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Flesherton Advance, 11 Jan 1917, p. 1

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gkBUttion %hmna. TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB," â€" " PEI5CIPLEb NOT MEN. yOl 3»> No. 34 Flestxerton, Out., Tbi^irsday, January 11. 191^ W, H THUBSTON '^'^op^i. I ' ) .• 4 : !. Eugenia Paragraphs Marriedâ€" In Toronto, on Saturday, December :M\ 191t>, Mr. Bert Graham to Miss Virginia McMullcn, buth of this iiUce. We wish the young couple a loog and hapi y life. They will reside in Tijtonto. Owing co the storm fcanday Mr. Mad- den, sr., was unable to reach Eugenia, He got through Monday aiorniug. We are sorry to hear that Lis son is still un- der the Dr s care, nud w .11 be for some time. Daisy Feuwick, of Toronto, is viaiting her cousins, Martha and Clarabell Feowick. Born â€" To Mi. and Mrs. J E.Dobsoo, 8th line, Osprey, on December 20, 1916, a daughter, Mildred Gladys. Adam Hyslop lost a valuable year eld calf last week. J. Parliament also lost a very valuable cow. Tliis is the tecond cow he has lost this winter. I', is hird luck for Mr. Parliament. Robert UcUaster and son, Wilfred, have gone to Turooto. The ladies of the Methodist congrega- tion had a bee last week in sewin;; carpet) and with the assistance of the men had It put down. It u )w gives the church a more creditable appearance than before. Elwcod Partridge and wife visited friends at Maxwell. Marjorie Park has been assisting Card Ciraham in the store the past week. Griselda MoKee, of Toronto,!* visitiog I.«ODa Pedlar. Mrs. G. Lawlec and aaughter.Zaiua, of the to'an line corner, failed on friends in town. ^ .Sorry to report Mr*. Munsbaw iil at A piesent. Hope to hear louu of her \ tjieedy recovery. :t S. Hemphill ofOeylon, accompanied by Thos. Wilcock of Retina, visited their friends, Fred Martin and wife. ^.^ ^ . Dorris Whiteford of Hanover, spent list week with her cousin, Helen Graham. Johnny McDonald and Russell Liuiou while playing anion^ some trees Monday e*ch caught a coon. The little bi'ys feel very ptoul. Kva and Katie Jauiieson have purchased a ne« driviux hor%e. The W . I. held their monthly meeting last Wedoesdiy. MiUio McMullcn prepared a paper on the life of Dr .lames and sent it in and was very interesting. Mrs. A. Hoy also gave a • (^lendid report of tho convention which was held tu Toronto. We ate ^Ud to re^Kirt Mrs. Walter T • 'Hsell, who hs-i l>eeu on tha sick list, jle to be around again. Kimberley Budget Another one of the old pioneers passed away in the person of Hiaa Mary McAuIey who died it tht' home other sbter, Mrs. John Hun'er, on Saturday, Jan. 6. Dece.-vged waj in her 70th year and bad lived in this part for over forty years. The remains were interred in the Thom- b'jry public cemetery on Mondiy last. Mr. Wui. Stewart returned on Monday after an e:itended visit with friends in Meaford and Thornbury. Beit Tajlor cf Fairinount waa * Ciller in our burj one day last week. Mr. \V m. Scott of Dundalk passed through here on Thuriaay last enroate to Griersville where he will reside. Mr. Logan Fawcett of Sask. , accom- panied by his father of Heathcote. called 03 old friend? here on Thursdty. It is 2} years smcri L'>gan left this part for tie West. Mr. John Stuart purchased a tine black driver for a handsome sum recently. Bom â€" .\t, Parry Sound, on Sat., Jan. t>, to Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Staart. a sou. Robe. Lawrence attended the funeral of his nephew, Cecil Ellis, of Powsasan, who died on Sunday, Dec.31, 1916 ai the age i.>t lo yearn. Mr. Wni. ElLs is on an extended visit with friends in the North Country Meesrs. W. T. Ellis, David Weber and Geo. Prcct«<r are the newly elected police trustees fur our village. In Memory Of our dear mother, Mrs. Jos. Kadley, who died January ;{, li»ir>. â€"The Family. Culham- Roberts From the Iv-irobcrt Cititen. Tue home of Mr. And Mr<. R. Uobeits was the scene of i festivj oec»si<'u on Doc. 2;>, '^hen their eldest dau^ihtur, M.