Augusts 1916 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE «TTQTTnTpOQ^ A 'RT^^ • ^" *'*"'°'' '" l^''8i''« Cimpbell. • Swin aric lad, who is the uiily stiidriit in kll Giey County to I'ike hoimri. Uib ability and applicittiun tiave bren amply rewarded in this proud diminction aud Societies pWNCB ABTHtJR LODGE No MS.A^F^A i„ the fact that he wins the School I A M. niMtt in the Maioniclial). Arm troat't Block FlMberton, eTery Prida^r od ' Uo'ird's Kcholariliip fur hiijhest from 2ii;l Or befora tb« full mocp. J. Wright W. M ' u- ^ / . â- .• F. H. W. HickliDg, 8M.r«tarr. :lu J.'d form, eDtitliiiu hini to free tuition . the ensuing yeur. Keggie is sweeping CHOSRN FhIENi>Kâ€" PiMbtrtoD Coanell ol all before him, wiiniiiii^ the 8clioUrship CbrA«D Frieadt weett in Clayton'iball Arse ',. , ,-, .ik.oir ^ ^ and thiVj Weil.e»d»V ofeicb month fc p. ni. '^t year for liigliesl 1st to 2nd form, ai.d faT a»M«iuifm» to t>.« ««o'der o" "' >J«|pf'' Dr.'s medal for hmhost in tec firit 4*7 ot rach month. Cbi«i Councillor . Blakelev; Raoorder W U. Bank. South Gicy Ht 'he Kiitraiiie exaiiiR. in a i previous year. A brilliant career .should nOUKTFLKhHEBTON. 99S. 1. 0. F. iTMta in | u u: _Iju,l,.m Udvien- VciayloniHlocktlietait Wednesdav .ereuInK \ "^ "'*• l^"'"*â„¢ X>^<!»"e". A Clock Company « iih a capital of |2r)(l,0»)C' wants to loc«te in Orungeville, pos.sibly because a good deal of busineSB is done on lick there Tliey want a loan of 115,000 repayable in 1.") years without interest, to be secured by » building; to The »yi «ach Diniitb. Vxttlni; Forc>t«rs heartily wil ome C. II., U. Itellamy ; H. E., O. CairLB ; Fin. 6c« , \V. Huikin. plea>« pay due* to Fin. See. balora the flret d IV ol the mouth. Dentistry Medical I P OTTEWELL t Veterinary BarROOn iradnate ol Ontario Veterinary College reridecce â€" iMoud door south weit^oo kary ttreet. Thia street race outb freetyterian Chnrcb. Ur. E C MURRAY U D. S., dental unrgeon , . , «>.,„ ,irA iiOuor(!r»du»te of Toronto UniVBrntv and lie erected Worth ul leiist S,su,tKIU.! Cnllece ol Dental Kuriieone of Ontario, c.i i i r r i ii n*»adnjiiim»tere<l lor teeth extraction | eipense of the by-law, if successful, will o3ct at ree.dtuce. Toronto Street. FleefcertoD. . j^^ ^^^^^^^ ,,y ,,,p C(.mpaiiy,Hnd if defeatetl, by the municipality. A lot of noiiBoiise is Kpoken and writ- ten »b an city people f;iin;j back lu tiie land. Fartiiing is a highly skilled nccu- pitioii and it is more reasonable to think that a fanner can be put In a fuctoiy or othce and be expected to peifotm the work cfiicieiitly tlriii that a nr.echaiiic or clerk can t'o on a farm mid make » living. L^'^*,feito^^;K^^-I. ». L'i^.':"Kr'cTwn:: \ There must be long and careful trainin, Kaney. K. f. ; VV. D. Henry. )'. A. Offlcee, ,[„ orfj,.^ to succeed, the trainiui; that foroni.i. HX-V Traders Hank Bldg.. phone' ' . ,,â- ,.. icain 1412; Utrkdale Lucas Block, Phone 2 A. j coincs through experience :iiid ahility to branch othce at Dundalk open every Saturday. < r.u i tu ' ^ I inaUu use of the experience of othi'is. op KIGHT, TELFORD & McDONALD i Farming it really a profession as much as r^., '''"uV'L'^P'''''^"' t''-B/'^i?r!i' «/Sk''^ 'â- '*'''â- "'•'d'c'""'-' ""^l l*'e occupation A I'ruce Block, Owen Bound, htsndard Bank i r Blotk.Kletherton, iSaturdavi'). W. H. WriRht, will cuine into ita own when it is fully \V, p. Tellord Ji. J.C. Mct)oual'J, L. i.. B. . , , , ., ,. , recoijnizea »s sucli, and pmvidrs as high I rewards in income, in social enj'iyiiicn', and in recognition of fitness for public I service. - Mount Forest Corfeilerjte. Legal Business Cards 1« CULLOUGH * YOUNO '^ Bankers Markdale (iroeral hanking business. Money loaned at r«Moo able rates Call on u(. DUcrHAIL, Llernsed Aoctionre for the • County of Grey, Terms moderate hm'1 tktis art|OD Kusranteed. 