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Flesherton Advance, 1 Mar 1917, p. 1

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- . J i ,jL ^ t^-..J» ^^ / TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •• PRI5CIPLEb NOT MEN.' VH 36 No. 41 Plesh.ertoii, Ont., Tliursday, XIarclri 1, 1017 W. H THURSTON ?''^^. »Dd PBOPKIS £u|enia Paragraphs A'cootfst and button xocUl will 'h« ^iven \a the Eugenia Presbyterinn ch«rch basement uader the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society on Tuesday eveuing DAt, March H. A bhorc prosran will be <;iven and lunch (erced. Everybody â- Come and enjoy yourself. AAinisnion â- &x> and 15 cents. The heaTv rain Sjnday uii^t and ^Monday has taken a lot of snow sway. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Fisher, ofPortlaw visited the lalet's aun', Mrs. T, McKee Wa welcome Mr. and Uri. Angus Twuhy and faofiily of Kitchener to this Dcitihborhood. Mr. Cai-son from the West'is still visit- ' iuK Irieads in this vicinity. He expects tu go back soon. His aiaoy friends enjoyed his viait and %%i* 'kirtn a hearty invitation l>ack. Di. Ottewell has had several calls to our village lately. Little liosy Twohy «pent>the past week with her cuosin, little Mable Hoy. Mr. and .Mrs. Lynesa of Cevlon visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin. Rus«el McMyllen spent the past week with friend* in Kiuibeiley.. We are sorry tc report Chas. Williams under the weather wifit inttammitory rheumatism. Miss H*wai-d is Li la McGee. Mrs. Fred .Jami«son {»ve a quilting at her b«me last Tuesday, after which a dainty lunclieun was served in henot' uf siater-iulaw, Mrs. JamesJamieeoD, from th« WMt. NVe are sorry tu hoar 41 little Mable Hoy b«in{ ou the sick Ust, but hope tu i>«on sea her out and around sKain. A load of uur younf folks took io the carnival at Kimbeiley tiMrFriday night. All report a jolly liuie. Mies Kva Jaiiiie- •on, L'dwin Purvis and tf . Large wen â- vine of the prize niuo«y. Mrs. Will Campbell recarred word on Miindsy that her brotber. Pie. iJiMitk, was killed ia action in Franc*. »Ve ex- preasour deepest syia^t^y to Mr*. Caapbell. May aba feel that there could be no :iior« splaordati kc'eath than that of the h«r»> who sacrtlioes hi* life for Kiut and Country. Feversham Items A number from tliis part arc pre- paring to move West in the near future. Geo. Hawton and De Field are moving to near Wejburn, 8ask. We wish them the best of good Inck in their new homes. Ben Osborne, Charley Perigoe and Robert Peiigoe are returning to the West this week. Mrs. H. Alexander is visiting with her sister, Mrs. A, Stewart, in Flesh- ertoii, at present. Mr. Charles Eagle is recovering frem a severe attack of pukiimonis. There seems to be an epidemic of measles and whooping cough is ihis vicinity at the present time, Mr, .James Conn got kicked in the face by one of his horsea ou Saturday lust, requiring several stitche8<to close the wound. Mrs. J. J. Kaitting ic oader the doctor's care just now. \V« hope to hear of her speedy recovery. The Methodists of this appoint- ment intend giving a meat^supper and concert in the aear future. Particu- lars later. The roads are not ka. very good shape after ike recent tbaw. Pithy Proton Pointers Growing Sweet Clover Get Into Line IT40W ! viniUai; her friend. iPow<r House mnd f^idnity Mr. (i*o. IHwMn ha* ywchased a I, motor cycle. ".Sorry to report Mrs. Jim 1^«Jk•r, of iJviniberley, coutined to her b«. at the hu«i« of her brother, Mr. AdMoiflyiiop. Mi«| Florence Badjerow, oi .-fiortlaw, vi«it*a ber friend, Miks Lillie Cai^pboll. • IJuite a number fn)in here atieaded • th« CMuivnl at Kimberloy. .4U wpor t. a tiovd time . We wokonie Mr. and Mrs. J.'n<M«4Mwi: liivto our neinhlxuhood, they havingiuov-, . ed to the ticf idence lately vacated . by' .Mrs. Duller. Mr. and His. Fred Oi-»hani aiMi H-hildreii visited friends at PottUe, Mr. W. Duttant has returned iiuiue «»f ter s visit wi^: friends in Buft'alo. The Hon. W. D. McPherwm said lometbiax worth repeaMnit when, iu speaking recently tin Itaroutu be said khat It was great prilegelo be of inihtary age at this time, to be -^ble to play a man's part in a maa's ffane. "In a short lime" he *aid, "recruitinx ineatiDgi will not be aacc^sury, and elidible men «tll knowwhat It may mean if they do not aoon otfertheniaelveH. The *hou*ands of yoMng«i«n who will letarn iioiii this war will ucci^y the premier place in the eeteetii uf ;iha people. Do you want to be «ue of iheiu t The opportunity will not uiich longer l)eopeii to you, aad you wiU ra^ret it to thu end of your days if yu«i do4iet accept it. ' It is yet tine logetiatn liu* and to enlist in the Battaltuu that is being raistd in this county. Marriedâ€" .