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Flesherton Advance, 13 Apr 1916, p. 1

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^k^i^ctim %Hmu. 'TRUTB BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. 701 y.-iNo. AQ Pleshcrton, Ont,, Tliursday, April 13 IQIG W, H THURSTON ^°""" and PBO Eugenia Paragraphs The VV.I.' have sent an Eaiter greeting •mounting to 110.00 to each of fuur of our overseas boys, namely, Ptes. Earl and ilstanley Parliament, Pie. D.iTid Armstrong and Priauper of War Pte. F. Smith. Mm. Jake \VilHa:ns visited the past week with Mr. and .Mrs. Alf. Partridge. Roclj Mills. Mr. Chas-S'ui'h, «« are glad lo siv^ ts not home. for his K«alth a.s the piiuter had it kst week, Ittfi is halt and hearty. He is home to help hi.s father, whrse health is pour. Miss May Csrvuthers visited the pMt w«ek with Mrs.Blackbum of Uock Mills. Mr. .). Jarreson's residence, I»tcly vacated by Dftvid Genoe on thu 8th line wa.s burued'io the ground on Wedttesday of laa* sreek, Pte». Park, Armstrong and Tn4or and LanceC.Kip. Morgan cf U.S., spent the week oimI »Trth u.s. Mr. .Arthur Williams of the Advance â- tatf, «;>snt/ the week end withhi.s auur, Mrs. R. Campbell. !5t:inley Campbell vi.-'ited friends at Portlaw. Tho«. TudLPr has gone to ih« <.,>ueen city'for the suniiner. â-  Mrs. Elwood Partrid){tt of Kuck Mills,' spent a few days with her mother here- Mrs. Williams had both her haiid.s st-aW- *<l"with boding SHp. Miss .\llie Williams is'In Toronto ^t â- uillinery. Mrs. Thos. Bradbuiy, Thornbwry visited with friends iu the Valley. Ceylon Chat Messrs Notrnm iJcLeod and Joo Suell left last week for Toronto. Mr. Giittiti spent Siturdiiy with Mark- dale friends. Miss Ella Wliiltaker is visitiug Toroii- tu friendti. Mis.H Bleie Wrijtht of Osprey spent week end with Miss Muriel Legate. Mr«. Sah. Pattison and Miss McLean' spent over Sunday with thu foriuar's son it Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs, .John Irwin left Muiiday fur the West to spend the suumier there. Ptc. C!n8. Adams and Pee. Meads of C>. S. , spent the week eod w<t:i their parents here. (>ur new pistor, Rev. Mr. McDonald, w.ll start the Bible .study tins week, rha drst to be held at the huwHi of Mr. S. Hemijfcill. Mrs. Uuihman of AVIistoii, who has tpeiH the winter with her brother Mr. K. Cairns, returned fcoine Tuesd.iy. Miss Myr^ltf Kidtey. who has been in 0«'en Sound foe « couple of weeks, hn.s returned home. \y«lkerton Proton Station Sure DOW an' ain't rhey havin' S:»ring M Proton. Not only birds are out down liiere, bu: automobiles also. Mrs. vi'i'cd one day lai>i week â- Â«, ilh frisnds in Fiethei'toi]. Miss MildreJ Lyons spent Sunday at Mr. Will. BUckbui'n's,'H6»ugeeii-*io'. Mrs. U)bt. .\cheKOA t isited U^t we^-k with Mis. Wni Talbot of ihoGi.ivel .Koad. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Loiisw:!;' visited «C Mr. Wyville's, one d«y lutweek. Tile hily ev.uiiielists. M'isses- ('b;ii.,i]iui jknd Mailiewsoii, who ire ii.jlding uie-ff- ill Gom's Uall, s^ient tfee-oud at Mr. Uutherfurds. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H<«J;;iiis and {»inily of Dundalk visited un Sunday at Mr. .). Hud^iui:'. .Mr. Harry Piper uf 0«)'4<!D, who h id hk' rii^lu and l> ft thouldtr dislocated in ntunaway accident i couple uf weeks ago, caHed on Mr. Robert .^cbesuo on Tucs- da} of last week. We are pleased lo see tfc«t Geoii-e Duscin is able lo be in town after his attack of pneumonia followed lly one of measles. Mrs. Wm Bl;»ckliurn of S^wyjecn Jet. hud ti>L- misfortune tu break her wrist a a coucle of weeks ago, but we ,K'e i(lad t. know she is impro\iiig. Mrs. Rubt. Neilson baa ari'i«4.