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Flesherton Advance, 28 Sep 1916, p. 1

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m-. â- Â» .J 4r gk&Uttt0n ^hmite. I \, ••TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB.' PBINCIFLEb MOT MEN.' m 36 No. 20 Fleahcrton, Ont., Tliursday, September 28 1916> W. fl TBDRSTON «.^r°«oPBiE Eugenia Paragraphs The Eugenia ladies are packing a box •f clothing for the lire sufferers in the north. Mr. Berry has moved his family down to the valley. L. Duckett, T. Giliiland, A, Smith and wife and Mra. R. Purvis attended the CoUinsjwood fair last weelc. . • . â- >^,^ Mi«8 Whiteweather of Toronto is visiting her cousin, ?Mrs. Ed. Graham. Mr«. Fogg of Winnipeg, in company with her daughter- in-law, Mrs. R. Fogg and daughter, Evelyn, are visiting her cousin, K. Park. Wrjid has been received by Miss Fh)r- ence Parliament that a lance corporal of the 19th Battalion in France lisd receiv- ed a pair uf socks with her name ajid address. This makes Florence feel as if she should knit more and other women likewise. A troupe of actors came to town and gave an entertainment every night last Teek. In a contest the most popular young lady proved to be Miss Leona Pedlar who received a haadaome set of silverware. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Turner on the arrival of a little R»d Cross uurse Sept. 22. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Miss Kate Janiieion on Wednesday, October 4, at 2.30. Visitors are welcome. Would like all members tu be present as this is a special meeting. In using 8ih line news I only did what the 8th line cor. has repeatedly done. R. Purvis is impending I he week in Tcrooto. Mist Addie Wilaon is spending a d.»ys with her mother at Kimberley. Miss Blair of Toronto, is visiting friend. Miss Mary Hopper. Lance Corp. Eru. Moryan spent week cod at his home here. W»are sorry to report Mr. T. Fenwick had the misfortune to step on a rutty nail one day last week, leaving him a very sore foot. Mrs. Gallaway of Banks, spent the past week with her cousins, Robt. Mc- Master anil wife. Mrs. E. White of Prince Edward Island is visiting her sitter, Mrs. Jake Willidins. Mrs. Oibson of Cataract is visiting her sister, Mrs. Will Uoidou. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gordon had their children baptized last week by their pastor. Rev. Mc Vicar. .Mrs. Dan McMullen has returned home after visiting friends in Toronto. few her the E. Vandeleur Happenings Thresbiug and corn cutting are the order of the day. Mrs. T.A.Dunlap is away on an exten- ded visit with friends near Brampton. Geo. Warling and wife vpent a d'ly recently with F. T.Hill and wife at their bungalow at Bells Lske. Mrs. Ben Buchanan of Toronto, .'ipent the past two weeks at Win. Buchanan's. Wm. Alcox returned last week after a two weeks' visit with fiieuds at Bolton and other points. Mr. Robins and wife of Wyler, Wye- biidue, together with Mrs. Malcomb and Miss Malcomb of Klinvale, and Miss Graham of Toronto, raotorud over from Elmvale last week and spent a few days with George Wright and wife. Delbert Alcox left this week for Calea- on, where he has taken a position for the fall. R. Genoe and family motored over to Cainp Borden the tirst of the week. Frank Pavis, Miss Julia Davis, Miss M. Plewes and Geo. Buchanan also spent a day at Camp Borden recently. from f.r Ceylon Chat Mrs. Holmes and daughter, Jean, of Owen Sound, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Chislett. Mrs. J. Lyuess sj^ent last week with her brother at Brampton. Miss Fergu-iiin baa returned short visit with Toronto friends. Mr. Fred Chislett left Thursday month's trip to Winnipeg. Miss Baxter of Detroit is vi.sitiiig her brother here. Mr. Cummins and wife iiavu retunud from a two weeks' visit with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Toronto aie spending their honeymoon nitli Mr. .S. Hemphill and family. A. Kennedy motored S. Rand, George Siiell, W. McMullen and Miss Smyth to Csinp Borden on Sunday. Kev. Mr. Rolph, Torontn. who has filled Rev. Mr. McDonald's appoiut- menc here the past two Sabbailin, gave very impressive sermons Pithy Proton Pointers Mr. Bales and wife visited recently with friende at Corbelten. Anniversary services will be preached in Knox Presbyterian church next Sunday, October I. The pastor, Rev. Mr. McVicar, will have charge of the serviceat lO.liO and Rev. Mr MatliHWson of Priceville at 2 30 and 7 p.m. Special music will be rendered by the choir. Rev. Mr. Madden visited one d:iy last week at T. WyviUe's On Wednesday last the marriage of Mi:s Edna Morrow to Mr. .