"- 1 > I ,Watch Your Sneeze 1 It may be the forerunner of Wonchitis or a bad cold. It is nature's warning that your body ia in a receptive con- dition for germs. The way to fortify yourself against jOold is to increase warmth and vitality by eating Shredded Wheat, a food that builds healthy muscle and red blood. For break- fast with milk or cream, or any meal with fresh fruits. clusters, while large pockets, huge Col lars â€" often of contrasting material â€" bright embroidery and cable stitching: form the trimmings. For the Boudmr A negliuee with angel sleeveR is one of the latest offerings for the woman who loves to b daintily and becoming- ly attired in her boudoir. A sketch ia shown here. The negligee is of crepe de Chine, with fine lace edging around the collar and pockets, and sleeves of deep lace flouncing. The pockets and sleeves are weighted with silk tassels. Boudoir caps of net, chiffon and lace trimmed with ribbon are still seen in great numbers. A very ZAMBUK CURED IN 2 MONTHS After a Yemra' Useleaa Treatmeiit. For Stiff Neck Made in Canada. The he&Itng power of Zam-Buk is so much xreater than that of other oint- mentis, that 11 has cured lu maay cases when all other ointments have failed. One such Instance Is tb&t of Mr. Carle E. Gardiner, of Marquis, Sask., who writes: " For two years I suffered with a bad attack of salt-rheum on my feet. During those two years I tried every known remedy, but could find nothlns that would cure the dlseaBe. Then I heard of Zam-Buk, and com- menced using It. After the first few applications I noticed an improve- ment, and this encouraged me to con- tinue. Although I had .suffered for two years, after only two months' treatment with Zam-Buk I am com* pretty cap of blue chiffon with a pleat ed net ruffle and long streamers of Apply Sloan's Liniment 'without blue ribbon is a recent importation rubbing to the sore leaders and the pieteiy cured. from Pari:^. A large pearl ornament pain will soon be relieved. Zam-Buk Is ei|ually good for eczema. was placed in front. Another cap of pQf rheumatic aches, neuralgia, oloers, abscesses, blood-pol.soning, piles. cream net waa trimmed with narrow gout, lumbajjo, bruises, Strains, ''°''* sores, chapped hands, chilblains. blue ribbon in lattice effect around the g^Drains and muscle Stiffness, have 7?'^^/ Fashion Fads edge. Tiny pink rosebuds held down the lattice where the ribbon crossed itself. A ribbon bow on the crown and a soft ruffle to frame the face completed this dainty trifl^. Such caps are ea.'^ily made from scraps which you may have left over in thi' house. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer of from the McCall Company 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. a bottle handy. Quickly penetrates and goolhes, cleaner than mussy pUslcu or ointments, does not slain the iikin. At ell druggists, 25c. 50c, and $1.00. =^ PALE, FEEBLE GIRLS British shipping firms have to face, Tussur and pongee luive few rivals I not only the t>ur.st of German energy, among the materials for suits and, >^eakness Generally ( ome.S Un ,^^^ fo,midai>ly strengthened neutral dresses. With splashes of bright colors in huge dots or squares against | a white or natural background, they make the most fa.scinating sports suits. The .striped and dotted de- signs are very striking and introduce an entirety new note, ^ome of the designs are distinctly Oriental in ef- pressed, irritable and iistle.ss. It is feet. Silk and wool jersey are oth- the dawn of as Womanhood Approaches. Girls upon the threshold of woman- hood often drift ifito a decline in spite of all care and attention. Uoxroften one sees girls who have been strong and lively become suddenly weak, de- er important fabrics which in spite of i'^i womanhood â€" a crisis in the life of every girlâ€" and prompt measures should be