m'i.y. TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " |>Ri*(JiPLEb NOT MEN.' 701 3.-3 No. 21 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, Oet£»)Der 2Q 1915 â- -%^,. W. fl TBDRST9N ^f,'JZ liO .^^^. f. Eugenia Paragraphs Anniversary services will bo held in the Pre.sbytei'ian church ai Eugeiiia the first Sabbath iit Novemler at 11 a.m, and 7 p m. ^ Wedding bells are [u-aliug. Mrs. Meldrum, our old and highly respected neighbor, hag sone to To- ronto to live with her daughter there. She has lived for yea is with her sod, George, on the farm, row sold to the hydro . Mrs. Itainey and Mr. Thompson motored over from Owen Sound to visit friends here recently. Mr. and .Mrs. Foestor attended the fmeral of the former's sister-in-law a'. Waterloo on Saturday last, Mr. and Mrs. Glass have gone to their new home at Guelph. Mr. Noble 13 attending the store at pre- seat. Misses Marjorie Park and Neah Williams visited Miss Bertha Smith in Maikdale last week. Miss Gertie Setley visited with Miss Barbara Armstrong the past week. The sympathy of this community is extended to Mrs. David .Jamieaou and family on the death of Mr. Jam- ieson, who diod at the hospital in Toronto, the remains being brought to the home of his brother here, J . K. Jamieson, on Thursday last. The funeral took place to Salem cemetery on Friday. A large number of friends and relatives followei the re- mains to the church where Pkev.Mr. Madden gave a short but tittiug ser- mon. Mr. Jamieson was 64 years of Miss Mae Jamieson and her sol- dier brother, Bert, visited with Mr. and -VJrs. Smith Thursday last. Mr. J. Gorley is laid np with sbiugles and Will has German meas- les. Tiope they will both pull through all ^ijjhi. Miss Mabel Hawkins is vintmg fiiends in Markdale. The regular meeting of the W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. H. Hoagland on Wednesday, Nov. 3, Wra. Osborne had the misfortune to have his leg broken by a stoucboat eliding against it wliilc hauling stone. Kimberley Budget Quite a spell of lino weather. Mra. 0. Driukle of Detroit is visit- mg at present with her father, Henry Hurd. Tiie Red Cross conceri, held by the young ladies of our burg on Friday evening last was a huge success, both tinaucially and othji'yvise. , The pu pils of ('"leahertou htg^ school gave a play entitled " A Bad Fis," which completely captivated the audience, Miss Addie Gaudin sang a solo in her usual pleasing manner. The rest of the program was furnished by local talent. Miss Delia Aberci'ombie, the President, presided. E. J. Stuart of Thornbury was a caller in our burg recently. James R. Fawcctt is visiting this week with friends in Thornbury and CoUiugwood. James Hetherington and son, Charlie, of Thornbury, are busy this week finishing the plumbing in Jasper Stuart's new residence. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Thurston of Toronto visited friends in this vicinity one day last week. (S'tauley is on the editorial staff of the weekly Sun. Mr and Mrs Ross Gordon of Ep- ping visited at Â¥. R. Llamniond's re- cently. Miss Mildred Wright of Flesherton, acconapanied by Miss Rachel Hutch- inson, visited at the latter's parental home last week. Albert Aruott of Wareham made a business trip here uu Monday. Inspector Uuft" visited our school one day recently and found everything satisfactory. Leith Lawrence visited friends in Eugenia during the pist week. Miss Belle Clinton of Flesherton, accompanied by Mrs Ben Hislop, vis- ited at T Lewis' one day last week Fevers ham Items Intended for last week Ideal autumn weather. Pie. Charles Brackenbury if Suwell Camp, Manitub.'i, in visiting; \m many friends here before leaving for the fnint. We are glad to report that Miss Sadie Julien in recovering from her recent itttack of typhoid fevtr. Ceylon Chat Fred Chislett and friend of Shel- burne spent the week end at T. Chislctt's. -Mrs. J . Pattison was in Toronto last week, Miss Rae, milliner at J. Pattison's, left Friday for her home near Orand Valley. Mr. E McKiuney, assistant bag- gageman here