3Iarch 2\) 1917 T H K F L E S H E R r O N â- iâ€" IB" J i _ ' OLll A D VANCE BUSINESSCARDS Societies PRINCE AKTFILTII LOOOB, No. SSS.A.Fft A M, ni««ts ill tlie Masoulobnll. Arm tro»e'ii Hlook Klenli»rton, every FriJay on b«>(ore the full moou. T. lloiiry, \V. »I. H. W. HickliDR. SetreUry. , . -. :iâ€" <'H08EN KIMliSl>^:--Kleil.erto» ( omici Oiosen KriencU SH loii'ts in Claytcn nj Hal' Drat aud tbtiil Wciliipcdav oi tacli nioiitli a H i> 111. I'av KnniiiimU ti> It'iculir in n before the' firat <iav or raoh month. Chie fuiiDCillor, \V7I1. ilunt; Hecorrtcr. Mic I.. A. Kiaher. ]y Dentistry B C MURRAY li. D. S , denUl anrgeon - htoorRraduBte oJ Toronto Uoiveraity and j Kcyal CollcRe ol D.'utal Hur«eon» o« Outario, \ llM aduUaiDHtered for tcetb extraction I fflc* at reaiiieuco, Toronto Street. Hesfcorton. i Medical I r OTTEWKI.Ii I VeterniHry Surgeon 3ra<1nate 'j1 Ontario Veterinary CoHese refMeuca â€" •â- )co;id door soutU wert.oo kirv atrect. Tuie utieet roue outb ProBbytoriau Cli'ircl). R. D.Lane. M.B. . . I'hyiciaii dUd Surno'in. »nil Chas. E McLean, M 0. C M, bpeciHliy â€" Surgery, MiJaifi ryA Women's Diseases OniiKs l''U>l»-ri./r.li»ie Dr Caller's Pri'ivilk', Same as Before IlorBsâ€" 10 au !o IJ 11 m, 2 to 4 :U) & 7 to S p III '.it tiich office r.r Mcf-ean will l-o at K.'.-iRliertoii otlloo Moii- dayB and aiiurstayf : otircr da>» uii<i nlnt'ts II r. LaLe. «:liii >!;••< Iiiailn from iio«ri;.t cltlcc. Ti'i'Plicuelii eai li ofllce for uli;lit ami day. VBto datf II11..4 h'oif 111 couicoUoii ytitli I'l loc•^ iile olUcc, J.EGAL 1 UCAR, KASKV A: hllNHYâ€" Harrl«toiP. •-' ctolicltoiKtH-. -1. H. l.nc«H, K. C. : W K. i lianey, K. C. : W. 1). Ilunry. H. A. Mtllces, foroiito, 8(J«-'j TiBdom lienli Hide., (ilioue u:aia 141'J: Uarlidale l^ueat llloc1(. Flioiiu :! A. braDcliolLce at Uuudalli u;':n every Saturaav. WBIQHT. TI.l-lORD ie McDONAI.D llarrinter. Holicitom, Ac. r»Qlri.i. fiiey ft Kruce Illook. Ohum Hound. Btuudaid liitnli Ulock.FlefUerton.tSaturi'.ava). W.H. WrisUt, W. V. relloHl J'. J. C. SIcDousld, L. u. ^. Business Cards OUIXOUGH Jt TOUKU llaiilfui-e Alarlfdale General banking busiuei'ii. Uoney loaned ai reaaooable latea Call on uh. ^' DUePIIAIL, Licvoatd Auctlouee for tba * County of (irey. Teruia moderate and ; batis action giiaittnti ed. 1be arrangetju-ntj i aud dates of uIkhciii I.e inaileat ThE Aoviuce uftlca. hetideuce fcuil i',(i., ( uyluu, TeloiilioiKi connection, Dec, 6, 07 TUM. KAITTIN<i, Iceimed Auctioneir foi ' *' tbe couuiies of (irey and Hiuico«. ' Farm and Ktoik aalva a bj>ecialty. Turnia moderate, aatiefaction Huarant^ed. ArrauMe- uieuts for datoa uiay beniadeat tlin Advance o01c«, or Ceutiul telerboue oflice t'evurabam or by •Udreaaiuii nie at Kuverabam, Out. Boar For Service V liri-d \ orloliirr Imur fur >Hri ii i- at tlie Jl<!tir<; farm, mar <'<-\h<it. Tcriii!>â€" *1 ."'<l ' Rae iii»l» i-t!! vmI. In. A. -I I' <:i>LMNS(iN Farm For Sale T-otHiK, 2iid N.KT. k S.I!.. .\ri lontaiiiintf i<l "<n>. ilraii ami iiii'li'r riiltivntinii. (m'i'iI l.iiiMiii«s, i^ikiiI wtll W itt«-i'«'ii. HuihII 'tiihard. It.-M.D. in IIm) fron. J''li>livi tin. .V|i)ily for pri( te riii.« to tin; iiwiut. -,rOHNBI..VCKItri Jleal.erton r.O, 1 N' ijir^m Kund »-r-ll rill e > an I Deerlng Implements .\ND Gasoline Et\j<irve> -J.il iiindu of puorinif Imiilfiiieiiis. I'urle iilwayM"" OTf liaiKl. Audit for Dmrie Oullora. limliirr Unynits, LuikI.'ii I.ittei- Chrrk'iH. lli«y ti.i'k.s. IVdlar sliinKles and Hiiliiiij. Tluse IniplfiiuMils icnuire no n'cii'iiinoiidalimi us iln y an- standitrd I'lio'is in.il iKCuini/.crt .m ilir licit nil lliu mitrkei. FUriT TIIKK.S -I icpiv»ent iIi.<.Si„m A WellinKt iii mu-M'ry.aiid.will be ploaK.'d {() Ciili if V"" t^enil 1111! a crtrd. ED. R U T H <: R F O Fi D Proton Station MASSE Y HARRIS IMPLEMENTS Tlii.s f,-»iiiiiun iiiuKo of iiii|)leinen;.s is i w^ll known all over llie eiiiiilry ami i their own tj'iixl work i» tlio lnHt lecmn- inondatioli lliry em rici'uc. If ymi reijuire Bnjtiiiiu ill till' lliin of lliuileis, Mi.ivcrs, 8euJ DiilN, ('iiltivaior«, I'lilp m-s, I'low.s, SU-iglis Wat'^oiis, Cii'nii) Hepftralors, Ihiriows. K'/lUrs, Culliiiy HoxpH, Kiisiliij<f> Ciitiurs, OaHoliim wn uiiies, Sawiiix 1. lit Ills, etc , give ns a elianeo lo .