/leslj^rtxrti ^hmnu. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. vol 3.") No. 48 Flesherton, Ont., Tliursday, APriL <i IQIG â- T.' :: W. fl. TflDRSTON '"°'â„¢" and PKO Kimberley Budget Mak'nt; lU.i^jle syrup is the oixler o{ the day. Tliere was a grtst run of tHp ihe last few day.s. Our soldier boyt, S. :»rtd A. Walters* H. Proctor, L, Lawiv-im-j iind l.Carruth- ers were each (irfsciited with a wrist watch by the young ladies of our buvg in the Methodi»t churrh mi Monday evening last. Short addresses were delivered by G. UtttchidBOD, H HiirJand .J.R.Fawc- ett. R. Varrutbers Has chairman and luncheen was provideil by thc'tadios. Mhsi •rHmiesou of Euitenia, visited last Wfei ;it Mrs G. Liwjenoe's. 1%. McMulien nf Eugen4t>, was also it cwller ill uur burg last wcxk. We See by Thu Advence that V . Ford xmeof our soldier.s belongs to Arteiiiesia. '7his ia not go as he ia from Euphrasia. The elderly people of the village' were treated to an oysiM'supper atS.Burritt's OQ Friday. W. .S. Bishop insrstaited bis sawnili, on IfuaUay withti full gang of men, Jas. Lawrence being %cad sawyer. Uarold Ellis «f Rocklyu, made a bu«^ iness trip to our village last week .vcconqj- anied l)y Mr. t'ook. *juile a nu<ftber attended a meeting if the Beaver Villey Municipal TeleplK^s C). in ileadicute on Monday la-st. 'Walkerton The foll^wing happened in a WiRker- ton sti'ce (ant week. Cu«ton»«c â€" ''A package of OM (ihum, phase." â- Soldier '•tandiug by "Don't nAl it to bira, lie'o coi eighteen." Cuit<Muer â€" ''Yes I asn." Soldier â€" "W?ll. why don't |«ir<cnlint, than?' Mr. S^tFedy, merchant of Wldinay, and .Mc #.. Beruienitn, grocer of-Chesloy appeared before Maijistrales Jan. Tol'nn and U«(lt. Hichardmin in WalkertDii on 'rhur!«dlajrii;fternot;u to answer to s oliargo of .sellincxidultenited maple s^gtr.', pre- ferred tjaloHi them by Doiiiiniu:i F'uid InspecUK^H. J. Duirer of Toivnio, who '" viaited (ftK-ir places of business Mtd pur- chased UHtuaniiiy cf the susiar. Theso â- Htniple* were then sent to Ottawa where they w«tc luialyzetl .tnJ fou«t> to be liii;hly ad<!rerated. While the >^.uri<<us article «•â- > not greatly injurious tu health yet the s^ing nf it as maple tua^r was a dec'vpliun t.i the public for which k heiivj tine is |.rovidt>l. The uierchwiit.s, in buying (.h^s H;iit), were buiio»«c iiiln thinking ilt whh the retl thing, and it was nc>t until ii';e analysis from •W.iaw.i Hhowed it kc be a grossly a(l«Jit«ratcd brand, that tliRy recogni/.ed how sadly tboy had let:i stung. As there *m. no- thini' to dii but admit the aalo, they pleaded guil*;-- to the charge and were lined {20 asd costs or a total aas««iiiMunt of 84!>..5<) each for the oilonceâ€" ttiuco H >rakl and liimes. Eugenia Paragraphs Making maple sugai' is the order of the day. Mrs. McDonald of Mai kdale is vibit- ing her son Donald of this place. Mr. Ch .8. Smith is home fiouiihe city until his health is improved. Mr. CliKS. and WIU Williams have g >ne to the city for the summer. Mr. Duncan Willtams spent the ifeek end with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Joseph Fenwick has rcturueU li')nie to Torouto. Mrs. Garnet Mageehas returned home after visiting his sisters in Berlin and Cr.iytocK The W. 1. have sent anoiliei- box of iliirta ard sox to the soldiers of ttte I'Jth Battalion in France. Itis. Hillock of warehaiu ii the guest •f Mrs. Fred Jainieaon. Mrs. Smith of Rome i» visiting