April 27 1916 THE r L E S H E R T X ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD orrtce • Toronto Efficient and Prompt Service in every Department "X Odds and Ends I ARTICLES FOR SALE The Uce.st grafcmola r<>cot<i8 f-ir (ale. Needles 2oc yar ;H(0. The Advance. j For Sale â€" One .> jmr did hor>e and , fone8jr»ar old m*re.â€" JOUN UiiARD F. G. KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. FLESHERTON - PRICEVILLE \, m SAVINGS BANK at aU Branches. BRANCH MISCELUNEOUS | : Paintio^ »nd paper-hangioi doce. i! I A(?enr for Empire wail pajjers. â€" Harry . (•T'D 1«T« FLESHERTON GEO. MITCHELL, rail I C«rrm:;ioo, Fiejihercoo. I Mn Manafer. C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leaye Flesherton Station aa follows : Going Scath Going North 7.33 a. m ll.:i« a.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p.m. The mails are osed at Flesherton aa oUowa : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the aftemoou mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Notice is hereby givea th'«t all places of buainess will be closed on May 3, in Flesherton A quantity of correspondence is una- voidably held orertbis week. Mr. Carl Walker, proorietor of the fiilhburg Beaver, was a caller Monday. Pte. and Mrs. T. Brady of Lions Uead are gueats of reialires h^re. Mrs. N. U. Durrani of Mitchell, spent Easter with h^r parents hern. Mr. and Mrs Jeff Thintlethwaite of Toronto, spent Easter in town. May 3 will be 147th Battalion Day in Owen Sound. See adrectiscment en last page of this irsue. .\ large number of soldier boys fmm Owen Sound and eUewbere, w»re .n town over Easter. There are six itraduates frotn The Advance office now liearios arms for the konor of their country. Visitors to Toronto : Joe. Clinton, T. OUyton, Mils Oldham, Frank Thurttor, Mark WiU'n sr. a:.d daughtdr, Tbeiina, and Mrs. 0. Phillips anb son, B'.'b. Mr. Clarence Dudgeon returned list week from North Bay Nermil. On Sat* 'irday he went to C>weo Sound and enlisted with the Greys. Harveyâ€" Fields â€" At the parsonage, Siiighaiopion, "n Wednesday, March 29,' 1916, by the Rev. J. Lamb, Miss Myrtle May Fields of Fevcrsham tnd Charles Mitchell Qarvey of MarkdaU. A meeiioK of ratepayers of S.S. So. <a Artemesia. will be held on Friday even- ing at 7 o'clock, in the ichcol house for the purpose of appotnlini{ a trustee. â€" Oeo. H. Cairni>, Sec. : Pts. Barry Frost and Herb McLeod «f the (^^rd Battalion ( the foriaer trans- ferred from the Sportsmen) were in toon for a ft-w daps last week, making a fare- irell visit previous to goin< oversea*. Died â€" On Saturday morning, April 15. 1916, at 116 Kvelyr avenue, Toronto, Evelyn Maud, eldest daughter of Thomas .J. and Amelia Maud Sheppard in her 15;h year. Ml'. John Brown of the eut back line bas purchased Mr. Jos. BlakUy'a farm in the suburbs and will more thereto next f-iU, when Mr. Blakley wil retire to ))is pronnisi's in town. Easter visitors to out uf town points : Mias Switzer to her home at St. Marys, Miss Holmes to Winchester, Mis.ses Lily Bunt and Aleda Mitchell to Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. T. BUklev to Corbetton. Vifcitors ttfim Toronco for K*ster Pts. Charley Cnwley and Harold Mi clit-II, Mrs. Frel Murray. Dr. T. HendorsiB. Misses Add* Wright, Beatrice Tbist* thwaite and Dell Thurston from Ncruul, and Miss Lil'.ie T'listlethwaite. Quartermaster-Sergt. A. E. BelUmy uf the Brock Ringers, stationed at 'Cayuga, and hi.