-J (roai the city to spend the summer witli hjt &on on thei farm. The Wonien'.s Institute will Meet cb Thursday' aiternouii at the homo ai'ttLn, P. Consley. Child's Body In Attic < )weu Souud, Apiil 0.--A very gru*- some ttud wa.i luude last riijht by Mr. A. S.'oane, of Thind ave. ,when he went into his attic and discovered the skeleton of a child on the Hooa-. The house, which in asniall two-sloieiy one with a very small attic, had not been .in for some tioie luntil Mr. Sloane took the house so^ne iiuunths .iai>. Thirtugh curiosity more than anything else iiedecids;! to look iii- â- tu the attic, and tlier;^ found the recnains 4»f 'the child. Tho bjdy was that of an iiitant ased possibly a year or two, and was wrapped in black <lIoth. and very badly' decoinpo.sed. Tbiei^olice were not- iJiihI, and on invesliaaitiiL; called the Coroii«r, Or. W.G. Oow, who took tho ittmaiite in chaiL^'c. Whil« there will likely be an investiaatiou it i« not prob- able that aii rmitiost will be held. Dundalk .\ Carrick twiner near Otter Creek whn roughly handled' last week by a couple of soldiers who resented some remarks he made in regard to recruiiin;. The face of the agriculturalist wa.s sbghtly dam- aged ill the iwtlrc, although he otherwise came throii;;h the ordeal with a whole skin. Anthoii}^ Hihn. a Culross farmer, was anested i»y' Chief Ferguson ou Wedues- day aftertiooii on i charge of iD«aniry. i He w;i8 bi'MUijht Co Walkerton and exaiiy- iued by t-..o doctors before Magi8tra.« Tolton ant^ remanded to jiil for a still further medical cxamina tion. The i»iis- oner was committed to the a.iyluui last July and after a few month's coiitinentent was dMcnissedas cured. Ua is stotell ito have bex-'ome badly deranged again, >mh! the pr<»bibility is tiiat he will again ba given a tern, in the institution. Sei^t. F. C. .laiues, an expert archi- fec, and who with his son, Corp. Trievm James, has enlixted with the l«flh Bruce Uattalioii, received «.i otler this iveek of Sl.'iO 1 month to leturn to His old, job Willi aliree architecturol firm in Winoiiie;.'. Sergt. James declined Iho tempting olVr, but stated that if the were still open after the war was over. an-1 l»e Wits s'i;l ;>ii top of the sod, ttint he Wiiuld then consider the offrfr. hi- stead of trying to gold-line his trti-iser poukets, the Sergeant ij out doinz his bit for the H^g, which is ihe direct atiti- tl)esi»4if that Canick farmer who besides keeping certain of his sons at home ty. work the farm, bus hired oth^lâ- i^ of them out tu the reighboring planters, thun tiuiut' advantage of t-ith the labor mark- et and the high i:>L<l r.ates to bulk up his bank account, while others go forward to keep tl*c. eniMiiy from devastating his lield.s, .ravaging his h >me aud raiding his gold deposits. Verily if there is anything in tl)« sin of ingratitude somo folks f. r the wayCiiey have acted in this war, are destined for the warine-.t cerner in that place nlkare a snow-ball I lie size of Walkerton wouldn't last two seconds bv tb« natch.- 'Herald lud Times. Kimberley Budget Mr. Joseph McCoonell of Sturgeon Fhlla is vu-iting at present with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. .Kins- ley McConnell of the suburbs. Joseph is an old Kimberley boy and is prospering. George Proctor took the topic in the Epworth League on Sundny evening last. His address was listened to with interest by ihe large congregation. We would like to know if Hon. Adam Beck is a man of his word. Last summer he promised us a survey through the Bearer Valley. That's as far is it ever got. It looks as if the hydro radial is as far od" as ever. Geo. Acheaon of Dwndalk visited re- call tly with his sister, Mrs G. Hutchinson. Miss Rjtchael HQtcliins-JU, who was very low with measles, we aie pleased to report <m the mend. Pta. Albert Hutchiu8i;ii of Wodehouse visiteilthe past weekat Jas M. Fawcett's -Vr. Ja!t[M:r Stuart our energetic batcher umd drover i« starling a grocery in connec«ion with his butcher shop, ill the near future. W'm. Fawcett of Fairin<iunt was a Ciller in our burg on Monday last. Allien Smith of Flcsherton vixiied in war burg one day week. 