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Flesherton Advance, 10 Aug 1916, p. 1

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^kshtxim %imnu. \ TBDTH BEFOBE FAVOB." - " PBINOIPLEB HOT MEN." > ?0l 36 No i 3 Fleslicrton, Ont., Thursday, Augrust lO IQIO w fl. TBUBSTON ^^'^^oPEi. Eugenia Paragraphs fall Too LaU For L*it Wetk. The farmeia are busy at their wheat, the crop proving good. Master Clifford Williams, who has been visillDg relatives here, risi'.ed hi.s brother, Arthur, of The Advtuce staff, at Flesh- ertoii, the pa*t wrek. Mrs. John Jiniieson and littln sod, Jack, of T-jronto, are vis;tiui; the form- et't father, Mr. Latimer, aod other relat- ives hfie. Mr. Wes. Cooey, Mr. and Mrf. John Campbell, Mitses Lilly .-ind Millie Camp- bell all naotored over t<« Camp Burden in Wes's new tourtag car. Misi Elsie WiilimiiB, who has b«rn Visiting here for the past fortnight, rt;- turned to tier heme in Toronto on Mon- day last. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoy, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs MathewsOD,uf Holstein, motored over and «peut the week end with Mr. U. Hoy. Mrs, Johnston of , ia visititi); her brother, Mr. John Benson. We uoderstaud that Miss Etta Laiiu.- er has secured Eugenia school, Uii-.s Stella Orr the Eighth Line. Mr. and Mrs, V\'m. Fen wick and daugh- ter, Sadie, Mr. H. Fenwick and Mrs. J. WiUimns from Toronto, vinied at T. K. Fenwick's and other friends over the w£ek end. The trip was made in Mr. Fenwii-k's car. Mra. vVilhauis thinks Eugenia is the best place yet. Pte. Wm. Campbell of the llUih Bate. Camp Borden, paid hi* farewell visit to relatives her*. Will is g<iing oversea.s soon and his wife returned to Toronto with him. (iood luck Will: Cjuite a iiumDer )f Eugenia people at- tended the bean supper at I'orilaw on Friday last. Miss Millie McMulk'n i< visitioj^' friends in Meaford. Miss Florence Parlianueut has Kone to Kitchener City and Drayton to viiit her Kisteri. L.-C. Murgtn spent the week end at his home here. Our soldier boys have all returned to Camp Borden after spcnd- iuK »• fortnight at tlmir homes hulpin;j With the bay crops. Mrs. Geo. Lawler is nursiu-; her moth- er, Mrs. Carr, whom we ivre sorry ti) re- port is confined to her bed. Mrs Carr was doin'j some home cleaning .ind acci- dentally stepped ill a stove pipe hole Ait h one foot Kivin^ the other a liad fncture . We hope to .soon see Mrs. C.irr alilo to be ari>uiid a)(;iin. Miss Kjby Teeter is vLsiting her cou»- ii'. Jack Large. Word has been received thut Mr. (iai ey has enlisted, Mr. Berry tukirg lis place hiire. This Week's Items. Wednesday last Ji'hn Mai;oe w:ii uken to Toronto liy a Dr. to uiidmjj'i an operation for his eyes. We hope the operation will be successful. We understand there was u 1,'ook brought to town one day last week. What WHS wronn ! Wag there not tiro enough to boat the oven I We hope the next liiiii' he comes he will not let the fire down so sudden and that ho will succeed on the job. Miss Florence I'arliamenl has leturiieU home again after visilint; fi lends in Drayton, Berlin and Durham, acooiiipa- nied by her sister, Mrs. Foley and children, oi Berlin. Mr. and Mrs. Pedwell of C^wtn Sound were the quests of .Mr- and Mrs. A.iluy. Among the vi.^itirs ill town over the holidays were : Mrs. EUwuod Purvis and chiUUen of (Juelph, at H. Purvis's ; Allie ^N illiauis, Toronto, at her home ; Miss McDougall of t'riceville, at Mm. Armstrong's ; Mr. Donaldson, wife and children, at U. Williams' ; Mr. Hocgard »nd wife of Duncan, with relatives ; S. Godfrey and wife and Mi.^s House of Meaford, Mr. Jackson of Toronto, and Mrs. LUinmond of Pticeville, at |Mrs. McMulU'ii's. Misi McMullen motored home with Mr. Godfrey after visitins with friend* at <.)wen Sound and Meaford. We Martin ill at present, but hope to hear of her speedy recovery. The Mifses Marshall of Meaford visited their ^isler, Mrs. F. Pedlar. Russell Park and sister, Mae, visi'ed frienis in P.iceville and other iJaces, Will Hanley and wife motored over to Camp Boidtn with Walter Akitt and wife. Marjorie Latimer, who has been visiting her cousin, Etta Latimer, has returned to her home in Toronto. Edward Graham, wife and family, C. Graham