taken to keep the blood pure and rich with the red tint of health. If the blood is not healthy at this critical stage the boiiy is weak- ' seln, rcmarkuble output is assured lines. The .shipping firms of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Holland and the United States, notwithstanding losses, have grown fat and powerful on war rates, without heavy taxes or reiiui- sitions. Britain's trade supremacy de- pends on whether it can keep pace in the const motion era with its com- petitors in the aggregate. The intima- tion from British naval authorities that as soon as the immense energy devoted lo warshii) construction be turned to building merchant sores, etc. At all drug slore.s, 50o. box, or from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. COCOANUT BUTTEU. .\n E.\cellent Substitute for Butter Comes From Cuba. | The Cubitas Valley, on the north shore of Cuba, is not a dairy country, I and butter at fifty cents to a dollar { a pound, and scarce at that, has made us look round a bit for a substitute, says a writer in The Country Gentle- man. This is what we have found: Butter made of cocoanuts is entirely as good as, and some people think better than, that which is made of cow's milk. Grind the meat of the nut as tine as j'ou can with a good grinder, and to each nut add a pint of boilinjj water; put it in a press to separate the milk from the pulp, and you have a milk very much like cow's milk in looks and taste. It can be used on cereal, in coffee, for custards or anything for which one would use cow's milk. From this stage the treutniem that we follow is just the same as that can ordinarily used for cow's milkâ€" let MIRACXES OF DEVOTION. .\ma-/.ing SttcrificeH Made by the Wo- men of France. French women, particularly the poor, were represented by Ernest Lavisse in his report to the French .Academy on the distribution of vir- tue prizes as having during the war honored France liy the virtue they have shown. "Women â€" nearly all poor â€" school mistresses, working wo- men, domestics, have worked miracles of lilial piety, devotion and charity," said he. "Servants, faithful to their employers, fallen into distress, .serve them without wages, and even in cases aid them by .sacrificing slowly accumu- lated economies to pay their debts. I One of them is raising seven children ! of her dead employer. Another 80- I year-old servant is raising live or- ! phans. A widow, mother of three chil- ; dren, has taken charge of six orphans. I One mother of thirteen children has ! extended her maternal care to tiftoen I orphans." From Up Among The Yukon Snows Hajbeen Csnads's favorite ye»«t for ^fASL£/tKl| """'" '*"" ''""' ^-j^BjUt i^nough for 3c. lo I^WllTHCOMW^l'n l>roduce 50 large looves o( fine, MADE IN CANADA wholesome nour- ishing home made bread. Do not experiment, there is nothing just as good. I E.W.GILLETT CO. LTD , -.^^^^, TODONTO, ONt. \\,-""-viS> ..:^5f WISNIPEO MONTntALlV'Sj" .\t the Opera. Rich Lumberman (at the opera) â€" By jinks, Mame. that's music such as 1 caila music. (;ity Niece -I hardly thought you would appreciate it, uncle. Lumberman â€" Why, by jinks, Mame, it sounds jest like my three sawmills on Beaver trreek all ninnin' at once. Comes .\dvice to .Suffeiers U.se Dodd's Kidnev Pills. toi Klnard's tlslucnt Oores Colds, Bto. Telegraph Message. .Vssislanl (to old lady, who has handed in a badly spelled telegram) â€" Glacier Creek Lady Says They Have What's this word, please? Been Her Stand-by for .sixteen! Old Lady -Mever mind that, miss; Years and She Has Them to Fail. Known McCilLt 7602 Crepe de Cliine Negligee with Sleeves ened and grave disorders follow. Dr W'iiliams Pink Pills have saved thous- ' a million ton.s of new warships, from ands of young girls from what miftht giant supei-Dveadnought:; mounting have been lifelong invaliilism or an 17-inch i^uns, to destroyers and sub- early death. They are a blood-buili^r marines, has been launched. This of unequalli'd richness, strenglheninj!; energy, .ipplied to the turninj; out weak nerves and producing a liberal supply of red, healthy blood whiih every girl needs to sustain her strength. Dr. Williams Pink Pills the milk stand and the cream rise; sour it and churn» .