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Flesherton Advance, 20 Jul 1916, p. 8

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t: JulyJO 1016 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS Societies PKINCK AHTHUK l.ODOE, No. «33,A.KA A M. itmcta ia tht Mtiouick&U. Ann tro»K 8 Hlock Flesberton, nvery Friday on or tietore ilic lull uiocu. J. \vrigbt W. M F. H. \V. Hii'klluK, Sutrelfcry. CHOSKN I-lilKNDSâ€"Fle»b«rtoii Council o( ChoKen Frli'Dds tueeta lu Cltytou 'shall lUit • nd tbird W«diie*day o(6e,cb uiouth b p. in. »"»>• aK»BMiuent» to the Kerorder ou orlitfoie tee flrtit d»yoI o»ch luuulb. Clilef Councillor hl»kelcv:K«cortlor \V II. Hunt. COUKT FLEhPEKTON, 995, I. 0. F. ireetiln ClavtoQiltloclittip last Wnlnwdav rTeuinR ol each ummli. VisitiuK Formters heartily we cciucC. K., (1. litllBUiy ; R. B.. Ij. t'»irD6 Flo bee , W. Hualiiu. HJeast i>«y li-.iiMi to Flu. 8cc. before the Orst div of i\i» liioiitU. Heathcote Li6t week'H i'tius Bornâ€" At Ueatboolu on Tuesday, July 4, 191<i, to Mr. ttiid Mrs. U.isb Hutchiii H »II, li soil. Mr. and Mrs. Ij»idl.»w spent the p«t,t week the ^uest nf I'le furnor's brollier, Kov. Mr. Liidlaw. Mrs. .SoaliiDok df A1^;(mii» spent tlu' J piisl wotk (vitli hor KiMter.Mrs. Kienliiii. Tliu Htiitthco'e public scliuul lioUl it picnic in Mr. Ymnplew's grove on Wed- ' uesduy liiit. A most plcis-int tiino i.s i repjrioJ. PltsHscd to sue lliti nicBetl : IflictcO people able tu be out again. , A nuiiibor front here attended the barn Dentistky t\r. E. C MURKAV I^ D. S, dental snigeon I I' ln.noi cr»ilu«to of Toronio L'uivf rtilv aud h..ya; volltoc ol Ueiual SuiKions of Ontario, Han adujieiniitered for teeth extraction ci'ce at reiideuce, Toronto Street. FleiSerton. Medical JV CTTKWnLL Veterinary Surgeon iraduate ul Ootailc Veterinary reruiei c« â€" »»coud door foutb ' karv etreet. TUia itieet rana freatyterian Ctanreb. Collece ve6t|ci: outb l^VCAB. Legal ., UANEY & hKSHV â€" BarrieterB. cio:icitorri,ejc.â€" 1. H. Lucae, K. C: W. K, Kaurv K. C. ;\V. 1). Hemy. H. A. Officef. rcrouTo. Keu Ti adore Itauk Hide.. |*one B:aio 14Ii; Mtrkdale l.ucas Hlock, Phone 8 A. btaadi ofhce at Duudalk open every Saturday. WRIGHT, TELFORD 4 MtDONALD Harri»ter, KolicitorF, Ac. Officee. (irev < I'.ruc* llluck, tiwou Bound. Standard H«nk lllock Kleiberton. iSaturilavn. W. H. Wrisbt, W. P -I'eHordj!. J. C. UcDoDall. I.. U H. BrsiNE.s8 Cards «» CULXOUGH ii YOUSQ â- ' Kankere Markdale Oeoeral hanking hueineBB. Money loaueil at rtiaaooable ratea Call ou uk. DUcPHAIL, lilcenaad Aoctlonee for the • County of Grey. Terms moderate and »atiB aciioD (luarauteed. Tbe arraogemtnt* and dates of Bales can be inadcat TliK Anvince o(ti?e. lleBidiuceaud r.()., I I'ylcu. Telephone ooecection. Uec. 0, 07 UTM. KAlTTlStJ, iceueed Auctioneer foi " the couutiea of (irey and Kiuicoe. farm and Stock aalea a upecialty. Termi moderate, palistaction Ruarantted. Arrauge- oieutB for dalei uiav beniadeat the Advance olBci. or Ceulral telephone otUce heversliaui or by addretBliiK me at Feverahauj, Out. â€" I raising of Mr. Jo.", l.eo of (."arksbiirg i n ; Thursday. Horry to repoit tli.i". .Mr. .