her â- daughter, Mrs. Wallace Qra*:am. Mr, Luther Duckitt has purcharod a '^•ne automobile. Se« the girls smile now •Lntliei , Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Wallace • irahani, on March 2a, a'tlaugbler. Mr. Fred Jameson had' the lu'siurtuiie to lose ;i sheep and asit'her .sick. .Mr. Francis Ueiioe â- !» improving since his severe illness. Miss Mabel Feowick of Flesherton, visiied her aun'., Mr« John K. Williams recently. Mr. Nil CasweH of FleshertJn called on friends her o4i Sunday. We are pleas- ed to see Nat out 4igain sinci hia recent sickoesD. Mr. Frank '.'airiia of Ceylnn and hia sister Mrs. ttuthren, of iillistoii visited then brother H«my recently. Miss Eva JaweiMu in visitinti MIns KIW Lawrence of iLinberley. Mr. and Hjm, i&avid l}Mk>e are moving to Markdale, Ciireside on Mr. Douglas, farm. PARTItUttiE-WILLIAMS Taytfor- Wright The homeoCM). ind Mrs. U. Wri^iu ot Waiehaiu, wuis the scone of a \el^yl happy event on Vi'ud. March 'J9th, wh««ii (heir only dauuhtev. Lillian, became th«l liride of Mr. Fi'ot Taylor, eldest son of 'â- Mr. and Mis. Thouias Taylor, Port Liw. hi o.SO p. in. tl>e bridil couple took th4U' places in the paskr, the l>rideontei* in<{ on the iinii ot her father to llio strains of "Lohengri«ij»" bridal chorus, play.«i.l by Miss Li!* Hargrave. The cereMiony wat peiforuMdby Rev. Tiller Maxw«ll, in the prpsciiea .ttf about 2o in- vited quests. The Iwiide, who was un«i(i«t'nded, was attired in cream brocide<S silk, with shalow l«ce and gold braid ^aiinimingf'', and carrie«i a V)0')({uet of bridsl i-ost s and maiden hair fern. After the cecemony diid congrutuWtions, the guests sAt.dowii to a sumptuoHS lea in the diniog raom, at which the tfubles were isstefnllyde- eoratad with iSuti'odils. Toasts weiie pio|io«cd t:> the bride and i{i'ooin,and th« oompwiy Npenl a ,v^~y enjoyable eveniog in gsiiMM and music. The bride was th« reripieot of many b^jftiiiiful and useful proaeoti. The bappy.y<wng couple left Thuraday luorniug for a short honeymoon (<) Toronto itnd MarktiMn||.tho bride 'ravelled in a a iit^MU|||j|lw£ serge and hat to match. O^HHRurv (hey will tako up their reaioancc on th« groom's /sriii at Pol I Law. Th« ^oun|; couple are both very ]>opul«r in tbi* community. Mid t»i»ir nijny friends join in wisliiPB ^b^ 8 Juppy life voyage, A very pieManl event transpired art the homo of Mcand Mrs. Joseph Wil- liams, Euge«ia, on Wednesday evuiiisg last, March 2», when their daughter, Elizabeth, wae.united in iimrriaijo to M*: Elwood Partridge, eldest son of Mr. aiid Mrs. Alfred Piutiidge, of Rock MilJ.s.. The bride eittercd the drawi.-.g room leaning on tb«- uiiii of hev father, wlio gave her away, and cariying a bo,|Uet of white and pi«k canrations. The bride looked very beouining in a gown of white embroidered silk.r.iull, trimmed with in- sersion and laee. During the cereinony the bride and j .ojiii stood under an arch beautifully deewiiled for the cccasiou The wedding laaiuh was played by Mrs. Jako Williams. Hev. Mr. Madden jior- formed the ceremwiy, and they were at- tended by IMisn Aloda Partridge, sititer jf the groom, and .Mr.V.'ill Williams, broth- er of the biide. Attor the ceremony and numerous congratail*; ions they all rc- paind to the dinning room, which was t)e»utifully dec»n»tcil and tables well tilled. .Vbout 70 quests partook of the wedding breakfast. *\hi!e tin; rogi.ster was beinsj signed, Mtaa Allie