\.t Owen Sound, on Feb. 14, Mrs. Wm. Badgero, of Ihis place, to Mr. M. -Ulen. Mrs. Tielford i.s visitinK her daughter, Mrs. Greenie of Orangeville. fleaherlcn Guild visited the sister society here on Tuesday evening and gave an interesting pregmm. .After which all took part in a dr^win^; coutest. Lunch wis served by the home society . Mrs. Arnold, Mt. Albert, visited her niece, Mrs. U. G. Achesou. The oyster supper held ou Friday, feb. Iti, under the auspices uf the .\nglicau Lidies Aid was a success. Th« program consisted of a splendid addre;^ no "The Yukon" delivered by Rev. Mr. Black well, solos by Miss M. Binnie and and an instrumental duet (piano and violin) by Miss M. Binnie and Ifn. .T, Lyons. The proceeds amounted tu fliT. Mits Love visited her frieuJ., Mi?* Wilson. llr Chas. Lynns hns rented the property owned by Mr. J. Hodgii-.s. Mr. and Mrs. A. Shearsou royally entertained the nierabera uf the Pre.o- byterian choir at an oyster supper in their home on Thursday evening of last Wtiek. Mts.s Ethel Ludlow visited her friend: Mis* Jackson. On Wednesday evening ttie Presbyter- ian Guild visited the Rpworth LeHg«e •t inistiosu and eave a program. .After which a contest and lunch were enjoyed by ail present. Anyl>ody wishing to knit for the lada in kbtki may receive the yarn from Mrs. A. Sherson. Experience of / n Artemesia Farmer Shelbume Ceyian 1 two) Ijprtlaw flICai. Taylor was<bome from ToronU; ior aiew days with i^iti family. Mea»'es have been .very prevalent iu tinie localiiy lately. ifjjiiig of a very â- iild futui there have I'oeen no serious Jesuits. Mr. «i»(;. of Toronto, %ti«ttfed Iiitely with h s brothewiilsw, W. A. Morton. Mr. \\«,<;j, ,,f Corbettttii, who liaa b-'eii .supply WW for Uev. M<J(k'n, has b.'eii prt«fl>iiiii very insttuiXive and stirring aerituuis which tn.^ luui h Appreciated. Dtivid Hlakey is.^ip from Torott',.; on a «ho."t vi»iit with fria.«ds, Mr. rjell. wiij and m.vfd to near Max«M'l. good neighbors and liuir wish th»ni prosp.Tity Mit4- t'leir new home. Mr. J. 0. Little, of U*i0 lalk fitni'y, They w.aic« friends her« hiippiness iti Pt. D. H. McKiiMov., who was re- ported aiuoBt; the wounded last week, has aince written kis auithar thai he wm wounded in th* back aasl tide but not AtDgerously. Word has bteu re:eirs«l by Mr. J.C. Adams that bis son, Pt. H.. C. Adamt, arrived in France the Ust of January. Mr. Martin soeat lb* nsek end with friends in Toi-jni'i. K .|uUt weddiNK taie* place this (VV'ednesday) at hijfh nooc Jk* iLbe , home of Mr. and Mrs. G, Coliinson, when their dau«hlei, Nessa, and Mr. Frnnkliu Cairns are beiag joined in tJie holy bond* of matrimony. (),.ly iimnediata , friends are invited. Ceylon extend* couKralu. JatioHs. Miss Maud Ueuiphill left l«st week to atceud tlie millinery opening in Toronto- Eobett Uutloiigo itiid WiJJ Pnttis'^n; .were laid up with la giippa imx a few- days. lu.^pector Beckett and K. Coul; spent a Cum lie of days at Cedarville last Wj?ck. Mr. ami Mt!<. Johu Li're of Aka.'tk. iSssk,, viated at R. Cook's l\8t week, bdfore leaving fur their lionie out West. Mi.s. Utjibert FIshor of Tuionto i.s •. isitiii^ her Kio.her. Mrs. .