and their mother motored to Orangeville. The mother intends to extend her visit. Their cousin, Mias Elli-', returned with them. Pti. J. Armstrong, H. Osborne, V. Ford, J. Fawcett and T. «)8borne spent the week end at home here. F. Parliament and friend motored over to Camp Borden. Mr. Will Gordon of the 12th line, had the luisfortuiie to lose a valuable cow by drowiiini; in the b'g Hydro dam recently. Wo de house Doings A heavy rain fell Monday evening, re- freshing everything after the continued spoil of drought and intense heat. H;»y- ing, which has been a bountiful crop, is about over and nea'ly everyone has their wheat gathered in ; but owiui; to the past conditions of the weather, the grain is ripening up tijo fust â- â- nJ will te poorly tilled. The berry pickers find the fruit to be drying on the bu.'-hes and hence the crop his been almost a ftilure unless in veiy shaded pieces. The fui.eral jf the late William Trotter of Kimberley, who pas.scd away in CoUioijwood G. it E. Ho-;pit kl on Friday Itst, took place to New England cemetery on Sunday afteriiuon and was largely attended. Kev. Mr. Lane preached at the decea-sed's home and also had charge of the service at the grave, which was very touching. The coinmuoiiy's symp- athy g )es out to Mrs. Trotter in her deep sorrow and bereavement. A meeting was recently held at Ntw Eugl.ind, when an Epworth League was orjianized with the fol'o«ing othcers : Pies., Uev. Lane ; Ul Vice Pres., Elbe Wiley ; 2nd Vice Pres, Nettie McArthur; Urd Vice Fres., Uena MtNevin ; Sec , Alma Wiley ; I'reas., Willaid Wiley. A League was formerly held here, but uwini; tu removaU.etc., and perhaps l:ick of Inteiest it paused out ; Kev. Lune hiis revived it once more and with renew- ed interest the numbers are begiiniiug anew. July .".0, ll'lf., to Thompson, a .son. Miss Mary Wiley is spending some tin.e «iih her sister.Mis. .Ino. Morri.son at Maxwell. .Mr. and Mrs. R. Renthani, Mr. and Mrs. W. liuskiu and daughter, Lillian, Flesherton.'vere recent visitors .vi'li Mr. and Mis. Ooidou Wiley. Miss Deli Abereroinbie of Kimberley has been eng.igtd as leaclier in our academy tor the coining term. Mr, and Mrs. Sinclair McKiver, son and daughter, Johnny and Vm'a, ajcompanied by ihe former's si.iter, M^^. C.oiieioi:, all of North Bay. who are vn a mot ir tour, called on friends here the past week, were the guests of ihcir aunt ind uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wiley. The W. 1. meetii g on Thursdiv was decidedly inteio.ting. Mrs, Wilc<ii save an excellent jiiper on canning and preserving as also Mrs. John Lawsou o.i picliling ; a repmt was also (iivtii of the District meeting at Eugenia ly iho Dist. Director and four iitw members were added to the re II. The ne.xt meet- inn Will be held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Kirkpiitrick, the third TliurJay in Septem"ber. Wo are glad to report Mrs. J. B. Hutehin.'ion, who has been critically ill with pneuinoiii;!, recovering. Miss Janet McArthur; of Battleford< Sask., i< visitina her trother, Mr. John Mc.\rtliur and faiiiilv. Miss Sarah Thompson is on an extend- ed visit with frieiids at Pot Peirv. Born â€" t >n .Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mr. Bob Cherry of Meaford, who has been diilling a well for R. H. Wiley, succeeded in getting good water in plenty at a di'Vith of 74 feet. Ncwsxh": Farmers Ceylon Chat Mrs. Ulrich, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Melia, for the past two months, relumed to Cleveland. Mrs. Bell of Windham, visited her brothers, Messrs. Alex., Dan. and Arch. Stewart, last week . Mr. Norman McLeod of Wsshago, has re'urned home. Mr. and Mie. Will Robinson and children of Toronto, are visitiutr with the la'ter's sister, Mrs. Jas. Radley. Miss Ruby Stone returned to Toronto on Monday last. Miss Zilla McLeod, Toronto, is spend- ing a fortnight with her parents. '.