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Flesherton Advance, 10 Aug 1916, p. 5

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August 10 1916 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^ .' F «» <. i Â¥ THE â-  •T'O 1«T* STANDARD DANK OF CANADA [HEAD OPPICe - TORONTO BTRRY |<MMi Baak hu * RBSBRVB FUND u â-  pro* â-¼!â- Â«Â»â-  (or l««a years aad tha iaeritafcU raiar day. TUa Fund haa been aeoaaulatad froa Sorpimi Baraio^ •Ml U â-  (oorsa of itraa^th and •tafeility. BvaryoM ilwald hara a RBSERVB FUND. Widwat U ao ono it ia a tafa financial eoadidoa. Our Sariat* Dapartaaot offara aa idaal opportuaity (or aauMiahiat YOUR RBSBRVB FUND. 2W FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, liAanager. C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Stalioo m •follows : Going South Going North 7.53 a. m. 12.01 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails are osed at Fleshertoa as ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the aftemooD mail south at 3.40 o'clock. Far morning train south â- tail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Miaa Lena Walker of Toronto ia riait- ing her mother iu towo. A number of Fleshertoni^ns attended the races in ( >wen Sound on Monday. Mrs. (Dr.) Webster and children of Toronto visited here last week. Mr. Frank Irwin of the Durham •Chronicle statf was in town on Sunday, Misa Hazel Henry haa returned from a visit to friends at Lucknow. Mr. Fred LeGard of Toronto was a caller on civic holiday. Pte. Reuben C«rgo, who ia with the â- C. M. R. ;it Hamilton, was Dome on iurlougb, prior to going overseas. Forty-five pupils wrote on the Entrance -eiamination at Markdale anl eighteen passed. Only one look honors. Mrs. Thos. T. McCarty and children of Niagara Falls, Unt ,are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Stiuson. Pte. Cecil Meldrum of the 134tb High landers, visited Win. T. Pedlar on a fare- well visit, prior to having for overseas. Miss Hazel Thompson and gentleman 'friend of Toronto spent the holiday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walker of Billa- burg motored up Sunday, returning Monday afternoon. Messrs. Joe and Frsd Armstrong and •the former's family are holdaying in in their sumoier cottage here. Mrs. Dudgeon aol daughter, Ethel, .have returned from Toronto after a fortnight's visit with relative* there. There is a good opening ia this olfice 'for a boy or young man to learn the printing business. The big packing eetiblu^hment at 'Collingwoo J was burned to the uround. .It haa been idle for the past seven years. Miss Louie i>icholton of Toronto vis- ited her sister, Mrs. Duocan, over the holiday. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell and daughters, •Lulu and Aleda, returned last week from a delightful trip through the thousand islands to Cranano<iua. Mr. Isaac Norris, wife and two child- ren, Wiarton, and ulrs. Thompson and 4ittle daughter of Hastings county are -visiting Mr. and Mrs. John White. Roy M'lAuley, who has been with F. 11. W. Hickling as clerk for some yearc, lefl on Monday to take a similar position at Belmont, Manitoba, Hardy Patton of Calgary, son of Councillor Jaiucs Patton, has enlisted with the 19 1 St battalion. This makes the third of Mr. Patlon's sons who have joined the forces. Mr;!. Geo. Stewart and baby, Eileen, left on Tuesday for VVeybuni, S:ksk., after spending two months with friends in this vicinity. Mis. Stew;.rt foriu- -erly Miss Myrtle Smith of Klinberley. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Uartman of Thornhury were injured in a runaway week, the Utter receiving a broken nose and arm. He is well known iu ^losherton, having been an exhibitor at our fall fair for years. The f.illowing soldier boys from Camp Borden were home over the week end : rioaard Mi-Aulay, Walter ("..rgo. Fred Bellamy, Clarence Dudge<.>n, Clifford BUkeley and Preston Beaiiie. Will •Gildhiiwkof the C.M.R. is also here on furlough. Constable Cook was at Proton Station FriJ;.y evening and spied a youn^ lady coining ou^ of the depot oairyini? a box which beeiued heavier than a lay's hat box should be. He ortorod his assistance but this was declined. He insiste*! and upon examination discovered it to be a of boize in a tictitious name. The lady gave her name "s Mc.Xrthur. She recognized the constable, jumped into a rig waiting and two Indies drove oH" at a high rate of .speed. She will now be given a chance to explain what she was ){oiug to do with it. ^ Drowned at Meaford The FUaherton Boy "Sprout.