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Flesherton Advance, 22 Jun 1916, p. 1

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gkB\)tvim TRDTB BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. 1-^ vol 3*> No. 7 Flestierton, Ont., Tlmrsciay, .June 21? lOlO W. H THCRSTON ^.^pko Wo de house Doings Innumeralile seveje electric stoniis have been passing ov«r these parts for weeks past accompanied by downpours if i»in. Sinie farmers on low Ijins; land have been unable '" put in .-eed and the ground everywhere is w.ner- Koaked. Rev. Mr. Marshall preatied lii« fare- well seriuuii in New Kiigl.nd on Sunday afternoan, we understand. Mr. LK»ne, u student, 's drafted for this circuit, to lake the place ut Iter. Mr. Puijfjlfy, who h»s enlisted. Mr.Mirshall is tskiDi! a year's ami will reside with his f.imiiy ia Tor:nto. Miss Hannah Birch of MeaforJ r<?new- ed old ac'iuainranccs here the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Georae Hick.s of Ciillinu'wood, forn)er resident* of this Dii:^hl>orhood, visi'ed rwlutives here the piist week. Mr. Jauiei Hnrbuttle wears a broad emile tht se Jays, a baby giil ha\ing iiirived ia his home. Mis.s E-sie ilcNevin has returned to Tboinbury, after spendiuj; two weeks wi;h Mrs. Sam Wili-y, who has been Berioufcly ill, but is around again. Mr-, Ernest Mo wood .%nd little son, Lavern, spent the past week wi;h her pareuts, Mr. ai.d i.Irs Th..s. Hawkin.s at Epping. Mr. and Mrs. J .1. Oherry of Kiinber- ley called on their old uei;{hbur3 a short t iiie auo. Mr. W. Wdey has pmchascd a Ford, tt^e first car in this neiKhburhuod. Me«>rs. James Wiley and J.itues Harbottfj «?«ch (old a valua'ule horse to Mr. Vic'or Bowca fr*r .-trmy purposrs. The section Icars with rearet that Miss Wilfy has civen in her rrsiunation to the secretary of the public .s.hool here. Mr. .Jos. .\bi"rcroiubie h.i.s purchased •u orjjau tor thj pleasure hiiustfli and hisaged pireiits ^ New Kn^Iand Sunday School will hold \ their annual picnicon the church irrounds \ on Thursday, June 2'.). A cordial wel- o-iiii! is i-xtciidrd 4(0 all. Spoii.s W wi'l ta'<o n;) t'le afternoon, tea will be served an! a choic- proiTamaie [is lieing prt-parcd fur ihe evening. \ \ meetu.t; WIS recently held at the home of Mrr<. EJ. Uoiinci:y, wheci a Women's Iiulttu'o was or^aiiizt'd with the folUwins{ oHicei.s : Pies. Mrs. W. T. Wiley, Vice-Pies. Mrs. E. Wilcox. Sec. Mi«. Uonn^l'y, Mrs. Gordon Wiley. Mis Carnulurs Disf. • Sec. 1)1 Kimlierley was piostntalso (iny of Tori'iito.wiio yave a very inslruc live and iut.-re,stin<< i.ddies« ou the Wuvk of the Ii.stitute Ihr. u.ioout the (Jiirereut part) of the sjN.I.e. Slie t'dil ot .n far luu'h as th.- steel noes, how the women walkeil tiv4> milts to take OHrt in the Hiee'.iui! sho addressed and the iiit= rest thiy took in their Institute work. The Instilu^e !9 •â- ciinelhins neivin tlii.s cmn- niuiiity, thoujih ifien 8u«g.>»'ed wa,- never orgaiiiz-a. Thoii^)i there ar . as in most ^, some who eannot see the benetit of the Tn.stilute and still oppose it. We hope to do our very best in the forward inoveuient, for especially now it is hiifh time our names wore placed among the roll of ihe Red Cross woikers, wlii are aidiiin in so many. ways, those who «o to help to li^lit f.r ouc country. Home is alri^cht but sonic thiny* luitst «o with Ijss attention for tli?rearo iieetly ones far distant. -For Home .