I â€"I Biiâ€"ww^w HWNr*^ •» m ' t i •♦«â- â€" >, AmHI 1:5 1010, THE F L E S H i: R r N ADVANCE •r 1 1 1-: /lCQl)erlon ClDunncc bcslialiiv (lisplnvei by Hun iir.d Turk to play 'Jood huumiitaii o ilicin. It will Ic tlio lUjjlitious A>.io.l«p«i.aent m-«s,,.M..r, |.„t.lW.«-.l»vo.v JudgU wllO Will mCCl OIU a llgLt- TiiiHwlay ftt th- ..rtic. l"..lliiiK".«KiStre>-l, io^g i'j.lL'ineilt. TIlCV liave Cttbt rin^ectin. SulKriiiiiciii (T'l'i' *l I"''"'""""" , â- , , i , whmuMudiiiaavHiu-f ;31.r)J wheun.-tmi iMii'l llu'll- iotS tn^rUiei- au I togetlior ,»d>*r.i»u.^r»u-s,.n«Pi^ir«ti..n. CircuUtim, ^j^^^. ^^^^^^ ^p^,^, jv H.Thui-Bton- Bdnoi immaiiity may go ill Older tlmt forward toward llic ''oal of \itii.riFil lir itlierliood . A MERE SUGGESTION The Govciiimeut of this csiiiilry arc still looking aioiunl f:n- inttliods in in winch to raise revenue from llit pDoplr, the latest move in this (lire(- till) ill Untario beinv; the new tax i n automobiles aud proispective benedicts. Insteud of e icotiraj'inj; miserly o'd bitclu'lors to zomuut mail imony.llKV 'liscoiuage ilieiu by raui marriage licente fee! Yet the possi- ble s^oiirces of iiddiiional revenue hive not all been explored even yet. A few yearn ago the Untario Legis- lature boosted their own salaiics in a marked degree, and some of the cab- inet ministers Uiiw get the piice of two good farms pui in tlicir pocki-lf. Letters From The Boys In Khaki Work of the Canadian Guns Tliii is* lieuuti'ul Sunday iiiurning, 1,1 e 'sunny, wHnii tnli fresli. Tiio ImicIh are siiiciii^ .'ill Hrurnd, exeryme seems to be whiatling, the kidilie-i nre |>l:iying around our 1 tt'e C'ini|>, everyone lodks hnppy iind (Ml the wliiile it is ii very pleasant lilac :) to lie. Overihe hill, up lowurd "the lino," I \\»Ar « ".rriunip' mery fuw niinuti.s - th»t'ii the Huii«. Til -11 ui> (Iih IIiik a bit our gi'.ns come "liini!, bAii^j. liHnsi" h.ick tveiy vear. 13y close investigation ant, -usually :( lo 1. ISut ii's fairly tbc govt rnmeut might discover that l|u:o^ • n the wliolu except f.>r motors these salaries would bear a lax sufti passing tliecunp or horses iiutting by. cicnt to cat them in half and llins add ' I'm out n resi foihix xloiicju.s days â€" haudsomely to the revenue. of no worruM i xc p' n (larado once in a course tbie is merely, and als) :*''iU, oi .i bit of writing to do, or a diftideully. thrown out as a snggcslion (â- ''-'»''"'â- 'â- "ip to io«„ ; g., ti brd wl.on ' " ' ' I r with a fuint liope â€" very it ma) bi; acted upon. faint â€" iliut, HUN, TURKâ€" TURK. HUN 1 like Bid yet U|)«lii-li I |ili;iso. The relixation is gre.it, for we've been very busy (if la'nâ€" to tbe sorrow of »un<1iy Hun li'fUclieK. crash is heard from the enemy line. But little damii'to was doiai. The r»n!,'e was tuu f»r. For I ho IK' lit round the rjiigo is sliorl- oncd. Buck ^oi's the order "Kamjo I'l'J' tire". Another boiiili goes up, eiiives over, and dicps, slowiy iit tiiot, llieii faster and faster. T'roatlilcssly we wild thioiitili the telescope, â€"will it, liit lli>> Irenoli. will il go over or vvill it f ill sliort? , Finally it ciiislu-s down H|uarrly into the ' enemy trench ! A huste black cloud of Ninuke an 1 earth flies iti'o the air. .Vlix- el with the cloud wo see froncli bnaid*, .si lilies, corrugated iron aii'l other debus. A beauty â€" dugums lividenUy I "Repeatâ€" Fire" gum hack m or the wires ; and one more bomb g les into tbe •ir anit down ai{ain once more into llie enemy trench, on iti luisiioi. of (iestiuc- tion. .-Vnotlier bomb i-i dtopped on the cd-^n of the paraj e', blows a liujo hole in i*. and hlU up the trench at that point. Finally the order is niven "Five ni re lefL--I{ange ;590 â€" Fiie," and we turn our atieaiioii to another point in ilie enemy lines. I Trie same procoi!