-trgarct Justina, was united iu marri-we to Mr. T. V. Culham of Diiver, Sask. The bride w<iS handsomely attired in a I'own of white l^itfota silk and sieorvjetia cri'iH" and carried a lovely Wunuet of white roses and lillics of the valley. She i-nteiiH' iho parlour ou the .arm if het f«ther, to the strains of Lohengrin's wvddin,; luai-ch, played by Miss oanct l.ockorbio of Kenv>l>ert. The ceremony Wis performed by tho Uov. E. E. W.alker, Ht tho hour of uooH, after which the guests jKjrtook of » dainty luncheon. The happy co'iplo were escorted to the afternoon train by thoir many friends and left amid tliowers of viee, wheat and c.iiigratuIation«, fur au extended trip m the Eisf, incluiiijg the cities of Gait, Toronto, Hrantfoi-d and CoUingwwid. Mr. and Mrs. t'ulhun wiil be at home m their residence at Ermine after March I. Tho presents, nunierv>us and cv>stly. bore mute te»lii»oiiy to the esteem iu which the y iung ct>uple are held in the coiu- Miunify. The hiidegvoom s present to the biide was a handsome cat of Persian Lamb und a mutt" to m«tch ; sua to Miss Lockerbie, a cameo brjoch. Mrs. Culham will be grea'ly missed from tho church, social and businoss life of Korrobert Walkerton While Mr. David George, the livery. man, was returning from Formosa one night last week be noticed a horse taoi^led up in the harness lying with the cutter iu the ditch, and takiu;; out a search light which he carried went over to investigate aud foundthat tue stnndcd steed was from his own barn . It seems th«4 » Walkerto* youth hired the horse to go to a daoce.and leaving it st^'cdiug at the home of a Udy friend came out and found the beast gone. Seeing by its tracks that it had headed towards town he guessed it had gone, like the Prodigal Son, home, "i >ii with the dance, let joy be uiicoQtined was this gent's m'jtto, as he led his fair cue off to the giddy whirL It wa> long pa-it the end of a oerfect day before he got back and discovered how the runaway horse had fartd. Such optimism as this youth displayed as be later smiled at the disaster reminds one of the trench slogan, ".\re we down- hearted .' So.'' The honor of being the tirit W:tJkerton boy to be decorated fcr bravery at tile fi'>nt falls to S'gnalier Louis L">ipplc,oiily son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Dipple of town, who was awarded tho Military Medal for gallantry white iu action. Ue has I'een over a year in the trjuchcs aud has distinguished himsel' aa a signaller while under tire Wheu Mr. and .Mis. Alf. autoiog to Ayton on Frday tvlonging to .Mrs. Hehn tha car aud was lost Uebu were ui<iht a hat bounced out of near Meustao-, .\lthoughthey went back they were unable to locate the uiisftu^ heid near, and after pu'tii'g a notice uu ;n the Neustadt jvst- ittioo, claim they were ajv'ised over the phoue by an ei.terpri-<iug citizen of that bur^ that he knew the party wlio found the hat and on "he receipt of ?1.M> would f'.Tward tho l;d. Mr. Hehn was also .aske.l to resinnid nuickly with tho cash a« the uiau w;is about to leave for Detroit. l>n coiijultins: a lawyer about the m.atter the Walkertoniau was advised to proceed to Neujt.idt and the lost millinery, and if the tinder failed to come across to lay a charge of thcfr. t)ii leaching the burg made famous by its lieer, Mr. Uehu located tue man who did the phoning, but cl.aims he couldn't in- veigle the tinder's name out of him without cashing up. Before letting go of the?loi', Mr. Hehn decided to do a little detective work and on euquiiiug about loained the name of the p^tly who | had found the hat. (hi approaching aud i asking for it, the loidiuess wiih which it j w».< i««d over almost took the breath { from the \, who was expect. inga$l.>l touch. It later transpired that the tinder w»« about to have a "found notice' in the Neustadt ^Hislottice when a advi.sed him he knew the owner and would undertake to connect hiiii with the goods. The gent, who was to do tho go-between act, sjeius Pithy Proton Pointers Held Over Last Week. Visitors home over the holidays were : Tne 5Iisses Roonae and sister.Mrs. Guest, Toronto; Misses Rita and Lillian Wyville, Miss Gertie Lyons and Miss Minnie Gsl- braith, Toronto, and Mr. P. J. Mitchell. Stratford. Mary McCaonel spent New Years with friends at Dorham. The VV .M S.of the Presbyterian church held their regular me<iting on Wednesday of hiiC week. The otiicers for