•»nd Countiy." Toronto Line North (>li f ir some tine weathoi' .' Mr. and Mrs. U,-iJ uini bibo from Michiynn vi.siiod wiih Mrs.Rjid's sister, Mrs. Uoli* t Richardson . They motored over and are visisinj( friends it other pomes. Hay Genoa of Eugenia rene»i;d ao- t[uainlaucea here. Mr. Herb. Smith and family visited friends here. Wes. listinier visit+d il e week end with h'8 parents at Eugenia. Fevers ham Items Yes its cool weather and it rains nearly every day but the jjrain and hiy civps a'e growing tine, never saw better prospects for hay. The spring crops are ace, but fall w heat is coming in head and ij an ex:e'lent crop. Rev. Brown of Ravenna occupied the iMethidist pulpit on Sunday luommij last and preached an excellent sermon. <Juite a number irom here attended the garden paity at Ma.xweil and report a gO( d lime and a larg:! crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Bateson and Mr. Hail-yuf London, motored over from London last aeek and spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Fr^d Spotiord and Mr. and Mrs. C jl<iuette in Fever- shaui. M1S8 A Ida Bateson returned home to Luodoii with them. Mr. Walter Kerton motored to Toronto last week and returned by train. Clarence Alexander is very '11 :;t present from typhoid fever. Ceylon Chat Max, Mr. and Mrs. N. Pivnick and are visuiiiii Toronto friend*. .Miss Jaynts, who has been visiting Mrs. A. Rutledge, left Tuesday inoruiug fijr Toronto and Lethbridtfe, Alto. Mr \ Kennedy went to Toronto on Tuesday f. r a short visi:. Messrs. P. .Muir.A. .Muir, J. McMillan and Jas. McMulleii attended the funeral of Uev. I'halen at Markdale ou Mjiiday. Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Cook of Eb itdale were visitors at U. Cook's last week. Helen Gibson, Toronto, is visit- ing heic. Mr. Caiiiiuus 1. ft last week for Montreal and .Mrs. Cuainiins is visiting with relativis. Miss Drown, Toronto, is visitiiin her fnend, Mi<s Maud Hemphill, Slisses Kate McMillan, Lily McPhail and May .Muir, Toront 1 Normal, aie home for summer vuoa'ion. Eugenia Liixuri«n! !;r.'rtili in lliis vicinity. Mrs. D. Mc.Muilen ia in Kiml;ciley this weeK wi'h her daujhler, Mrs.Jasper Stuart. We o'l'or cei'graLulationa t i th'se who were su..i:c.i:-l'ul in t^^-iug the prescribed c.vaniiu ition in parts 1 and 2, i<'irst Standaid Course in IJiblicalJStudy. Tlio succissful ones «ero »s follows : Rev. .Micd--u '.>.S, Well. Graham 9ti, EUa Lever '.•2, Mi'.lie Haiiey .S2, it. Koester Tf, -Addie WiKoiiT". Mrs. E. Lirye 7"-', Mrs. Well. Uiahaiu 0-i. of Victoria Corners .Mr. Irwin and .M ss MeKewmi Markdaly visited :\' Mr. W. Heard's. 2 Miss E.lUoljiusoii and two fiieuds Shtlburbe visited with her sister, Mrs. M. Uaniion. Mr. Arnold and »Mis. Dunn of Mount .â- \lbeit are visitiu'^ the former's sister, Mrs. Georjfo Moore. Mr, J. C. Wri};hi's sa!e last, was very euccissful judgiujj fioin the number of people prtseur. -t^-. -. Mr. Wallace of M trkdale p'eached a Very ap[iri ciaiivi) s.iiiiin on Suiid>y, at Inistiuge, to the cliddreu. Vandeleur Happenings We are sorry to report Messrs. J. I. Graham and .George Pritchard on the sick list, the former with bi-oiichitis and i the la'ter with a severe atwck of j rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. Vcadell ot Blantyre visited friends in this vicinity recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ueid of Oxford, Mich., are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pritchard. The trustees ond p'otholders of the Meafoid Road cemetery met on Saturday afternoon and sold the woodwork of the stone church on the premises of Mr. A. Johii.