^ biother, Robert vBellaiuy, recently enlistei la the same ba'talion aud attached to ih* Quarter- master's ststf, spent Ea«tei' with their parents, Mr and Mr*. W. J. B^llaniy. The Broc't Hangers is composed of two- thirds IndiHns, who are pro.:oiiDced a tine body of mvn. Special Easter services and music wers given iu all three churches on Sui'd»y. The Presbyterian and Methodist chu chts had beautiful floral dt>eorai ions, Thyse in the Methodist church consisted uf a grand difulsy ol Eister lilie-i with 8i>nie â- rosva and datt'odils. The choir was as- «i^te.l in solos ly Miss /ilia Trimble, Mr.4. N. H. Durrant and Master Leonard 'Tuskin. Notwithstanding unfavorilile p!->'|ile- â- oies, the past seastvu has boeii a good one for making maple syrup. .Xlthough few go into it on a very extensive scale iu this section, still there aro some who do and «ho have profited by I ho good run this s|iriuj{. Tho most rxtei..t;ve manufHclurer we know of i» Mr. t^eo. D. Shortt of Ospr ty, who hac" lOOi) trees tapped which produced 'MO g<tllons of â- •yrup- The Women's Institute and Red Cross will meet in the high school Thursday, May 4, 2 .'50 sharp. Wa wish every member tu be present, aa ihis meeting will t>e devoted eotiraly to the election of officers for the ensuing yearâ€" Mrs. W. A. Hawken, Sex. Treas. We always knew ihe Kimberley boys were bnre, but this was emphasized the other day when a gentleman of our aoiuainisnce informed us that he had received a letter from Corp. Hoyles, with the forces in France, aulogizing the work of Pte. Ezra Faweetf, who was wounde J some tim< (go and is now con- valescing. With his name was connected that of Pie. Ernie Brooks, who is known here. Corp. Hoyle* lays these are two fearless ycunjf men who would not shirk any duty. . . A pltasant time was spent by parents, pupils and friends in the high sch' ul audi- corium i^n Wednesday evening of lasc week, under the auspices of the Litdiary Society. The occasion was made a rec- ognition of two pupils of the school wko had joined the overseas forcji, W. Buchanan and W. McLeod. These young men weis each presented with wrisi watches accompanied by addresses. The whole affair was conducted by Ib^ young people, with Donald McVmr as chairaiaii. A good program was given coosiftios ot cijprusos, solos, rucitatjoB^ and speeches. Rev. Mr. IIl-Du nail, the â-¡ «w Btpcist pastor here, delivered an excellent recruiting ipaecb. One of ihe interesting numbers on the program was reading of ihe High School Astonisher. The literary excellence of this bright little lublication was atlonithiiu. Ihe most important event of the evening was the unveiling of the High School Honor Roll, which contained the nam«« of lo pupils, ex-pupili and teachers of the school. This ceremony was petformtd by Harold McLean, who made a ueat little speech appropriate to the cccaa on. After tl.a pro^nm refieshments were t trved. Matriculation Under Special Conditions 1 The UniT»r»iiy Matriculation Po»r<I at a meeting held oo Thursday, April i, decided to accept for the exaaainations ef 11)16 the principle uf the Regulations recently issued by the Minister of Ed\i- cation ic reapect to candidates who enlist for overaaas service or who engage in farm work. i Accordingly, the Board is prepared Co consider special applictiion for Pass Junior Matriculation aa follows ; â€" Knliatmeotâ€" (1) After April 2<), from ctndidatrs who have enlisted foroverse a servica and wh-i hav* bea^i in regular at . tendanc* ak school up to th.tt date in preparation for th* MatricuUt:o:i exam- inatioii in June, 1916. Farm Employiutntâ€" {2) At the expira- tion of at least three months' employ- ment on a farm, from caodidaes who â- ere in regular attendance at school up lo at least April -'0, in preparation fi.r the Matriculation examination in June, 1916, audwko accepted employment on a farm not lacor than May 12. 3 Application* r'ur Honour Matricula- tion (tanding or for Matriculation into other ColUges, aurh as the Ontario Col- lege of Pharm.acy or the Royal College of D^'ntal Surgeons, are not considered by the Matriculation Board under the foie- g â- â- ««• 4 .