\, Wellar was solemnized in Trinity church hero. Mrs. -V. Savigney, accompanied by her granddaughter, Miss Betty Savigney of < )wen Sound, was the nuest of her niece, Mrs. Robert .\cneson. At the Young People's Guild last Tuesday evening Mr. Donald Mc^'ic«r of Flesherton gave a very interesting address on " Christianity compared with other religions." Miss Edna Acheson sang The Holy City in connection with the topic. Miss Blair of Toronto was the yuest of Miss Myrtle Wyvilie. Victoria Corners Singhampton Wellarâ€" Morrow 20, the daughter At2.;{0, Wednesday, Sept. marriage of Mabel Edua, only of Mr. Jas. Morrow, Wareham, to Clar- ence Raymond, only son of the late Mr. Roht. and Mrs. Wellar, Maxwell. W88 solemnized at Trinity chui eh. Proton Station, by Rev. Win. G. Blackwell of Dundalk. The br^de, wlio wai unatten- ded, was given away by her father. She wore a green tailored suit with bluck vel- vet hat. The wedding music- was played by Miss Kthel Ludlow, cousin of the bride. After a dainty luncheon, served at the home of Mrs. George Blakely, tlie young couple took the evening ttain for a short trip to Kleinburg !ind Toronto. When they return they will reside on the grooms farm, Maxwell. Mc- very A Close Call The Owen Sound Times says : Vesler- day afternoon at the C. P. R. station Corp. McKenzie, ime of the soldiers of the 147ih Grey Battalion, returning to Camp Borden had an exceediualy close call. The train was moving out wlien he reached the platform. In addition to his kit bag he had a parcel and a basket. He threw his kit bag to the train plat- form and was in the act of placing the iMaket there when he missed his footing and fell. For an instant it looked as though he would roll under the moving wheels but his feet struck tha side of the oar and he was turned over out of danger. Corp. McKenz e wired to Chatsworth to have Soldiers on board take charge of his kit bag and he went out this morning. He resides near the station and gave bimself scai-cely enough time to get aboard. He had an exceedingly olo^e «»)1.â€" Times M r. John Taylor of Maple Valley , passed away on VVudneeday, Sept. 1:5. His death followed a stroke of [liiralyNis on Tiie.sday. Mr. Taylor was one of the pioneers of Nottawasaga ton uship.haviiig come to it 50 years ago. Two yrs. after he m ived to Maple Valley, where he resided, loved and respected by all who knew him, till his death. Mr. John Uolden and Mr. John Donald, both of whom havrt been ill, are improving. Vuite a luimbet of I.idies attended the regular monthly lueotiug of the Women's lustitute on Thursday, .September 14, at the home of the honorary president, Mrs. Win. T 'a)pkin,s, on the Teu:h Ijiue. Mr. G.Scribcr of Creemore, who.accompanied by Mrs. Scriber, was visiting friends in Singhainpton.vcry kindly took a number of the ladies to the meeting in his auto. Til! vice-president, Mrs. Geo. Bristow, had charge, and after adopting the min- utes ol the previous meeting and discus- sing the best method of HsaistioK our friends in the fire district in Northern Ontario, for wliich purpose this society has been holding work meetings each week, making iiuilts and other supplies, it was decided to hive two afternoons this week devoted to finishing up what sewing was on hand and to pack and ship a box. A .splendid paper on cheese- making was given by Mrs. Biistow and was very interesting and instructive. The roll call was answered by conundrums, one lady asking, "Wh it are we goirg to fill our genis with this year f" This star- ted ijuiteu discussion and was not altoge- ther settled, though it was the concluding number on the piugram . After .singing, "Work for the Night is Coming," and repeating the closing prayer, the hostea^ served a dainty luncheon which wa.s en- joyed by all. The next monthly meeting