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Flesherton Advance, 11 Jan 1917, p. 4

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/ Jduuary 10 1916 Till? FLESIIEPrON AD VAN OR THE- /IcGlierton vlDunncc \n mdependont newnpaper, published every rhirraday »« th' oflioe, Cdlliugwood Street, (•Trsherton. Subscription jiriee tl per annum -when paid InadvHnce ;$1.M whtn not »o paid Adver iitiiie rates on Apiilicatiou. Circulatiun 1,100 weekly. â- W. H.Thur«ton, Editor rclarivvly hiK'i- Althuii;;!) ills in guod ' uontust. When returii »bovu cost nf feed enough condition to be eaten in October [ is considered Uhude lolittid Ued'; stood at Ottawa, it ia not in its prime until November, I'nliko the Fumeiiso wliicli hiis a relatively short gcascn wlian it is <tt its best, the Mclntoxli remains in fine third in the contest. This would indicate that Hhude Island Reds were reniarkably Kciod layers. TIuk In compatiHi>n villi cheir value as market poultry in:ikeH them condition until February, nud iu tjood a towl that is to be hi(;hly considered for cellcrs keeps even until March. In parts ] both egg productii'ii and for iiiurket ofCrtMidii where the .lutumii is wanner j pjultry.- Canadian Poultry Review, than It i.s at Ottawa it ripen^^ earlier and I R H. W. HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Karaku!e-Arabi Sheep <loe« not keep so late. Mr. J. \V. Hodgson, of HcniiiiiK's MilK, has puicha>ei two Karakulo-Ariibi iranis and three ew^fl. Karaktilc-.Arabi sheep came originally fioni IJok.ira, West Turkestan, Ucntral Asiu. This is the ori|;inal honn' of the Karakule-.Arihi sheep, which produces the valutble lur known as Persian lamb, aslinklian, ai.d krinimcr. While there are si.t distinct species of llie Kiiakule-Aiabi sheep.only three of them produce skina which at birth ari.' jet black, with lustrous, close, tis;hl curls, which somi after open out all over the body ai.d become grey, except on the face, neck, leg», ah-Jomen and end of (ail. These are the furs of value which have come into such demand of late yea>'s. The possibiUly ^f establish- inijthe industry in America led to two importations beln<> made in 1908 and 1!M2 respcciivly. These sheep were brought ( ver by \)i. C. C Young, of Helen, Texas. The tiist lot consisted of five rams and twelve ewes. From this ftock and its . iL^'prinn llocks have been established in Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, 1>I trylaiid, I'tiucc Kdward Island and New Brunswick. .Vn experienced breeder lia« outhiied the iray t j start new tl'.>cks in ihia industry. When one is unable to get the full blood rain.s and «wes, which aiu limited in nuuibers oD this continent and has suu^csted to surt with a lhreei|iiarter bh od ram luiioiig llie native ewei*, vvliieli will eiitble him to produce a gi oUy number of ewes of Karakule strain. Then the iiilioductioii of a purebred ram will soon place llie breeders runch on a very lii^li standard. Dr. C C Vounsi, the highest authmity, and the original impuiter if pure-biel Karakule sheep to this continent, may be .(Uott-d as ssyii.i; that : '"Tha pro|,er system Is to u^e full-bloids to produce breedinK atiiiiiHls hihI use grades to produce the fuis. I am convinced that it is D'A necessary to kill the fullbloods to i{tt peisiau lamb skins." â€" Shelburne Free Press. The Rhode Island Red Honor Rolls Report S.S. No. .1 for Decmnber. 4 G Stinson, M Caswoll, F Irwin, \ Moore. ;!