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Flesherton Advance, 15 Mar 1917, p. 4

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Mareli i:. 1017 TIIiL FLESHl'.rrON A D S^ A N C K Hn iaHeiwndeiit iiewspaptT, |mlili»lieil every f hnr «l»y at the otlicf, Colliiijcwi..*! Mroet, |fl3«herton. .Sii\.-cii|.tii.u l'rii-# ?1 iierRiinmii wh'n paMina.!. iiicf ;S1.rK'»lu-ii imt m. pa '1 Adv" i»ii>(t lau • "11 i»pplic»tii.ii. tirciili>l.n>'i l.liX) weekly. W.H. Thurston, Editor Splendid Progress StiUKlaril Hiiik Aniiuiil St »t<.'mi'iit Shown Hi^ ijiowlh 111 Uopusits m- m mmm 'aiefuUy Corrected Each Weeli|^^ C Wliuiit.. Outs . . . IVix.. 11 ia iiileresliiig Ui nolo tlist iiutwiili- bl»iiJiiii{ tho rocoj^nizod fiicl iliiil busiiieHsj ji'. 'k ' tomlitioiis iliiriii!' tho past yi'iii liave ,,„ i i''' ,,. , I , I ,, bill k U lU'."it . . . WHERE ARE YOU. YOUNG MAN? I'tt'eiBtl mmiy now piobleuis ;»ik1 ^-eiuifiliy lli»l il lull liccii a pfiiud 111 ttliidi it WHS iieci'8.s:iry to exeicise j4rBat caunnii, llu! aiimial repoil.s uf most of lli« Cuisdiiiii banks li»ve aliown that .splent'.iJ pman'ss has been in iiU- in the developuiiiiit nl uiir count ly. This i.s very conspicuously ri'tlecleil in the case of th>; Standard IVjiik of Canada as a|>pOai.s timii ilie iiinm^il stati'UJent <it Tboro aiciuc dints occiirini; tliose days, locally .ami o'.licrwiso, iliat will never be forgoltoM b) ilic pivteut generation, "lid o'.li'i-- ll:iit will I 1,,. .«,!«.. ..c Inn.f a« flip I tlio I'Hilk liicsentfd llOV'r bo lOrjIOttPll lli' lOIl^ ila mi. I,- , .,,â-  Ill 1 in.».i uv lu-n" --1 . I uii beljiiiiiy 'Ji>, an 1 which a|JiiL'ated iM world lasts. Sjtne things U at ^^â- '" week s isone. Uuiing the year ciulm- be romtllibetc.l :i l:>ii^ time rigllt | January :;i. I'.lir, ihe Bank, after ijruvid here are bciii'j .I'tt'd down f 1 ()0 to 1 (io (j'J to tiOl \C 1 !iOt.. '-> 10\\[: ',t;>io itr.j \r 'X> to <Xi\ j^ READY FOR SPRING BUSINESS ^2;i^S2^2lS^ WITH NEW GOODS Kldur ?l 70 to 8,") 05' .. . .§ 7 00 to HOtii'i' iii'y liUlttT Ei;;4s, frt'sii I'otatocs per bag . y :-.2 to ;i4 .•'.2 ,<> M 2 CO to 2 <I0 tlu^ t-'.iiiieliuKliTS scrap book of uuinny itud some youug men ire i.ow bcin;,' uppiaised attbtir true Vihie wl.erc llicir worth would never Lave i)ifcii accniately gauged had il not bctu lor the winunwnig piocc?s of the war. And laany of tbcicjoiuig lueii evidently bave aUo discovered their own true value, judging by tluir pitiful cndeav ors to look honest people in the f>ye while ilieir coat lapels lack tbe "A.K." button. Soini' of them will sinj.; with great unction While the wild tempests rave Kuler of wind and wave, Do thou our country .save By thy great niitjlil ! But they watch tiie tloor or ce lih;,' i while singing'. And I bey take uiigbiy | good care that their help l.s not forth j coming to save tbs country. They want the I-ord to do it all, to work a miracle and save their skins from all scratches. One young man livini; near this villa,i,'0 actually said ho would enlist if he Ibonght he would come safe back again. Such bravery! Such self imm.ilatioii ! And this is Jie kind that is b.