-Xftor washimr out may well be believed. During the war the buttermilk, salt and make into of' .Vngel having been used over and over again are still counted among fashionable materials. Green seems to be good for caj-ly spring wear and ranges from the pale chartreu.se to the deep forest tone. One of the fortune tellers of rfashion predicts that ijueer and intricate cuffs, large collars, straight up and down lines, and a lifted waist will be fea- tures of spring stylos. In the new suits, skirts fall from the waistline in many pleats, arranged in have proved their great value over ; and over attain to young women whose : health was failing. .Miss A. Stern- ' burg, Haileybury Road, New Liskeard, j Ont., says: â€" "I have much reason to: be grateful to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ! as they restuia»d me to health, if, in] deed, they did not save my life. In ; 1014 I began to feel run down, and [ the doctor who wa.s called in said that , mine was a bad case of anaemia. 1 1 lost flesh, always felt tired, and I got | so nervous that I could scarcely hold ; a cup to take a drink. My heart ' would (hitter alarmingly. The doctor did not seem to be able to help inc at all and my family and friends all thought that I was in a lleclil^e and ' could not rei'over. I was in bed for some weeks when an aunt came lo see me and iirge<l that I try Dr. Wil- liam.s' Pink PilLs.. My father got a supply, and by the time I hail taken three boxes there was a noticeable im- provement, and from that on I stead- ily progressed toward recovery. I con- tinued using the pills for some time longer, and ihey restored me to my old time health and strength. 1 shall never cease to praise this medicine, and to urge all weak run-down ijirls rolls or moulds. I always color it. otherwise it will bo whiti^; any butter coloring will do. I use the annatto seeds that grow here in abundance and from which most butter coloring standardiziMl merchant vessels, would is made. speedily di.staiice tjerman and neutral \ Our friends from the North who competition. I visit us frequently are delighted with In the grand race for markets, for | our cocoanut butter and somcvlmes comnieriial r"i-uperat!on, the country ! carry a jiir of it heme with them. It with the dominant merchant marine, able to .seize the carrying trade of most of the world, will triumph. It is of utmost eonseiiuenco that Britain sjiecialize in heading off German am- bition in this direction. « takes from six to ten nuts to make a pound of butter. It should be churn- I'd at a temperature of seventy de- grees or below. This butter took the premium over cow's butter at the Cubitas Valley Fair in the year 191. 'i. Kevivul of Jet Industry. .An industry in Kngland thai began 1 a thou.sand years liefore the Christian I era and was practically given up half I a century ago has been revived since \ the war began. It is the making of ornameiils out of jet. This muteriul . i.s bciieved lo be wood thai has gone ihrouirh an age-long process, per- hap!*a slow burning. It is a cousin of loul, a second cousin of box oak. .Sometimes the tracing of a primeval I fern is cmund in its grain. Jet rosa- ries are now, it is said, in special de- ' mnnd. Arthur Machen, an English ] writer, says that jet ornaments "paas- â- ed out of popularity with horse hair sofas and crinoline.;, with the paint- [ ings of Landseer and Frith, with all ' those brave mid-Victorian things." j I The Victorian.s reveled in funerals ', 1 with heavy plumes and hatbands and ! 