Williams sanga .sol., entitled "la.tlie time of RoseV and Messia Partridge *nd T. Fenwick m\ho sang sulos. tiii-ests from a â- d.'stance were ; .Mrs. .Joseph fen- wick, Mrs. Wm. Brown and Mr.s. E. Fisliei- and smi, .ill .if U'uroiito ; Mrs. Wallace of Chesljy, Ml-. WacNally and children of Portlaw, Miss Maria Cioey of Cejlloii .ind Mr. Arthur ^ViHi'ims, of Fle»lke«lon. The bride reoeifc.l iiu.ner- ou-i cuBt^y and useful pre.seiiia. The ev- ening was spout ill music aii4l dancing the light fantastic till the early hour of U o'clock a. ni , when all diH|ML(.sod to their vavioiM homes, after h.iving^ent a most enjoyable evening. Fever sham Items The idow lias alitiosl all disappeared and a number of fanners al'o making maple syrup, and some record runs of sap is being spoken of. Mr. Geo. Shn-tt of Lady Bank is again at wholesale sugar making, having about loOO trees tapped. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Melen and little daughter, Marjory, have gone to .Areola, Sask., where Mr. Meleu has securer a position fur the summer ; alco Bert ()s> boi'ue,"Will Perigoe and Fred Barber started West last Monday. Mr. Sam Murphy has movvd out of town. It is back to the farm for Sam, He has i'one to Mr. .John Benson's farm near Eugenia. Miss Clark is slowly Kcovaring from a bad attack of pneuiiiuiiU Her sister from Toronto came la«t -Saturday to lake her place as t supply And our Continua- tion school IS open again. Mr. Freeman <rfâ€" ,.Sask., who ha.s been vi8itiHg«c Mr. J.A.Keruahan's returned hoiue en Monday last. The birds are with us once iiioru and the merry niAr'^ ufrubiu, blackbiid, song sparrow, etc., can be heard on «veiy side. Pirifton Station Ceylon Chat Ml'. Ciiiupbell, who has for the past two months been visiting friends here, returned to his homo in Caiedon . n Wednescliiy. iilr. J Gibton accompai.- ied him lor a few days' visit, returning to Ceylon Friday. Pio. Dobie nf Toronto was a guesl of bis friend, Mr. H. Grittin,, for a few days last week. Master Lloyd Bauds entertained the school children and a number of fiieiids on W-edni'sday evening last from 7 to it o'clock tu a picture show, it being his birthday. A very enjoyable evening wks spent. Mr. Frank Collinson sjient the week end with Owen Sound friends. Mr. and Mrs, Luke Bowes, who Imve been visiting the lattur's sister. Mis. Corrigiui, leave this week for Mr. Seul- ey'afarm in Gleiieltt. Mrs. A Slierson of Proton Station was a guest nf Mrs. S. Raiul over the week end. and fav.tred thii aervicu here on Sabbath afternoon with a solo. Mr. Armstrong of Owen Sound «pi«t tlio first .)f the week at J. Radleys. Mi.s. Wilouck .spent » few days of the past week with her daughter in Mark- dale. Mr. James Sarijci,t, wli.i ha^ been loading logs at Rookfoid, has returned ho .lie. Mrs. Hu|{h H«»nmoiid and Mi.ss Annie Uam>w, Stone's Line, spent a fewd.-ijs of lUe Daat week III ToroiKo, reluiniiig hoHM .