^inj- left at home to produce the future citizens of Canada ! Thank heaven ihousandi of our soldier boys will return and the future mor^il and pliysicalsland- *rd3 of the country will not be left to the physical slackers and moral cowards who stay at home and and sing their tongs of praise »li1 prayer while their superiors ligbt and aufi'er in the trenched across tbe sea. in the ' '"*^ ^'^'^ ''" '-'"''^'* "' inanaueiiieiit, interest on its ilepiisils, etc., anil pi piyin;. ,v.cll H fnr lad a»d doiililfnl debts, shuw p'l tits o( *;)80,2:;0.(IO which is ciual t.i 1«.'.»U of the Capital, ur K 04 , of the Capital and Nest c jmbinud. The net prutiis of tho prelims year were J,")()li,4(l2, I lie increase, tlierefoie. being ^1('>,«2H. The c iculalion shows an incieaae over the [iroviuus year of $1,274, 7."jO.IXI, and the loaiiit to the jiublic now stand at •*;ili,tHJ4,- S»:> 00 as against 8:i:!,'.tt2,'.li:).0U at siuie date Inst year. The Ueposits nhiiw the nuiarkable increase of troni S41,0'.t'J,(J.JU to $4ti,2;i2,0O4, while the total assets now stmd at $.'i9,8oO,274 as a^aiu.'it |J3,282,- 121 the previous year, an increase oi over «ii,5(X>,00t>. The i^rowili <â- ( tlu Standard Bank durin'.! the last Hvo years has been particularly marked. In that period the deposiis have incieased over .")ll |)er cent, while the ti'tal ainets have iiicreaied from 8:i7,;!ll,.!17 Ml 11112 to *.V.»,S.JIr,274, an increase of nearly liO |ier cent. iJuring the yeai tlieusual divideiuls of l:> per c-'nt. anountiiiL' to g:('.l«,K!»'.» were paid. Cm- tribulion.s to the < Ulicers' IVnsion Fund, $20.11011, aiii to the Patriotic Kuud and kindled olijeets S:ici,'.M»0. Tlia u. '»ern- iiieiit tax on cireulatlnii was $.'iO,4.H:{.7."> andS01,'.147 weie carried fornonl to [irotit and liiKH account inaking that item Si:'.i,.'):t:!.i;:i. New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am opiniii!.' no at nice, a blacksmith, ill'.; and wocidworkini; business in Max- well, ami am ns'allini; up-:o-datc wood- wiirkini; niachineiy. it will be my en- deavor to serve the pulilic in a SHtisfac- t'liy m inner and 1 would solicit patron- , ijje. 1 w ml yuiiiwork and «ill ili> it ri''ht. 7 .\pril 1 Shillings Prints Sutccn.s (lingliains' Klaunolottes Art Sateens Chiiit/cs Cretonnes Curtain Mnslin^ New Laces Enibi'oideries JSeckwear New Hosiery New Footwear Felt Hats Shirt .s Caps Collars i Linoleums ('arpct Stjuares F'ltjor Oilcloths Wall Papers Window Shades Wall Papers Toilet Sets Dinner Sets Fancy Glassware Cbe Delineator for 12 months for 75c* 'he r>i.iitciiek Co. auth(M'ise us t(j take sub.scriptions for this popular Pulilicatioii at half price, viz: 7')C., for twelve consecutive luiinbci's. This special offer is j,'oo(l only to .March :J I, and will not be repeated. I'hune or leave your order to-day. i CHESTER LONG]^ FlesJiertiOii (#- Tonsorial ^r- Parlors We Aim to Oive