\U api.dic«tioii9 for special Mitricu- tion undor ih< fore'.<oin^ should be made ihroiigh the PrincipaN under whom lie candidace< hav* been prepaired, and on form') which may be obtaiced on •»pplica- tion to the J'ecretary of the I'niversity Ma'riculation Board, Patliauunt Bi ild- iui», Toronto. For 'Sale â€" Three sow pijs, due 1st July, gor)d stockâ€" Geo. H. Cairn*, ii. R. No. 5, Markdale. Quiet Mare, 9 years old. for sale. â€" Jos. Buchanan, Flesherton P.O. -Apprentice Wantedâ€" A strong, active and willing worker. -Apply with refer- ences to the Osprey Farmers' Milling Company, Limited, Fe\ershsm, Out. Rhode Ulanl eggb for hatchinz,either] comt/, f l..">0 per settingâ€" W. H. Thurs ! ton, Flesherton . For sale cheap and on easy t^rms. L> t 13. cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first cla.sa farm and in a good state of; cultivation. Good Lank barn and newi frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproulei Flesherton BOOTS. BOOTS. BOOTS! Now Spring is here yoa will be wsating a pair of heavy Boots. Now we have them. We had to boy them lastBummer to be able to sell them ataucb a low price. Uea'ii Uris Calf i3.0<J^o $3.25. Men's Construction Doota 12. -50. Men's fine Sunday Boots, Gnn Metal, Patent. Bos Cali-«ome of the Box calfis leather liued. Boy's heavy Bools for Khool. We have some eiceptioniUy good »alae lu the boys line, like the mens only in smaller sizes. No. 1 CloVfT and Timothy Seru, Mammoth Red Clover and .Alfalfa (IT per bushel. A'sike 912, Timothy f«;, alL government; standard. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. ' Notijeâ€" Dr. H B. Kidd, Chiropractor,! Chronic, Spinal and Nervous D seases a Specialty, will b« »t Mr. rasideace in Markdale on noons after four o'clock. Herb Smith'* i Monday af'.er- Empress and Classic Shoes for Women We have a ri.l range of Ladies Siloes in stock. Patent colt in Button and Lace, Cloth copa and R«d also colored topped Kid shoes Ln Tan and Orey. Low Oxford in Patenc, Patent pumps, a L>w shoe pat* 3ira[)8. If you once have a pair of these shoes you will always wear them, they are comfortable and the real good. tow Ladies' Whfte Voile Waists You want a pretty Voile Waist with your tew Easier suit. Come in, we can surely pleaiM you and the prices are right. Flour ! Flour ! Flour ! We handle one of the best Floors on :be mark- et. Come and try a bag. If not satisfactory money refunded. Trv It and see. Mothers ! Mothers ! Maple Leaf Flour ia the best. We have some staitUn,f dresses ia for '.: fr)m 1 to 14 yrs. The little tots dresaesaid with blu>>, pink and white h-tnd work t Come in and have a took before you buy. good school dresses for girU, Ujth in dark and ] Ladies' Housedresses and Api Lidies Housedresses good value £or]f Jl.OO, work Aprons. These are big ones ani ill for . F. G. KARSTEDT Clear, white New Brunswick ahinglet to arrive in a few day*. Leave yjur otd*r« with W, A. Armatron^. B. B., Genuine White Lead links iTp B. H. "ENG- LISH" PAINT with a supremacy record of nearly two centuries.'^ II saw the tounding ot the tirm oi Brandram Bros., the inventors of the Brand- ram Process of corroding White Lead,â€" a process that produces a lead that has been the standard White Lead of the world ever since.' )q 190€ after handling Brandram's White Lead formanx ycars.^in the Canadian market, the firm of.,Branilri.nvHcnder3on purchased the Brand- ram Bros, formulae and exclusive rights to manufacture it in Canada. ;^^,iyGLib;H PA- ^CS2^i> In 1909 the final link was forged when the firm decided to use B. B. Genuine White Lead in the manufacture of their B. H. "ENGLISH PAINT and after practical tests and most careful research arrived at an exact formula guaranteed on every can under the President's signature. Thus was the chain completed. The B. H. "ENGLISH" PAINT formula of 70 units of Brandram's B. B. Genuine White Lead and 30 units of pure White Zinc, in all tints and white with its ironclad guarantee, makes B. H. "ENG- LISH 'L PAINT^the.Quality-Ser^icc-Paint of, Canada.