\touday.. Miss Coney attuiided the iimrriage ..t Misx Williimis ai £tu>ema hint wuek. J. Irwin and t-lolUwin McMulleii, wlui havo been working in Parry Sound (he {vast niontih, I'elunied Iiuino Saturday. Wo »re sorry to re^Mirt Mrs. .1. Molia laid up with giippe. Mr. U. Juyues. who has been visiting hero for tliB |)v.t throe iiionth.s. left the past week for hubonieat l.ethbridge. M'iftsua Edna McLeod and Mary Me S. McLern is viailing his hratlivr Mullen visited (irieiids in Owen Souml. M.r.. U. Filler was iii.Duud«lk Tuos<liiy. lieathcote TWe T'atiiotic concert whic^; was an- nuiKtoed'in uur laat week's orrespnnd- eucu has bean postponed for an indefin- ite Iei4;th uf time on account of the cun- ditimof tlie roads. Married -.At Owo;i S.iund .m Wednes- day, 41 arch 'J9, Misi Maifgie White of •SMigeen Junction, to Pie. 1. B. White of f(Mven Sound, formerly of Priceville. Vlr. Samuel Coruuit and Miss Peari MeConnell viaited on Sunday at Mr. Jae. <;«rbeti'8. Mrs. Geo. McLean of Flint, Miciiigau, .is- visiting at Mr. D. McLean'.s. Mrs. Abe Shurson visited over .Sua Jay with Mrs. Hands >>l Ceyhm. Mr. John Neilsoii spent the w««lc end with friends in Flosherton. Mr iliora, •Sabbath school will be ojMiiod in Trinity church next Sunday, A^Mtl 9, .-Miiperintonded by Mr. T. Lyons. Durham Mr. W. A. Campbell of <Juec«'* I'ui- v-ji'sity, sou of Inspector CainplMill, has enlisted with the Third UivisioniU Cychs Corps, and is now training for seivioe in Kingston In the course uf a few weekn ithi; corps expects to go to Nii«{aia for six weeks, before going ovei-seas. .Mr, Robert Baker, to whom we recent' ly referred as ill and in destitute eircuui- Htances, moved from town last woek and died I few days aftei wards. He leaves a wiidow and two or three children to ho oajcd for at the public expense. We 'Uuilursland the children are to lie Liken to the Shelter in Owen Sound. Mri.. BaJiur is not very atrong, having recently undergone a critical operation in the lioa)):ial at iitolal co.st of nearly 92011 I o tile town of Durham. TJ;» ne.vhigh school i» ready for occu- [Hiii<^', but the grounds are not in good slia^o and there are no sidewalks. Tlieie is »i:>u!e talk of the teachers .ind studeuis ni.iving in, in the cimrse of ^ week .*r two, but thero is yet nothing def- iiiitelv decided. Mr. li. A Wal.son who letl here last fall to attend Toronto rniversily, bus given U(i faiu work there to nccept a lucra- tive position as chief accjuiitaiit, (.f The l''rce Piess.Utlawu. We wish him success in his new position. - Chronicle. iihiiiesk lri|( The citizenB uf Thorubury bauiju^ted Colonel Edward liorke, who is retirMjg f.om the clerkship of that town after f.jrty years servic« iu that capacity. I NEWS I FLESHERTON Dun't fail to read. Y..U all know that P. S(«ir.harl buya ii|.i iv l.ulo of every- thing and pays ii>p piioe lor everything. Please to ring up Sieiuhart, Markdale, 87, for poultry alive 12 to I3c per pound, hidei, skins, wool, horsehair 30c, rubbers 5c, rags 1 to 2-'. copper, brass. 10 to 12c, 7.inc, iron and lead of all sorts Drop « a card if you wish ine to csU. Dun't mistake name - P. STEINHART Victoria Corners Prof. Lane of Tiatori'i College preach- ed ac [nistiogo on tihe subject of Educa- tion jn Sunday last. Mr.s W. Gallagh«cis ill with append! cilis. Mr. Wm. Patton ha^ so'd his house and lot U) Mr, Tlui Davetill ol Dream- land. Mt. and Misi. .faniiHi Gaidiier .indfaiii- â- ily i«m'fd to their uuw huine nearThori,- 'bury hint «(iuk. Wo are sorny to pnit •fit* o»»r g.iod noi,^hboi's hill whiit'i.i our luse 16 otlieis' i;'.iti. Tlio Healhu.ilo W.i. held their iii.Mith Ifi mootinitat (Jte lioiue of Mrs. Waller Ritchie on Wednesdity ifternooii last. iiav. Mr. liMllaw took a bi 'Ut Toronto lust week. Ijorii-At HoHthcoto im Saturdsy, MaiÂ¥;h 2ii, m*i, t.. Mr. mid Mr^. l,.,|,"y (iew.soii, a .son. Mrs. Ume Ma.vwell and daualiter, V«.la, left for Kincade, Saskalchewmi, last week