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Flesherton Advance, 15 Mar 1917, p. 2

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NLIFE The volume of applications for new insurance during 1916 was by far the Greatest in the History' of the Company. That is the best evidence of public esteem. L*t us sand you soma fresh Insuranoa laots CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO., TORONTO Agents wanted In unrepresonted districts ,^ â-¡; 600 SOUTH AFRICAN NATIVES LOST WHEN TRANSPORT SUNK Collided >Mth Another Vessel Off the Isle of Wight While En Route to Fram-e. A (!('!»piitoh from London says: The bntth of tho South African native la- British transport Mendi, carrying borers contingent (the rest of whom South African native laborers, was were landed safely in France), coUid- sunk after a collision on Feb. 21, and ed with another vessel en route from fi25 persons lost their lives. ; England to Havre and sanlc in 25 Ten of the persons lost were Euro- minutes. The collision occurred off pean.'s, according to the announcement the Isle of Wight on Feb. 21. The on Friilay to the South African Par- escort's seachiight could not penetrate Oieadatnirn. ToBoiit... MiiMli l...-.MiinUi>bii wheat j -:*f\\ No. 1 Northtni. $2 I'SA ; No. -. <K) »2.02>; No. », do., »1.'J61. No. â- â€¢. I1.S5J. track i;;iv port.", all riill dullvcrcil .MonlriMl liilKntH. No 1 $:' uK. Manitoba outs -No. 2 CW .. •*} to 7f.ic; No S !• W.. 73 to 74c; extra No 1 feed. 73 to 74c-; No. 1 feeil. 714 to .24c. iK.iiiliKil. .ill rail dcllverea eii loute i.'.H.k. poliit.s fiiily. .\ii!frl.iin coin â€" No. 3 .voUow. »1.Z1J. suliji'ct lo eiiiliaiKo. Ontario nutH â€" No. 2 while. 65 to 670. ni'miiial; No. 3 white, C4 to li«c, nonil- iiiil. HCconlliiK to IrelKhtB outside. iiiuiirlo wheat -.No. 2 Winter. |ior car lot. »1.S1 to Jl.SO; No. 3, do,, »1,S2 to $I.S4. ifcoldlllB to frt-iKht.s outKlde. Tt-ns -- So. 2. $2,5u. accordlPB to fcfjlfht^ out,'<l(le, llarlev- Mnltlnc. $1.22 to 11,24. -$1.2S. iiomliml. aocord;iis to tr(;lKli*M out.'<lde, Hyc -No. 2, $141 to $1.43, according to frtfKhis outKldo. Maiiltoliu (lour â€" First patents. In juto l>a(jH, $ii.7ii; K.'(oiid pnlvnls. In Jntc baKR. $St.20; slioiiK Lakers', la Jute baK-«, is, SO, Toronto Ontario Hour â€" Winter, aceordlns to Bamplf. ?7 'iu. in bacs. track Toronto, proniiit stilpinent; $7,2o bulk Keaboai.l export K'ude. MlUfeedâ€" Car lots, delivered Montreal frelBht.s, ba>;s Included â€" Hran, per ton. $3K; Hhort,«i, per ton. $42; good feed flour, per ban, *2,70 to $2.80. Hav â€" Extra No. 2. per ton, $12 to $12,60; mixed, per ton $11 to $11. track Toronto. Straw â€" Car lots, per ton. $S.60 to $J, track Toronto, 42 liament by Gen. Louis Botha, the Pre- mier. Tho collision occurred off the I.s!" of Wight. The official announce- ment nays: "Premier Botha stated to the South African Parliament on Friday the fog, but the survivors were res- cued by passing vessels. Twelve Eu- • Country Profluce â€" Wbolcsal*. I nutter- -Fresh dairy. choi( <:, 37 to 39c rieuniery prints, 43 to 40c; solld,s, lo 43c. KKKK^New-lKld, In cartons. 45 to 46c; out of cartons. 42 to 43c. I)re.~sed iioultry â€" Chickens. 23 to 26c: tfowl. 20 to 22c; ducks. 