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Flesherton Advance, 30 Mar 1916, p. 5

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. i s» 4 **;--> i March HO 1910 THE FLESERTON ADVANCE ESTABLISHED OVER 41 YEARS Present Arms THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS ON 31it JANUARY, 1916, Condeoted from Government Report: Hctounccs I ^Z^J^J:^,-Z^.>T^Lâ- ^:«>?P^^Ss^J<fe^>^^ gw:^.-gfecv^: LIABILITICS Notes in Circulatiou $ 3 271 763 00 Deposit* 4J,aw,05O.77 DuetoBanks 269 MJ 30 IMvidend payable 1st Feb.. 1916 t7.S00.00 Capital Paid up 3,M0,0OO.eO Kescrve Fund aod undivided profiU 4,l61,«4«.m Acceptances under letters of Credit 22,9M.15 $53,822,121.11 Cnshonliand $8,201,431.93 Deposit in Central Gold Re- serves MO.OM.M Due by Biinlcs 4,1* l,715.3« British. Dominion and Pro- vincial Oovernmeat and other debw 3,1«6,429.24 I,oans on call in Canada 2.325,242.74 18,414.814.27 •T,oans and Discounts . 33,942,915.34 Deposit with Government re Circulation Fund IM.OM 00 Bank Premises (Freehold). . . 1,171.268.75 Other Assets 120,519 .60 .Acceptances per ccjnlra 22.598.15 $53.822.121.11 C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave f'leshercon Stalion aa rfollowa : Going Scuth Going North 7.38 a. m. W.m a.m. 4.»7p.ra. 9.18p. DO. The laails are osed at Flesheiton as olluwg : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and ;7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. Far moming train south .mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Robini are w^th ua. Pigs were $10.25 on the market here Tuesday. The Orangemen of Orange Valley held •D "At home" on Friday evening last. Gordon Cutting, a recruit at Shallow Itike, pleidad guilty to burglary and waa let off on suspended sentunce. Mrs. John C. Milne and Miss Daiay Ferguson, of Maiwell, visited with Mi« Hewett, near towc, one day last week. Mr. R. Stuart, of Thornbury, was a pleasant caller on Saturday. Mrs. J»». Stuart, of Kimburley, accompanied him to visit relatives here. The U. and D gills are holding a sale of home made baking this coming Satur- day in their club rooms. Sale commen- ces at 2.30 p m. Oranjevillu'a chief constable shoots all dogs running loose at sight. It is not stated whether he is oracticing for future wutk of a like nature in France. Rev. Mr. Steward of First atreet Methodist church, Owon Sound, preach- od two admirable missionary sermons in the Methodist church here, on Sunday- Corps. Joe LeGard and Toni Chard, of the 147ih Batl., who have been taking a aix weeks' N. C. officers' course m Toronto, spent the week end in town nhilo on their waj to rejoin tlia force at <i)wen Sound. Port La» Red Cross Society will hold a Shingle Social ou Monday evening of Ba:it week, at the home of Mrs. .). Taylor. A committee of young ladies are making preparations to eusuro a {ood time, so come. The Women's Institute will meet in the High School on Wod., .\pril 5. at •J.30. VegfltaWes -by Mrs. Hicklinu. Oishes to Uke the place of meatâ€" by Mrs. W. Mooie. Lunch will be served. â€"Mrs. >V. A. Hawken.Sec.Treas. Geo. Johnstou of the 8th line. Colling- wood, died very suddenly on Thursday last. Ho had taken a lead of chop to Thornbury and was seized with a weak spell. He went to a doctor but was only in the doctor's office a few tuinulos when ke expired. The Owen Sound Advertiser now states that it was Fevcrsham, not Klejhertoii, whieh supplied the text for its reciuitinij homily, referred to in week's Ad- vaiice. As Feversham is eleven miles away »e can breathe easily once more, Owen Sound's bomb thrower having turned its mux^le another way. In the matter of eiilistmeiits for active aorvice, Flosherton's honor roll now num- bers thirty-two, which must be a very Urge percentage of the eliuibles. The late Lieut. .John Field â€" a most etMcient aud popular officer had much to do with the developing of the line military spirit indicated above.â€" Clarksburg Review. About fotty friends and neiahVxirs gathered at the home of Mv. and Mrs. W. Wilcox, West back hue, on Friday evening last and presented Mr. R. Wil- coi with anaddresi", a valuable wrist Witch aud shaving outfit. Uichard has joined the 147th Battalion and will re- fort for duty on Saturday of ihis week. According to Hicks, waiini,'r weather »»y be expt'cleil from \Vedne»d»y, Mar. 27, and continue mild next week with rainfalls Sunday, Monday vnd T'uesday, April 2, 3 and 4, Following these ex- pect snow or sleet. A storm pciiod begins on the tith to continue until the 11th. Watch these things and see if they come out right. On Wed. night of last week there was an interesting hockey match pl.iyod be- tween the High School and Town Udies- Both teams wcio well milched and the score ca'.ne out 2-1 in fuvour of the former. l>uriiig tho i;;imo Mi,t.