May 18 1016 THE F 1. E S H E R TON A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS! Societies DBIMCB AKTHUB LODGE, No. X3.),A.F»! V A M,umt«in the Uksoulc tial). Arm I â- troBK's Block Kleaherton, every Friday on or before the lull uiocn. .). Wright W. M K. H. W. HiolilinK, Hecretikry. j CH06GN FHIENOBâ€" FleafaertoD Council of ' Cbofcen Priende meets in CI»yton»h»ll Ornc ' »id third WeilKusdBV olekchuiuDtb 8 p.m. tmy aeeetfsiuente to tiie Kecorder CD orbefoio ire firat 4tyo( e«cb inoDth. Cbiet CouDoillor T.BIkkelev; Kecorder W II. Hunt. L'tCuche Island, whic'i ndj .inf) Great Miiiiitinillii iHliitid, linit liruii |>iirchu>ed l>y Cipt. K. L. Graliaiii ( f W iaitdn and G.ire Hay from Mis. Miiiid Uadfiud Wiirion, llie well knuwu .lulhortJSB tf ''liic'iKO. The Ir.itiBfer was iiiadethruugh Klijth K. Knott, real eKtife cuiiiiniHsion broker of Washington, D. C. the con- siilcrHlioii Iciiijj over 925, UOO. The Island t'ontHii<8 HUine 35,000 acres. p. OUBTFLKuFEKTON. 9B6, I. a F. meeUln " CIsytoD • lllock the U>t Wednsadav evening n ealob montb. Viiitiog Foresters besrtily w'icomeo. K., Q. Hellamy ; ft. 8.. U, CsirtB F'o. Bee., W. Kutkio. Please pay dues to Fin. Sco. before the first •r o( tbe uoutb. Dentistry |\r. B. C MURRAY L. Q. R., deDtsI surgeon 1* bonoriasUuato uf Toronto University sod k.yel college o( Drntsl HiirReoDS of Ontsi'io, Gas adiuisiulstered for teeth extraction oStce at residence, Toronto Street. Flesherton. Medical fP CTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Jraduate of Ontario Veterinary College rsKidence â€" second door soutU west^on k.mzy strset. This strset rjns outb Presbrterisn Cbnreb. New Blacksmith Shop I At Maxwell ^ I am opeiiini; iipHtoncc, a blacksn>ilh' iiiK and wuodworkiii); hu.smeits in Max- well, and am ''ds'hIUdi; up-'.odute nood- , wurLinx iiiactiineiy. It will be my cn- I d favor til serve i he pubhc in a satisfau- I tory manner and I would solicit putron- I ase. I wiiit yuurwork and will do it right. 7 April 17 CHESTER LONG ^ SPRING TERM ^ ^ at tbe ^ Legal i UCAB. KANEY Jl hESUYâ€" Barristers. *-< (iolicitors.ejc. â€" I. II. Lucas, K. C; W. E, Kaoey, K. C. : W. D. llenrv, B. A. Offices, forooto. Wey Tiadors Hank KldR.. phone main 1413; Markdale Lucas Klock, Pbone 2 A. brascli otUcs at Ouodalk open every Batnrday. WRIGHT. TELFORD 4 McDOXALD Barrister. Solicitors, Ac. Offices, Oroy ft llruca Klock. Uwon Bound. Ktauilard Hank hlock, Kletberton. (Saturdayi.) W. H. Wright, i W. I>. 'I'elford Jr. J. C. UcUonal'l, Li. U 13. ' BUSINE.SS Cards I' CULLOUOH A VOUNO Hankers .Markdale (ieoeral banking business. Uouey loaued at reasonable rates Call on us. DlfcPHAIL, Licensed Anctlonee tor the • Couutyol Grey. Terms moderate and Mitis action guaranteed. The arrangement' and dates ol ealcn can be iiisiIh at Ths AbVAnce , Kfflce. Kcbidenccfcud I'.o. ( tyluu. Telfphono loonection. Ufc. 0, U7 ' WU. KAirriKH, Lleansed Aoctiooeer toi tbe counties of (irey and Biincoe. Farm and Ktock sales a specialty. Terms oioderate. satisfaction guarautteil. Arrange- oients for dates may be made at tbe Advsnce jUice, or Central telerhoun ollico t eversbam or by addressiDii we at Fsversbaui. Ont. ^ OWKN SOUND, ONT. ^ I^Opens Monday, April 3rd I916g ^g .Students ar« adinitte and time.Wjif jk^ The young woineii should beginU >3to make preparatinns at once toj^ j^till the plnci'.