^ion who was the purchaser. Ross Alcox left last week for Teeswaler Pithy Proton Pointers &Iiss Ella Wilson .-isiied last week with Mrs. Robert Bates. Mi.'s Flossie Hodijins, who has been in 0»en Sound for the past two mouths, is holidaying at her home here. Miss Alvada Henderson of Flesherton nth her visited for a couple of days cousin, Mies Edna -Acheson. While taking a spin on his bicycle the o her evenini; S. Flynn had the mist, r- tune to fall otf and break his arm as his bicycle slewed lo the side of the road. We hope Sieve will soon be around a.;aiii. There is goioi.' to be s. iiiething doin4 in Proton on Wednesday, July 0. Come j to the Piesbytenaii church garden pariy where he has secured a position with the | and see. Tiench Lightning Rod Co. Jewelry Mr. Arthur .fohustou is v siting wiih frieuOs in Caledon. Messis. A.f. Dunlop and Chas. Holley werein<)'ren S juud last week ou the jury. Mr. Will JohnsCou also spent a few day-i list week in the cimnty town. Mrs. .Maik Rady of St. Marys speut the two weeks hei 11. other, Mrs. J. M. Davis. Priceville Jottings Wonderful wet weaiher. Dilticult people to «;et their turnips suwn. Rev. Mr. R "ftn attended the Toronto Coiitereiije and retuvoed 'on the ITtii. W. G. W'atson was the lay delegate. Mr. Anderson's house on Durham St. was buriu'd to ihe gnmnd teveral days a;^ti, a spark igiiiiiiig the silingles or the roof. This building erected M yrs. ago by J. H. Yeomins, general merch- ant and postmaster, was afterwards bi'U'.:ht by the Presbyterians and used f.T many years ^is a M inse. Mr. Sam W'rn:ht, ariis", oc--upied it iuring the la^t year .md lost some valuable paintings and other material . Pte. H. McDinald lisited his home, S. Ltie, fir a couple of days, and Pte. .\ndy Piiikertuu came up from Niagara ou the lOih and icurtincd over till Mon- day. He found that lie had a new mother, his f.i'her, l-aac Pinker'cii, ha\iiig inirri-d Jhs. Ell'ie McPhaii a few days previous, Mr. anl.Mts. N. M,;Kiii:ioii also I'r. a;i 1 .Mis. Line visited in Toronto fir a few days lately. .Mrs. U. McUae of Buffalo, his been viaiiiiig her brother, Alo^ MoMiila.'.,»ho is still ailiio». Mrs. Mcllie relumed home on the t'.Ii. Mrs. Mino of Owen Sound, has been visitiiiy her old home. D. MuDonild, (».D. U , iivr father, mother and broiher are di-li^h'ed to have h.'r with ih em for a time. Mis. Ferris, formerly Maggie Mead?, who been with her brother, W. J., for several months, ;ii,d uti.ler Dr. Line's care, is impioving nicely now. VN (• iioi.e.! atiiong ;lie Piic-'vil'e items in the Lliirhani Review some weeks .lyo thai .\. U. McDonalds biirii was blown miles oU its fouiid.ition . A ehi-.> tells us that ho found his barn intact, the niiiil had moved it about six iiuhes to the souili, 1 U( i' iiniainod on Ihe s'oae work. Uurint; the electiic storm on Thursday last .Mr. .John Cirsoii had a very narrow esciipj from deith when the team of horses with which ho was plowing was struck by ligluning and instantly kilud, Mr. Caison himself being stunned by the shock. However, w« are very eUd to know that he is none the worse of his (ragic experience. The Aniibeaii church garden paity. which was held on Wednesday evening, j Juno 14, was |uite a success in spi>u ot I the rain, wliieh prevented the basrbal' r [ t;auie that, noUi.ul", would have been veiy interesting. .Mr. Ball if U. mover was present and deliveieU a splcmiid patriotic address, and the Swiotun Park orchestra, which always finds a wdc •me in Proton, was greatly apprecijted by all. The procuetls of the evening amouiited to someihing over StiO. Tile Red Cro.'s ba/.ar which we have announced before, is to bj held next Wednesday, J une :.')