w: ^kQUttion %lfiomu. •• TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR. PBI5CIPLEb MOT MEN. ?0l 3.5 No. 29 Flcshierton, Ont., Tliursday, November 4 IQlo W. H TfiUBSTOS ^^o Ceylon Chat Mrs. Crawford and daughter of Dur- ham %ic 8i>eudiiiti a week with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. G. Collin >od. Frank Col inson left Ust Tuesday fnr a trip out West. Geo. Stuart and II. Hammond left Saturday morning for Parry Sound Dis- trict on a bunting trip. Mrs. A. Whittaktr, who has been visiting her snn at Weit Torou'.o for u month, returned home Saturday, Mr. S. Fielding accuuipanii^d her home. Miss Myitle Radley is visiting with Osprey friends this wevlr. Mrs. D. D. McLaucbUn entertained some of ihe boys and ritls tu a taify pull. Miss Eltia MoLeod also enteitiiued a few frieuds ou Saturday i.venin<;. Hallowe'cu pissed off very quietly in town. Our toys know how to behave themselves. An e.sbibiti<'n car of aniir.sls, grain and poultry was in town on Thursday ind op<2n to the public from O.'M a.m. to 5.30 p.m. In the afternoon the pupils of the public school marched in a l>ody to the car where they were given an interestiiii; talk. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet spent Sunday with Markdale friends. Hugh McPherson, who has been in Uwen Sound hospital for the past month, where he was operated on for apendicitis, returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sargent visited over the week end with Holland Centre friends. Mr. S. Hemphill entertained his Sab- b.th school class ou Sat unlay evening. Victoria Comers A very iuterestins; meeting was held on Oct. 27th^ at Inistio<;e Church, when the League s'arled their series of color sociaIs. This night was the Ued ni<{ht I r " Sacritico.' The meeting opened as usual with short prayers by members of League with singing and road'ng of the lesson by Luuni Xichol. A paper was civen by Osc.ir Patteison. on Wu>. Case, «h«se life was one of Sncritice : followed by » «o1j ty Violet Steveus. also a talk on S;icriticeby Rev. Mr. Madden, After the usual closing a lunch was served. t>n entering the church dch person was presented with a red bow. The church was beautifully decorated in red bunting. \ silver collection amounted to over tire dollars. The White social will be held the last w^ednesdiy 'U November. Born lo Mr. and Mrs. .\Ie»: McGounel. at Swift Current, Sask, a son, (.>ct. 3rd. Threshing is the order of the day in this n^ighborhootl. Inistioge League vi.sited Proton Guild and gave the topic on Friday night and gave a program and lunch. Just the Right Present Don't take chances in the matter of Christmas pre.«euts. You don't want youiT?, like so many others, ti l>e re ceiviJ with iiiditference or worse, and ton days after Christinas to be cast aside and fo-gotten. You take n.i chunce in giving The Youth's Coinpftuion for a year. Did you ever know of a home in which it came amis.«, or one in which it wis not conspicuous on the library t;ible or in soma one's hands all througij the year/ It is worth while to mako a gift of that sort, and it is worth whi'e to receive it, too, for the Coiiipauiou illustrates the best traits in .\ineric:«n and Canadian life in its stories and sketches, upholds the best »tand»ids in its articlo.-s and other contributions, and combims the practical and inlorming with the entertaining and bliHHl-slirviug. If you do not know the Ci ni^Hiuion as it i« to-day, let us send you one or two oarrent iswes free, that you way thoroughly lest the paper's luality. We will send also the Forecast for 191U. Kvery new subscriber who sends #2.So for the tifty-two weekly is.^uos of 1»U> wilt receive free all thd issues tv>r the rest of IIU and The Comj.*uiou Homo Calender for 1016. THE YttlTH'S COMPANION Boston, Ma.