< is once moio gone j 'lirougli, and a yo.id di al of the Geriniin I trench is blown up. A good many rounds tail either too short ur too long, but a suthcietit number fall in the trenches or on dugouts tu make life jolly unpleasant fur any Huns who m.iy be around â€" also to supp'y jobs for work- ing parties for several nigbts lo cnnie. ( >i course we doii't li'ivo it all our way. Di'ten the "whizz lansjn' come over ihick and fistaroun.l the gun, but experience Isoon loaches how to avoid them. Some- times "fausages" (omc too chse for R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Spring House Furhishins NcMT Arrivals Thiis Week : Cf^Vd^^ For many years the Turk ha.'; been justly considered the bloouthirsly ghoul of Euiopc aiid Atia by all Christendom, and England was called upon years ago to undeiiuke the duly of wiping this blot of the iiiiic- teenlb century off ihe face the eaitli. She was not strong cbongli lo iinder- So you'd like iciknow about our wi'rk( comfort. Would yiu like to spend m afteri ooii our own Tlie.so are ju.st a litlle lit of mi;diciMc i form oftiernian with III lue. ill t: e irciichev? Wo'l, here we ^ treneli mortar bomb which makes a nasty FLOOR OIL CLOTHSâ€" :3ft., 4ft. Oin . and Oft. wide- }U^*^ STAIR OIL C!LOTHS 18in. and 22^in. 'wide. <'^ OIL (CLOTHS and LINOLEUM RL^G SURROUNDS 22iin. and 36in. 'wide. LI^()LKl:MS ift-lH^Itt-ERElST QUALITIES 4yards wide. TAPESTltY HUGS and Si^lARES 2ix2A, 2ix3, 3x3, 3x3* 3x4. .1 .A PA N KSK MATTING.S .'..."...'. 36id. wide. .IAPaSESK MATS AXMlNSTER UIGS WILTON KUGS TAPESTRY MATS »i;NGALO\V NLT.S white IVOUf and ECRU, 30. ;!6 and 4.5 inches wide. L\CE CURTAINS and SWISS MUSLINS ART SATEENS and CRETONNES. ALL REASONABLY PRICED New Wall Papers and Window Shades Brandram^ Henderson English mixed paints and ' ^ '^ Varnishes. F. H. W. HICRLING j^F\^ ^^ -^^^ ^^fc. .^^ -^^ jp^ d^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^ , ^^^ ^^' -^^^ -^^ ^^^ ^^^' -^^ ^ ' -^ ^fc ^Mi^ ^^fc ^^fc .^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ -^^ ^m^ ^^fc. ^^. ^ai^ ^^^ ^p^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^t^ -^^P^K 1 take the work alone at , hat lime and , national jealousies made au allied Huns are i side and probably usiii sizz" coming through thj air and ci- ^^ in fiMit isatiei.ch mortar. Cue- p''"^'"'' "'•-'' •'' ti''"''''" <:'•'«''• B'.tof fully lai i near is a lar^e i, umber of (10 lb '"^^ ""> ''"^'^ '""^ ""'>' ''"'« f'Ji'hle in bcmb., n.idy for liriii;?. GlincinK .iver I '''^'"''" ''"â- ""'' f""' l'"»s l.ly Fri z is too the pa:apet you see a black line of heap- '"'*/ 'â- ^"'^" "'"^''- â- '^"y^-^V ""' bmibs rdupearili luinini! along the crest of a '"" """='' l-iRi'er than ihe tausagns, and hill. V>'U iion't it for more than a secniid , becaus.' i s a dmyerous bUck line -the pen- ; operalioi! impo.=sible. LSnl the time ''C'p'"'- \vas coming, and now H here, when Around the ^mi its crew are clusteiod, England, assisted by hanuonious waiting' Iveiylhing ia ready for the allies, can do the work. And it will i'»how'. so they aim ply wait, and chiitf be done. After ibis war the Turkish empire will uo longer slinck in the nostrils of tlioso who believe in the sacreduess of life and liberty. But what of (joi'inaii)'.' IIih she pi ovcd herself "-' wliit belter than the T'lrk? In her rape of nelginin she has place! horsalf on the same plane ( xiclly aâ- ^ llial of the .Mesopot ainiaii iDiirderois and destroyers of women and cl.iMien. How can any mm C'u lowcl '.vlt'i a kii0ivlcil''e of do far more dainige. And We have a larger supply than Friiz. lint, too, su now wo hold the upper hiind in this particu- lar form of iiport. Well, enouuli tionibs have leeiis.'nt over f"r one day, so the oider ijuis down •'Cease tire, "und very toon thin};* are (piiet once m:>re, and the gun crew noes homo â€" "home" boiui sand-bau and c 'r- ugatidiroii dugou's, lot very faraway. - „ .. .. ..,,., Just for fun we lake a walk uploih.; other end. [front line. In one bay a seiitr/ wcaiiii'.; Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Oftice and Risidenceâ€" 4C8 9th St. East Owen Sound, 0>it. Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 a.m , 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. o 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Dr, R. F. E iflish vill be in Flesherton on TuBHuay and Friday aflernojns of each week. The Old Adage '^ , 'oll'J , eachotlier. liiHdu<;oill of aanJ-tags a ;tVw Vet away, a si),'u«ller f.la wiih a teleph'ine al his ear reidy to take ordi la for ihe eii^w. .Ami io.v we'll aee the U'paii a snuill hill li.di'u I ihe lines a " sleel hohnet appears very mucli exciud fewlundrel ya'di away is an obseiTa- his eyes seem ijlueJ lo hi.s perisci.pe, hut tio-,1 pa.t oi.inmand ii;,',-,ii e.xcelh-nt view "'•"-•'"« "" ""''^'•''' '"' prolfers Uie lon.^ of the lliin trciielicK. In this another '-'''•â- '-'" '"'^ and exclaims) '•L.n.k al ',oi, signaller mtn wiih telrph.iiu. al his ear. '^''" ' they're coming lack in tlie Irouc". The ollicer steps uo to a telescope, ad- I''*-' •^"'•y ' "'-â- '' '""> climbing o.cr justs it to target, and ord,;is "Load and | ''"' hole." repot wlieii realy." .A moment later, Wc louk in th.j end of the perisei'pe, e;iii'/s back the rcidy "U aily .Sir. ' ^ See n fleeted pla nly our own inxt,\ o! the code of nuiial.s accepted hv llicni ! ,,,. ,, , , .,,, „. li>.t-I.H(l uiir ili..n a str^idi .,f ..no .<>u> ' " : llie olboci s comiiiaml "hirij IS r.peal- "^'^'^" '*'"'"*â- "* ''"-'^'"*-" "' """ '' '* through Bible leaching enter a p:eti,.d„,t„ ,|,.. ,„!,,, ..^ ,|,„„„„ j, ,,^^„.,, i hundred yards of green gras. and mey for lender Ircatnunt of rni.SsianiKtn ,„ ^„,,|l-, ijn,- l„,mh fli.-s up into the air ' ehicoiy, Iben a inii,«s of (ierman wire, mid Aihen the linie fr .'^(jiiarillg iiccouiits mive« (jracefnlly over and drops. A '" hmd it ilii' .'.iiiiu black line i f dirt we arrives".' The world lias been loo moment's snapense, tlicn a bimo masa of *"•*' '^'f"'"''- much honiliid hv llic iilrociolis eirti lli.s intr, il,.. li, , ui,I ,i n'.'-oiindiM- eoiitinued on p iue livi'. ffoduction " /^ANADA from bcr abundance can belp supply tbe Empire's needs, ^^ and this must be a comforting thought for those upon whom the heavy burden of directing the Empire's tiffaira has been laid. Gain or no gain the c(jurse before the farmers of Canada is ns clear as it was last year -Ibey must produce abundantly in order to meet the demands that may be made, and I believe this to be especially true in regard to live stock, the world's supply of which must be particularly affected in this vast struggle. Stress and strain may yet be in store for us all before this tragic conflict is over, but not one of us doubts the issue, and Canadians will do their duty in the highest sense of that great word."-//O.V MAHTIX IIVRKKI.I.. Miiuxler i>f Aiiriculhirf. MODERN war is made by resources, by money, by foodstuffs, as well as by men and by munitions. While war is our first busi- ness, it is the imperative duty of every man in Canada to produce all that he can, to work doubly hard while our soldiers are in the trenches, in order thatthereaourcesofthecountry may not only he conserved, l)ut increased, for the great struggle that lies before us. ' Work and Save ' is a good motto for War-time." -.S'/rt THOMAS WHITE, Minister i>f Finauec, . « • THE CALL OF EMPIRE COMES AGAIN IN 1916 TO CANADIAN FARMERS, DAIRYMEN. FRUIT GROWERS, GARDENERS WHAT IS NEEDED ? these in particularâ€" WlltAT, OAIS, MAY, BKKF, PORK, BACON, ' r