Mav II 101 () T H E F L E S H E R J O N ADVANCE heiselflait sees that lu-r cliiMren do the ^1 u 1 rH N„rt*i/-^ SiiDiu tliiii;^ not Ijy iuiiui'jiiig them but hy (^lCi3I|CriOn^ -."\UUUllCC'dc]eKati„^, tMiheu. suiulr)M,llioi.,sof«hich . , , ,,. , ,„.„„; tli'-y "ii; fiipii'ilo, by uiakini,' them (•clf- Ttmraday at tli** i.ilio', (\>IIiiikwih«I Strci't, | relmit. isut the WDuinii caiiilut do iiU Kl,-«hert.jti. SMU-iiii'ti-n j.rice *1 p.-r aiiiiuii. ' t),e«e thiiii-s by lieiself. Slie must o:ii .y when i>aid ill ailmiicf ;*l..iJ wlieii not 811 !'»"' ,, , . , AJvtr ism*: ralf 1 .III .ipiiluatiou. Circulation | tlio supijort, lOdDtenriiiRe and iiiHneiice (if her 111 iiikind. The (<roa The Wiavfon Eiho siys ; h. is a.s-eitcu fhut a nuinbcr of yinin^ nioii in i h> cdiiiiti'V have ni)t enlistt d bocfiU'se t!i m expect tlie »ii},'i's to be hii^b en -w : ij;r i)f the scarcity df libir. 'I'iify iiiu-t b- h bunch »f pitiidtK. It is a pity thtt lb ' lioverninent ciiini'l uciirrol the price of libiir iiii'ler tli.'se cnii'liniiis. M H l.lnti weekly TliiirBlon- ^ "^ Kdlti. England's Troubles From the Youth's C>>iiipaiii''>n Kach of ilie couiiUiea at wtir has its uec uliar truiible^, iiiiiitar; or ecoiioinie, to contend with: some of the tioubbH can be mitigated or even overcoaie by (>atienl and patriotic effort; others gr'iw worse as the contest proceeds. I ilirifl IS the proniiscuoun d j the money. It is not to boys and girls ' _ a gi^n of giAid nature; it is doa'h to the 1 recipient. Il poisons Iheir d H|>of>ition test enemy to ^ Qj|jjs ^^j^jj g^dS ^ loliiin out of . vj». ./iy ARTICLES FOR SALE The latest yrafonola ri'cinils fur and fows seeds of weids that can never Needles 25c per 3<)0. The Advance be ciadieatcd. For tint sort of thing 1 _-_ "~rr" women ate I lit little responsible, but whore their ell'orts shine is in allowing nuthin); to go tu waste, in making use of everythiii;;, and in exerci>iiig ingenuity in food, dre.'^s, household labnur and the brinf^int; up jf childron. An incentive to the accomplishment of these ihiiics is a Take the case of Great Britain. lt»j ,efloctioii upon the times, upon the neecis 'ale. MISCELLANEOUS Painting' and pa|)or-lian>jiiu Ai;enf for Ktiipiro wall papers. Carriiigton, F.csheiton. doi.e Harry 1 May For Sale â€" Three miit pi-js, due Ist July. Kocd stockâ€" Geo. H. Cairns, K R. No. 5, Mnrkdiile. Quiet Mare, 9 years old. for sale. Milling' Got. Taken into Custody ; Rhode Inland epgs for hatching.eithor i comb. 81.50 per .settingâ€" \V. H. Thurs i ton, FIcsherion . Char les (iust ive Kropp, » ho had been • *orkiiiy for Delnio liiowii in Aitliur (p since (befall of l'.tl4, was placed under- ; military guaid T'lesday of h.t week and | on Saturday was taK en to ToroDtoand, handed over to the iniliaty authorities' there. It is not known if Kicpp was I concerned in any activd endravor toi promote the c^use of Canada's enemies i ' but the general a.ssuniptiun is that he was taken into custoJy as a matter of principle. Hd was a g'od farm hand and if the au'horities see tir to relense ' him he could beavery useful man this, spring A c .uple of weeks bifoio his .irrest Kropi) made applicttion for inenib.-ish p ! in ine l.'i.'tid Hattali on at Mt. Forest. Ills attestation pipers named hisbirih place as Usinburg, Germany, and stated hehadserv.d IS montlis with the llih Hussars in that country. His applica- ly lieadipiirters For sale cheap and on easy tfrnis. Lot 1.'$, coil. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a lirst class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn &iid new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Spr.iule Flesberton .greatest difficulties are the result of the; a„,l experiJnce of their male relatives .it ' Jos. Buchanan, Fles herton 1' O. national character, which-li.>wuver alert | thj front, and upon the fact that every \ Apprentice Wanted-A s'rone, active Britons may be in other "latteis- is , oun^g g^j.