\I:irrit is ill. We hope for his speoiy reoovcjiy. Mr. and Mis. J. U. Gardner and family spent the latter part of the week the tiuot of the lutter's brother, Mr, Isiiiith L'lii Jieed of Fairniount. '1 nis weeK s items. Berry picking ia the order of the day. A number from here attended the Orange Demonstration at Clarksburg. The Heathcoto Kpworth League held their iiii-s'oiiary evening at the home o' ' the secretary, Mr. Wilmer Dales on ; Tuesdty evonini!. .\ nuinlifr from I Thornbury motored up and a most I plea.«ant time is reported. Mr. .'^amuel Goodfellow spent the past fortnight on his farm at Duncan. 1 Miss Vivan Hutchinson, who has epert ' the past season at Miss Grant's dresi making shop, returntd home on I Saturday last. Mi-H. liosworth and nephew, Master Bert I Sri|(ley of Toronto, are visiting at the 1 fornner's parental I ome lieie, Mr. and Mrs. Dun Sriglcy. Mr. and Mrs. (Dr.) Creasy of Berlip, Ont., are apendinu the summer vacition at the pirent^l horjie here, .Mis. F. Kerr. A nu:nt'cr from here attended the ('on- s'cration of St. .lames chunb, Fairniount on Sunday, .July !t. Miss Madge Reekie spent the past week with her UMiidmo'hir. Mrs. .Jauies Charters. Portlaw Haying Ins commenced. Mrs. VV, U, Jikiiiiesun was tiken lud- denly and toverely ill after returning from a visit with friends in Toronto. Wo are glad to hear that ahu is now seeming- ly out of dinger. The d-ath of .Mr. W. T. MeKee iii To- riiiito cidie as a .sliock to members of hii fau'ily and friends here. Deceased was for 111 my jeirs a respected resident of this neigliliorhoo3 and much sympathy is fell for Mrs McKeo and family in their bjreavenu'ii . Mr. and Mr.s.F. ll.Tlioiiipson motored to Toronto last Wi-ck with Mr. K. Mont- noiiiery and ii>itod witli frielld^. 111 oiir last hudeet the prinlir substi- tuted the wold "loon" for lover which iid not inipiiivo the item to some critical eyes. Although a loon may be a lover, a lover is nut always a loon. Mias .\giies M. Bell of Toron'o, is visiting «iihher cousin, Lillian ilcKen- zie. (Jeneral llaig and hisa.niy have been g ling "Siinimo" lately. Mrs. .1, L. Wood of I'orl McNiehol is visiting ni'li her f-i-ter, Mrs. W. Taylor. •Among the niany cUinpi-eii of tlies'erii i bu.'iinei'S of war lo lie given ;it the Canad- | ian Na'ioiial ijxhiliitioo wiil bt< s'irriiit; j exhibitions by intiepid Airmen, who will ] demonstrate the heroic na'ure of tho ; calling of their c<iinrades above the war ' swept treiit.lics jn Klai.d rs. Thiy will run the gaunllei of huslile tire linui hat- j leiius and aiiti aircraft iruns, iiioinwiiile making iiljservatioiis as they introMvre i with a seeming iinliir.renc.) to daiiijer in j an efioit, lo di^p ilieir own explosives •>ii i the vvir.^liip in Kxliihilion liaihor and on > t'lo liatteiie.s tiring from shore. l Sydenham Farmer Fined Owen Soufid, July l»i.- Yesterday morning Magistrate Creaaor iiii|ioied a fine of i'.V) and costs upon Robert Ar-lt-y of .Sydenham town -hip, on information laid by Albeit GilK'shy, a ntighboiing fanner, who charged .Aitley with assault. T'le case aro.'^o out of iv Ions.' sliiidirig feud in the neiuhhorhood ot .Slieppard Lake, .