1 he arrangements and date* cJ fsleK can bo insde stTliB Aovance Live hog« sold at Sll.liHon the msr- kct here on Tuesday. •Superintendent .\iinstriing, of the Peel-Haltoii )ii>use of Kefnge, dropped _ $'.'0(J0 on .Man street, Itminp'on, on ^CLntVt"o"."'''""'' ''•"â- '"*'""â- 'Dec!'«?07 S»-urd«y and h;id an exciting lime until Mr. Couch, ilie street sweeper, le.stored ~ I it to him on Monday. The two ihous- nrU. KAITTIN'O, Iceused Auctioneer foi | and were in dainty of I', i^j bondN and '♦T' the counties of "â- ^•r »â- "> BjineofJ as neg.aialde as cash. Mr. Cuch locat- larm asi Block sales a specialty. Terms , .i'^ , . .i i j , oiuderate saliufsction guaranUed. Arrauiie- ed the eiiielnpe containing the honds ml ujents for dales may he made at the Adveuce the towns rubbish disposal plant. jSicr, or Central telephone oBlce Feversham j ' or byaddressini me at Feversham. Ont. ' - â€" R, J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. A(,tnt (or the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implcmentt Wagona, UuKgies, Cutters, Steighi, and Gasoline Eii<>ine9, Melotto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, I'umps, Piping and I'Ipe Fittings always on hand Heatty Bros', of Fergus, ISarn Tracks, Litter ariiere and stable httinits. Iishult and Frost A Wcicd lef>Hiis alwaya on hand CANADIAN NATIONAL Vf EXHIBITION "rr Empire Federation ^ Spectacle ^ 'fe- He 1,200 Performers; 10 Massed I Bands ; Chorus of 60 Voices ! Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im- j penal Solidarity and Power I Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of j the BritiBh Houses of Parlia- ment, Westminster Abbey I and the War Office. Fmrsbam, - Ontario Bull for Service I I'ure bred shurlhoni bull, Kin|K!r<ir - H«f):J7 â€" for seivice on lot 2«, S. .S. |{.. Aiteinesia. Terms tl..'0 fur grade*. Purd bred cows f:i.o<i. Pure bred Tainsworth hnu for lervice (III the alsive lot. Terius tl.,')(l f U' all aniiiials. Served â- iiust be |>iid for. 6Keplti W. .1. Meads For Service For service on I a 12. con. It, O'laey, line purebn d hhori horn Kull. 'I'ernis Lfifl. Also one |jiiri! bred Yorkshire Itiiar, Terms tL'HI. All aecniiiils must Ui paid to FUKDTYLKK, Mai,ai/er - 1 Sep W ON AND UNDER W A ^^'^ A M ON LAND M R IN THE AIR R Scenes that have thrilled the Em- pire Re-enacted by Overseas Troops. Shells in Process of Manufacture Immense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand Grenade and Bomb Throwing, De- struction of Warihlpa by Hidden Mines, Bayonet Fighting, Federation Year Fireworks, Complete New Midway. ' Anmer "" "'"* • Horse Tamworths For Sale Government Exhibits, Superb Showing of Live Stock and Agricultural I Products, Acres of Manu- II J . I . ' factures. 4 I have some extra kooJ yountatock at | ^ presenl both s. x. a'so one Ji'>">K *"»', â- __-_4_'* a .^ na a. a ^^ bred to farrow ill Sep'. Write or phone lOrODTOi AUg. M CO SOpt. 11 (ieo. \V. ItiHH, Mix well i'. (). â- I II III NEW SUITINGS | I I New Suitings just to hand â€" .sonu; (if the nobbiest weaves to be foniid iiiiy- wheie. Leave youi- order now for that new Kuif. Y^ou will never regret it. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don't forget that we do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Our prices iire riglit and our workmanship is the very best. S. J. BOWLER I 4k Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. af The late P. T, Barniim said -.