«s. New Suwcifiptious received at, this oHioe. Wo de house Doings Beaaliful latninn weather. Very Httle threshing is done iu this vicinity as yet, though we hope very sood to hear the merry hum. Silo tilling is the order of the day . Mrs. Pickering has been seriously ill and ander the Dr's. care, but is, we are pleased to say, somewhat im- proved. Miss Vera Lanktree is slowly re- covering horn her attack of typhoid fever. Miss Abercrombie, trained nurse of B. C, who is home visiting friends is in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. T.I. Fawcett, and son. Edgar, visited a few days the pa^t week with their sou Wilfred and wife at Laarel. Mr. J. W. Cottenden of Saalt Ste Marie gave his man} old friends a pleasant call the past week, a gaest of Mr. John Buskin and family. Miss Mable Hawkins of Eugenia is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. J. Ward. Miss Ruby Lanktree is able to be np after two months contincmenl to her btd. She moves about with the aid of crutches. Mr. Jos. Lanktree is down at his new farm at Maxwell plowing. The orchestra go this Friday eve . to contiibuce music at the opening of the new Orange ball at Goring. Mr. Ed. Donnelly, leader, wa? the con- tractor of the buildmg. INlrs. Elijah 'iilbert and dan<:hter, Violet, also .Mrs. Harris, of Kimber ley, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam V.'iley recently. Heathcote Mrs. LoGard of Torocto is visiting wilh her daughter, Mrs. Richard Green. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. William Milne i.-<i mproviug. Mr. J. W. Davidson has purchased Mr. James Gardners farm and will take possession the tirst of march. We are pleased to see Messrs. Ern- est Beer, George Swannell and Clar- ence Cnnckshauk with us again, -tftcr speudiug the past mouth iu the West. Miss Alda Green of Thornbtuy spent a few days of last week with her father, Mr. George Gteeu. Miss Williams of Holland Centre is visiting with her sister, Mrs. (Rev. i Laidlaw. Mrs. Flynu spent a few days of last week with frieuds iu Meaford. Mr. Frauk lUker and family moved to Coll'iigwood ou Monday. We are pleased to hear that Viis Clara Gchill who is ill lu Fergus hospital is improving. The Heathcote Women's Institute held their monthly meeting at the homo of Mrs. George Hutchinson on Wednesday last. A very iutcreslinj mttting was held. Mrs. James Stuart of Creemore spent a few days of last week with her daughter, Mis. Thomas Sewell. Miss Elda Korke is visiliug with friends iu Torouto this week. Owen Sound At the Couuiy Judge's criminal court betoro Judge Sutherland William Tion of .-Vylon, :«ge<l oi!, was charged with having given intoxicating lit]Uor to Hen- rietta Kraft, a gicl of sixteen years wiih the object of coiuinilting a criminal of- fence and a sec >nd charge of undecent assault. The evidence w;i3 of a revoking character and the prisoner wtvs found gui'.ty iu l)i>th in.slmces. A sentence of six months iu the Ontario reformatory was implied on both charges to ruu con- currently . -Times. The adventures of the lake liner Turr- et Chief would almost make a complete vi.lume m itself. To take a vessel that was about duo at the sci'ap heap And realize a prolit on it of l>etwceu $"J,\lX)0 and $;W,("KX) was the experience of the owners recently in thj c»Sf of the "Chief" which is one of the turret type of upper lake vessels, now servin.* the Mother- land. The adventures of the Turret Chief since coming to CiuaJa ten years ago have l)ecn inaoy.and cutmiinted in a wreck on Lake Harm last year. She was then abandoned by her ownei-s, the C. N. II., and passed through ditforenl hands until titled up as a csrrie>- of con- traband and munitions, sho reached Dt'itaiu as a huj^o »hea! Citriier. She was pr«>iuptly puivhased by British cap- italists at a high figure and retained for service on the itbei?gi(W_Advertis«r. Fever sham Items We welcome to our village, Mr. Robert McGirr and family who have moved to their tiue new residence on Victoria St. Mr. J. C. Little, afler spending the sammer at Nottawa, has retarued to his home on Qnahty Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dewsbury of Toronto spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kaiiting. Mr. James Davidson has returned from Boflalc. His mother accomran- ied him as hr as CoUingwood, Mrs. Walter Marr aud children have relumed from a three weeks' visit with her parents in Toronto. Mr. Will Perigo of Datcj, Sask., has returned home. Miss Reta Osborne spent Sunday with friends at Shiigley. Miss Eva Amott spe||t the week end with her friend, Mi;ig EUiel Wm- ters, of Wareham. Miss Annid Brackenbnry is visiting her friend, Mi-s. E. C ' Hamill at New Hamburg. Bomâ€" On October ±>. 