>« Muriol McTavish who was playing for the town, fell and a skiite cut her face to'ow the right eye, noccisitating a couple of stitch- es to close the wound. Hound [lostâ€" On Saturday, March 25 black and white hound, mostly white, some yellow on head, answers to name Smoke. Communic:ite with T. fisher, Fleahertou . For tne past few weeks so many ad- dcesses have been handed in thrit we have found it impossible to print them, much aa we would like to do so. So many soldier boys have been "watched" and "addressed" that we could fill the piper with such matter, and have there- fore to cut them all out for a short time at least. *V hen the Grey Battalion has left for the front this will be eased off and normal conditions r«]turn. Other local papers are in the same position and have been obliged to adopt a like atti- tude. Proton Guild visited with the Guild here oD Tuesday evening of last week, when a very enjoyable evenin? was spent. There waa a contest on between the boys and eirls of the Guild hare, covering a period of four weeks, in which the girls were victorious and the young men hid to supply the lunch. There were 24 visitors present. This visit had bean promised for some time but weather con- ditions interfered. Mr. Frank Duncan, President of the Guild, occupied the chair. Mr. J. C. Crane, of Owen Sound, re- ceived word a few days ago that his son, Pie. George Crane of the 20th battalion formerly of Hanover, had been wounded « the front in France but a card received later gave the information that the wound was not of a sefioiis nature and that after a few days in the hospital he was able to return to his post. The wound was in the back where be was struck by a piece of shrapnel. Young Crane is a nephew of Postmaster Trimble. Mr. Harry Piper's horse ran away at the stiition one day last week, becoming frightened when crossing the railway track. It ran into and smashed Radlev 8 pump. The cutter was smashed and Mr. Piper was pitched out and had his shoulder dislocated, lie was also other- wise injured and is under the doctor's ore. The accident was a bad one and much spmpathy is expressed for Mr. Piper, '.vho has had his share of accidents. It is only a year since Mrs. Piper suffer- ed a broken limb, from which she has scarcely yet fully recovered. The box social held by the I'. & D. girts in the town hall ou Friday uight l.kst waa quite successful, considering other eiigageiuents in the vi(;inity. The boxeswere auctioned off by Miss Lowndes of the public scho il staff, and Miss Hazel Henry of the Club occupied the chair. The program was excellent and consisted of soloa by Miss Edna Acheson and Miss Binuie of Proton, readings by Harold ^icLe,in and Marjory Acheson, and a playlet by Inis'iogo young people. The proceeds amounted to t36. There was considerablrt amusement surrounding the disposal of the boxes. Ono Markdale young man, who was somewhat enthusi- as'ic over a certain kind of box, put up $2 25 to secure it, and considered, ((uite justifiably, that ho got a bargiiii. Inoculation Drill Owen Sound, March 21.â€" Inoculaiionj which has proved to be such a trouble.- some proposition ilf so many traiiiini; camps,is proceeding merrily in the H7th Grey Overseas Batt.iliuii at Owen Sound. The men are treating inocilatijn and vaccination in a light vein and everyone, ritUcers and men in the ranks alike, have betn taking the needle with a smile. In fact a visit to the town hall on an even- ing when inoculation is goiiii? on ia as good a.s a concert, and the occasion always gives birth to a number of original jokes on the subject of the Medicii OtBcer and his little hypo machine, in addition to the usual stereotyped jokes. But then a company ot soldiers is always in good spirit, at least th«^ 147th boys are. There is nerve to spare among them, and it is indicative of ihe spirit which pervades the battalion to dud the otttcers and men of the battalion minding together for their inoculation, jollying one another with the greatest good will and camrad- eric, making an enjoyable evening of what might otherwise be a long and ted ious undertaking fraught with misgiving on the part of any who might unfortun- ately be somewhat loath to be inoculated. Taking as a typical example Tuesday ev- ening when "B" Company, Captain Mercer, waa pumped full of anti- typhoid germ. On this occasion the Medical Of- ticer. Capt. Boys, assisted by his dispen- ser and by Lieut. Joyce inoculated over 2O0 men in an hour and a half or a little better. -\. dab of iodine on the left up- per breast and the 8({uirt of a cubic cent- imetre of the prepsration,one half billion of absolutely painless opex-atiop, and it was all over. In a week or 10 days the