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Flesherton Advance, 20 Jul 1916, p. 4

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Jul) I'O 10 IG 'V II p: f l e s h e k j n advance /icGl)crton I tlr disitilctj rill .ich of lerii I ' --- - --r pnilf^ '<•''»» foreign enemy element exists. I One can turdly more »l»uut the stretta jTlie Advance lias lieuid strong com- , in AUxtndriit Mithiut beii ;; «ol!crt^<l to iiew«i.»P^r,jmbU.iheil^evervj plaints on this scori froui oftlcials in I buy NOuiBthiiig and luiuly every aiticio le ci>uld iiiiigiiio Ih lolJ by ii it!va [lei.'- I Itrs. Nut '(Illy do they m-'l liiit they ' bit. fhiitwlny at th' oftice, CiIIiiikwimkI Street, <'l»hert.>n. Sub«crii>tioii price <l iwr amiuin , Uie Ilorlliern Country. when paidinadvMice ;$l.r).t wlii-n not so paid Adver imnir rate* on applinatiou. Circulation 1,100 •t-ekly AT H. Thurston- Kdltoi ITS COLORS RUN UP The Ontario Oovernnient appears •lis Noiwitlistaiidiiig the few criticisa.'* 1 that can be le\el!td utiLo govern- mci.t, and whicli should be It oititoato if foimulatrd in a iroper spirit, ail lasses are bound lo admit that iio which above nil thi>ii;>i ix liiu niOHt deteHtable. The imtivu iiietl od of tr^in-portiiig IN the N^me ii.h it was in biblical MiiieN and I suppoie will reinii'ii iiKire or lets thiit w.iy fn all tia.e to conio, Afier leaving Alexindii* you leave all such accoroplishuieiit has ever before ha.s i>iade up its mind tohaliou place as iliat seen in Canai'a ; things Uiat li»ve ar.y .â- emblance of Kuro- atand by its guns in the mattrr of] since the pan Kuiopcan war began. ; pean or .\meric-an s'yU- nhJ if it were Rule 17 and declares it will not badge Ninety-nine per cent, of the people "ft f'^' i'»"*r .ly oi.e would feel very never dreamed at the bcgirning of â- ""«='""">' P'''^^ i"'^'"-"^- V\> Undid the war that it was possible for ; '" Busra t»o day, -go and I expel to Canada to rai.^e and ccpiip an army been «a inch. Thii is brave talk and we hope it will have the courage of its convictions and ktep those colors at mast head. This so I would 1 move fiiither north tomoriow I tliouolil iliiit !i l.tili) note to you the masthead. This campai^-n of of 250,000 men. But it has* •^^en ] ^, ^^^ jj^^^. bigotry, Ignorance and wilful inisiep-itlQue. The alinot^t miraculous has; i did not write this in any style fit to resentation on the part of the Qutbtcjbten accomplished, and small failurts ' i,j piimed in your paper, but if you can doctor it up a littU probably the people firebrands must be kept within bcunds] count but little in the gran J total or this country will not be wonh • â€" â€" . . iivingin. Tl-o rights are altOf,etherS Dr. Little Writes imaginary, but that does not causef such enemies of the reaL-n as Bourassa Ashir, Persia, May 18, litlO and Lavcrgne to hesitate in their! D.Mr Mr. Thurston :â€" trouble-making campaign. It seems It is now about « p. m I to n.'! the time is opporume to have »"cl am liitiiig in the shide i.f my In t ^ llieir mouths closed up inside piison 'â- "yinu to seep co„l and .[u te a prob- 1 ,, ,,,, , , , , . „„ hm it IH. It MS in tlie sh»iie I walls. Ihey would hive i eeu lang- . ,„ ~ ' today sud they suy it sumelinies goes up i unhing on prison planks nearly two ^^ ^.^.^ ^^ ^^^ ^^__ ._,^,_^;^^^ ,_^^ .^ ^^^1^^^ , years ago.if they had been lu England. ,^g -^ ^ ^^^„, ciimalu. h is not very far _ : from hfve to the deseit, however, the' SOME WAR NOTES idate-palins keep one-t .hounlr.