine one. Vaple .syrup itrakioK it the aider of th« dny. taiuing 181 acres, more or less, of which HO acres ate deaied. 'Ihoie is a frame dwelling, one and one half storeys high, 18 X 24, and a log stable, tOL'ether with a log barn and stable and a log dwelling hou.se. Title perfect. Trkvisâ€" 1200 on day nf sale, -"JlOO si.'s months theieafttr, and balance i-^0 a yr. at 7 per cant, interest. Privilege to (lay any sum at any time. For further particulars apply lo R J.SHROULE.Esq., Auctioneer, Fleshetton, Ont. The London Lujmi & SaTingo Co., fiAttdon, Onl, I'h^ Sortinii I â- icle arc n usual bu.-.y g^«l^ j sewing and kni^;iiigfocks foi the> soldiers. J.iliii D. Lou^hrod is here from tho West an,l is visiiiciK with liis f ither who has been in po it health for sonic time. On Thnrsday at the G. it M. hospital death c.illed aivay one of mir oldest and most re.' pee' 1 I larniers, in tlu- in'r.son of I Mr. Nod McD .nald. Mr. ,'MoD..naM was odiiced ftl. tune horn in this vuiniiy ."4 yoiirs ago .in,! ha' | sincj iiiailu liin lioino In hiuI around hoic. I Me hid b.eii a .-ull'cier fioin cincer Irnnble (or .some time .ind liis death w:i8 not eiiiirely ui.e\pe'.Mi>d. lie is .sui vlved by hin wife .'oul l«o uliiMren, to whom the dcepe^t syinp-ithy of ilie ronimunily is eslendetl. 'Ilio funeral look place on .Satin day from 1 he family residenoe ti.) | the .SiniiliniriploM cemetery, the services ] being conducted l.y R?v. Mann of the ; Presbyterian cliuich. I Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. DR. BURT W A Arin<:trnn<r :*. ui... ,„ .i.„..e. „, .H« j ''â-¼ • -^ Armstrong, Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat I ' iFi-icK -lot) loih St. w, St, Owen Sound j Jewelef At the Revere house. Markdale. 2n.] FLESHERTON, - ONT Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. m Dunilalk. Is Wednesday of each month . I Sol Timotliy, U [lover, iainnifltli [lover, Hhike, ilfalfa, I Dfcliafii Grass, Eape Se:il. g Fii-st Class C::.ck At Rmonable Prices. li'ier [ar of Feed [orn triiveil. Also lots of shorts. Bran, Middling, Eclipse Flour, Purity, Five Rose, and Pastry Bring your WHEA V ui exchange it for PLODR. I want moil hshls Oats. W. BUSKIN The Up to-date Flesherton Grocer. m m m m m m # m m m f ^ v!?- V '/1V-- '/i\' Viv-- =J.f '/i?^/i\'' v.v- 7(?-/,?'/^^%^^/;P'/i?%?5^'rM':7^^^^ i -:-Wet and Snow-:- I ^ ."NlciiD.s yoii wjiita Nt'w Paif tif Ruhher;; or Over- V) shoes t(j lccc|i your Ibet Dry iiml VV'arii!. (/all ai CLAYTON'S and f^etynm- wauls .«iij)pHcii, Or if y ju liavij a Pail- of old Li'allier Tops and 2 w.uitnew Bottoni.s on theni l-t'avf tlioni now lu'fore tlic IJu.'^li. liepaiiin>: as usii.il. I Tho5. Clayton^s I FLESHERTON j^^^mu^ â- -ir~-Jr^^n^7f^S /z=Jr=Jr=JrSS - r. The loads in ih.o vicinity are in a vr-ry ! bad condition and travelling is alnvin impossible. Wc are soiry !.â- > roport that Mr. 0. .!• Riddell is coiilined !o hi.'? homo owiui; t-i aiukness. Mr. .1. M. ICiglish, who for ih" past OUiuber of year* has h*i ohaij^e o( Iho hotel, h^ vacated it and taken up farmioi.'. Mr. Ueppeustall ba<i taken our ilie hotel. Mr. Clifford Kwing will be 'n r-harno of the mill here jif^r April 1. Formerly it was run by Mr. Grtdke.- Uulletiiv, i ^^^ announcement! liaviiio' pnivhas(.'d the Furniturt.- l)usino!s.s of Mr. John Chapman at a rate on the dollar, J am prepari^d to oflev Fniniture at unheard of piiee.s. For the next | rif^een days the pu'ilie will be able to jn-oht bv this sale, l a.s I must di.spo.se of most of it. The Stock is new ami J lip co-datR in every respect. Dressers. Stands, Parlor [f ; Sets and other choice good.s at prices that will surprise I you. War time does not affect these as they were | •• mostly purchased bef ire the raise and arp again cut. iu S » order to uiaUc <|uick wile.^ Come in and Itok over the Stock. §. •• W. HrBUNT ^ Furniture and Undertaking ^ FLESHERTON, - ONTARiq • 1^ *>1 •fi