mmmm vol 35 No. 20 repo.x Mi S3 ill of typhoid Wo de ho use Doings Apple-picking has been in order dnnng the past weik. The crop, though not in abundance, is of good quality. The potato rot is very bad in this locality and has left scarcely enough for home consumption out of what would have beeii a record crop. Showery weather ^gain prevails. We are very sorry Vera Lanktree verv fever. ^y^ Mr. A. 'Hji^tiMOD was at Owen "ind L*«{<i1» Wednesday of last .'k, whtre he unSe.'twenc au oper- .lion on his face, the lower jaw which has been so infected nith abs^cesses, the bone was inwarily scraped, two teeth extracted and pait of the gum removed. Much sympathy is felt for bim, in his extended sickness »nd which as yet shows very little '^ns of improvement. Dr. Miller of ocklyn conveyed Mr. Thompson to id from in his car, and assisted ^furray of Owen Sound in the tion. We hope tor a change for oetter very soon. Jbe Anniversary at New England d last Sunday and Monday was a .cess. The morning service was uen by Rev. Jas. Dudgeon ot Flesh on, and the Rev. Stotesbury of oUand Centre took the evening ser- ice. Both services were well attend- ed and enjoyed by all. The fowl supper and entertainment on Afon- day evcnmg was well attended, the proceeds amounting in all to 9^5.00. Sincere regret was felt thai the Flesh- erton congregation were without a preacher for their morning service, but it was understood by the manage ing Committee here, when making the appointment with Mr. Dudgeon, that the gentleman lecturing then in his cbnrch would take his service. It can be readily understood, the pastor here, Mr. .Vlarshall, could not cover the mile limit, to take the service at Fleshcrtou in the morning and back to Holland Centre for evening. Hence the good people minisiered to by -Mr. Dudgeon here were perfectly inaocentof any mistake being made. A misunderstanding is the word. Mr. Ernest Williams, lytic singer of Toronto, was up visiting friends over the holiday, and rendered vocal contributions to both Sunday services and the program Monday evening. A large number from here took in the fair at Markdalc on Wednesday. The tine day brought a huge crowd and the fair throughout was a good one. •Mr. Edgar Donnelly is this week completing lohnson Bros", silo at Vandcleur. Mrs. ThoE. Fawcett and little son of East Mountain spent a few duys the past week with her parents here. Mr. and Mis. R.H. Wiley visited over Sunday with friends at Hark- away and attended the anniversary services there. Mr. A. A. Thompson had the misfortune to lose a valuable year old colt the past week. The animal fell through the barn tloor 'to the basoiucut below, only living an hour afterwardi!. Mr. W, T. Wiley is eugagod cutt- ing corn for Mr. A. E. Myles, Kiui- berley. Mrs. John Pickering 13 visiting friends in Markdalc this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wiley were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Wiley, Riverdale. Mr. and Mrs. Cuas. Mcrriiiold and children of Beaverdale visited Mr. and Mis. Wiley over Sunday. A bad cold epidemic is prevalent in this neighborhood. Prize List Corrections Cauliflower, 2iid H. S. White Sow pig, 1 year, O. Stewart, 1st and and. Lady driver, 1st Miss Oldham. LADIES, WORK Table centre piece, omb. silk, \\. J, Boyd, Mrs. Wilson. Einb, in Bulgarian, 2ad H. S. White. Eoib, iu Romau, tst W. J. Biyd. Emb. it] cotton, 8nd W, J. Boyd. Hiirdangtr, l«t W. J. Boyd. Mexican drawn work, 1st W. J. Boyd. Hooked matt, yarn, Ist C. Stewart. Pierced braas, lat W J Bo>d, Orayon dtawiog, 2nd W, A, Hawkins. H' .#