<, at the ( )ran::o Hall. Contrlbuiifins can be received at the ha') on Tues-lay. or if ihii is impossible be sure and biini; iheui with you on Wednesday. D" what you can to help the bnys who «re doing what Ihny can to jirotCft us. Ncws^LTarmcrs Now is yourclimce to get rid of aiul scrap iron. P. Seiirhart intends fi l.iHd H cuu[ile of ear loads of iron and will jny top pi ICO ill cash. .4lso 2c f-r ia>(S »i y ^ for rubbers, '.iOv for hoTseh.tir, all f.o. b. Markdale. Sell to no one but myself, J kavo no a^ient.s. Ku'|uire by telephone or mail. P. Steinhart. Markdale Durham Miss Mary L McKeehnie, daughter < f Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MoKechni •, is recov- ering in Guelph from a compound frac- ture of the leg, sustained hy accidtiit 0:1 the 'illli of May. .'she was a'.tendiog the commercial uollexe and lud ju t suctoed- ed ill p.kssing h.-r eviuiinaiiou with hon- ore. Philip Uilstein, a res'dent of Hanover for the past 2.") years, passeil away yn Fridiy as the result of an accident. He fell down a trap doer in the rear uf a store of h'H soniii-law, Louia KWnmcr, au^d frai'tured his sku I. tie ditd in a few hours, wilhoui iei;aininj; coi scious- no=s. t^n Monday mi <>utii ocunpie<l by Messrs. J.O. Wiin'ii and V. Halin ! left llie road aliout b.^lf WHy between ! here anl .\llan Park aid upset and in- j juredbo'h icciipinis. Mr. Halin was piniitd boiieaih the car and had a C(>up'e of lilis biokeiK He is, however, lecover- 1 iilK nc-ily. .Mr. Wil i.n i .scap>-(l niili a ' few n inor bruises.â€" Duih);ni C;iri>nii;le. A Miniature Cloud Buist i:KKKMs rKKLroim Tiiiiity church wis the scene 'f a very pretty event on ^^ednesday, June 14, when Florence >Liy, oldest daughter of Mr and Mrs. .Ln. Ireltord. -.vas united in anirriaue to Mr. rii.nii is Henry Green is of OiaiineviUe, liev. Mr. .Abbot ( tlici- a'iii;,' The I rido, who 'o iked very beiiilifui in h r no mj away suit of >in,d colored corded siU and dainiy panani.i liat, wa.i uniitiended and enteivd tho church lean n â-  • 1 ill- arni .>f ..m- fa. lier to the strains of the weddiii'.- much playtd l>y l,ersi-t.r, Miss Wilm.i. .\f;er tliC iiereiuony th'-y reluriie.I to the bride's home where .1 dainiy wedding lunclieon was .served. The bride was Ihereci] ieiit of ni?iny h.indsome and useful gifts. among whi-li were ti beiutiiul wliito ivory hound Prayer Book fro.n t he Anglican coii!ire.;a;ioii and a cur gl iss tea service given by the La lies' Auxili; ly A nuiiiher of the bridegruoui's relatives from OrangeviIIo were pre»eit. 'I'lo happy youna coui'le left on the eveiiJMg tram fvir Turono iiu a sboit honeymoon an 1 on their return ih -y wi'l resi.'e in * lllrt OR. BURT :spi:iall>i in ilisoasei ol ibe | Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat i •JFFICK â€" loll lUlh sr. West,' iwen Sound I At the Revere house. Markdale, 2nd ' Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. m Dund»lk,ls Wednesday of each month . A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT C^^?#C«5';^J''^r''i#S|:^''S.^"$^'''=:^'V'ii^''-i'5:i^''i^''?li^J<: v". .v", j.v, j>I', .ste. j". .«% ^<', ^<e. ^ /iv f,^ 'iti-^ni. -5.,-. ..„.,, t^j. ,,,j. ,^.<: ,,.j. .,, jc ,,^j, 7„^7„^>^^ 5^j: r,.? •=-,<: 7,...; ^,i?7,,:w~^,?-^4^T^ *!? '/iP m P ^ t$ « # •»i\" V^OOL FLOUli FEED W. BUSKIN 'ail. Ki. I'i.aiuli I t>r in;^eville. 