Entire ."i.itisfaction I.AlNDliYâ€" Ba.sket closes Monday iii:,'ht, delivery Fiiday cvcnii new Bulk Cea$ at Old Prices IJncolored Japans at 25, :J0, J]'), 40 and 50c. per pound, t'eylon Blacks at t'.O, n5, 40, 45 and 50c. per ])Ouiid. All liought before the recent advance in price, and sold accordingly. All (ireat Value m i CI.KANINO and DYEINfi- a^ents fur Parker's Dye Works We ar -Ulothris cleaned and dved. feathers rejuvenai d T FISHER- -PROPRIETOR F. H. W. HICRLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. »ajat;jE-A^^» m 5 » 5 » 'i f»g»Sj;^ggvnJ^^' *^* ^*^*^^ A noticealilu feature in the bank's (Ij^^ Sfa.gX'g^y^.ag^- ^ * ^ * '' *'- »»»^--^-' statement is the ({link aisels wliuh imw A fV^I j^^VI 1 ^1 stand at over J22,IHMI,0O0, piacilcally ffi I |_ _^ â-  11^ /\ ^^ iltOk .-,0 ,)er cent. ,.| 111 . I..lal .lepj^lts with W I Ig ^ 1 JIU r^M^Mft^J^ ^Z JH',7l).',o24 ci.-h in hand. M * AAV.' ^f^,^' M.'^Dm. A • w» ^ .">|J |)(ir cent. â- â- ! lit • li.lal JH',7i<2,o24 ci>li 111 hand T'le legitimate re'i'iiiemenls of in mu- factwiers, meiilunis and farmers have evidell'ly been well taken cue >f as the loaiis tn till! puSlio arc siiowii i" f:tt>,0<lt,- HfiTj. The lliiili'a pnliiy his i «ay.s becii to d) its sliirc ill ihj legiii.iiite deveh.l"- mint I I fan lib ill industiuM and th« amoum ttppeiriii;^ 1 1 llie Btatmiunl us loans tiithe piilil.i; hit b.-uii cinliiiiil eiitiiely to I" m i'!a Honor Rolls Twice Wounded Th. f'yll'.win itceii' .ssue I't The Mibjet 1' Hcniler^'ii '.f F "r*o ye : > (jeo'lrey streil year .,1.1 Hiah thi) fa I ai d h'C with his dcviit I. intr •'iiiatiit ' Tij-ilay he is jjeall' it I he li ki mcwlKie MI Kranct ~k.''ili n; p. a led III a 1 1,.' 'l'- 1 .1 I , Tell gram . n plieiv "f .Mm. \N ,n. I'-tiel • ;ll : â- ,.^. M. V. II ' ii , of '.I'.t WIS jijs*. an righieen sell I'.l t" \ , b» 1 1. all in Uj III wiiitiT. wrestling , iM .Sill iy f 1 the HUM- .S.S. .N.,. 4, .\iieiiiesia Kohruary Iti'porl HhCI S I.iill.w, A Lock hart. It I .\cl|l'S..T., K Sin.-i s, 1* .ScnII. Sr. ;; M .N'lflmlls.A I.iCle.l, N kIo.Us, S Aches., ti. I .If .11. 2 .1 lialj.o Jul CI S Aehc-, I'r. I'l t: Ni ii..ii',\' .M. , I) Stevens, The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is cnualh true of the Hl(»ii Clravity Washer. Try line and Ik; convinced I hat there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Full Agent, ol .Mil 'iiruiick V Ceylon p. II.MI I, !â-  l!l.ljMO«. .\l .S,:i!l,I |.,cKhirt,M Aclic.-nll, o.T, K Nnoii. K (iillau^licr, !•; C ill lumber. Ill, K Moore, M Ni.toii, .M Mu.,r,', T. Nichc.l's. CI.AI'.A P.INNli;, IV cliir. a I ii'iiJi liclti cicil )a ( 'ai. II hull lie;:!! 1 I'aikJale Cilie^ia'H Is luigiii.' the IKWH lliat hr h.lH JilSl IClllll to bit Mlhtuiy .Mxlil Serg'. Ilir g .t â- lo; iii.dal back f' r ilcfpali h-i i;ii:i II.'. lli CwiiHisti'd (f .1 I aiolul (I 1.1 1 "11 li II. knees fin.n >htll \\'A; l< WiMl yaicls away fi .iii Ih s -r- O-'l.t ,ltl(l wit II I bar lime , run 1-aiid shell li..le until ticrinaii lines, then i» breakneck pi.ceuf fito' ivoik in (be open, /.ig /. 