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Flesherton Advance, 3 Aug 1916, p. 4

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\/ Augiust n 1016 THE F L E S H E B rO N ADVANCE TH I£« f icGljcrton vl^onncc Vn independent newa|i»|>er, publiahed every OiDnday at th* office, Collingwood Street, c'lMherton. Sabrcriptiun price $1 per annum when (laid in advance ;il..V) when not so paid Adver ininir rate* on appliration. Circulation 1,100 weekly, J^ H. Tliiirwtou- Kdltoi WHAT ABOUT THE CEMETERY? r A p'ollioliler uttered a ccmi^laint to The Advance last week legarding th« conditions pievuiling in h!e:ilii'i- tou eemeteiy. Tie cliar^jo i^s the ccnieteiy is not iropeily looked After anil thai It lojks trore liKe an Indian burial ground than a while mau'd cemetery. The coroplainant, farther says tl<at if tliere ate not safficicnt funds on hand lo keep the place ill yood order soui" ineaiiu of raising fundj should be evolved and more pride taken in its appearance. When cjcf'-oiited with the matter there were several points that we were uuablu to make clear to our catechist and we would like tJ ftme these problems along to whoever is competent to answer them. For ins- tance : 1. Is there a cemetery board or trust in cxisteooe wlmse duty it is to transact all bnsiuejs pertaining to th^ cemetery.' 2. If there is such a boaid, who are they and how and wiieii were they elected? who have aul^'eied. II they were Froni Owen Sound to Cleveland in une allowed lo escape this just punish- , day in a Ford cur seems to be about the ment the writer would waul to move recoid for « Ioi.k trip in ibn part of the 8 .mewhere out of the influence of cou"try. The trip was made via H^imil-, Ning^ra KalU liud liutt'alu.a dislaitc» of 4:t7 miles, l)y Mr. T. .\. Fleinlng of 1 Cleveland. He wiis aecoiiipanied l)y lii» wife and tlieir daui;hter, ami lliey left I 0«en Sound at 4.10 a.m., on July 5, I reaching tlieii home In Cleveland the ' saciiB iiiglit at II oO o'clock. Three hjuis Mr. \V. ,1. Irwin of (lio Oravel n<>»'K and t|||rty minutes were taken off the Arteiiie.sia, had the misfortuim on Friday i runninu tiinc for meiU and roat, so Ihut of haMng hi.s leg broken near the ankle the trip was made in Iti hours and ten when he wii.s attiicked by * bull in his | minutes, an avern^e speed of over 2'> own buriiyard. Luckily help wiisiieurat ' miles iiii h"Ur. â€" Sun. htnd or lie iniuht have been killed. Ur. Maitiniit ihe fr.iciure. B.ittiii, France, Russia and Italyâ€" to j C'litral Horneo for instance and Hyo i anion>,' the hcud hiinleia. Dundalk In the ulectiio storm of Tliur.sday ev- ening of last week the barn oi. Ur. Mart- ] Reeve J. A. Marshull of Mono, met ' with ii.seveie loss on Thur.sdiy last, when I seven head of yearlins? c^iltle weie killed by lightning. The nninmls liiu tiiken fin.V a couple of milei of !>"" I g,,^!,^^ under a tree from the severe stomi dilk, WHS struck by lightning. The i ur- j ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^_^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ country aud a 8. Who coutrols the fundi* accum- ulated through sales of pljls, and how arc these funds employed? 4. Id an accontiting ever made of the finances aud it so tu whom is it made? We believe the above foui questions cover the ground pretty well on which luforroatioii is desired. Somebody is no doubt competent to answer tlum, tout who ii IS we do not know. Will lie please come forth and let the pub- lic know the answer to there prob- lems? Those who liave dear ones interred iu our "City of the dead" would like to have beUer care taken of this plot of ground, aud if those who have the property in charge can- not afford to g;l the work done thrj feel that some sort of a levy should be made on all pioUiolIcrs with a view to making the sunoiindings more chaste <iiid beautiful ihan they are at the present time. Ihit first, they would like to have a statement made in accordance with the above questions. line plate was ahnt I ereii and the atone work It one point was damaged sligliily. Fortunately the p'aci did not take tire. DunJalk Public .School Hoird In res- pjnse to advertiaeuient for teachers for three lower rooms received &2 applic-i lions. The Boa-d en;4»ged the following: Mist .Janiieson of Ililledale, fur the third form itnd the Misses Henry (two siUer-), of Fort I'eriy.for Fr mary and :iiid forms. After a lingering lUne.'