22 to 26c; sguabs. per doz.. $4.00 to $4.50; turkey.s, 23 to 33c; Reese, 18 to 20c. Live poultryâ€" Fowl, lb., 18 to 22c; hliken.s. lb., H to 22c. -.New. large, 25i t.) 26r; twin.s aoic old. _, , ,„, 26 to 26li; tripluts, 26J to ronean officers and 191 natives were i larR.- 2;4( ; twin.s, 27S to 2S. saved Ten European and (US natives ^ ,^;;;;-v_^;^y/;^;^;^--.,^»-'",o^',?;'; I* {° j were lost, Dimculty in obtaining au-!i3jc. cn-ib , 124 to 13c; buckwheat, ou- I that thentic information caused the delay'"'- «'""; I '" "*''• , <£â- :""'' ^'"I'T'toVr" \ ... » ,, 1- • .1. 1 4. • 1 • »u .. .7- 7, Hne "'»' heavy weight, per doz., $2.76, I the transport Mendi, carrying the last in making the announcement public. Drink Hot Water With Meals To Stop Stomach Disorders A Physician'! Advlc* | l*li(iu,'<i'ii in <â- ; uMiortunale people Nuffer alrnuftt il,»ii\ fn'in dyn|.»*psla. ln<Jige,<itlori, 1 ferineiit.iui'ii. H<'Ur add Ftoiiiach. rlttu- ' leii' e. ifi.Mes <)r di.NtroHS afttr eaiWig If they wmild t,r,!\ form the unre'sible ba bit t>T Nluwh drinKiTiK with each nn-ai a irlass;ui nf h',t waiiT containing a half! teaai'0<>iit ol or puri* bivuraied magnesia they V, onid f(ir,ii iiri'l Uicir Iton.acli so ^treticil'ined and Unproved that Ibev coiild tm t(i«- richest ;irtd riKjHt «a'ist.\irig inetl! wlilir.ut the ba.-'t Hyniptotn of In- (llK'-'lin I Nearly all h(i called digestive troubles fire eau-.ed ti>- -an ex<'ei*y of acid ami iin lr,."ofll i.-nl bb <"1 supply In the Htiina^h taiitiing til') food to ferment and Hour be- 1 dliittillon 'nn take place. A gla-'is .if Lot water will dr.iw tli.- blcmd to the siotnach anil the bl.suraled tnagneKln will neiiiralize the ,4t<iniarh nclds and ni.tke the food coiiinnix bland and sweet. Kasy, nHtural dlKf-Kilon \\llhout <11ntreHS of ariy kind \n I'irt cKult. KlHurated MagneHia Is nil a lax 1 live. |h liarnilenH pleiiHant and easy to lake inid can b« obiaiiod from anv Pi. ;.l druKulMi Do B.,t .â- ..nfu:<e Ili)(ur,ii"d ,\l,iKri.->l:i wllh other fc'rro,s of InaKO'Ma Inllk.s. .ItTiileH, etc. but K"t II In the iiiiie MvMt.iied form i powder or iKhleiH) ..â- .•' p. .â- tally ;.r.piircd for Ibis pur- , I>o...e. 1 CANADA BUSY BUILDING SHIPS Shortage of Ocean Tonnage Uesults in Incrca.sed Activity. select. $2,."0 to $2.75; No. 2, $2 to $2.25. lieans- Imported, liand-plcked, per bush.. $fi 25; Canadian. hand-i>lckert. per â- bush., $7.UU; CiiJiadian prinies. $«.50 to $7.uo; Lima."", per lb., 121 to 12c. Provlstona â€" 'Wniolesals. Sinol'.ed meals- -Uain.s. medium. 2*» to 27c: do., heavy, 23 to 24c:; .ooked 37 tn 3-c; rollR, 21 to 22<'; breakfant b;icon 27 tc. an.;; back.s. plain. 30 to 31c, bone- less, 3.1 to 34o. I.ard -I'uro lard, tierces, 22 to 22ic; tub..<, 22i to 22Jc; i)ails, 224 to 23lc, compound, 174 to 17ac. Cured meats- -Long cb'ar bacon, 18 to l!>*c per lb, bMlie-. IS to ISJc. Montreal Marksta. Montreal, .Mar. IS â€" Corn -.\merlcan No 2 yell'.w, $1 30 (o $136. Oatsâ€" Cunndlah \Vr?.terti, .No. 2. 77 to 78c; No. 3. 75 to 76c. extra No 1 feed. T.'i to 76c Harlev- Malting. $13.''.. Fbnir â€" Mani- toba Kprlng wli»at tiatenlP, firsts, $0 80; lids, $9.30; Ktrong bakers'. $y.lii; latents, chobe, J:'.2j; straight . .