next application will be given and with a billion beneficent little germs rushing through their healthy, robust bodies, the soldiers of the I47th will be able to laugh at typhoid fever, one of the fatal scourges among tbe diseases which strike armies. It is worthy of note that in this battal- ion the process of inoculation is carried out much mora speedily than in probably any other battalion in the district, every- thing being thoroughly prepared before- hand, and owing to the fact that the sol- diers have been carefully warned what to do after getting the shot of germ there has been virtually no after trouble. The naen are given 24 hours off drill following their inoculation and this gives them time to recover from any effects, though, as a matter of fact, about all that happens af- ter anti-tvphoid inoculation is that the person taking it may become drowsy for a short time, an hour or so. ll is hardly necessary to remark that the men who have been inoculated make much cf it at the expense of those whj are still to have it, aud wh^n discussing it with those uieu the ones who have been "needled" exa^jgerate the effects both immediate and ultimate and great is thoir joy if they can find a rookie whom they can impress sufficiently with the gravity of the operation, but it is good natured ragging and is enjoyed. No one in the battalion is exempt fro = the needle, from Col. McFarland down everyone must take it, and when one of the officers is being inoculated advantage is taksn of the occasion by many of the men to otter hiiu advice, such as, "Hold your breath, it won't hurt half so much then." "It's all right when he don't run the needle straight in. " "He has a double dose tor you, he told me he had." "You are a big fellow, it will lake a billion for you," etc. F. G. KARSTEDT, ^FLESHERTON KARSTEDT BROS. - PRICEVILLE Opening Friday and Saturday, March 31 and April 1 CARPET, OILCI-OTH, LINOLEUM Are you Roing to do any carpeting this Spring ? If you are, why come to Karstedt's and see bia display of Carpets in wool a yard wide. Tapestry â€" and also a good line of Rugs on hand in Velvet aud Tapestry . ANY OF THESE ARE STiLL AT THE OLD Oilcloth and Linoleum in 2 yds. and 4 yds. wide. If you are going to use any 1 yds. wide, we a pietse of Scotch Linoletun that is a beauty, both in pattern and quality. Price 00c a sq. yd. PRICES have F. G. KARSTEDT "^i C Odds and Ends ^ M ARTICLES FOR SALE The latest grafonola records for sale. S'eedles 20c per 300. The Advance. The Durham Furniture Co. wish to an Bounce to the public that they are pre- pared to do custom sawiag at their mill at Ceylon. Sawing to be done early in the Spring.â€" The 5. F. Co. Ltd For Sale or Rentâ€" Store «nd dwellina lately occupied by D. W. Wideman, in Feversham. Will sell or rent cheap, and on eiisy terms, if sold. -*pply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton, Ont. yi -, K Auction Sale Mrs. George Magee, Flesherton, will sell the following articles for c:uih on .Monday, April 3, I p.m. : Sideboard, Dininij table, 2 fancy parlor tables, sciuare parlor table, book case, Victor (iiamophone and records. Jardiniere stand, dres.^er and washstand, 2 beds, t-priug and nuttress, hammock, a num- ber of chairs, kitchen table. Queen Heater ami pipes, hangit<g lamp, kiceheu lamp, a number of piatuies, curtain stretchers, washtubs, cloth basket, water pails, clothes horse â€" W. Kailting, auc- tioneer. Legal Blanks For Saleâ€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills aud all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy tprnis. Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class f;irni and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. MISCELUNEOUS Painting and paper-hanging done. Agent for Empire wall papers. â€" Harry Carringtou, Flesherton. 1 May '>^^jZr.!:rJZty:r.Zr^^:^rfZ,^^Zr^>!Z,JZ'S:;r^ COCKSMUT DISC Eugenia Soldiers The following are the names of the boys who have enlisted from blugenia for overseas service : Sergeant- Major Klwood Purvis Sergeant Ernie Morgan Lance-Corporal Harry Thornbury Pte. Will C*mpboH Pte. Fred Smith Pte. Charlie Walker Pte. Russell Parki Pte. Emsrson Smith Pte. Jack Armstrong Pte. Dave Aimstrong Pte. Bob Leopard Pte. Henry Tudot Pte. C. Osbottk Pte. George Benson Pte. Krnie Hopper Pte. Johnstou Howard Pte. F. Osborn Pte. \' ictor Ford Pte. Jack Wilson Pte. Kill Parliament Pte. UobBoll Pto. Alfti»il Oenoc Pte. Stanley Parliauieiit Pte. NVes. Wilson • Pte. A. C. HjIuus Not a bad sh nviug for ;\ little plac>; like Kirgeiiia. The village of Cookstown stands out proiuiuenlly as ihe most patriotic spot in the province. With a population of about 500 they had an honor roll of 85 men who are in the King's khaki, and 10 more signed up Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The success of recruiting in Cookstown can be attributed very larjtely to the fact that the local Recruiting Ooinmittee is on the job all the time and take their duties seriously. When the local authorities sro active and aggres.sive they always produce r'^jults, and other Recruiting Committees would do well to follow the example of Cookstown. Private funds to loan ou real estate ' security at reasonable rate of interest. \ .