^j j^ ,j gQ„(,,.jljy,j,nj ,„ [)„ „„|. i n,„) ^jUjug ,^^.[5^^ Ajiply with r.'fer- perilously sluggish in respect of any war. f;„.B „f t|,g p„u,|,,.y ^,,,[ l,^,l,„|,ji to win- ' pncps to die Osprey Farmers' in which the nation may be engaged. I ning the war. Company, Li mited , Fexeisham, Englishmen from time immemorial have! felt that, since they live on an is'and.ihey j were secure from invasion. As long as their navy was the most powerful afloat tboy had no feais. So the war found them with only a small standing army, and the ordinary liriton has only now begun to realize that, if his country is to be suicesiful in this war. it must have just such an army as its Continental neighbors have. Hence the long and tedious wrangle over the tardy volunteer recruiting, the frantic opposition to com- pulsion and the vain disputes about the respective duties of single and married men. Meanwhile, llie great army that Great Britain needs is not even yet created. More than once il.M) the business of tnunitioniiig the army that has been raised has been delayed and confused by the attitude of organized labor. In time of war the nation cm exert itself etl'ect ively only when privite or class inter- ests yield to the iemsnd" of patriotism. But the labor unions have hesitate! and sometimes refused to change or their rules, fearful, no doubt, lest they -^ -"- -r "T- -w -w -w -w^ ^r ^r "^ru^TiaT^^irT- iissse^ No. I Clover aud Timothy Seed, Mammoth Red Clover and Alfalfa fl7 perbu.shel. A'sike 812, Timothy 8»1, all Bov.rninent standard.- (jrahani Bros., Eugenia. Noticeâ€" Dr. H B. Kidd, Chiiopractor, Chronic, .Spinal and Nervous Di.senses a Specialty, will beat the Paik House on Friday, May 12 from 4 to<> p. in. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Specials this Week Ladies' middies, Ladie.s' wash skirts, Silk and voile blouses Sport coatings, New embroideries. New waist goods Blouse and dress silks, New neckware, New Hosiery, Men's felt hats, Novelties in Sliirt.s^ New Linoleums, New ' , Curtain nets ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Millinery Department New Shapes, new Flowers, new Mounts and other novelties arriving every few (lavs. Agency for Butterick Patterns and Publications. 'I U F. H. W. HICKLING Clear, white New Brunswick shingles to arrive in a few days. Leave your orders with W. A. Aroistronit. i Seed Buckwheat f-ir sale.â€" i Proton Station, R R. No. 1 . Win. Frook, For Sale â€" A few tons of good bay and a small (|uantitv of good seed barley, No. 21â€" Guy (»rr, Pmton Stiti. n, P. (>. Columbia Grafonolas it ?1."), $2l», and ('all in and see them.â€" THE ADVANCE Oftice. tion was turned down suspend! and, apj):irintly, an 'uv.'stieation *'"* 345 j,, stock ' started which culminated in hit tiip to ' ' ... I Toronto. In the meantiiiie Kropp iried rthould thus surrender righU or privileges, ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ natnializatioii papers, but met that were not eisily won and tlist might „.,ii, ,,,, MKcess. not be restored atur the war wilhoutj l„ i.,„„i.,s,ition Kropp stated he came iinother struggle. The lives of the men ^ out to Canada on the Empress ot Britain at the front and the safety of England it- 1 landing at (,>(iebec just after war wasde- clired. Ill) left fiermany three years previously and repiesented a Uer- Legal Blanks For Sal For Sale or Rent â€" Store and dwelling lately occupied by I). W. Widenian, in Fever.sham. Will sell or rent cb.e.ip. and on easy term», if sold. Apply to R. J. Spruule, Fle.sheiton. Ont. man firm in his country Ii ll 'Utl'll lilt 1 11 ha.l W IS uovernineiit labor burjui at Toroir, was sent uii lier as a farm hind. Due thing 111 It is likely to got Kr >pp wriiii;^ with the Caiiidiaii mdilary he registered as a (ieimaii re-iervist with lii-i lonsul in New V'lk sli irtly after laiiding. Kvopp admits having done this And claims tT tenuating ciicum.