-." must like walking to Eugenia. On the 12th a parry of them walked in: later on several moie walked in one evening, »nJ just lecently two more did it. M»i Bella Brown of this place dw^ ''^ the hospital at Owen Sound, where sl>a hid been taken for treatment, on Thurs- day last. Miss Brown had been ail'ng tot some time. She was 41 yearc of age, and was a sister of Mr. Fred Brown. ex- Councilior, for whom much sympathy is expressed. Mr. Brown lost a brother a faw years ago by a falling tree, and is now left alone. The funeral took place on Saturday to Orange Valley cemetery. The deceaied lady was a member of Chalmers church. The annual meeting of the Flesherton branch of thh I'pper Canada Bible Society was held in :he Methodist chtrch on Wednesday evening of last week, | when Mr. M. S. Mur»o,a native mission- "â- â€¢y of Japan, wis present and gave a I number of tine stereoptican views of hi* ' native land, accompanied by an interest- ing address. In the course of this [ add'e-is Mr. Murao aaid Japan had two i thousand German prisoners to feed and this task was a problem, because as he | quaintly put ir, "we can't make sausage I on fish." At a pieliminary busiaesi I meeting ot&ceis were appointed as ! follows : President, T. R. McKenzie ; ! Vice Pres., S. Hemphill ; Secretary, W. | H. Bunt ; Treasurer and keeper of da- ' pository, W. H. Thurston. A number of collectors were also appointed to Icok after the collection of funds to carry on the work of the society. Fall Fair Dates A lad dmwDing accident occurred on Sunday, which brought grief to the home of Mr. and Mr*. Fred Ellis, 9ch line, St. Vincent. Their youngest non. Levi, bad beea visiting during the day with a cousin, Walter EUls.son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E'lis, and the two boya bad be«o playing around the ahora in the neighbor- hood of the Jay pruperty.on the 7th line. The two boys, both about 10 years of ! age, sighted a raft and became seized with a desire to go swimming. After being in the water for some little timei Levi was clinging ^o a log, which sudden- ly rolled over and the boy disappeared to be seen no more. The other boy seized with fright left hia companion and returned home early lo the afternoon. L'pon being questioned as to his cousin's whereabouts, he gave many evasivg ' Ij F.aKARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. FLESHERTON - PRICEVILLE BINDER TWINE, HAYFORK ROPE, ETC. There ia a known shortage in Binder Twine owing to the qaautiiy of rope being used. The Early Bayer is the safe one . Have us place your order 30 that we can keep ii for yon. We carry the Brantford Cordage Co'a. Gilt Edge and Gold Leaf brands. There are none better. Wliy patch that old rcpe and risk yonr life? Get a new one! Ei:ber British or Pare Manilla. answers and sppareutly afraid to say aoyibing that would lead to hi4 recovery. The parents became anxious about iheir son and abour midnight, bis chum told them that he had fallen off the log in' j the water. A search party was immediat- ely organized and the little body taken from the water about live o'clock oo Monday morning. :â-º; Severe Electric Storm The following is a list of the dates of Fall Fairs in this vicinity. Cut this list out and and paste it in your hat, if you are intending to visit any of them : â€" Chatswotth Sept. 2S & 29 Chesley Sept. 1» A 20 Clarksburg Sept. 19 4 20 Collingwood Sept. 80-23 Dundalk Oct. 12 4 13 Durham Sept. 28 A 29 Feversham Oct. 3 4 4 FLESHERTON Sept. 2.-« i 29 Hanover Sept. 14 4 15 HoUtein Sept. 26 dt 27 Msrkdale Ost. 10 4 11 Meaford Sopt. 2t' 4 29 Orangeville Sept l'.* 4 2<) Owen Sound Sept. 1214 Where Women May Help There is a great demand for young women to take the places of Odice men, who have gone or are going to the front. This IS one of the ways in which women can "do tlieir bit " by assisting in keeping the wheels of commerce in motion. Training in book-keepirg. stenography and other business subjects is necessary. This can be obtained quickly at the Northern Busiiios-s College.t)wen Sound, which is remaining open througout the year during the war to prepare yuuug people for war time Ottice positions. VOTERS' LIST, 1916 .Municipality of the Village of Fleshertoa in the Coiraty of Grey Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections S and 9 ut the (.tniatio Voters' List Act, 1^37. aud the amendments therein, the copies required to be so transmitted or delivered ot the List, made pursuant to the said Act, of all petsons appearing by the last revised .\csessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to voto in the Municipality at election.! for ineaibers of the Legislat- ive Assembly and at Municipal elections, and that .said List was first posted up in my ottice at Flesherton on (he 4th Jay of .\ugust, I91t5, and remains there for in- spection. Electors are called upon to examine said List, and if any omission or other errors are perceived therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk of Flesberton. Flesherton, August 3th, 1916. .\fter some three weeks of intense beat, Meaford was visited by a .sever* electric storm oo Sunday evening,accam- pauied by wind, hail, and a heavy down pour of rain. The rain was badly needed in this locality as the »raio and root crops were in need of moisture. The lightning was very severe at time8,and prior to the heavy rain, the barn of Mr. Percy Brooks, 9th line, St. Vincent, was struck by light- ning and burned to the ground, tog'ether with some Ho loads of hay, IJOO bushels of old grain, two calves and a number of | hens. A bull coufined in the building | was also badly burned but managed to break loose and find it* way to safety. The loss was partly covered by insurance. Li abs were also torn from trees and corn crops were, in many cases, ruined. Tba stor'n lasted aboat an hour and was the worst this seaaoQ.â€" Express. Simcoe County Lady Gave Invention to Empire Tlie women of the Ejipirs have re- sponded to the call of the Empire, not only in ministering to the msn at the front and engaging in patriuiic work, but they are docking to the ftclories and to other I ositions so that men are releaaed to shoul4er ths rifle. But it has |.falUn to a Simcos lady to b« the first we have beard of that baa given to the British War Office an inveution that ia designed to protect Iifd and pioperty. Tbis UJy is Mrs. Ida .\dains, of Lsfroy. After i' the wir broke out and helpless English women and children were bsing murder' ed by (>erman bombs. Mrs Adams began wondering if some protection could t not be aUorded buildings from these mid- . air bombs. The more she thought of the 1 idea the more convinced she became that ' some means could be tbouirbl out. Finally her ideas took shape and in July of last year the idea was forwarded to the War Othce m London. In die time wora came from the War Otlice,two letters in all being received, one of them , signed personally by the late Lord Kitchener, the other wa^ from the Directorof Artillery . From these li-ilers she was informed that her invention was , one of the accepted plans out of 31,000 chat had been submi'ted. What the nature of the inv<)ntion or of its construction, Mrs. .\daiBS was not prepared to divulge : secrecy being de- manded by the la<perial authorities. This midair protection i* now in use on many of the public buildings of London. ^TRUNKS, SUITCASES, VALISES, ETC.| Holiday Season i.-? at han<L Also the time for Homeseekers' and Harvesters' Excursions. You'll nee<l a new Trunk or Suitcase. A large stock in anticipati(;n ot big business has been secured. Preserving Time There is a need for new Gem Jars. Rubber Rings. Tops, Preserving Kettles and Preserving Sugars at this season of the year. Let us supply your needs at rock bottom prices. There ia no better Sugar used for preserving than "Dominion Crystal." Get it now. Scrcca Doors and Windows This is Fly Time. And they are Lad. Get a new Screen Door or "Window to keep them out. 'V\'e have a fall range ol Screen Doors in all the sizes. You'll be sure lo get a fit. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ^«.«.^ f »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦»♦♦» HIGHE.ST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KIND.n OF FARM PRODrOE. F. G. KARSTEDT OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO. S^ \ standard ^ For 36 years th. institution ot busmesa educa- t^ tion. Thorough training fir JP every business pursuit. Actual j^ practice in required duties. W Busines). Stenography and %C Prepsratory Courses op'jo all %0 the year. %« ENTER ANT DaV M Fall Term Begin* J^ P MONDAY, SEPT. 4 lis ^ Illustrated Catalogue and mm Si tull particulars on applicati>n to ^ H C. A. FLE.MING. Principal ^ Boar for Servics The undersigned has a thorouchbred Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 11, con. !il, Osprey. Terms tl.OO. -FREDSPOFFARD. SAVE YOUR TIME Haying time is a busy time and every day lost to the Farmer by broken and worn out Machinery means considerable delay an<l loss to him. Then for tiuick repairs and adjustments we are ready to look after your requirements as usual with a complete line of Repairs in the following lines of kJ Machinery;â€" 5J