September 14 1916 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS Walkerton -*i -- â€" I Sauuy Caiueron, from Tiverton, who Societies â- *• ""e ''»'« *»» *n expert carpenter and PBINCB ARTHUR LODOK, No. MS.A.F* »"« "f 'he »)est tradeimen in Uruce, bot «^ A M, ui»«ti in the UmodIo likll. Arm whose fondness for the Huwinu bowl i« troai;'* Block KluhcrtoQ, eTery Friday on ... . , < i^. or baforc tb« fall mooo. T. Henry, W. M. ia8cril>ea HH the faihng that landed nuu r.H.W. Hlckling. 8«cr.l«ry. ^ on a free cot in the county shelter, died """" " ~ " 'in the Houie of Refuse on Saturday CBOSBN FRIKNDB-Flaaharton Oonnoll of' , . . •„. , â- . Choa«nrrien<l.«ieetilnClayton«ballfltit)n'""""g 'ast and w»H interred in a and tbiril Wediiei<l»y o(e»b montb 8 p. m. n...ui,Br'« tiln» in lh« i<»nii>t«rii hprp Fay »i»MiiiueniB to tbe Heoorder on or before ^ ptuper « plot in ine cemetery Here. Gordon A. BoDter, the Melauclhou I coal mine promoter, who was to have roUKTFLEbHKRTON, 9»5, I. 0. F. meetiin •I'l"^'"*'* before Judge Klein here on .."ii^rmonir" vrx''F'^rrurib":?t'i'i?.'^"'''*^'y'«'^« â- "'""•' t° thedmrgo of jeloomo'C.K.O. Bellamy J R. 8., O, Cairti ;' uamn fraudulent methods to induce Mr. Flo, b«c. W. Rnekio. * Pleaa* pay due* to Fin. Sco. twfore tbe Brat land Mra. Ld. (.itbHon tu purchaie coal <i>v of tbe looutb. t£e firtt 4ayof each montb. CUief CooncUloi , Blak«ley;RM)order W H. Bout Dentistry Ur. B C MURRAY L. O. B., denUl anrgeoQ bODorKiulnat* of Torooio UoiTeriity and ikSya) College of Dental SurgeoDB of Ontario, Gae aduiiiniitered for teeth extraction oOcc at reiidence^ Toronto Stra«t. Fleaberton mine Ktock, was conHpicuuus by his al>- sence when called upon at the cour> here on Tuesday. When the charge was laid last March, Bonter asked for six months' (line ill which to raite the cash and make re.stitution to the Gibaons, who elaiiued I to have Ijeen victimized by him out of ( 92U<l, and the prisoner also seemed solici- ! tious about the claims of aome other of I his unfortunate patrons here and held Medical I P CTTBWELL f....,.., ^','V'n'7 Bnrgeon ^ „ I out a sort of hope that when he returned aradcate of Ontario \eteriDary College I '^ ratiideoce â€" eecond door aoatb «eet;oo ' in six months he would bring them cheer kary etreet. Tbia atreet runa ontb I , r ^ t^i n i i Presbyterian Cbnrcb. and omfort. I hey were iiU on liana _.^ Tuesday looking for the promoter with the tiixiety of children witching for Santa ClaU!<. But dreams of Hunter and his L^'ii"*,?;i,„^;\^;]?I, i .•?,?Jl»*i>?-'"lt'*?- 1 satchel ot cash evaporated. for the present Legal Kaney, liolicitora.eK. â€" I. K. Lucas, K. C. ; W. E, '• ^iJ'n Vn^^'-j ^- l'*"?' •• !i- *â- «<?<=«'. at least, when Lawyer Klein on behalf of forODto. M6-0 Tiadcre Hank Bld^., phono; _ ' . , ., ,.â- .•.• BQaiu U12: Markdale Lucaa Hlock, p'tioue 2 A. ' the accu.sed iifiprised the court that 'his Urancb office at Duudalk open every Baturday, 117 RIGHT, TKI.FORn & *• BarrUter, Kolic McDonald (laicea. Grey client had got as far a.s Toronto on his way here, but had been suddenly recalled to New York on bii.siness, and couldn't, * Bruce Hlock. Owfu Sound. Standard Bank i,,, n w,.,.e, make I lie trade new. Mr. Block. Fleibertou. (SaturdavB). W. H. Wright, ., , , W. P. Telford Jr. J. c. McDonaH. L. u U. Klein