of this energetic society will be held on October 12 st the home of Mrs. Wm. Taylor, •Singhaiupton, when a couple of interesting papers are expected, one by Mrs. N. MoKinnon on, "What are we Worth?" Mr*. •}. Lamb will sing, A cordial invitation tu bo present Is exten> ded to all. â€" Bulletin. Don't forget Inistioge anniversary for < )ct. 15 »nd It). Further announcements. Newtoii Bannon met with an accident last week. He was milking one morning when the cows becoming excited knocked him over, one of them kicking him in the face, badly shattering the upper cheek bones. Dr. Martin was soon in attendance. He was taken by noon fidin to < )wen Sound hospital where by an operation the bones were sut and it is ihougt iliBie will be no disliguring marks. Chas. Moore has been laid up for the past week with an attack of acute rheum- atisiii. Mr. Geoige Moore has l)cen under the Dr s cai'H for inH imation of the muscles of the face. Georifc Ludlow is looking ahead to winter and is layinu in a supiily of wood. Kimberley Budg^et Mis. May and daughter of .\ctoii, aie visiting at present with the former's sis- ter, .Mrs. .Alex. Fawcett. J. E. McMullen of Ceylon, was a caller in our burg on Monday last. The pastor, Rtv. Lane, occupied the pulpit 111 the Methodist church on Sun. day afcernoon last, it being Rally Day. \V. S. Bishop ai.d wife i.tteiided the fair at Clarksburg one day last week and report the exhibits nearly u|) to former years. R.J.Stuart of Thorubury was a pleas- ant caller in our burg one Jay recently. The board sidewalk on the .south end of Mam Street is in a deplorable condi- tion. Wu will have to .see the towii.shi]) fathers and get a little money to repair same. Mr. Herb.Ragetl Hud wife of Dundalk, visited during the past week at George Hutchinson's. Robt. Lawrence captured three young raccoons recently. Mies Wilda Stuart of Chatsworth, vis- ited last Week ivilh her grandparents, Jas. Stuart and wile, in our village. Win. Flood, wife and family, visited friends near Port Elgin a few days last week. Constable Cook of Ceylon, made a business trip to our burg on Saturdrty last. Will. McCluiig of the Valley Road, j north, Itrought us a stalk of corn one day ,' recently which measured neaily 11 feet. Wm.has a tine field of it and uiiderataniis the growing of ihe crop from a to /.. Tu produce corn such a heiglir this diy suiniiier is going some. Bates Burial Co J e w e I r J. W. Bates, President. R. Maddock, .Manager. Kum-iai Bi ect us ami 124 Avenue Road.Toronto Telephone Hiilcrest 268 Motor KiiMeral('arB;mdLiui(.iisin»s to Ctiiietery ;it same oost* as Hon<e- drawn .ehicles. 1 .mg OR. BURT Apclallit In illacate* ol ihe Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat • )FK1CE-1;M) loth .St, We8t,0wen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. m Dundalk,ls Wednesday <if eachmonth.. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai-' ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, . ONT ^ ^€€s ^ t-% 7 "€ 5 -^ :S^iV"i i% iV'ii^'«i£«; ^"- £if' o«. ^«. .if*. M. vM«. jst. J)f. ^ :A'i.M^ ^ (ft IP W -w '/«^ '/,«• -/,f '/!«. -/.^ .-/,{. 7„s. r,ivr^;»<: 7^^ 5/iF v/,«::^^ ^f ^f ^/!? '/R^'/iP '/j^ '/i?^ W visited Collingwood Fevers ham Items i.,!uite a number from here attended Clarksburg and Collingwood exhibitions U«t week. Messrs, Elmer Sample, Henry Peltch, Wilfred Barber, and Clarence <tle.\ander who have been working in Port McNicoll returned home last week. Mrs. Tom LittI friends lately. We are very sorry to report that Pte. Charlie Brackenbury has been wounded. Wu Welcome -Mr. and Mrs. Neil to our village. Don't miss Foveisliaiii exhibition next Wdek, t)cl. 't and 4. Mr. Will Devins and son, Clittbrd, of Thorulniry, also .Miss Bromcr and little sister, Dorothy, of Toronto, were callers at iVlr. H. Alexanders on Monday. Mrs. John Paul is visiting her son, Dr. Ed. Paul of Toronto. ({Mrs. Fred Browiilee,Mr.s. Saij(>lui,Mri. Chnrlie Hudsion and dau«litur, Freiua, niolorod from Collingwood and spent Sunday with their brother, Mr. George Julian. The "Jolly Pathfinders' are in Fever- sham this week, Little Helena and Mary Long of Ma.xwell visited a fe>v days with their graii'Jiiiotlier, Mrs. ( Wliitcoak. A Slid ciuso caiiie tu li«lit last week when Chatham authorities found a color- ed girl '.'f 'M who has bceu kept a virtual prisoner in the home of her father in Chatham township for the past six years, .'she crawls on her hands and knees like an animal, and when p'aced on her feet endeavored t,o crawl up Ihe wall. She cannot talk, and is believed to be nijnt- ally unbalanced, .'