for some time, left the employ of the G.P.U. and returned to Ins home in Toronto Friday. Mrs. T. Chislett, wlio has been visiting her daughter, Mis. (Dr.) Holmes, for a fortnight, has returned home feeling much beuelitted by the change. Mrs. H. Spicer, Stone's Line, and Mrs. Spicer of Rainy River /Jisirict, visited Owen Sound friends part of last week. Miss Lena Legate of Irish Lake school spent the week end with her mother. Miss Maggie Ferguson left Satur- day for Toronto to spend a couple of months. Bornâ€" Oct. 20, to Mr, and -Mrs. Roy Piper, a son, Constbbie Cook had Elmere Mc- Kinuey np before the magistrate for pointing a gun at some little boys. He was tiued •? 10,00 and costs. Toronto Line North Threshing is in progress. Dr. and Mrs. Caldwell of Shelbnrne viaiced with Mr. :uul Mrs. Hobt. Kichardsijii. Miss Elvn Lever of Euijonia acci'iu- pai\ied by Mixa Nettie Martin, town, visited with Ceylon friends ou Thursd.-iy evening last week. Mrs. .Jas. Ltfver and hoii, Harold, "f Markdale, visited friends in this vicinity one dny la.st week. visiting her son, Mr. Sam Murphy. Mr. James Hender.son of Moose Jaw, Sask., called ou Iriends here (.u Sunday. Mr. and Mt«. Little spent Sunday with friends in Gleu Huron. Mrs. John Buckingham is slowly !•«- covering from the effects of a fall received on fair day. Rev. Mr. Kendall of Duiidalk will oc- cupy the pulpit of the Pteshyterian church on Sunday next. In Loving Memory t)f W. G, Picliell, who passed away from dieath unto life Nov. 2, HtU, at M.-irkdalo. '• We, with uncovered head. Salute the sacred dead, Whii went-, and who return not â€" say not so ! 'Tis not; the grapes of Canaan that I'epay, But the high faith that failed not by the way. Virtue treads paths that end not in the grave ; Xo ban of endless night exiles the brave ; .\nd to tlie saner miud We, rather, seem the dead that stay behind." â€" Wife, Sons and Daughters. A Shocking Accident 'W Vandeleur Happenings 'Marion, the gigltt^var old danghtCB ofX". B. Boland, broke her left arm while placing at school on 'Ptfesday of lusli Weeks Dr. Ego reduced, the ^cture iiitri lilie^ little girl is-e^oiug us vt^V as cDtjld be expeotedf * - !^' ^ Mv. Jos. Buchanan lost a vahiabio lioj'se rcciently f>-om blood poison. â- : Mis. S. Croft of Portlaw is visit- Mrs. Oeorge Murphy of Flesherton is pUg, her brother, J . H. liolley and Otb|^' friends. , Hv. and .Mrs. H. Freeman of ^M^rkdale paid a short visit to friends fbgre one day last week. and Mrs. John Jviikpatrick ug were visitors at W . J hsou'a recently. John Warling liad the mis- 'fortfine to fall one day last week and Ih'Mk a couple of ribs wtiiclL w^ e welry A generation ago a boy on an illiiidis farm became deeply intere.stod in geol- ogy. Ho tried to borrow a book on the subject, but the owner would not lend it. For two dollars that hu had worked long .•riid hard to earn ha hired the book fur six weeks. Then he npet.it tbo long win- ter evenings copying the book from covfr III cover. As best he could, he repro- duced every illustration and drawing in its pages. Of course he mastered the book. Could anyone doubt that a boy with tliat passion to luiirn. and that dogged determination to master things, would lio far in life.' When he died a few wooks ago, the W'orld knew hiin as Sir William Van Home, the builder of the great Canvdiari Pacitic Uailway. â€" Youth's Companion. Fire caused $:i'26,0Q0 loss at Midland, doitroying millions of feet of lumber thouiands of tonsof co.