1 avish crepe and jet, which is black, to give it a fair trial as I have proved. Iilte<l with a scheme of things that in my own i ase their great inerit." = has passed away. But it is coming ! Dr. Williams' Pink PUIs are sold by' into its own again, though where once i all dealers in medicine, or you can get : l.rdH) <,r 'LiHW workmen were employ- , them by mail at .'lO cents a box or .six! ed in cutting and poli.shing ornaments i boxes for *-_'.r>0 from The Dr. VVil- { of jet there are now .scarcely one-tenth of that number, and these are mostly 1 itieii loo oil! i"()r service in the armv. I liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A Pleasant Healthful Habit A daily ration of ^ Grapo-Nuts and cream i« a .splendid food for thoHie who want vigor aiwi energy. Grape-Nuts i » a coiwentrated health -food made from choice whole wheat and malted barley. It retain 9 the vital niinr eral elements of th« grain .^o essential to thorough nourishment of body and brain, but lackiivg in many other f«re«l foods. Every table should have its daily ration of Grape- Nuts. "There's a Reason" No cnange In price, quality, or sze of package. Sore I Granulated Eyelids, Fvc." iiitlaiiied trf expo- sure to Sun, Duslaiid Wind qiiK kiv relieved byMurlnt l^yeRcmedy. NoSmarting, jost Kye C'onifiiil. At Your DnigRist's 5ilc per Bottle. Murine Eya SalveifiTiibes J "Jc . KorOook ol iheEyef rceask MKRCH.VNT .NAVY'S ITll.ITY. i The Country With LarKesI Merchant ' Marine Will Lead Post-War Trade. That British exports in I'Jl'i should have been of record volume, about $2,500,000,000, speaks with clarion note of the war time service of the , bni({(ti5t8orMurlnetyeReme<yC»..CIilca90 British merchant marine. The British j 1 .\dmiralty had under requisition aj He Stopped 'Em. ; month or two ago about fiO per cent. | ^,^^. f,,,,,,,,.;,,^, „„,,. ^.^^^^ |.,„^ „,^, j of the merchant tonnage. The (.ov- ' ^ ,.„^, .\t one part of the lines, where , I No Man's Land was merely fifty yards 'or so in width, the (Jermans one night happened lo be in a very talkative moo<l, and the wind blowing towards our lines their jarijon exceedingly ir- ] ritatcd one of our men. The latter, a line old soldier, absolutely without ! fear, bore it for a lime, but linally in- | formed the sergeant that ho was go- ] ing out for a walk. The sergeant • gave a knowing smile as he saw the man disappear over the parapet with i a bomb. He liwided the missile riijht I lo undergo a most extraordinary com- i ;„ j^e midst of a batch of (iermans, jbinalion of losses from enemy activ- ; „„j ^f^^,. ,,,„ ,-^^.;„^ ,,„,, ,,jg,| ^|„^^.„ lilies, of requisition for military ser- j ^.^^^^^.,^,,^,^1 ^^^ ^^^ ,,,||^,|^ .^^^j knees,, I "Thai's stopped their bloomin' talk- , ing!" was his only comment. It had. also carried record British exports de- ' ! monstratcs a capacity and endurance little short of marvellous. Serving British and .\llied interests magnificently in war-time, iho British merchant marine will be Britain's main dependence after the war to re- cuperate its economic strength. Ger- man shipping interests are calculating on extraordinary buililing, to restore Germany's lost trade. The livalr- in warship construction being enden by Britain's unchallengeal'le supremacy, Germany will undertake rivalry in merchant ship construction. But the ernment has compulsorily purchased : many ves.sels. Government orders re- quire 80 per cent, of space on British ! freighters in ordinary service, to be I reserved on home-bound trips for 1 Government material- foodstuffs and | munitions. British freijjhlers are for- bidden to carry neutral freight be- ' tween neutral porta without special 1 permit. German submarines and â- raiders have destroyed two million | , tons gross of British shipping. In fact, the British merchant marine has had 1 , vice, and of cargo restrictions in the national interest. That it should havi MAGNESIA For Dyspepsia, Indigestion, lloartbiirn, Uu|.