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Flesherton Advance, 7 Sep 1916, p. 4

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.' -- ..W-'i^** September 7 lOlG THE FLESH ERrON ADVANCE /lcsl)crtoa !^Doancc Building New Power Line \n imUpendent newipaprr, iiut>liiih|(1 every | â-  ' ••*â€" ''â- â€¢"â- â- â€¢(rwinxTSt I'tider Lhtf dirfclioa of Line Construe- fhiinklay »« th' otficr, Collin((wo.>(T Street", | [;„„ jj„j„(jj„(j^,„^ |rj^|,g,4t thij, ,„d T'lahert.!!!. Suhscrii'tinii price tl iH-r annum I . ^, , , „ , , when |.»i.1inaJviinc«;»l..Vwhinnot8o paid «Qa •"'milli »t tlia Kuxmuit end, the new Adver iiiinjt r»te« on aiiplicatiou." Circulation I p,j^gj 1;,^, j^ „l,.ijjjy j„ cmirso of con- 1,100 weekly. 1 "^ ' Edttoi I Apples Worth $6,000 agM/ir/:^^^:g>::g^7i^g!Jg^^gi^«?i^^ 4V H. XUuiBtoii. Owen Sound A Cheap Town Says the Meaford KxprMs struction. This line, which is to link the newly developed pi wer at Eugenia with the UiK Chute on the Seveni river, has bt-en in iho iiir for some time, but it is now to beci.nie a reality, if the ipecilied time 19 observed, by Oct. l«t. The demand for power from the Hig Chute became greaier than it could supply, hence the necessity of linking up with other powers. The presentini; of the colors to tie 14" ih B«ttalioii ha« put Owen Sound Jin the " joke column " in »o fur as the rest of the coun-y IS concerned. At the outset , .,-â- â- â-  â-  i . j- ui iiic V.UUI1 jr ... , |be abou'. :ia miles 111 length. According the Hood oeoule of Owen bound started i -ii i ,i *"" '' i^ ' ito the route suivoyea it will l.iive the power house i\iid be run north to the The new line, Supt. Fisher stall », will out imbued with the idea that the colors •houia be pre.seiited to the battalion in the county town and orin^nally set out to lay plans for the bi;; event. When the «uil was figured out it |mt a big crimp in their celebration and they very modestly got busy »nd ti.!ured a way out of payiou tho etpenses. A deputation then waited on the county council to have them buy the colors, and on motion of Dr. Meains of Hanover the county fell in with the idea and put up the cash to purchase the col >rs and instructed Warden Cordingly to make tho presen- tation at Niagaf* or Borden camp, or wherever the bjiltalion w:is located the colors were ready. village of Kimberley, then north and east to Kavenna and Banks, coinini; across the uiountain akmg the line fence between the farms of the (ieorgian Bay Fruit Grower?, thus obviating the neces- sity of making the turnt> in the road on the east slope. Fallowing east the line will come through Mair'a Mills, thence on to town, entering; tiy wny of High street. Several ctrloads of poles are on the railw:iy grounds and a gang of men are preparing them tor distribution along then ](|,y route. Many of these iire tt5 feet in 'length, these veiy long poles being f >r use in the town. Iti the country the length will be reduced to 4r» feet on tho average, though on the mountain they may be cut ten feet shorter, riiroughout the course the poles will be storni&tayed every twenty poles with special guys at every tetjth pole, the object being to make the lino as perfect us possible. Mr. Arthur Petch of Uriersville, is a livo wire in the fruit industry ami has thebest crop of apples this year of any person in this part of the province. His orchard will be a veritible gold mine this season and ho has disponed of his entiie crop to a Western buyer for $4 ptr barrel. He estiinatos that he will ha>e in the lieiKhborhood of l.">00 biirreln of apples principally all of which are choice. It IS about 20 years since this oichHrd wa.s tirst set out, and his father, Mr. Keuben Pelcb, was the laughing stock of the district by those who lacked the foresii»ht of the future, for (?oing into fruit so eMensively. Just at a time when his neighbors were desfroyinjr their apple orchiirds, Mr. Petch was busy building up tho very part of hl.s farm that others weie tearing down. Fortunately the