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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jul 1916, p. 8

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July '27 1916 THE FLESHEETON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS Societies I t>RIMCE ARTHUR I.ODQB, No. »3S,A.F.«' ^ A kl, meet* in tbt MaBODio kkll. Arm tmmK'a Block KiMtaerton, wary Friday od i «r tMtor* tbe tall ioocd. J. Wright W. H \ r. B. W. HicklinB, Kecretkry. CHORKN FhlENOS-FlMbcrton Council o( CtaoBeD Frlendi oieeta in Clayton 'thkll firu aid third Wwlketdav ofekcta uODth 6 p.m. fay aKSMBmeDtH to tue Kei-order on orb«(or« ice llrtt dayot eacb luonth, Cbiet Councillor Blakelev; HMorder W II. Buut. COURT FLEhPERTON, 996, I. 0. F. n?«ete In Clayton • Klork the iMt Wednendav eveDini; ul racb mouth. V'.aitioiE Foresters heartily we come C. K., O. Kellamy ; K. B., U, Cairt-s Fio. Brc. W. Hunkiu. Pleaw pay duea to t'io. 6u. before tbe first d >y of the mouth. JjENTISTftv |\r. E C MURKAY L. D. fi., dental surgeon t* hoDoi Rradnate ol Toronto UDiversitv and itvyal v.'ullege of Dental Kurgeons of Ontario, Gas adhjisiiiistered for teeth extraction oltce at iMidence, Toronto Ktreet. Flesherton. Medical Jr CTTEWF.LL Veterinary Burgeon graduate of Ontario Veterinary residence â€" second door south lB*ry street. This street ram I'reatyteriau CUnrob. Collece west Ion ouUi Victoria Comers ooiiKratula-e Alex aod 'l'u')>ut Itwio aud Kriiie Stinson in paMiuK ihe enlruDce rxama. MiM« Mina aiitl MaRler Bullous Heard are visitint; at Matkilalt;. We are sorry to leport ihrtf Mr. Will IiwiD got bia leR biukeu la«t Friday moriiiDK. This is a very unfortunate lime of tlic year a» well as the extra HuHcring to hiimelf Miss Beryl Ilennie, Drumore, in viiitiiit{ at Mr. Jas. Bi^st's. Mifset Maud and Rubeita AcheeoD, Proton Station, spent last week with Iheir ^rHndf>arcnt8 Mr. und Mrs. Geo. Moore. MeKsrN Ab Stinson and Geo. Ludlow h»ve returned from >iew Unlurio, wheie they were vi.siting tlie laitei's father. They report a tine country enpecially adapted tu hay. They brcuitlil a stoek of hay nix feet high, home with them. Kcbeita .\chiBoii aud Margaret and Ouoige visited Iheir undo Will Talhot for their lOJKiii Dave's birthday putty. Legal I VCA6. KANEY & bKN'^V-Barrliterl. i «-' t>olicitor«,ejc.-l. H.Lucas, K. C.J w. r- Kaory K. C. ;W. 1>. Henry, ». A. Oflices, ' roroulo. t06U Traders Hauk Bldg.. phone • uain 1412; Markdale Lucas block, Phone 2 A. j branch oflice at Uuudalk open every Saturday. WRIGHT, TKLFOBD & McDONALD Barrister. Solicitors, Ac. OfHcee. (irev ft liruc* Block, (jKon Hound. Standard Bank i Hlock.Klethorton.fSatunlayn). W.H. Wright, I U'. P. i'elford Ji . J. C. UcDoual'l, U U B. I Business Cards %' CULLOUGH * YOUNG Bankers Markdale Oe:eral banking business. Money loaned at reasonable rates Call on ua. DMcPHAIL. I.ioeoaed Auclionee for the • County of (irey. Terms moderate and satis SCUI.U Kuarsnteed. The arrauKeuunt' and ('str« (f fa'ef can be iiis>leat Tlik ADVince t'lBfe. Befi.ienteaud F.(j.. ( eyiou. Te'eplione coiiLectiou. I>ec. C, 07 WM. KAITTISO, icensed Auctiouotr foi the connties of tirey and Simeoe. Farm aad Ktock sales a Npecialty. Terms jioderate ratisfactiou guarantied. Arrangf-- ujeotfi fur dstea uiav bo made at the Advsnce i>l[;re, or Central tele|bone oll.ce teversham or by addresbioR iite at Fevershau), Out. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cuckshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements U.i;j;oliH, IJu^^iili'M, Ciiiteis, S!eii;hs, aiid Gasoline Eniwiies, MeloMo (.'iiMui .SepanitoiH, Baker Wind Mils. I'linipN, Piping and Pipe Fittiii'jH always iin liund Bi'HMy lin*'. <if FtrguK, Uarti TrackB, Li'ter Oiiriii-rH and stiiMit Httini-H. , CiK'ksliu't mid Knwt »V W(i( d Kepiiirn alwayH on Irtiid Feversbattis Ontario Bull for Service I'uir hied hliorlhoiii htill, ICiii|ieiiir - WhVIT - lor Hvivico on lot 'J!t, S. .s. It., .