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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jul 1916, p. 5

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Tf ^- â- â-  â-  * July 27J9ir> THE FLESH ERTON ADVAITCE ^ THK STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD orrice - Toronto DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHEQUE. Savings Bank Deposits bear interest at esT'D lara highest Current rates. m FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHEU^ .•Un*,er. hat an Indian naver forgets u kindafsa. Here U a case wherv the wht.- man eaii earn from his red brother. â€" W^lkerloD Telescop". Good Looking Soldiers C. P. R, Time Table. Tr.iins leaye Fleshercon Station aa follows : Goin.^ Scutb Going North 7.50 a. III. 12.01 D.m. 4.27l>.ni. _ 9.13p.m. The mails are osed at Fle.oheiton as oUows : For the north at 10.40 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning ti-nin aouth mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS IN -f vW Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Saraenf, -» â-  •„ Port Diver, on July Itiib, a sun. Mrs M*rk VVilaon, jr., is vi.'<itiDfit t friends in Walkerton at present. IMisN i^mith of Aclon ts visiting with ier sister, Mr.s. (Rev.) McDuna'd. Misi^es Evada and Thelmi Wilsoa are viHiSiug their nunt in Durham. Miss Switzer of St. ilarys viii:ted \ jriends over Sunday. Mr*. Will Bentham, West Toronto, is \ visitinc; her parents here. LakDce-Curp. R. C. Kerr tf Borden Camp spent Sunday with frienda here. Mrs. Mills of Seattle is viaitinn her '.,, mother, Mrs. Sullivan. " Mis« E hel Field, who hai been 'ivin^ ' in Tur'.>nin for some time, is holidaying at her pareatal hunie here. In the Entrance results publi shed last week the name uf Mildred Keid shoul d .' have read Mildred Sharp. Mis. S)uthworth of Toronti), formerly of ShtlOuriie, \a speudinji her holidays at ^ ,. The Fife House, Windermere, Muskoka. Miss Boitha Smith of Owen Sound . visited loiatives here during the past week. -. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Phillips of Berlin visited relatives here during the p<tsl week. Revs. Waugh of Duudalk. and Dud- geon of Flesherton, exchanged pulpits un Suuduy . A DU.nber of t'ieshertou pe.ipla atteu- ' ded the funeral of the lals W. J. McFar- iand ou Monday. Mrs. Wes. Breen, accompanied by her 4wi^ daughter?, Ida and Adele, alao her tister-iii-law, Mrs. Geo. Wickeiis of '" Coloisdo, visited friends at Harri.-.ton. 1: '*' Mr. H.J. Mathewson of Newmarket, "•' and Houie friends luotired over Ust we ek Aod spent a few days with the foimrr's brother, Fred. Mr, and .Mis. Bues, who have been the quests of Mr. W. I'edlar, Collingwood gravel, for the pasv fortniijh', returned this week to their borne in Toronto. Mrs. S. Roy and daujlitdr, "Mijs ' ^ Jennie, who have been visiiing rcUtive.s 4t Caldwell, N..J., for the past two years have returntd home. A Uhesley auto puty was due in Fleih- '^ ertoi) I0.3J a.m. Sunday morning but never arrived. A broken a.\le near Uui- hain shunted them otf the track and the â- f .'f visit wa* postponed for repairs. Clarify Cro.ssley and Harold Mirchall, scouts in the 12.'U'd Bittalion, spint the week L'ud with th.'ir parents herd for a tiuul tisit previous to leaving for over- sets. Mr«. Geo. Wickens, who has spent ih-- - past Lhree weeks with Mr. *ud Mra.Wes. Breen and other frii>nds, has gone to visit relatives in Toronto and Uetro.t befoio returning to her home in Colorado. Dr. Fred Murray and wife, Mr*. S Henderson, Toronto, and Miss Murio' HttiLsf ird of Winnipeg .opent Sunday with relatives here, returning t'l (hj city Monday morning. They made the tr p in the doctor'* car. The A'oinen's Institute wilt meet in ♦,ho Town Hall, Weduesday, August 2, a' 2.30 p.m. Subject-First Aid lo iho Injured. â€" Mrs (Dr.) Carter. Visitors alway> welcome â€"Mrs. W. .