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Flesherton Advance, 10 Aug 1916, p. 4

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August 10 1916 THE FLESlIEKfON ADVANCE THE. /Icsljcrtoa !!Xi)oance loaded papers oloaely marked. One would have thougbt the authorities would giren iLe giils some little eqiiiv- \ii iadspendenl n«w«ii«p<T. piil>li«hed every â-  ... /• ,, , ,. , ... n>nr»u7»» ♦!»•• offici, t"nliingw...Kl Sutwt. (•''«'" 'or tho liaudicap under winch *M!«ihetton. Subacriptioiiprice $li«Tiinnum jiljay laliofeJ but tllli), aS IB proved. wh«n p»idin»d»»ne« ;$1.5J whrn noHo p»id , , , r • â-²dv«r >UiD(t rates on application. Circulation \ was a forloru hope. 1.100 wwkly. \ _.^____^_^^___ Kdltoi H. TUiii-aton< HOW THORNBURY DOES IT Letters From The Boys In Khaki I Mrj. Albert Thotxipsoii of Fortlaw baa favored ' '''"^^"â- â€¢'l '''e following letter from her ' uepliB», Mftlcclin McPliail of Keiiora, ' from Itelgiuiii under d.ite of Juuo 'I'i : I My Dear Auuf,- Juat a frf* words to '.ctyuu know that Lyun and inyaeli are iu good heailh and still plajring the The Advaacc has been by Mr. Chaa. Pye ot Thornbury, with a copy ol Bylaws of the L'liion Ceme- tery of Thornbury and Clarksburg, which might supply some valuable poiuters for the officials of l-'loshertou ;g»„7e. I„ the fifteen d-iy baltla which cemetery. Down there they do the ' ,aged here in the early part of the iiionlh l)U8ines3 on a business basis and ' »e hml many uxcitin^ expi'nencea. Lyon Jeave nothing iu iht dark or to be hadadosecahou theTnh, a ahall laiiiiioB guessed at. The bylaws arc printed [ '" ^^e trench ao close to him thu he was in pamphlet forms for everybody to '"'''"'J' "''""'* ^1 sandbaa, '«ec. They elect a board of nine directors to be elected yearly. These directors appoint a secretary, treas- ' . thrown •boul by tho ei[ilo,si(in. However, he got out with nothing more seriou.t than a flight shtill ahock, but aa be was uiitit to carry on hia work as a Stretcher bearer ha urer mvia?er , caretaker a .d any :,,.<i ^^ j^ ^^^t tack to the r«i camp of other officials required. All payments | iiiscorpi. I saw him two dya ajjo and must be made to the secretary. No | he wus in his usual health. I im ^Ud Ledges or fences are allowed around that he went back before the battle was lots. An annual assessment is levied ' "*•'• " '' **â-  » ''*" "° «»''*> "hi'e •' OB all plotholders for keeping the ' •»»^''- ^'"'^^^ f"'"' "^ n»M'>e desiKned cemetery, these levies running f^ni I ""''^"â- "f '''•""." """^ '" ""> ^f"'" . - ,. Jaysonflict, and only ,•» stout heait SOcentsto 825, according to size of ,, ., . , .. . , j, , ° [ coii'.d go through It withi.ut deiidly fears. lot. All charges ate to be Prepaid. |i ^„„f^„ ^^^f , ,,.d „„„y „,^,„^„,^ ^^ There are many oilier good rules lu unea.sine9t ai shell after ahell landed (bess bylaws which it might be well i about me, and how I came through it all for the Flesheiton ulficials to follow, without a scratch only divine providence The Advance does not kcow of and I ''"""'• ^'^ "f'" ^""^ "" ''»'^ '" ""'J"''- bas never in the past '5 years heard I «" '""'' *â- "* ''»"«"' P'"^»'^'y "'^^^>- , »• /• 1- . • . ' before experienced by human beinK't. of any meeting of director? or appoint- r / » _» 1 f.,fl:«-»i w 1 .1 . Althoui/h our c.iiu»liio.i ment of officials. Wo do not know it I ^ our cemetery is a privately owned | afTair or if it is a public utility, but we I do know that it might be kept iu 1 better order if looked after by those | who control it. It should not be left i Portlaw Mrs. Geo. McMaster met with a iserioui accident one day Uit weak, wluii she unfortunately fell from a mow in I heir barn to the cement tlocred base- ment, ii distance ol Iwenty-tive teet. It is thought that no bones were broken, but it is uncertain as to tne extent of her injuries. Mrs. W. (i. .lamiesoii, who ha.s been ill the past three weeks, underwent an operation lust