'We are pleased r.i) report .\udrew FawjT-'tt oil the mend. Miss Pollard of Thorbury is visiting «t present at Wm Sloan's. Katie Walters returned after an ci- K'lided vi.sit with friends in Thornbury. Dr. .Miler of Rocklyn made a business trip I., our burg on Moiutay. He is Medical Health Officer fjr Kuphrasia Fevers ham Items The weather is rather backward with frost and occasional Hurricb of soow leads cue to believe ihat old winter dies liard. Diu<l -On Wednesday April 5th, of heart failure, at the home of Jlr. K. J. C.dijuelte Fevershain, Mis.s Mary Clark formerly of Barrie, aged 26 yeaia, Miss Alda Batesoii spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Spottord. .Miss Mae Colijueite spent Sunday with Mrs. Dr. Ro.szell, M.ixwell. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Long spent Sunday with the former's sister Mrs, Thof. Bealcy on theHih line. Miss K Cassty of Shelburne attended the funeral of Miss Clark on Friday last. Beautiful ciived Miss e tee n tiiat for her. Miss Beitlia Clark of Toroiiti , who was suyplying in cur echool wliil* her sis'er Maiy wi»i sick, has returned to the ci'y. We have am ther teacher hired and our scinjol will open again in a few dtys. Were ihd (lowers which Clar's casket, showing the tho e who knew her had SHORT-SAVERS Toronto Line North Ei|;htk Line, Artemesia Mr. (l)l4i.vor Tanuer met with * heavy i >s» on Wednesday lust, when the brick house on the farm which he had recently puichaaed wus burned to the ground. The Sre originated thr:uigh a defective chimney. Mr. Turner , cousiderable of his furntiuro moved in, but ii was saved. Mrs. E<lgar Belts visited the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mirs. Thioiip- 8ou near Flesliertoii. Mr. and Mrs.Gariiet Magee's lit tie son, Clinton, h.iK baeii very sick the past week Imt i.s improving a little now. Mr. and Mis. Thos. Beits visited with iheir sau, Fidgar, on Friday. Pte. Will. Davis of O.S., visital urnr Sunday with parents here. Pt«. R. Lever also spent the week end with km cousin, Mr. H. Lever, aud his mother <m the Back Line. Mrs. \. Wickens gave a .(uiltiag on Tuesday afternoon of week, ta the ladies of this vicinity. We are sorry to report Mrs. J. Lever oii the sick list. A iiuiuber from here attended T. Nes bitt's sale near Markdale on Friday last .Mr. Fred Brown has imrchueJa tine new ga.soline engine. The friends and neighbors of this line assembleu at Ihe home of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Wickeii.'^, ^who aru leaving the iijigli- borhood soon) on Thursd.iy evening of last week and presented them with a beautiful mantle clock. Mr. G. Davie reii; the address while Mr. F. Hroan made the presentation. A very enjoyable evening was spent in music, games, etc. Lunch wa4 serveJ after which the j"Uy crowd left for thei'. homes. Mrs. W. J Lever of the Eist Ba,.k Line received word from her son Fied who ba.s bteii al the front since the Can adiaiis went over. The letter was writ- ten ill .M.irch at the front, and he .said he was O. K. We all hope to see Fred ce' urn again and wi»h him the same 4;iiiid luck as he has been having. The boys art> getting scarce, that we see as nui.y as three gitls with the same fellow, bin when their soldier boys return the other boys ste;.! backwards. (♦n Wednesday eveniiig,Ai»ril ."i.a very pretty wedding took place at the lioinc .1 the bride's parents. -Mi. and Mrs. Frank Sayers, Fairview Farm. Osprey, when their I hit d daughter, Ella lleia. wis united in marri.age lo Sir. Franklin H. S4iort nf the I-_'th line, 0»prey. The bride.who wa.