\rtley struck Gillesby in the fice and smai-hed his cheek bjiiesu seiiouily thit he bad to go tu the hnspi,.tl for an operation. Arlley Uid a counter^dxn'ge' against •'lillesliy and J>i*-)i<Tij, but the ! charge' was dumissed with costs. The I feud has caused a lot of sensation tl talk as the .Vrtley.i are hetvy Itnd unn-rn ia the 8e.;tion. In lining the acoused, the I Pohct .Magistrate severely repn minded I .Aitley and his brothers, all uf w'-,oiii are i UHiTiarried, and said that they should be serving their country instead of foment- ing troable. S.S. Empress for Bay Route. Victoria Corner* The Misses Johnson, Harkaw.'ty, visited iheir cousin, Mrs. Milton Dannou, last week. Mis-tes .Allan and Henry of Markdale, visit 'd their fiiend, Miss Mina Heard. Miss H^yrl Reunie of Droniore, ii visiting at Air. Jas. liest's. Mr. John Corbeit's sister and her hu.'ibanl are visiting here. Miss Veia Mootc is visiting in Dun dalk lit her nnit's, Mis. A. Montgomery. The lait iiicbtiiii of the Bible Study class will he helil on Wednesday evening in S. S. No. 4 kchoo! rcom. Marcus Heard is "doiii« his bit." hav- ing t.ikcii a position in an amuniiion fac- tory in Toronto. THE C. P. R. steamer Empres* recently took the place ot th« 8.S. Yarmouth between St. John, N.B., and DIgby, The Empress Is an Ideal passenser and treight boat She has all the accommodations ot an Atlantla liner and the (ittlnci hardly can be lurpaased (or convenience. Her staterooms are large and well furnished! with all that is necessary, while h«r saloon Is very commodious and occupies mostly the length of the ship. Lik«i the stateroom the saloon is turnlah«d and uptiolstered In plush, while the chairs are roomy and comfortablfltj To the person travelling (or pleaaare or businesa the main thing is comfortable accommodation and no bettMt o«n be found on many a larger steamsklp than the Empress possesses. The ship also possesses a post ottlcti whtA-e letters, etc., can be posted without looking up the purser. Another feature la a covered observation look-out, situated at the stern ot the steamer, where tber* artj clear views all around, and also sheltered from rains and high winds. In fact, the Empress is fitted out with all necessaries for the comfort of the traveller. j The Kmpress machinery Is ot the latest design, tuch as triple expansion engine* and all other new devloMi In marina equipment. She was buUt at Newoastle-On-Tyne in IM*, She is an iron TelitT ot 1,342 ton* KT«N and 612 r«gistered. Sha Is 2S6 feet in length, 84 hr«a4th of beam and 20 feet In depth. ]^ encbiea are of tw IfSSf P«w«f« SftS ^m o? t^ «?1t« hetw«e|i B^a^Uio ib4 Stt^iasnlde tor nine yv^ â- - "'<»â- '' '"'i - â- j^ R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements Wagons, Buggies, (,'ulteis, I Sleighs, and Gasoline KniMiies, Meloilo ('ream .Separators, Baker Wind Mills, I'unips, ,'| I'iping and Pipe Fittings always j < â- - on hand. Beatly IJros'. of ' 4 F«?rgus, Barn Tracks, Litter ' Cariicrs and stable fi'lifiyH. I Cockshuit and F'rost A' Wood i Itopairs always mi hand Feversbam, Ontario Bull for Service Pure bred Hhorthont hull, Kiii|>ciiir K»>."i:{7 for Betvice on lot 2y, S. S. |{., Arlemcsia. Terms ?l,.'l) f'>r gradcB, Pure linid cows *8(I0. Pure bred Tamswoith lioix for seivice on the above lot , Teinis 81. .'lO I ir all ariiiiials. Served •nust be piid lor. DSepIC â€" W. J. Meads CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Aug 26 Sept. 11 1,200 Performers; 10 Massed Bands ; Chorus of 60 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im- perial Solidarity and Power Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of the British Houses of Parlia- ment, Westminster Abbey and the War Office. W 01^ AND UNDER ^ Mk SEA „ A ON LAND A R IN THE AIR R Scenes that have thrilled the Em- pire Re-enacted by Overseas Troops. Shells in Process of Manufacture For Service For servioc on 1)1 1;?, cou. It, t)<|iri>y, one purehtid Short born Hull. Terms II. ."»