-* uf the oftice meii^j ^*ivho li'ivo enlihted. m^ M ^ ^ Particulars^ and Circulars. Write for R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Aftent for the Cockshiitt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implemcnls Wiijjiins, HimKii'^i Cu'tcro, .Sl<-ii{h«, and li.i'-oline Eiii>inei, Melo'te Cri'im .SeparutiirR. liiiktT Witi'l Mil's. l*uni|iH, I'i|>in){ and l*i|»! Fittinun alwayn oil hand I'.ci.ity I'.n.s'. of Ki-ri!U«, IJani Tiackc, Liiter Cl»nil•l'^' iiiid slalile titliiijM, Cockshii't anil Kmst ,V H'oi'd Iti'jiiirs al^VHy^ iMi Inud ^ C. A. VLEMINti. F. C. A., ^ M Principal. 3!^ Jjl^G. D KLKMING Secretary.^ "^ OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO ^ MASSEY iTarris implements Oa'l'II Sounds beautiful auinrnpr hotel, iho King'.s IViyal, has, it is undcrilood, been suld to tliu Tmonto Wreckage Co., and two j;enileiiisii of that company are now in town completing tho deal. Tbe company's representatives are down at the hotel thii morning; lo ik'ng over tbe preiiiiBes, and wliiln nothing othcial i« forthcoming up to the time of ftoin^ to presR, it is expected that the deal *ill go through. It m with reluctance that thti f)wen Sound Park Co. have ttken tbej act now in pronres*, and every effort was | made by Capt. J. K. McLiuchUn, inan-i agtr of the h itel compsnr, to have tlie building put to some ufeful purpuso. It was thought that the Uoverniiient could | Une the h.itel as an hosp tal for returned soldiers, .irKl this was brought to tbe notice of tho Military H<npit»l Boaid. AU efl'oriB to dispose of the propeity were of bo avail, and ttie next few weeks will probably see the demolition of what once pri'inieed to be a valuable asset to Owen Sound's summer ai tractions by auction.â€" Adveitiser. Any "home luerchanl'' who iMi't awake aud fails lo tell the people about hi.s wares, i.hould read this slartliin; statement inasle by the manager of a big Toronto mail order house recently. "We have a bureau whose duty is to read the country newipapsis. There is not a paper of any couscipicnce in our terri- loiywedo not gJt. Tho bureau looks over these pa pets and when we tiud a town where the incvhants do nut adver- tise in the locil piper, we immidiatrly j tiond that section with our literature. It always brings results fur in excess of the same effirt put forth in teiritoiy wheie the loca' nierchats use their local paper. " Thf infectious discai-e of blackleg? broke out amongst the ca"ile at Tua vicinity eaily Lul winter a'ld Dr. Thomas, who treated the disease, checked the spread of same until this tpiin^ when il broke out Hi^iin and abnut 2G head h'.ve died duriiiH the pist few weeks. .\hout 12 farnierii' s'ojks were sHecred. Sonic good speckled trout are being pulled out from ihe Hheppard preserve at Pr iiirose. O CarUw ciught a 2^' lb.' bt'auly on \Liy 1. Onj inornin'.; recently ' W. r.iett.T. VVhalley and Dr. Davis vieni out from town and caught ].'t Hiia \ spccimuiiH that weivhed within a few ounces of 8 lbs. â€" Shelburne Kc(inoiiii<i. I >;«ssi«g^ . This famous make ol linplutnentH is well kiiomi all over iIih country and their own ijood Work is the best recom I mciidati.iii tliey cm riceive. If ymi ' rt'iuire anything in the line of Hintlers, I Mowers, Sei'd DrilN, ('nltivaiors, Pnlp- I ers, I'I'Ws, SIcii-Ih, \VairKon», (.'nam I Si_'|iarHl'ii>. llinuuM, loillers, Cutiiii" I l>oxi-H, Kiisilagf 1,'irtiis. O'isolini! o". 