^l.and some dockg. Walkerton Four sons of Mr. Hubert Uu.sfull of Walktrton have enlisted for the front. His younaest son Leith j. lined the 71st Battalion here la.st week, while hiisons, .Stanley and Jamus, aro already at the front, and his remaining suii .lohn, is in training at London. This is a creditable showing for one home. Mr. Con. Kelzing, a f.irmer rcsidiiii^ e-tst of W.ilUorton, found ono of his largest and ni'.'st v;iluablii bteers lying in a tield near his bush on Suiidny afternoon with a rillu ball through its head. As Mr. Kelzi ng had missed the steer for the pie- ious few days, (ho e.iact time the deed was committed is unknown. It, has all the the enr-niarks however, of being an act of spite, nnd this wantoni slaughter of a splendid animal is likely to land the miscreant behind the burs li his namu and whereabouts can be di.scovored. the Walkerton Broom Works, which Iravo belli in existence here for over a ([uarter of a century, aixl whicli dogenor- aloJ from a once lively industry in pro- tentiouB 'luarteis tu a modest work shop iu a barn, went up in .smoke after midnight on 'i'liursdiiy • in a tiro that destroyed Mr. Jus. Y.ieck's stable and tool-house. .Just how the tire originated 18 uiiknuwn, as the blaze broke out while Walkerton was sluiiiberiiig, and coinidet" ely wiped out the works before beiug quenched. â€" Hcrsld. While a nuinli'r uf Chalsworth boys were at tatstet practice at the ranges on the west side of the village, a 22 cal, riHe in the hands of Reg. McGillivray was accidoii'.ally discharged. The bullet entered th« ankle of Johnnie Walters and lodged in his foot. VVhile it is not expected that serious results will follow, the wi.und will be painful and necessitate •Johnny's confinement to the house for some time, â€" Kews Mount Iforost raised $3'243.25 for pat- riotic, red cross al)d reliof purposes by a special canvass. lay. hiip up for a while. J($M three months acute sutlcriug, Suidie.TQaly daughter of Mr. and Mis. G^oigc Walling, passed away on Stni^ay morning, agerl 21 years. Thijfiynipatby of the enty-e commun- ity i«'-«,pxtended to the bereaved par- eOH tfnd pnly brotlior who -are left toiawtruher loss. Intcrnietit took place at the Meaford Road cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. .atW' Mr.". John Wickens of Rimberlcy were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Alcos the beginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Abercrombie were visitors at Mr. Geo. Pritchird's recently. Mrs. S. Gilbert is visiting her daughter in the city. The members of the Meaford Road church held their Unniversary services on Sunday afternoon and "^veniag, tiie Rev. Dr. Caldwell of Shelbnrne taking charge. The tea and enterlaiunient was held on Mon- day fevening. of which we hope to t later. v OH. BURT 5peclall(l In difoues at I he Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat OFFlCK-l.lll 10th st.We.sl,<Jwon Sound At the Rovere house. Markdale, 2nd Thursday each inDiilh from 8 to a 12a. m DundHlk,ls Wedne.sday of each month.. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT ^i*" •»»'^'>i?'-/i^5HS' '/i?Ww Flour And Feed m Albert Caiins of Orillia met with a fatal nc:ident while assisting at a thresh- in", when a belt to tlio carrieis slipped and fell partly utf, just as Ca-rns was entering tho barn. On the impulse of the moment the unforlunatu man reached forward and slipped one arm throu/h a loop in iho bolt, liis'.antly he was drawn finvard and his .inii wound ruuiid and round, until it; was broken in a niiiiiber of places and almost wrenched fMnii the socket. His bodily injuries also were very severe. Cairns was taken to the Orillia hospital, the dead arm removed, and everything done to make him as cimifortable as possible, but he died the fuUowing evening. Cairns .some timi ago lost whatever properly ho possessed in a not well advised suit against the smelter people, from whom hu chiimed dainai'es for the death of a cow, alleged to have died from arsenical poisoning, and for further damage to hii property, and h.rd othorwis" been unfortunate. His tragic death tompleles a chapter of misfortunes which cannot but awaken sympathy and sorrow among those who knew him. The deceased leaves â- \ widow but. no children. Pluck Wins. Major -General Sir Snn lliiglie.i is exceedingly popular with at luttst one soldier in training, Pte. William Cotfec of Hanover. Coll'e is but a shade over live fcot in height, and when he went to the recruiting station was turned down fur his lick of stature, being nearly two inches short. Some time afterwards C .Ike overheard a man of