^leven yenra ago, when her mother died, she was noimal, accord- ing to neighbors. Thp father owns a large farnt and has money in the bank, but refuses to either clothe the gill or send her to an iustilulion, so the outhor- ities are acting in the matter. When we say that one half of the world knows not how the other half lives, it is not alone the htHthen nations tu which wu reftir.â€" Ex. Fityone motorists paid $10 fine and 92.05 costR each for speeding on the Tolon to- Hamilton highway. Walkerton Henry Spitzig, of near Chepstow, is ihe owner of a three weeKs old pig with 111 legs It is a freak that should grow tender pork if theie is anything in the practise of the Walkerton branch of the Depl. of .Agriculture who used to pen chickens and feed them strong so they woulj stand still and i;row tender meat, instead of gadding about putting on muscle. Having recently installed an electric marble and granite cutler, which makes a continuous ticking sound while in opera â-  tion, F.Lippert A" Sim, a local monumeiit firm, have l)een notified by Robertson A McNab, liwyers. hero, lint the iioi^iu is uislieseiiig to their client, Mr. J. .1. Schumacher, who lives opposite the marble works, and ihreateiiing the gran- ite men with action, unless discontlnuLd at that particular spot forthwith, on the grounds that the noise ia a nu>.saiice. A.s the Lipperl.s are )(reparing, we u:ider- staiid, to light the matter in the courts, h law suit of some dimeiisims appeals to be in the olHiig. While preparing for chui-di on Sunday morning last, <-'hief Ferguson was liuiied aside from the devotional path and put on the trail of an earthly sin by a 'phone message from the vicinity of Toeswiiiir. Stalin.; that Walter Howe, a farmer of that section, had been the victim if a bold robbery coinniitted after iiiiduiglit on Saturday last, when thieves entLre<l his barn anU decamped with his horse, buggy and harnens. .\ neighboring far- mer on arising .Sunday found lliil his place hail also been visited during the night aiitl that his buggy had been » heel- ed out of the burn, but owing to the ina- bility of the thieves V) cat;h his horse, which was in the field, he missed being a victim of the laid. Suspicion points to two Indians, who set out in that direction from To.swater about inidnight Siturdiiy with a Hisk of whiskey in their pjcket to h'.»of it over the coun'ry. Herald aid Times. w # m m ^ ^ Get Your Peaches Pears Plums w. Grapes AT BUSKIN § FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WEAR BOOTS We have them in Mens Box Calf, Kid and Patent.-. some good lines in Plough Boots. LADIES' WEAR We liave them in Button with (.loth and Leather Tops. I'atenl Vamps. Light and heavy boys and girls huots, suitalde for the season. Trunks, Telescopes, Suitcases. Agent for the Dominion Express Co. money orders. Thos. Clayton*s FLESHERTON Mr. BenI Petch, who was .seveiely injured a fortnight ago, in an encounter with an infuriated Jersey bull, was removed toGuelpli hospit'il on Saturday. On an examination with X-ray°, Ihe doctor found that Mr.Pdtchhad .sustained three Iractures of the pelvic bones. Treatment for this injury was rendered dittic.iU by the fact that the fleshy part of the thigh had been l>adly lacerated and it will be necessary tu heal the laceration a'.id reduce the swelling and intlaininition b fore a cast can be applieil, so that the sutures may knit. The greatest praise is being bestowed upon Mr. Frank Petch through whose her.)ic ouuduot the furious animal was kept at bay un it help arrived, otherwise Mr. Pelch's life must have b.-en forfeited.â€" t.)f8ngeville Sun John Chapman Furniture and Undertaking Successor to :-: W. H. Bunt Calls answered day or night. Day phone 17 R2. Night phone i7 3. The old stand opposite the Town Hall

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