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Flesherton Advance, 21 Oct 1915, p. 1

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m^^^w w WsMm r â- â- â- â€¢â€¢-. «;â-  /k0[)^t:tun %^mnu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRMOIPLEb NOT MEN.' Flesh-erton, Ont., Tliursday, October 21 l91o W. H THURSTON '^J^^^o loings in order 'be crop, s of good very bad t scarcely ou out of ;ord crop. prevails. 3o»-i, Miss f typhoid at Owen f of last au oper- aw wliicL abscesses, iped, two the gum ly is lelt sickness ery little Miller of apson to 1 assisted ad iu the hange for r England ly was a jrvice was ol Flesh 3sbury of ening ser- ;ll attend- rhe fowl on Alon- uded, the «^5.00. he Flesh- vithnut a g service, e manage 1 making Dudgeon, }g then m ?rvic€. It the pastor not cover service at and back evening. lisiered to perfectly ing made. word. lie singer friends red vocal y services tniug. re took in ednesday. ge crowd a good :s this week silo at httl« son few days cuts here, visited at Hark- luivorsary 'y Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. and Mr». Ad»m Hislop aud chil- dren have gune on a visit to Rochester, X. Y. Fred (jiaham's little d.iughter.Loreen, a^ed ."5 years, fell off * box and broke hiir Fred Jimieson's son, Jack, w«3 suc- cessful in euinpeting with the children of his age at Markdale contest and carried home the first piize. J»ck did the same trick last yeir also. John Fenwick aud wife and Mr. Lord and wife of 'JHiesley nii-tored over to visit J. K. Feowick the past week. Mr. Raiiiey was workin;; on the head gates niriui; for lights and the telephone rang for hina to open the head sates. He obeyed orders. It was gradually opened to about live inches, aud iu about tweuty minutes he had another call to open it more, and iu 10 or 13 minutes more the water came back from the surge tank in the pipe. At this time Mr. Rainey aud Mr. Frazer were working on a scaffold over the man hole in the head i;ati.-s, about twelve feet high. The water flew up the irou gate, bending it in a couple of ditferent shapes and knocking both men off the scatlold. They fell on the cement floo', receiving seme painful bruisej, but scrambled up aud turned off the water, and went to the boarding house for the rest of the day, thankful that they were still alive to tell the tale. Mrs. D. Jamifson, accompanied I y her sons, from Turoiito, arriv-d at Mrs- McMaster's last week. Wo ara );lad to know that Mrs. Jamiesou has improved in health and is able to come home again. E..\. Grahiiu motored over to visit friends at Heat hcote. Ella Lawrence of Kimberley was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Thompson. C. Stewart and wife and Mrs. Mc- Taviih oi Fleshortou were guests <if friends here recently. .\ couple of young men started off for Owen Sound on a inutnrcycle one day recently. (>wini{ to the speed uud bad roads they capsized and broke their motor and were oliliguj to hire a oar tu relura and .send their machine through to Owen Sound for repairs. Mr. Glass aud son, Royce, are about to remove to Guelph, whore iho foimer has a good position awaiting him. Mr. Ward and fimiiy are moving back to 'heir home iu CoIlingwooJ. They have siwnt the snnimer here, Mr. A'ard being employed ou hydro construction. The ladies of rbis part are doing their part toward raisinii funds for au ambu- laiic* as a voici; from the county of t!rey also recognizing TrafaVar Day, Oct. 21 Kimberley Budget had the .ble year le aiiiiual r ' to the an liotiv aged cutt- les, Kiui- visiting iley were James ill old and d Mr. and prevalent ions t, Ist and silk. W. J. S. White. B.yd. Boyd. St \V. J. 5tew<«;t. 1, Hawkins. Toronto Line North Last Week's Items Mi.'-s Klva Lever, Eugenia, itccouipau- ied ty Elsie Martin, visited over the holiday at the former's parental Ikhiu". Mr. .lohn Diivjs, Washington iState, U. S .\., has returned home after visit- ing a fortnight with friends here. Mr. Wilfred McGee, Eugenia, renewed ttoqurtintaiiccs in our burg recently. Miss Lover attended the Teachers" Cunveuliuu at Thornbury, on Oct. 7 aud This Woak's Items Ap{«lt:-pickiug and potato-digging is the o.der of the day. Wc aro .sorry to hear the sad news that Sergeant Thos. Dtvis ha.s been wounded in France. We all wish for his speedy recovery. Miss Lolita Beattie is visiting friends in Toumto. Mr. Zappe, Owen Sound, made a busi- trip to our vicinity this week. Mrs. Captain llainlltun. Cobalt, aud child are visiting Mrs. H's. |)arcnts, ''Englehauie," Congratulations t») Miss Clara Lever, for being successful iu securing the silver medal given ftr the best penmarship by the Northern Business College, at the Flesherton Fall Fair. Mr. Kaitting of Feversham was in onr burg a few days 'eccutly moving a stable for .Jasper Stuart. Our