^lllIlR. Sour Stoniaoh, iJh.h 1n Htc)in.uli, "t<:., Iivkfl n i»aeiiiMinfnl of UlsuiiitcJ .MiiRMiislii III ft half K\nn» or hot wiitpr after .^Hllng. IB siif«, pliB- Hant. iiiif! Ii.\iiiil<'ss to iis> ;<iid kIvhh lii- .stant iHlli.'l Itoiii tUl loriim of atuiimch illsurdtr Sold by dru««liita ev«rywh«rrt. Guard Your Baby's Health Chtcrful. Chubby Childnn Make the Home Happy Weak, puny babies are a constant care to tired inolhen and arc siibjert to many di.vcaies that >lo not affect healthy children. Keep your chililreii In (jond liraltli. bee that their bowali move reguUrlv e«peciallv during llie tecthiiin period. Tliis If a dittreoinK time in the life of every child and the utniott pre- caution shiMild be liken to keep tlieiii well and strong. By the contiitent uie of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup it i.-: posiiiblc to avoid many rhildith ills now so prctairnt. It is a corrective for diairlupa, colic and other infantile ailments. It soothes th» frcttinu baby and permit" tlic < liild to sleep well and grow healthy. It hiings coiiifort and relief lo hoth rliiiti .ijul niotlirr. Mrs. Wins!ow*s Soothing Syrup Makes Cheerful, Chubby Children Is idisuliilely non-nnrcotic. It 'on tulns nil opiiini, morphine nor .mv of their derivatives. It it soothing, plcis- ant and harnilest. For generations niothrrs in all part^ of the world have used It and iiiilliont of babies have been benefited by it Buy A bollle tod.)' and have it tiandy Relieve and Protect Your Children (ilacier Creek, via Dawson, Yukon. Can., Feb'y Uh ( Special.) â€" "N'orth of fifty-three where doctors are long distances apart and those remedies that are a very present help in time of need are the reliance of the settlors, fJodd's Kidney Pills have es- tablished an enviable reputation. Hear what Mr.s< .\. .\rmstrong, a well- known resident of this place, has to say uf them: "Dodd's Kidney Pills have been my stand-by for sixteen years," .Mrs. .Vrmstrong states. "Both myself and my family have the greatest faith in their medicinal ipiulities. When any of my friend.s complain of even a headache 1 treat ihem with Dodd's Kidney Pills and they never f:iil to do good. "It always (iives me plesisure to sav a good word for Dodd''^ Kidnev Pill.s." Dodd's Kidney Pills nire ail kidney ills from backache to rheumiitisiii. Bright's disease and heart diseas< These troubles come from sick kid neys. That's why Dodd's Kidiu-y Pills cure them. WDMK.N'S WORK l.\ W \\i mil:. In Itritain and in Irance Women Serve in l''reedom'H Cause. Ill Rnglaiid there arc lour luindrrd thousand women ilire< tly eiiyaged m munitions work, and six hundred thousand in work connected with the war, not to mention those on street cars, etc. There is scarcely a position in England to-day tilled liy a man whose work could be done iiy a wo- man. In one munitions plant in Kng- land 1.1,000 women are woikinK; in another 10,000. In one plant, where there are 5,080 workers. 1,4011 ar" women. There was a prejudice at tirst jtgainst women working in man- ufacturing plants, but this prejudice has entirely disappeareil, and manu- facturers who objected now agree that the results have been highly sat- isfactory. In some section.^ the wo- men did most of the harvesting. In France, in the Iiarve.sl fields, no men were to be found, just women, (iroat Britain could never have .successfully prosecuted the war but for the mnic- nitii eiil co-operation of the women, and also of the laborimr men, who have 1 o-operated wllli the Govern- ment in an admirable nuinncr. The labor men have given themselves and their best vitality, and in the future nothing can be too trood for thetn in Canada and the old country, for they had earned e\ ery lonsideralioii. SUniird'i Uulment Cur** Dlphtberift. it's none of your business. They'll know at the other end. aunard'a Uuune&t Caret aarret in Oowa. Fortune smiles on seme men merely because they paid no attemion to her frowns. SZWBPArBBS roB SAX, a I>IU^KIT-M.