^itrniexiM. Trims ?1 .'0 for ){i;uli"<. I'imv lired cow» taoo. Pure lilod Tiiiin»<ir!li lioi! for serviei- on ihe h1).ivc- lot. Teiiiis $1 ..Ml f >i :ill aiiiiiiiiU Si-rved TiU't hi- piid for. DSeilO -- W. .1. Mends The live year old dau!{hter of Mr. EJ. Rehkopf of Hentini-k township met with A very iia.sty »pU dist'ft-.s'l.vr iiccideul the other day. Thi-y wcio drawing in li .j' and the little ^iil innocently put her right hand on the rope that operates the hay uiiloader. Tlie rej*iiU wasthf. the iWsh wts torn otl' the piilin <f the hind to the t'one Here i« soinel.liini: for municipal councils to think Kli.m*,. In .July i,um- her of the Munic pal Worid ihi« (juesti m is askiu and answeird â€" "The iissessor a8^esveâ- ^ bi-twieii Si-p;einlcr imd Apiil f<.r .succeeding yeir. He phic s dogs <iii the assL-Ksment. At the couit of appeiil parti.'H siy ih-j dogs are d'-ad or h st, or Roinething hippencu ihiil they have ni.t got thc'in. Has ilic Cuuit of Revis- ion tliR right to i-lilke ilie dog/< off the a'sess-nent nr niiiit the lax '." The aii. )Wtr is itii emphatic "No;" The law in his ri'gaul is not always lespcctid hy municipal nii'U. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Ceylon Chat Mr. ard Mr«.G. CollinRon and daught- er, Ni'sirt, leave thi» Wednesday for a trip to visit in Saskatoon and Dakota. They expect to be absent a couple of months â-  - â-  • " ' • " ;7 Mrs. K. R. Neuhauer of Ackron.Ohio, returned to her home on Saturday after npendint; a month with her paren's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Whiitaker. Her brother, Bert, accompanied her hum;. Mr. Frank Young, Toronto, Ih a gui»t at JaF. Ridley's. Pte. J J.Pattiscn of Camp Bo-den, spent the week end with his parents. Lance-Corp. Keir, a formi-r piisljr here, called c-n a number of Irieiids in our burg I he tirs*. of the nctk. All were pleased to me him. MIek Velma R.iiidN spent the week end with her grandpuren'a at Shelliuine. Miss Emma Whiitaker is visiting with her friend.-, Rev. Mr. ,inil Mrs. Leece.a' Angus. Mr. and Mrs. T. While, Prcton.tipint the first of thj wetk at Mr. W. While's. Mrs. Jas. Dyee of Cedaiville, visited at U Cook'.* thd t\ s* of the week. Mr. Murray L gate, who has been U|i tt Mus!(vka f >r seveial »ci-ks,l as r turr- et! home. Mr. 'ind .Mff. Fred Spioat and liUlc daughter, Noia, of S". M irys, are visit- ing th'i lalt r's, Mr. and Mrs.R ,' Whitakcr. MoN A. Hair iw is vis ting hor sisters i 1 Ni-w V'ork. Weldini! B'l's are ptaling louJ'y for another one of I'ur bacheler beoedicl.s. Pie. Will Ruiledte, who has been visiting his nyithtr here for a forfn-gh', returned lo Toronto Tue-^d ly. Mrs and (Ii.ui;h'er of Tcionto, and .Mifs K:iiii'iL'e[< i, »ere viti- : tors the pait week at Mrs. K. Legate's. Mr. R. W. Whittaktr has just receiv- ed a letter from his nephew. Mr. Roy Fletcher, who in Dowin Kingst >n attend- in); (.Queens University. Koy liai ltd a letter from France roienlly and it say- that Sgt. Wells Whitukir ii doing splendid work iit the fiont. Wella had charge of tlie oitler'yioim at Choiibrah hospital aiid did so much WiTU th-r«. when lij »!•! >-iippi>Heil to te i'l with the mumps and hainlh'd the prepitni'ions for j the tran-for of No. 7 genei'al ho.vpital, ut I w')ich he ha I full charge, s> well thit! he has been mentioned in despalchts by S r .lohn Maxwell, General in co.nmand of all opnitions n Egy^)!. Wells is full Sergeant n')W. He will have no work to do now only give or.'ers. Roy and Wella left for the front »itli a medic dcorp-te fr'>m Kidgslon last spring. Roy retu'i.ed ih'S spring to tinii-h h k • omi-e He expei'ts to get 'hrough bv fall an 1 if his ser^iotsfite needed at t' e f'- Ml" liB will go back. The epidemic < f Infnn ile Paralysis c >ntinuee to bi'fflf tbe meilical skill of New Y 'rk and Boston. Dr.Siin 'n Flex- ner, an auUiority on the riise-«8e,suggwt- Ihat it ia imporlerl by iiniiiigratit.'i. I* appears that the ilisenso ktsikes