- given away by her father, took her place beside the gio>'ni under an arch of evei greens while Ihe wedding 'iiHlch was beini; played by the bride's lister, Mrs. Win. Mc.\rthur,of Ravenna. The bride was Ijeauiifully dressed in a gi.wu of silk embroidered net over Jap «ilK, tiimmed witli«hadow lace and .seed pearls. Miss Rola Genoa of Fugenia, iieice of the bride, made a pretty little Itower girl, dressed in y gown of pink silk, and carried tt iMtdtet of orange lilos- •onis. The ceremony was performed liy Rev. Mr. Tiller of Ma.\»ell, afttr which about 41) giiestt sat do4rn to a b >unriful weilding breakfast. .A coincidence of the evening was the christunuig of the brides little oeicc. Mis.- Dorothy Elsie McArlliur. The liride received nnny beautiful pres- ents am iiig which Was an organ given hy ihe gloom's grandmother, Mis. i.Iargiirel Long 1 f Mesfond. .\lter a brief hon-y- moon the couple will reside â- â€¢ii Iheir farm on ihe 10th liue.(->8piey. Tlie best wishes I.Jlow thu young coiiijle through life. Another ev-Dondalk landsman to en- ,/ list for overjea»» is Ivan Itowlcr, hoti of .JosepliBowlor >( the (!ravel road. Ivau who boon in the for some ' yimo, enlisted at Midlcino Hat, Alia, proton township Counc'l met in the town hall, DniKhilk, on Siturdiy to coii- i-idi r tcndo .s f t llie erection of bridgex, NEWS I FLESHERTON D'lu't fail lore.a^l, \ m 'ill know thai P. Sloii.harl Imys u'' a lililo of every- ihiiig and pays top price tor everything. I'leaso to rill,' iiji Sieinliart. .Miikdale, 87, for pouliry alive 11) to 13c per pouuil, liiJos skins, wool, horsehair liOc, rubbers tic, rigs 'ic, aiiJ u,>, co-jper, bias-, 12^, i Kiuc 10 c, inn and losd 1 to Ti of all sorts "V^'"''' Droo a card if you wish me to ei!I. W'UtOll li, v. Portlaw TiMe sdcial held at Mr.s. Taylor's home uuder tl.H auspices of the Bed Cross Society proved a successful and enjoyable ad'»ir. lu i^pite of bad ro.ids there a good attendance and a nice sum was reil- i.ii^d to be used for the purchase of mater- ial by the S<»fiety. Word was received by his brother here that Mr D. J. Jamieson of Toronto, has been iu a criticd tsta'c with blood poi.son- CUrk The peiipic 0* t'eversham and vicinity were gr aly shockeil and sadJeiiei liy the sudden and entirely uiiiuokuil I >i death of Miss Alary CUrk of T.iront. , formerly of Barrie, <n\ Weduesilay lU'irii- iug l;t,st at tile ii'mio of .\lr.R J . Col'pie • Fevershaui, where she had boiiided since ciiiuiiig heie. Miss Clirk had ben. principal of Feveisham coiitinU'itioo school .since la«t September. -Vl'out ibrte weeks ago Miss Clark was stricken down with pneumonia but under t!ie care of Dr. Hosjscll of Maswell. had made a rapid and ai piuently complete n«;overy, and on TuOidiiy last nf^er a careful aud tlioiuugh enauiinatiou by her phy«;ciati was allowed lo sit up for a short lime which Miss Clark claimed did uot lire her in the leiial ami .vaiiled to sit up longer but was persuaded to lie down again. On Wednesday iiioiniiig about 11 o'clock while thjse who were caring for her were assisting her lo ii«e, she took a weak S(iell aud a though ever; - thing loving hands could do and th'iugh her physician was called by [ihoiie and was at her In-dside in » very short time, life hid tld. Ml^K Clark was only L'li jears old and was dearly loved by her pujiils and 111 fact by '.ll who had iiiitde her aci|uaiiiiance, being one of those who endear iheinsjlve to -I'l those they come in c 'n'acl wiih. The le'iiains «cro laken to B.iirie on Friday l«.st ,ind interred iheio. Befoie leaving Mi. Colipielt's home on Friday moriimi; her pastor, Rev. Mr. Siohie, Pri sliycrian Minister of Fevorshani congreg.iiiMn.lield a shm t ser>ice, paying a great trilmto co Miss Ciark .a< an exemplary chiislinn lady. The symj'alhy of tile Feveiihain people nro extendtd lo Mis; Clark's fani- e we!ry A Splendid Stockf from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. spci.ii.t in difcsj.