Tliuriday Ducti>r McThU uf Colliiigwood with .loctors Kot/.ell and Martin succensfullv performtd the opera- tion. A trained nurse is in attendance ,ind it is hoped that the patient, who is doin)< as well as can be expected, will make rapid progress toward recovoiy under the skilful treatment of doctor Kohzell. Miss May Corntield is visiting with rieiids a', I'oit Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. S. I'doll visited friends at Walteri Falls. Miss Ueta McNally of Toronto is the guest of her cousins, Iva and Violet McNally. Miss May Parsons, Kighth line, spent a few da;s of last week with Mrs. Lewis Shoardown. Miss Bella Ulakey vi.sited last week with her aunt. Mrs. Mcllae of Mclntyre. Public opinion appears to be more in favor of rain than it waa two months ago. We are not just unanimous for it yet, as there are li few not ([uite ready, but we cannot wait on llicm. The majority are wanting rain and want it to-night. R H. W. HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. A Half Price Clearance OyilidclyWaists Clearing 20 Middy Waists. Some plain white, some trimmed blue, others trimmed red. With and without Belts. Sizes run from 32 to 4O and prices range from 75c to $i.85. SELLING AT HALF PRICE. ( Dalifhtfully Cool On The Graat Lake* to the tender mercies of individual plotholders, some of whom have moved away, others are indifferent, and in other cases there is no one on ^hom responsibility falls. The way things are worked here cannot help were excess- ively high, the wonder ot it i.t how m.ry came thrmiith unscathed. I hope I never again have tu f.tce such a rain of death- dealiug miisiles as we received during the battle. M'lst of UM were pretty much shaken when Snally we were relieved, but we have had a week's rest and are in fairly good trim ag:tin. I have not had much rest out of it, though, as I have been kept on the go nince we i>ot into camp j I have been promoted three times in I the Ust month and a,n now a sergeant. but result in unsightly and tincared ()„ the s.cond day away from the front I for plots Port McNicoll, a few hours ple^isant journey via Canadian Pacific Railway, in the Gateway to the Great Lakea. Steam- ship Express leaves Toronto 2.30 p m. each Tuesday, Thur'fdiiy -ind Saturday making direct connection at Port Mo- Nicholl wiih cither Steamship "Keewat- in" IT "Assiniboia" for Sault .Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William. Further â- irticu'ars from any C.P.T.A. or NV, B. Five hundred tins of Salmon, full size, 1915 pack. Every tin guaranteed. Usual price 15c. SPECIAL 12c PEE TIN F. H. W. HICKUNG ptr Ho ward, D. P.A. Toron'o. We could well take a leaf from the Thornbury and Clarksburg XHioplciind at least make our cemetery a place that would not call forth un- favorable comment frc<m every passer by. '.tt battalion orderly strgeant and since then huve been company orderly serpt. With new company records to make out and 10 many other duties 1 have had litile lime to myself, but the work is well ill h.ind LOW .and f can take thini>s a jiitle easier. Pleiae remember ma to all the folks and give them my best egards. Mothers i" dolnit a great deal of worrying, but I Casement, the renegade Kuj^lish knight, was hanged in Plngland last Thursday. Kuigblhood, if judged by ' li >pe that ahe never has to regret that this wretch, has sadly degenerated ! »"'""' ]:>"' "' ' enlisted. Wo are , ... , having hue weather, although it was aiDce the days ol King Aithut andthe I very backward during tho first two weeks round table. We have decided that ' "f tl'« """th. MAC. , What must be we will not apply for a title until the [ odium of the name is forgotten. There was Bometliiu|{ manifestly unfair about the high school exam- inations as conducted this year, and a great deal of iodignatiun exists among parents, especially of the young women who had to stay with their job to the end and then write on papers