â€" I Breeii.A Breen.G Irwin. Akins. j Sr. 2â€" M Moore, A Hogarth. j .Ir. 2-M McMuUen, M Akins, M , lUeen, W White. ! Sr. 1-L McMullen. L Sharp, H ' Bliickburn, H Allen, .1 Allen. I Primary -Ellwood Moore. For sale cheap and on tf rins, Lot 1.!, c"ii. II, Osproy, 110 acres. This is a tirsi class fiirni and in a yood slate of ciillivitioii. (Jdod bank b.irii uiiil new friine dwollin;.,'. A|)ply to R. .!. Sproule Fleshertoii The Mcintosh Apple I have an acquaintance in the whule.salo market poultry business who buys and sells Irom two to throe cars of live poultry each wu'k. M.'iiiy of them art- sold alive to Ih'ise who kilt for their specinl trade. The remainder he kills, dry picks and sells to hotels, restaurants, stor"s and piivale families, lie has many years ' of experience in this lino of work, buyiiio I and selling id many Slates, and as a 1 ^^'"'t'-''' I'Oc'kton, of Collingwood died ,. , , , . ,, 1 • on .Sunday nioinin.'. He had be.Mi ill result knows I he market poultry business , .•' , 1 1 ,i ., :. „;.. . ,..i.;,.i, •^ ' four weeks fioin liloou-poiKiniU'j wliicn thoroughly. .Some liv-; vears as>o he pre- | j^ ),^.iievi.d to have oris; inaled thiouuh ferred the Plymoiilli Rocks, nnw his pre- i inf.'rtion from a small piinple or boi ference is for UhoJe Uland Reds. This is \ •'" 'I"" '"â- Â»'l- because they drcts to yood adv.intag'; | .^..^ a lid are attractive in appearance. '^ t\AAc 'XtxA PtlHc^^ T'le consideration shown for Rhode -^ UUUS dOU CllUb ^ Island Reds for niuket poultiy and the ! gteitfiivor with which they have leenj ARTICLES FOR SALE I received in the New Kn^land district^ speaks hudly thoir praise, *liic!: is truly i de.'.eived. 'i'he lonj; btjdy.the 1( ns; bone, tiie width lliu breast and lietweeii I the thighs oivcs a tody [ircipoilion which, if lived up to ill the breeding of lliis fowl, makes them excellent in size and shape j Legal Blanks For Saleâ€" R. .1. Sproule torriJiisleis, They ui:ike excellent capons, keeps constantly on har^d and for sale they are tiiic for liioilorv in fact.lliey are i chea|i a full stock of iJeeds, Mortgages, l.,vely for table poultry of all s,/..,. They ', Wills and all other legal blanks. Any llHVe a rich L'olden yellow skin and tlish wliiih is most ailiiiciive tcj lliose oho, admire table pi'ultry of tins kind. There arel Aoii-atures inciitioiie J must frei|Uent- i ly ill llu'ir favor. The iniickiuss ol gio«lli, their sturdy coiieiitution. their eaily hlling in of brtnst meat and the leii;;lh and width "f breast, which, when Well iMvered, makes it pos.^ible to serve fioin ihein large portions uf breast meat. In llij rec irds of the Third Interna tional Kgg L:iyiii(! Contest held at Siorrs Agricultuial C lle;;e, it is shown thut While Leghorns averaged the greatest number of eggs, that White Wyiindo.tes were second in lliu average. The most egs{« laid by both Legluiiiis and Wyaii- dottes we'-e laid by hens ol what is called llie Fiiglisb stiaiiis. The third posiiiim as o number whs hi Id by the I'lymouth ;ks ; fourth position by Rlioje Island Klesliertun . Special Reductions On Furs AVe have w number ol Furs on hand that we do not intend to carry over to ne.\t year's business, and a.s we take stock on Jiimiary :jlst we have roihiced their selHng prices, regardless of first cost to ensure speedy clearance. Marmot Stole Regular $12.50 (ircy Lamb Set Regular 10.25 Persian Lainl) Sea if liegular 9.50 Persian Lamb .'^ett Ivegnlar 33.00 Opossiun Stole Regular 10.50 Marmot Stole Kegidar 9.50 I\loli! l^oncy Sett Regular 21.00 Cliilir.s ()[)0ssum Set Regular 10.00 Pt'rsian Paw Set ]{ej.'ular 27.00 Lart^e .Maiiimi .Miitf Regular 10 50 Marmot Pillow Muff Regular 6.50 Stone Marten Set Regular 1 7 . 50 Marmot I'liniw Regular iO.OO Selling Selling Selling Selling Selling Selling Selling Selling Selling Selling Selling Selling Selling .