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Flesherton Advance, 28 Sep 1916, p. 4

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lij September 28 1916 THE FLESHEPrON ADVANCE I done by Harry Irwiu, the franiini bv Ct<«(>(ti%fl A*« <^ N»..»M /.^ Andy Dow of Proton, and die raising by -tlCCDCrlOn. aOOanCr^blocW.ndt.clcIe w J .apenutended by Vn imieprndent newKivaper, published every j Mr. H»a8, of K^remont, The work was rhor«l»y »t th*- office, Colhnfnjrood Street, ,.^jjjg„ ,[,h without 8 hitch by* l^Mherton. Subwnption price $1 iier annum » , mi ii -ii «rhen vMkid in advance ;»l..V)wl»-n not »<) paid good buuch of helpers a.ul Mr. Huw will Adver iMnirratenonapplieatiou. Circulation ' | ^ g atruclure when fully 1 100 wf^klv 1 ' EoiTOH '^""'P'^'*''- ^" '^'"' eveniiii; bagpipe . I music lillcd the air and later piccolo and â-  violiu drovi' awity .ill cure Hild every worry.â€" Herald. W. H. TMURaTOH, Co-operative Threshing ELECTRIC POWKK ITILI/.KD ON' FARMS AND COST M.ATEKI.AI.LY I UEDIXKD The benefits frt'iii modern methmls of utilizing waterpiiwcrn are not confined to cities and t.>wn.>i or industrial centres. A recent undertaking in h K'inMd.-> rural There are Conservati»es ati-Tesent who aro kicking, ntating thit they will not Vote for the party as Ions; us Hon. Mr. Hearst Ik premier. They object to his temperance policy. Ve want to say to them that their attitude toward their leader is not showing a proper spiric. They noel not expect anything but piohil)i:ii)n from a Libeial uover.iment. A "yarner" in last week's Weekly Sun, referring to Markdale's former name, sHys, "Cornabuss got its name through the excessive drinking done there " Tl e facts are, through the intluence of tl e late Donald McUufl', the postmaster, the name was changed from "Kist Gleiielg,' to Cornabuss, the latter being the nau.e of Mr.McDutTs father's farm In Scotland. â€" Mnrkdale Standard. Odds and Ends R H. W> HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. "^ aistrict lUuitraies the nunner in «hieh i Lit.uruis ^ro nit wanting to proiit at the expense of Hon. Mr. Hearst on the tem- perance policy. NVe believe it is the best thing for Ontario and should any Liberal goveriiiueut or member attempt to hedge on this nuestion they wouid tind a large section of the party would renounce their Liberal leauiugs for their tempeiance principles. Morally Mr. Hparst is right. if that is the case, then why throw him dowiifâ€" Kincardine Reporter. While William B. Tyron was cleaning a iiiiidcat at his borne in Tain worth last I week he happened to c.itch the tish by I the head and one if the pectoral fins 'pierced his tinger. A shirp pain was the progressive furmor may secure the ndvantjiges of hydro-eliciric service Nine farmers along the transmission tines of a hydro-eleciric plant formed a co-o|terafive Kleclric Thresluoi; Associa- tion, purchased e<|uipmeiit,and are doing their threshing with eleciri: power. The service is reported to lie very satisfactory ;tud the cost to the farmers Is about one- half of ih'it charj;ed for steam threshing, Respite the fact that tnc rate paid for electrical energj- is .")c per kilowatt-hour, or about double the charge that would be made in many localiiies in Citnada. The energy re<|uired is approxmiatoly a ijuar ARTICLES FOR SALE Young PIGS for sale, 7 weeks old. - II. (). Turner, Eugenia. Eleven young TIGS, tour weeks old, and two SOWS due to farrow Dec. 1, for sale.â€" Geo. Cairns, Markdale p.o. Ciood Working HORSE for sale, cash or trade in stock.â€" Martin Phillips,Rock Mills. ter of a kilowatt-hour per bushel, viryina f^^j^ j^^ j, the matter little consid- eration until the latter part of the week when the finger began to swell and the hand became very sore. He consulted with a physician, and he was taken to the [ Kingston General Hospital on Saturday, iSept. !». He received cirefiil treatment, I and every means was tikeii to prevent the poi.soning .spreading. It did not I avail anythint, liowever, and on Sunday he died. The deceased was born in the «<)uipaicnl for baling hiy.and for thresh- township if Iveunebec forty-eight yeirs iug for nei^libora who are near the conip- ' agii. He was a well known farmer in any's trsiismission lines. iTamwurtli and married. with the nature of the grain threshed. The power company, as well as '.he farm- er, benelita from this uudert.iking, deriv- ing a handsome revenue from entrey which might otherwise go unutilized. It IS txpected that the same electrical equipment will be used for tilling situs and will produce an eijual additional revenue from .hat .source. The farmers have also utilized the Good cook stove for sale. Apply to John Chapman, furniture store Flesherton. For Saleâ€" Good working team of choice colts risina 4 and .'i yr.<., also brood sow due to farrow Sept. 22 - D. White, Rock Mills, P.O. PIGS Ftr Sale â€" One sow and fourteen young pigs.