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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jul 1916, p. 1

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i,' $\t^\^tx\m %hmitt. TBUTB BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •• PRLSTIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL 3«)N0. lO Flesherton, Ont., Tliursciay, July 13 1910 W. fl THOBSTON -^^«ophiexo Eugenia Paragraphs Strawberry picking is the order of tlx- daj. Rev. Madden aod wife of Aurora ami Mrs. Dyer of Toronto visttud Mrs. Adam Smith last wtek. Mr. and Mrs. Frtd Sheppard and children and Dr. Wilsoi, wife and chil- dren motored from Toronto and are guests at the Eugeni^i (fouse. 5Iif.s May Paik and Mrs. Lar<;e and babe motored over to Oullingwood one day laiit week with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan -ind family, who motored from their home at Mt. Albert to visit the latter's mother, Mrs. Gorley. and their many other frtendi-, who are pleased to .see them. Many of the Eugenia ladies alt.nded the Port Law Rad Crous meetins; last Friday, which wa3 held at the home o Mrs. Badgero. All report a good time and are much plea.sed to see that the ladiei of Fort Liw are so willing to work fui our dear soldier boys who are tightinf so bard for us. Pte. Wes Wilson has returned to his training camp at Swift Current, Pte. Jvhn remaining for a time with . his mother. These boys belong to ths 209th Bittalion. May they be guided and comforted iu thjir trouble wherever they may be sent. .•.-»â-  We are all pleased to see Pte. Park home arain. Russel lotks pretty ihin after five or six week's illness in Toronto military hospital. We are also plea.'«ed to see Miss May Park able to be out among her friends again. Misses Jossie ArnistmnK and Altie Williams, and Wesley Latimer and fam ily have returned to the city after visitiiit{ >heir parenti here. Miss Etta Latimer, who has been teaching at Allison, is spending her holi- days at her home. Misse" Florence Parliament ar.d Dell Wilson of Flesherton high school, are also home. We understand Florence, ar.d De'l have written on their exaniina ti>n for entrance. We wish the g iris every lucceaa. Mr. ("ha< H"y of Toronto, spent the week end it his father's home. Mr. U. Plantt had a barn raising one lUy last week. Bomâ€" July 5, to Mr. and .Mi<. Fred Pedlar, .1 daughter. Mis. Munshaw has returned hcuie after .spendiog a f )rtnight with her son at AIli<:ton. Miss Kva Jamieson has been visiting friends at Alllston Mrs. Geo. Willi lavs and little daughter of Toronto .ire visiting here at preseut. Major Uollinger of Toronto, and Miss Jessie were vLsiting Mrs. Wil.sou and family for a few days. Miss Jessie ex- tends her visit with Mrs. Wilson. We are sorry to report Mrs. Jake W.lliaius ill at present. Hope to hear of her rrtJtvery soon. Pte. Emerson Smi'.h and Mi'.aud Mrs. Large and family motored to Owen Sounu Sunday, Mr. Large's mother re- turning with them. Cards of Thanks PRIVATE IKA S. PERIGO Killed In Action, Belgium. June l-2.1»It! His chumn th<-v fell beside hiui, They answer<Kl the countrv'« tall. With tears his oTen were often dim .\s they left hiin, une and all. In a recent lettrrfrom our «oldi«r He said. " I am not afraid to <lit, " If we do not Dint un earth We will meet beyond the sky Then. " Ki'led Iu aclion .(une the rjth." TheciiJiuaUiesmet mir eye* ; Ira, our own, hail met his death, He, too, Jieil in war's cruel ways. Thus he dieil s«> br*ve, so true, For FrtHfdem's caune so great : When the journey i>f life in thr<iu|;k We will U'eet hiin .it hea\en» %*,\.v. -A KRIENU. 