slated that Honler wanted another extension of three months' time and ask- ed that the trial be adjourned to that date, but the court proceeded to estreat honter's bail of I^KKK), which means that his tinancial ditliculties will be probably further increased by making him liable for that sum. His coal mine victims are no doult waiting for the next coming of Business Cards A" CL'LLOUGH & YOUNG Bankers Markdale (federal baukloK bualueaa. Money loaned at reaaooable ratea Call on us. DMcPHAIL, LieeDitd Auetionee tor the * County of Grey. Teinia moderate an" Katia action cueranteed. 1 be arrangement*]., . - , ,, f , , kudd»te«c(f»le»ianLpi]ia.ieatThEADVAnce' Bontei wiih the eagerness of churchmen toSMctlon"''*""''""' ''•""â- ''''"â- '^Jlcl'To? *»'•'"« f'Tthe loillenium. WIf. EAITTINH, icenaed Aactioneer foi the couotiee of lirey and Kimcoe. Farm and Ktock ealea a Hpecialty. Terms moderate, aatittfaction guarant40d. Arran^e- u.ente for date* uiay be made at the Advance ufBf:e, or Ceutral telephone oO.ce teveraham or by addresaing we at Keverebain, Ont, Herald and Times. Seed, Grain and Potatoes R, J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. kttni (or the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implement* Wagons, Buggies, Culters, Sleighs, an<l Gasoline KiiDinos, Melolte Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, I'iping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. I'eaily Bros', of KergUN, Hiirn Tracks, Litter Carriers and Ntable liMings. Cockshutt and Frost ii Wood Repairs always rm hand Fftvcrsbania Ontario Bull for Service Pure bred shnrlhorn bull, Kmperor - Kt)fi:J7 â€" for seivice oil lot 2!t, S. S. K.. Artemesis. Terms tl''" for grades. Pure bred o.wH f:{.(IO. Pure bred Tamsworlh Uoit for service un the above lot. Terms 91..'i<l f >r ;ill aniiiinls. Served -nusl be paid for. 6HepI0 â€" W. .1. Mfiids For Service For service oil I )l 1'.', i;o!i. '•», I ti|irey, one purebnd Slmriln'rci Hull. Ternis l.."i(). Also inn pure bred Yorkshire Boar, Teiiin SI "I'l- .All iiccounts iiiiut be paid to KKKO TVLKIl, Manayer. _ -I t^ep Tamworths For Sale 1 have s.iUie extra gool youn^ stock at preaeiil both s<x. also one young sow, bred to fiitrow ill Si'pt. Wrilo or phone <;eo. W. U.H^ .Maxwell I'. <>. By instructions of the Hon. Minister of Agriculture a distribution of superior sorts of grain %nd potatoes will be made during the coming winter and spring to C in:idian farmers. The samples for gen- eral distribution will consist of spring whe:t* (about ,'• pounds), white oat (about i pounds), barley (ab<iut ,'> pounds), .'ind held peas (about 5 pounds). These will be sent out from Ottiwa . .\ dislrib' ution III piital ics ill samples of alHiiit ,1 pounds will be otriiid on fro,ii several of the experimental farnii; the central farm at Ottawa auiplyiiig only the pro- vinces of Ontario and *.Juubec. All eam- pies will be sent free \>y mail. ( )iily one sample of grkin and one of potatuts can be sent to each farm. \s the 'supply of Hcud IS limited, farmers ale ad- viaed to apply early. lU'<|Ues:b received after the end of Uecuinber will probably be too late. Anyone desiring a sample should write (post free) to the Dominion (', Kxperiiiienlal Faun, Ottiiwt, fur an appllcalioli blank. Fall Fair Dates Till' following is a list of