April 20 1916 THE F L E S fr R R T O N ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA [HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO BVBRY iood Bank has a RESERVB FUND ai a pro* â-¼iiion for lean years aad the iaeyitablo rainy day. This Fund baa been aoouaulated from Surplus Eamio^s and is • source of strength aad stability. Everyone should have a RESERVE FUND. Without it no one is in a safe financial conditiaa. Our Savinfis Department offers an ideal opportunity for establiah>n< YOUR RESERVE FUND. 20i> FLESHERTON BRANCH •Wanager. ^^Od dsand End s^' ARTICLES FOR SALE The UieNl graroiiola rfci iiis for sale, j Sei'dlcs l!5c ijur .'WX). Th« Ailviince. I F(ir biilc â€" Oiio 5 ytar nid lior.'e and oneMy.iir old 111 lie. -JOHN UKaKD F. G. KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. FLESHERTON - PHICEVILLE EST'O 1S73 I MISCELLANEOUS j I Paiiitini; and |;a;)er-hangin!» done. Aijuiit for Empire wa!1 papers. â€" Hairy CHirintitou, 1< esluMCon. 1 M>iy GEO. MITCHELL, C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : Going South Going North 7.33 a. m. 11.31) a.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The maiU are osed at Flesherton as oUows : For the north at 10.40 a. on. and 7 p.na. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. "^ VICINITY CHIPS The frogs came out of winter quarters iu.st week, and crocuses are in bloom. Mrs. Trimble Is visitioe her daughter, Mrs. W. T, Hodgson, in Owen Sound. Pta. Kerr, Gen. Kiohardsoa and W. Cari<o of the Greys spent Sunday in town. Misses Uazel Shunk and Maud Boyd :ire home from Nortr.al for Easter holi- days. E. H. Glenn, principal of the Grand Valley cnntinuatioa school, has enlisted for oferseas. Mr Mark Wilson, jr., has moved to the premises lately vacated by Mr. McGee. Diedâ€" At Ceylou on Thursday, April 13, Mrs. Margaret McArthur, ;i'.;ed .'J8 years 9 ni'inths. Mrs. Murk Wilson, «r., ha.s been in Torooio for i week p»st taking treatment Mnder a speci.ilist. Mrs. McGi-e and sister, Miss Tuplin left on Friday for Hamilton, whore they .^ill in future reside. Pte. Herb Thomas of the 157th Bat., CoUingwoo I, wa.>i a guest over the week '•od with Miss K'ta LeGard. Diedâ€" At the residence of her brother- in law. P. Muir, Ceylon,ou Suudiy, April 16, 1916, Elizabeth C. Coburu, aRed bi years. Mr. J. Chapman, undertaker here, has secured.tlie contract for looking after the House of Refuge work in his line for the current year. Mr Ch»i.iiian. undertaker and furni- ture dealer, moved his family totiwn this week. They have taken up their residence in the Christoe premises lately purchased \<y Mr. Frauk Cairns. Miss lua Ladlaw of tha his;h schsct returned tn her home at Lioni Head on Saturday tor the holidays. She was ac- conipanii'd by Mrs. R. Benlham, who will visit friends there. Capt. Dobie of the 147ih was djwn from headqunters List week atteiidiug the funeral of the late Mrs. Brooks. He was accompanied by % couple of privatep, and all returned the «a ae evening. The Shelburne Free Press says the C. P' R. agent there will not talk o»er the telephone after 6 ',>'clock p.m. and no in- formation will be s'"^'" ^'â- '"^ ^'''-' ""'* after that hour regarding the position of trains. R. H. Goldhawk, baker hero for the past five years, recently giu into tinan- eiAl dirticulties and wa.s obliged to dis- continue business. Ho has nouo to Sea- forth to take a eituation. The family remain here for a time. The last meetinn of ths High School Literary Society for Flesliertoii will be held Wednesday evening, .Vpril 19, at 8 p.m. in the .Assembly Hall. Parents of the pupilsand fiieuds of the school aie invited to bo pre.seut. UefreslinK'nts will be served. Miss Switzer has severed her connec- tion with the public school here. We understand s.he is taking a school at F. rt William. Mo one has been '.