-. Jos. Fenwick, Flesheiton. Nineteen little pigs, six weeks old, for sa'e. â€" C. Moore, Proton Station. For Sale--i;5-in. Maple Leaf Grain Chopper. Also Shafting and Pulleys. â€" .Apply to Marshall Kerton, Maxwell p.o. (iraliam Bros., Euyenia, for Hour and feed. Markdale and Meaford flour al- ways nil haml. For sale cheap and on terms. Lot 13. con. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good Lank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Fleshertim FALL MILLINERY Our Opening Display was very nmcli admired and we are well prepared to take good care of your orders. Novelties are coming in every few days and we shall be pleased to have you see them at any time. Pali Dress Goods and Silks '^ In spite of the existing war conditions which particu- larly atJect the Dress Goods trade, we have secured an elegant range for the new season at very reasonable prices. Come in and look them over. Look through our range of New Fall Coats, pleasure to show you. It will be a Stanfield's Underwear for Men and Women A full range of Sizes â€" and â€" A choice of several Qualities Ask to see our â€" All Wool Unshrinkable Ribbed Underwear â€" for Men at $1.00 per garment. Size :]B to 44. It's wonderful value. Dundalk > Henry Wrmht, of Wareham, missed | two heifers fruiu his bent in pasture on ' .Aug. 20. Diligent .-earch -ind ei-nuiry i was made but it was not till four weeks ] had elapsed that the animals were | discovered mired in a muck hole near •here the other cattle were. ( )iie heifer ' w»M dead and the other n> nearly gone that recovery is d.jubtful .\n a.saault caife which was to have been heard \>y M:i|tislrale 1 rsynor on Friday evening WIS set '.led out of court by the party pleading guilty and paying a tine off4 and costs. Tiie pirty, who annoyed the Chinese laundryiniii, acknowledged the corn and was assessed 82 and costs. Magistrtte Traynoi also imposed a tine of t.5.0) and cost* upi)ii a coup'e of young men, wh i raised a scr.ip in the village Saturday mght. John Haw, of the iHth (-'on., Proton, had a big barn raising on Fiiday. Tie Mze of the building is .JO by )MJ feet on tone basement. The stonework was \Miat iiii'.;lil have been a very serous accident nieurred last Thursday after- noon when an < iverland Car containing four or live men left the road at the C*th)lic Cemettfiy and after running [lartly upon a stone fence, stiuck a telephone p pie. I'pon examination it was f»und tint a pin in the steering gear had dropped out ci'ising the driver to control of the car. As, it is said, the car was travelling at a fust rate of speed the occupants were fortunate in escaping injury. The front axle of the car was liadly damaged.- Chatsworlh News. I Each year the shooting season records a long list of accidents due to earcless- I ne«s of hunters in the forest and in the I use of firearms. A gun going otl' acciden- tally and killing the owner, climbing fences with the gun loaded .and cocked, or shooting at a companion in mistake for an animal are stereotyped causes. With the knowledge of the danger of handling is surely Incumbent upon hun- ters to exercise every precaution and keep continually before them the motto "safety first." Legal Blanks For Saleâ€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. ^ Any reiiuiring such will lind it to their inter- est tu give him a call. MISCELLANEOLS If you are thinking of buying a Colum- bia Grafonola this fall for your enter- tainment during the long evenfngs let tis know about It now. These have tu be ordered considerably in advance, .is. owing to the immense demand prompt delivery of some models is impossible You can place your order now for Christmas time or sooner and iliu.« be sure of getting it when you want it - At The Advance oHice. Strayedâ€" Two O.\ford Down spring lambs Finder communicate with Alex Cameron, Eugenia. Property For Sale Part lot 15), con 2. N.E. T. & S. R containing 2t»."r acres, about 1 mile from Flesherton. there is a good frame house and stable and the prop fenced and watered. App A. Leflard, Flesherton or ty. od iranie uouse i jperty is well jply to .loseph ' on the proper- j \ Tiie Old Adage Paint LooKs AliKe "When It's New You can't tell much about the quality of paint by looking at it when it is freshly applied. Colors are easy to pro- duce, and the glisten of fresh oil gives even poor paint a temporary beauty. But looK at it a Faw Years Later! The cheap paint, that started out so bravely, has faded, cracked, and peeled. It is unsightly, and more im- portant still â€" has exposed the wood below to the destructive effect of sun, rain, wind and snow. The other, i4 BW W English" "Jtl PAINT is still a good-looking, weather-tight coating, that will give years more of reliable service. There is no mystery about the reason. It lies in the fact that B-H "English" Paint is perfectly proportioned to meet Canadian weather conditions. It contains 70"o of Brandram's B.B. Genuine White Lead, and 30' « of Pure White Zinc, ground to such marvellous fineness that it penetrates deep into the fibre of the wood. Being the betl, it's cheapeal in the e'lr). F.H. W. HICKLING, Flesherton, Ont. arc our L'-cil ajjcn's. :'> je Hicm for lu!i details. B RANPRAM -H ENDERS ON ^""•^^^•mi^^^^^K^ I I MM^HHH^^BMl LIMITED MONTREAL â-  MALITAX JOMN -TOHONTO- WINNIPEG Holstein Bull Fer Service .V th-r.iUihbrel ll'.lstein bull for service on ...t.H 1S:( 1H4 S. W. T. ft S.R.. Arteniesia; clos- ely related to th^ worl'I's champion 44-i)oim,l cow. Termv. #1 .".0 for grade*, «.">.00 for pure Ined'.. 