M.AS5EY-HARRI5. COCKSHLTT, FROST & WOOD NOXON, A.ND PETER M.A.niLTON. We also have the agency for the well known Froit & Wood Mower and Horse Raices. â€" Phoneâ€" No. 9 â€" D. McTavish :-:-: Flesherton I I I I I Court of Revision Notice is hereby sjivsn that a Court ill he holden in the T own Hall in the \ Village o' Flesherton by his Honor the i Judje of the County Court of the County I of Grey, to hear and determine an appeal; from tlie decision of the Cnuft of Rei isiou i of the Corporation of ihe VilUge of Flesh- i erton. on Monday, the 'J-ltb day of July, lot)), at the hour of live o'clock in ths afternoon. All ptrties interes'ed are notilied ' iicc irdingly. â€" God Save 'he King. â€" ! July 10 â€" W.J.BELL.\>IV. C'erk. i Mr. Jonathan Colbert who livei on th and line of Nottawasaga, North, met with 'a serious accident ono day last week, which will lay him up for senile lime. He was up ill the mow if his barn leveUiug hay aud when near the edge it is suppos- ed he tojk a faintinij spell and fell to the tioor a distancj of oi^ht cr ten feet, bieakiutf three of his ribs and received a bad sh»ki"ii{ up generally. Uo was uii- tousciou.s for some lime but at lime of Utiting is progressing a.i well ;i3 can be eipwled â€" Stayner sun. THOISANDS OF MEN REQUIRED FOR HARVESTING IS WESTERN CANADA Thousands of Men are re<{uired to help in the great work of harvesting the Western crop. The task of transporting to the West this great army of workers will fall tc the lot of the Canadian Pacific Railway. i Exjursions from poiLH in Ontario to Manitoba, Sa.«katchewan aud .\lberta will bo tun, and ,«pecial trains operated, making the trip in about thirty-six hours without chaune or transfer. | "Goinn Tiip West," $1-MW to Wmni. peg. ••Returning Trip E\8l, ' tlS.OOj from Winui^)eg. Consult ".P.U. -Vgents regarding tran- sportation west of Winnipeg. GOING DATES August 1 7 th and 3 1 stâ€" *"' ^n" T"^f ""o- Sudbury LinOTiud Eist, but not in- c'ud^ng Smith's Falls or Renfrew, also from Main Line East of Sudbury to, bui not infludini;, North I'.av. August 19th and September 2nd- From Toronto, also West »nd J»outh thereof. Further pirticulars f-om Camdian Pacific Ticket gent.', or W. B. Howard. A District Passenger .Vgtut, Toronto. New Furniture' JUST PLACED IN STOCKJ Latest and Most Up-to-date | ' Bsils, Kattressss, SpriDjjS; [haiM .AND OTHER NECESSITIES for I Houseturnish ings^ W. H.BUNT Undertaker .\ N P I Emb aimer i Picture Franiin.J and Ipholsterirg 1 Office and Showroom : Kichardson's Blocki (Over the Postoftice> i FLESHERTON! I NOTICE i X ^*ow i.s the time to renew your buggies, etc. f Sherwin-Williams Bug:gy Paint J Is the bo^t for thi-* purpose. A Varnish Gloss J Paint of great durability. Especiallv adapted for J outside e.xposure. i Double the life of voiir Vehicles bv protectim-' J them with good Paintâ€" it ;?.\V. P. didn't' make good 3 it couldn't cover the earth. A Paint or Finish for every purpose. Anv in- formation regarding Painting oV ^'arnishinir u'ladiv furnished. " » =• . |F. W, DUNCAN! Hardware Merchant ^ FLESHERTON, Phone 30 r 2 ONT. I Public Notice Taite notice that a".l porsous are here- by forbid ien tres|«i*-<in>.; on, m- dunipii.g any rubbish on, or takinit, ssn 1. gravel, earth i>r other matter oil' I'ark lot known as the Klesher sand pit, in Flesherton, containin!i about two acres, as all poisons tri'spasiiiOit or ooraniifting any nfa<'o or removinsi anything therefrom, ou any part ot ttio bk-shi-ri estate in and erouud Flesherton ViHago, will be prcs- acuted aec'udina to U'v. DR. T. S. SPROULE. July i> Extcuior for the Fstate I MASSE Y School Children's Eyes., harris IMPLEM ENTS This famous mane of iuipleinents is well known all over the o untry and their own yood work is the best recrm- iiiendation they can rvceive. If you require anything in the line of Binders, .Mowers. Seed Drills. Cultiva-ors, Pulp- ers. Plows, Sleighs. Waagons, Cream Separators. Harrows. Rollers. Gutting ' Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline en giiies, SSawinu outfits, etc , give us a 1 chanee to quote prices. Many lives have been ruine<J through neglected eyestrain In childhooa. The eyes of every child should be exatnined. We have made t special study of this branch of optics, and guarantea satisfaction. • â-  Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Teacher Wanted (^>ualilied Protestant Teacher for «.». No. 8, Artemesis. Grey County, salary ?()0O : duties to cvminience 1st Septeoi- '>or. Apply 10 .1. W. ^McKce, Ma.xweU IV o.. <,)..t. -r«r,-^

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