the dates of Kail Fans in tins vicinity. Cut lliis list { oill nllil and paale it in your li.ll, if }IHI I are inteiuling lo visit any of tbciii ; j Cliatawi.ilh Sept. i;H A 'J!l pniiniMiwiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiinninHwiiiiiiiii^ I WAR LOAN I DOMINION OF CANADA 1 Issue of $100,000,000 5% Bonds* Maturing 1st October, 1931. S PAYABLE AT PAR AT 5 OTTAWA, HALIFAX, ST. JOHN, CHARLOTTETOWN, MONTREAL, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, s REGINA, CALGARY, VICTORIA. M INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY, 1st APRIL, 1st OCTOBER, B PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. r - - ISSUE PRICE 97 w A FULL HALF-YEAR'S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON 1st APRIL, 1917. THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. S The Minister ok Fina.vce ufTiTs herewith, on behalf of SS the (lovemmeiit, the above named Bonds for .subseriptioji S at 97^, [)ayablc as fdUow.-;: â€" S 10 pec ('(-lit on a|<pIication; = aO " " 10th October, 1916; S 30 " " 1.5th November, 1916; S 27J " " l.ith December, 1916. as The total allotment of lioiul.s of tlii.x is.'jue will be limited S to one luindred iiiiilioii ihillars exclusive of the amount â€"-: (if any) paid for liy the surrender of bonds as tlie ecpiiva- " lent (if cash under I he terms of the War Loan prospectus as of "2211(1 Noveinher, 191.5. S The iiistaltiients may be paid in full on (he 10th day S of October, 1916, or on any instalment due date thereafter, as under discount at the rate of four per cent per aiinuni. sa .\11 payiiKMits are to be made to a chartered hank for the â- ~ credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any ~ iiistaliiient when due will render pieviotis payments liable ss to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. S Subscriptions, aceompanied \>y a deposit of ten per cent as of the aiiioutit subscribed, mtist be forwarded through as the mediuin of a chartered bank. .\ny branch in Canada S of any chartered bank will receive siihscriptions and issue as provisional receipts. S Ihis loan is authorized under .\ct of the Parliament of S Canada, and liotli principal and interest will be a charge sa upon the Consolidated i{evenuo Fund. = Forms of a])plication may be obtained from any branch = in Canada of any chartered bank and at the ottice of any S .\ssi>itaiit Heceiver (ieneral in Canada. S Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. S In case of partial allotments the surplus deposit will be s applied towards payment of the amount due on the October S instalment. S .'>crii) certificates, non-negotiable or payable to liearer in as Hceordance with the choice of the applicant for registered S or iK'arer bonds, will be issued, after allotment, in exchange as f(ir the provisional receipts. S When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and ^ payment endorsed thereon by the bank reccivinR the S money, they may he exchanged for bonds, when prepared. S with coupons attached, payable to bearer , or registereil as to principal, or for fully registered bonds, when prepared, without coupons, in accordance with the application. Delivery of .scrip certificates and of bonds will be made through the chartered bank.s. The issue will be exempt from taxes â€" including any income tax â€" imposed in pursuan<'e of legislation enacted by the Parliament of C^anada. The bontls with coupons will be issued in denominations of $100. f.'