* 1 -», â- » » f t , * • \ V ,* T. i U5 1 . t » « n : JBeptember 2S 1916 THE FLESKERTON ADVANCE THE STANDARD DANK OP CANADA HEAD OPPtCK • TORONTO A Gentral Banking Businett G>BdiMted. Accounts of P«rmert, Mevc&tnti and Manu* facturers receive careful attention. TRUST FUNDS tboald b* dvpoutad ta our SAVINGS DBPARTMBNT. Hi|hMt wrrMt r«lM of laUroot aro paid half yeariy. Ui FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, Manager. â- •T'D tars C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as •follows : Going South Going North 7.53 a. m. 12.01 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails are osed at Flesherton as ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. V VICINITY CHIPS There will bo no service in the Pres- 'byterian church next Sunday. To-day is the first day of East Grey Fall Fair. Get your exhibits placed in the hall. IVlisa Richardson will receire pupils in oil and water color painting from now until Christ niiis. Mrs. Oscir Euuland of Orillia is visi- ting her mother, Mrs. Jchn Breen, and other relatifea here. The Advance is very sorry to learn chat Mrs. (Rev) L W. Thorn of Midhurst. is in Barrie hospital suii'eting wich typhoid -fever. llev. W. Sinclair of Hominies MiIU, visited his parents here during' the past week and took the Markdale pastor's work on Sunday. The Women's Institute Will meet in the High School Thursday, Oct. .'> at 2.30. Visitors always welcome. â€" Mrs. W. A. fiawken Sec.-Treas. Mr. Henry Wilson desires us to thank the citizens for their asjistance in skving bis residence from destiuctiuu duriujj the fire early Sunday morning. You will mias a rare treat if you fail to attend the Fair Concert m the auditorium of the high school on Friday evening of this week. It is the event of the year. The Advance had a pleasant call from Brer McCullough of the Chatsworth News on Wednesday last. He was at- tending the Liberal executive meeting here. Rev. Raymond C. Rolph of Toronto, occupied the pulpit of the Baptist chauel here for the past two Sundays iu the ab- sence of the pastor, who wnj away on bis holidays. Noticeâ€" Anybody sseinn or hearinti anything about one of the tin* buckets, that was used at the tire on Saturday, please notify Oscar Phillips, as one of the pails is missing. Fred Chislett, freight agent « the C.P.R. depot here for a number of years, quit the compaay's services on Saturday eveoiog last and left for bis home In Flesherton. He will leave shortly fur Winnipeg, Man., where he has secured a lucrativepositioa.â€"ShelburneFree Press. At Listowel on the Slst ult., a very 'quiet wedding was solemnized at 12.30 ,p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John •G. Karges, when their daughter, Laura, -was united in marriage to Mr. Frederick Uenry Chislett, of Shelburne, Rev. H. H. Liebold of the Evangetical church, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Chislett left on the 4.20 train for Toronto. •On the 10th inst., Mr. Stephen Robt. Brown passed away to the great beyond. His death took place at Winnipeg, Man., where he has resided for upwards ot 20 yrs. He was a tasner by trade and worked for some time with Giifith and Damude at Flesherton. He leaves a widow, who is a sister of the postmaster at Ceylon, Ont., also three sons and one daughter. He was a member of the Baptist church. Mr. Newton Bannon of the Toronto Line, met with a serious and unusual : accident on Thursday of last week. While . milking a cow the animal became fright- ened and bolted, knocking Mr. Bannon â- over. While on the ground several other animals ran over him and one struck him in the face with its hoof, breaking the cheek bone in three places. Ho was taken to t)weB Sound hospital, where, with coasiderable difficulty, the bone was •et, and the patient is recovering. Dr. Lane of Pricevilie, met with a peouliar accident recently. While driv- ing his car a dog apueared suddenly on the scene. One wheel struck the dog and whipped the a.