-* frf.iu The Deutchliud incident has "^"'J*'*"*; l"" f"' aroused a great deal of indignation! Since leaving Kiesherton, I bava been in this country and only a vulte face '» " 8'^-' """^" "f »''*'•"' *"f , seen a ureal nuiiiy diHer.'iit per.ple. ; niighl Hiij y hrarini; Bomethiii^ ahout the "Old World." Will » rite you later ' and will give you tome idea of what is I really sjoiii'^ on in this pirt of tha bin I tight. Sinceiely your", I ' W. T. LITTLK. on the nickel policy ol our govt rn- taents .will save them from the righteous wrath of an outraged peopl have , but they all sutler from the siiiio lii-Mses , and 111 ii.osi cases tl e siiiie mi'ditim-s 'â-  euro or relieve. A«i now in ii district At the beginning of the war their where enteric fever, dys-ntery and chol- attention was drawn by the press to em .ibound, and 1 hope, with a fair liie pot^sibilily of our nickel reachiiit! aiiKunt c f luck, to escape, the enemy. By the arrival of the We are nctiiir^ very duse now to the L)eutchlaiid and its return with a field of operaions a-id I might add lliat cargo of nickel bought in the open market this possibility hari proved DO dream and the government will have to answer for it or stem the tide by prompt action. The thous- ands of Canadian families who have lobt sons aud fathers are au entity that will have to be reckoned with. even heie it is a wite man who carries tire arui of tome kind, I am told that at liiisra the British had to hang iium beis of the iiii'ives at the beginning of the Wiir, however, I think th:it they are a little more civilizfd and don't me their knives so fre^iaently on th-' Tommies now. Thi.s i.'' a very t1>t country iind the tide It is ghastly to think of our sons heie rises niarly a foot. It is alniutt being mown down at the front by impoHsible to walk any distance ho our •mmunition dug from our own mincn, ""d" of c..nvey.ince is by boat, aud the iiigh'.mare must be ended Tl;ei{Overnment at Oitawa assures U8 , , „ ,. , , , , J p.>les to push them »lon;{ that no Canadian nickel has reached "^ , ; ...... the Hun forces, and in the same breath it says that now "special ; ^„j j, .iji,,;, ti,„ir [„,i,.s into th precautions are beiug taken by the | Um one soon umIh u^ed to these Th^y ' are hmi; affairs something like a ctiioe or ' Iiidiiii dij >u» and iln nitives use lonj{ At tir.t It â- eemed ituite odd to see them tunning ' up and down at the bacu end ot lhi> boat | water, thiii;{H. I Canadian authorities and the British { In fact, I have become accustomed to a ' «ecret service U: see that uo Canadian j (T'wt m.ny thiuRS since leaving Kleahcr- uickel foimspart of the German sub-!*""- marine cargo at Baltimore." This | If ' *"« t<' write of all the intetesiinij news will be haled with delight, but \ "'""«« "''^ ' '""« ««"'" '' *""''^ '•« ''""• f' m Uigu volume indeed, but a few ijeneral remarks would sutKce to give you sime 538^ 'THEPRJCEyiHE'^ ^ Plaola - Piano I GUARANTEED TEN YEARS 4 "The Family Piano" can be pl.iyrd by hand or with the f«l. li brings d word ot niuM*. to youf home and providr:. j commnn sourer 6i rn)oymcnl l"r Iwtfi husband and wile, broilirr jnd sister of iiirndi who diop in Injert ihe peilorj'rd roll jnd yi'u can play ihr PUoljf'iano vviih your irrt as wri] as any ntusKtan can play il by hand. The pnu- is nu highrr than lor the pU:ii piano which only iho^e edu- caletj in music can play, and it includes ticighl, bench and 1 2 rolls ol music. PLAOLA- PIANO Company Limited OSHAWA â-  ONrARIO : Umily I Plaola >}. i I >; I yji'*<»,J,'4;'f F. H. W. HICKUNG -^ FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Preserving Time Eedpath, St. Lawrence and Dominion Crystal Granulated Sugar. Jem Jarsâ€" Pints, Quarts, Half-Galloni. Jem Jar Eubbers---All siies. , 7 ' \ 'i Jem Jar Metal Rings '^ Parowax for sealing Jellies, etc. M , . Five hundred tins of Salmon, full size, 1915 pack. Every tin guaranteed. Usual price 15c. SPECIAL 12c PER TIN F. H. wrHICRLING 'I Property For Sale Part lot 151, eon 2. N. K. T iV S. K containina 28.^ acres, about I mile from Fle.sherton. There is a ^' >od frame house iind stable and the property is ftfiio.'d .and watered. -â- Vpp'y to .Joseph A LeUard, Flosheron or on the proper- " S»s»i ijrLfmJ5 II The Old Adage Tl "The ail pi "n Holstetn Bull For Service A thor.iii {hbre I H )lsteiu b.ill f «: lers ic^ oi, loU 1S;M.S4 .H.W. T. * S.R.. Arteni'itia; do.'* elv ivlatel c> tli- world's ohunpioii 41 pomiil cow. l\-r.n.: «l o)f >r fTJ. tj", ♦â- >•*• for [.lud btedH. 1 .July 17. â€" i;KO. moo RK 4 .Son. .1. OrcUr direct or from \v. Klluti,Maikdale Aijent "^ Odds and Ends the public would feel more at ease tliuse special precauii'uis had been taken long ago, and that hundred ton] which lay on ihe dock nt Haiti- more in wait for the Deutchlaud were not m evidence . We all teel il in our FARMS FOR SALE idet of the people who live out here. On laiiduu in Kngland, say L verpool, the tiisl thought that come* For sale or rent for urazinif, lot ."!."». eon. IM, and pait of lots 34 snd m, C(>n. 14, A tnoiesia, IHl acres more or le-ia known s the C â- ( pet farm. Will tent for mind is, where did all the boats come p^8(„r„ Hlhis season, or take slock in by from and whan will the docks ceasel the inon th. This is a .splendid grain and int.i ones boneg that a large part of that cargo One sees a Urite buildiuj{ and on the oth- ' utH7.ini( farm, well watered and fenced, a ,, ,. , , 1 , .^ I . . lot of vaUiab'e timber and cedar and al.our, Crfine fromC'aiiadiau miiieH through cr s do of n t*.. or more lari?e mists are ,„, ^^^^,^ ^^ ^^^ ^,^,|.^.^^._^^^ ,j ^^ ^g, a leakage aonifewhere and the hole ' •t'«kiuj{ up, and when you come upeven ^„,i(, t,,^ „,,,,, „j,,„ „f j„ock man. Will must be soldered up good and tight. nth it you can see that it is Why does our Koverninent handle these Urjje vessels. Th-yiay this thing of war with kid glomes and 'docks et end about 1.'. miles and 1 feather pillows, anyway ? The other ' "* "'"'"' ^'"' ""'"'* ''^ ^"'"" day a uewspa[er was suspended at the Saiilt because it stid a few tliiiigs that it ought not to have said, while Lourassa is still allowed to run at large with hia foul pen and to pub- lish Ilia paper with impunity â€" a paper duck ae I for rea-on able cash |>ayment,btUiiul probably contamion two or three merch-i easy terms. A[.:dy lo K J. Spioul-, e •^ . ,, , J . „ ,1 .lulyfltf F.esheiton, O t. lantmen and m the lai'^fr docks many of j â- * that the only On airiv- | ing in London you notice that everythiii;; ia uj the mi>ve, but ihat is not the main I thought iha' entered my mind. K»ery. thiUK there is built to last, in fact that is | Oood 50 acie farm for sale, about thre miles from Ceylon. W ell fence i and WHteiad, easy terms for quic'i sale. V'>c further pAciculart apply at this otKo -. For ARTICLES FOR SALE Si'e â€" 1 hftvy 4yeHr-old the general rule thiougl.our Ku .