• -4 1 .u •" ,. *«.50 to $v KO; do. bagJi. $4.10 to greater activity in the near 14.25 ilolled oat.s Hbls, $700 to $7 15; future. KepoLts bo Xar received here "i"- '""<"• S'J j''^- »"^5 "; '3 4B. Firanâ€" .,.,.,.'• .v u 1 1 $3<l 00 to $38 00. Shorts. $3» oO to $40.00. indicate that more than one hundred $41.00 to $42.00. M<iuilll«â€" vert.stl» ranging in size from 250 tons **5 00 to $5000. Hayâ€" .No 2. per ton. ,â-  iiAfi » 1 â€"1.: 'ar lots. $13.60 to $14.00. Cheese â€" to 0,000 tons steamships are now | Finest westerns. 28| to 27c; finest east- under construction. Sailing vessels ''•â- ""• -^'i '" 2C.- Hutter â€" choicest creamery. 431 to 44c; seconds. 40 to 42c A despatch from Ottawa says: â€" Shortage of ocean tonnage and con- sequent high charter rates have re- sulted in increased activity in ship- yards in Canada with a probability of Winter still greater activity in the -♦ (;i:!01.\.N PK.XrKTKKMS Ui:.\l) I.IKK A JOKE are in the majority and mo^; of them are Iwing built on the coast of West- ern Nova Scotia. Indeed it is slated that many yards in the Maritime I'rovincos which had been idle since steam replaced .'^ail have now ships on the stocks. Two yards at Toronto, those of the Poison and Thor Companies are re- ported to be building steel steamers and there Is activity in shipyards at Port Arthur, and on the Pacific coast, Norwegian capital is said to be inter- ested in steamers now in course of luggs Fresh, 43 to 44c I'otutoes- bag, cur lots, $3 on to $3,rjO. -Per A liespatih from Havre say;-;:â€" The Oermun Government, according to in- j construction, formation received here through con- 1 <• â€" fidentiaj usents, is considering the $21,000,000 IS TOTAL pi.i>lirat;on of (lermany's terms of peace. Under these terms, Uclgium I woul.l bo declared independent, sub- ject only to pormnncnf (jertnan gar- risons at Antwerp, Liege and Naniur, and to the control by (ieimany of OF PATUIOTIC FUND. A despatch from Montreal says: The Canadian Patriotic P'und. includ- ing Montreal's cash sub.scriplioiis, has reached the total of $21,000,1100, so Sir ports iind railways, Hdgijm, under Herbert Ames announced here on Frl- the terms, would have no national day. The Montreal City Council has army, but would be |,t.liccd by u gen- not yet decided on the amount of its dnrmerlr; . ! grant to the fund. PARENTS KILL THEIR CHILDREN TO PREVENT THEM STARVING Wlnnlpeir Oraln. WInnipi'K, .Mar 1:1 CmsIi ^prb'.s : Wli.Nii S'l. 1 Nurtliern Jl s7»; No 2 .\".ii lliern. Jl vlj; .V.i. 3 .N.nlliern. $1 7si; No 4. $1 <17l. No. 5, $I.4Si; N.i 8. $1 ir,|. f 1 1 d II "o. Oafs â€" .\'c., 2i'\V. C21i- No 3 C W . r.oc; rxtra Ni. I fei'd, IJO,- N(, 1 feed. I'.'iv. No. 2 feed, oKJc Uarlevâ€" Nil 3, $1.04; No 4. !ili.- rebcted. S4<-: fetid. H4i- Flax .No. 1 .N \V C. $2 031 .No. 2 1; \V . $2.60J ITnlted States Markets. Minneapolis. .Miir. I.I Whr-.-it - M,iv $1 'â- Â»i; .liilv. $1,M ; cash No. 1 hard $2 o7il to 12. "in. .Nil, 1 Nurlhern. $1.9i;i to $2.o3J; No 2. dn.. $l!m tn $2 02' I'lrn .\ci. 3 y.-lb.w, $|ii3j| to $1051 o.ils- .No 3 while. 57 1.1 59c. Flour - nil hatured. Hran $33 t.i J34 iKilulh, ,MHr. 13â€" Wh-al -.N.I I hard ll'.i«l. No 1 .Nurtbirn $l',i5J .v,, â- -' do. $IJ-:iJ to $1 !>U; Mhv. II s;.4 :,.«k«-d; Julv. IIMI iisked I.inseeij To arrive I2.k;i, May. fj;il, .tul\. J2.:i2. uaiaDcar-jKLii- 'The JbJendin^ is exceptional mfy â-  â-  Wl. New Canadian War Loan The Safest and Best Investment Possible to Obtain. 