â€""If you have $19 to use, put f 10 of it into advertisine. I can out talk any man but a prinler. The man who talks eveiy week to a thousand men while I am talk- inf( to a few is llie man I am afraid of, and I want to be his friend. Trnde wi h the men who advertiie and you will (>et bar^aiua and the worth of your money ." Patronize your paper aa you wou'd any other enterprise because it helpi you and not as an act of charity. The local i weeklies are religiously read and are the ! very best avenues for iuipartinjj to cuito- [ meiK or producers simple but extremely important infi>rinariou . Shop where you are invited to shoo. On Sundoy evening, Kith inst , while motoring home from Owen Sound, (/'apt. Lun);ford and parly of I'ort KIgiu collid- ed with a cow resultiiit; in the death I'f the animal. The motorists a'ere (joiiig down a steep hill near Elainore, when the cow wa.s seen dashing towards them, 'chased by a doi;. The car was stopped, but the cow blinded with fury cuine on and atiurk the car in the centre of the radiator. The c«r was a heavy one and the aninial was thrown into the air and lighted on its head breaking its neck. The animal be- 1 nged to Mr. Stanley Porter. â€" Tara Leader. J. Youiij^blut, butcher, met with a pe- culiar and very piinful accident last Fri- day which narrowly escaped being seri- ous. He had l>een Lsing the telephone^ and when lurniiig away from the iiutru- iiient was seized with dizziness which caused him to lo>e his balance and topple over against one of the bii; hooks U8ed to lian){ (juartera of meat oo. The point of ihe hook caught him \iehind the ear an J tore a deep gasi: clear to the top of his head, »liicli bled profusely. Fortunat- ely a customer was in at the time and 'phoned for a doctor, who arrived at once aid found it necessary to place about 15 â- titches ill the wound. Had the hook caught toner down in the neck it miKlit have proved fatal . - Uep. Alfred White, a sixteen-year-old Uar- nardo Ix'y lixiit; with Mr. Ansley Culhani of Ihe lUth line of Sunnidalu. commit' ed suicide by hanging himself in the bam on Tuesday morning. The biy had been with Mr. Culhaoi for some moiitliK and was uFUally brglit and cheerful. I In this cccasion, however, it is supposed thst he liecaine despondent in regard to some little matters in which he waa connected and while siitiWiing from iiirlancholla committed ,4hedeed. N >lii<piert was he'd, and the bixly Was buried in .Siayner cemetery the aamc aft< riiooii. He has no rulativta in Oaiiad 1. At the met I ill'.' uf M.foi iv (irand \iO Ige at London last week a re-arringe- iiieiit I'f districts w.ts male ly wliich (ieoiviaii, N". '.* \, dinappeais sod a new dihtric'l, Oiey, .No. 'Jli, was fcinii'd if the lodges III the followin/ pact'.'- : <i»en Souiiil, Markdnle, Fleshertcn, DniuKlk, Klielbiirne, (hangeville, Erin, (iraiid \'ai|uy, Ailhiir, Mount Forest and Diir- liiiiii . This sriangeiiient is in accord with the repu'seiiL-itires of the vsrioiii I* 1). 0., Nil. -, who regarded the grouping of No.M A, as impractical and ineonvenient Ml. ('. M. Mills of Shelbiiinp, win olect C.I I).l).(i.M. Lewis MeliHiy had a nan oh escape fioiii a viiy uriouH accident at his farm ill .\iiiaia"th. A pulley on a hay fork brnle and falliiii! about 4(1 feet strtl'k Lenis a i(liiiicing blow on ihe Tlii'u' »MH MiMiiient folic lo bowl ever Mr Ml nniy, iiiiike biiii a bit dimity H)id spill ihe skin for a couple if inches. \ (liidiir gave him iilli iitiili .iiid hiouiilit him lii'Mie in lii'< im lor I '(1) 'Oaspereaux Valley, King's [(2) Starr's Point, King's Co., N.8. (3) Packing Room at Hillcrest. N.S. T is said $140,000,000 has been invested in ('anadian fruit production so that this is one of our great national industries. In a year o( average produc- tion 15,000,000 bushels o( Cana- dian