\le around with painful resultH to both dog and man, By the sudden whirl of the steering wheel the Dr'a wrist was broken, necessitating a trip to Toronto and the application of the X ray to get the bones in place. We did not learn how many broken bones the dog bad, but we venture to say his bnik was badly cracked when the accident occurred. The Liberal executive of South Grey met here on Wednesday of last week and decided to hold a convention for the rid- ing in Durham on Oct. lt> next. Possible candidates were discusi>e<l,but no definite eonclu.sions arrived at. Rev. Mr. Dudgeon returned from To- ronto on Saturday last with his little Invalid daughter, and occupied his own pulpit on Sunday. The little girl is somewhat improved phyiically, but will have to take more treatment. Monday evening was social evening in the Young People's Society of the Methodist church when it took the form of a recaption to the high school studentn, a large number of whom were presenc. A very enjoyable evening was spent with music, games, charades, etc. Quite a nice little joke was played on Magistrate McMuUen Mondiy night. While His Worship was sitting in judg- ment on a theft case at Kimberley, another thief outside helped himself to whip and shaft strap of his buggy. A liberal reward for the return of these articles will be given by His Honor. Don'i forget Friday, October 6, 1916, on which will be held a joint Field Day between Flesherton and Markdale high schoolsat Flesherton agricultural grounds. Adniission 10c and upwards, pupils free. A concert will be given in the evening in the high school aase mbly hall. Silver collection, pupils free. Mr. W. G. Dick of Bolton and Mr. Wolsey of Petrolea, who run oil wel' drilling outfits,were in town Mundny examining into the Karsteadt oil well proposition with a view to securing a contract to drill. It is piobable that Mr. Karsteadt will let a contract to these gentlemen to go down a few hundred feet at least in an attempt to solve the mystery. An Auction Sale of valuable farm stock will be held on Friday, Sept. 29, lOlti, on lot 10, con. 14, Osprey, known as the Barber farm, the property ot William Hendry. Tenders will also he received up to and including day of sale foi purch- a.se of south half lot No. 1, Con. 11, Collingwood township. Lot 14, con. 11, Osprey, the Hud.son farm, is offered for rental, for which see bills. Wm. Hendry, Prop., Wm. Kaitting, Auctioneer. J'he following seasons for game are set forth in the statutes passed last session by the Ontario LegtsIature,on the recommen- dation of the FLsh and Game Commission: Woodcock, open season from Oct. lo to Nov. 15; partridge, closed season until Oct. lo, 191S; ducks, snipe and plover, open season Sept. 15 to Dec. 31; hares may be taken by any means between Oct. 15 and Nov. 15, and between Dec. 23 and Jan. 2, and may be taken by any other means than shaoting at any timj; cotton tails may be taken, killed or destroyed in any manner by the owner, occupant or leesoe of any lands upon which they cause damage; black and grey squirrels, closed aeas-tn for three years. Xa exciting fire occurred in town short- 1 y after midnight on Saturday, irhen a stable occupied by Mr. Chapman, under- taker, and three other adjoining stables were consumed, three owued by W. A. Armstrong and the other occupied by Frank Duncan. The tire is said to have started iu Mi. Chapman's stable from some unknown cause. Two heaises, a wagonand a number of hens were burned. Mr. .Vrmatrong's stable was used as a garage, but his auto was removed just in time, as was also a quantity of grain, but Wes. Armstrong lost a bicycle in the conflagration. Citizens worked heroically to save surrounding residences and suc- ceeded in confining the fire to the four frame structures mentioned. The fire was a hot one. Two of Mr. Armstrong's stables ware insured for $40C, the other was uninsured. The contents of Mr. Chapman's stable were insured for ?850j which will not nearly cover the loss. No partridge hunting. Owing to the unfavorable nesting seaaon in 1915, it was ihought advisable to give these birds some extra protection, and a close season for two years has been put on this species of game by the Ontario Oovernnient. During the time since the death of Rev. R. M. Phiilen, pastor of Cook's church, several ministers have been heard, and on Monday last at a union meeting, ot Berkeley and Markdale congregationc, Rev. Mr. McKinnon, Chalsworth, Mod- erator presiding, a unanimous call wps extended to Rev. J. T. Conn, of Miilhesou, New Ontario. If accepted, Mr. Conn will t;-.ke the new charge in ^November.