'gumg like a suhcli-it, -d linei in older In spi il th,' rang') of lliu Oeiiiian shells. '1 hi y fnllnwed him haul, but he ai.d Ilia despa'cliea caoie lhr'iu.;li •afely, mid lie not ihe medal bir I ho deed- ilow the additiuii if ill'! bar was wmi tlinlltd the Literary Soniely ni the o!il collegiate yetiteiday afierin im. Details h«ve ju-t readied 'l'«riinio. It appears that ill the grey dawn a uniall party of CaiiailiaiiH undir one ilHoer crOHsed No Mnii'i* l<and and rea'died tbe (i,!rniaii linen without beiiu c!rillcn((cd. If the <J«rnia'i selitrieH were on the jub they were frozen siitfwith the cold. All Ibo other HunN were deep in their dugon'H, <iiDliinf{ their teeth in Hiicciilen', sauiagcH. It wta bruakfial lime. Thi8, too, may •cciunt fur the lentry being off duly. Tbe raiders proinptly "dropped iroij" into (ifleeii Jugnuts, wrecking them and part of Ibo trench, tluna (wnrmed out Jke borncln. One big fellow iiithod .«w«rdii Moiton i.l.»utin|{ "Murcy, kamerad! ' but Ireachurouitly lliiiig il him »H he lowered his weai>oM. Tbe Hun milled. Morton did not. Ky tliifl tinie tbe alunn had tpread abing the line and liHesand iiiachiuti giiPH opened up. KoundinK up live piisonerH who were m t loo liadly hurt to run, the raldere •caiii[icred back to their own line)). On the way one of the ntxteen men iin<ler •SerK'. Orr dropped, wounded. The Pnrkdale hop puked him n|i and carried him ill. That's why he has been given the bar m hi« m.d* I.OSTandlOllNI) Lost- In Kleshi ilin, somewhere bet wet n tho Preabyliiian cliu;ch > nd A. '1 hisllethwai «, a porif K"lJ riuimid glahSCM in a CftH,'. Finder plea.e leivo «t, Advance office or Alf riiistletliHaito. S.S. .\, Si. 4 .II. 4 .Ir. ;t -M I'aislnw Turner, M ( Iikhriat Sr .Aili'iiicia Febriii'iy Heport Mowers, Hakes, Loat'ers, Iviiliiig ami WjilKing 1 Mills, Piimi.s, I'ipiiii; Hcattie Hay Carriers. ( '.ii'iiei-;, !''()ldinir P).ith rill Impli'iiienis. )rills, (. iiltivdtois. IliiiKiws Piiiuitfcrt and Hiuiigs f.f .-ill Hay hoiks. Slings 'libs, I'rost Wiie am Cullers and Sleighs. A Call Solicited' Satisfaction Guaranteed S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Oi\t. | F.iivir.A.MehrHi, uMiiir.|Kj AgCHt, - Ceylon, UI It .1 .Ir F .1 Van M Miiir. -K Walters, T Clime. .1 .M.Mils, M .\rac,loiial I , I! Par-iliiw, M Watlers, I Tnine', A. ('. .MACVllLLA.N.Tcicber. C'eylnn I'liblic School Fekriiiiy Ki'iimt Sr. 4 -F Stewart, M .Mt;I.ichl m. Sr. :! I .MeLachU i, K Iteoii n, .1 C'liriigHii, .\ IJeiinetl, .\llie MeMiil en. .Ir. l-J White.I Stewail.l McDonald. Sr. 2 O Mel.aehlan, 51 Stewart, .1 Oibsijii. ,Ii. 2 \' Kamis, V MeUonab", U McUoiiahl. Sr. I -(' Stewart, D While, , I (' Mi- Miilleii, K McLauhluii. -K K. WILCOCK, Teacher. I I I ! If I I (^ ij ^^^^^^ f S. S. No. :i, Ospify â€" February Kepurt. Sr. 4 A Wintors. 