especially diSiciilt and ' young children, marked close. Had the young |aJy i ''»'•""â- '"'"' •â- " the j>upilB received the same treatment ai the young men, many of them would iiave received their certificates with- out hesitation from the principles, but as It was, many of the boys got iheir certificates in tins way, while tlie girls had to plug to the bitter i appro p'iate word) end, and then write on a hearilecs folk Port Ilo| era This is a terrible story, re- marks the Itowinai.ville Statesman, from our sister town for any civib/ed commun- ity. A respected citizen hghtini; their battles iu France waskilled inaction. The news of his death proved such a shock to his wife that she died, and nut enough men attended ihe funeral to carry the cothn to the grave I The Daily Guide saya â€""Mrs. Vincent Colletl'a two maae orphans, have lome in Peterborouuh and her mother, totally blind, has beeo taken to thn counties' lioua« of refuge. In the fiice of these sad c'rcuinstai.ces there were not enough men to carry the remaiUN to tlieir Itst rusting place. The father, buried 'somewhere in France,' the mill her died of a broken heart, the children given over to the care uf strangers, and Port Hope citizens turn «ii Ull^ylnpathetic ear. Farm Laborers '*'^*'**'/ (Z^ : WE MUST HAVE J HELP!! /' . Excursions Going Trip West $12.00 TO WINNIPEG Return Trip East $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG Going Dates Auguat 17 and 3 1 F-roin 1 ofoiitu Suilbuiy t^iiic ittiil b^ast, but not incluilinK Smith's Falls at Ueidi^w, also front Mum Linr Elast ol Sud- bury lu, but not includ- ing. North Uay. August 19 and September 2 h I o in Toronto, also West and South ihereol l-uflhei uiKiciilai^ Iruiu ( jn^iluii Psclfic 1 i< k r t Agchlt Ol W It lluMiiil l>i*lncl Hsneitifei Atfcnl I uionio Miss Irene Gordon and Mr. .\lbeit (iordoii of Toronto Junction, are viiiling at Mr. and Mr8.(JharIe8 Turner, Eugenia, for the holidays. Odds and Ends 'X FARMS FOR SALE For sale or rent for grazing, lot 35, con. l.'t, and part of lots 34 and .'<r>, con. 14, Ait>>ine4iia, 181 acres more or IcsS' known s the Cooper farm. Will rent for pssture athis season, or take stock iu by the mon th. This is a splendid graiu and grazing farm, well watered aud fenced, a lot of valuable timber and cedar andabouc !M) acres tit fur cultivation. It is well worth the attention of stock men. \^ ill sell for reasoiikble cash payment, bal< oe eaiy terms. Apply to K. J. Sprout Property For Sale I Part lot 151, ooiTI, N.K. T AS R.I containing 2«i acres, about 1 mile frotn Flesherton. I'here is a good frame house and stable and the property is well fenced and watered. App!y to .Joseph A. lieOsrd, Flesherton or on the proper- ly- r The Old Adage ^ Hotstein Bali For Service ihoroughbrml H.>Uteiii bull for service on ,uv- ISS-lKt 8.W. T. * 3.K.. Artcmenis: vlo. ely related t) tba world's champion 4* pound cow. Term*: It •''•') for gra-les $">.00 for purs Iota IKS CO breda. I .luly 17 â€" CKO. MOORE A Son. .lulytitf Flesheiton, t*. t. ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sileâ€" 1 heavy 4-year-old horse; 1 he»vy 4 year-old mare; 1 pony lo year old and harnea.s. Will be sold cheap. I have no use for him. Not afraid of autos. â€" W. A. Armstrong. (iraham Hroa., Kutrenia, for flour .tnu feed. Markdale and Meaford fl >ui Al- ways on hand. For sale cheap and on easy terms. Lot 1.3,0011. U, Osprey, 110 teres. This is a tirsi class farm and in a good statu of cultivation. Good bank baru and ii^w frame dwelling. Apply to K. J. Spr.iule Flesherton Legal Blanks For Sale â€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sile cheap a full stock of Deeds, MiirtgH.;es, Will.t and all other legal blanks. .Vny re(|uiring audi will find it to their iiner- to give him a call. Good cidliu piip.s for Nnlrf, Apply to M itk Wilifon, hr., F'tesheiton. Two heifer calvef: Alf. Thi.tilelhwaile, fir sale .