CHEKSK, EGGS. BUTTER, POULTRY, cannki) fruits, fruit jams, su(;ar, honey, wool, flax fibre. beans, peas, dried vegetables We must feed ourselves, feed our soldiers, and help feed the Allies. The need is greater in 1916 than it was in 1915. The difficulties are greater, the task is heavier, the need is more urgent, the call to patriotism is louder therefore be thrifty and produce to the limit. THE AGRICULTURAL WAR BOOK FOR 1916" is now in the pros. The I'ublieiilionB Uraneh, Department of AKrienlturc, Ottawa. To 1)0 hud from THE GOVERNMENT THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OF CANADA 2 THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE A Business SchooTI That successful school whose giadualei occupy pr.iminer.t po- sifions from the .Vilant.c to the Paciti,;, re-opens for the FALL TERM S p'emher 1st, 1914 Send for free ealalog al once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal « Colhiigwond, (»iitario. ft Property For Sale Part lol 151, con. 2. N. E. T (1: S. R. eontaiiiini; Wi. ncres, about 1 mile from Flesherton. There is a j^ood frame house and stable 'and the property is well fenced and watiied. Apply to .lo.seph .\. Letiird, Fleslierlcn or on ilie propcr- The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The s.ime is equalh true of the 1900 Gravity Washer. Try one ant I be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon Full lineot McCormiek Farm Iinplonients, Binders Mowers, lvake.s. Loaders, Drills, Cultivators, Plows, Ividiiig and Walkinj;, Harrows, lirantfonl Wind Mills, I'nmps, IMpinj; and Fittinijs of all kinds, Ik'attie Hay CarritM-s, Hay Forks, ISlings, Filter furriers, l<"oldin<j l>ath Tubs, Frost Wite and F'ence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL J Agent, Ceylon, Ont. Al^epresentative Wanted 111 once for FLESHERTON AM) phSTRUrr F(»R The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries Firiners! Wliy reiimin idln all winter hIicii ynii c:in lake up a puyiiijjanepc) / i;iiiiien list of varieties foi sprini' plantiiii!. liiln'iiil terms, llmid.'.onie free oiitlit, Kxclusive Territory. Wril. for pHrt'CuUrs. Flesherton Tin Shop 1 have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, !Nickelware and A<j;atewarc for domestic use. (!all on me and >,'et your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Stone & Wellington TORONTO â- ONTARIO I Deering Implements I AND Gasol ine I I k s H FLESHERTON ig> ONTARIO. % Kopairing ofall kinds j)roniptly attendetl to. ripetitting, including puiup work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK All kinds of Deering Implemenls. Fart* always on hand, Aitont for Hariie Uuttors. liarlier lhii;({iis. Louden Litter (^iiirieiH, lUy 'I'rmks, I'odlar â- diinglea and siding;. Thesti Implemunls iei|Uiru no iecoiniuund»lion ns they aic standard I'dods and reouiiizcd as the best on Iho market. FRUIT TIUOKS I ioiire«ent ilm .Ston it VVellin(>luii nursery, und will lie, pleased to ciU if von send ni" a ciinl. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station FlesHei^ton ^^ Tonsorial "^ Parlors We Aim to Oivo Entire Satisfaction LArNOKV-Kisket closes Monday iiiKlit, delivery Friday eveiiiig Ol.KANMNO and nVKlNOâ€" We ar Hj^eiits for I'lviker's Kyo Worksâ€" f^lot lies cleaned mid dyod, feathers rejuveiia' d T FISHHR,. -PROPRIETiiR Seed For Sale t). A, C. No. 72 Oats, the huavi(3at yielder in OntHrio Seed perfectly clean and good (pi ility. -Also the L-jlebrated Marquis Spring \Vln'»t. Oat< 7oc per hush,, whe*t. Jl.TiO per bushel. J. A. KKUNAHAX, Maxwell, Ont. null For Service For til vice.â€" Baron Hollyâ€" No. 0422. \horileiin Aiij^ii-", on :ot 34, !)lh conceBS- on, Artenusia Terms, ^l.Qi) if paid •efoie 1st Jan. 1915,- W, J. M.iyce. May 15