1 .luly 17 â€" (!KO. MOORK * Son. Uu Young man to learn barbering, or improver, wanted at once.â€" T. Fishc, Flesherton. Piivate funds tu loan un real estate security at reasonable rate of interest. A|»ply to It, J. Sproule, Flesherton. sept 23 Highest price for butter and esg^ at (iraham Bros. Eugenia. June 2f> Columbia Grafonola.s at flu, $2(J, .-vnd 84."» in stock. Call in and see tlieni.â€" THE ADVANCE Olhce. The latest grafonola records for sale. Needles 25c per HtM). The Advance. STRAYED From lots 24-25 con. 2 S. D.R., Ospr, y, about August 2()th, 2 heifers, one 2 year old, red, and the other a 3 year old r ^d with a pig ring in the ear. Inforniatim aladly received. â€" Henry Wright, 11. K. No. 2, Proton Station, phone 4 on 41. A Reliable Agent WANTED In every good town and district in Ontario, where we are opt repre- sented. Territory reserved for the right man. Highest commissions paid. Attract- ive advertising rattlter. Splendid List of New Specialities For Season, I9I6-I9I7 lucltidiug the new everbearing RASPBERRY, -S'l. REGIS. Stone & Wellington The Fonthill NursericA. (Established 18:t7,) The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is equalh true of the 1900 Gravity Washer, Try one ami be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Full line ot McCorinick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Hakes, Loaders, Drills, Cultivators, Plows, Hiding and Walking Hairows Brantfcrd Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frcst Wire and Fence, Cutters and Sleidis. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. |! 11} Flesherton Tin Shop^ TORONTO ONTARIO il 'SB' Deering Implements ^j Columbia Grafonolas Records, Needles, Catalogues The Columbia ii lh« perfeot talking maohina. Compart all otheri, tb«n kear thii and wa art not afraid of tUe rarult. We oan aell machines on easy teriui to raiponaibla people. All the bet( appointed city home* have their parlor maohines and there is no reason why the farmer ihould not have the bait muaio of the day ii hia home, inelnding band mniio, vocal artitti, and performers on all kinds of instroraoula. Yea oan have it oa a Onlumbia Grafonola, aa perfect as the original, and for mach lest than you would pay for a Common Organ. They range Irom tl5 np. The Perfect Columbia Ii a marvel of recording initru- nienti and the Columbia rcora'ds, made in Canada, embrace thousaRds of selections from which to cUooss. W. H. Thurgton Agent Flesherton. AND Gasoline Engines All kinds of Oeerini; Impleiiients. Parta AlwuyH (>u hand. Agent for Barrie Cutters. Barber Buggies, Louden Litter Cbrrieia, Hay Tracks, Podlar ihingles and siding. Implements reriuire no lecumiuendation as they are standard eoods and recognized as the best on the market. FliriTTREES-I represent the Ston & Wellington nur.sery.andjwill be pleased to call if yuu send me a curd. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station P I i SSSSn-SS I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. t Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to, Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bi-os. Furnaces. I m m mun. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat f 1 05 to 1 15 I (ats 38 to 45 l>«;is 1 25 to 1 60 Barley 50 to 63 liiakwheat 05 to 70 Flour ?.'i 75 to f 4 25 Hay . 7 00 to 8 00 Butter ;!0to30 Egs;s, fresh 32 -o 32 Potatoes per bag 1 50 to 1 60 Oeeso 13 to i:i Ducks 14 to 14 Fowl U to 11 Chickens 13to 14 TutKeys 20to 28 Wool 33 to 3.S D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERON , .„ ONTARIO. Fleslr&epton #^ Tonsorial ^^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRYâ€" Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday evenin CLEANING and DYEING- We ar agents for Parker's Dye Works â€" Clothos cleaned and dved, feathers rejuvenat d T FISHER â- PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am opening up atonce, a blacksmibh- ing and woodworking buaiuess in Max- well, and am fnstalling up-to-date wood- working uiachineiy. It will be my en- deavor to servo the public in a satisfac- tory manner and I would solicit patron- aue. I want yourwork and will do it right. 7 April 17 CHESTER LONG \.^ '.^ ' / u:' ^ ♦ f t p 1 t

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