|and,but ; »|h""y * y-«r-,,M niare; 1 pmy It) y more so in London. In that Kreut city al the tiine-ivorn ndhain-ss. Will bo sidd che.i.i. I bate no umh for him. Not afrai I of autos. â€" W. A. Arnislroiia. vrliich should be called Le Diabolo thing'< and pUces are ckrefuHy proservid ' . . r lA ' .. mi 1 .u . I . ... 1 .. I. ...i I.. (Jrahain Bros , Kui>eiii<t, for Ho ir Mcd instead ol Le DtVOir ? These cas. 8 »nd they ar- pomlel to wih much pnde j^^_,^ MH,|,d.le and Meaford 11 mr Hi- are a tad commentary on the actioi.s by the better cUss of Kn.<li«hinen, but I^ ^„j,, of ioiuebody and the people want honestly be ieve that any Canadian, » ho these aiiomaiios rcciitie]. III band has been in liOndan only a few weeks can tell you more about the city thau the aveiage native born Londoner. We SUpiWlO that aotnebody lia-S to' After le«viiii{ Europe and you travel <be knighted aH « 8ort of recognition oast tliiii;<» take on a dilferont aspect en- of services rendered in thi.s war, and lirely, and ilio f .r;her east i;oe< the For .Sale che-tp and on ea-sy t.^rins, L"t 13, con. 11, O-iprey, 110 acres. This is a hrsi diss farm and in a i;o"d st>kte of cultivation. Good bank barn and n-w frime d«'elliiii4. Apply to It. .!. Sproule KIttsherion it really does not matter much who geteit. yomeofihe members of the Muniliuna Commi.s9ioii have alioady eccuri'd the sovetcd bauble and otlieis will get it. While this is inevitable. The Advance would Buifi^cst that the Boldidi â€" every (iiic of them â€" vslio goes lo the trenches and doce fiij;litiiig and dyiiij/, iiiolliA.s and wive.s who slay al lionie aiidsiiUVr tlio untold ogonic a of susppuca and liorrow, are more worthy of knight- Jiood than an) coniiiiissioner or the most worthy ifficei wlio has to remain n I homo and look after the home lud o' the war. It i.-i ihe inothtrs and vives of this country who arc sacri iicing most, and uiicomplaiuiugly and without due mead of honor due tlicni. Lei;al KUiiks For Sal» â€" It. .). Sproule I ,1 111 fii ....;....j i,„,.,, keeps constantly on haiol anil for ,s-.ltf more do ihe b.ktiita of the natives liaip ' r n . i f i. i >• I ctie«|i a full .-took of Oeeds, MoriuaK^s, back lo the d.ays «on« bye. Wi. Is and all otli,.r le«al blanks. Any I 'I .Mexandria, whero I upant three Of reiiuiriinj such w.ll hnd it to thuir ii.ier- foiir days, Ihe ii itives s'dl .stick lo ilie a'lcicnl inethiil of banoiirg thoir wares anil after one nn's "otiinj" once or t«ice y iU HOun learn to cut them down hi their price. For iiis'ai.c, Ihey will ink about e.'^t III ijivu liini a call. ""^ 10 pi.iKtre (ol),) foi an aiticio which ihey will liter sell fi'r ore ha'.f a piasireso that • LOST and FOUND I. OS â€" a.-hiep, will tiir 111 hei f>te, wo il I II, two laiiih>witli L on one Hiiie, "boat I t of June.â€" Levi Duckett'. I.os' â€" on .Iiiiy Ist, small black | uinis , , , , I on'ain'n.' > 91 loll :kiid komio ' iiiikll HivsyiMisome idea of the wny they ^.^ ^,,^^. y,„j^.,, ^^^^^^ ,^^^^. ^^ ,,,^ "shark'' the |)rices up. The Kuiopean A ivai ce otH'-o. Btorns, which by the way are nearly all --_â€" j-- ~."~ "~Z-~ .