^Ir. and Mrs. Jai. Ashdown, < )wen Sound, spent the first of the week in town. Pte. J.J. Pdttiaon A Camp Borden, spent the week end with hit parents. Pte Gordon McMullen arrived Monday for a couple of Weeks' visit with bi> par- ents. Miss Binnie, Protju, was a visitor at Mr. J. Gibson's list week. Miss Lenii Legate is holidaying with t)wen Sound friends. Mr. Andy Kennedy mot jred a number of friends to Camp Borden on Monday. Mr and Mrs. (Jeo McKee and two children of Toronto, visited at Mr. J. Adam's and other friends the past week. Mr. McKee letuined Saturday to the city. Mrs. McKee and children will remain another week. Mr. John Kennedy received a mcs.s.ige announcing his si.ster at Saginaw, Mich., Was very ill tie left Friday to s«e her. Mr. McKeown arrived Saturday i.i visit with his wife at Mr. .S. Hind s. Pithy Proton Pointers The first shower of jain for man weeks has reached us, but we need more of It, Ki'a Wynlle (if Toronto, accompanied by her cousin, XUun Nicholln, is visiting at her home here. .Annie McLean of Toronto is holiday- iiii; under the parental roof, J. C. Wright and wife are visitim; with the former's father at Kincardine. Mrs. Guest of Tonnto is visitinc with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Roome. Miss Marshall is ihe guest of her cousin Miss Gertie Lyons. The Mifses Caswell of Fleshertoii visited their friends, the Misses .Vche- sou. Wo were plea.sed to notice the name of Miss .\da .V'Uesou on the list of successful Nurinal students. Congratu- lations, Ada. J. Eddy motored from Co.iksville on Sunday, bringing with bim K iith Oonsley, who has been visiting iheie for some time. Wo welcome Mis. Waldiii to our vi:lige. Mrs. Th.Mii,»j Wauclijb vis. led with fii-iul- at Durham. Miss Iiiii Kooine if visiting under the parental roof. Mis'es .McDonald and Liws'n, Dur- ham, »is;ted with their friend, Mi.~s .Vlabcl Wiiuchil', Mrs. Maiheson ^aod daughtei. .Maik- diih-, visited at J. C Wright's. Now i.-i yourcli'ince to get rid nf and ixe serry to report Mrs Fr»d ' sc^P 'f""- P- Sleinharl intends t^ load a couple of car loads of iron and will piy top price in cash. .Mso '2c for rags any .")c for rubbers, ."Wc for horsehair, all f.o, b. Markdale. Sell t" iu> one but myself, I have no agents. Eni|uire by teleiihone or mail. P. Steinhart, Markdale Vandeleur Happenings Mrs. Hire and two children of Mark- dale >i>ent tlio beginning of the week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. S. (iiibert visited their daughter at Meaford recently. Mr. and Mrs. Viiioii Smith visitod friends hereabout recently. Mrs. Pntchirdand two daughters and Ml and Mrs. Johnston nf Torouio are visitors at Geo. Pritchard's. Mr. .\t>. Widdifitid iiKitoied from Newmarket and .-pent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Alcox recently. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham and three children of Coi>ksville, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Buchanan of Toronto are visitors at Mr. Will. Huclnn.jn's. A bumper liny crcp has 1 ecu harvested in this vicinity and fall wheat and barky ha« already started. Miss Vinlot ti Ibert of Kimberley visited her sister. Mis. Will Hutchinson, a short time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Warling and chil- dren of T.ironto are visitors at John Warling's Jol\ii Gilbert and two boys, Jack and .\lex , are visaing friends hereabouts. Priceville Jottings The big bay crop is nearly fathered in and is in line condition. J. WIlliamaoD, O.D.R., had one field that yielded 44 good loads of hay. Considerable hay has been delivered in town at five and six dollars per ton. G. A.. Watson is making extensive repairs to the miUdam with cement structures. A considerable number of persons went over to Ebeuezer church last Thurs- day evening and attended the Methodist garden paiiy. W e had a nicj shower of rain 1 ist Monday afternoon. Three auto loads went down to Camp Borden last Sunday nurning to see reU- lives who are in camp there. Miss (iladys Patterson, who had been visit ing friends in Chatsworth, returned homo some days ago. Miss Edoa Ferguson has been visiting in Shelburoe with her nun', Mrs. (!. Rutherford. Mrs. Malcolm Ciineroa of Toronto, is the guest of her aunt, .Mrs. D. McDonald. O.D R , tliis week. Miss Martha Witsun has been spending a week or two with relatives in Walters brills. -Alex. McMillan, South Line, who suffered for long men. lis with a painful i illness, passed away on July 123. A very lirge number of people a'lecded the funeral at the new cemetery on Town Line