>00. $1,000. Fully registered bonds without coupons will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $o,UO<J or any authorized multiple of $.5,000. The l)oiids will he paid at maturity at par at the office of the Minister of Finance and Heceiver (ieneral at Ottawa, or at the oftice of the Assistant Receiver (Ieneral at Halifax, St. .John, Charlottctown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Hegina. Calgary, or Victoria. The interest on the fully registered bond.s will bo paid by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons. Both cheques and coupons will be payable free of exchange at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. Subject to the payment of tweiity-tive cents for each new bond is:sue(l, holders of fully registered bonds without fovipous will have the right to convert into Ininds of the denomination of $1,0{X) with coupons, and holders of bonds with cou|K)ns will have the right to convert into fully registered bonds of authorized denominations without (â- ou|)oii8 at any time on application to the Minister of l''inancc. The books of the loan will be kept at the Department of Finance, Ottawa. .Application will lie made in due course for tbe listing of 'he issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Kxehanges Recognized bond and stock brokers will be allowed a commission of one-quarter of one |M'r cent on allotment:! made in respect of applications liearing their stamp, providcil, however, that no commission will be allowed in respect of the amount of any allotment paid for by the surreiuier of bonds issiietl under the War Loan prospectus" of "2211(1 November, lOL^. No coiiiiui.ssion will be alloweti in rcsfx'ct of applications on forms which have not been printed by tbe King's Printer. â- ^»i \. -V Subscription Lists will close on or before 23rd September, 1916. l)KP,'MtTMKNT OK Fi\.\N('K, OirAWA, September 12th, 1916. Bad Motor Accident (.'luHli-y ('!<ii ksliuig ( \>llilii;ivii(iil . , . Uiliidiilk Dm liitiii Kmi'ihlmii KI.KSllliKHiN. ll.llKIVll . .Sipl. Ill A -.'0 , .S.-pi. lll.^u'O .Sept. "-'t' i;;i .Oct r.' A i:i ...Si-i.t. '.'H,t list j I »i;t . ;! ,V: 4 I . .,.So|it. 'JK .V '.".1 I , .Sopt. 14 it 1,1 H..Wt.-in Si-pt. 2H .(^T |Al,.il.a.i:o (),;l. IDA II iMisilui.l .Sopt. !.'!' iV: 2!t Ofrtimovillt Sept l!l\ "JO I Owi'tl Siniiiil Stipl . I '.'14 I NEW SUITINGS | Now iSiiiting.s just lo handâ€" .soiiu^ (it t,luMi(ililiif!.sr wt'iwfss 1(1 lie found any- wlu'ic. Lcavti yoni" (inb'i" now for that lU'W suit, Yiiii will nt^vi'i' rcf^i'et it. Sal isratliiiii giiaraiiltHMl. Diiii't forj^Mit that \\v do clcaiiiiijj:, jircssiiij^f ami rtif^aiiini,'. Our pi'iccs arc riglit and onr woiknianship i.s tlio vcrv host. f J * * ^ I S. J. BOWLER •i> Sole Agent for the.Hobberlin Tailoring. 