-. oi ih. W. A. Armstrong Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OFFICK-l:5n 10lhst,West,Owcn Sound [ At the Rovere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from S lo a 12a m FLESHERTON DuiidHlk,ls Wednesday of each month . Jeweler ONT I Good Seed Marked t m m m m m m m ^iL w In Plain Figures Tiiiiotliy $.).*_'«> to St).;,") per Imsht'l Alsike$t."> per lui^hel Re«KMovei' $IH..">0 to $l>>..*0 per bu.-li. Alfalfa $m.:)(Uo$H pti'bush. These aro all No. 1 (loveriinioiu .Standaixl e.K<;L'pr <iiie Hue of TiiuotliN. Buy early while you haveaijood choice from â- 71? m m W. B U S K I N I â- vi^ '4? § FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WEAR BOOTS Wt' have them ill .Men .-^ i\vs Calt. Kid ami l''UeHt.-. AI.-JO :fiilll(> LTiioiI lilli'- in I'inu^'ll I>;H)t>:. LADIES' WEAR \Vc liiive them in HiUfoii with (..'loUi and Leatiier Tiip.^. Parent V.uiip.s. Lijjjht ami heavy lioys aini i;irl.'^. .â- ^uilalile for the .-•ea.-^t)!). Trunks, Telescopes, Suitcases. Agent for the Dominion Express Co money orders. Thos. Clayton's I FLESHERTON ing. Although his life was despaired of we are glad to bear that ho is somewhat ' ''V '" ">.>;'•' «''*'*' sorrow and bereave improved. ( no i>vi'r the S'Ugecn in ;>r Kiviuion 'â- i,,,,., n,;.f.i|, 1-a.k, the other on the lO'.h cnccssi,.,. I ^" » «"'''"^ ^'^ The contracts for both blitl^^'ts were p ^TElNrlART let to Coutts Bros , of Conn. â-  • ••â-  , â€" • Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Taylor have re- turned from thfir houeyuioon trip and will take up their reMdence on the old hdinostead. We extend congramlatioiia lo the popular young c-iupio .and extend a hoirty wuliwme t > ilio esteemed young luide. Mr. T. Hi'Mlhiiii of Floshoitou, coii- dui'ti'd service in .Mount Z .>n ciiure'i i>ii Sunday, very iccepta' ly in the abseiloe of Rev, Mr. .Midden ihroti^jh illness. .Mr. .John iVIcLennan it homo after .•-ponding the winter at Newmarket. Mo^»r'i Liwioiiv'c rayons and IXivid Jiimiesou left la>t week for Cabri, iSisk., whefe ihey expeoi to sjieud tho summer. i nient. Hut they sorrow not a.s oiUMviih- out hope for we know that Mi.^s CUrk i' was ready to nieet her Creator aii'l i< now Willi ihnf imiineiiihle company thit John saw, who hnd washed Ihi-ir robes and , mad.' them wlii'e in the BIoikI of ihe I Liiub. Flesherton Furniture Ware rooms Durham I Mr. Wr,i. .McGowaii, son of Mr. .lohn j MotJoivMii, ifft Tuesdiy t 'r I'mtage La i Prairie, mIivic ho will spend the summer. j His younger bio h»ir, ilohu, is i|uito ill ' ol piHUiii nil, hi ilia under tho dott.a's care I'm the pi<l cmipleif weoli-t. i Thu Hydro current WIS luri.e.i on in I lloUtein on Mm iiiy, nu I uiacio (•â-  nneo- lio 1 all righf. The juiee i.s supplied tiom our sub-st iiiuti, - Du> hum Chronicle. MAKE HOME .\TTB.\CT1VK with I'm^uitine selected frcui, our 5tccli. Eveiy day we are ac'diMi: now dcsigus in FURNITURE lliat iuo ma'vtls of bcaBty, ot sticnglli and of skill With spot oasli we made good terms with the niaiiiifaetmcr. Keeu buyers will itolicc tlic ditVorciicc in our price» when tliey ."ci; our magnificent ar iny of buigaiiis. Tins week \m>. aie sbowiug j Many liaiKisoinc designs in our uo'.v SPRING SI OCK that ate pleasiug^ ; to iLe pOcki t ,is well us llio oyi, ! rNI)Fin\\KIN(^--\Ve carry a complete line of caskets and nihos. 'Ail work ^uarantee<I. Phor.c t7-.Kr John Chapman Successor to W. H, Bunt •v:3«:.

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