the ensuing year are ; Pres., Mrs. Achesoo : Vice Pies., Mrs.CoosIey ; Sec., Mi^Sberson. Archie Xeilson spent the week end at Toronto. Mrs. Tribble, Williamsfurd, spent Xew Years at ihe Home of her nephew, Mr.H. Beeker. Jas. Sheisou, wife and family, of Prob- lem. Mao., are vUi-iug the former's mother, Mrs. Sherson, sr. (^o New Years evening a merry load of young people chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wright attended the coucert in ttie town hall Dundalk. Myrtle Wyville, who has been at home since midsummer, returned to Toronto Monday. This Week's Items General Lsi.irippe is a soccessful re' cruiting othcer here. Many have iC" sponded to bis call. Miss Whirling is the guest of her Slater. Mrs. Badgerow. Herman Decker attended the funeral of his grandmother at; Clilford. Mrs. Runciman is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. .MoCannel. Ml.â- <c^ ilettie Lyons, accompanied by her sister. Misa Mildred, returned to Toronto last week. The Utter intends to take a po«ttion there. We wish her every success. ._. . - - We are sorry tu report Miss Lena Park senoosly ill. but hope to hec»r of her sj-eedy recovery. The Red Cri^ss Society would wish it tnown that they would like contribu- tions of all kiuis of_pi«pers. Kindiy do up your magazines, newspapers and waste [>aper in septarate parcels and save them for their collection. The Guild of the Presbyterian church held their annual election of olfioers on Tuesday last. The officers for the ensu- ing year are : Hon. Pres . Mrs. >'. McCannel : President, Mrs. Wilson ; 1st Vice, Miss E. Acheson ; 2ud Vice. Miss M. Binnie : 3rd Vice. MissM. Sherson . 4th Vice. J. Neilsiu : Sec., J. Hanley : Treasurer, W. Hazen ; Or- ginist. Miss .\. .\ches»in ; Assr. Organist Mrs. Wils..u. We are glad to know th«t Mrs. Greenis who has been seriously ill la improving. The Local Board of Agriculture has ar- ranged through tt.e Provincial l>epart- uie:it of .Vgric.iltuie for a meeting in the (.>iaui;e Hal! here on Jan. 22 at T.-.50 p.m. 1,1 have had an exalted idea if ihe an active v*rt and { middUmans proht. when he trUnl to put which .ho has taken ... »«.„,» ^^« ..... , -;^ ^^^ ,i j,j or.liu.nce. The ihmg The Citizen joins with her circle of ,„^,j^^.<j ^^j i,ut the Walkertouian didn't friends here iu wishing Mr. aud Mrs. Culham a long and happy married life. fall for the stjueez* game, and Times. Bruce Herald Fevers ham Items Good sleighing around our village. The riesliyterians held thi'ir fowl supper Jaiiuary o. They had a tine evoiiiii;;, a large crowd aud proceeds amt, to $Ti.W. James Buckingham, of .\dniiral,Sa»k., is renewing old ae>iua:ntances around hero at present. Ciissie Davidson, of Rob Roy. visited- with her couiii', .\da Kaittiug, over Suuuiiy. Mis. C )N|Uette aud daughter. Mae, visited wi;h Mrs. Frank Stephens last wetk. Ma.igie Poole spent Sunday with h- r fiiend, Mae CoLiuotte. James IXividsou has returned to ht^ home ill ttutfalo. Frank Whewell and family, of Tyvar, S»sk., are residing here for the winter. We welcome Mr. Whowell and his mite t ) our village. Tboy moved lut West | some years ago from this part aud their | many friends are glad to have them I amongst us for t few months again. | Miss Cornette.our public schixjl teach- i er, had to go to her home iu Dundalk i this weak on account of illness. William McKenzio of the Twelfth Line is on the sick list at prerent. We hope to hear of his siH>edy recovery. Will. Davidson, jr., lost * valuable driving hoi-se last week with pneumonia. A Ceylon Chat f â€" ^The Red Cross "Willing Helpers ' held t^eir drat meeting for 11)17. Wednesd«y •fteinoun a: the home of Mrs. Alex. VcRae, when a pleasant and prudtab'e a|terno'.n was spent. Ma Friday after- o«on the ladies met at Mrs. D. McLei:d s aad packed buxes for each of our L.^ys. Mr. Cameron of Stone's Line i.s in the feospital fur treatment. Mr. Xorman McLeod i* viaitit.2 his ototLet here the p:ist tVrcnighc. Mr. Fieldings if '^'ar Toronto was a J»est at Mr. Arthur Whittaker s laat vcek. "Mr. Goldwin McMuKen left t riday to accept a position in Toronto. Miss Edna McLeod. who has been visiting her mother past three week?, returned Friday to Tor^nt.K Mr. George Snell has disposed of his store stock to Mr Hill of .viarkdaie. .Aftor slock tdimg.thc '.;o.ds will be removed to Markdale. ~ ewelry BURT 5pcialisl in dis.