1 desire to express my itratitudo to the friends and neighl)ors for their many great kindnesses during our recent family, and especially to those gentlemen who s,i willingly put in my crop this spring. -M.XLCOLM FEUOl'SON Mrs. Martin and family desiie to tliin their neighbors and many friends for their kindness iu their recent trouble and bereavement. Kimberley Budget .Vlics Alma C.unitck of Toronto is visitiug ;it her pir^nral home at present. Wm. Deviug uf Thornbury made a business trip to our burg list week. Miss Nellie Ellis of Powiiscan is re- newing old ac<|Ua ntances around here. Mr. and Mr». Wm. Flood and family visited f> lends in Thornbury recently Joe MiHue, the genial editor of the Georgetown Herald, .md wife, motored over to our viUaije during the p^ist week and weie the uuests i.f Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Kawcett. Mi-is Millie Harris .and Master Walter uf VVest Toronio .ire holidaying *ith their grandmother, Mr*. P. Harris. Miss Lilian Abercrombie and Enna Buiritt saug a duet iu a very acceptable manner at the Ep worth League on Sunday evening last. Both these young ladiei possess line voices and will no buubt ma', e their ontrk in the musical world. R. J. Stewart of Thorub-jry visited friends in this vicinity, recet.'ly. Pte. Anhur W^iliers of the UTth, was hoa>e » few diy* the past week. Two of our township fathei.«, .Tames Murray, Dep Reeve and Councillor Manarity, iiiotorni over to nur burg on Mondsy laat. Wm. Moore of Mtaford was on a business trip to this part, recently. Mr. and Mrs. St.-mley Doherty of Blaniyre visited las. week with the lafter's father, Mr. Fred Engles. Toronto Line North War deeds and scenes that have thrilled a mighty Empire will be graphic- ally re-enacted in the warfare wajjed at the Canadian National Exhibition iu "Fedeiation Year," The conspioiicu.s gallantry of the "Suicide Club," or "-•Vnarchists " â€" bomb and hand grenade tJirowoisâ€" the men who "Go t>verTop" kii iwiiig that death probiib.'y awaits just over the |)arapet, and meiciless showers of bombs have pxved the way to nmiiy a glorious victory for the Briti<h nrni.«, will bo depicted, briiigiiij; h'.mo very forcibly the realities of war. .\ ile- tachiiiciit from an Oversea* Battalion Road work was completed on this line during the tirst of the week. Mrs. Thomas Lever and Miss Bella Brown are still â- a\ the sick list. A number spent the alorions Twelfth in Dundalk. othiTs in Kimberley, while thfl reiininder pici>ieifeil al home. Mi>s Ilia Uicliiiu.v'ii, Toronto, visited friends here . Miss.'. ^foLean of .Mton visited with Mrs. .Vlhcrt iStewart a few days. The neighbors of this vicinity held their piciiioin.J. .\. Lever's bush on Friday last and had « very enjoyable time. Wo are pleased t« see Pte. J. H . Gib- son of Wey burn, S^isk , among his old friends awain. Jn^ looks tino in his khiilii suit. He inlond.s going back West on the ^Olh inst. William S«-anton has puichased a new- driver. Priceville Jottings The last eight or ten days has been tine weather for people who have alfalfa or orchard grass to cure and harvest. A perceptible gloom spread over the viila'/e when the telephone made it known tliat Lieut. A. M. Thurston hiid fallen at the front. Each person jassei the sad message <iuickly to his neighbor and all expressed sympathy for the bereaved f iiiily. .Alex. McMillan, South Line, who has been ailing for the past ten months, is still very weak and not improving any. Alfred Hincks has been fur about two weeks under medical treatment which we hope will ptove successfuL • )ur police trustees are repairing the streets this week. H. R. HcLe«o and assistants will tiniih the stonework under Louis Frook's bam this week. The Red Cross Society organized garden party for Thursday evening last week, which proved very successful. It was held on ihe Uwu in conueciion with the residence of the Misses James. rhe Walker family of Winchester street, Toronto, have again returned f^jr the fourth year to soend the school vaca- tion in a summer ottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McDougall, formerly of Egremoot, have purchased the house snd lot on E'gin street from Mr. H. R. McLean, and will get posses, sion about Nov. 1. The Presbyterian church choir and friends picnicked at Eugenia one day l:ist week, Mr. Lever of Flesherlcn, with his cement putting menc. mixing machinery, has work in