|iiol« pi Kt/;. John Wrijjht, - Aj^cnt Flesherton , WANTED NOW Reliable Salesman lo act as .\gcnt in Crcy County Pay- weekly, outKt ffoi, exclimivn U'rii- tnry HD'l money miking SpnijUltiti.s. Our njeiicii;.'! nro llui liott in lln' lm-<iiii ss fur Ko (toll ilio liialii s ai'Hilo' of sfoBk 'it most lOHHonitUo pilots and gii.^r.>nteo , deliveries in IIikI u]«!<3 oonditioii. Nniti Igry etock isdoliinj W>;l> this year luid 'good money can'bb iniidu in thi.s dialiick i^gt patliculnrd wtito 8.ui« MA^A(.RI| PelKam Nursery Co. Toronto t's always fair weather ^vhen good fellows get ' •. â- ••'r'f. together ! •* i You'll find a lot of g-ood fellows in the GEBYS, and they'll be glad to have you as a pal. Always together ! You boys of the country, and you boys of the town, form your little groups and you'll be kept to- gether in your own home battalion- -to eat together, sleep together, work together and play together. Pass the same local papers from hand to hand, share the same good things sent from home. Enjoythesameletters and be a comlort to those you leave behind that you are not among strangers. Come with the Greys and remain with friends and neighbors. ^ The 248th Greys is your own Battalion. There's a recruiting offi ice near you m W * . * d? .t:^. OFFJCER COMMANDING : Lt-Col. J. Milliard Rorke I Canadian Flying Corps TwoWe thousand Oatarians who have some knowledge of mechanics will receire during; the cumin;; week fioio tbti Nation- al Service Boird, Ottawa, a comprehen- sive booklet which tells them all about ihelale.st addition to ihe Canadian forceH, tlie Roy:il Flyint; Corps. The information is tieini{ Hent to these men as a result of their oft'ii' to do their share for national sarrice. It w,is recently decided that Canada is to have its own Hying corps. Not only aie the machines to be manuf.ictured and built in this country, but thoroughly experienced air ofHcers and men have arrived friin England for the purpose of or^anizini; the corps. In every "-iiuadmn :i ciui.sidunible number of mechanics arc rei|ui ed, and the National Servicfl or(LSii- i/.ation was called upon witji a view to obtaiuinj; the men reijuired for this work. The records have been (^oue over in asceiHin how many niecliaii'cs hid filled out Nttional Service cirds. In the Province of Ontario cards, 12000 names were found i.f men whose difi'eront mechanical trade3 showed they would be suitable. 'llirec thousaud mechanics beinj; a'l that are reiiuired, ii3 other cards have as yet boeii soitid and it is expected that tlie full i|Uantily shoul'l be eisily «ecured ill Ontario alouo, although, j( course, iiuMi from ether provinces are.elij^ible. Tln> Uoyal flyiDi? Corps is called on the ba'.llo flouts the pycs of lie army. It is consijeicd tho c irps d'olito of ihe service and in the IbiltMh Xales there is a constant waiting list of those who have done their duty at the front and who liun appli.'il for transfer to the tlyinif corps. Many Car.adiai.s who went over- sMH with itliet units have been transfer- red to its ranks, with ihj result that CanaUiaii |iilots and mechanics have g lined niostenviableliamos for theinselvoa and increased tlio high irestige of Canada as uiic of Ihe strong arms of the Kmpiro. For this rcasou it was decided to have a Canadian corps, and not only have we tliebist training grounds, with wide area* to (.'raclicc on or over, but we have everything that goes into the building of an airthip. Men who have great ad iptability and initiative and mochanicel skill tie Aho reijuired and we have the right type. This last is what is being called f< r n >w- mechanics who will work at the sipiadioii headnuarters and airdomes, keeping the machines in lunniiig order f u' tbe pilots, and whose woik will be all on the Ljri.uiid. This, however, does not pevjnt those who engage in this service f.orn joining the ;irial iiramli afterwards i! Ihey see til and arc i|i'ulilieil. Those mechanics w!io have been rejec* ted for oiurseas "-ervife on account ot the Ntlicliiess of the medical e.xtmiimtiop, and those v\ho>-e ties at home hiie