'I'liu Ml. Kuiosi Ciiiifoilera'o sayi : A very seridiis iiuto iicviJoiit '.uuk place iibdut six ip'clicU Suiuliiy iiioriiiiij' iiiuf Ml-. Tims. I'aiitliin'.s i;ilo abmt a half a mile lliis nido of KeiiiUorih. Mr. Joliii INIc l><iii»ld, K^rtinioiit and Authur t iwii- lino slHitfU friiiii Itufialu tui Satmday niiilil (111 H vi.sil t.i liis father, who was sfvtTi'ly iiijmeU several wci-kn ag.i liy a fall. III! was acci'iiiiMiiicd liy Mr. and Mrs Kii..h mill Mi,s8 Aimio lliUtatI, a frifiiil i.f .Vl's, Kiiali, Mr. Knah boiii chaiiU'iMu-, Tlioy iiiutured nil iii^jlit, in tLMuliii)^ 111 reach their do^tiiiitioii by 7 ii'eluck. .At lliii time 111 llio iiiisliip Air. Me D.inald \v.i8diiviiijr mill appoat.s to hiivo been (;<'i"K i*' a prolty fast late duwii the lull at tliit* place, wliiuli liad been liiaeulaiiii/eil by llie euiiiity rn iiliiKikei.s, wlioii tlio liii; 4>H hoisepuwer car .iiiiKloiily .sworvod niul luviicd twieo liver, islii|,piii(5 riylit Hide up Hi;li iho IiimI vtliuels ill tht. i>ofl iiiu^t uf the tliteli. I'lic njeiiptihls of llio ear were in u pitalile pliglil. Mr. Tlind. t.'nulluii heard CI its and tendered what Ha.sislaiice ha ciiuld, but il «i.s nut until the iiieiiiberH of tlio Sacred Heart Chiu'cli, ulm were at early mass, wero ritmiiiiig li.Miie\viird.«, tlial much cuiild be done in tiie way uf Mocutin:; help. '1 ho sufferer* Hero niado as etiiiifiutablu a.s poxtillilo and doetoiB and roltttive« were F«nt for. Mr. Me Dun- a d was iiwHt sarioualy injnrod. Hh hip Ixii.o wa.s liiiikiMi friim tlio spino and ho was iiLlierwiMo badly siiiaslied iiUonially and e.Menially. llo wa.s ronmved lo Mr. .loliii I'avk'N ru.sidoMce, where lie Ktill lien. There w«8 at tiisl but Hligbt hope of Ids recoveiy.biit his prospcc'N Imvo gieatly iiiipriivid. Mr.». Knab was very S'jveiely iiijiiiod in tho li.iek and itlioiwiso. Miss (iilslaff had two loeth knuckod out and hor f.ieo WM badly cut anvl iiho wa- utherwi.sti liiuiaed. IbiUi l.idieM wore taken t„ tho Stralhcoiia Hospital, Imt Mi,.^ (tilstaff was able In go homo on Tuend .y Hccmnpanied by Mr. Kiiab who was sha- ken up, but was able to tnko tim car back to Uuffahion Sunday evening. On Monday Mis McDonald and Sbssrs. Kd. and Fred. McDonald, uncle and brother of 'lie injured nun, c line fioai Buffalo. The wind shield and s-^.iiia if the uiiper pani of the niachiiie were bto- ken. Some Walker ,\ hundred to fifty wa8 the bet made by Mr. V. 0, Mu.xli.w, drustnist, of Ab'aford, that he could walk to Owen SiMiiid and return in fourteen houm a'ld yesterday he accomplished the feut with three honrs and forty-tive iniiuites to the jjood , The bet w.ts with a Mr. U. It iiidall, fellow citizen of llio lake side town, and Mr, Mnxlow led the I'sul tlouse at T.tio yesterday moinin^ and arrived at the I'aterson House here a[ l'.'.4il. After lunch he loft on thoieluro ' tramp at 1,1.") and reached Meaford at ('1,06, thus inakii\L! tho tirst half of the I trip in fiuir lumrj and tliKty-livo minutes, j and the s^econd in live lunus and forty iiiiiuiteR, the total liein^; just under twelve hours. Mr. U kud'ill, who follow- ed in an auto, was aecotiipanied by Messrs. 1{. I'atlerson, K. C. Stephens. The «alk was tbe occusion of cousiiler- able ioterekt, not only in Meaford, but alonjj Ibe route bel,veeii tho two towirs. rrnclically nohiiij;, however, was hiaidcfiliu Hweii Sound only a few beilii; awaio uf Iho siuiit beiiii; pulled I'll'. Dr. Diumnioi'.d, the staku-holdor, liandul liver the fifty "boues" to Mr. Muxlow, Mt, For s' autoinobilo owners have oix'aniised a motor club in >.tli!i«tion with the (bdario Mortor L asiio. The oryin- izat on slatted otl with a ineiiiborship of twenty. 