$9..50 12.50 7.50 24.50 7.75 7.75 I fj.50 7.50 22.50 7.9H 4 75 13.00 S.50 ^VVn^ .^^ ^^^ ^^^. ^^^ -^m^ ^W ^^^ ^^^^^m^^^^^^^ t^^ ^^^m ^^bi i^^i h ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ m 1j * ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^fc ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^m 3^b , , ^ ^^S^ ^^^^^5t ^^^m J^^ ^^^ ? | requiring such will tind it ti est lo give him a c;dl. I heir intcr- For Sale â€" Three black niare colts, one H yif , one 'l\ yrs , the other ;U years ofd for sale, cash or tune. Andrew Kennedy, K. R. .J, Markdale. Phone III ciinnection. For Sale ; with oven. since the hrst orchard wis ijjai leu at the Cenral Experimental Farm, Ottawd, in Iftf^H, the Mclnlosh ap|le has been under tent by the Kxpenmental Xariii system ami during that time inuch â- useful informal ion lias la en obtained in regard tj this line virie'y. In very severe winters when the Fanieuse apple was injured, the Mcintosh rtiiiaiiied uiibnrnied, thus [iroving tlial it is ha: dier than that variety from which it is suppo,sed to have sprung. Foi a long tiuic the Mcliito.sli apple had the reputation of Ijeing a shy beirer, but in nearly thirty years' eiperiiiice Willi i' at <Utawii, it hais been found to be one of the most productive varieties under test. The tree doe8 not ofien bear very heavily, or uvei bear any onu year and then fad to bear the following year, but it ia an annual bearer, as a rule, giving a good and medium crop alternate y, the number <jf small crops being few. FoUowing are the yields of one Mcintosh tree planted at Oitawa in IH!>U, the first yield being iecorc'ed in 1H!)M, the Hth year after plaiilir.g. The yields are recorded in gallons, but if it is desired to reduce them to barrels there are 24 gallons in a standard barrel. Yield of one Mcintosh apple tree from liie ^ih year after plant- ing, in gallons, â€" 17.^, "-li, .'IT, tii, 71',, m, 12, JOit, .t. W.h, 41 i, 1«4, 11-.', 44, 14!), a total of 1432i gallons for I!' seasons or an average of a little over :'. barrels per year from one tree. It has been found by experiineit that ill Ontario, at least, llie Mcliilosh is self- iiterile, or, at least, pr.ictically sonnd to «nture a good set of fruit there sliouU be another variety or virilies, blooiiiing at the same time, growinf/ near it. 'i'lie Mcintosh apple is subjecl to the Ap|de .Scab Fungus, mid in acme seasoiiH if the trees are iritspinyed the pri'()or- tloii uf No. I fiuit will be small. This year, at Ottawa it was found necessary to spray the iroes six times with lime- eulphur wash to ensuie clean fruit, but Alie rewaid was a large proportion of No. 1 fi"uit in a year when there was, in many <)uarteiH, a very Hiiiall proportion of No. 1 grade on unsprayod or pr orly flprnyed treea. As a rule, three or four spriyings are suMicient. Owing to ila very high .juality and the xjreal beauty of the fruit, it is believed 'that liie demand for Mcintosh apples will lie an cveiincrciisiii^; one. There »ro innny relatively poor apples of the «sme teason still being grown which will ,.bave to, ill time, give place to Mclniosh. To day tliero in no other apjde which commands as biuh a price in Ciinadii, No. 1 tiuit being wonli between seven and c.ght dollus a lanel, ai d in years . f pKnty Ibe i-ii .