old gentleman has lived to sec his fondest hopes come liteiflly true, and while the fruit farm is now luanaged by his sun, he has tbesatisfaction of seeing his labors also, bearing fruit. The farm is located at (JriersviUe and will be the pride of Grey County. Mr. I'etch, jr., has all the latest appliances for spraying and caring for his va'uable fruit orchard and it is bound to give him good returns on his investment, â€" Meaford Kxprens. New Industry for Wiarton R R W. HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. FM FiDT AT SPECIAL PRICES This week we open up a 200 pair shipment of Men's, Boys' and Youths' Boots in Grain, Split and Chrome Tanned Leathers, gnaranieed sohd throtighont in Heavy and Medium weights for fall work and wet weather. Tins particular order was placed early last fall for early spring delivery, but owing to the amount of army work on hand, the manufacturers were unable to make delirery until now. ^ Since the order was given Prices have advanced sharply m every Line of Footwear, so we can offer Special Prices and Values for quick selling While These Last. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER Id the meantime the Owen Sounders «x>nceived aiintht^r idea and wi.nted a military day when they had the expense uf the colors s%ddled on the county. Negotiations were then entered into with the (i.t.K. and C.P.U. to bring the men there, but the tly in the oint- ment wM the raising oi I'iOtMJ or t250ll to pay the trans[Hirt»tion Warden At present 2,') men and several teams Curdingly would not stand for the outlay i are engaged here, but this force will 'he and tliAt exploded the bi? ideas of the | doubled at once, while the force at the Owen Sounders again. As a last resort I Kugenia end will be made ai largo as the would Ih! " big guns of Owen Sound' possible. The object is to fulfil the not in touch with Col. McFarland with a 'contract with the Co amission of Orillia view to having the meu go tu Owen I within the specified time. Sound for such a blow out and pay their ~, .At present the line will uo'. own transportation expanses. Ine'. ' ,, , , ^ , , , â-  , .1 » .u iinto Thcrnbury or Clarksburg, tJolonel advised them that the men ' might be willing to g», but he had not be run though â-  he pole.s will be so cross armed that an additional line may be run at any time. The new line will be about 3,'> miles in length and will cost, it is estimated, at least f40<M) pet mile. sul>iuitt«d (he pro|Hi9ttion to them. This is where the bomb exploded in such a â- way that the promoters in Owen Sound received a genuine black eye. The men whose homes did not happen to be in I ~ Owen Sotnd blankly refused to (wy their I Not many days ago a party of trained own way togo to Owen Sound on tho | nurses left Ott»w.i for New York city, jjround that they were refucod privileges ' »s votunteerstn work in the city ho.pitals, to attend celebrations in their own towns which .iie heavily overtaxed by reason of on previous occasions. This put an 3nd the infantile pnralysis epidemic. At Al- 'to the last attempt made to entertain the soldiers in Owen Sound at somebody «l8e'« expense. burg, in Vermont, the Ciiited States im- migration officer boarded the train, for- ced the youi.g women to ^et out of bed, and compelled them to take the next The holding of a l.i- military demon- i "â- â- "" ''^'-"'' ''' Canada. The con- vtration u » claimed to bo a comprom- ' 'â- ''"'^ '"'""â-  '"* *" *"-''"« '''"'»<''J. "'"l lie on the c lunlv town's behalf iu not putting up the $10 itrant to all the men rho enluted as they ntartel out to do. the epidemic of infantile paralysis must have its way rather thsn break that wise and uieful law. It is not often we meet As a bunch of cheap skates the town „f ( " '"'"•'» "^"^"I'i "^'f." l'""" ^'"^ "^ '"«»''"â- " *)»en Sound has a reputation among the soldiers of the l-tTth Battalion and ihei'' suKar coated regards leak out frun: time o time. gone mad." Guardian. (ii-orge Hollinger a prominent