'â- 5r. :i-P Winlera, G (-'am, .hell. Sr. 2- M C'lmpbell. .Ir. 2 â€" .1 VViiitem.A H«y«i,KCaiiipbtill, li King. Jr. 1 â€" D A WiiiterM, I Kin)!, (.' Hnyea, M Moore, .1 Miore Pr. -H King, L 8oelay. â€" M. H. CAMPBELL, Teacher. Tenders Wanted. Scaleil lenderH, inurked " Ti nder," will be received un t<» .March ol for the lolhiwiiiK aiipplieii tor tho Uouse of Kefui<e for IU17 : COAL MKAT BRKAU (JROCKUIKS Printu 1 application fi.riiiK may lie had from County Cinik Fred Itutlierford, Owen Sound, or from D. II. Siuclair, the Manaifer. The IowchI ir tiny ie.,i!er not iiooepted niilesH Hatisf.ictoiy to th,: II. of It. (.'ommittie. Aihlriu.t all tenders to Cliairmaii House of Hefiii/e (\i:imiitlee, care D. II. Siuclair, the Miinagir, Mark- lialo. I IS i i Flesherton Tin Shop I have |ust placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelw.are and Agaiewaie for domestic ('all on me and get your supplies. Ivivctrougliing, .Stovepipes ;iml .Stove Fiiriiisli- Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pij)etitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for ( Furnaces. aii> I'ros. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK i FLESHERTON J» ONTARIO. '.SS'SS^S'JSJ^ZSiSSP.SSSSfJm BSRSSaSSBS wsssasaassHaBt I j ( iy )Si ii ii m m i\ Ay i For Service For Rervice on lot 12, eon. !>, 0«priiy, OHM purebrt-d Short horn Hull. Terms l.oO. Also one pure bred Yorkahire Itoar, Turin^t tl.DO. All acoountu niunt III) paid to KKKD TYLKU, Manauer. - 1 Sep FARM lOR SALE OR RENT Lot 111 LP.'. Third Hiiiioo W. T. mid iS. It., Artcinetin â€" 100 a3ies â€" HoimI Ditildiiif^.i, bt ieli bouse, jjood or- ebiiiil, well water, d, .(» 25 acics l>ljW('ii. Apply to â€" MU8. I. SINCL.MR. Or j;. J, ,S;)ioiilo, l''U'sliortoii. WANTED NOW Reliable Salesman to act as Agent in Grey Ceunty Pay weekly, outtll fie ', exidiiaive terri lory aud money making specialties, (b r agencies are ihe best in the business for wo Hell llu hi'jhis' aradii of atock it most re«n.'iiablfl prices and gUiiraiiti'i' deliveries in tirst clisj coi.ditu n. Nurs Dry stock iasebinit will ihis ,\ear and i(iH>d money ciii lie ina.le in ibis di-tiut Kov piil'culiri S u.iis Manm.ik Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto If you want a powerful car, econotnical to buy, econom- ical fo run â€" that will take you in comfort over any roads thai can be travelled; thai will take any hill on high that the biggest cars will take; that will give you 25 to 30 miles per gallon of gasoline, btiij a, â€" ^ A Real Automobile Fully Equipped 28 Horse Power Valve-in-heod Motor j. Three Speeds Forward and Reverse S L^ fj EZ Electric Starting and Lighting . \J \J â-  J Sttwari Speedometer Nor.-Skid Tires on Rear Wheels Cantilever Springs /•* 0^»* THE CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. lV-VtYi?: "ricr TORONTO * i-Aapar QSHAWA A JACKSON, Agent MARKDALE «tÂ¥t»tiriT>tff!Tiyryry>TiÂ¥rrtTrffrr>i «,:«.«'•-#» AAA n A A A A- This space has been purchased by J. A. HEARD IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON Look for Announcement next week. I . W .l^ W H, W ^ ^^H. 1

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