-as.^f of :li« Eye. Ear.Nose and Throat • >FKICEâ€" la) 10th St.,Owen Sound ' At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each m .nrfa from 6 to a 12ia.m Dundalk, Is Wednesday of each month.. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory S« lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong^ Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT Heathcote Last Week's Ireoia llaioid Reekie, of Brandon, is viaicing at his parental home here. Dr. and Mrs. McKee returned home Wednesday after visiting with reliitives ia Turonio over Christmas holidays. Mrs. Rorke and httle son Harold, are visiting wiih the formei's parents here, George Keekie and wife. Logan Fawcett, of Saskatoun.ts viaiiing with friends and relatives here. Dr. Creasy, of North Bay. visited ac his home here last week. James Fleoiing spent New Years with friends in Clarksburg. Pleased to see Ernest Beer out aga.n after a shotc dlne-ts. Rev. and Mrs. Laidlaw and family visited for the past week with (riemls in Holland Ceatre. Clilford Devms.of Toronto, was a cailer i:i our burg the early par: of the week. George Swaiiuell. wife and son Walter. moved to CoUiugwood the Utter part of the week. Jean Mdne. of Toronto, visited the early p^rt of the week with her parents. Wiu. Milne and wife. Joseph Conn, wife and fsmtly.returned h ;>me on Satmday after spending Xnias v.icatiou with friends iu Maxwell and Grand Valley. Messrs. ()M.-ar.itid Uammonu Maxwell, of K:ucade, Sask., are visiting with trietids here. The annual meeting of Heatfac'te public school was held ou FruUy, Dec. 'Z7. -Ml business settled for another yr. Sandy Murray, of Clarksburg, si'en: the pas^ wi-ek at his home here. Mable Uutcfaiuson, of Clarksburg, is ' iha guest of her sister. Mis.Frank P.-. k [ Hatherton On Dec. "iS a ULiiiiber of ihe I. 0. F.'.f this vicaiity accompanied by their !:»dy friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Winters for the purpose of i.rgati- iziug a society at Maxwell. .V dainty sup.ier was solved by the Indies aitoi' w bich a pieas^.nt sivial evening was spent The meuilters had a privati" coiisultatiou aud decided to organize a Uvdge and meet at Maxwell. Icj cieam and cake wa.s served daring the evening. .\ v^tc • f thinks was given t > Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Winters : also Rev. aud .Mrs. Scobie. m helping to make die eveniiu a decid,}d success. The compmy, uumberiog 'i-4 .all joi-icd hands aud taiig a verse of .\.utd Lang Syne. Toronto Line North V.ry stoiuiy weathei. Fo.x huutiiig apjiears ?o be ihe oiVer of the day. Ovtiinj ^ly la-ynard is d ff» event. Mrs. .\b. Stewart and Miss K'.va Lcvv r visiteU a few days with the formers t.wiieiits,I.Perigo aud wife, at Fev^rshau'. Mis.J..\. Lever, who has been visitirii fi lends in Brussels and Palmerstor-. returned hoiiiij ^n Friday las:. H«r ni ther, Mrs. J. Mmning. acev>mpauii.d her home and will tciuaio for a visit, Ch'ules Perigo vi<itol at t*«eu Sound f..r a few d.ays. Miss E. Lever left on Monday to tjach in Tryou College until the sch^nd bo;\rv". can secure a teacher. We offer congratulations to Mr, Fr«d Mathewson, wiio was so succewful in gaming the couucilorship again this year. Elva ai.d Gia.lys Lever visite.1 Eugenia fiiends one day last week. mmmm m m !# I* # Lora I m t Five Kosf Fresh Fish FEED Wheat Oats Sh< rts FLOUR i\intv Pasti'v Brail • Eclipse Heiiintr Ovstei-s Criuberies Groceries ot all kinds W. BUSKIN The Cp-w-daw Flesiwnon Gro«r. m m m m t x^ -:-Wet and Snow-;- Me-ius yiMi a Now Pair of Rubbers or Over- shoes to keep your feet ly ati'i Warm. Call at CLAYTON'S and ireryoui- -.van:.-, supplied. Ov it y ni have a Pair of old Leather Tops and want new Bottoms on thetu Leave thetu now befiire the llu^h. Ke[\iirin^ a.- u-ti-il. Tho5. Clayton^s I FLESHERTON Johi\ Chapman Furniture and Undertaking Successor to W. H. Bunt Calls answered day or night. Day phone 17 R2. Night phone i7 3. old stand opposite Town Hall The the .^M»A>L k4li<A^nw'^^&jej^t'W^

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