the public schojl Victoria Comers been base- Intended for last week Jul/ third and nearly everybody is done seeding. Born--On June 28, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Orr, a son. Now that seeding is done wood bees are the order of the day. The lot owned by Mr. Ira Schell has been purchased by Mr. Pedlar of Mark dale. Mrs. Stevens has been at her d.iuijh- ter's, Mrs. Fred Brewster. Mr. and Mrs. Brewster have been ill with 'luinsy and tonsilitis. Violet Ste*ei>s is on the sick list. Most of the neighbors from around here attended the Red Cross ba/.iarat Proton on Wednesday last. Rev. Mr. Miidden being needed at Euifenia for the interiiient of concerning the tragedy there last week. Mr. Woods "f Corbetton took his work vt Mount /lion and Inistioge. Patriotic services were held on Sunday July !lth, Mr. Woods spoke, Mrs. .\llen Montgomery and tw> childrtn of Uiinda'k visited the week enil with hor parents, Mr. and .Mi«. H. H. Monti'oinery, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Corbett and little son visiied Mrs. Corbett's parents in the south of Melanthon a few days last week. Ernie Sliusoii, Alec and Talbot Itwiu tried the entrance, it Fleshertou. School closed on Thursday for the holidays with a number of promotion exains uver on Tuesday. Mrs. Redick is vitsitii'g her daughter, Mrs. Win. .Vchescn. Marcus Heard visited in Toronto. We extend our sympathy to our editor and his family in this lime of their boreavement in the Iimss i.f their sou and brother at the front. Pithy Proton Pointers Intended for latt week We wish to express our deepe^t syiupaihy for v he editor of this paper and his family in iheir bereavemeut. Born â€" T) Mr. and Mrs.Ilobt. Baces,a SOD. t^tiiilborn) Born -To Mr. and Mrs. \> ra. Black- burn, of .Saugeeu Jet., a son. Mr. and Mis. Blair and little daughter of Toronto, renewed old acquaiutancek Ih our burg last week. Mrs. J . Eddie of Toronto visited her parents here for a few days. Miss Lucy Colgaa is holidaying wiih her grandparents, Mr. and idrs. Rouiue. Mrs. Edward Rutherford is attending evangelis'ic meetings near Toronto. Mrs. Robt. Hi>dgins of Toronto i» visiting friends in our burg. Miss C. Hoditins, Uundalk, visiied wi'.h .Miss Mary Wyvi le la-t peek. Mrs. F. Pringle uf Toronto is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs Consley. Miss Muiray ^ has returned to her hone at Tavistock. We extend our hearty congratulations to Miss Mildred Binnie, who has been sucoassful in (a'sing her Junior vocal examination with honois. .\ number of our youth and beauty spent a very enjoyable evening -u Friday las' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McCounell near Dundalk. '.^uite a cumber from here weut to Fleshenon i.n the First. ' 'ur lad;e> baseball team played a friendly name with the Flesherton younic ladies ai^j eave them a pretty cUise run. the scoie being 17-:iO. However they juite ijrace- fuUy bruuKbt up the rear bur, ' are we downhearted '. No. ' The ladies' Auxiliary uf the .\nglicau church tere motured out to Mr. James .Mcrrow's i'. Warehnin OJ Friday laei when they spent a verv pleasant afternucii wub the Sister Society from Maxwell. The ladies of the Women's Institute are to be congratulated on '.h»» success uf their Red Cross bazsar held on Wed. last at the Orange Hall. The booths '.vere prettily decorated wi^h iiiaplo leaves and the beautiful handicrait of the donators also a<ld>4d a great deal to iheir appearance. Luncheon and lefresh- meuts Were served and in the ewning I programme W!is given which consisted of Patriotic choruses bj the children, recitations and a rousing patriotic address by Rev. Mr. Mc Vicar. File proceeds of the day amounted to about f«iO. The ladies wish to express their gratitude to all who !o willingly gave their assistance. Jewelry t>F8. BXJRT 5pcialist In diseases of the Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat, OFFICE-l.K) 10th St, West,Owen Sound \ 2nd A Splendid Stock from which you may readily maJce A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler -< kx the Revere house, Markdale, Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a.m FLFSHFRTHN Dundslk,ls Wednesday of each month.. ^ ^*^"t.K 1 UIN, ONT w5 't^ '/I? '/,«• '/,{. ',&â-  ',.?'