'T'hese securities are always sale- * able and we are ready to puroli- ase at any time. \vrithoiit charsre we srive best at- tentlou to all applications placed throusrh us. pull particulars and Subscription Forms furnished on Application \\/^rite. Telegraph or Telephone us at our expense. W . A. Mackenzie & TORONTO VVIXnIPEQ Terrible Conditiun.s .Viuouk I'russijin I*«K)r Are Described by Mimbtr in Speech in Diel. A dciv|i;iic|i frcMi I/\>ii.ii>ri says : â€" "Thus far only frugineuiary rojwrta of tho rcniarkablo debate in the Pruseiian Dlut on tho food crl.-jla have boon printed In tho (ierman Dowspapors," Kays a di!;tpalch from Ueulor's Am- sterdam correijpontlent. "The Vor- waerls, ro'-csUod Friday, contains tho following pnt-saKc from the Bpooch of Herr llor<r (a Hcilallat liiombor of the PrusRlan Diet) : I "'Tho niortalily ainoug elderly pef>i)lo 1.5 lucroa.slng at a terrible nite, whilo epidomics are hpreadlng ovory- whorn owing to tho decreased powers of reslKtBiice. I^he slliintloa Is much mora soHoiis than haa boeti adinlttod. The number of suicides Is liicrea.sing, and parents are lilllliig their children IilTe Stock Markets,, 13 Clicdc- hi aw fteer'i $lo.7;'i to |ll.2ri; do., (toiid. $10 10 to IpifiO; bulc'her.s' entile, rliolcn lln.iC 1.. «|o.r,0. d.i,. Koiid. llMiii tci $111 10; do., inedluni, $9. Co to $1' 7:"!. do, ronitnon, J.s tn $s HO; bulcli.OM' builH. .â- Iinicc, I''. 75 to $10,2.'. do,. koikI bullH, IH.llO to $».00: do., IlKrIillin bulls, $7 411 tn $s.00, do., rouiili bull."<,. $6 to $ri 2ri; luib'biT.v' co»n, chubc. III TiO ti, $10: do,. Kiiiid, $s.r.o to $N.sri. do,, medluni. $7 lo «7 26, HtockerM, $7 to IS. 50, cliol.'e feed.-lH. $:p to $10: ean(i»'rH and cntter.s, $ri.2.S tfi $6,50; ' TnilUerM. KM. id tn choice, $>& In $110: do, : â-  ',10 and tned.. each. $4o t>i $ni>; ,MprlnR- ers, $5.1 lo $110, llKht ewe.M. $10 tu $1075; Nil.. 11, heavy, $K 60 to $0 i,o; calves, koikI to chdlce, $1; lo $13; lambs, choice, $14 26 lo $16: rlo . inedluin $10 to $12; ! «,><ai.iM lioRK fed and *aterod, $15 7."i to $ 1 il : dc. . ' '"»'""" w.lKlied (iff cars, $16,10; do., fob.. $14. 7S to $1 I, '.HI .Montreal, Mur. 13. â€" Choice eteerB. $10 75: icnod. $8 lo $10; clioli-e cowb and bullM. $!>: Kood ciiivs and tmlN. $<; to $8.50, ceniiers" bullH, $5 lo |0: canners' bulls 15, calves, choice nillk-fed. 112 to $14; olherM. $1! to $;;; fdie^.p. $S to $10; larnli!., 112 to $13; chul.e aeleit hoKH, off cum, $15.60 to $15.76; sows, $12.00 TO RUSH WORK OF ARMING SHIPS! Navy Department was that the Pre?i- DOMINION IIKVKNIK dent was determined to fully protect (JUE.VTLY IN( KK.VSEU American rights. -♦- owing to their inability lo obtain food j '"''ted by Ucuter'.s Amste-dam cor for thorn. Yet the price, of potatoes, respondent. Count Zeppelin died on i which licareo. long ago became Is to bo lacreascd.' ' generally Rights of .Vmericans to Freedom of the Seas to be Protected. A de.sptitch from Washington says: â€"President Wilson on Fridi y ordered the armin^r of American morchant ships against (lermnny's ruthless sub- marine warfare, and at the same time Lssued a proclamation callinft an extra