\pply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. | sept 23 I Help wanted- -Two generals to go to ; Toronto to two adjoining homes â€" mother ! and daughter or two friends, or one , maid for one hbme ; easy places, every ] convenience, -^pply Advance office. For saleâ€" Good Tincothy hay. John Sloan, I'roton Station, Stock For Sale Mare aud sucking cidt for sale â€" mare is y years oldâ€" also a colt rising 2, all good stock, and ono young cow Hv3 yrs. old, and calf. -THOS. FKNWlCtt Kugenia. Notice Farm For Sale Good Stock Farm consisting of lots 158. 15i>, ItW, Itil, ;<rd con. W. T. and S. R., .\rtenie8ia. Large, comfortable brick house and good barns, small orch- ard ; well watered. â€" RICU.^RD WILCOCK, Flesherton Notice to Creditors Dr. R. F. Knglieh, Osteopathic Physi-, eiau, cf 0*»n Sound, will be in Flesher- ton on Tuesday and Briday aftei-noon of each week . (Joiniiiencinsj Friday, June Fur appointmen t phone !> ring 3. Boar for Service | The undeniigned has a thoroughbred , Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 11, con. 8, Osprey. Terms $1.0tt. â€"FRED SPOFFARD. DRILLS Thorouuh cultivation of your land. Caretul selection of seed and a dependable Seed Drill ai" 'lie thiHO essentials tn good Crops. Every farmer roaliz-'s the importance of tbe first two, but many overlook the third. There is jus; as imich difference between different Drills aud the wirk they do as tli n- is 1-otweeii various qualities of grain. Ciickshut Disc DrillH are iiiaile mi Principles proven cnrrfct by many years Ilf actual servile in tbe field. They work well, wear well aud are easy un liorses. Kvery working part in litte<l with a large .lil cup, so it (reta ample lubrication anil iiiakea the C"i)ck.«liut tho easiest ninninfr Drill on the Market. We have a s|>ecial Cockshut Drill Boiiklet and will lie glad to give you a L'l'pv on renuH«t. D. McTavish - - Flesherton. j NOTICE I ^ Now is the timo to renew your buggies, etc. ' ^ 5herwin=Williams Buggy Paint ^ Is tbe best for this purpose. A Varuisb Gloss j^ Paint of great dunibility. Especially luUipteil for outside exposui'e. JJouble tho life of your Vehicle.-^ by protecting them with good Paintâ€" if t^.W.P. ditln't make good it couldn't cover thee-irtb. A Piiiiit or Finish ftu- every Any in- formation regarding Painting or Varnishing gladly turnislied. F. W. DUNCAN! / Hardware Merchant FLESHERTON, Phone 30 r 2 ONT. I'nderR. S. O 1914, Chap. 121. and amending .\cts, all persons having claims against tho estatn of William Jleiideunnii Pedlar, late of the Township of Artemes- ia in the County of Grey, fanner, who died on or about the 12th day of June, Kill, are rt'(|uired to send the same to the niiJcrsigned .\dmiuistratrix on or be. fore the 10th day of April, U>lt5, and in default thereof, tho said .\dniinisti,atrix will not be responsible to any person or persons whuse claim she shall nut have received at that date. l>atcd .it Toront >, this 10th day of March, liUr.. Christon.a PedUr, 123 Ivy Ave., Toronto, Adniiuisttairix ot tho abijve estt'e. A Chance for Those j Going West. : Hometeekers Excursions C. P. R. Hoineseekers Excursions to Western, Canada at low fares via Canadian Pacilic each Tuesday, Marsh T, to *,>ctober 31, inclusive. Purticnlars from any C.P. A. or W. B. Howard, District Paessnger .Agent, Toronto. Hometeekers Excursioat to The Land of Wheat. Homeseekers E.xeureions to Western; Canada at low fares via Canadian Pacific; each Tuesday, March 7, to ( >etober ,'51. inclusive. Particulars from any C.P..<. or \V. B. Howard, District Passenger ! .\gent, Toronto. Your Cbsmce â€" The West is Calling. Homeseekers Excureioos to Western ' Canada at I >n fares via Canadian Pacific each Tuesday, March 7. to October .'U,' inclusive. Pas ticulars from an.v C.P.A. or W. B. Howard, Disltfct Passenger Ag«u», Toronto. A $15 GRAFONOLA The Columbia people have produced a Grafonola which they sell at fifteen dollars. A MARVELOUS MACHINE For the money. Come in and hear it played. OTHER INSTRUMENTS AT ALL PRICES * The latest patriotic records in stockâ€" "Keep tbe home fires burning ' "Never let the old flag fall"â€" "Qood luck Ic lift boys of tbe Allies,'' etc AT THE ADVANCE OFFICE

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