-ngaged to take her pUcs and the two lower forms will be combined. Mr. and Mis. Edward MacCallum of 0.-prey have announced the engsgcuient ot their youneest daughter, Beitha, to Dr. Hairy Guy, son of Mr. W. H. Guy of Maxwill, the wedding to take place «[uiolly the latter part of this iiioiiih. The Kad Cross Society of Flesherton, will hold a site of hoineiniJe baking and other aiticks, in the Red Cross looiiis on S.it. .April 'i2nd. All those inlt'rehtid arc usledio doiiiite .soiiielliiiij. Come and have a cuu of tea with youv frieuJs. lea cieain will also l)c sierved. Drs. Burt of Owen Sound and Martin of Dundalk, vierformed two operations in tjwn on Tluir.sday last â€" cno upon little Marjory Duilgeon an 1 the other upon Master .Arthur Williams of Tho Advance stiit' bnth foi throa' and nose trouble. Vat\ patients cuiie through the ordol with huivr to thi"iii!e!ves' and the operato's. Mr. Graham of Eugenia, will give a Moving Picture show in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, April 20, in the interest of the U. & D. Club. Every- body come. Admission only 10 and lac. Special music. â€" O. Henry, Secrelery. Mr. and Mra, George Cairns and children of Glenella, Man., are tikiiig a holiday with relatives here. Mr. C<iirns has only had two weeks' holidays in the past four yeirs, and the C.N.R,, for whom he is agent at Glenella, have granted him a good long leave of absence this time. George is an expert fijher- lusn. You understaud the rest. The U. & D. Girls through their week- ly efforts have raised about #70. This money is to be used in giving a reception to tho 22 soldiers in training at Owen Sound from Flesherton. The date of the recention will be Friday evening of next week, April 28, to bo held in the auditor, ium of the high school. This will be a very interesting event and will no doubt attract a large number of guests. Friday's Owen Sound Times says: â€" " Mr. VV. H. Bunt, undertaker, left yesterday to return to his old home at Flesherton, where he will resume buii- ness. He was accompanied by his son. Frank, ftliss Lillian Bun' haring gone down on Wednesday. His daughter, Miss Florence Bun*, who was injured ar the fire hall, and is now in the hospital, is making very favorable progress towards recovery. The family made oitiiy^fiiends while in Owen Sound and their departure will be regretted. A despatch from Owen ISound says : The date of the 147th Btttalion Diy has been changed from Iha 4'h t) the Urd of May. Arrangements bave| been coiu- pletetl to run excuriions from Durham â- in the C. P.R. and from Hanover on the G.T.R. to Owen Sound on that d»te, to give tha friends and relatives of men |uf the U7th Batcalio n a chance tosej the battalicn in training'befoie it leaves fur a concentration camp or overseas. Lieut, Col. McFailand, the commanding officer of the Greys, and his s'atf are doing everything possible to nuka the day a succfss, as are tha otticers of the Grey Recruiting League, under whose auspices the day is bjing held, and eveiy effort will be put forth to make the day the biggest in tho history of GreyViunty.'f | I Private funds to loan on real estate I security at rea.soiiable rata of in'erest. ' -Apply lo R, J. Sproule, Flesher'.on. i sept 23 j For Sale or Rent â€" Store ami dwelling ; lately occupied by D. W. Wideman, in Feveishaiu. Will sell or rent cl'.eap, and on ea-^y terniK, if sold. -Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Ont. Legal Blanks For Sale â€" R. .1. Sproule i keeps conatai'lly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mort^gages, | Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requirini; such will find it to their inter- est to give him a call. B'or sale cheap and