<). .Also one pure hivd Yorkshire Boar, Terms SI <M). All ati'oiiiit.-i iiiibl be paid to FKKI) TYLFU, Manager - I Sep Immense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand Grenade and Bomb Throwing, De- struction of Warships by Hidden Mines, Bayonet Fighting, Federation 'K'ear Fireworks, Complete New Midway. Anmer '•°'""" Horse Tamworths For Sale Government Exhibits, Superb Showing of Live Stock and Agricultural Products, Acres of Manu- factures, 1 have S'liie extra goo.l youni stock at < {irosetit b'l'h s>-x. alsoone yoiinij sow, â- red lo fairnw in Sept. Write or pdioiie ; lOrOlltO, AUg. 26 tO SOpt. 11 (ieo. W. IbM-, M..x«ell P. (>. _ NEW SUITINGS f I New Siiiting.s just to liiiiid â€" .sonu^ (if the iiobl)iu8L woavt^.s to be found aiiy- -* where. Leuve your order now for that new suit. Y^oii will never rogiet it. Sati.sfaction f»uai'iinteed. Don't forget that >v»; do cU^aning, pre.s.sing aixl repairing. Our price.s are right and oui'workniaiislii|i is tlje very best. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberiin Tailoring. (1) Orchards and mighty tidej. of bloesom-embowered highways. BlXJStfOM i!<unday '; have you ever heani of it that Satibatli day of , euehanUuent and i>oetry In ilie Sand of Kvangeline in early June, when linlle upon mile of fruitful orchard- llands is white-and-pink with count- less inllllouH of apple blooms, and a |gr«at seventy-mile long valley Is rilled Urom end to end with IntoxUatinK fra- ttrance that roealls the orange iirovoB lof Florida or the glorious helioti'OH>e bf Del MoDte? I Santa Darbara has a Flower Fcstl- nral, and the happy dwellers in fio Santa Clara Valley revel In the lieautv Mind luxnrianoe of ttieir poucli ami •prune blossoms, but only in Nova Sco- tia Is then an annual «fKust of lilns- •oniR that Is worthy uf th<« nanio. The tourist In Nora SooUa. Ilnser- Ini; nntll mid Haptemt>er. goes Into raptures over the marvellous color- moaale that fills the valley durlni; the harvest Urns; but be little realUos Uie feaat of eolnr and uf (rsKrance he has missed by not being there In early June. What so .are an a day In June. Indeod. when It Is spent In the Aiina- pollfi Vslley. Weekend exrnralons are arraneed by the rallioada, tn order that the 'dwellers In the citlw and l»rK«r towns (2) A\itoi:i3hile traveller is never out of sight of bloEcom-l»ien orchards. (3) Four hundred miles '] (4) This tree has a record of 32 barrels of fruit. y may have an o,.|.j.ilunlty to share withi fanioua not »«ly for their quantity but: Youur trees begin to bear Hve or he orehardista ihem.ilvos it. the ra.e for their fine nuallty. Kvery farmer six years after .HtlnR oTt and beauty of the luniltiapc' in kings audi â- -• •>â- '- â-  ...... . " "•"• •*"" 1 Aunapulls Counties. LarKe laimkcry : patronize these exeursions, espeelall> from Halifax, the capital city, and I many flml u lioulile pleasure in walk- ing thr(Mi|;h the petal-i arpeted orth ' ards an.i blKhwaya or vicwins l.'i? Bieat o< oun of while from the pearlv hl)l.