'I'ne best wishes of cominuiiily for ti.eir firure hcilih happiness follo.v the 11 to Mioir h <m>'. and i.ew McAfee -Breadner Gwen Sound, June IS.â€" That Fiiday n!i{tu's storm was the worst in years is the iiiforinalioii that isnacbing t fr< III the country wot and jouih. Ai Artioit, a station on the C.P.R., abou' ten rules souhofthi-) place, the j rainf.ill ainounlcd to a miniature ch u "• bursi. .Si hoivy wis ihj lainfal S ctio'i ^^lreman Crowlheis found that for a dis'aiiceof fifty feet the railway bed hid I e^n washed ont, leavin.; the lies suspend d about eighteen ii <.'h< s abo\ e A pretty Juno weddmg took place at the hyiiie of Mr. iiiid Mrs. Wesley Bread hor near Uoc-klyn on Wiilnesdiy, June 14, at t; o'cli ek pin. when the wn e'dest tloightir, Penr', whk unite', in th.> holy bonds of mat rimuny to Mr. ,111111 McAfee of the same plac •. Tlie bndo looked lovily in her wcildinu i;owi. of FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WEAR BOOTS \\ t' li-tvf tluMii in .Aloti > l!.i\ ( ruc'iits. sunie orixxl liius in LADIES' WEAR ^\ i' hiive tlu'in in I'littdn with ( ;â-  Top.^. ]\ireiii \'anip.'S. • Li;>bt iunl lieavy l)t)\ s aiid i;iris l\)V rliL' season. Trunks, Telescopes, Agent for the Dominion Express Co orders. t'b an.! Li .il'u'i- Ik I't.-. .•<imaliK' Suitcases, money ^ Thos. Clayton^s 8 I FLESHERTON | wh td embroidered net over silk, and in er» I the l.iwn where ilio ceieinony w 1.S'', ill the aim of her> r to the strains of the B idal Chorus, played ly Miss Olive Wiley, cousin of the biiJe. K.v. Mr. Wallace of Maik- the giouud. A special train w«s .-ieut dale tied Ih-) nuptial knot in the pies, nee out about 1 W a.m. wi^h a ^ang of men and inaleiial for repairs. The pissengers were transferred fiom the stalled Owen Souiid traiu. which had been (lajtcd,aijd roacheil here at HAo in the moiiiing. lipaiis were i ft'ected in time toKltl.e inorniii;;, but a lot if work h id to be done over ijuite a iRi.^ih of tiack hefoi'S it was again in condition. L'uhtn'ng di 1 coi.sidorat'le daiii.i<i;e. The ofs'iine si.xly inviled gu-'S s, relatives and iniimnle friends of the contracting parties. The bride was attended hy the groom's sister, Nancy, who was prettily dressed in white embroidered voile, while the biide's luolher, Harold, assisted the groom, .\fter coiigia'ula'.ions were extended to the happy couple all sat down to a dain'y wedding .ouppi f, after which the celling was pa.ssed iii inuH c and simting. .\ photogia^her was chimney S'ewarl on the brick lesdooce , f j prest-'nt "ud •'! k a photograph ot the <i, ,ij. . â-  ., ^,, ,,. c(ui>paiiy at the citwe of iho ceremoiiv. !>h'Uldice in the biMu dice , t,. . i. Ti .1 f 1 ', ,,i . 1 I .u 1 1 . ' !•'*• o'lile rci-eivol iiiinv nsefii atd »eltleiiieiit wai htril.-k, anr; thi! luhtnin ' .. -. ow "t v- t 11 1 .. .1 â-  . pre't> 2 u. .^h^! IS one of New Km;- following! down iho stoveinne, thr.w ', i' * i> , wk 1 1 1 L • I. ..• I and * ue»('ive.rT pi im ar vouinf adits feihoul I'cc and the chair he was s.ttinj on 1 , . t t 1 ' s L e sove, .oine di-lanc^. H v^nd 'T , . V %? ".'^ .^^eir ,ey slK.c:< he esc .p.d injury. ' ''«"* * '^''^'' '- '>" *"'' '"" '-s''-"' f' near f I: a sligh; lot t{ and happy married life. They « resi Je on thti groom's farm uear Slig). ill John Chapman Furniture and Undertaking Successor to :-: W. H. Bunt Calls answered day or night. Day phone 17 R 2. Night phone i7 3. The old stand opposite the Town Hall

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