\ . Hii*ken, Sec.-Treas. A Duudalk Sundiy autoiiiK puty sot held up a mile soutU of FlesUeitun Suir day U'liht and hid to be taken himo by a local auto owii-.T. Tlu' paity had l«o punctures and a blow out while com;i:g j frotii Eugenii. The blew out was ti.e ' straw ihit troke the camal's back. The Owi't So« id AiU-ortisir say.s Tii« Advauc '. sent them a marked copy, which •was unnecess.iry as they would have seen the ite;n anyway. TIuto n a mistake «omewhire. We did not send the n ark- cd copy. It was doubtless sent by an interested party. Mr. Frank VrinDusen and wife of Detroit are holidaying with relatives in Flesherton. The thermoii<eter has r.^n^ed around the nmerieK fi>r a week past and ?rain is r'pening up loo fast. We h.iva had no ratn in thi-i vicinity for over tive wetks, although the surrounding country has hid some thunder Htoim.». The following pupils from Flesherton hi)2h school have pis.sed ther lower ^chojl fxomination for admission to Normal Schools and Faculties of Educa- tion : E .\';heson, M. Achesoii, .A. .All- en, R. Hargrive, B I. Mi;Vicar, S. Mur- ray and A. Winters. Vena FindUy got her Entrance to Model School certificate. It is rarely, indeed, that the hny crop has bctn secured here iti such splendid c<>nditii:n Tl e weather has been ideal for curing hay and the crop is oce of the heaviest ever harvested. It is no uu- thing to hear of four and tive tnna to the scie The great aniuuut of fodder In the country ou^ht to prore a stimulus to stock raising. ' Miss Long, milliner with F. U. W. Hickling for seteril seasons, was united in marriage in Wednesday of last week in Elm street church, Toronto, by Rev. Meredith, to Mr. Win. Miller of Thoru. bury. The young couple w.U live in Orangeville. ftliss Long was very popu- lar with the young people here and a host of friends wish her health, wealth and prosperity. A driver of an au'o get stuck on the munntain west of Kimherley Sunday af- ternooi. when about half way up. The owner decided that the feed pipe was ob.^;rlI•:ted and cot a firmer to draw him up the rest of the way and a couple of milei beyond. Later it was discovered that there was nothing wrong with the car. The gasoline wa>: low in the tank and the hill way so sleep that the juice was unable to run. The usual trick fur autuists in a like fix is to turn the car and run up back wards. The Bible Society executive met on Monday, July 24 After discussion it w«s decided to accept the offer of the society to rend a lepresentative. Mr. S. iluroi, a native missionary ]f Japan, to address the Ftebherton distiict auxiliary, in the Mtthodist i.hurch, Flushertou. oo Wednesday, August 2, at 3 p.m. The address will be illustrated by limelight views of live interest from the speaker's experience and native Ihe executive will meet at 7 M the saioa evening when leports pre pan d by the depository, treasurer and secretary will be cunsidared and .Hubmilted to be lead at the general annual meeting the 8.aiBe evening. The Bible Society gives the Bible in their na'ive tongue to all nations m rapidly as the fuiid-i will allow and translators can be found. It aUo supplies needy institutions, orgauizitions and individuals with the Worl of God ac a uoiiiioal price or free if circumstan- ces will not permit purchase. Here ii) another way in which 3ur lord may bo honored. All welcome. C mie and help with a liberal coUectioa. â€" Com. "Ub«erver" in The Post. There are a lot of peupli-, it is said, .sporting around in khaki without the least intention of noing to the war. The young man, who obtain.