Teutonic ori;;in make .some slighting rcuiark about the Canadian soldiers, and thuugh his upiioiient overtopped him by nearly ii fout he gave him a sound puminehng, all cf which It. . J. Ball, .M.P., learned in due time. At last he sent a personal let'or with the facts of the ca'o lo lien. Hughes, and the result was that iu a fuw days iin order c,\nio fron the head of the militia dopartment authorizing Cortoe to be taken on the overseas forces. And nuw it is Pte. Cofl'ce, short but stocky, delighted and diligent, doing his drill. NEWSI FLESHERTON X new phone to ring, to P Steinharl, Markdale, 87, for poultry alive, jtruduce, hides, skins and wool, rubbers, rsgs, horsehair, iruo, cu|)jjor, bias", zinc, loud of all sort», top price paid in cash, or drnn a card t) l?u.\ 121, Maikdale Will call for it. Don't mistiike tho name, P. 5TEINHART For Every One A Car of Five Rose Bran and Short.' (lays. Hour, Lake of the Wooils. â€" due to arrive in a few Get our prices. Distribution of Seed Grain and Potatoes By instructions of the Hon. Minislur ot .\4riculture, a free dirtribuli.in of superior sorts of grain and potatoes .vill be made during the eomii.g winter and spring to Canadian farmois. Tho samples will consist of spring wheat (about ."> lbs.) and peas (about 5 lbs.) These will be sent out from < )ttawa. A distribntioii of potatoes (in :>lb. sanipiuf>) will to cairied on from several of the Experimental Farms, tho Central Karm at 'Htawa supplying only the [irovinces of Ontario and <,>uobeo. Eich apidication must l)u separate ;ind must be signed by the Applicant. Only one sainplo uf grain and ono of putato '' can be sent to each farm. If both sam pies are asked for in the same letter on'y one will bj sent. .Applications on any kind of printed foiin cinnot bo accepted. The destruction by lire of tho conal building at Ottawa, which contained urain cleaning macl'ineiy and a laruo sti ck of seed gram for distribution, ii.ay make it necessary to curtail the dislribii- i ion to a certain extent. We shall (ill as many iis possible of tha appiica'ions which cunfnriiis to the rules ; but re- nuests after the end of December will probably be too late. Samples cannot bo sent in response to applications (no mut- ter when received), which fail to state cleaily the needs ni tho applicant, his expericneeM in crop raising and the char- actor of the soil on which ho intends to sow the seed. All applications fur grain (;ind appli- cations from Ontario and <,tueliee t"or potatoes) should bo addressed tu the Dmninion Coiealisf, Ce-.tral Experimen- l.il Farm, Ottawa. Such applcutions riM|;iire no poslanc. If otherwise addres- sed delay and disappointiiiont innyuCLUr. Applications for potatoes frmn farmers in any other province .should bo addressed ])ostage prepaid to the superintemli nt of tho ne.irest branch K.^p-'riinental Farm in that province. # I m m m W. BUSKIN If cutting ort' throe hours from the sale of liipior over tha bars of Ontario decrease the receipts of the bats by nine million dollars per year as as.sortud by friends of tho trallic. and wo don't d^iiibt thcin, hew much would tho decrease bo if the hours were cut olT altogether? As ,1 matter of simple proportion it would bo forty or fifty million dollars per annum- The more hours cut oif the more money in the peoplu's i;ocketsaiid the less puisuti in the sytteu .s of iho drinkc s.â€" Mt. Forest Confcd. Nice Summer Shoes Tlic FK'.shoilr)!! Shoe Store is well stocked with many varieties of Sum- mer Shoes for la<lios and geiit.ST at right prices. Also Trunks and Suit Cases, Kepairing as usual. I Thos. Clayton's I FLESHERTON I NEW SUITI-NQS | ^ New Suitings just to hand â€" some of # TT the nobbiest weaves to be found any- j^ X where. * ^ Leave your onler now for that new •J^ suit. You will never regret it. ^ Satisfaction guaranteed. T Don't forget that we do cleaning, ^ pressing and repairing. Onr prices jl are right and our workmanship i.s tho 4^ very best. I S. J. BOWLER I J^ Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. i|^ ixj! . t