prevented them joining, have now ;i wonderful i>ppurtunity. The inedica cxainioutiiin for the Royal Flying Corps is nothing like as strie'. nor is it at all n 'OHs.»rtry that it should be, as there aic no heavy kits to carry or long inarchis to go on; in this service. Moreover, to inun who desire a jiermanent well-paying livelihood after the war, the mechanical oiul of the air service is the one to adopt, a^ air liaiispoitaliou in the future will go forivHiil with leaps and bounds. The Vc'sult tviil be that iho.sc who have a good knowledge of the work, which can be gained 10 the Hoy,il Flying Corps, wi 1 C Miiiaaiiil good aalaries and conMiiuous cm,)loynient. llistoiy always repeats iiself,especiully i 1 the niechanical trades ; it niU be the oil .-iliry iivr agiiii of ihe ueveUpiiient of llie harvester, the liicyele.tlia electrical iai'iistiy, and tbu automobile, when even tli0;,e who had oi.ly a fair but praetiei.1 knowledge were in great demand atd rose to llie positions in the uianageiiieulB c' huih C'lncirii.", TIib Uiyal '''lying Service is this century's mechanical achicvemtiit, and combining vs it diev, daiitig and skil', it gives every one that lias either of these i|ualitiuations, one of I'le f'jw openings in a lifetimt, lo secure t!io kuiiwledge and practice that will en.iblo him lo serve tin) Kiiipire now aid gain an experience I hat will be extremely villi ible in ihw future. Prof. 8teplien Leacoek of McUill iiiuvcrsily, Montreal, addlTssina the Rloulival Honsowives Loigiie at the Uiyil Victoria College lust week, .-.aid we nro in s'ght of a leri'ilda food faminr, | such «« tb<} world has iievor seen. We '^iiusl at all cn>ts incrOAso our nnu food I supply. We in C.iiiada are foriunate'y ' pUced. W'e hiiv>^ boundless resources 'n la nl to draw upon. Wo must see iVat I ov.'iy available acre and every av-iilable I (lay's libor is turned to use. It is gvat;. ilyiuB to learn that our Dejurtmont of I A^ricu'mro and our Ni^tional Sevvieo Odilimission are wide awiiko lo the ' situ.ition. We must put behind thorn the foieo of jaiUlic opinion add the «(Voi'l« of individiml citizens. An exohango says : - A man in r.irOhii town put ft .stove in a wareh<m3.> whirti I ho had a good supply of potatoes. The I stove softire to the building and burned I grocery etore and a residenoo as 'well. The lov*! will be s.'i'.'lt as thp p.-it.i'oe« ^verf'«avo(Ij New Issue iBniil8»« Telephone Book. of tbe 5 Copy for the next Telephone Directory closes on the above d?itel 9 Order your telephone now, so that your name will be in the new issue I 5 Report changes required to our Local Manager to-day. The Bell Telephone Co.- pf-Canada. II Serve 1 «' i^ave Produce E .?â- -â- )^::'^-'- VERY ONE CAN do something for his country ., 3 ^ Some can bear arms / - ".l. - Some can produce food Some can make munitions Some can give money - It is the privilege of all to help. Y OU CAN SERVE by Fightingâ€" Workingâ€" . Saving â€" Giving This is NATIONAL SERVICE - Are YOU doing your part? ALL EYES turn now to ±\^ the Canadian Farmer, for he can render the Empire Special Service in this sternest year of the war. - "â- ^"'-*'-' = •^"•^^â- â- But â€" our farms are badly imder- manned â€" 25,000 men are needecl^on the land. With insufficient help, the Man on the Land fights an uphill fight to meet the pressing need for Food. CITY and TOWN can help. Municip^^l Councils, Churches and Schools, and other organizations, both of men and women, can render National Service by directing all available labour to the Land. Farmers themselves can exchange labour. School boys can assist. Were you ra ised on a farm ? Can you drive a team? Can you handle fork or hoe? If you can't fight, you can produce. Spend the Summer work- ing on the Farm. Let every man, woman and child in the Dominion who has access to Land, no matter how small the plot, make it produce Food in 1917. For Information op any subject relutine to the Farm aivd Garden write:â€" INFORM.\TK)N BUREAU DEPARTMENr OF .VGRICULTURE OTY.WW DOMINiON DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OTTAWA, CANADA. yON. MARTIN BURRELL. MINISTER. "V i) )> > I h \ JX I I