wh.S'e they will spoml I lie K'.iuiHier. Mrs. (Dr.) McBi'icle of .St. CalhH«<«»cs. is visituu with ker sister, .Mrs. .1 . L White. We wolcoiiiu Mr. Willi.iin Daviil.s,>ii U, .lur vilUge .IS iie ha«4»urcli«,sed Mr.Jaiuiw (â- aidiHit-'s farm. .Vlr. Krnett Beer ia «ng.iiied with Mr. JoH'ph Conn for the smunuM. We are pluaseJ i.. hear that Miss Elsie Gardner is iuiiiroviug :Uter being ill with the uieast'ls. Miss Mahlo B..yd of Kppiiig. ib visiting with her sister, Mrs. 1' iegelien. Wo are pleaseu to hear that Mr. .1. L. White i^ improving. A very iilodsnnt tinio wa-<»p'iii i' the homo of Ml. nnil Mrs. .Tames (jardiior mi Thursday of last, week, whoii a number of yoiiiiu peojila from Dunoaii, Redwing and Hcatlicnto driive ovor to spend the even- ing before their departUi'O to their new homo ncir Thurnbur Eighth Line» Artemesia DR. BURT 5pclallst In dlitaius ol the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OFFICE -l:iO 10th st, Wcst.Owen Sound At the Rovure house, Markdale, 2nd i Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. m . FLESHERTON, Dundalk,ls Wednesday of each month.. | A Splendid Stockf from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se» lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong', Jeweler - ONT ju, ;^!fe^!4 feV*" ;iife •»% â- *"- •>>/' -i"- -s'fe -V'-" â- iV^ iV.. â- i'lt. â- i.it' ..»'«. vM*. j.'«. M^ M -»'«. -M- :?'«: :J'<ijW<t^!'?t. # Good Seed Marked in Plain Figure. Tiniolhy $.).'J0 to -ti).?.') per bushel Al.sikc $1.") |)L'r Ixishel Retl Clover $l»)..')0 to $l>i.aO' per butfli. AHUltii $H)..')0 to $-U perbuslL. Tiieseareall No. I Government Stamhirtl except one line ofTiinotliy. Buy early wliile yoii. have a good t^hoiee from W. B U S K I N i m m DO IT NOW Leave ytjur old iealliei' tops iij ami get new nil)ber bottoms put on. TlH>y are ilie eele- lirated .Maltese Cross liubber, guaranteed lo wear out, -but you have to wear tlieni a long time Also low laced and Iiigli laecd rubbers and light ones to go over your boots at Thos. Clayton's I FLESHERTON 't*. Flesherton Furniture Wareroom^ ATTR.\CTIVE tlrcicd ficm ouf bddirg: In Loving Memory 111 loving memory of Jawei Cbard, who departed this life April I, l!>14. Tao years have gone and still we inw him. Never shall his memory fade: L'ving thoughts will always liugtr {'voind the gr.ve whare father's laid, â€" Wifa am) Faoiily. S[)ring ia here, cboer up, olieer up. Corp. .JoeLeOard, 147ih Bait., visitid with his sister, Mrs. Uoit Mag e, recently. Mrs, Garnolt Mago e has leturncd home after a weeks visilr with her sister, at Hetseii. Mr. Wilson of Hanover was a caller in our vicinity recently. Mr. Dave (iptios and family have moved to Marltrtale where he hn secured a faun, and Mr. Oliver Turner, who has purchased the larm \ acated by Dave, is taking |)os»essii>i). Tapping the maples i* the order of th« di>. MAlvE HOME with iMiriiitiiro stock, livery day we are new designs in FURNITURE lliat aic niarvols of beauty, ot strcu}{th and of skill With fipot casli wc made gootl terms will) the- niantifacttiier, iv'eeii buyers will' notice the diflereiice in our prices wlieii they see our maguifieenl ar rny of bargains. This week wa are showing Many liamlsome olesigiis in our uew SPIUNG STOCK that are pleasiug to the pockwt lis well as the ey* UisDKUTAKlNG- We cany a complete line of ciskets and robes. All work guaranteed. Phone 17-111 John Chapman Successor to W. H. Bunt