-t, I .\pplu lUlture in the Anuapclts Val- ley tliioiigli which the now famous IKi- Imlnioi Atlartlo runs, now grown to |t:uch imnieiue proportlcne, had its in- i eption u louple ot centuries before ttie horliciilliiral pus.'il'iiUtlei of Call wer. in this long, sheltere;! valley raises ^farmer has packed 32 barrsis from 2 this delictous fruit, evwi iboagh he, single tree. The orchardisU her* fWk does It on a small scale. There are low the most approved methods of e»-J scores of orchards with from 200 to i pie cultivation, allowing aboat SO IMti 1000 trees, and the largeat ot all, locat- of space between the tr»es, plowlnc up| ed near Kcntvllle, eonuius 20,000; the gi-ouud. and sprayla^ on the mostl • 'â- Â«Â«Â». modem principles. The entire crop of the valley *T«r- ^nie of the Unset •€ the Not* Seo-, axes between TOU.Ooo and l.UOO.ttOO bar-, tia orchards are situated at the eeet- rels a year and nets the growers any- ern end of the Annapolis Valley, in th* where from $1,000,000 to $2, »00,VO« ac- 1 vicinity of Kentvllle. Wolfrllle andf cording to size (f crop price, and other Grand Pre, so that the very groiuii conditions. The greater part of this i which Erangellne and Qabriei are eup- output Is sent to the Britlst market; posed to have trod in the happy' days , , and the aiiple^froni a blossom-cover- before 1765 is stippled with the wlnd- partlcu^arly attracted blown pet*la; and the mighty currents fornia wcr,' even drea'ne.l of. â- ''' " e,'i" "'^ "wh i bl the «!arry"'lrpn^ra(-^tl«rV' nhout'Tsa'; ^'^'^ *<''"'l*t'«» of « June bride last of the Ude-vexed Minas " Basin beait .itid there are still existing trees that "".'l'""''" !"*?; '!'"'' ^**'' reposed In the thousands of them over the verjt • nte tlKMiRht lo ilate ticls p-city near to ''"""''s of Windsor Castle, or been dis- course of the vessels that took the hap< tbal tluio In a lonK-abandon'o.l onh- I »'""'!"* '" ')•• ••>"* windows of »ome|le8i» Acadlaus into eille. a-rt In the b.vo'v Vallcv town of I'ara- : ^â- "»''<"» fr»»"<"or | 1 Evangeline could only return td Gravensteins, whoso jmre white . c^fth toi'sy and time her visit for the , dise, not loii); iigo. the writer Kavr nev- 1 eral gnarled applo trco.^ that mi.'st have been at least a couple of hunrtre 1 1 years did blossoms are the first to reach perfection, are a favored product of the Valley, and Baldwins, Hed As From the small beglniiinKS of the trachans, Greenings, Northern Spte.s peaceful Acadlans has developeil one ot the largest and .most profitable ap- ple-growing Industries on the oohtin Hishop f'Ipplns, King Toniklns, Non pareils, RIbston Pippins. Uoldea Ilua- sets, Ben Davis and Sweet Houghs, nre ent, tor Nov* Scojla appljis today are l»n»«i4i. other . jpular varieties ralsvU, first week in June, what a new and strange vision of lovlhesa she would behold. K>-en tn those ancient days when "The Sunshine of Saint KuUUe" lived and loved in Grand Pre," "a foot- path led through an orchard wide, att< disappeared in the meadow." ____

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