on 13, con. 11, Osprey, 110 a first class farm and in cultivation. Good bank frame dwelling. Appl^ Flesherton easy tfrms. Lot acres. This is a good state of barn and new to R. J. Sproule No. 1 Clover and Mammoth Red Clover per bushel. A'sike 912, giivi-rnnient standard. - Eugenia. Timor hy Seed,: and Alfalfa $17 Timothy $(), all -Graham Bros., Notice â€" Dr. H B. Kidd, Chiiopractor, Chrmiic, Spinal and Xervous Diseases a Specialty, will tie at Mr. Herb .Smith's lesidenoein Miikdalu on Monday after- noons after four o'clock. CUan, white New Bruiihwick sliingles to «rri»o in a few days. Leave your oidara with W. A. Aruialrons;. BOOTS. BOOTS. BOOTS! Now Spring is here you will be wanting a pair of heavy Boots. Now we have them. We had to buy them last summer to be able to aell them at such a low price. Meu'u Uris Calf S3.fl(iA^o j3.25, Men'a Construction Loots 82.50. Men's tine Suutlay Coots, Gun Metal, Patent, Box Calf-some of the Box calfs leather lined. Boy's heavy Boots for school. We have some exceptionally good s'alue in the boys line, like the mens only iu smaller sizes. Empress and Classic Shoes for Women We have a full range of Ladies' Shoes in stock. Patent colt in Button and Lace, Cloth topt and Red tops, also colored t ippid Kid shoes in Tan and Grey. Low O-xford in Patent, Patent pumps, a low .shoe patent with straps. If you once have a pair of these shoes you will always wear them, they are comfortable and the patent is real good. Mothers ! Ladies' Whfte Voile Waists You want a pretty Voile Waist with your tew Easter suit. Come in, we can surely please you and the prices are right. Flour ! Flour ! Flour ! We handle one of the best Flours on the mark- et. Come and try a bag. If not satisfactory monev refunded. Maple Leaf Flour is the best. Trv it aud see. e ''^rk Aprons. Mothers ' Look! Wa liavo some startlin,; ilres-ses in for little girls from 1 to 14 yrs. The little tots dresses aie of pii^ue with bluf, piiiii and white hand work trimming. Coiuu in and have a look before you buy. We have good school dresses for girl>i, both in dark and light. Ladies' Housedresses and Aprons Ladies' Housedresses good value for $1.00, also These are big ones an! all for 30c. F. G. KARSTEDT Isabel Peterson A Raemaekers Poster "Louis Rkeinaekers, tha fi-nous Duttli Cartoonist, has generously drawn for the National CoiumiLtee for Relief in Balijium one of tha most remarkable and oettainly the mist heartrending of all ^iha '"War Posters. " The misery of the millions now iiifBoI- gium whom tho Germms refusa to fied his inspired this no'able artist to his finest effort- A Belgian woman, with a ragged red cloak over her shoulders, is holding tightly to her bro.»st an infant iu a shawl. Around tha child is clasped the mother's handâ€" a hand which spell.s .starvation. In the woman's face there is the infinite surnw of motherhood, driven to despair by German inhumanity, and the pitiful, helpless ye»rningl[ti> relieve '.he child's suffL'ring. But it is in the face of (he child that K*eraaekers has told the full story of the tragedy of Belgium. The s'aring terror ill the eyei that look up at tho mother makes one shudder and turn aw.iy to think what might have boon i>: England. With remorseless realism, Raemaekers, ill this infant of p«in,h.-ks visualised to the wurld tho infamy of Germsny, The poster, which is artistically repro- duced, has this laconic heading; "In Bel- gium." Underneath, appuars the oi.o Word "Help. " .\ny readar of this new.