-V. McLeod. Mi>sK»U' McKoiizio af Feversh^ini vis led her aiii',»-, Mrs. S. Hemphill, pusl of Ust week. Th; Willing la-^iers held their lonuliii- mnuthey iiiBtlin;,' iti the home of Mic. WikoM WoMiilleii wUi'ii a vt>ry pleasant uftori'ouu wii.s spent. Air. J. .MoFaildcn kindly cn)(i*-«j-ad iho ladies lo the ineetiii){. Mr. and Mfs. \\. Utfl from near MarkJiile spent the 6rs* of iiio ^vcck at â- jeorge JSneHa. The Bnn of Chalmers it Puckering, ;;*aeral marihaat* of Shelbume, ha.s been dissolved. The Dusinexs will iR«carri ea on by R. J. Puckering. The coal .'situation ia isMfcura* is IxjcoiBing serious. About half of the residents of the town hav* only enough fuel for a few days and it is almost Impossible to procure wood. The last four or five cars of coal se«ured by the dealers wis divided up in JM lbs. and half ton lots. If coal is not received this week the matter will cause great ijico« • veniance. - Free Press. bought baik from Mr. F,>vi<<<i the eld hoiuetite:<d on tha Centr.' Ukue, siid expects to remove to it shortly. Whilst walling on the s dcwilk, Mr*. A. U. Fawct'tt, of Burks Falls, slipped on the ice -lud f(j'\ bieakiui^ |»'j bones jn h.!r right wtinf, riie old tuftii Meres, who create! si-nie «xciteuicul in Oraii({ovillo, ty fulling (krough a window, was killed by ii train at Kri'iiploii a fi.'w u lys sftornard.*. Heathcote Held over last week Mi.sler Alaxanaer Murphy, who has been living ia Clarksburg subtipbs for tha past year, returned to hia huaw here for the rast of the winter. The Heathcote Epworth League *t sit- ed with Thornbury Leajjue recently and spent a pleasant lime. Mr. and Mrs. George tSwanuell of C'jilingwood visited the latter part of the week wi'h friends here. Geoi-ge Milno of Toronto visited with his parents recently. Albert. i>klppan has moved to hi* new home St Duncan. Matthew Ellic, who has been eiii>a"ed iu'CoUingwood duiiiig the winter, re- turued home last w.)ek. F. §. Hutchinson i' improving;. MissiGladys Hutchinson visitsd with Rev. and Mi-s. Liidhiw fo;- the [last week Mr aikil ftlrs. Harold Vickers enter- tain >d a inimbor of their frieudj on F'riday evening. Geoi'.'e Ar.ustrong cf Tuiim has rmtid Herb MaxweU* farm |for the coniina jT^ai. The l!. itiian iiies .:«s have visited our vilaue. We hope fur their sudden de- part«n'. J. \\. Wilson is busy Jiawins; brick from M<.Nvford . Editor .Advance : Being one of the tirat to grow sweet clover as a tield crop, I thought perhaps some of your readers would like to know our itXperiences. We procured a bushel of the wh^ia (iowerc -1 sweet clover in the spring of 1914 and sowed it on four acres of what we consider th* poorett tield on the place. W'e got an excellent stand. We also sowed '.ro bushels of oats to the acre at the simatime. At harvest he sweet clover was Nearly as tall as Ihe oat>, some of it beiii(( over two feet h*nh. The stock ate the dtraw and seemed fond of it, and did wcX uu it with verf little grain. It caino through the wiirter well and m idu a very -vigorous gro«<l'li ill the spring of I'.IIS. When cut abiu*. the 2:h-d of June it was four teet hifb aad as thick at, it coiAu grow in places where the soil was ^ood. We cut it a* high us «o could *»;th the mower by lowering the shoes and tilting thu cutter bar up na high as we could, but w< we could not cut it above a branch a ^real deal of it died. Where we got it cut above a branch there wa* a very g>5od crop of «eed. We had eight good sized loads of hiy <itf the tii-M outiing, wktch the cattle and sheep and horses aC€ 'readily when they itot a | chance, although the haying thai seaaon was very wet the fir»t par*, of July. We cul the second crop with the binder about twelve inchea high about the '.ioth of l^ptember. We had six loads of sheaves which yielded sixteen bushels •' c eaned seed, and the cattle ate the straw of It in preference to i><M>d ont straw »nd did not leave any iiioie than enough for liedding. Ill the spriiis of IHlo w* sowed six acres more. We had a fairly good stand but not .-is ;;ood as 1!II4. The spring of IMlo IwiiiQ so Very wu', and the uiost of the six acrus being low and of a springy nature â€" »ue could hardiv walk acroee it up to the tirst of June â€" a 'great deal <>f the plants heaved out. but where there was an inch or two of the root left in the soil It continued to live but did not pi-o- duce much. We hiid three tuediuni sized loads of hay <>tf tha six *crei> and iu C>;tober we had four li.ajs cf sheavet off the secoud cutting, from which we have got 'J4 buvhels of good clean vee^l yxceii* there is a vn.-y little buukhorn in it. which is not a bad ward. ewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. OR. BURT W. A Armstrong, .