.s ol over a year Fred Irish, son of .Mr. and Mis. Frrnian Irish, of Wareham, p'lssed awiv un lues- day, July l!^, in tlie Sinivirum »t Wes- ' ton. Thii young lu'in, who was but 'M , yeais of age, had a most promising career j liefore him in cunoection willi the Hank of Commetco in emph y he had been for iver four ye*r« in the brauches at Eieter, Crediton and latterly at Ilali- j fax. N.S. Ha was compelled through ill-health lo give up work over a year . ai>.)and took a trip to Berniundu, win at home for a while and lately went to the Sanitnr.uni but all to no avail. Mn. H4Uies» sen , relict of the late Win. Haiiie-', |.a.s.-.ed away on Monday at the liiime I'f lier son at Iniiiioge at the ripe age of .SI jears. The deceased li«d been an invalid for some years and death Loiiiea as a relief to suffering. She was a f.tithful nienil>er i;f the Meiliouist church. The fiiiier«l wu held on Wednesday tfteiiiion to Pjiidalk eemeteiy. --Herald. ho t killed them. They wore lyina close rogethtr. Mr. Mar.shill did ii'it learn of the accident until Tui-sdiiy when he sent it boy into llie tield to see if all ihocatMe were there. The Ix.diis were in x decom. posed state and they wore cremated. The cattle were insured in the DufTerin Farm- ers Mutiml and weie valued at ^i'.i each. .Sun. John ^. Scott if mono received a sun- stroke while on a load of hay. He fell off the load of hay. The doccor said he was dead when he readied the ground. ^ "%. C^ Odds and Ends ^ FARMS FOR SALE For sale or rent for grszini;. lot 35. con. i:!, and |.»it of lots 'M and .â- >.'>, con. 14, Aitf'niesia, 1«1 acres more or less' known s the t'm.per farm. \\ ill rent for pasture atliis seasoH, or take s'ock in l>y the nion Ih. This is a splendiJ grain and aiazing farm, well watered .iiid teiiced, a lot of valuable timber and cedar andal.nur VM) acres Ht for cull ivatioii. It is well worth tiie attention of stock men. Will se'l for reafonable ca.sti ii^iynient. balance easy terms. Apply to K .f. Sproule, .luiyOtf Flesheiton. 0..t. F. K W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. A Half Price Clearance Of Middy Waists j Clearing 20 Middy Waists. Some plain white, some trimmed blue, others trimmed red. With and without Belts. Sizes run from 32 to 4O and prices range from 75c to $i.85. SELLING AT HALF PRICE. I GROCER^^ Five hundred tins of Salmon, full size, 1915 pack. Every tin guaranteed. Usual price 15c. SPECIAIi 12c PEE TIN F. H. W. HICKLING Property For Sale Fart lot 151, con 2. N. K. T & S. U.I containing 28.^ acres, aUout 1 mile fr.-m Fleshertoii. There is a good frame house und stable and the property is well fenced and watered. Apply to .loseph A. Ledard, Flesher.on or >>» tha propar- ty- â- saai w/uui The Old Adage (iood 50 acre farm for .sale, about thre miles from Ceylon. W ell fenced and watered, easy terms for ()uick sale. For further particular* apply at this ottic^. Tha editor of the IJrtice Herald and Times is acting snakcj these days. Never mind, dear editor, pro Libilion n coming'. Aftei Sept. 15 couditioDs will iinpriive. The Owen Sou'.id Advcitiser ha.s always hcon a stickler for the JDiirnal- tstic amenities, thcrcfora we were siirini.sed to see iu the coliiiiiiifl of its second liixt ijbue, our (ditorial on ilie Baemakcrd cartoons clipped and used complete as its own elitorial. After this the 'Tisor should not coinpliiiii wlien its own braini are rehashed. The costly uiul fatal fires which liavc swept the north country in rec- ent years loads one to ask, of what use is the fire rangiiii{ system of this province as constitntcd to-day •.' EDormous Bums of money are paid every year for a Utile army of forest rungers to prevent these rirei>, but so tar as one can judge the results are far from Hulisfaclory. The I'liitcd Htatcshasa better or^'uni/ed system and even Quebec if away ahead of ( >ntario iu its fire protection law.