<- psper can secure a copy of tho poster free of cost by sending a postcard to the Hon. Secretary, National Commllteo for K-.'lii"f ill Belginni.Traf ilgar Buildiugs,Trafa1gAr Square, London. Uarry Bellamy, editor and pioprielor of the Unngannoii News, has susiiendeJ publication of his paper in order to culi»t. He has joined tho r.mks of the If.lst lliiinn Bittahoii. Public Notice By order of the Local Board of llcilth all residents areheiel\v iiotifiofi to u'ean up iheir (nvmises aiil liavo the same done by May Ist, after which an inspec- lioujv.ll be male and pioeoodings will be taltcn asiiinst those not complying with 111 is order. K. G. KARSTEDT. "'..-r Clir.itman, W. T, r.RI;r-\MY, Secrt'tuiy. o XE thinks of Calcarx mofti; at M city which grew by ^^BldL?} under the wand of the C. P. S.j from a rancher's village to be *e fli* trlbutlng centre of a prosperoti? irrl« gation and farming district, but Isabel Paterson, In her novel "Shadow Rid! ers," shows It as a whirlpool of humaa suuls, of love and passion and political intrigues. There are two heroines la the book, one of whom is a newspaper woman who edits the woman's page on u Calgary newspapor and has twa jealous rivals for her affections, while the other, whose reputation baa been lest in an escapade, but comes back to Alberta in Paris gowns and an icy smile, as the wife of the Lleut.-Gover- nor, to eclipse the women who had shut her out of their society. Speak- ing of \wr novel the other day In New York. Miss Paterson said her book doalt with the soiial game, whioii for- merly was women's chief sport outsldo of her home interests. "It still con- tinues to be ?o," she say.^. "in maar Canadian towns like Calgary and Ed- monton. But It Is ceasing to be so, aud v.;:a: '..js uj.-..- It isâ€" work. V.'hcu woman broke through tha crust of Buperflciallty and found that being a lady socially and being a worker was equally possible she made a great dis- covery." Miss Paterson thinks that there Is Inexhaustible material in the life of the cities of the Canadian West for the novelist of to-day. and is com- ing back from the United States to hec Old home in Canada to get mora local color tor ottier books. DRILLS COCKSnUT DISC Thorinigli ciiiinaii.n (.( yniir land. C.uelu! selecticm .,f seed .iiid a dependahle Sued Drill ar>' 'be thne essentials to g.iod Crop<. Every farmer rcaliZ's -he ini|uirlancf iif the first tw^i. but many overlook the thiril. ThiTB is just as iiuicli dilfeiin e lieU'een ditlV-nnt Drills aiiii the wirk tlify do as til' ro is 'ctwreii various ((ualities of gniin. <.%>rk!*lnit Dxi-e thrills are uiuiie mm P'iiu'iplcs proven ,i»rr.'et l)V main' voars â- if .ai-toal >i'r\ :ie in tlii- tiiM. I'li.-v w.irk will, wear w«il and are iMsv on horsei'. Kvi-ry »-..rkinK luirt is tittrcl witii a larB<' "il cup. lo it (ji't., ample li])ric»tion aad !iinkt~i tlif Cn-Vuhiit th« <-»»ieNt runniaK Drill .m the Markii. We have a s|«?eiul C,K.kallul Drill Hooklil and wil'.tx' i;lad to j^iw ym a copy on ranue.st. 'il D. McTavish - - H" *- '^' -^ '-*- '^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^•\. ^ Flesherton. NOTICE I Now i.s the time tt) renew your buggies, etc. x 5ht;rwin=Williams Buggy Paint ^ Is the best for thi-^ purpose. A Varnish Gloss 3^ raiiir of great t^lurabilitv. E.><pociaIIy adaptetl fur outside e.xposui-e. Double the life of your Vehicles liy protecting them with'good Paint --if .'S.W.P. liitlat'niake good it couldn't cover the earth. A Paint or Fini-sh for every purpose. Any in- formation regarding Painting or V;irnishin>T i,dadlv furnished. If. W. DUNCAN HardAvare Merchant Phone 30 r 2 FLESHERTON, - - ONT. CANADIAN PACIFIC^ EASTER EXCURSION FARES Between All Stations in Canada, Fort William and East, and to Sault .5te. Marie, Detroit, Mich., Buffalo and Naigara Falls, N.Y. 9int^|p FarP ^OOD GOING April 21, 1916 Oingie rdJ e R£yyRN LIVIIT -April 21, 191<> MiDtiuum Charge 85 Cents FJlraanr^ fliiP Third fiOOOriOING -APRIL 20.21. ?2and23 rare ana une intra return llmit-aprii 25, i!)i« Miiiiiiiuni (.'! Ejaiia s aaLj