1915. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson, Jr^ a son. Bomâ€" Ou Oct. -iS, 1915, to Mr. aud Mrs. Louis Leopard, a daughter. Man's Body Found .\ gruesome tiud was made by seme boys who were picking apples on the old Craig homes' ead on the 10th concerstou of Arthur township la»t Saturday. A young son of Mr. John Craig went into the log bouse which ha.s long been unused and in an upper room found a badly decomposed Ixxly. Dr. Jones, Coroner of Mt. Fcrest, wa.s notified and the f<cts ascertai -.ed by him indica'ed that the Ixidy was that of a Toroiito young man Harry J. Minch, who has been missing from his home since last July. In July the boy's mother wiote to her cous:n Jihn Craig with whom her son had visit- ed some seven or eight years ago telling him the boy had disappeared from ho.ue and asking Mr. Cnig to keep a Wk out f.'r him. .fust a te» day.* before the discovery of the body another letter retched Mr. Craig from Mrs. Miuch sjyiug she had not heard from her boy yet. The body was tmi badly decomposed to be idenlilied in the usual way but the clothing tjlliod with the description g.ven by Mva. M nch of what her son wore when he left home. One of the articles was a cbristy h^tt which had his initials on the l;iiud. It was thought the unfortunate youth who was weak both lueutaily and physically came to Keuil- woith by train and walked lo the old house where the Craigs resided when ho last visited them: found the phoe deserted (Mr. Ciaig now residing ij a new house a i(U:irter of a mile away) and being exhausted I lid do>rn to rest and never arose ag»i:i. The Coroner 'phoned the circumstances to County Cii)wu .\tt irney McDonald »t Guel| h who did not cjnsider the holding of ,in ic.|'.iest necessary. The reui.aiiis were removed by W. (tibst>p, undertaker, of Mt. Foiei:,on Monday. â€" Hep. Addressing Of Mail 111 oi\U'r to fa.-ilitale the handling of mail at the front and to insure prompt dolivoiy it is re^iuested thM all n.-ai' lie addioss^^l as follows: â€" a- -R'gin)?ntal Xumler. bâ€" Rank. c-Nai«o. d~S«iiiadron. e â€" Italtslion, Rcgiuu'nt,(.ir other un l^ Staff ap(>oiutment or Deimrtiuent. f -Canadian Contingent g â€" British h\peJitiouary Foico. h - Army Piwt OfKce, Loudon, England. I'nnecessary mention of hii;her forma, tions. such as brigades, divisions, is s'rictly fi<rbiddeu, and causes delay. Kimberley Budget Halloween passed off very quietly iu our burg, only a few gates being re- moved. ^ Mrs. Joseph McColloogh of Meaf- ord is viinting at present with her daughter, Mrs. T. J. ReiJ. Allen FergQsou and Stanley Law fence who ivent west on the harvest excursion arrived home on Satur- day last. Both young men are ex- tremely pleased with their tnp. Miss Violet ifcLean left Saturday lust on a visit with her brother Henry of Freeport. Ohie. Joseph Ferris, preprietor of the St. George's hotel, Thornbury, was a caller in onr burg recently. As we predict^. Joe is making a success of tlie hotel business Mr. .James R. Fawcett attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Wesley .\rmstroug iu Flesherton ou Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Nmiili cf Rob Hoy visited last week with their daughter, Mrs. Thos. Lewis. Messis. Fred and Jaspe- Stuart. Ernest Proctor, Robt. McMuUen and .\jhley Fawcett left last week on the annual deer hunt in tl^e Parry Sound district. No doabt many a flect- footel antlered beauty will fall a vic- tim to their unerring aim. Mrs. Ja.'^.M.Thnrstoa and daughter, Myitle. ofChicajjo. were renewing old aci}iiaiutaDces in this vicinity on Monday. Her mauv old friends are pleased to see her looking so bale and hearty. We are sorry to repoit Mrs. Thos. Abercrombie ou the sick list at pres- ent. Mr. Rnssell McMnlleu succeeded in capturing a tiue specimen of the coon family. Harold Ellis of Rocklyu was a cat! er in our burg one day recently. Bates Burial Co. J. W. Bates. R. Maddock. President. Manager. Funeral rKrecOfS .a.l EuiUiluiir* 1 24 Avenue Road.Toronto Telephone Hillcrest 268 M-torKnueral Cars and Liiu- uciaoi Co Crmetery at !!auiecoM aa Hunr- drawn vehiclfla. I aiiz |Je welry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. 