->. The German high offieialH are piiiag up retribution for themselves about as fast as any hoatlien junf^'e tribe ever did. Their latest outrage as the murder of a Rritisli sea captain vrho attempted to ram one ol tlieir Bubmarinca when it undertook to linh bia boat. This case of murder is on a par with Ntwso Kdith Cavcll. Itrit- ain has a long memory and for every drop of bleed shed by thest two martyrs Germany should be required to pay dearly. The allied world wil] demand the eseMition of the kaiser. Von Turpitz and two others to be decided on later. Of all the deviliali fiends that ever existed in hiiinaii form these uncaged I'ni.saian hcaals lead the unholy procession, and they will he punished before long wilii a punishraeiit that will satisfy those Victoria Comers Uev. Mr. T l!>-r of Maiwell exchan;{eil I ulpils on .*^i.iiJ.«y with llev. Madden. Iluyiny 19 piiigreHsipg, there beinu no rain to hinde: il, iliough we understand there ne pleify of showers around us. Died â€" .\t the residence of her step.soii. Will. Ilaiie", I'll July 24. Three jears a{<> Mrs. Ilaiiies fill and broke her hip. II WKH ihounht iinpiissible lo set it. She h.-is been a siill'ner ever since lill death released her. Mis. Sloan and Mis. Cowan ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sile â€" 1 heavy hoise; 1 heavy 4 year old iinre; 1 pony 10 year old and hiiineSH. Will lie_ sold cheap. 1 have no USB for hiin. Not afraid of autoH. â€" W. A. Armstrong. (ir.ihani Itros feed. Mirkdalt waya on hand. Kiivenia. for Hour and and iMeiford A lUr .il- For sale cheap and on easy terms. Lot 13. con. U. O.sprey, 110 acres. Tin- is a tirsi cl.iss farm and in a i^ood »t,\'i- of cultivation. Oood hank b.irn uiid new frame dwelling. Apply to U. J. Spoule f Toronto, Kle.sherton and Rev. and Mrs. Arthur ilamei of; - Ueeton, were ^uea's of the i biother. W. i Le^al Blanks For Sale- U. .1. Spioule I „f' keeps coiislaiilly on hand and f'lr sale cheap a full stock of Deed.s, Motfs.i.;e.s Hiiiies, while attending the late Mrs. Haines. ihe funeral The Ontaiio License Hoard has distri- buted lo all ilentists,physician4,druj,'i;i»t8 and viileriniry surijeons in ih-! I'.iviiico of Ontario a blue bunk , which will govern llieii.MiiJuct in the untter of reciuisiiions for lii|ii ir. Hithertoadoc or c luld ph uie up a drui' store and tell the attendants to ({iv.: a patient a certain ainounl of lii)Uiir. SonietinuM the dru^^'ist was de- ceived by this mellioil, and the License Hoard IS bjuiid such pi.icica must cease. The blu) boik contains a form which II u>t bf tilled "lit by the pliy.iician and aiymd by ilie per.<on lo whom the li'inor is deliveied s.ivin.{ pliiinly how much lic|Uoi ismiuircd and what ihj disease is. t)iily six euiicca msy he pre- •ciiled for iii.einal use, bur a pint iimy hi 111 tallied if the psiieiit is to lie bathed. Tlie iire.><(rii>tiou iimy be tilled only once, and must be fyled fnr purpos-sof record. The blue book alsu ciiiilalns sectioiis o( the Oiiiario Teinperanc! .\ul for the con- venience of I he phyaciaiis and drujjj^ista of the I'r iviiiee, ihilinmi? tlieir pi-wers and duties and the peiialtiei for infrae- liolis i)f the law. (;eori{6 Itonwick if M.irsville fell from ahiyfork tnck while tixMi;{ a pul y. Holh »iist« and one arm broken. Moll Davidson f>ll folly feet at Mel- ville lime kill s while duiiuiing coal, and died after tline lious of autTerintf ip a i Wills aud all other le^al blanks. ' reijuirinu such will lind it to their ' est lo give him a call. .\iiy 11 'er- LOST and F0UN4) Lost - a sill ep, with tar on her fice, wool on, two lanilis with 1. on one side, about 1st of .June.- Levi Duckett. Lost â€" on .July 1st, small black | ur<ie containint.' k 81 bill and some >inall chaiiije. Finder pl.'ses leave at the Advai.ce otii -e. Lull (»i Thnri'day,.luly •iT.onn 1' K. a ll.ick ciochelid ba..' lined with back Nilk coiit liiiiiii,' white wool and v'liW. Will tinder pl.ase eoinuiuux.ite »iih The Advance Otti.-e. MISCELLANEOUS I'a'niiii;! and paoer haiini'W Ai{i'iit for Kiiipire wa'l pipers Carruiu'on. I< lesliertoii. Private funds lo loin o'l â- lefurity at reisonab'e Apply i<> It. •'• Sproule (I. if. II... ly 1 May real e»lite .f iii'ereit. Flesberion. sept 2:5 Highest price for butter and eggt at (Iraham Hros. Eugenia. June 2!