'ijifios, .Sawiiiu i.iiilils, ell-, yive lis » i ih.iiu'i' 10 i|iicite pru'c.;. John Wright, - Agent Flcshcrton School Children's Eyes. i jgzrn ^^^^ â€" Z74 Are You Painting onlhc "24^" "Victoria Day" is "Spic and Span Day", when everybody fets out their paint brushes. The "24th" comes just at the right time for you to give the House its new coat of paintâ€" to freshen up the Porch and Front Fenceâ€" to do the Floors and Walls â€" in short, to make your home spic and span, inside and out. MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS AND VARNISHES include everything you need for Paint Day. We carry the full line of "100% Pure" Paintâ€" also Spic and Span Finishesâ€" and will be pleased to give you color cards of these reliable brands. Write direct to the Martin-Scnour Co., Limited, Montreal, for their 1916 Booklet, "Town end Country Homes", showing aaay new color schemes and tivin£ valuable paint inforoiatioa. 65R tTENTBD LIFExtitfieROCKIB51 Fev2rsb()tiis Ontario Bull for Service I'lirt- liH-il slioltlioipi Kill!, Kiiipciiii Hll.'):i7 for si'iM;.^ .Ml l.ii L".>, .S. .S. II., .Al teliH'i'iii. 'I'l-riiis ifl -Il for '.^'Hd.-.", Pur.! I.iv.l ciiws >â- :! 'III. Pure Irrt"! T.iiin«oi 'li lii.' foi mrvu.' â- Ml ihl! lllloVl' I. /I. Teiiiis SI..MI f ir .all iii.iiiiiils. Scrn'il •iiii«t liH |)iid fur. O.^'i li; - W . .1. .M< ;.u.- Many livos ha\'e bt'^cn ruinco throu.c^h lu'txie'.tfd cyestr:v,i in cliiKliiDoJ. The eye;, of every otuld sliould be ex.Tiiiini.'d. V\'i' have mndi? a : I'tMai s:vk1v of tliis brancb of optics, r.nJ. g-.aiaii'.ee For Service ^ntisfii.i on. . iiivd w. .\. Armstronc:. AH lU'C'llllltM imirl I "^ h'or HcrvicB oil 1 .1 \'l, v.n. !l, M.i.iev, unit |Mir>-li|. d .Sliiiii lorii linll Ti'i'm" 11.50. .VU'i 111.! i.iiri It. 111. 'rcinisSI 11(1 be phIiI to I'ltKI) 'l'\'I,l':|{,>'r. ol G.ll. 131 KKK, Pio|,rieim. 1 Sip Pear for Service j Till- iiiii'eih'mied I N (lrl>^llirl• lliiar for simim'.' Taiii^voril'H anil Hcrl<''liir«-i«. yoiiiii.' stock for j (J A I'll liii'.^i'i Ti'iim !^l Stock for 5ale ri'i'ilii-K iMnpoHi's fur Hiil*. ; ulto llfiiu*ri iliiRks p.!"ni rif;lil. I'Ihiih- 'i-wilt'. I <il;0. W. It'liH .MaxwwU I'. <l. I i.M I I'll a :.t ;17, l.'o.ill cm. .). Har^rave. NEW SUITINGS I i\i3\v Suitings to hand â€" soniti (if ^ the wcavti.s to he found any- '^ wlicre. ijfi Leave your order now for tliat new -suit. Von will never icgri't it. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don't forget that we tlo cltianing, pressing and repairing. Our piice.s urn right and nnrworkiuan.sliip is the , very hest. S. J. BOWLER i Sole Agent for the Hobberh'n Tailoring. i|i T(ii W i ^"i' *i WA' A^A^A'^'^^^^^^ A'W^i W ^ ^ (1) Alpine Club in Yolio Park, (i; Around the Camp Fire. (3) Chinese Cooks on the Job. (4) Tents in Yoho Park. h FOR sheer Joy of llvhiK. fi.r the nio-'t fomplete oinanol|i.illiiii from th â- bondage of civilized life, give me the tented life in tha Canadian I'ui IHe IRocktefl Only a bit of cotton between oni" and the BtarB, only a sincad of balsuin lif- tween you and mother earth. Hut th» (World la yoiira, the wonder-worhl of mountains, of kIscIit.i, of glllterlnK â- now fields, of cinaln); brooks and roaring rivers, of \ alleys brilliant with flowers, nf Hleeplng lakes of ever- cbanxliiK rolorn With a guide, a iiai k and a Middle pony, a supjily i.f food and a lent or two, w« leave Banff or Field and face tfap alliirlMK trail an.l the iintrudden yaiea. MMni and years bnhlnd arc ritlen tnil atreAta and train* and rradltnri and nkv srranera and even V»r. After hours of trail Journeying. over as iiK'-iiy kiiiils of paths iis vou < :in ciHiiit on Hiikcim nnd toes, t'lp tirft < iiniii Is struck ami none too soon, for 111' tendfrfoot who hasn't bean In the saddle f(ir some years. Bill choosfs rn iilenl spot as If hy Instinct-a clean bit of forcr.t. a IiIkIi and dry level area, n n oar by stream, u pasture run for the puiiies and llrewood for the burn- luK Idle. 'rhen one enters upon the tented life and a raro Ife It Is. How tiny the little tent in the world uf hills, but It is Home for the time. No sooner Is It pegRril flown than Hill has by niaxtc startRil a •â- oarlni! Wre Rning and set free th« most delicious of odors for the enlciirean feast that soon follnwi, A fallen tree serves as n niahocany table, a lituinp or two as upholstered chairs and what more would you have? We actually can e^t along wit'init fins^or liowla or napkins, j wait tor the other nights. OhllvfoBl Could a cuiinibiil be sreedier than wp waits on the campers until the morn- arc, as the bacon nnd the bread andiluR wash In the ice cold stream inak«»i the prunes di.-^appear and the hlHck old : a complete awakening And what a te.H pot never runs dry, Then the camp day It Is. rarer than anv poetic day la Hre! What witchery In tbe eiraticijune In the other part of the worl#: flames with which the mountain winJs ! where men crowd together. Trails^ are playlnR, what thrilla of physical and pattva Invite exploration on ererr well-being as we lire-worship. Men hand, mountain slopes sav, come ov«r purr like well-fed cats and ara un- .and climb us for the panorama we will ashamed. Then the camp Hie lym- reveal. Wild life Is revealed at Umea. poBlum: the Ulea. true and less true, | for It Is tbe haunt of big and smalt tbe singing, cla.sslc and otherwise, and i game -bear, mounUIn goat and staMy. such good fellowship as Is rare! | porcupine, marmot, ptarmigas eagl*. So to bed. Three In a row. The The ear Is thrilled with the songs oC centre sleeper In his sleeping bag , singing streams and tuniblln«i cM- looks like a stuffwl giant, the rest of cades and reverlierating avalanckw. us are content with the warm Hud- i Truly is It a marvel world, and th* son's Bay blankets of ample folds fleeting life therein. In a little tent. No, we didn't sleep much the first night, hut tbe change of life and «n- Tironment bad been too sudden, but makes one of the Itappiest experleace* of life and one ot its happiest memerlMl as welL The Advance to end of this year only 6oc