^pclallit In dUoaaei ol the Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat OFFICE -l;ii)10th st,Wesl,t>wen Smnd At the Revere hou.^, Markdale. 2nd i ^LEISHERTON, • ONT Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a m' Dund^lk. Is Wednesday of each month . Jeweler I Ho I lifflfltliy, \i [lover, ianmotli Clovsr, ilsiiie, llfalfa, | I IrM Gf ass Jape M First Class Stock At Reaaonable Pnc«s liotier [ar of FBfiil Corn Iriiveii. m m m Also lots of shorts, Bran, Middlings, Eclipse Flour. Punty. Five Rose, and Pastry Bring your WHEA T aud eichange it for FLOCS. I want moil iuhh hU, w. m # m m m m IT m B us K IN I The Dp- to date Flesherton Grocer. m S*eet clover make* K<>od, nucricioiia hay wbeii cut at the proper ita^a uf xt^wth and saved properly. I. id said to be ei|ual to alftlfa or lu-erne. It thi u!d be cut in this country a>>out the 20tli of June. It in especially adapted to lii;ht Mid dry .soil, as it makes it« •imwth early aud i)uickly before the ground dries o«t in ordinary seasons. It is a biennial, that is it only lives two years then th* r«at dits. F eiiy and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas daughter, wild have spent th.) winter with friend* and relatives here, returned I to their bono iu the Wesi on Monday, Feb. 1!». I -lihink one good use to niako uf .iwcet clover woul be t'' seed w;th il where yuu inteoil to grow corn the ne»t year and ploug4i Jt down after the ;?Oth of Mny and HOW the corn ss soon as you can yet the ground in proper conditioj there- after. Pai* of our prize tield of corn was grown that way. The rest wn» .seeded to common red clover, but ilw sweet clover would make the lav^i-si gn.iwth. I have nor known or heard of anyone wh" hits given it a tair trial i.< a tield cr.'p that doeb not .ipeak well iif if. The w )rsl fault I have to it is that it ha.s to be cut So oarly. The weather at ihaf time I'flcu is not the best for curing l^y pri'periy, allh- ii..-*i one can nenerally manage four or ii.e acres of it : .ind then it dividiM tlie h>yiup: so that it does not all cone in at once. The laud ci)uiu be plowed and .sown to millet, hutigarinn or oven fid lei corn After the ciop of hay, if one had the help to do so. Respectfully Youi-j, - JOiS. BICUAXAN, It. \X. No. '2, Fleeherton. supplied. Leather Tops an. 1 -:-Wet and Snow-:- Means you want a New Pair of Rubbers in- Over- shoes to keep your feet Dry aHtl Warm. Call at CLAYTON'S and get your Hant.s Or if ym huvtj a Pair uf oM want new Bottoms on tltem Leave them now belore the K'nsh. liepaii-inj; as u.^iial. Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON mm I ANNOUNCEMENT Uaviii- the Fmnituiv John C liHpiiinn at a rate on ih to oHl'f Fiini Hfteen days as 1 must (iispDse uf most of it. oil ilii'ijollar, •niuiro at unheard of prices aisinc.xs t£ Mr. I am prepared For the ne.\t the pnblir will be .ilileto by thissah The ^tixk i.s new iijil Tha Hydro Electric Joiuniis4<ion have j reduced the power rate to Collini(wood . from $3;'..1>7 per horse power to 930.00 ' per horse pow«r. J L'ulin Biythe, of Mardeu #413.73 for d«!ivtH'i in v-'usyij jfcsntiy. i The prisoners at the l^uelph prison fftrni Hve to bo removed (o some other inatituti in so as to make room for | wouiidtHi soldiers . There arc about 2:)a J inmatM in the in'^titution and these will | received ; bo reraoviil o county jails from whooce ! TI.e residence of Alexander .Juniper. 7th line uorth, St. Vincent, was destrtyid by tire fioiu ovorheated pipes. ,_ _. _..„., „,iv-uv.B Ja*. McNaui{htou of -St. Vincent twp. for a load of kegs which h« , they came, at the e.xpease o' the |joi-ern- j wai kicked in the j»w by a colt, Fiio i in Gue'plj jfcsntly. j nuin. ' toei tueth w te kr.ockod out, I up to-iiatt^ in every respect. Dressers. Stands. Parh.r I ^ets and other choice gootis at price.-* that will surprise N oil. War time does nut affect these as thov wore "i«istly purchased bef n-e the^ and are agaiiJ cut in m '"-der to make -luick sale^_ Comm and hok over the Stock. f â-  W7 H. BUNT I Furniture and Undertaking iiFLESHERTON. - ONTARIO.

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