> Notice Heriy pickets ami other lo's- passers on lot 24, con. 10, AnenuMa, will be prosecuted. â€" Fred Janiieaon. ("olninbia (unfonoUs ar Sl.=>, f'2(), nnd $1.1 in stuck. tJall in and see then.â€" THK ADVANCE Olliea. .Jesie KoUrhuin, an ol I resident of '|'lie latest grafomda recc^rils for inle. arland, Sa»k. Needles 2.')o per iMX). The Advance. Orangoville, died atSuther Many Thousand FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA "Going Trip West" "RcturA Trip East" $12. TO WINNIPEG $18. FROM WINNIPEG GOING DATES Holstein Bull For Service .V thoroughbred II .Liteiu b ill for service on;tlH4.S.\V. T.A S.K.. Arfiiiesia; clu.' elv related C> the warl I'h ehiiupi'in 41 poiinil cow. Term.: M .V)f ir uradj*, 9X»» for pure liieiN. 1 .Inly 17 â€" i;KO. MOORE & .S..n. A RELIABLE AGENT WANTED III every good town and district in Ontario, where we are not repre- sented. Territory reserved for the right man. Highest cotuinissions paid. Attract- ive adverti.sing mutter. Splendid List of New Specialities Ht Season. 1 9 16- 19 1 7 Including the new everbearirg i{.\8PnERRY. Su REGIS. The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is e<iuall} tiue of the 19C0 (jiavity Washer. Tiy one and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Full line ot INIcConnick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Kakes, Loaders, Drills, Lnltivatois. Plows, Riding and Walking Hat lows Biantfcrd Wind Mills, Pun:ps, Tiping and Fillings of all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers. Hay torks, i>lings, Filter ("Jirriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Wit e and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. i J Stone & Wellington '|ji|:^wj^,w^^,^^^,^^^x^wj=?,w^^,^^^^,^^ The Fonthill Nurseries. (Kit'ibhshed 18H7.) I [ I ! TORONTO - ONTARIO M ir<i Deering (mpleinenls 1(^1 I Gasoline Engines M All kind.s of Deoiiiin Ini|ileiiient.s. hirt,* iil\vay» on hiind .Aueiit for IJnrrie OiitterH. Bmbe"- Ituituies, Louden Liner Cfcirieis, Hay Tr.itks, IV-dliir ^hin«leH »nd siding. These InipleiiieiilH riw|Uire no recoininendat on as tliey aie standard i>>><>d)i and recognized .ts the bestf on the market. FUriTTKKKS-l represent ihe Ston & NVelliiiRt >n nursery.and will be (doased lo call if von aend me a curd. J !1 Flesherton Tin Shop- I have .)U,sl placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agatewaie for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. E 'liivetrou'diiiii;. Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- in g.s. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipetittin Furnaces installei Furnaces. g, inchidiiig pump worl Airent for Clare Bros. ALiaUST 17 AM) 31 I From Toronto. Siulhnry L ne and Eti'.but not iiielud- ' iiiii Siiiitli'a Kails or R nlrew.-ils'o from M lin Line K;ifct ^of .Sudbury to, hul not ine'ndiiK', Nortli liny. AUGUST 19 AND SEP! EHBER a{ ( From Toronlo also \ thereof. and South Fuilher particu'ars from Ciniidian Pucifio Ticket .Veen's, !>/â-  W. I! Howard Pli'iiot ^a^.sen^ur 'jjeiit, Toronto ED.RUTHERFORD Proton Station mil 1 1 in. Carelully Corrected Each Week Wheat I)*) lo 1 00 Oats 40 to 40 \'cM 1 25 to 1 «0 Hirley fiO to 6a nuckwheat (i.5 to 70 Flour $;t 25 to f.*; 50 Hay.. 7 00 t) 8 00 liulter Kiig.H, fresh I'olatoes per bag G I r>ucks F..i*l Chickens TiifKeys Wool D. McKILLOP 1< i I I I i V CHRISTOE BLOCK ,« FLESHERTON JT ONTARIO, m 24 to 24 25 to 25 1 50 to 1 50 i:i to VJ 14 to 14 11 to 11 i:tto 14 20to 28 x^ to -xt I Fleslr&ex*tion ^^ Tonsorial "^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction IiAl'NDRYâ€" Buskct closes Monday iiiijht, delivery Friday eveuiig CLKANING and DYEING- We ar «;5onta for Parker's Dye Works â€" Clotlins cleaned and dved, feathers lejuvena' i T FISHER -PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am openinz no atiince, a blacksmith. I ing and woodworking business in Max- well, and am nn'aUinii up-lo-date wood- workinc macliineiy. It will be my en- I deavor t.i serve the pulilic in a satisfac- I tory manner and 1 would solicit pat:on- I ace. I wiiit yi urnork and . will d) it I '!?'•'• 7 Apn: 17 CHESTER LONG

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