â€" Standard. Theft by Wholesale There wis % hungry bunch around the construction camp of the Hydro Electric on Sunday morning last. During the night thieves had tnteredthe commiasar- iat and stripped it clean . The construc- tion gang occupy tents at Kirkville and employ a cook to prepare and serve meals. Alongside the cook's lent is one for provisionf. During Saturday night or early Sunday morning, thieves carried otf everything in tbefe tents. Here is the list : 75 lbs. of Hour, 1 case canned peas,l sack of potatoes, 1 carton of coffee, 55 lbs. (tub) of butter, 1 sack of sugar, several rolls of bacon, 3 five pound pails of jam, 1 case canned corn, tobacco, cig- arettes, etc. How anyone could remove this quantity of stuff, with the men sUep- ing in adjoining tento, without discovery, is a mystery, as a good sized dray would be rec^uired lo move the stuff. The camp IS situated at Kirkville, near the old mill. Chief of Police Ross js working on the case, and hopes to apprehend the thieves- â€" Collingwood Enterprise. Edith Cavell Day Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, acting Minister of Education, has appointed Tuesday October 3, as "Edith Cavell Day" in the public, separate aud high schools of Ontario. In a signed letter to teachers and pupils in provincial schools, made public by Dr. A. H. V. Colquhoun.Deputy Minister of Education the Minister states that it is proposed to erect in Ontario a memorial statue to the heroic martyred nurse, and takes "much pleasure in recommending to school boards and teachers the desirability of permitting the merits and claims of this worthy undertaking to be placed before the pupils In oder that ihe young oeople «f Ontario may take such part and lend such aid as the school authorises and their parents consider appropriate. " For this purpose the day has been set apart for the consideration of the life and death of the martyred heroine in the schools of Ontario. "It is believed," says the Minister in hia letter, "that the children will be glad to subscribe, and the teachers are re<[uested to point out that CO sum is too small from each child." Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of M»rg- aret McArtbur late ot the Township of Artemesia in the County of Grey, married woman, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "The Trustee Act" and amendments thereto, that all creditors aud others having claims against tiie estate of the said Margaret SlcArthur who died on or about the Thirteenth day of April lOlti, are re.iuired an or before the twenty- first day of Oclober, I'Jlti. lo send by post prepaid or deliver to John S.McMil- lan of Ceylon in the Twp. of Artemesia in the County ofGrey, farmer, the Admin- istrator of theEstate and effects of the said deceased, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full par- ticulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned' date the s.<id administiat- or will proceed to distribute the as»ets of the deceased among the 'parties entit- led thereto, having repaid only to the claims of which they shall then have no- tice, and that the said administrator will not bo liable for the ?aid assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such dietributioB. Dated September 18th, l»lt>. WRIGHT & TELFORD, Owen Sound, Out., Solicitors C->r the Administrator. Voters' List 1916 Township of Artemesia Notice is hereby izivan that a Court will be held pursuant to the Outario Voters' Lists Act, by his Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Grey, iu the Town Hall, Flesherton, on the fifth day of October, 191«>, at four o'clock in the afternoon to hear and de- termine complaints ot errors and omis- sions in the Voters' List of the Munici- pality of Artemesia for 1916. Dated this 21st day of September, I9I6 â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk ot Artemesia For Sale or Rent llWacre faiui, lot 15, con. G, Osprey Kraino house aud bank barn. Good well aud wind- mill Ont mile from Ma.xwell; li miles from Fcvershiiin. Rural route and telephone. Terms reasonable. Apply to GEO. H. WHITEOAK. 