apples are marketed, of which Ontario alone ships on an average 1,300 oar-loads Into the prairie pro- vinces. • Most famous of all orchard areas Is the Annapolis Valley in Nova Sco- tia nine miles wide and eighty miles long. With the Uominlun Atlantic Hallway running through the vaKcy the growers have Ideal packing and shipping facilities CO p.c. of the crop being handled co-operatively by one central association. Plums and pears are also grown here on a commercial â- caJe. Ontario is the proud possessor of the original Mcintosh Red Tree which •till stands at Dundelas Largs apple orchard districts are found (1) Along the lake shore line of the CPU. (2) West of Toronto bordering on I.iake Urle and Lake Huron. (3) In the Ueorgian Bay Oiatrict. and (4) in the Mlagara Peninsula which also pro- duces 95 p.c. of the grape crop and at least 75 p. v.'. of the Ontario peach crop. Plums and pears are grown wherever apples are producej In Ontario. Uritish Columbia has developed Its trult industry during iiuite recent years, the number of fruit treuj In- creasing from 060. 000 In 1901 to ap- proximately 3,000.000 In 19i:t; and the production of apples from IIIO.OOO bushels In 1910 to 787.750 bushels In J915. The principal fruit-producing section of the Province la the Okan- agan Valley, where fruit is packed and marketed largely in a co-operative way, similar to that In vogue in Nova Scotia. There is also a large apple sec- tion In the Koutenay Lake District and on the Ixiwer Mainland. Pears and I plums are also grown very success- I tully In these sections of the province I Kiready mentioned, and peaches have been planted quite extensively in the I southern part of the Okanagan Val- I lev. [ Between 1. 250.000 and 1.500.000 bar- rels of Canadian apples are consumed outside of Canada every year, and most of these In Oreat Britain. The ; growers of Nova Scotia and Ontario cater especlully to ttie Old Country ; market, though some British Colum- bia fruit also reaches It. .Nova Sco-, tia has been developing, for some] years past, a trade In South America j and South Africa, with very satlsfac- . tory results. British Columbia ex- ports considerable quanlltlc3 to Aub-{ tralia and has even experimeutod ; with China and Japan. I SiiouUi any pressure of circum- stances interfere with the export fruit I trade, a very serious situation would present Itself, tor it would be neces- sary either to double the consump- tion of trult in Canada, or to allow tremendous quantities to waste in the orchards. The severity of the situa* tlon would only be lessened by coa- certed co-operation on the part of tb« consuming public and those who ea» t(tr to Its demands. SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR THE DoM N ON War Loan TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. . >- By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of th« highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' OTTAWA. A FIVE DAY HOLIDAY on the GREAT LAKES AnJ you will feel good, because among the islands of Georgian Bay, the green banks of the St. Mary's River and the expanse of Lake Superior, fresh, cool breezes will blow new life into you. The CANADIAN PACIFIC Clyde-built Greyhounds, with their Verandah Cafe, perfect appointments and cuisine, are as good as Atlantic Liners. Elxpress Steamships "Assiitiboia " and "Keewatin" leave Port ^^^ McNicoIl every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday ^^fl||^ for Port Arthur and Fort William. Round trip ||8BlBr 5 days. w|iUliy7 Tickdi, information and rcsrrvations liom ymm^ Local Agent, or W. B. Howard. Uittnct ^^^ Pturngcr Agent, Toronto, Ont. , I -leiriiri â- ^t,...rfur«. :r*w"i.'^