->la!ices it, the fact that he did not expeci to bo callecl to .sirvii'c as n I one lliouglil of ilie war lasiiiig long A's,', if he hid not ie;istered he would have been liarred from returning to (i-rniuiiy after the On being i|Ueslioned about his desire to ligla against his countrymen Kropp asserted thit he was no Prussian and had in Ry.npilhy with I'iihjuii met bods. - .\I|. Forest Ri'preseiita'ive. «elf depend on driving the work in mine, factory and shipyard; but the unions have yielded to the necessity with gruuging reluctance, and'imes only under .strong goveiiinient pressure. It is all a part of the price that England pays for misting on individual liberty ra'her t'.ian on national discipline. The crisis through which tlie liii'ed Kingdom is pasing is to prove whether such a c nintiy can rise 'in .1 . . . f ,. ..r.. .1 i,-.r Willi ! auihoriiies is ill- fact lint to the supreme tist of a great war wiiii- out sacrificing any essential part of ii^, p.litical creed. Moreover, Great Britain h ih its inlerii" al enemies, and more than one gtoup of halfhearted citizens who are more iijclm- ed to criticiz'3 and obitruct than to help. 1 1 has conlincd all the alien enemies whom it could identify ; but il has not^ found them all, f .r (iermany .<till has its sources of inf irmation in England. Iie- Isnd, we are toll', is biyal as n whole, yet t: contains a g'rc.d numl er of men who are ipiite the reveis,.- The government did not ventuiu to extend the mild meas- ure of compulsion to that island. Even i'l Parliameiit there are members who nig, carp and complain, and who oppose everUhiiig that is propised and eveiy minister who proposes it. Add the losses that the country suffers from the submarines and mine-, the d.'- Htruciion and devastation wrought by the Xefipolln riids, the heavy taxes and the rising coat of the necessaries of life, and We can in a measure understand the tniub'ei tlia' the English are facing. \rl they are cheerful and confident. No nine than the Germans have they any t'lought of giving up. Give Ihem time, enough and they will cure some of the evils frmu which Hiey sutler. Like goi.d KportiUien, they will en lure the nsl with a smiling face. -R. .1. Sproule England. Before leaviig UoepH constantly on hand and sale pialiHed as a cualiy cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, ;iven a "blue piiper' ! Wills and all other legal blanks. Any for some breaoli ..(military eli.|i|.. tin ; rcpiirin!.' such wdl lind it to their iMer- A< he was rot able to liiid eniploym â- nt ] ^^t to give him a call. at his acciistumel work he ipp'iel to ilie ' Dr. J. Ralph Smith! OSTEOPATH East Oftice and Residence â€" lt)8 !tth St Owen Sound, Out. Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 , i:M to 4.. 30 p.m. o 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Dr. R. F. Eaiflish *ill be in Flesherton on Tuesday and Friday af lerno ins each week. The Old Adage of and Priv lie funds to loan on real ei'tato security at reisonablo rafx of iii*er'"t. 1 Apply to R, .1. Sprou'e, Flesherton. For ri'lit (Ji)od pisture, well wa'ercd Apply JAMES NASH, R. R .'>, .Mirk- dale. Ph.n • '.tJ'.) r2. Good fianie houso iinu lot Flesherloo. Lirge st.ible. \Vm. lll'UNETr,' Hesherloii lot for -Vppiy Heifer Strayed From my premises, about May 7. red heifer I! years old, with white s' i.' in forehead. Notify .(AMES STAFF. iRlt Rock MilU. SA Business Schoollj| That successful whose, graduatei occupy prominei.t po- .sitions fr.'in the Ailant.o to the Pacitic, re-opens for the FAIJ- TERM S.-ptcmber 1st, 1014 Send for free catalog at once to COLUNGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal j C.iUingwO'.d, Ontari... II The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is equalh true of the 190<t (Iravity Washer, one and be convincei that there is none bettt-r. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Full lint^ of McCormick Farm luiplements. Binders Mowers, Hakes, Loiu'ers, Drills, I iiltivatois. Plows, Harrows, Brantt'ord "Wind and Fittings of all kinds. Hay Forks, Slings, Filter Walking, the aie Women and Thrift Upon the women of the land will rest ' tliB grostest burden of suoceps in the /caiiipaign for thrift tliiit ha.^ been iiiAug- •uri^d. .\s holds of the household they nro the ehaiKcllors of doinenlij exclni|- iiers. Itisf.irthem to I ear in in'wO that expenditure upon artielei Ihwl are inot lU'lualjv needed is not ulono lessoDinf,' tU;c(r«>w/i resouioes but »l'o .lepiivingj thoc-unlryof«'-»>oil>'"« that â- "'gl't' >* more prolitab'y applied. ' The majority <,l lion will agree that ho far as househoh*. is coneerned their Women pretty thrifty. Hut stinginess, (,r misorliniiHs is not thrift, ihe â- i.inbineswih a iiatura aplilndn f.^r eition and utilizitbrn to saioand when to spmd what is mccBsary and what can without and she makes the lies'. evorUhing. Neither does she d.. Ml thinj.s'^olf. Wh.nh.lp is at b w 1 „ho urilizer. <t with dis r.Mbn. The irreat aid t . ibufl is tl>.m.,b>f..l iie««. In f.ict without tlia- eh muot tlui;t is utterly <mtof ih" ipieslion The thrifty Vom»n, to-, njt only 0x0: > » ' inonious, I thrifty wi man cu , i economy the wisdom of ill- She knows when She knows' U\ done me of ff ENGLISH PAINT <»» Property For Sale Part lot l.Jl, con. 2, N.E. T. \ S. R. containing '.'S.^ acres, abimt 1 mile from Flesherton. "fheie is a g.iod frame house and stable >iid the property is well fenced and watered. Apl>!y to .lo.sepb A. LeGird, Flesherlon or on the proper ty- Al^epresentative Wanted at mice for FLESHERTON AM) DISTKUT FOR The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries Fumers! Why remain idle all winter when you can take up a paying iigency '. Choice tist of varieties foi spring plantirg. Liberal terms. Handsome free out lit- Flxclusive Territory. Kiding and Mills, Pumps, Pipin Beattie Hay Carrier: CarritM-s, Folding Buth Tubs, Frost Wire and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. | 1^ '^"''^^ ' ^â€" "â€" [5! Write now for particulars Flesherton Tin Shop. I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware antl Agateware for domestic use. Call on nie and get your supplies. ings. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Kepairing ofall kimls promptly attendctl to. Pipcfitting, including pump work, installed. Agent k F.H.W. Hickling: FLESHERTON, OM. 'urnacos Mirnaces. for Clare Bros. Stone & Wellington TORONTO â- ONTARIO D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK Deering lmplemen(s | pLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. • ^ND m _^_ Gasoline Engines 'â- *"''S^^^^^'^^'^'^'S'^''^^s^^s-^^^^^^^^^i All kinds of DeorinK Impleuipnts. Parts .ilways on hand. Anent for liarrie Cutters. Rarber lUi^jjies, Louden I/itter Oiiirieis, Hay Tracks, IVdIai: shingles and sidini;. These Iniplenients re'iuiro no recoinniond ition as they ate standard I'l .ids and rec 'Uliized .is the best on the market. FUnr TRl'lKS- T represent ilieSlon iV' Wellinnlon nursery, andlwill bo pleased to cail if you send iie^ a card. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station #^ Tonsorial ^^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LArNDRY-^-Biskot closes Monday niyht, delivery Friday evcni ik Seed For Sale O. A. C. N\ Oats, the heaviest Seed perfectly clean Mar()ui.i Spring CLKANlNG andDYElNO-We ni- •onts for Parker's Dye Wdrksâ€"Clothi.s cleaned and dyed, feathers rojuvenat d T FISHER,- -PR0I>R1ET0R yiekler in Ontario and !;ood ipi tiity. .Mso the celebrated Wheat. Oati 75c per bush . , wheat JIl.TiO per bushel. â€".1. A. KER.NAHAN, Maxwell, <,)nt. Bull For Service Fr-r service. â€"Baron Hollyâ€" No. (i422. Aberdeen .Viii.ns in ";ot ."il, !)ih concess- ion, Arleme.sia Terms. §1.00 if paid before Ut Jan. I<jt3.- W. J. Masjee. May 15 f â- (; K « r < ; t \ * . \ .