â-  of Mcintosh ajiples is Ho Reds The ditlerence ill the avenipo belweeii the Rliude Island Reds and the I'lyinoulli K"cks was very sliijlit. .Siiine of the indiviiliial pens if Rhode Kland Reds laid more egiis than did any one of the individual pens i>f IMyirculh liockp. Tiiis wouM indicate that the Rhode Islind Reds were remarkably giodlayeis wliiii broiioht ill coiiipelitioii with the best layers of the world entoreJ in egg- biying contests. i \> hen w eight per (i< /.en is coiis'dered, ' the Clip's laid by the Rhode Island Reds averaged more Ihan did the eggs of an „ oiher breed or variety eiitere<l in Ih,. -T*o- burner coaloil stove Kiinuire at this ollice. MISCELLANEOUS Try Fevershaiii Pastry Flour, the best for your cook. All Onmrio wheat. If you want a good piano or any other inusic<il instruiii>-n', call or write .). ('. Kentnor, music dealer aud photo artist, Mark.lale. Young man to loarn liirhering, or improver, w m'ed at mice.- T. Fislu-r, Property For Sale I'art lol l.-.l, con 2. N.K. T. .t S. R. coiiUinina 2S.i acres, about 1 mile f.-oui Flesherton. There is a good frame house and stable and the property is well fenced and watered. App'y lo .loseph A. Leiiird, Flesherton or on the proper- The Old Adage ^ I _, I I'rivite funds lo loan on security at reiisoiiable rate 1 .\pply lo R. J. Sproule, Fh Holstein Bull For Service .\ tli.iroii,'lilired UnUteiii bull for ,erwc« on lots ISSISI S. W. T. Jt «.R.. Arteiiiertia; elos- elv reUteil t i the world's eliuup'uMi 41 piiini ow. l\-r ill-: â- '<1 .Vl f ir gr.i le<, ^VlKI f ir piird breiN. 1 .Iiilv 17. â€" i;KI>. .MOOKF. ,V S-ai. real eti I'e of in'cr.i-i . slierloii. sept 'Jo Lost â€" A horse blanket, between Flesherliin and east back line, lui Fiiday, Dee. IT). Finil'M' please leave at this ollice, or with .Inlm Pecllir. Highest (irice for butter and ecgii at (ii'shani liros. Kugeniii. June 2!) The latest giafonida records for i Needles 'J",,. |„,r :ii)i). The .AiU.iiiee. .le. PUBLIC MEETINGS or ckxtim: (JRKY BOARD OF AGRICULTURE The local Rounl of Agiieulturc lia.s arranged through the Provincial Diipartiiu'iit of iXgrieiilture for niet'tiiig.s at : ItOCKLVN -ACiH. IlALI,, .IAN. 18, 1!)I7. IIAVF.NNAâ€" TWr. IIAI.L, .IAN. !!>, HUT. MAWVKM.-oKANdl'', HALL, .IAN. 20,11117. riioTOXâ€" ORANdK IIAI.L, .lA.N'. '11, 1!»17. KLESIIEIJTON-TWIV ILM,!,, JAN. '2;!, 1917. TilK FOLLOWIKC ARKTIIK8PK.\KKRS AXDTIIKIR Sl'H.IKCTS .Mr. ]!«bt. .Miii|ihy. Allistoiiâ€" ( .Soil riobloiUF,) (The Fannor and tlio Wiir.i ( Soil Ciiltivalidii and Draiiiuge,! ( Alfiilfi (irowiiig,) (Sood yelcction.) (Soliu tion and Keediiig of IJecf Cattle,) (Dual riirpoHO Oattln.) Evening â€" ( Ti.e Clioico ol Occtiiiiition, ) (8onicof tlio NewlH of (Jiit. Agncuitiiie.) Mr. E. Mean, N"W Huinbtirgâ€" ( Kici.l Crops and liotiitioii,) (Farm Animals: (,'rosH vc. iif t iiicnmo ; cost of production,) (Fiii in I'miitry ; Its Ijiiiiitatioti,) I'jvciiiiio â€" ( Agiiciiltiunl Opportiiiiilip.a,) Mr. .). O, Duke, lUUlivciiâ€" i MHinl!iiiiiiif» tlip Fcrtilily of tlic Soil,) ( Coin Growing,) t Iinprovoiiioiit of Seed, i i Apple Cuiitire in Wcstcni ()nt,,| i 'i'lle Diiiinaf,'!'. i Mr. |)iiko will iP))liicc Mr. I'lcan fiMiu Jan. IH to 20 iiiciu.'iive, on!)-. .Miss vS. Cain|)boll, Torontoâ€" ( Individiuil Lifo of a Yoiuifj Woman,) ( Iiillii- (iiice of VVoineii unci Moll,) ( Tlie Judiciniia ilou.sokt;c|)i'r and Ilonieiiiakor,) (Iloiiie niul School ; tlio Ideiil t^otiiitiy School, i ( Tlio Duties and Oiiportiini- liefl ol Caiiadiuii Worn Karnier ; His I'osdibil Representative WANTED at'once'for PL E 5HERT0N and District for Canada's Greatest Nurserle^ Spring l'U7 [ilaiiling ii-it now reidy. Splendid list ol Inudy ('*nadiin grown fruit and ornamental stock, including. Mcintosh Ued Apple, St. Reiiis F.ver- bearing lltspberry and many other O'lders. New illustrited catalouge .sent on application. SUut now at best selling time. Liber- al propjsiti-in. The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is equall} true of the liiOU (iiavity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Full line of MeUonuick Farm Iiuplements, Binders >[()\ver.