- ..' Kicnch, have ii "Fix I'rix," and you see MISCBLLANEOIS B.gns up as y..u enter their shops with i.,,;„,,„., ,^„,\ done. that inscription wliitii -ijives you a uenlle Am'iit fi.r Kiopire wa'l pa| ets. Marry iiininder that ihey ot be beaten CHtrinjinii. h e.ilis'rtou. 1 May iIm wn. re'il estate of in'erest. Apply lo It. J. Mprou'e, Flesheiion. sept 23 I'livalo funds lo loin on In A'exandria the â- i.H^eolfonveyi.nce "» 'ciiril.i- at reisonali'e rate is by hac'i and lliev a-e reunlattd by ll e Ouvo.iimoMt. Kich cah having the scale of f-es inarked on the seat in front llijliesl jirce for butter and ei.'j<» at a d if on J be careless enough not looire- j (iidiaiii »ro.s. Eu genia. Jin » Hi Uil.y p.o,.M. Ibis, the c'vi.c h are th.t I j,.,,,,^^ _'â- ^^^^;^y ^-^^^^^^ ^,„, ,,^^^. ,,,^^. y u will p-y four ir tW.i p ijn tor the ,„mser* on !..t U4, con. 10, Arcuusi', lax, especially with rcgaid to the . odu U.iwevori that i* a sm.ll nutlor of ^ will Le p o;'ei.u'.ed.-' Fiod J.miesou. • In t!;e mil i.'t <if internmenta ou. aullioriiies have aUoleen exceidiiii'lv A RELIABLE AGENT WANTED lu every good town aud district in Ontario, where we are not repre- sented. Territory reserved for the right man- Highest commissions paid. Attract- ive advertising matter. The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is eijiuilh true of the 19(0 Gravity Washer. Tiy one and l)e convinced that there is none better. Splendid List of New Specialities For Season. 1916-1917 lucliiding the new everbearirg RASPBERRY. 6't. REGIS. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Full line ot McC'ormick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Kakes, Loadei-?*, Drills, luhivatois. Plows, Riding and Walking Haiiuws l?iantfcrd Wind Mills, Piurps, Piping and Fillings of all kinds, licattie Hay Carriers. Hay borks, Slings, Filter (.;firriers, Folding Bath Tnbs, Wiie and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. « ^ Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries. (Kstaliliahed IHM .) m 'â- sssss^a^sssiss^sssss^^is^s^esi^sss'ssisssrssesssl i Flesherton Tin Shop^ TORONTO ONTARIO m Deering Implements ||j AND Ig Gasoline Engines; gsj In I have just placed on ihe shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. ('all on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. All kinds of Deering Implpinents. Parts j ,il«Bys on hand Ai;ent for Bnrrie Cultem. Barber Buggits, Louden Litter C^rrieis, Hay Tracks, I'edlnr i nhtiiKles and sidin|{. Thrse Inipleinoiils I ioi|uire no lecoiniiiendrttion as they aie ' st»iidi»rd foods and recoanized as Ihe l) on the market. KUll<r TIIKES-I represent iheSton I Jt Wellinitlon nursery, and will bo ples.scd , to cit'l if von send nu; n card. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installetl. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON oi^ ONTARIO. m. Carefully Corrected Each Week Whe-it <)ii u> J DO Hals 40 to 40 IVis V... 1 2.> to 1 iiO Holey .Ml to 53 111. kwheal 05 to 70 Kloiir $:! '.Tl to i:'. .M) 11 'V .?10 00 to 12 CO liiiler 24 to -J^ Kiigs, fresh '26 to •i.'i I'otiitoos per bug 1 50 to 1 50 O-eso 13 to lo Docks 14 to 14 F ftl 11 to 11 Cl.iikins i:iio i;i TniKeys i'Ot.o 2iS Wed 33 to 4ti New Blacksmith Shop I At Maxwell Fleslnex^ton #- Tonsorial Parlors | 1 iiin opeiiinit un utoiice, a blacksiivith- We Aim to One Entire .S;itisf«ctio» h\n nnd woodwoikini? hus'neas in MiiX- I.ArNPKY â€" li.iskot closei Mondsy '^'' '> ^md am iis'sliinn up-to-date wood- night, delivery Kiiday ivcniig |WorkMi2inu-hineiy. It, wi 1 b,. my en- s' aeivor fi serve till' pulilic in a salisfao- . t )iy nmniicr and 1 would So! cit p>itlon- asz '. 1 Hii'.t y« urwotk tnd wil I'o it CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We ar right. 7 ^p,ii 17 agonts for I'arker's Dye Works â€" Clolhia cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenat d T FISHtR •PROPRIETOR CHESTER LONG f' ♦ r-<

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