citi/.en of Hanover for the past forty vexrs, died last week. Paint that House this Fall Protect it from the destructive effect of a winter's suow and ice save valuable time next spring for other work. Fall painting pays. But be sure you choose the right paintâ€" one that will give your buildings the years of protection that you've paid for. "H PAINT is made according to the formula which scientific tests and man/ years of experience by practical painters prore to be best to meet Canadian weather conditions. Formula: 70% Pure White Lead 30% White Zinc 100% Pure Paint It contains 70% of Brandram's B.B. Genuine White Lead â€" of standard purity for over 100 years â€" and 30% of pure white zinc â€" thus combining, in the proper propor- tions, pure lead and pure zinc, and making a perfect paint. Yott take no chances with B-H "English" Paint. Be sure you get it! There are cheaper paints, but none more economical when covering capacity and length of wear •reconsidered. F. H. W. Hickling, Flesherton are our local agents. See them for color cards, prices, and complete information B RANDRAM -H ENDERS ON MONTREAL- HALIFAK â-  srjOHN -TORONTO- WINNIPEG 1'he Feldspar and and Clay products Limited, Wiarton, is the name of a new company which was recently incorporat- ed with anauthorized capital of 91.5*10,000. This has been the untcume of negotia- tions earned on for purchase of the old cement plant. Tho engineer of the company was in Wiirton a few days ago and saia that they had purchased the plant and everything owned by the Portland Cement Company. It is the intention to iiianufucture potash, the iaiportatinn of which has been shut otf by the war. The company will get their raw material near Parry Sound, where they have purchased 500 acres containing feldspar. This has been analyzed liud goes l:t,'>per c-iiit., while lock yielding 10 per cent, has been worked to good profit. This company hopes lo get to work soon and when they get started will rei|uire l.~>0 men. Fur Wiailoc's sake it is tu be lioped the industry goes ahead . A ftock uf sheep ran in front of an auto driven liy Miss Cargill of Cirgill, near Mildmay. One sheep was killed, another had iti leg broken and the car was ditched and damaged. PICKLING REQUISITES IN THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT CitJer and White Wine V inegars Pioklin^ Spice of all Kinds (Jurry Powder and Turmeric Picklintr Onions Jem Jars, all Sizes Preserving Kettles Fruit Presses Parowax F. H. W. HICRLING Property For Sale I'art lot 151, con. 2, N. E. T. * S. R containins 28J acres, aUout 1 mile from Flesherton. I'here is a good frame house and stable and the property is well fenced and watered. Apply to .loseph A. LeOsrd, Flesherton or on the proper- ty- . The Old Adage Odds and Ends jr FARMS FOR SALE For sale or rent for grazing, li.t :!'>, con. i:(, and part of lots 'Si and :(.">, c<m. 14, Atteinesia, 181 acres more or less known s the Cooper farm. \\ ill letit fori pasture alhis .season, or take stock iu by the moil th. This is a splendid graiu and grazing farm, well watered and fenced, a lot of valuable timber and cedar aad.-iboui: '.Kl acres lit for cultivation. It is well worth the attention of stock men. W ill .sell for reasunatilo cash payinoiit, balance e.-isy terms. .Apply to U. ,J. Sproule, •lulytiif Flesheiton, l>i.l. ARTICLES FOR SALE Kiln (if lime just burned, for sale, one mile west of I'ortlaw. T. SUKKWOOU. For Sale l;{-in. Maplo Leaf fiiain Chopper. Also Shafting and I*ulh\v.« Apply to Marshall Kerloii, Maxwell r.o. (!ood cook stove for sale. -Apply to â- loliii Chiipinuii, furniture stoie Flesherton. (!r,iliiiin liros. feed. Mirkdale ways nil band. Kuirenia. for Hour aiwl and Meaford flour iil- Fur sale cheap and on easy terms. Lot 111, con. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good stale of cultivaliiin. (iuod bank li.irn and new frame dwelling. Apply to H. J. Sproule Flesberloii Legal ISlanka For Sale â€" R. .1. Sproule keeps constantly on hand anil for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any re<iuiringsuch will find it to their inter- est tu give him n call. IIONKV For Salo-Any (luantity nt right prices. â€" G. W. Urahain, Kugenin. Hoist ein Boll For Service A tboroughbrcl UoUtein bull for service on lot»l«3 1S4.S.W. T. * S.R.. Artemesia; do*. ely related to the world's champion 44-p<mnil cow. Term-;: «l ."'Ofor grades, $.'>.00 for I'Ure breds. 1 .Inly ir. â€" <;E0. MOORF. ft Son. AReliable Agent WANTED In eve ry good towD and district in Ontario, where we are not repre- sented. Territory reserved for tlie right man. Highest commissions paid. Attract- ive advertising matter. The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is equalh true of the 1900 Gravity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Full line ol McC'ormick Farm Implements. Binders Mowers, Kakes, Loadei*s, Drills, Cultivators, Plows, Walkinj; Haiiows Kratitfcnl Wind kinds, Killing and Mills, Pun:ps, Piping aniJ Beattie Hay Carriers. Hay Splendid List of New Specialities For Season, 19 1 6-191 7 lucliidiug the new RASPBERRY. .S't. everbearing REGIS. Fittings of all Forks, Slings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and Fence, Cutters antl Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL I Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. w^cyiuii, v^i&L. u StonR & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries. ( lf*;!7.) TORONTO III 1 I ONTARIO Peering Implements Hj .\ND Gasol i ne LOST and FOUND liost- On .luly 2lHt, hetwoon Mr. I'rte Scimors' farm, 8tli Jiiie ( >sprey, and Kuiienia, a aunhutst of pearls. Kinder plo iso leave at Advance < >tlioo and ruooive reward. MISCELLANEOUS l*rivalo funds to loan on real eataio .seeiirity at reasonahle rate uf iu'erest. .-Vpply 10 It, .1. Sproiile, Fleshorlon. Kept 2:t Hiyhi'Ht price for huttor and Ornhaiii Uios. F,UK«nia. et'i{j at .lime 2!» Columbia OrafonoUs at 81'>, 8'2(>, and JUTi in sliirk. Call in and seo llioiii. â€" THK .\1)V.\NCK t)ltioe. The latest grnfonola records for »f le. rodtes iioc per 300. The Advanoo, [^ Engines |j| i .-Ml kinds of IleeriiiK Implements, r.irts always on hand A^eiit for lUrrie Cuttem. Barber Itugt;ies, Lcmden Litter Ciirrieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar â- hin^lus and sidinK- These Implements re<|uire no recummendatioii as they are standard ironds and recognized as the best on the market. FUI'IT TItKES - 1 represent ihe Ston & Wellin)tton nuraery.andiwill l>e pleased to call if yuu send me a card. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station II [ ttft fiKl IS, i^i^ ' i^^imS ^SnPJ^^^SaSmi fJ^Sf^SSPSSSPSSSSSRi Flesherton Tin Shop â€" I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me ami get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. liepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefittiug, incluiling pump work. Furnaces iustalletl. Agent for Clare Furnaces. Bios. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. Carelully Corrected Each Week Wheat ft 05 to 1 15 (.Vats 88 to 44> Peas 1 2r> to 1 KO Harloy 50 to M Hiiokwheat tJo to 70 Floiir $;t 76 to |4 25 *ll«y 7 00 to 8 00 Itiuirr 25 to 25 Khks, fresh 27 to 27 Potatoes per bag . . 1 50 to 1 80 tJeese l;l to 1.'! Docks 14 to 14 Fowl 11 to 11 Chickens Klto 14 TniKeys 20to 28 ^ <iK>\ .13 to W Fleslriertioxi ^^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAl'N DRYâ€" Basket closes Monday nixht, delivery Friday eveni-j CLKANING and DYEING- We at- agents for Parker's Dye Works â€" Cloth(-s cleaned and dvod, feathers rejuvena' d T FISHER 'PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am opeiiinK up atonce, a lilacksmith- ing and woiidworkinK business in Max- well, and am iiisialliDst up-to-date wood- working machineiy. It will be iny en- de8»or to servo the puldic in a satisfac- I tory manner and I would solicit patron- «8e. 1 wint yourwotk and will do it I right. 7 April 17 CHESTER LONG •

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