St. on the ttith. The Priceville Fall Fair will be held on October T> & (5, and ai.y inembeis if this society who wish lo sell membership tickets to rew mem hers, wiil please call "r send a card to the Secretary and ask tor the number of tickets they wish iist ributed. The unfa vurable season has affect'ed some of the fields of oats which have been entered for competition in ocnnec- linn with the Priceville Agr'l Soc, but we hope to have a Uir competition. Ciiinpelitors should notify the secretary »l) 'lit a week before their fields are ready to cut, so as to get the judge on hand a« near the proper time ai possible. Mr. Noil McQijoeii of Detroit, an oKl s.hoolfellow. while visiiiug friends ari'uiid here, ^n\e us a friendly call. Bates Burial Co J. W. Bates, R. Maddock, Ptewdenr. Manager. Funrra.' Bi actirs ind Embaliuers 1 24 Avenue Road,Toronto Telephone Hillcrest 268 ~ MotorKiiupral Cars and Limiiusines to Cemetery at same cost- as Horse- drawn vehicles. 1 a'lp Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. DR. BURX ... . ., i„ dt..«e. of be W. A Armstrong Eye, Ear Nose and Throat * I iFFICE-l:)ii loth st. West, '.'won Sound Jewelcf At the R.;vere house, Markdale. 2nd Thursday each m^^nth from 8 to a 12a.m ' FI F^HFDTrvM r\ Dundilk,ls Wednesday of each month . , ^'=^"*^K I UN, . ONT t"&i';?t:?"-:i^"ri'";s^"ii"ii'"ii"'- £"- ->''- -iU, ^<'- »"'- .M<. â- t'O -v", v>''- „»".. â- ^'f. -^'t, ->"., o".. -j'i. M/.Mg- vg- 'rti^ •/!}• w '/..- '.A- '<.{• -;â- .«• â- â€ž!â-  -o- -'o^-'..' V W'V'^'-.?',.? w v.? v^^ '/,f ',,?V '/a'^^'HF Get Your Binding Twine AND Sik. Flour 81 Feed AT Kimberley Budget .S.iine beia ifal shoixers .n Monday last, which were much needed in this locality. "Fiiend after friend depart W ho hath not lost a friend.' There is no union here of heaits. That hath not here an end." A deep gloom was cast nver the conini in- ity un Krid.y last, when it became knuwii that Win. Trotter, a resident of this part, hid passed aw.iy. Deceased had been at the (" >lliMitW(i A hospilil fur some twcbe weeks sutfering friiii poLsoninn in the knee. He was i^f a kind di>|i08itii'ii, â- i i;o,id nri^hl nr and will be much missed ill tl-.e ci'iiiniunity. Much sympathy is felt fi-r Mis. Ttotier in this, her ssd hour of beieavenient. The rem kius were imerred in thi? New Kiighnid cemetery on .Siiiulay, wlie.e a laruc number oi sonowint; friends paid their husl; tiibute. Win. Flood, our popular bhick'-raith, is b-iildioi; a hauosuiie cement walk on Miiii St. .Mr.». .Jo.sepli McCu:!oiii;h of Meaford, is renewing oM aC(|Uainl!ince« in this vicinity at prestnt . Mooie Ihos., Meaford, ilelivered a load if their celebrated Bour to W. !S. Bi<hi[i, out inilir, on Monday. Miss .\Iioa F.iwcett of Markdale, spent a pleasant vi.-iit ncently at her parental h line. There has been altosjether too much boi'ze brought in to our vlllai^e during the la; t six months. There are times when patience ceases to be a viituo and that .line is nigh at hand, Is the License Inspector of I'entre (>rey a more Hgure- head or is ho beiu'^ outwitted in every stage of the game? We need a lew more Cooks in this pait of Ontsrio lo bring thci-e snivelling, tkulking, law-breakers to justice. Master Daiiirl t'ook of Rocklyn, holidayed during the past week with bis brother, Mansell. Misses Ha/.el and Blanche Hammond of Priceville, are visiting with their aunt. Mrs. .Jasper Sluait. Beatrice LycMiiore v'siled at Wm. Park's, I'nion, during the past week. W. BUSKIN ^ ME. W?w<=Vi^'«? W '/.J> '/i*- '/iv-'ai^T-iv- '/,«â-  '/!«• -?;%'! Vi?-/,??;,? v,?'/.?'/,?^--,»- V,,"-,.,' -,,,-',,,-^7|^ § FOR THE PEOPLE % g WHO WEAR BOOTS S "We have them in Mens Ho\ Cait. Ki.I and ^ Pitents. Also st>nK> good lines ill Piongh r.oots. ^ LADIES' WEAR Wc have tlieiu in lUuroii with I. loMiand Loatlitn- Tops, Patent Vamps. Light and heavy lioys and girls hoots, suiralile foi- the season. O Trunks, Telescopes, Suitcases. Agent for the Dominion E.xpress Co money Q orders. I Thos- Clayton^s I FLESHERTON John Chapman Furniture and Undertaking Successor to :-: W. H. Bunt Calls answered day or night. Day phone 17 R2. Night phone i7 3. The old stand opposite the Town Hall

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