5p«cUll«t in dUe„e, „, ,^ ««* . . Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat^- ^ Armstrong, OFFICE-Lt.) loth St. We.st,Owen Soand | Jewelcf At the Revere house. Markdale, 2nd Thursday each monrh from 8 to a 12* m Dundalk.U Wednesday of each mowh . , h LESHERTON, ONT # Flour And Feed m m m m m For Every One g * A Car of Five Kose Hour, Lake of the Woo*!?:, S Bran and Short.s â€" due to arrive in a few 0^ fijiys. Get our prices. ^ m # W. BUSKIN! JtU NEWS! FLESHERTON A new phone to ring, to P ,Steinhart Markdale, 87, f-r poultry alive, pixiduoe,' hides skins and wo<d, rubbers, rags, I horsehair, iron, coj>f)er, bia!*", «mio, lead 1 of all sort.«. top price iM»id in eash, or. drop a card to n..x 121, Matkdale Willi call for it. IHni't mistake the ntme, I P. STEINHARTJ Mrs. J. W. Armstrong Has Passed Away Mrs. <f . W. .Ximatrong passed away at her home liere on Friday iiiaht Ust at '\u giH'd old as't' of 81 ytap". LA.st .â- 'priiic Mrs. .Vrnistrong took piiennionii, which left her hear' action weak aud resulted in her deaih. The dtcens-'d lady was boni in Eiiuiskilleii, Iieiaud, a::u ctue t'.> Canada will) her mother, Mrs. .\n«rew Wi'sjn, and one In-oth^r. .\fter inarria;;e Kith tho la'e John Wesley Arinstrona she lived It Inistiuce for a time and tifty years a^o to a inucth cime to F!e<hert â- ii wi'.h him lo live. Sh^e w;is therefore '-i.c of the very titst residents if Flo*herfi n, a'ld only "ne or two oiher residents I't Chat dite now survive her. Her hu-iband predecease! her twenty years ag >. The funetal loik -^!.-ice to Flesherl'U cemetery on Mond.iy afternoon, where the ro'Uains were laid 'leside those of her husbtiud. Service «:n held in the Mo'l:- oJist church, ahich was tilled wi'h i very laisje an! sympathetic auditnce The bier wss almost smothered in a mass of beautiful aud c 'stly tlv>wer», sup- plied by weiiibecs of th<< family aud ihe Lk lies' Aid ot llio church. The svimti w.is preached l>y Rov. Jmn-'s Dndueon from Psalm 17 aUvl lo h verse. Ross. McViCJir and ICerr also assL>t'd ii !bo service aud Rev. Mr. Aikenhead of To- ronto Spoke of Jii.s persoDiil t.xpei- ience. paying a very hiih tribute to tha deceased lady's huwe and suiticu.-il life. Rev. .^Ir. Dudiieoii nlso re.id a very lisie taibute from the pen of .Mr. M. K. Rich- ardson, who b^cimo a citixen of Flesher- ton at the same lime that .Mr. and Mi-s. Armstrong settled here. .\ lai'ite mmiber of fiieuds and rvl.i- tives came u.i from Torouto in a private c:»r to be present at the service. The family ar« : Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling aud Win. A. of Foihertoii, Mrs. .1. D. Clark of Oiiawa, Mrs. T. .Xikenhea;! and Wesley of Toronto, Kev. Btrc .\rii:- suvus: of Meaford, Dr. Kru. .\ri»stroi>>; of Cobalt, and Mrj. F. D. G -tt A Cliiksburv, Those present from Torontvi were " \fiTj. J. W. Shiltou, Mrs. Beriy Miss Jennie .Vikeuhead. NVilfred Aikeuhca', Miss Ruby Aikenhead, Mr. and .Miss Noblo of B<ilt'>n, Fr*^l W., Joseph, Hairy, Jacv'K Gordon and Frrderick Aruis'ronn. Sous and nephews of the d-.'oeased were p:>U bcarei-^. O^Sfe s'» jfe --tt! >>»<â- -M- •!"' ->". -"«â- J", Jt". v'X; ..' f. 4K. .iit. JM. jfc. ,ait. .Jfc jit. Jtti Jfc .aa. •Mfc a^ g Nice Summer Shoes I The Fledierton 8hoe Store is well stocked with many varieties of Suiu- nior Shoes for hiilies and ijents, at right prices. Also Trunks antl Suit Cases, Repairing as usual. Thos. Clayton^s I FLESHERTON NEW SUITINGS New Suitings just to hand â€" some of the nobbiest weaves to be found anv- where. Leave your onler nov^ for that new suit. You will never regret it. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don't foi"get that we do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Oiu- prices are right aud our workmanship is tho vei-y best. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. Migjttil&itmtiutM