^pp'y Flealiuiton. LOST and FOUND Lost- (111 Thursday, .luly '27, on O 1» It. II bl.tck crochult'd liiii.' lined with t>!a< k Nilk I'ont'iiiiing white wool a nd woik. Will finder phase comniuuioate with The .Ailvimco ( >tli.'e. I.CMtâ€" On .luly 21at, between Mr. P, te Somors' farm. Kill line (><()rey. aiiJ Kueeiiiii, a fuiibuisl uf pearls. Fiiiier plevsi) le.ive at Advanue Olhej iiiol reci'iie reward. MISCELLANEOUS Painting and paoei -hanging Agent for Knipiro wall papers. C'lrnngton. ^leshorlon. iloi e. Hairy 1 M.y A RELIABLE AGENT WANTED In every good town and district in Ontario, where we are not repre- sented. Territory reserved for the right man. Highest commissions paid. Attract- ive advertising matter. Splendid List of New Specialities For Season, 1916-1917 Including the new everbearing RASPBERRY, ^'t. REGIS. Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries. (Kttablished 1837.) The Proof of the Pudding it in the Eating The same is equallj true of the 1900 Gravity Washer. Try one ami be convincetl that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Full line ot McCormick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Rakes, Loaders, Drills, Cultivators, Plows, Riding and Walking Haiiows Kiantfcrd Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fillings of all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers. Hay Forks, Slings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, F'rost Wire and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. i :«l I'rivato funds to loan on real ot^ie si'ciirity at remonalilo rat« nf in'orest. .\p(ily lo U, .1. Sproule, PUslierion. sept 2;t lli^hest prion for butter and eirg* at Oi'uhani Itm.s. Kiigeniit. June 2!) Columbiii UrsfoiiolaH at Slo, f20, iind J4."i in stock. Call in and sen theoi.â€" TIIK .\l)VAN('K Ollice. 'I'Iki liiic-il giitfiinula records for sale, N lies 'J.'ie per IIOII. 'I'lio .\ih,iii.'e, STRAYHU Camo to the niulersigtied alioiit July 17, »ne two year-old hiifer. Owiur pU' |irovH proMerty, pay expenses and take MUiie away. -MARK tiTEWAKT I/.t UiO: 2 N.D.l!., Plot m P. (>. TORONTO - ONTARIO Deering Implements AND Gasoline Engines .Ml kinds of Deoriiig linpleinenls. Ptrts always on hand. Ai;ent for lUrrie (fitters. Harber Buggies, Louden Litter Cfcrrieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar shingles and siding. These linplenieiits roi)uire no recoiniiiendation as they aie standard uonds and recognized as the best on the market. b'Kl'lT TIlKES-l iepre»cnt ihaSton & Wollingt'in nursery, and, will be |>lcased to call if vou send inu a card. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station iH[ uuin. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat !H) to 1 (H) i>ats 40 to 40 I'eas 1 2."> to 1 l«) IWrley 50 to M Huekwheat (i.T to 70 Flour ?;t 25 to $;: 50 Hay ... . 7 00 to SIH) Butter 24 to 24 Kggs, fresh 24 to 24 Potatoes per bag . . 1 50 to 1 50 (teoKo in te lo I>nck8 14 to 14 I''.'»l 11 to II Chickens l.'tto 14 TiitKeya 20to 28 Wool i .Tt to ;« Flesherton Tin Shop. 1 have just {)laced on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic Call on nie and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Furnaces. Bros. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. Fie slier* tion ^^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction L.AUNiniY-B.iskot closes Monday night, delivery Friday evening CLKANINO, and DYElNa- We ar agents for Paiker's Dye Works â€" Cloth(^<l cleaned and dvod, feathers rejuvonat d T FISHER 'PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At MaxweM 1 am o|>eiiuw no alonce, a blacksmith- ing and woodworking bu.siness in Max- well, and am 'natHUing up-'.o-date wood- Working iiiachineiy. It will be niy en- deavor to serve the pul>lic in a satisfac- tory manner and 1 would solicit patron- ase. I wint yourwork and will do it right. 7 April 17 CHESTER LONG vt â- SHSBBS&r

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