\Kl.NCi oHicps for sale .NEWS AND JOB In K<^od iintiino towns. The most useful «nd Interesting of all biislneiiBe^. Full liiiormHllon oD Hipllcatlon to Wilson Pulillshlm; c'.im- l>any. 73 Wo»t A i1pI:iI<1» Str'-ct. T-.r"nta in8CEI.XiAHEOnS CANCEii. TCMinits. i.iMra. etc. Internal and exiernnl. cured with- out pain bv our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr BoUinan Mcdicai Co, Limited. ColllnKWOo d. Ont. 1 1 UtIOK (>.\ /^^^ DOG DISEASES â- ^f^~^ .Vnd How to Feed America's Plonw D6( Remedies .Malk'i 1-r* lo Bi'T ;idi!r.;!< l':-' tlie Aull'.or H.CUY GLOVER CO., Inc. nKWr.i:iUlStri.pf,New York IN AIL COUNTRIES Book " Patent Prolecilon" Fr«e BABCOCK & SONS rormeiiv Hstriit OUi.r E»aroi:i»r. Kf.nh. 1S77 V> .ST. JAME.S .ST., MONTRKAl. Branches: Ottawa ami Washington Wlien l)uyinK your Piano insist on havinK an "OTTO HIGEL" PIANO ACTION .Irtlliciai Teotti Uw^M -Sfriiil ']i» >mui I'l.i .'alt-*- '6-111. i>liilrs Mild fl;ul<1 We renin ticiKt â- 'aifli viiluft In r*»tmri mall (iold &. PInlinnm Rotinin^ To., 34 Adolaicie St. WcBt, Torontu lUduifi Bursal l£iiiaii;e(n<riits. Thickened, .Swollen Ti»*ucs, Curbs, Filled Tendon*. Sore- ness from Braises of Stiaint; •top) Spavia L.micneM, allavi pain. Dofi not blinler, remove the luir or lay np the home. JZ.nO a botile at diuRuiiti or driivcrcd. Book 1 IM free. I AU.SORBINE. ja., for mankind «n ' tntiieplic lininienl for hniiics, cuts, wound«, ttraint, painful, nvoUrn vnni or g'an.is. It heali and ^ootliei. 51.00 a bottle nt driiE- Riits or povtiaid. Will tell yon more if you mite. Made in the U. 8. A. by ; W. F VOUMG. t. I), f.. '.n; lv1l3ll^ iUf. . Mo.h.-mI, Ciiu Afesort'iac aaj Atiot'.'xt ,'r.. r- ni-- In Ur>d4 io/ h\ all uruggiiti in CannJn Ihni^heut the -worUI Uelicjilely Kliminaled. "liuw did you net .Mrs. Bounce out of your bridtre ilub? |)iil you ask her I to resijtn ?" 1 "Mo, we didn't lil<c lo ,|o that, but ! we all resiKtied except Mrs. Bounce, ! and then we all not tofiether and fkiinied a new ilub." The N'ova Scolia I.'imber Kinj; savs; "I consider MINAKD'S I-IXIMKNT the be.st IJNIMKNT in use. I .not my foot badly janiined Uitely. I bathed it well with .MIN.XKD'S I l.N'IMKN'T and it was as well as<.>vei' next day. ^'ours verv Irulv. T. (;. McMl'I.I.K.V. Lrgeiil Bu.sines8. "Noiii- honor. I admit ibat 1 was e\- leediun the speed limit, but I was arraid of beinR late at couii." "What was your business at court'." "I had to tlnswer to a charge of ex ccodii'tT the speed limit." ~ 'Ihe most, expensive way to buy any- tbinn woith while in this world is to tv<l it ftn nothing. J Minnnl'B lilnioian^ Caraa 01it«mp*r. .^ * '> ;^i-;"-\ 111 f^ "'^ RAtMORE:|:t THE URGSST FIREPROOF RSORri ,f HOTH, m THE WORLD « « Tha Spirit at America at nlaj: Maffnitnde »iid Chtorfulneat, AMBBXUAN PIiAN BUBOPBAIf PLAN D. B WUta, rr«B. J. W. Mott. Mgr. 95 OM Upward TRIAL Jhn&ucan. UtAHtliD ,^l CRE.4M â- SEPARATOR AtiviIU* rJtOltJSlTIlIN lo 5*ml n#k'. well inad*, t i.->' ruiiuirit;', perl>i"t â- il-.iniiuinji tifpsrav-r r»r ' imly fit;»t6. 'lo^fly fKi.iitt u.inn orci'l.] milk. MKkrshRhvy i-r ii}<|tt crrain, Uuul n funilnr-]/ ji.uyki'-. mniljr dpniit if, I)t«r<r.'t;l irt -ti pioftiTf, v.'ii.-h i'l'iiTftt'S l.'iu>r MonthlyPaymentPtan Ship-iifnts niadp imiinpitv from Wlfin4p«ft. M«n.,Tar«inle. OnC. MM St. lohn, N. •. WlictluT /- dairy la Iwrur or nmall, \\v\iv. lor Nti/ hun*lfom€ fr«» rnUloB â€" ' ' ' iti-ynitiit \.\n\\. AMEntCN SEPARATOR >*l 4308 Buibri^t ok' nnU '.-My r ' tATOR CO. ^ bri^te. N.Y. W lil). 7. ISSUE 6â€" 'IT.