-t a commiiision and gets into khaki, having; absorbed the most eleiuen'ary military ideas, would be mure than human if he did nut at; once realize that he was a person of Kxtraora- inaiy Importance. Civilians allow the Mditiry Fledglinc to develop the c-xag- geratod ego, on the theory that his brav- ery IS a thing which need now not be quoslioiel, and be is therefore entitled to all the thiills, honors, and adulation, including smiles from the ladie-i, which he can get before he goes out after the Victoria C' But there is a great ditferduce between a real soldier, and one who only ^lees in the uniform »n opportunity to gratify his ambition. Warisastera tjuainess and a jolilier's advanceincut ahou d uoc be ealira y due to his maaery of the Terpsionoreaii Aii, or to bis ability to frame pretty speeches, or pay empty co.nplimeuts to IoVd lorn lad;es. i' 'Keeping up wih the Joneses" has become mure or 1 as a joke. There are <iuite a number of prouiiueiit men with a political pull, who have the glory of having their sons iu khaki, hold- ing down some comfoitable safe clettcal job which a yuuni^ girl could till, far from the tiring line. These g lud souls fancy their boys are doiof! their bit. The patriotic daJa need net watte much anxious time reading over the casualty li t. This sort of thing is no service to the Empire in these iraitic and perilous times. Soiue vjry prominent people hive their sons in military sinecures and it is liiue the country were told who ihey are. ':^fi^!^^r^:y^''^r^Tf-i^:^rT^^i^^ F. G. KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. FLESHERTON - PRICEVILLE Specials at Karstedt's This Week MILLINERY! MILLINERY! We arc aelling the remainder of our Hata for less than cost price â€" while they last. Yoa can get your pick for *2..50. Lots of these were Si.OO, Come in and get one. BOOTS! BOOTS! BOOTS! We have ou tiisplay in the windowâ€" Men's Mtileskin Bootsâ€" just the thing for now. heavier boots for fall. While they lastâ€" 82 50. Harvester's Boots now in stock white Canvass aud Buck Pumps. Ladies' black Patent Leather low Shoes in styles. ilea's Patent, Gtm Metii aud Velours now in stock. Come in and let us show jou what grand display we have in both Ladies' aud Gent's Boots. No trouble to show you our goods. Save your Ladies' different HARVEST TOOLS! HARVEST TOOLS' Fined $20 and Costs We have now in stockâ€" Snaiths, Scythes, Hand Rakes, 3-pronged Forks strapped and ferruled. Hay Fork Rope, Hay Rope Pulleys, Lift Hay Fork, Field Hoes, Turnip Hoes, Paris Green, Spriuklera. Binder Twine, place your order now. We handle the Brantfoiti Twine, 600 and 050 ft. twine. Gloves and Mitts now m stock. Fresh car of Salt just unloaded. Fresh car of Cement to arrive any day. Blacksmith Coal now on hand. Come with your Produce We are paying the hijjhest pricesâ€" Butter-25 & Eggs 27. F. G. KARSTEDT Ruuniiig up against Mr. Ja.s. McCau- ghey lu an intoxicated condition lasi. Sat- urday evening, Constable Arrowsiuitb, who hid tjiven him previous warning, brought biin up fur trial before Magis- trate Laidlaw on Munday moroin;^ on the charge of being drunk in a local op- tion municipality. McCaughey pleaded guilty and the luiniinum fee of SJJ a nd costs was imposed, amounting to 924. .lO, The law rei{uires the party prosecuted to state where he obtained t.he li'iuor as wall, but this he refused to do. The alternative is a three months' sentence in Owen Sound jail and Mr. Arrowsmith bad no other option but to tr»n.sfer Mr. McCauuhey there. When arrangements had been thus tnsae, however, he was induced to reveal its louic.-, and .