^, Kakes, Loaders, Drills, lultivatois. Plows. Pilling and Walking llaiiuws Piiantfcnl Wind Mills, I*uirps, Piping, and Fillings of all kinds, lieattie Hay Carriers. Ilay torks, Sling.^, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wiieaiul Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited' Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. || ^s^^sm Stone & Wellington :|jjp-^---^----^---®-----^2?511 The Fonthill Nurseries. fFsliiblished iKiN.") TORONTO ONTARIO IM â€" ..â„¢. ! ! j[| Flesherton Tin Shnp IMI 1 placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Niekehvaie and Agatewaie for domestic Call on me and get your supplies. Deer ing Implements jjjj Eavetroughing, stovepipes ami Stove Furnish- ^"*' - ^'^ J ♦' ' -â- â- *' ^" "• It ""• K.'ii,) I How VVoineii can Aid A^jriciilturo,) (The Educated lilies,) ( How to riomote Rural Sociology,) Aflrrnoon .S'easions 2 p.m. (,)iii)sli()n driwcis anil di.scussioiis willi the addro'fsefl The bftlanso of the .eession will be di voted to the discussion of Agriculltual I'robleiiiH ot special inteiesl to fmincrs nf the ilislrict. The Women's Iiislitiite will liohl an al'icinonii anssinu for womoti and i^'irls at 2 p.m. Ill Hcparate lialla at wliicli Mi>i Cainiiboll will t,"'vo an nddre.^s on one o'lier subjects on tliu '22nd and '2;bd only, livening inttliiigs at 7.30 MraiC IIY rn.K WOMEN'S INSTITl'TE. The District lleprc peiitativo or liis A^HHlant will bo pfosonl at all meetings if poHsiblf. .\li!S. W. P.rcilANAN, I'lf.^. W.I. Bl MUB. I'.KN (.'AlllU'niKnS, Sir. UM. J. ;i ri', HAMILTON, I'lrs. Aqr. 1. C.liAllAM. ^;tc. 15.1. f,/ ,\|,,. Gasoline Engines ||jj ings. i I I ! i I All kinds of Doerins Imploiiients. Paris always on hand. Ai;ont for I'mirio Onttors. Rarbor ItnjJKics, Louden Litter Uarrieis, Ilay Tracks, Podlar shinglos and sidini;. Theso linpU'iiu-iils reijuire no lecomniendatioii as llicy aio standard eooria and ri'C,<niiizod .is the j !5S best on till) nmrket. KIU'IT TUKES-I ivprii-onl ilii> Stoii it Wolliti(4ton nursory.midjwill hn pleiisfil to'call if you send nie a card. liepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipetitting, including pump work. installed. Agent for Clare ]5ros. Furnaces Furnaces. ED. RUTHERFOftD Proton Station HE mm. Carefully Correoted Each Week Wheat ?1 110 lo I tio t)ftl.s .58 to 58 Pe;is 1 ItOlo 2 10 Ho h>y 1»6 to llo I'lakvvheat Ho to !(."> Flour %\ 7.") to %h ,'iO Hny 8 7 00 to 8 0(1 I I !|SL^^^^^^^^^^ D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON M ONTARIO. New Blacksmith Shop Fieshe At Maxwell 'Kin SAVR nil': K[nu. Ihitti-r. K^gs, fri'sh Potatoes per Imij. Gocso Diickti Fo*l Chickens TiiiKeys I am opening no atonce, a blacksniith. ' inn and woodworking business in Max- well, and am na'nl'.ins; up-:odato wood- ;;i) to H8 workini; iiiichineiy. It will ha 40 'o ."lO diavor to serve till" public in a 00 to 2 00 tory manner and I wo ild solicit I" to 17 »ie. I wiiit youiwor'i nnd wi 17 to 17 rii-bl. 7 II to II 17 to 17 25 to 25 my en- sat isfac- P'itron- I do it Apiil I CHESTER LONG r*ton #- Tonsorial ^^ Parlors We Aim to Give Kntire Satisfaction LAl'NDUYâ€" llasket Monday nisjht, delivery Fiiday ovenii CLKANINO ftiKl DYEINt}- Wo »r at-ents for Parker's Uye Worksâ€" ClothfS clouied and dved. {.•athera lojuveiial .1 T ^IS11E!^ -PROPRIETOR ( 9 .* '*â-  • I • I • I *| ♦ i. '-

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