at Ih* healthiest childrrn. It coiisls's rf a small as yet indiscovered i rgivlsin that attacks the coormts of the Ri>inai ciid. A I ealll y child n ay fo to bed a* night and be ivvin with paraljsi* b fore he awakes. Kxpe'iiuenls «ith immkeys conduct ed with • xireme cire pinvtd that â- nfait ile paralysis could ha transmitted' f oni ooe I a ient to anoth r. Aug 26 Sept. 11 Empire Federation 1^ Spectacle l^ 1,2G0 Performers; 10 Massed Bands; Chorus of 6Q Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing: Im- perial Solidarity and Power i Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of the British Houses of Parlia- ment, Westminster Abbey and the War Office. w A R ON AND UNDER SEA ON LAND IN THE AIR w A R Scenes that have thrilled the Em- pire Re-enacted by Overseas Troops. Shells in Process of Manufacture Immense Munitions Exhibit For Service Model Camp. Trench Warfare, Hand Grenade and Bomb Throwing, De- struction of Warships by Hidden fi^inet, Bayonet Fighting, Federation Fi>r service III! 1 >t 12, c^'-i. '.I, l>«i)iey. I Year Fireworks, Complete New one purrbr. d Slioiili.irii Riill. Tcrnis | Midway. tl.fil). Also ciif |.tiri> bri d Vnrksliiie, Tctin" i^l IN). Ail aicoiiiit^ mu>l j li.; paid lo KUKl) TVI.KK, »lai aj. r 1 s..,. Anmer T^' Tamworths For Salt I hate sonic exlia goo. I yonn,/ Minck at Government Exhibits, Superb Showing of Live Stock and Agricultural Products, Acres of Manu- • factures. preaenl both s x. .I'so one jo""''-ff"». fOrOntO, AU^. 26 tO SfiOt. 11 bred t<i f.irruw ill .Sep'. Write or plioin- iitn. W. IbMs. M.x vhII p. O. . =» I NEW SUITINGS | jT New Suiliiig.s just to liiiiidâ€" .SOUK! ot ^ jL the iiobhiesc weaves to 1)0 fotiiul any- "lii jL wiiere. ^I^ I â-  - -, * ^ J.,eave yonr order now Cor that n<iw <f •f» suit. Voii will never regret- it. 9f Hk? Satisfaction guaranteed. (r Tj Don't, forget that wi' do cleaning, ^ jL pre.ssing and lepaiiiiig. Onr prices j^ ^ aio right and onr uoikinan.sliip i.s the W •j|» very best, 55 S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. (1) Lone Tree Lake and Wall of Jericho in Ptarmigan Valley. (2) Show Cornice on Ptarmigan, showing Douglas in distance. (3) Black and White Douglas. (4) Mt. Black Douglas. (5) Looking down Corral Creek from Ptarmigan Lake, showing Mount Temple. (G) Lone Tree Lake and Lake Mvosotia and the base of Ptarmigan Peak. A WAV vender In the wonder world of the Canadian raolftc Rockies tlie wondiT world that vol awaits full I'Xiiloratlon -Ihern Is a val- ley wlir-re llo' I'tannlKiin live i'.nd brfiil and die, where the niotlier ben clinks to her (biriitns brood and whcrf she warns them of the danger of strange two legged aiitinala known as men, but from whom she lb powerless to proleit thcni. So the wise men who give plares tbelr names bavi; lutirked tlila particu- lar region aa rtarinlgan Valley, and Us gnardlan peak a.s Plaruilgau Mountain. In this wild Alpine area, ilm:; named after a bird, will be found one of the thousand beauty spots of our Canadian Switzerland, liuliidlng every type of aeenery that belongs to a nionn- taln area: turbulent rivers, fed by conntlesa glacial tributaries, leaping In headlong flight lo the lower levela and the ultlniale sea; nliilne meadows car- peted with a profusion of llowers. can- yon depths, foretited retreats opening Into e.\|)aiislve valleys, rllfta, peaks, rorky rainpRTts, snow cornices and Ice fields making the avalandies that re- vet Inrale like a Klandera boinbard- inent. There ara lakss, beautiful be- yond compare, deep-heaitcd pools, vaferfi.lla of all heights, muskeg Irapn and rock strewn trails, and tl»etal boulders stranded far from their north- ern habitant In the mysterious north of a mysterious Ice age. There are moreover sisns of wild life on every hand. The Ptarmigan Is everywhere, standing stupidly In one's wny, deer and bear tracks freshly made on the snow, goat iiaths that point the way In aummlts. marmots that whistle, gophers that invade tent and larder as linpudeiitly as porcupine, while an (ic<Rslonal bunny or a flying eagle add VRrlety to th« mountain zoo. lis hit the trail together for this Canadian Garden of the Qods. where r.atnre may be viewed In all her tub- limlty and variety, and where He who innd« the blUa has placed circles and ranges of mlglily sunimils TlvalllT'g each other In towerlns heights through aud b('>ot!il the lleecy ilouds. It w 111 111' at l.ako l.