'I'he ihroeyear-old diuinhter of \V. .V. Donaldson, of Moiin, fell ei^hteon feet from the 'HOW to the barn floor and es- caped .v:lh severely sprained wrists and a cut over one lye. ANADIAN PACIFIO SPECIAL FARES SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE WESTERN FAIR-â€" LONDON From Flcsherton K,-\K'i; iinil (.>N K -TH ll\M> OlUH) GOING -Sept. ti, to Supl l:!. inclusive. liKTl KN L I. \HT- September I'.i. SrS I X C 11. K F A I< K fiOODt^OlNUâ€" Seut.8, to Sept. i:., inclusive. n KTr U N LI M IT- Fi ve d »y.s from dateiif sale.but in no cage to excei^ .SepteinU'r l."i, lillll. SPECIAL EXCURSION FARE $2.60 (.iOOl) liOlNG â€" .\ll tiains Sept, IM. and niorniiiss tiaiiis September 14. UKTIKN Ll.\tlT-S.pteiiiber l.'i, llUC si'Kc^iAi. rt^.xi.v aici<v-icK ispec al Service between Chjitham and L'mdon, September 12.1;t, and 14, l!'U>. i^peciiil Service betwoe.i 0,«lt and Loudon, September lo and 14, liUli. lor n'i;iiliii train serviii' iwe current folders Kxtra et|uipiuvnt on all ref(ular tminii. Kill! ii^utUiilars fnnii any raiuuliau f'acitic Ticket .Xirent Win Webb, H youiisj en^lish lad, who for the past eii;ht jeais has uinde his home with Kobt. Shaw at Kosemont met with iiistuit death by boiiu; run over by » train at Camp Houlcn .'U Suiubiy list. Details regaidiug the fatality are uiciijcr' but report has it that youujj Webb, who w.^s about lli yciirs of iii{c, alons{ wiih some other luls from tho same locality, iiad speui tho day :it ^>^illlell I" imp iind wero on there retuui journey tu .\llistuii, from which pbico thoy inteiTilod to drive to their homes at. Uoncment. The acci- dent liapiiened ttt Ypre». Wolib attcn.p- ted to catu-h 0110 of the first i.f the iniaier- ous lnllvin^ co'icbes missed his s et>, and fell under tho whojia, Soveral coaches pasaod over his body befoio tho train was broiijjlit loastop When pickt.d up ho was cut ill two it the waist mid lad'y mangled. His loiuaiin Wiie pl.iccd on tho train aud taken to .Mlison â€" bVoo t'less Orillii Pack(»t (Ciintcrvative) : Now ihal Iho Siuih-wost Toronto olection is over, the Hen. I. 11. Lucis and his colleiviies had better IhKc their ears o(f the j{roii]ul. It is aiiytliiui' but a diijiii- lied attiluJe for a Minister of the Crown. Public Notice Take notice that a'.l (^rersoiis are here- by forbidJen trespassing ou, -ir dumping .my rubliish on, or taking, siii.l, gravel, e.irth or other mailer oil Park lot knowa a.s the Klesher sand pit, in Klesherton, coiuaininu aboui twn acres, as all persons trespassing or cuniiniltini; any waste or removiiii; anything therefrom, on .luy part of the Fleshor e.state iu and eroiind Kleshertoii Village, will be pros- acuted aeciudini; 1 1 law. DU. T. S. >PU0rLK, July (I KsecntiM for I'le Kst'vte FAR.MS FOR SALE For sale or rent for i;r«ziii(^', l,,t Si'i con. l;<, and part, of lots lH and 35, con! 14, .Viteinesia, 181 acres more nr I088 known s the Cim per fui.i. \\ dl rc!i; fori p.«sturo alhis .se.ason, or take stock in by tho moil Ih. This is a splendid grain and Krazing farm, well watered and fenced, a lot of valuable timber and cedar andalmuD DO acres Ht for cultivation. It is well worth the attention of stock men. Will sell for reaioii iblo cash p.ivmont, balance easy terms. Apply to U, J. Sproule, Julylitf " • Flesbeitou, Ont. I