-tateJ, we are iuForued, that he had obtained the wet {'lods fioin Mr. Hahn, of the Uahn An action will no <r doubt- j less b'j laid against the latter party for ) illegally supplying thi liquor. â€" Uaview. ; r mm .\. FLEMING. Principal. 5j 1 K O. O. KLEMINO. SSL-. j0 \ Will open to receive students any day durinii the Holidays tor a short holiday course or for regular courses of study. Young wonnn should begin makinu preparation a' ooce to till the places of the othce men v,ho have enlisted. SAVE YOUR ^ TIME Haying time is a busy time and every tlay hst to the Farmer by broken and worn out Machinery means consitlerable delay and loss to him. Then for (juiek repairs and adjustments we are ready lo look after your ret[uirement,s as usual with a complete line of Repairs in the following lines of Machinery: â€" M.A5SEY-H.ARRI5. COCKSHLTT, FROST & WOOD, NO.XON, A.ND PETER MAHILTON. We also have the agency for the well known ^ Frost & Wood Mower and Horse Rases. S â€" Phone-No. 9 â€" I D. McTavish :-:-: Flesherton Court of Revision ; fe-!^^yg=yiyiigd :- - y^^ ' ^yy -^ Write for particulars circular. and Boar for Service The undersigned has % thorrmahbred Vurtiihue U. ar tor service un lut ll.cuu. 8, Osprey. Terms $1.00. â€" FREDSPOFFARD. An Indian's Gratitute Niuce is hereVy givvn that a Court \\\ be holden in the Town Hall in the Vil'age of Flesherton by his Honor the Judge of the County Cuuit of the County of Grey, to hear and determine an appeal I, from the decision of the of Revision â-  I'f the Corporation of the Vi'.lige of Flesh- jerton, on Monday, the 24th day of July. ! l!>lt), at the hour of bvs o'clock in the afternoon. All pirties iiiteres'ed ore notitied uh j nccordirgly. â€"l.».)d Save the Kiiig.-- i July 10 -W..). BELLAMY, C'erk. New Furniture JUST PLACED IN STOCK Latest and Most Up-to-date ; Bsds, hMm, Epilogs, [liairs, One of the nicest stories we have heard III a loog time is about an Indian bt-long- iiii; lo the lUOth Batt. It happened in Walkeito i while the battalion was '{nait- cred here. Oeorgo Siegfrid, who works at the Kuechtei factuiy, nutic d an Indian soldier I'yoing him very intently on Duiliain stieet one day. F nally the Indian came up and »poke to him "I kuo« )ou," he Slid. Mr. Siegfrid was sorry he could no: return the compliment. ' Didn't )ou do some team ii.: up north of I'ort Eigiu about t.venty years ago ?" "luiii!" "Do you lemem'jer iik'. tin^ a little Indian bo> at ihe side of the rosd one cold moiniug:" "1 believe I do." I The Indian rccalkd the fact Mr. Sicg- fiid h .d i^veii liMii a ridf on the wa^i ii j that inoinitig, .\iid when he had learned : that tI.e little fellow was poor aud j hungry aud th.ii his mother hid a haid tune lu support him, ke look pity ou h m, aud although Uo wo-s just !iv ng on day wa, e<, ha:oled the liiMe a bill, i Mr. Siegfiidhad l.'ng h:ic) fugoilen thj incident, but. the li diau had not. | Ho asked Mr. Se gfrid where he lived I an I aiinoui ced tli»t he would call at his I place that tveniiii/. Ud was true to his ' word, and h^? i rtiujth', s'; wi'li hini a che |U4 for a full's wages as a | soldier. Ho insisted on presenting the Portlaw Mrs. M. Conron of Toronto, is visiting with relatives of this part. Mr, F. H. Thimpsuu is recovering from a severe attack of illness. Miss Orr of Toionto, is visitiny Mrs. W. \. Morton. &I.'. Thomas Taylor lo-^t a hue horse | -==â-  recently. ' Lightnin'j kdled a horse belonging to' Mr.W.J J.ickson on Mr. J. Little's farm. ' Mr. Thui iit> n and son of Brampton, [ and Messrs. Magee unJ ThorLtoo uf i 'Borouto, were vi.