public school principal. Miss McKee, visited at her parental home iu Richmond Hill, recently. Truman Bnrritt, who has been iu the Owen Sound hospital for some weeks, returned home Saturday last lunch improved in health, but. not having as yet recoverel his power of speech. Squire Stnai-t is visiting this week with fiieuds in Fleshertou. Quite a number from here took in the Markdale fair and in the evening were taken iu at the concert. Some of them purchased reserve seat tickets aud could not get a scat at all. The young ladies of our burg will hold a Red Cross concert iu the public ball ou Friday eveniug next. Singhampton Myrtle Service of CoUingwood colle- giate institute was home for Thanksgiving Mr. Bunt ot Colhngwood visited here last week with his sou, Frank Bunt. Mrs. Alex. Weir spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. John Weir, Smith- dale. Margaret Moore of Toronto has been h)me for a short holiday. Mrs. Astbury and two children of Med- icine Rat, Alberta, left for her home last week after .-^pending the summer with her pardnt3,Mr. and Mrs. Robort Brownl Mrs. Shields accompanied her as far as Alliston where she spent a few day > Mr. and Mrs.Milhgan of Toronto with their two sons have been on an extended visit to Mr. and Mrs. R. Weir,' Mr. aud Mrs. Tuck ot Barrie motored here last week fo%- a visit with BIr. at d Mrs. Wm Uaaimil and other friends. Mrs. T. Heppenstall is at Wiartun tb s week. Mrs. San.. Taylor,sr.,<.f oc a visit here after an absence of twelve years. Mr. aud^^s. Taylor will spend the winter in Totuiit), whore their two youngest sons are attending college, Montague Walker, who has been employ- ed wiih Mr. Ro'bf Weir for the past three years, left last week for his heme iu Eugliud. Fr.'d Gaedko wlu hil a situati ju with the Governmeut :ks tire ranger during the suuiuier mouth.s, h,is returned home. Fred is well pleased with his cvploits in New Ontario. Annie .IfcKiunun has opened a dress- making oscablibhing in the Brown biock. St Paul's Anglican Chuich has installed a tine new org^n. â-  The Young Peop'e's JSitiety has re- opened fur the seasou. There was a vciy inspiring service iu the Methodist (Jhuroh Sunday uighr. Rev. Harold Toye, B. A., of Stayner, â- preached uii excellent sermon ou "War- time Thanksgiviug." There wa? a spec- iil thanksgiving aiitheui by the choir while Mr. MiUig-iu of Toronto song a solo iu a most finished manner. ' Threshing operations are well on in this ceinhbouihood. The yield of grain WiH especially good white the quality is uo to the standard.-- Bulletin. Mr. .\rchie McCurry of the East Hill has a crab apple tree this year which pro- duced a crop of apples that have no seeds. The apples are fully formed and matured but there is not a trace of a seed in any of them. Tha apples grown on the same trees other years had seeds hut by strange freak of nature this year, not a soed can be found in any of the apples â€" Oweu Sound Sun. Teachers' Convention The .Annual Institute meeting of the Public School teachers of Ejist Grey, met in Thornbury on October 7 ani ^â-  The sessious were well attended and proved highly instructive and intereeting. The opening exercises and words of welcome weie given by Rev. .S. H. .Jam- ieson. Miss M. Soul and Mr. G. H. jolly, del-igiites to the ( >. E. A. gave concise sketchea of the ideals and pro- posals of the Aasociatiun. Details of business occupied the remaining part of th^ moruing. The afternoon held a special feature of interest. Mr. Win! Seott, B. A., Principal of the Toronto Normal School, addressed the Convenliiui. Mr. .Scott is an ideal ainnng u<it only the teachers of .East Grey, but of tlutario, and his words which were concernim:, "The factors of a good school,'' were highly appioi^iat- ed. Mr. E. W. Ward, Priiieipal of Meaf- ord Public School and President of the Association, in his address brought be- fore the Convention t;uch ouestioua as "Rural School Boarding Houses,'' Iu- ter-School visiting and the nei^d of active cotumittees. A concert in aid of the Red Ciois So- ciety was held iu the Town Hall on Thursday evening. The expenses of the concert ainountiug to about 930.IK) were paid hy the Institute, leaving a gross re- ceipt of over *!M).(» for the Red Cross Fund. Following the opening exercises by R. S. W. McBrien, on Friday morning, Principal Scott addressed the Convention UD the proposed Superannatioii BiU. The discussion by Messrs. Holland, Ward and Petch proved intensely inter- esting. by clause was dealt with until finally satisf.iotiun was secured by the embgi^ient in the Bill of ccveral very ites Burial J. W. Bates, late oi & Codds Fine funeral goods at moderate prices. Motor ambulance service. X'otor equipmer:t if desired. New aud up-to-date premises. 