^ FOR SALE BY. Xzdj ^' F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON Features which p lace the Cock sfaiitt^- Manure Spreader head and shoulders above other makes It is the simplest machine madeâ€" net nsarly so m^uj par:s as others. It is 4 thorough pulverizer and snreaJer. It is not so high to the tup of the bos as other spri^aders, yat then 19 much space uuderneath. The box is well supported and is built with a solid bottom. Direct ; Onve, n ccain I no gears or clutches to cause trouble. Drive and conveyor kius are extra heavy and will stand a ht of hard work, aied and no trouble at all to oil the bearings. Whtn tho machinerv is not raaniu>;. Easily oper- not spreading^ The Foundation of Prosperity The future prosperity ot this country depeniJs upon the continued prosperity of the agricultura inteiests. It has been proven that agri- cultural prosperity cannot persist unless the fertihty of the soil is con- served. The one machine iii the whole category of farm implements which can accomplish this necessary thing is the Manure Spreader. I pon it as upon a foundation will the fuiure prosperity ot the farm depend, and therefore the prosperity of the nation Fay close attention to your fertilizing, â€" this year of all years â€" and benefit accordingly. Pays Its Own Way . ' *^ Comparing the cost of spreading manure with a spreader with that of spreading the same amount by baud shows a saving sufficient to make the spteader pay for itself within a short lime if no more than a few loads a day are spread. No other implement about the farm can do so well. This says nothing either about the more efficient work of the m\chinencr the conseijaent additional benefit to the soil. The spread- er is the one machine which visibly pays its own way. The {armaria money in pocket rather than out of pocket when he buys a spreader. D.McTAVISH. Flesherton The am ual report of the Defmttnient I of bMuoilion sayi tiiat up lo the tim^ ! i that the inforuut w»)« gathere.l 211V ! male leschers had left positions in the ! ' schools t> enlist for overseas service, 46 ' I from tho high schools, 177 from tie, eleieatxry si.hiHiI» and 37 freni ilei \ normal schools. Tso jiublii: school it- s^iector* and seven j rir.ciial> ha>ei enlisted. Ono te' cher has been killed in ' action, t'irce hive boen wiuiideil, and ; line bus boon awaided ihe Lcsjion of lit nor> j Walkeiton is thinking of hyin* p.-wei : an,'. Iihi decided lo Hsk f' r estimates for : th« deUveiy if 150 lio'sep'W. r iv-xn i Eugenia Kal's. Link up Your Paint needs 'with B.H. "Eng- lish" Paint. NOTICE Now i.-< the time to renew TOur bui^vries, etc. Sherwin-Williams Buggy Paint Is the best for this Piiinr of gre.it dunibilitv (.nit;<iile exposure. Doable the life of your them with good Paint â€" if S ir couliin't cover tlieeirtb. purpose. A Varnish Gloss Especially luhipted for Vehicles by protecting \V. P. iliiint mike good A Paint or Finish for every purpo.-*e. Any in- formation reg.inling Tainting or turnishetl. Varuishinir uladlv Bull For Service TI>nr»"Shbrvd Uiirbnm Itu'l, Arte- mc»ia Pr^de, Nil. 10.'740 t T mi rnc»> • n I.. .•<;!, COP. I, N.D R , ;Vr o.i.csi». Cows im iotii't.t-(l » I jiof itiv 'v 'o ^hâ- ^^^^«vl. T .m«$l tO. JO IN DJW, P»'..|. 2'Ouiay Stock For Sale F. W. DUNCAN Maro .lud â- â- uckiin; ^' It f t s-\le - i« !• years ii'd -hI-o .'i^ co!i i s ii« ; go iJ st >;>!, and o;io young co«r liv id I. aud calf. Ill ire 1 yr. Hardware Merchant FLESHERTON, Phone 30 r 2 ONT.