of Conifres.s to meet IGth, The President's decision came sud denly late on Friday afternoon, fol- lowing the action of the Senate on Thursday in revising its rules to per- mit prompt action on important ques- tion.s and the submission of formal opinion by Secretary of State Lansing and Attorney-Ueneral Gregory that he has the power to arm merchant- men without action by Congress. I Iletails of tho Government's armed I neutrality plans for dcfentling tho merchant marine were withheld to avoid endanifering Ameri<-ans and Thursday forenoon at CharlottenbuiK, I *'^'^''' '''^''"' ^^ perf"ilting the informa- near lUrlin, from inflammation of the i '^'°" '" to^kYi. Germany. The only lungs. Lstatement at the White House and the BKLC IAN INDUSTRIES AUK TO BE SUIT DOWN A despatch from Amsterdam says: â€" The Telegraaf says there will be an almost complete stoppage i f industry In Belgium within a few days, tho Ctermiin authorities asserting that this is necessary owing to the l:'ck of coal and transport facilities. Practically the entire population of Belgium will count was $2:19,597.008 be thus unemployed, with such few e.x- count April ..gpjiong „s receive special pcrmi.s^ion r'f'od war outlay was $217,.'}'.i I from the civil authorities to continue , "bout double the time ant of last their businesses. ♦- War Outlay in 11 Montlis Dtcihlo Amount Last Year, \ do -patch from Ottawa says: â€" Dominion revenue for the eleven months cf the fis,-;>t year totals $20o,- •llT.lVjy. as compared with $IM,"48,- 809 in the same period last yea.-. For the whole year the ostimute is $225,- 000,000 l'ebruar\ revenue was q^lV,- S18,475. an increase of about two and three-quarter niiU'ons, The eleven months' expenditure oti capit.n! ae- on current ac- $113,101,nr.7. In the same war outlay was $217,.5'.iO,t'i70. year. COUNT ZKPPKLi:. KKPOUTKD DKAD A ilespatch from London .says:â€"] According to a Berlin telegram trans 5,000 FOUESTEUS WANTED. I More Canadians Called For, Owing lo I Timber Impoit Prohibition. A despatch from Ottawa says ; â-  K call has been issued for 5,000 more : Canadians for forestry work in the ] I'nitcd Kingdom, as a result of the . prohibition of timber imports. They will go over in drafts. Lumbering e ;perieuce is necessiary, but military medical rcgrulations are somewhat re l.'xed. BKITISIl AVIATOIIS STILL MA.STKKS OF Al|{ A despatch from London says : â€" Replying to a tiuestio:! in ths fkuise of Commons on Wednesday, .lames Macl'herson said tho Ciovcrnmeiit did not accept the accuracy of the report recently sent fn Pi Berlin that the German.-: had brought down eighteen aeroplanes on the we.iterii front in one d;iy. False statements such as thes> were made in o'der to elicit tho truth. "I can assure the members," he added, "that we still maintain mastery of the air." > \ -TOM, l+eRE'."' AM IHVirAttO'^ KKOM] MRS. MKtL^ TU CH-te OFWER J" TiReM>;«tfe USIIOULD SAi I PONT WANT I py^V ^ET TO C-«- I NEVUR_EKJd(H_( EUcTfC-PAPOirr '^''^'*^'-? f >^. I IT-J(l,ST5AV Nod have a previous , EMuAoEMPMr T MO Tom - THAT WtiULP BB TfeLLIMC A LiE, AMO I I wokV po that 1 «ft|S I'll prop her. a r ~tw'^ tiore â€" { ^ J AND v'SA'S THAT we ACCEPT V^ITH Pl.rA5URE

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