21 Sept,! Fevershani. Public Notice Take notice that a'.l persons are here- by forbidden trespassing on, or dumping any rubbish on, or taking, saud, gravel, earth or other matter off Park lot known as the Flesher sand pit, iu Flesherton, containing about two acres, as all persons trespassing or committing any waste or removing anything therefrom, on any part of the Flesher estate in and eround Flesherton Village, will be pros- acut.ed accoidiug to law. DR. T. S. sPROULE, July Executor for the Estate F. a KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. FLESHERTON - PRICEVILLE Karst edt's For The New Fall G ood s UP-TO-DATE LADIES' MANTELS We are now allowing a Complete and Stylish Line of Ladies' Fall aud Winter Coats. The "Princess" Brand needs no recommeHdation. They are a well-known make, and comprise everything that iroes to make up A Good Garment. Let us show you. Come in whether you intend Vj buy just now or not. We'd be pleased to show you. Wheu at the Fair come in aud see them . Fall Dress Goods, Silks. Etc. There are placed on our tables, and on exhibit, a splendid showing of Fall Dress Goods, including Worsteds, Serges, B roadcloths, Taffeta. Ducheas Silks, etc- These are the latest things in Styles. Fall Footwear We have a good stock of Women's, Misses' and Children's Shoes to hand. These include Patent Leather, Gun Metal, Box Calf, etc., and are at exceptionally low prices, considering the Market. You would do well to look at our Stock before buying. We can interest you, I'm sure. In Men's, we have a good line of Fine Shoes aawell as a complete run of Urus Calf, Chromes, SpUt Boots for Fall Wear. Rubbers for Shoes and Heavy Wear. Dishes For Threshing Just opened up a case ot Plain White and Clover Leaf Dishes, iaeluding Cups, Saucers, Plates, Bowls, Jugs, Ewers, Covered Dishes, etc.. in both lines. Xowis the ti me to get them for the threshin'^' Produce Highest Prices Paip Fob Farm Produce. We're In The Market Fob Live Fowl.â€" E.n«i «riRE. F. G. KARSTEDT •^. â- *1 W .â- «... « «. « .-I.. â- -.. >.-. -- jg.i^rw';:-w*>.f- , -^-;i , 7^ , ^ GIRL S WA NTED Fur t»tiice work to fill the places of men who have 'j,oue, or are going to the front. Younij women can render the Country real service by preparing to take positions iu banks and business oltices. Special Courses of training in Bookkoepinn, Shorthiud and all other Commercial subjects now in progress. Students ad- mitted anytime. Illustrated catalogue tree. < ^ I ^ 'A I OWEN SOUND, ONT. j I] I C. A. FLEMING. Principal. j ^ '^ %r4 < Flesherton Carriage Works WHEN IN TOWN or when rc(iuiriug anything in the Blacksmithing Line do not fail to come to McTaviihe'i Old Reliable Shoa where tirst-class Workmanship is always juarau- j^^ teed by practical men. If jau have never dealt with us we would â-º 3 ask you to give us a call, aud we will be pleased to servo you the ^/\ best we know how. â€" Phoneâ€" No. 9 â€" >^ D. McTavish :-:-: Flesherton New Furniture kggj^^^^^rri'r^ri^ s^'^rr^ r ^ ' . i ^ rrrr ^ JUST PLACED :iN STOCK Latest and Most Up-to-date Ilis, Ijttois, Spiiijs, Qaiis, I HARDWARE AND OTHER NECESSITIES for Hous eturnishings W.H.BUNT Undertaker AND â- E mbalmer Picture Framing and Upholstering Office and Showroom: | Kichardson's Block (Over the Postdffice) _ ' FLESHERTON ^ rpHE ONLY MAN ||! H 1 WHO SHOULD ^ ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS |[ H THEMANWHO.HAS ^i g NOTHING TO OF- ^ g PER IN THE WAY g |S OF SERVICE- AND ^ g -SUCH A PERSON ^ ^ IS A DEAD ONE- Hi ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Glasses and Putty Locks and Hinges Nails and Bolts Salt and Cement Ranges and Heaters Crockery, etc. Highest prices paid for produce |F. W. DUNCAN Hardware Merchant Phone 30 r 2 FLESHERTON, - - ONT. WHETHER HE ^ School Children's Eyes. ; masse v HARRIS IMPLEMENTS Tlii,s famous mane of implomenta is well known all over the country and their own !?ood worlt is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If you require anything in the Uiie of Binders, Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp- ers. Plow.s, Sleighs, Waagona, Cream Separators, Harrows, Rollers, Cutting Bo.xes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline eo ijiiies, Sawing outfits, etc , give us a chapee lo'quote pricen. ^ KNOWS ^ ^ ^ ^ NOT. I Tâ€" OR i^ Elb>rt Hubbard ^ in the F'ra ^ Many lives have been ruinea through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be exarhined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. »»»K^»K»S4SS^^ ^- A- Armstrong. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Boar for Service Tho undernigued has a thorough brod Yorkshire Boat for service cu lot 11, con. ! 8. Osprey. Terin.s 81,00. i -FKED SPOFFARD. X