>iiors with Mr. .1 imos ' Coriitit;ll. I Mount Z on garden party on Monday i AND OTHER NECESSITIES evening uf last week proved a great | for succ.s^. The gond natured t^ght pat up j f^QUS 6 t U F H. i S tl l n gS between Flesherton and Proton jouug] ladies baseball teams was interenting to j a large crowa. Mr.Woodi of Corbett in, was a popular chairuian and iiit:oduceJ a good pro.iraiu consisting nt a couple of ' ch iruses solo by Miss Iriue Wilson, j triot by ills Bhckburii, Miss Trimble I and Ml^s Wilson, rtci atioii by uliss I AiclifSOM. iusirumental music by Ihe fourth line orches ra aud addresses by ; the chairman, Uev. Mr. Mc Vicar and' 'â-  the piistor, Kev. Mr. Mid<!en. The I rece p's mnounted to al out J1U8. .An autoiirnph (juil',t'ie scheme of which was I pi ted by Mr.i. Badgerow, net.ed the NOTICE Now is the time to renew your buggies, etc. Sherwin-Williams Buggy Paint Is the best for this A Varnish Gloss durability. Especially adapted for Paint of great outside exposure. Double the life of vour Vehicles bv protecting them with good Paintâ€" if fcJ.W.P. didn't" make good it couldn't cover the earth. A Paint or Finish for formation regarding P turnished. Limting every purpose. Any in - or Varnishinii gladly sum ol ab lUt 9^5 to be (.lud bu Idin^ fund. apj^lied ti the chuiue to Mr. Siegfrid at d his wif.- in return for tli.- kiiuliussho had riceivcd from Mr. fc'icfrid when a poor little ludmn boy twenty > cars ago. It is said U'lien the special train bciring the of thu Ciuaiiaii Press Associc- tioii reachid 13 ikon station ou its way lo Poll McNichol 1' was noticid that a hen hail taken up her poi lion ini the pilot of tho eiigiiio, Uo* hhn got there was Hoinewbiil of a iny-t<iiy as no stops hid boon ma le after Ijning West Toronto. "Tim" Uaiiiil'.on (every junior aiouiid \h-f station I8 known as '•Tim") had sonn? I'ithculty in spelling liir ladyNhip to leave h^r precarious position im the pilot where (.he I'ifl her card iu the shape of ai rgi?. •Tim' ate the egg for supper W. H.BUNT Undertaker .AND Embalmer Picture Framing and Upltolsteriog Office and Showroom : Richardson's Block (Over the Postofflce) FLESHERTON W. DUNCAN. Hardware Merchant Phone 30 r 2 Ik .ESMERTON, - - ONT. ^ School Children's Eyes. Public Notice Take notice that all persons aie here-' by forbid lnu trespassing on, ir d imping STiy vubliish on, or takina, s'li 1, gravfl, c.iilh or oher matter oil Paik lot known i a.s ihe Fleshi-r sand pit, in p'le^hertor, : u'l'iitaiiiiii'i about two acres, asa'l |iersons ir> M|i\s>ing or coiiMiiilting any ivtute mi lemovinn iiiylliing tho;efrom, on any; part of the Klehlu-r es'ato in and i around Flesherton Village, will be pn - - ,, , .OS d "Biddv" is ind.Mtrii)U9ly scratching ; ecuted according to la'v. , in Vgeiit .Stockdale'.-. h-n yard. -Bolton i DR. T. S. sPUOl'LE, , Kiitirprise. I July U Exe^u L>r for Ike Estate i Many lives have been ruineo through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and'guarantee satisfaction. Consultaticn free. W. A. Armstrong. MASSE Y HARRIS IMPLEM ENTS This famous make of implements is well known all over the country and heir own good work is tho beat rocom- ineiidalii.n tliey can receive. ]f you â-  e'luire anythin,! in the line of Binders, Mowtrs, Seed Drills. Cultivators, Pulp- â- Ms, Pluws, Sleighs, Waai^ons, Cream Separators. Uauows. Uolbrs, Cutting xi's, Ensilage Cmters. Da.soliue eo etc , give us a I .jincs, Sawng outtit.s, chance to ijuc le prices. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Teacher Wanted Qua!. tied I'lote-tant Teachir for r k. N(<. S, .\rtenie^ia. Grey County, sa'ary ftiOO ; duties to commence Ist Sept.'in- bcr. Apply to J. VV. KcKee, Max.vtll r. O., 0..t.

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