(iiii.>^c tiatlon that piuk punii'S will W diamoiid-bitihtMl and H:\(ld (â-  ponies tiiuiinted. IItailiii.'< northward, little but lively Corral Cre<-k blocks tbe way an-1 demands the Hr.'^.t of sioris of wading processes with llie water dashing over feet and Icg- glns. Hut water doesn't loiint on ihe trail, wlu'tlier In wet teet or a down- iiour from tlie sky, for warmth and dry- ness are at the end of the trail. And .v.icli a Klurluits trail It Is, like an un- fold in.i; panorama with new scenes at every turn, a succession of God's can- vasses in the great gallery of th« open air. It is all uphill for the first league or two. At each succeeding altitude a turn In the saddle held the eye spell- bound with ttie scene to tfie south where, like soldiers on parade, thirty miles of giant i)€ak3 lined up anf made a beautiful vision: the Ten Peaks, lordly Temple, Aberdeen, l^efroy domi- nating I-ake lx)ulse. VUtorla's Glacier, glistening white. We are high enough to even catch an entrancing glimpse of Lake l/oulse. It la truly an upheaved world where "hills iieep o'er hlllg and alps on alps arise." Now It Is facing forward as a new world stands revealed. Yonder Is a 3pe( k of white In an Imtueuslty of space. Thanks be. It ia a tent and a curl of smoke. How the he^rt of the trail-hitter warms to the sight! Shelter, food, warnil-h, a balsain bouthbed, mugs of tea, rashers of ha'con. palls of prunes, squares of Banff bread, what more could mortal oskT The next day, and a red letter day It will prove to be. The early mornlDg sun ushers In a day of wondrous charm that makes evtry n«?rve tingle with tbe glow of life. Radiating val- leys on every band Invite exploration, shimmering gummlts look down upon ug as giants upon pigmies, caccades and rapids sing tbelr song gf tbe 'Wild, and the wor'd of men and war seems to belong to another planet. Oft we start on another trail, thrllilng at tvery turn with the sensation of the first sight of nature marvels. We maks (or One Tree Pass, where th« footmarks of what have been a giant bruin were freshly made. Do not th« very names of Merlin ].ake and Merlin Castle sound seductive? And little l>ake Myosotia Is a- miniature Lake lx>nl8e and no less beautiful, dammed up In a baain . formed by the ttltin-g of the strata, the overflow In a trickling stream making the birth of a river. Yonder rise the Walls of .lericho, for- bidding In their black and frowning mass. Through the 8toky Valley we make a detour, catching u glimpse of masatve Hector to tbe west, with Cath- edral Peak asserting Its lordliness of beight. Tramping through fallen timber, over trearherou.s scree, fordirg pitrfams oit bridges of u single log. and at times b*' ing mired in a hidden munkeg, arfi {mere incidents In the uay's fuu. Th« f happy hours fly quickly until, as th* day hurries to its close, we hurried lOf another camp on the Red Deer, underi ihe lee of the Black and White Doug-* lass peaks, lowering over 11,000 feet above sea leyel and curious Mount Molar filling the sky canvass wUh ItS' tooth-Uke summit. Here were inorej lakes, more Niagaras, more llower- strewn vales, more littoral ups andi I downs, for a trail la rarely content to> ' work on the level. So the happy days sped away untlP the last one came, the' camp fir I was enjoyed, and the final bit of saddM travel as the return Journey was mad 'and a most delightful trip came to end, _ .^. (

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