1 24 Avenue Road, Toronto Telephone Hillcrest 268 laug e welry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily mzJce A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. DR. BURT SpeclaUst In diseases ol ihe Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat^- ^ Armstrong, UFFICE-LiO 10th St, West,Owon Sound i At the Revere house. Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12H.ra Dundilk,ls Wednesday of eachmonth.. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT Flour And Feed m For Every One f A Car of Five Kose flour, Lake of the Bran and Short.sâ€" due to arrive in a days. Get our prices. Woosd, few propoaad tAienduients. In a brief ad tfresd Mr. S. Huff, P. S, X-. cleared **'*xX.Sfe uiauy indttlinite parts and showed how esseutial it was for every-teacher to sign in favor of the bill. A pnper was given by Ur. Moore con cerning facto:s of school life,and sauitn- tion. Owhig to the hmited time "The round table talk" was restricted ti a very few minutes. 'I'he last feature of the session wis the presentation >f a wrist watch by the niembors of the Institute to Mr. Chan!, wlio had enlis'ed a lew days before. Jlr. Chard in the capacity of a teacher was very succesi'ful and will be missed great- ly- The CDUVentiou proved one of excep- tional interest. Jii course of time when Suiicraniiation falU due the touchers shall still have in mind the session of I'Jl.J. . t W. BUSKIN A net dog owned hy Mrs. Thos. Blair, of -AUaiidale, formerly cf Bee(on,i8 prob- ably the smallest member of the canine tribe in the c mnty. Though twelve months old, it is no larger than a rrd siiuirrel. A Ueetonian who is an oil fiieiid of Mrs. Blair states that he was in Allan- d.ile last week and met Mrs. Blair. She was carrying a small hand satchel and in it wa.s her tiny pot. She told her friend that she always takes him with her when she goes out and he is eager to go when he sees his mistress ready tc start, for as s'lon as she opens the satchel he jumps into it and settles down cosily for his jaunt with evident .sati.«factioii. â€" Beetoii WorW. NEWS! FLESHERTON A new phone to rino;, to P. Steinhart, Markdale, S7, for poultry alive, produce, hides, skins and wool, rubbers, rags, horsehair, iron, copper, bras", /,inc, lead of all sort?, top price paid in cash, or drop a card to Box 121, Blarkdale Will call for it. Don't mistake the name, P. 5TEINHART Dundalk Geo. (jreen was so unfortunate as to break his log in two pbices nejir the ankle Saturday night by filling down ihe s-tep^i in the barn at his hunid in Melancthon. Mrs. lico. Xixou, of thi.s placi", has liten an invalid for nearly three ydars through hreiking her thigh lioiie liy i;uU iog on the,sidew ilk. Hheiiiiiatism devel- oped shortly alter the fall which has botn giviiu mueh pain. Her surt'erings are now inciv.ised by .in attack of iiitl niiation of the luugs bui-dering on pneumonia. Atteca lingei ing illness John .Jord.m. a highly respected resident ofDundaik, passed to the silent majority ouFridiiy af- ternoiiii at Ihe aue of lili years. The de- ceased cameto Dundalk twenty-four vuars ago purchasing at that time tho saw mill- ng buiiness of Peter Mc(Jregor, which was couducU'd for a number ot years. â€" HuraUl >^ /><â-  -tii- 'H i- v.c '„.- '„i- t.i- vij. -/,>-. >„<. ^r,v» ^r.? '/^v-"^''/.>--/^p-/,i^r^,?^/it^y^g7/^^^^g^{;:?i{^ jq ^ i Nice Summer Shoes The Flesherton Sht)e Store is well stocketl with many varieties of Sum- mer .Shoes for ladies and j^ents, at right prices. Also Trunks and Suit Cases.* Repairing as usual. iiâ- ^ Thos. Clayton's I FLESHERTON .V Karniei- from Violet Hill i.oiglilxr hood was on trial before Magistrates Falconer and Hall, Slu'l bourne, last week, chaigod with being drunk. As he had previously l)eon lined for a like ott'enoo, the M'lgistraloi had no option but to bend him tu Oraugeville jail for a three-month stay Albert Dean, kteper of the local option house at (h'ton and also caretaker of the Merchants' Bank at that village, ended his life by shooting hi usclf thru the head. Dean h id been talking of going to the war, but his sou who lives at Marsville, had told him he was too old. Deceased had since informed his son that if he ever got a hurried call to Orton to be ou hand a' once. IVan was in good hnancial cir- cumstances and apart from hi.s strange c >nversati' n with h^s .son, no motive i.s known for the suicide. NEW SUITINGS i New Suitings just to hand â€" some of the nobbiest weaves to be found any- whefe. Leave your order now for that new suit. You will never regret it. Satisfaction guaranteed. &, Don't pressing forget that we do eleaniug, g and repairing. Our prices are right aud our Avorkmanship is the verv best. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberiin Tailoring. !#

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