/{? Wfl?'/i5^'/K'w#><i^ Get your crate o! # '/l^ m m s/5 strawberries NOW W. BUSKIN m -Mi. 4^ ^o^^Mmm^^^^^^^^-^t^^mm^^^^^^^ Ne wst T Farmers Now IS yourcliaiiv.:- to i;el rid of and .scrap iron. P. Sicuih.iri iut.-n'ls to load a ooiiplo of c'»r load.s of iron and will p.«y tup piioo in Ciish. Also 2c f r raj^s any .,, ., ., , , ,, ,,„ . oc for rubbers, :!0c for horsehair, .vU f..,. will occupy the Model dmy. Ihey will ^, M.ukdale. S 11 to , ,. „i.o but mvsolf. bo trained espcciady in bombing .md l h„v,. no a.;oi.t.s. Ennuiro by telephone hand grenade work aiiJ will demonstrate j ^^ ,|,uj| just how scores of tlio Kinpire's her(ies ! hr.vo ounui their aw.rds eioaring the j p, Stcinhart. Markdaic ticnclios fyj the advancing infantry. j 'I'liis Week's Items. Mis. W'liitteu and son, of Toronto, motored up last week and visited the fijrmer'a brother, M.i. James Lock hart. 11. IF. Gallagher, and .\. .Moiiigoiiiery ii Dundalk, motored to Crceuiore lust week to visit Mr. iiallagher's sister. Born â€" July Isr, at Newbury, (â- > Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Moore, a sou. Died July ."•• .\ n'lnibct from around heio )ilte»»dcd tht Itran^e ?undy service held iit Proton by luistioge and Proton L.O.L. Mr. WoikIs of Corbetlon gftve a very i^te sermon, showing how the (>rang«iuen luenn <t memorial for is jii'it anj good. This week's items Hurrah for the llith in Dundalk. The garden party held under the auspices of the Presbyterian 1-adies' .\id on July .") was a dtoided success. The weather was all that could be uesired. Dundalk and Proton ladies played an entliusi:istic baseball game of which Dundalk ladits were the winners, the score being 14-11 'Ihe pro^rain consist- ed of addresses l>y Mr Miller, Mr. Charles and Rev. X. ; music and recit itious by Miss 5IcCaunell Booth- viUe and home talent. The procei'ds if the evening amounted to about $'M). Mr. and Mrs. Trelford and daui^liter, Wiiina, motored to (Van^^eville and spent the w'ck with Iheir daughter, Mrs ttreenis. Mr. Clem Jackson and sisters, Sun- dayed with Miss Ethel Ludlow. Mrs. Whitten visiied recently with her sister. Mi's. Robt. Bates. Mr. W. J. Maxwell and Sister. Wibe!. vis ted with Mr. Chas. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Wouds and Miss Mallei Waucho'i iiiotoit.Hl to Camp Boidon on Sunday list. .Mr. Pringle, Toronto, is visiting at Mr. Consley s. Miss t'tlio NVuoJs is (poiidinii the summer with her brother, Geo. Woods, i Last Sunday afternoon the members i of L.O L. 244 of this place w-cre joined | by those of L.l> L. "o", Inistioge, and marched to the urovo bolotii^ing to Mr. C. Lyon.s, wlioie a lanto con g re. -at ion was Comfortably seated and lislenfd with rapt attention to an able and Impressive i .sermon delivered I'y Mr. R. J. Woods i oi C .rbottoii, based on â- o.!ih..a \ 7. He t was ass'sicd in the sorvicc by R'^v. V. | I FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WEAR BOOTS We have them in Men ;* Box Calf. Ki.l and Intents. Also some good lines in Plough Boots. LADIES' WEAR We luive them in Button with Cloth and Leather Tops. Patent Vamps. Light girl and heavy boys antl tor the season. Trunks, Telescopes, Suitcases. Agent for the Dominion Express Co orders. hoots, suitable money Thos. Clayton's I FLESHERTON W. .Madden, -i^^ village churches b united choir of Ihe ' d the singing and Ihe lendid servici* was greatly enjoyed by 1. The ciiba-tion was geneiou'V j all. The oil handed over ly ."Mr. Woods to the Red I I Cross Society. \ John Chapman Furniture and - Undertaking Successor to :-: W. H. Bunt Calls answered day or night. Day phone 17 R2. Night phone i7 3. The old standi opposite the Town Hall / E>M'4»9l^•^'.' ' <"V'.

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